iS your Cup fuLL?
So often when I’m chatting with other mums, I hear the same thing…”ugh, life is just so busy!” But when I start to dig into that busyness, understanding what is keeping them running from A to B, I discover that they are just doing ‘stuff’. Often they are super busy doing ‘stuff’ for others. Doing stuff because it's a habit. Doing stuff because they feel they have to fill in their day. But there isn’t always any consideration for what they’re doing and why. Which usually leads to a discussion around feeling fulfilled, which they are not. Why? Because they are not filling their own cup. Have you stopped to think about what fills your cup? We do get busy as mums, especially expat mums. We are taking care of the family, we are taking care of the home front,
and sometimes we are also doing things for our spouse (I often provide HR advice to hubby!?!) But in that busyness we lose sight of who we are. What we want. What makes us happy and fulfilled. And when we lose sight of who we are, we also start to lose confidence in ourselves. Perhaps you too have lost sight of what fills your cup. Well I am happy to share there are simple steps you can take to start filling your cup. Today I am outlining three of these steps.