Annual Report 2009-2010

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Annual Report

Affiliated with:


‘COMMITTEE OF 22’ ACT Automotive Services Association ACT Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association ACT Committee of the Australian Finance Conference ACT Master Hairdressers’ Association ACT Master Joiners’ Association Association of Permanent Building Societies of the ACT Australian Association of Independent Business Ltd Australian Institute of Drycleaning, ACT Building Owners and Managers Association Canberra Builders Supply Merchants’ Association Canberra Chamber of Commerce Canberra And Monaro Pharmacists’ Association Confederation of ACT Industry Construction Suppliers’ Association, ACT & Region Electrical Contractors’ Association, ACT Housing Industry Association Master Builders’ Association, ACT Master Painters’ Association of the ACT Master Plumbers and Sanitary Engineers’ Association, ACT Nsw Chamber of Manufacturers (Act & District Office) Queanbeyan Chamber Of Commerce Queanbeyan City Council Real Estate Institute of the ACT Restaurant Industry Association of the ACT Yarrowlumla Shire Council

Annual Report 2009–2010

Affiliated with:


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Canberra Business Council Limited

Canberra Business Council Limited



Brand Hoff NICTA

John Hindmarsh HINDMARSH


Michelle Melbourne INTELLEDOX


Craig Sloan KPMG




John Butt: NSWBC


Kristine Riethmiller KMR CONSULTING


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Committee Members

COMMITTEE MEMBERS AS AT 30 JUNE 2010 Colin Alexander OAM: Canberra Investment Corporation Ltd Uwe Boettcher: XTEK Limited Dale Budd: Dale Budd & Associates Pty Ltd Phillip Butler: Australian Institute of Company Directors Andy Castle: ActivIdentity Hugh Chalmers: Meyer Vandenberg Ian Davis: National Publishers Ian Drayton: Canberra Institute of Technology PJ Gould: Toll Priority Lincoln Hawkins: BEACONHILL Consulting Robyn Hendry: Canberra Convention Bureau Inc Bruce Henry: Xact Project Consultants Pty Ltd John Hindmarsh: Hindmarsh Brand Hoff: National ICT Australia Trish Kirkland: National Museum of Australia Elaine Kos: eKonsulting David Malloch: Malloch Digital Design Pty Ltd David Marshall: Talkforce Consultants & Trainers David Mathews: Crystal Approach Pty Ltd Noel McCann: Capital Airport Group Tim McNevin: ACT Dept of Education & Training John Miller: Master Builders Association (ACT) Peter Murphy: Noetic Solutions Pty Ltd Denis Page: Denis Page Management Pty Ltd

Craig Sloan: KPMG Phil Sloper: Connexxion Pty Ltd Michael Snare: Point Project Management Pty Ltd Alice Tay: Meyer Vandenberg Mary-Anne Waldren: ASF Limited Councillor Sue Whelan: Capital Region BEC Todd Wills: PricewaterhouseCoopers James Willson: CRE8IVE Bob Winnel: The Village Building Company

STAFF CEO: Chris Faulks Policy Officer: Koroush Ghazi (to 31/8/10) Gary Beck (from 16/9/10) Business Development Manager: Darryl Bozicevic (to 11/9/10) Rob Bilderbeek (from 15/3/10) Office Manager: Elly Szkobel Executive Assistant: Jodie McCarthy Events & Communication Manager: Kate Holland Administration Assistant: Amelia Sankey (to 5/3/10) Export Development Manager: Brooke Anderson ScreenACT Manager: Monica Penders


Melissa Pinney: ACT Dept of Education & Training Neil Primrose: Primrose Solutions Pty Ltd Karsten Richert: Staging Connections (ACT) Kristine Riethmiller: KMR Consulting Ken Roberts: Ken Roberts Marketing Robin Schall: Life Member David Segrott: Australian Health & Safety Services

National Associations Centre Unit 4, 71 Constitution Ave PO Box 132 Campbell ACT 2612 P F E W

02 6247 4199 02 6257 4421



Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Contents


Canberra Business Council Limited


Chairman’s Report Annual Report 2009–10


CEO’s Report


Special Thank You


Submissions 2009–2010


Key Achievements 2009–2010


Australia Forum


Annual Gala Dinner 2009 The Culmination of CBC’s 30th Anniversary Commemorations


Chairman’s Award 2009


Events and Activities


ACT Exporters’ Network


ACT 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards




Canberra Business Council’s Corporate Social Responsibility


Economic Development Task Force


Planning and Infrastructure Task Force


Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force


International Business Task Force


Innovation and Education Task Force


Small Business Task Force


Business Environment Task Force


Business Environment Task Force continued


ScreenACT Task Force


2009 Annual Winner Business Achievement Award


Monthly Business Achievements Awards


Membership List as at 30 June 2010


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Chairman’s Report Annual Report 2009–10


Chairman’s Report Annual Report 2009–10

I take great pleasure in presenting the Canberra Business Council Annual Report for 2009–10. As I approach the end of my first year as Chair of Canberra Business Council Ltd I am overwhelmed by the generous contribution that so many members have made over the last financial year to the Council’s success. Included in this Report are the outcomes and achievements that represent the Council’s involvement in business development and economic growth on behalf of the private sector in this region. It is not by chance that the Council is well regarded by government across the political spectrum—Labor, Liberal and the ACT Greens. It is not by chance that our functions and events are so well attended, nor by chance that our guest speakers are willing to give their time in order to progress issues of concern to the business community. Nor is the Council’s reputation simply the result of our achievements this year. Rather, the credibility and authority that the Council enjoys comes from our record over thirty years and from the commitment of all those members of the Council, past and present, who have so generously given their time and expertise. In particular I would like to record my own appreciation and the gratitude of the members of Canberra Business Council for the massive contribution made by my immediate predecessor Craig Sloan, who served as Chairman for seven years and who remains a member of our Board. Craig’s contribution has been well documented over the years but I must personally thank him for easing my way into this most rewarding position. Despite his position as a senior partner of KPMG, Craig has always found time for the Council’s business and his ongoing counsel has been deeply appreciated. A summary of his farewell speech at our Annual Gala Dinner late last year is included in this Report.

