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Economy Reading the Market
Learn the skiLLs of reading the markets!
Register your interest in learning the secrets of trading from David Byrne, a leading market professional for over 30 years!
A unique opportunity has become available to readers of ‘United British Expats Magazine’.
A note from David: Back in 2001 , at what now seems the tender age of 37, I had achieved great success, but knew I still had much to learn.
I was passing more than fifty percent of my net income for “professionals” to manage at major institutions. Little did I know, most of these were young brokers 1 0 years my junior and had never experienced a serious fallout. When the financial markets collapsed, so did my investments. I, however, was still making money!
I thought that this couldn’t be right! I continued to hone my skills and continued to pass some of the profits on to brokers, pension funds, and money managers. All in all they did ok but, when the next crash came in 2008, I contacted my investment managers and gave specific instructions to exit certain investment sectors. This meant that my pension outperformed the general market place.
You too can learn the skills necessary to protect your investments, pensions, or currency exposure as an expat!
A note from our founder Abdelhadi rhiti: I have known David for many years and have personally benefited from his expert advice. Because of this, and our friendship, I have arranged for readers of our magazine to register their interest in a free webinar, delivered from our financial hub in Barcelona directly to your pc, tablet or mobile device.
Register your interest below and you will be provided with an exclusive zoom login:
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You may also contact David through our website for information on personal assessment of your finances.