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iS your Cup fuLL?

So often when I’m chatting with other mums, I hear the same thing… ”ugh, life is just so busy!” But when I start to dig into that busyness, understanding what is keeping them running from A to B, I discover that they are just doing ‘stuff’ .


Often they are super busy doing ‘stuff’ for others. Doing stuff because it's a habit. Doing stuff because they feel they have to fill in their day. But there isn’t always any consideration for what they’re doing and why.

Which usually leads to a discussion around feeling fulfilled, which they are not. Why? Because they are not filling their own cup.

Have you stopped to think about what fills your cup?

We do get busy as mums, especially expat mums. We are taking care of the family, we are taking care of the home front, and sometimes we are also doing things for our spouse (I often provide HR advice to hubby!?!)

But in that busyness we lose sight of who we are. What we want. What makes us happy and fulfilled. And when we lose sight of who we are, we also start to lose confidence in ourselves.

Perhaps you too have lost sight of what fills your cup. Well I am happy to share there are simple steps you can take to start filling your cup. Today I am outlining three of these steps.

if you truly want to feel more confident in yourself, this is your time to show up!

Firstly, discover your personal strengths. Knowing your strengths will help you to become more resourceful during difficult moments of your life. Furthermore, you will be in an optimal position to take advantage of critical opportunities that only become available when you’re focused on the right kinds of things.

Secondly, discover your true passions. Your passions are what can get you through even the worst days. If you are struggling, your dreams and passions are your reason to keep going. They are why you wake up in the morning and try again. They are what makes your entire life worth living.

And finally, map out your vision for your best life. Your vision can guide the decisions you make, influence your behaviour and create meaning. Your vision is unique to you. What you identify with as your vision or path, may be very different from others.

If all this sounds like something you want to do for yourself, then I invite you to download this free workbook >>www.expatparentingabroad.com/gift<< and start now to fill your own cup. Stop wasting time and energy trying to do this on your own and learn what makes you happy, because I think you’ll discover (or already know) that as mums we lose ourselves and knowing what makes us happy and fills our cup is essential.

If you truly want to feel more confident in yourself, this is your time to show up!

Stop feeling empty with your life and start now to fill your cup, gain confidence in yourself and start showing up differently for yourself and your family.

Still not sure? This is what Rachael had to say “I'd forgotten who I was because I was so busy trying to be a full time wife and parent for the last 10 years. Emily helped me rediscover my passions and purpose in life. Now I feel clear about my direction professionally and can enjoy my time with my family. ”

Written by Emily Rogers

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