THE WAY AHEAD When you look broadly over the achievements of the Council these last thirty years, you might conclude that the over-riding preoccupation of Council board members during that period was with what I might call the ‘structure’ of Canberra: urban sprawl versus densification; the question of self-government; transport infrastructure; and private sector growth in a government town.

When we look to the future, we see that all these elements of structure remain important and are the subject of ongoing dialogue with governments. But in addition, we increasingly see education; exports; innovation; commercialisation; the environment; sustainability; High Speed Rail and ICT among the issues being debated and pursued. So the future is not more of the same. The Council’s agenda has widened considerably as new opportunities are presented for new industries and greater economic growth— so vital for the continued prosperity of Canberra and the surrounding region. These new challenges are being met by evolving our Task Forces and growing the membership of them. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are springing up within some Task Forces and some SIGs may evolve into separate Task Forces as the work-load and membership determines. When you look at the number and quality of members on these Task Forces and the breadth of interests they represent, it is easy to understand the reputation that the Council enjoys within our community and the importance government increasingly places on the submissions made by the Council and on the Council’s involvement in all of the major policy debates. Individual Task Force reports are included elsewhere in this Annual Report and their contributions are critical to the success of the Council. They are what set us apart: the Council has never been solely about providing members’ services but equally about members contributing to the Council’s regional achievements.

THE YEAR THAT WAS 2009–10 has been a year full of activity with a number of significant achievements for Canberra Business Council. One of the major projects overseen by the Board during 2009–10 has been the Australia Forum project. This proposal, dealt with in detail later in this Report, has involved the Board in oversighting the development of a Scoping Study and Business Case for a new national meeting place to be built in the National Capital. Initiated by Canberra Business Council and supported by the ACT Government, a Steering Committee has been formed to look to the establishment of a symbolic meeting place in which to hold the nation’s big conversations about Australia and its place in the world. The Forum will be open to diverse communities to discuss matters such as security, trade and foreign policy, economic and social well-being,

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Chairman’s Report Annual Report 2009–10


Chairman’s Report Annual Report 2009–10 continued

education, environmental sustainability and the significance of the arts, religion and sport to national life. The ACT Government has contributed $250,000 to the study, an amount matched by the private sector. While the construction of the Australia Forum will be a long term project, the immediate priorities for this year were to form the high level Steering Committee and the Reference Group, to let the tender and complete the Scoping Study, to begin the broader conversation with the community and key decision makers about the need for the Australia Forum and to match the ACT Government’s financial commitment. These objectives have now been met or are well underway although the need for further funds to move to the next stage of the project in 2011 will require a further contribution of private sector funds. As the year progressed, a number of significant matters came to the Board’s attention. The Council prepared a submission in response to the ACT Government’s Budget Consultation Paper. Although the impact of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) has waned, the outlook for the ACT Budgetary position remained less than optimal. In this context, the ACT Government was encouraged to look at identifying areas of possible future investment to demonstrate that much-needed revenue could be found from other than the traditional revenue-raising areas of taxation. The success of the Masterpieces from Paris exhibition provided an example of such investment. The ACT Government invested $500,000 in the promotion of this blockbuster exhibition which brought 476,000 visitors to Canberra and injected $94m into the ACT economy. The Council used this example to emphasise the importance of investment in the tourism industry in the ACT. The Council also encouraged the Government to invest further in emerging export industries in the ACT, in tourism infrastructure such as the National Arboretum, in ICT infrastructure and to capitalise on the opportunities for growth in the film industry through greater investment in ScreenACT. As a direct result, the ACT Government announced in their 2009–10 budget the creation of an ACT Screen Investment Fund of $1.8m which has the potential to grow the local industry and attract screen production to the ACT. High Speed Rail (HSR) was again on the agenda following the release by the CRC for Rail Innovation report into the critical factors that needed to be addressed for HSR to be built in Australia. The

Report concluded that, in the face of population growth, increased environmental pressures, airport and highway congestion and technological improvements in HSR, a major concept study was required. The Council’s Planning & Infrastructure Task Force and Consultative Committee jointly sponsored a HSR forum to develop a strategy to influence its wider consideration. The Council subsequently increased its lobbying effort for HSR from Melbourne to Brisbane, via Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle, as part of longer-term infrastructure planning in the ACT linked to nation building and national benefit. It was gratifying to see all political parties commit during the 2010 Federal Election campaign to a further detailed study of the feasibility of building a HSR network along the east coast. The Council will continue its efforts over the coming year to ensure that the Capital Region is included in this analysis. Earlier this year, the Board determined that the Council would submit a proposal in response to the ACT Government’s Request for Tender for the provision of Business Advisory Services under the Canberra BusinessPoint (CBP) program. CBC drew on the tremendous strengths of its network of businesses, Kindred Organisations and associates to propose the delivery of a comprehensive range of services under the Strategic Framework of ‘Stewardship.’ The purpose of this model was to provide an ACT-wide network of delivery points for Canberra BusinessPoint information seminars and services; to guide clients/ Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to appropriate pathways to business success; to provide industry-specific education; and to assign stewardship mentors to nurture CBP clients. At the time of writing, the Council had just received notification that it was one of two successful tenderers to deliver Canberra BusinessPoint. This is a significant achievement for the Council and will enable it to develop a closer connection with SMEs who make up 90 percent of businesses in the ACT. Another important milestone for the Council this year was the extension of our Affiliation Agreement with NSW Business Chamber (NSWBC). The current arrangement has worked extremely well in bringing a range of business services not previously available to our members. Two of our Board members have been appointed to the NSWBC State Council for the Capital Region.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Chairman’s Report Annual Report 2009–10

