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how to do
summer skincare like an expert
In summer, the skin and the body become more dehydrated as the body temperature rises and the metabolic processes increase.
This means your skin is metabolising faster and it needs ample water to function at its best. We sweat more in the summer months too, so we need to replenish this water loss consistently.
Warm weather also brings a whole slew of skin-care challenges and questions like, “What stage do I apply sunscreen ?” And “Do I really have to moisturize even if it's 100 degrees out and my face feels oily?” (Spoiler alert: Yes.)
Let’s start with a common known skincare MUST for Summer.
spf - sunscreen
Even though sunscreen is my first tip on this list, make sure sunscreen the LAST step in your skin-care routine. Why?? Sunscreen is a thick product therefore your wonderful face serum will not be able to penetrate through to deliver the goodness. Remember sunscreen like a shield. Use roughly 1 teaspoon to cover your face and neck to ensure your skin is getting the full UV stated coverage on the bottle!
don’t stop MoisturizinG coMpletely
Despite the weather being hot and humid, you still need to moisturize. Moisturizers reestablish the stratum corneum, your outermost layer of the skin, which protects from harmful pollutants and chemicals and prevents further irritation or dryness.
Using a holistic skincare approach you can tailor your moisturize /serum to your needs. Whether it’s to control sebum production (CPTG Geranium) so you don’t look like an oily mess by lunchtime or to control bacteria thriving on your skin to manage outbreaks (CPTG Lavender/Copiaba/HD Clear)
Use 1 teaspoon of Fractionated coconut oil (with CPTG essential oils) Thanks to this tailored lightweight approach, it will help keep that outer layer nourished without feeling too heavy on your skin.
Plus for dry / mature skins out there! Oils are great for plumping.
The skin becomes dehydrated because water content evaporates. Oil retains water, so applying one everyday preserves the water in the skin.
This approach can also act as a dual-purpose moisturizer. During Summer months ditch thicker moisturizers which can lead to clogged pores, inflammation, and acne; especially if you have acne-prone or oily skin. Just switching out one skin-care step with a holistic skincare approach can help keep skin clear.
Toner.. oh no I hear you cry. Isn’t this just an unnecessary step in my routine!?
A mist/spritz toner can work wonders on the skin in summer (and always) for a light hydration throughout the day. It can also moisten your makeup if you’re getting lines throughout the day, making your skin appear more dewy. Remember you can use toners to remove excess products instead of water. You want to be avoiding water on your face as tap water is very drying and damaging.
tAke speciAl cAre of the eye reGion
While you choose moisturisers and toners for your face, remember that the skin around your eyes is much thinner and more delicate as compared to the rest of your face. Pick a good undereye product (Yarrow Pom) that can effectively hydrate and protect this delicate area. Choose a product packed to the rim full of antioxidants to keep the skin around the eyes hydrated and prevent wrinkle formation.
TIP: Wear sunglasses whenever possible!
non coMedoGenic MAkeup
Take a close look at your makeup product labels and only keep those that are noncomedogenic. That's a fancy word for a product formulated without pore-clogging ingredients. Especially over the summer,
stAy in the shAde
We don't expect you to wear a long-sleeve shirt for a hot day at the beach, but be mindful to expose as little of your body as possible to direct sunlight. That might mean sitting
underneath an umbrella, wearing an extra-large hat, or avoiding the midday sun. Best form of anti aging protection!
Get rid of oil & BActeriA
TOP TIP ALERT!!! To remove oil and grime that might be on your skin, I would recommend daily PRE CLEANSING with fractionated coconut oil. Oil attracts oil therefore EFFECTIVELY removes pore clogging/irritating bacteria/pollution. During summer months we sweat more, opening up our skin to nasties. So prevent this by keeping skin clean and bacteria free. Fractionated coconut oil is ultra lightweight, does NOT CLOG pores; is non greasy and orders less cleansing skin without stripping natural oils. Absolutely key!!
skin nutrition
When it comes to properly transitioning one’s skin care routine to adapt to the warmer months, first and most importantly, everyone should be considering skin nutrition. Educating yourself on skin nutrition is a vital stage all year round. Before you even think about what you’re putting on your skin, you should be thinking about what you’re putting into it. Amp up your water intake by eating hydrating foods like cucumber, zucchini, and watermelon, homemade ice lollies. Also, drink more herbal teas.
Include supplements like CPTG dual Capsule Turmeric capsules and Yarrow Pom capsules for internal UV Protection to fight against free radical damage !
enjoy suMMer 2021!
Need more help - Request a Skin Wellbeing Overview via ZOOM to discuss you needs
Email: classbeauty1985@hotmail.com
For any of the mentioned CPTG oils/Products visit http://mydoterra.com/sarahbrown71
Follow me on Instagram for more Holistic Skincare Education - s.jbrown _
https://www.instagram.com/s.jbrown _ /?hl=en
Written by Sarah Jane Brown