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Lifestyle The Yin Yang Finding Balance
Ying &Yang Finding Balance
Understanding and finding balance is the key to achieving happiness in everyday life, and all that we do. With all that’s happening in the world right now, politically and energetically, it's easy to fall in a trap of lowfrequencies and negativity.
However, if we grasp the concept of balance, we can begin to comprehend that all negative experiences and situations carry a ray of light alongside them; this light at the end of the tunnel may be a lesson, an opportunity for self-growth and development, or simply just a trigger for necessary change; but this is what we call ‘the good in the bad’.
The Yin and Yang dates back as early as 3rd Century BCE and it derives from China, where the symbol is very prominent in philosophy, and generally one of the cultures’ most wellknown symbols.
The Yin and Yang embodies the meaning of balance; it teaches us that all things exist as contradictory and inseparable opposites –
The good and the bad. The light and the dark. The positive and the negative. The feminine and the masculine. The young and the old. The moon and the sun. The love and the hate.
The list goes on forever.
The Yin and Yang teaches us that in every good situation there is a risk, and in every bad situation there is a greater good at hand.
Once you understand balance and apply it to all things in life, your outlook will be more positive in every situation, as you will be aware of the greater good at play behind the scenes.
There will be good days, And there will be bad days. but if you're in tune with the balance of the Universal, and become a part of that balance by embracing and applying the Yin and Yang concept to your life, you will be at peace understanding that it's all a part of the journey –the good times and the worse.