At the Board’s strategic planning day it was agreed that the Council should develop ’10 Big Ideas to Grow the ACT’. This project is in its early stages and will be developed over the coming year. Included among the issues to be considered are an ACT/Queanbeyan integrated transport plan; HSR; Centenary of Canberra activities; the Australia Forum; Canberra—the sustainable city; ‘Brand Canberra’ in areas such as innovation, education and research; ICT and a digital city; tourism; energy efficiency; and promoting Canberra to the nation as the National Capital. The Council has had a number of other successes throughout 2009–10. It successfully tendered for the management of ScreenACT for a further three years; was awarded the contract to manage the ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards for 2010; the contract for the management of the Exporters’ Network was extended; and the Council was funded to develop strategies for the private sector to leverage off opportunities provided by the Shanghai Expo and for the Export of ACT Education services. Finally, 2009–10 was an active period for the preparation of submissions to government. Covering a wide range of topics, these submissions are summarised elsewhere in this Report. However, two that struck a strong chord with Board members were the Council’s submission on the taxi industry in response to the ACT Government’s Taxi Industry Review and the Council’s submission to the Tertiary Education Task Force. In relation to taxis, the Board was unanimous about the significant and growing unmet demand for taxis that the industry was not addressing and that there was an overuse of hire, rental or private vehicles as a result; and that tourism suffered as a result of business and leisure visitors’ dissatisfaction, particularly with the airport taxi service. The Council’s submission sought to address these issues, in part through progressively relaxing restrictions on taxi numbers while also tightening some safety and standards regulations. The ACT Government’s consideration of submissions is currently underway. In relation to tertiary education, the Council encouraged the ACT Government to streamline transition from secondary to tertiary education; improve opportunities for pathways and articulation between school, vocational education institutions and universities; encourage the acknowledgement of prior learning and work experience and maximise the competitive advantage of ACT education in an increasingly competitive education market.


I look forward to another productive year in 2010–11 in which the efforts of the Council will remain focussed on providing a strong voice to both the Australian and ACT Governments on issues affecting the future of our Region and delivering business services to SMEs through the current ScreenACT and Exporter programs and the new-acquired

Canberra BusinessPoint program.



Canberra Business Council Annual Report | CEO’s Report

CEO’s Report

I am pleased to report that the 2009–10 Financial Year, my third year as Chief Executive Officer, saw Canberra Business Council make significant progress on a range of important initiatives for business in the ACT and deliver substantial benefits to our members. The Council continued to focus firmly on projects and policies that support business opportunities and economic development in the region and activities and services that support our members. At the same time the Council successfully represented the interests of business to government to influence key policy outcomes. The 2009–10 Financial Year has been a year of cautious optimism for businesses in Canberra. Australia and Canberra in particular, weathered the most challenging economic period globally in over 50 years— the 2008–09 Global Financial Crisis (GFC)—better than most other countries around the world. Despite a lingering uncertainty globally, the economic environment in the Canberra Region has been encouraging over the financial year with clear signs of sustainable growth. 2009 also saw the Council mark its 30th Anniversary—culminating in the 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner on 29 October 2009. 2009–10 was a particularly busy year for Canberra Business Council which was involved in all of the major economic and business-related debates throughout the year and in the full program of Round Tables hosted by the ACT Government on topics as diverse as the economy, infrastructure, procurement and the Arts. Across these and other areas, the Council worked closely with its Kindred Organisations to develop and promote policies which clearly articulated the business perspective to government. The Council was also very successful in tendering for Governmentsupported projects such as the Exporters’ Network, ScreenACT and the Export Awards. Towards the end of the year the Council tendered for Canberra BusinessPoint, a major ACT Government program which delivers services to small businesses in the ACT. Shortly after the end of the reporting period for this Annual Report, the Council was notified that it was one of two successful providers for this significant program. In 2009–10 the profile of the Council lifted substantially as we partnered with government on new initiatives, commented publicly on business-related issues and organised a full calendar of events, information sessions and networking opportunities.

During the year, the Council’s the three main objectives were to: 1. Initiate and promote innovative projects to drive the economic growth of the region; 2. Closely engage with the ACT and Federal Governments on issues which affect businesses in the region to deliver beneficial regulatory outcomes and government support and grants for business-related and economic growth projects 3. Provide increased information and services to our members and bring business people together to network, to create business leads and to learn from experts about how business can be done differently and better.

INITIATING INNOVATIVE PROJECTS TO DRIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH Two significant initiatives, which the Council has sponsored for some time, saw significant progress in 2009–10. High Speed Rail (HSR)— Throughout the year the Council continued to lobby at all levels of Government and across the political spectrum for a detailed study of a HSR network from Melbourne to Brisbane via Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle. 2010 saw a coalescence of significant support for such a study with the release of the CRC for Rail Innovation report in February 2010 and, during the Federal Election campaign in August 2010, all of the major political parties came out in support of such a study, as a matter of priority. The Australia Forum— Significant progress was also made during 2009–10 on The Australia Forum—a new meeting place for the National Capital where the nation’s “big conversations” could be held. During the year the Council secured $250,000 from the ACT Government, matched by the private sector, to progress this project and on 12 December 2009 advertised a tender to undertake a Scoping Study and Business Case. In March 2010 the successful team of Ernst & Young/Cox Architects was announced along with the details of the Steering Committee which would oversee the development of the work. The Steering Committee, chaired by Professor Peter Shergold AC, included Professor Ian Chubb AC, General Peter Cosgrove AC, Mr Rupert Myer AM, Dr Dawn Casey and Ms Virginia Haussegger. The final Report will be completed by the end of 2010.


