Cre8 Magazine

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The Dali Museum

Behind the architectural design


Pretty Lights Music


The record label

inspire. create. repeat. Issue 1 | May 2012



5 Creativity Tips Spark your creativity

Subskatem From concept to creation

Table of Contents


inspire. create. repeat. Creativity Tips

5 tips to help spark your creativity

p. 5


From concept to creation

p. 8

Pretty Lights Music The innovative record label

p. 11

The Dali Museum

Behind the architectural design

p. 15

inspire. create. repeat. EDITOR IN CHIEF Kayla Fletcher CREATIVE DIRECTOR

Kayla Fletcher


Kayla Fletcher


Dr. Paul Wang


Kayla Fletcher


Kayla Fletcher


Kayla Fletcher


Kayla Fletcher


inspire. create. repeat.

Red Bull

Float in the clouds. It gives you wiiings.

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher

Creativity Tips 5 tips to help spark your creativity


Have you ever sat in front of a blank computer screen, empty piece of paper, or white canvas and wished you had some source of inspiration to help with your creative process? If you have ever taken an art class, or worked as a designer, or just tried creating something, you have more than likely experienced creativity block. Well have no fear, here are some tips to help spark your creativity! 5

May 2012



Creativity often involves adapting an idea and forming it in a way to make it your own. It helps to continually expose yourself to new ideas and experiences. Creativity is fueled by experiences, sights, sounds and smells. Sitting still won’t bring new ideas in; experimenting and trying new things will jog your creativity. Above all, learn something from every experience.

*Get outside

Whether it’s outside your house or just outside your mind, changing your perspective will help the creative ideas flow. Many people find that getting out and connecting with nature to be a good way to slow their frantic lives. Sometimes all you need is a little peace and quiet to hear what your mind has to say.

*Think small

Don’t get lost in the big picture and forget to think about the details. Having a creative vision is important and often essential, but the details make the whole project come together. Take time to plan out the small steps you’ll need to reach your desired final result. Having a welldesigned plan will give you a solid base from which will allow your creativity to run wild.

*Use your imagination

Curiosity, imagination, and wonder are qualities we often expect to leave behind as we grow to adulthood. These three qualities are some of the basic ingredients of creativity. Recapture old memories and feelings and your creativity will surge. Creativity is like a muscle that you need to flex regularly. Everything begins with that first stroke.


Productivity is important, but it is also necessary to take a break and do some daydreaming. Being organized, motivated, and getting things done only improves your life when it leaves you time to dream. Having time to yourself when you don’t have to be tightly focused on your 8 daily schedule or next deadline is essential to creativity. inspire. create. repeat.


inspire. create. repeat.

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher

(Don’t get overwhelmed. Try to vent your frustration!) inspire. create. repeat.


“ Subskatem guitar stand made from recycled materials.

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher

I took old skateboard decks and with little modification to the form, created a unique guitar stand. ─Jeff Sears

SUBSKATEM Guitar and Bass Foundations


The first step was to find durable materials that could easily translate into a guitar stand and also relate to

Layers of clothes and dust buried a maroon Gib-

an individual or given group of people. Initially, he

son Epiphone SG bass guitar as it rested on the floor

had a couple of materials in mind including wooden

of a college dorm room. A seven-ply maple skate-

fan blades and a bright orange street cone. Upon

board deck and pages of sketches were engulfed in

finding a couple of old skateboard decks, he quickly

the clutter that made up the foundation of the room.

realized that he had found the answer. “I took old

“Aha!” thought the young creator as he stared at the

skateboard decks and with little modification to the

tangled mess. He figured out the perfect solution to

form, created a unique guitar stand,” said Sears.

recycle his old childhood toy to support his favorite

When he found the skateboard decks, the ex-

hobby. The ideas of ergonomics, sustainability, and

perience reminded him of his days in high school,

productivity bounced around in his mind.

where all his peers were playing guitar and skate-

“SUBSKATEM” is the result of utilizing an object

boarding. Sears explained, “The ties between music

that is usually regarded as “trash” and turning it into

and skateboarding provided a perfect opportunity to

a usable guitar stand. The 22-year-old creator, Jeff

merge these ideas and create a product that people,

Sears, started by discovering a problem, which were

like myself, would love to own and display.”

the many guitars that were lying around the room.

Sears began brainstorming ideas for logos, pack-

inspire. create. repeat.


aging and a prototype. He wanted to merge music

When Sears was 16 years old, he spent most of

and skateboard graphics to create an interesting

his free time skateboarding with friends and playing

identity. Sears stated, “I started off with sketches

bass guitar for a local Tampa Bay area ska band,

based off the treble and bass clef, two of the most

“Can’t Do It.” He recently graduated from Ringling

important symbols in music.” After researching gui-

College of Art and Design in Sarasota, with a Bach-

tar stands, skateboards, guitars, and the definition

elor of Arts in graphic design. His goal is to create

of the word ‘foundation’, he came across the word

a series of decks based off different music genres

‘substratum’ which means an underlying support or

that would allow for an expression of individuality as

foundation. Sears studied this word while changing

well as a wide customer appeal. Sears hopes that

a few of the letters around and “SUBSKATEM” was

as “SUBSKATEM” grows he can continue to impact 8 the environment in a positive way.


inspire. create. repeat.


inspire. create. repeat.