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | CEO’s Report

ENGAGING WITH GOVERNMENT In 2009–10 the Council extended and intensified its strategy of engagement with key decision-makers at all levels of Government (ACT, NSW and Federal). The Council undertook a demanding schedule of Round Tables, meetings and briefings with Ministers, their offices and Government Departments, dealing with policy across the spectrum of business and economic development. Formal submissions are also a central part of the Council’s overall strategy of engagement with government and play an important role in influencing policy outcomes. In 2009–10 the Council prepared 22 submissions and released two substantive strategy papers: A Strategy for the Private Sector Engagement in the Shanghai World Expo 2010 and The ACT Education Services Export Strategy—May 2010. A full list of submissions appears elsewhere in this report. The intensive schedule of meetings with government, together with the extensive range of submissions, resulted in an outstanding level of support for a number of Canberra Business Council proposals. These submissions allowed the Council to take a leadership role on some very ambitious but important strategic issues. The Council’s seven Task Forces, the Consultative Committee and the Kindred Organisations, also made a significant contribution to the Council’s capacity to engage meaningfully with Government. They continued to drive the Council’s considerable policy agenda and to provide an opportunity for a broad spectrum of members to identify issues of concern and to contribute to policy development. Over 200 Council members are actively involved in developing policy and promoting policy outcomes through the Council’s Task Forces and Consultative Committee. These groups regularly attract Ministers and senior officials to their meetings and this facilitates a frank exchange of information about the issues of greatest importance to business. The detail of the work undertaken by the Council’s seven Task Forces is reported in this Annual Report.

PROVIDING NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES, INFORMATION SEMINARS & SERVICES FOR MEMBERS 2009–10 was a particularly busy year for high profile events hosted by the Council—breakfasts, lunches and dinners, information seminars

and workshops and after-work networking events. Over 3,700 people attended these functions throughout the year.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS The Council’s achievements during 2009–2010 covered a wide range of activities designed to further promote business opportunities in the region. A detailed record of the Council’s key achievements during 2009–2010 appears elsewhere in the Annual Report. However, there are some activities and achievements which deserve special mention. The two ACT Government-funded projects which the Council manages—ScreenACT and the Exporters’ Network— both had outstanding years in 2009–10. ScreenACT, an ACT Government initiative which is administered by Canberra Business Council, provides funding and support to ACT film, television and gaming companies seeking to enter or expand their presence in the multimedia marketplace. It is a unique industry-led model— the only outsourced model in Australia. ScreenACT has been managed by Canberra Business Council since 2007 and continues to achieve outstanding results for the screen industry. In 2009–10, under the exceptionally competent guidance of Monica Penders and the ScreenACT Taskforce, ScreenACT successfully lobbied the ACT Government for a screen investment fund to support local productions and attract interstate screen production to the ACT. The $1.8million ACT Screen Investment Fund is a first for the ACT. ScreenACT also launched Project Pod—a six month-long professional and project development initiative which garnered financial sponsorship from Screen Australia and the Australian Government’s Enterprise Connect Program. This project has put local practitioners on the national map. The ACT Exporters’ Network, an initiative of Canberra Business Council which is supported by the ACT Government, provides a range of valuable services to export-orientated businesses in the ACT and again went from strength to strength in the reporting period. Driven by the extremely capable ACT Exporters’ Network manager, Brooke Anderson, and guided by the International Business Task Force, the activities and successes of the Network grew exponentially. Membership of the network grew substantially, the Getting Into Export sessions and the Exporters’ Breakfasts and CEO Forums were very well attended. The


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | CEO’s Report

CEO’s Report continued

Council successfully tendered for and delivered the 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards Program and in July 2009 the Council and the Exporters’ Network hosted a roundtable discussion to develop a Strategy to leverage off the 2010 Shanghai Expo. As a result of this initiative, the ACT Government funded—a website to showcase Canberra to a potential audience of seven million people during the Expo. In March 2010, the ACT Education Services Export Steering Committee, again managed by the Exporters’ Network manager, released an ACT Education Services Export Strategy to guide a substantial program of work in support of the Territory’s education export sector.


The Council has had a number of other successes during 2009–10.

The 30th Anniversary of the Council in 2009 provided an opportunity to review the Council’s history, to acknowledge those who have made a contribution to the Council and to recognise the Council’s substantial achievements over 30 years. A number of striking insights emerged including that the Council has remained true to its original purpose over its entire history; that it has been incredibly fortunate to have had the engagement and support of so many prominent and experienced business people throughout its 30 years; and that it has never rested on its achievements but constantly sought to move forward to the next challenge to build a strong, sustainable and diversified economy in the ACT and surrounding region.

ACT Industry Reference Group—Following discussions with CBC last year, the ACT Government agreed to establish an Industry Reference Group (IRG), jointly chaired by Government and Glenn Keys, a CBC Board member. The IRG has a dual purpose— to identify opportunities for the private sector to be involved in the project management of large public sector capital works projects and to improve the efficiency of government planning and development approval processes. In addition the IRG provides advice on industry capacity to deliver infrastructure projects in the ACT. ACT Taxi Industry Review— Throughout the year the Council has been closely involved in the ACT Government’s Review of the Taxi Industry. The Council, along with other industry bodies, presented submissions to the review which highlighted the major issues of unmet demand, the need for a taxi service that is more responsive to the business tourism market and structural impediments to increased efficiency and innovation in the Taxi industry. The Council’s submissions have been influential in ensuring that the final report and recommendations go at least some way towards improving the taxi service in the ACT. Thank You Party for NGA Staff—The Masterpieces from Paris Exhibition, held at the National Gallery of Australia (NGA) over summer 2009–10, drew a record crowd of 476,000 visitors to Canberra and injected $94 million into the ACT economy. In April 2010, the Council, in association with AHA, the Hyatt Hotel, Canberra Airport and Qantas, hosted a function to express our appreciation and that of the ACT business community, to the 270 staff at the NGA.

2009–10 saw the third year of the Council’s affiliation with NSW Business Chamber. During this time the advantages of the association between our two organisations continued to be realised in additional membership benefits, strong policy backup and administrative assistance to the Council. The support provided by the NSWBC Board and, in particular, by CEO Stephen Cartwright, is greatly valued by the Council.