Seven-ply maple wood used from old skateboard decks

bottom base support


May 2012

The SUBSKATEM design fits perfectly with any guitar or bass.

holds up to 8 guitar picks

secure vertical rest

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher

. 88

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher

â—„ Jeffrey Sears, the creator of SUBSKATEM, is a 22-year-old graduate of Ringling College of Art and Design. Sears currently works as a web designer in downtown St. Petersburg.

inspire. create. repeat.


Pretty Lights Music The Record Label.

Fusing Subcultures and Genres his growing fan base. He has released several al-


bums and EPs across the span of a few years, including two full-length albums.

The soulful essence of Pretty Light’s tunes con-

Smith recently released two albums on his

sist of abstract hip-hop beats that fuse sample-

newly formed record label, Pretty Lights Music.

delic compositional qualities with vintage vocal

The PLM record label offers free downloads for

samples, potent hooks and bold synthesizer pat-

all of Pretty Lights’ albums plus Michal Menert,

terns. Pretty Lights describes the genre of his mu-

Paper Diamond, Paul Basic and Break Science,

sic as ‘ElectroHiphopSoul’ and that term couldn’t

who are all currently under the Pretty Lights Mu-

be any more valid. The output of Pretty Light’s

sic record label. Gramatik is the latest addition to

music features digital sampling that crosses dif-

the Pretty Lights Music record label with his first

ferent genres together, forming a brilliant combi-

album, ‘Beatz & Pieces Vol. 1′ (2011), available

nation of electronic roots with funk, soul and hip-

for download as well.

hop influences.

The album, ‘Filling Up The City Skies’ was

Derek Smith, better known as Pretty Lights,

downloaded over 30,000 times from the Pretty

is an electronic music artist and producer from

Lights website in the first 3 months of release,

Colorado. Derek Smith explained in a Spinner.

proving that the Pretty Lights sound is not only

com interview,

getting around, it’s spreading like a virus.

“Throughout your life there are moments that in-

Pretty Lights puts on a real show when he is

spire you as an artist. It’s the little things through-

performing at concerts and spends thousands

out your day that can turn into a big inspiration

of dollars on his LED light shows alone. Pretty

creatively.” ─Pretty Lights

Lights has been touring across the United States

Unlike most artists, Pretty Lights has ALL of his

while taking over music festivals. As a result, he

albums and EPs available for free downloads on

has picked up an exponentially growing fan base

his website with the option to donate. Smith has

in which most of his shows are sold out weeks

been remarkably productive in creating music for

before the day of the concert.

8 inspire. create. repeat.


inspire. create. repeat.


May 2012


inspire. create. repeat.

Throughout your life there are moments that inspire you as an artist. It’s the little things throughout your day that can turn into a big inspiration creatively. ─Pretty Lights

inspire. create. repeat.

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher


AKAI keyboard for music production.

♪ 12

the tenth squeeze spectacularism. El Ultimo Agave

™ 100% de agave blanco tequila

The Dali Museum Behind the Architectural Design


The $36 million new museum overlooks Tampa Bay, located next to the Mahaffey Theater within the Progress Energy Center for the Arts.

The unique architectural design for the new

“The old museum was vulnerable to damage

Dali museum is a work of art all in itself. A huge

from storms,” said Kathy White, the Deputy Di-

abstract glass structure flows throughout the

rector of the Dali Museum in a public notice.

building with a giant boulder from Spain, Dali’s

“When a storm threatened, the collections had to

homeland, appearing to give support to a corner

be removed and placed in a secure location.” The

of the building. The sun’s rays cut through the

new building structure provides heavy protection

Dali signature that is engraved in the building.

from the elements with 18-inch-thick concrete

Upon entering the museum, visitors will see

walls designed to withstand 165 mph winds. Da-

a spiral staircase designed to resemble a strand

li’s priceless artwork is located above the flood-

of DNA that stretches to the 3rd floor of the

plain on the third floor, and is built to withstand

building, where a 75 foot glass dome shows the

extreme weather with up to a Category 5 storm

beautiful view of Tampa Bay for all to see


More than twice the size of the old museum,

“I love the Dali Museum, it is my favorite in the

the new building is 64,450 square feet compared

area. The structure is different than anything I’ve

to the current 30,000-square-foot building. The

ever seen,” said David Lasky, a recent Florida

new structure allows for about 50 percent more

State University graduate. Art lovers around the

space for artwork display. The Dali Museum in

world are invited to keep an eye on their clocks

St. Pete has the second largest collection of

and experience the most innovative architectural

Salvador Dali’s work behind Spain.

design that St. Petersburg has to offer.


inspire. create. repeat.

I love the Dali Museum, it is my favorite in the area.

The structure is different than anything I’ve ever seen. ─David



inspire. create. repeat.

May 2012

Lasky, a recent Florida State University graduate.


The new museum features more Dali masterpieces than any other museum in the world and also has the largest collection outside of Spain.

Photo by: Kayla Fletcher



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