Continuing this tradition, although the Council had a busy and very successful year in 2009–10, we are already firmly focussed on 2010–11 and beyond. The outlook for the coming year is one of optimism and confidence. The Council is now positioned well to grasp the opportunities that will arise as the economy fully recovers in 2010–11. Our key objectives for the coming year are to focus on robust policy development and positive engagement with government to represent business interests and influence policy outcomes; to improve our relevance and the services we provide to our members; and to move to the next phase of innovation and growth as we implement the delivery of Canberra BusinessPoint across the ACT. I look forward to another year of serving business in the National Capital through the many facets of the Council’s work.

CHRIS FAULKS Chief Executive Officer

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Special Thank You


Special Thank You

2009-10 has been another year highlighted by the contribution of many people to the Council’s work. Over 200 people enthusiastically participate in the Council’s Consultative Committee, Task Forces, and other advisory groups. Without this generous support and the commitment of this large number of members and non-members, Canberra Business Council would not be able to achieve all that it does for the ACT and surrounding Region. I thank every individual whom I have had the privilege to work with during 2009-10. In particular I thank Craig Sloan, who stepped down as the Chair of the Council at the AGM in October 2009 and Brand Hoff who was elected as Chair at the same meeting. Craig made an outstanding contribution to the success and growing reputation of the Council over the seven years of his leadership and Brand brings a clear vision for the future of the Council and a deep understanding of private sector opportunities in the ACT and region. The members of the Board have all put in an exceptional effort and I thank them for the guidance and the leadership they have provided to the growth and development of the Council. Likewise our Kindred Organisations and Consultative Committee members have provided invaluable input into our policy documents and the broader work undertaken by the Council. I am also grateful to the Chairs and members of the Task Forces who, despite their demanding jobs, so willingly provide expert input and critical thinking to the key issues considered by the Task Forces. The Council’s affiliation with NSW Business Chamber (NSWBC) has delivered many benefits to the Council and its members. I am particularly grateful to Stephen Cartwright, the CEO of NSWBC and to Simon Spicer and John Butt who have been incredibly encouraging of the Council throughout 2009-10 and I look forward to working even more closely with them in 2010-11. Throughout 2009-10 the Council’s strategy to increase its positioning and strengthen its brand identity and profile as a contemporary and responsive organisation was guided by James Willson and his team at Cre8ive. I thank James and his staff for their creativity and professionalism and look forward to extending both the brand and the positioning of the Council even further. The Council has delivered an extremely busy program of events throughout 2009-10 with over 3,700 people attending an extensive program of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, seminars and Roundtables. Many of these events would simply not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors. The Canberra Times and ActewAGL continued their long-standing

and much-valued relationship with the Council during 2008-09. The Business Series Lunches were again generously sponsored by the Canberra Times with the support of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and ActewAGL once again sponsored the Outlook 2020 luncheon series with the support of ANU. Together the Canberra Times and ActewAGL also sponsored the Canberra Times/ActewAGL Business Success Series Awards. Throughout 2009-10 the Hyatt Hotel once again provided sponsorship, exceptional service and outstanding food for many Council events, including the ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards presentation lunch. The Council also appreciates Meyer Vandenberg’s sponsorship of the 2009 ACT Budget Breakfast which was again a sell-out event in May 2010. Finally, the Annual Dinner in 2009 would not have been possible without the generous sponsorship of PricewaterhouseCoopers, ActewAGL, Cre8ive, The Canberra Times, Meyer Vandenberg, BlueStar Print, eWAY, University of Canberra, KPMG, Peter Funnell Entertainment and the support of the Hotel Realm and Elite Sound & Lighting. In 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers took over as auditors of Canberra Business Council Ltd. This support is of enormous benefit to the Council and we are very grateful to PwC for their support of the Council and their generosity. Finally I thank our small but incredibly dedicated and professional Secretariat. Elly Szkobel, who has now been with the Council for eight years is not only the repository of the Council’s corporate history, she has a deep knowledge of and affection for the members of the Council. Kate Holland has done an extraordinary job in 2009-10 managing an extremely busy and successful events and marketing program. The two projects which are supported by ACT Government funding – the Exporters’ Network and ScreenACT – also had incredibly busy years and I thank Brooke Anderson and Monica Penders, the managers of these projects. Gary Beck joined the Council’s Secretariat during the reporting year as the Policy Manager and has done an outstanding job coordinating the development of policy and the work of the Task Forces. Finally, we welcomed Jodie McCarthy as my executive assistance in 2010. I value greatly her calm efficiency and professionalism. Once again, the Canberra Business Council team worked untiringly, often under significant pressure, throughout 2009-10 to achieve outstanding results on behalf of our members and the Canberra business community.

CHRIS FAULKS Chief Executive Officer

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Submissions 2009–2010


Submissions 2009–10

An important part of the Council’s work relates to influencing government policy—particularly where the proposed policy will have an impact on business in the Region. During 2009–10 the Council met regularly with elected representatives across the political spectrum, presented a substantial number of submissions to government on issues that impact on business, provided comment on draft legislation and responded to government discussion papers. The Council’s submissions reflect the policy priorities of members and the broader business community. In 2009–10 these submissions included:

» ACT Government Budget Submission 2010–2011 » ICT Information Infrastructure Plan (I3P) for ACT and Region—2009 » Greater Canberra City Area Draft Action Plan 2010-2016 » ACT Taxi Industry Review—Discussion Paper Responses—2010 » CBC TradeStart tender submission for TradeStart services in ACT for 2010–2014 » CBC tender to manage ScreenACT from 2010–11 to 2012–13 » ACT Screen Investment Fund submission—2009 » Creation of ACT Industry Reference Group resulting from CBC submission—July 2009 » ACT Opposition’s Infrastructure Canberra Exposure Draft Bill (February 2010) » ACT Government’s Security Industry Act Bill (December 2009) » R&D Tax Concessions for ICT Industry—support for AIIA campaign » Provided comment on ACTPLA Sustainable Futures Workshop Report (February 2010) » CBC response to Expanded ACT Electricity Feed-In Tariff Scheme (December 2009) » ACT Government Tendering Guide (January 2010) » Procurement Roundtable series (ACTPS, AIIA & CBC) (2010) » Chief Minister’s Infrastructure Round Table (March 2010) » Airservices Australia—Canberra Airport Noise Abatement Procedures (March 2010) » ACT Government Outdoor Cafes in Public Places Policy (June 2010) » Submission to the ACT Government Tertiary Taskforce Discussion Paper (June 2010) » Strategy for the Private Sector Engagement in the Shanghai World Expo 2010 » ACT Education Services Export Strategy (May 2010) » Tertiary Education Review Submission (August 2010)

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here


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Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Key Achievements 2009–10


Key Achievements 2009–10

The Council’s achievements during 2009–2010 covered a wide range of activities designed to further promote business opportunities in the region. The following is an abbreviated list of some of the Council’s major achievements for the financial year 2009–10. The Australia Forum—Significant progress was made in 2009–10 on The Australia Forum—a new meeting place for the National Capital. During the year the Council secured $250,000 from the ACT Government, to be matched by the private sector, to progress this project and on 12 December 2009 advertised a tender to undertake a Scoping Study and Business Case. On 26 March 2010 CBC announced the successful team of Ernst & Young/Cox Architects and the details of the Steering Committee which would oversee the development of the work. The Steering Committee, chaired by Professor Peter Shergold AC, included Professor Ian Chubb AC, General Peter Cosgrove AC, Mr Rupert Myer AM, Dr Dawn Casey and Ms Virginia Haussegger. The final Report will be completed by end of 2010. High Speed Rail (HSR)—throughout the year the Council sought to engage all levels of Government and across the political spectrum to consider a detailed study of a HSR network from Melbourne to Brisbane via Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle. In February 2010 the CRC for Rail Innovation released a report on HSR which also recommended a detailed analysis of the concept. Late in the year the Federal Government, Opposition and the Greens all came out in support of a detailed study being undertaken as a matter of priority. Supermarket competition—The Council has lobbied the ACT Government over several years suggesting that it should take action to implement the ACCC recommendation that jurisdictions needed to intervene proactively to ensure competition between full-line supermarkets. In May 2010 the Council applauded the Chief Minister’s announcement that he would take decisive planning action to ensure supermarket competition in the ACT. ACT Taxi Industry Review—Throughout the year the Council has been closely involved in the ACT Government’s Review of the Taxi Industry. The Council, along with other industry bodies, presented submissions to the review which highlighted the major issues of unmet demand, the need for a taxi service that is more responsive to the business tourism market and structural impediments to increased efficiency and innovation in the Taxi industry. The Council’s submissions have been

influential in ensuring that the final report and recommendations go at least some way towards improving the taxi service in the ACT. The ACT Exporters’ Network—a Council initiative supported by the ACT Government has had a number of successes in 2009–10 including: » 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards—The Council was again successful in tendering for the delivery of the six-month long 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards Program. A record 24 entrants nominated for the Awards which culminated in a Presentation Lunch on Tuesday 22 September 2009 attended by 240 people. » ACT Education Services Export Strategy—In March 2010, CBC’s ACT Education Services Export Steering Committee released an ACT Education Services Export Strategy. Developed by representatives from the ACT’s higher education, VET and school sectors, the ACT and Australian Governments and the Council, the aim of the Strategy is to guide a substantial program of work in support of the Territory’s education export sector. » Pitch Club—In August 2009, the ACT Exporters’ Network launched Pitch Club, a capacity building program which targets newto-export companies. The aim of Pitch Club is to provide an opportunity for new and emerging exporters to ‘pitch’ their export objective and strategy to a panel of experienced exporters and industry specialists. » ACT Exporters’ Network Website Launched—The ACT Exporters’ Network launched its new website in July 2009. The site includes an events calendar and online notification of registration, online membership forms and registration for newsletter; and social media tools, RSS feeds and comments pages. The members’ area is currently under construction and will contain an information database, key contact information and information on mentoring programs. ScreenACT is an ACT Government initiative managed by CBC. ScreenACT is a unique industry-led model—the only outsourced film industry model in Australia. During 2009–10 the Council achieved a number of significant successes through its management of ScreenACT: » ScreenACT tender—The Council was successful in tendering for the management of ScreenACT for a further three years » ACT Screen Investment Fund—The Council, through ScreenACT, successfully lobbied the ACT Government for a Screen Investment

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Key Achievements 2009–10

Fund to attract screen production to the ACT and support local productions. The $1.8million ACT Screen Investment Fund is a first for the ACT. ScreenACT will assist the ACT Government in delivering the program. » Project Pod—During 2009–10 ScreenACT initiated Project Pod, a six month long professional and project development initiative which garnered financial sponsorship from Screen Australia and the Australian Government’s Enterprise Connect Program. This project has put local practitioners on the national map. The success of the Project Pod resulted in market interest from the other States’ film bodies to pursue similar programs. ACT Industry Reference Group—Following discussions with CBC last year, the ACT Government agreed to establish an Industry Reference Group (IRG) jointly chaired by Government and CBC. The IRG has a dual purpose—identifying opportunities for the private sector to be involved in the project management of large public sector capital works projects and improving the efficiency of government planning and development approval processes. In addition the IRG provides advice on industry capacity in relation to the delivery of infrastructure projects in the ACT. National Arboretum Canberra—The Council has been a strong supporter of the Arboretum since its inception and during 2009 in successive submissions to Government called for the fast-tracking of infrastructure on the site. The Council indicated its very strong support for the 2010–11 Budget announcement of $22m funding over three years to construct a Visitor Centre, Bonsai Pavilion and Children’s Garden and the Central Valley Ceremonial Gardens at the Arboretum. This infrastructure will enable the Arboretum, which is destined to become one of the most important tourist attractions in the ACT, to be showcased during the Centenary of Canberra celebrations in 2013. ACT Government Budget Submission 2010–2011—CBC’s Budget Submission recognised the difficult situation faced by the ACT Government in drafting the 2010–2011 ACT Budget and supported the Government’s plan to return the budget to surplus by 2015–16, recognising that longer-term economic sustainability must continue to underpin economic policy-making. The Council urged the ACT Government, as it framed the 2010–11 ACT Budget, to pursue policies that added to revenues and reduced the budget deficit by stimulating economic growth rather than to rely on cost-cutting or increased taxation.


ICT Information Infrastructure for the ACT and Region—The Council developed an ICT Information Infrastructure Discussion Paper which argued that an efficient regional ICT Information Infrastructure Plan (I3P) must be developed, rather than allowing the implementation of critical information infrastructure in an ad-hoc manner. The Council’s Paper presented a case for the ACT Government to collaborate with Canberra Business Council, the Australian Information Industry Association and other stakeholders as relevant, to proceed with the urgent development of an ICT Information Infrastructure Plan for the ACT. The ACT Government responded favourably and a Working Group was established. Easter 2010 Visitors Campaign—March–April 2010—CBC’s Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force acted on reports of visitor feedback from the Masterpieces from Paris Exhibition during the January 2010 period which highlighted serious service shortfalls in a number of areas, including transport (taxis and the ACTION bus service), accommodation and restaurant availability and hospitality service levels. The Council joined with the AHA, other industry bodies and government to run a short campaign in the lead up to Easter 2010 to improve the taxi service, increase information about the bus service and encourage cafes and restaurants in the central Canberra area to remain open longer, particularly on weekends and public holidays. The aim was to improve the visitor experience while in Canberra. Thank you Party for NGA Staff—April 2010—The Council, in association with AHA, the Hyatt Hotel, Canberra Airport and Qantas hosted a thank you function to express our appreciation to the 270 staff at the National Gallery of Australia for their magnificent efforts in conducting the Masterpieces from Paris Exhibition which drew a record crowd of over 476,000 local and interstate visitors to the ACT and injected over $94 million into the ACT economy. ACTuality—In July 2009 CBC hosted a roundtable discussion to develop a strategy for the ACT Government and private sector to leverage off the 2010 Shanghai Expo. As a result of one of the recommendations put forward at the round table, the ACT Government funded an interactive website——which was created by Simmersion Holdings, Zoo Group and Bear Cage Productions to showcase Canberra to a potential audience of seven million people at the Shanghai Expo and millions more in the lead-up to the Centenary of Canberra in 2013.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Australia Forum


Australia Forum

Canberra, the meeting place of the nation, does not have a venue with the capacity and facilities to host significant international meetings or cater for growing industry requirements. Since 2005 Canberra Business Council has made strong representations to the Australian Government and ACT Government in relation to this important need. During 2009 the Council signed a Deed of Agreement with the ACT Government to complete a ‘Scoping Study’ and develop a Business Case for what is now to be known as the Australia Forum. Capital cities around the world are embracing the need in the 21st century for high quality secure venues catering for international dialogue, trade and significant national events. These are important elements of national infrastructure and for the positioning of capitals. Centres of this nature are also the learning hubs of the future—pivotal places in terms of economic development and knowledge transfer from research institutions. To oversight the study and drive the vision the Council established a national Steering Committee of eminent people:

Following a highly competitive international and domestic procurement process, a consulting alliance group led by Ernst & Young and Cox Architects was appointed to complete the Scoping Study and Business Case. Work has been progressing well during the year and the final report will be completed by the end of 2010. The study has reinforced the strong need for and benefits of the Forum. Research and investigation has also continued into the market requirements and similar developments in other capital cities for what will become an important national institution. The Australia Forum project has been very successful to this point establishing high levels of confidence with all stakeholders and parties involved. Further information can be found at While 2008–09 saw the commencement of the Council’s 30 Year Anniversary commemorations, 2009–10 saw it culminate with the Annual Gala Dinner on 29 October 2009.

» Professor Peter Shergold, AC, Macquarie Group Foundation Professor, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW (Chair) » Dr Dawn Casey, Director, Powerhouse Museum and formerly Director, National Museum of Australia » Professor Ian Chubb, AC, Vice Chancellor, Australian National University » General Peter Cosgrove, AC, MC Chair of the Australia War Memorial Council » Ms Virginia Haussegger, ABC News presenter, journalist and writer » Mr Rupert Myer, AM, Chairman of the National Gallery of Australia

Prof Peter Shergold—Chair of the Australia Forum Steering Committee

The Steering Committee Chair has taken a very positive approach building on the original focus in important ways. The Australia Forum is to be the people’s forum of the nation—an unparalleled international venue, with outstanding multimedia capacity connecting globally for government, education, research and trade. The Forum will be distinguished from any other centre in Australia and the region through facilities, design, management and use. It will incorporate the Centre for Dialogue which will play an important role in the vision for the Australia Forum. The Centre, Dublin

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Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Annual Gala Dinner 2009


Annual Gala Dinner 2009 The Culmination of CBC’s 30th Anniversary Commemorations

As well as celebrating the Council’s thirty years, the Annual Dinner was an opportunity to recall the contributions of those who had given so much over so many years to the work of the Council. The Annual General Meeting held immediately prior to the Dinner saw the Chairman of seven years, Craig Sloan, step down, so the Dinner also provided an opportunity to celebrate his service and to welcome the new Chair, Brand Hoff. Finally, it was an opportunity to celebrate another successful year of Council achievements and to thank all our sponsors and members for their support. So the 30th Annual Gala Dinner was an especially festive occasion.

EARLY VISIONARIES AND THE COUNCIL’S BEGINNING Originally established as the ‘Committee of 22’ during 1979, the association changed to the Canberra Association of Regional Development (CARD) on 18 September 1980 and again to the Canberra Business Council on 21 November 1991. The period of early history of the Council of 22 and Canberra Association of Regional Development (CARD) was central to establishing the objectives and culture of the Council, both of which have endured throughout the 30-year life of the Council. As the inaugural Chairman reported in 1991, there was great scope for an organisation with vision and a concern for the future development of Canberra and the Region; one that would get involved and advocate for a more broadly based economy. As he noted: “In the late seventies no single body spoke on behalf of private enterprise nor addressed a longer term vision of Canberra. A current Metropolitan strategy was not available. It required constant pressure and Ministerial support before it was published. Canberrans had no say in the management and administration of the residential sections of the Territory. This was the responsibility of a junior Federal Minister and a beneficent administration. Neither was elected by the local population. A community that lived on the droppings of the emu and the kangaroo.”

The executive group of the ‘Committee of 22’ very early concluded that the name of the Committee would have to change for some obvious reasons. For one thing, the original member associations numbered 24 or 25, not 22 and many queried the meaning of the name. Also, it was being shortened to ‘Catch 22!’ For this new organisation to be acceptable to the Government and the newly established Canberra Development Board (which the Committee had lobbied to have formed) it had to be as broadly based as possible. Hence, there was early recognition of the need to increase participation by including individual members as well as additional business associations. So it wasn’t long before it became CARD. Those original member associations and the Council’s valued Kindred Organisations are both listed at the end of this Annual Report. The Kindred Organisations continue the tradition of the Committee of 22 and CARD. It is also worth noting that the Council has had a strong regional focus since its inception. The Queanbeyan City Council was a foundation member of the ‘Committee of 22’ and has been a participating member ever since, with the current Mayor of Queanbeyan, Tim Overall, now on the Council Board. The Business Charter developed by Canberra Business Council at that time (1991) articulated the vision for Canberra—a vision that is just as relevant today.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Annual Gala Dinner 2009

THE BUSINESS CHARTER The Canberra Business Council believes that the prosperity, living standard, social and economic opportunities of the residents of Canberra and the region are best served by a strong, viable and vigorous private sector operating in a market oriented economy. The Business Council believes sustained economic and employment growth should be achieved with minimal Regulation and Government intervention, based on open competition, equity and the provision of work which achieves dignity and fulfilment. Each regulation and tax must undergo a proper cost/ benefit analysis. The Business Council believes that the role of Government is to support economic growth by creating a competitive environment for productive financial and commercial activities. The Business Council believes that the business community is entrusted to productively use the community’s savings to generate acceptable return, to create wealth and employment and a revenue base that will contribute to the well-being of the community. The Government has an obligation to meet the genuine needs of the community with equity, justice and compassion, but in an efficient, competitive and responsible manner. The Business Council will promote at the enterprise level, a genuine sense of responsibility, co-operation and mutual respect between management and employees. The business community will work with all elected Governments, while strongly advocating smaller, efficient Government and opposing approaches which erode market based choices. The Business Council accepts that Canberra and the region are economically based on the National Capital of Australia and that planning should promote orderly and predictable development consistent with both Canberra’s National Capital role and its regional economic base. The Business Council will adopt a positive role in business leadership to co-ordinate and promote the broader interests of the private sector in Canberra and the region. The Council is committed to a society that provides a job and a future for all of its people, that is self-reliant, competitive and innovative and which distributes wealth with equity, consistent with risk, incentive and the contribution of the individual. Copy of the original Business Charter published in the first Annual Report of Canberra Business Council Inc 1991/1992


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Annual Gala Dinner 2009


Annual Gala Dinner 2009 The Culmination of CBC’s 30th Anniversary Commemorations

The 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner provided an opportunity to recognise some of the early participants in the Committee of 22, CARD and the Canberra Business Council. Robin Schall, David Cusack, Dr Darrel Killen, Denis Page, Bert Roberts, Elizabeth Whitelaw, Bob Winnel, John Haslem, Lou Westende, Dale Budd, Ian Crawford and many others ably represented this group.

L TO R: Robin Schall, Darrel Killen, Bert Roberts, David Cusack, Rear Admiral Ian Crawford, Denis Page

The Robin Schall Annual Address by Bernard Salt

The program for the 30th Anniversary Dinner was full and included the Chairman’s Speech, the Robin Schall Annual Address, the Business Achievement Awards presentation and entertainment


THE ROBIN SCHALL ANNUAL ADDRESS In 2009 the Robin Schall Annual Address was delivered by Bernard Salt, best selling author, columnist with The Australian and Melbourne Herald Sun newspapers, a regular speaker on the Australian circuit and a business advisor. Bernard heads a group of consultants within KPMG providing demographic-based advice to business. He spoke about the changing demographics in Australia and their likely impact on building trends and costs. His presentation was not only entertaining but thought-provoking, evidenced by the lively discussion that continued long after his talk. Combining the effects of successive generational attitudes with the changing financial circumstances now facing us, Bernard demonstrated most graphically how views have changed over a relatively short period of time. When considered in the Canberra context and in particular, in the context of skills shortages, housing affordability and businesses in the region, it brought home to his audience the need to consider these demographic trends more closely in future planning forums.

A highlight of the 30th Anniversary Dinner was the entertainment provided by the Tenors Undercover. Introduced by the MC Ross Solly as various dinner guests, they played their parts as a best-selling author recently arrived from the UK to promote his new book, a successful restaurateur and a chef in the Hotel Realm kitchen. Suddenly they broke into a magnificent Il-Divo-style rendition of Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ and other numbers. What followed was an unforgettable evening of after-dinner entertainment.

Entertainment—Tenors Undercover

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Annual Gala Dinner 2009

EXTRACT FROM CRAIG SLOAN’S SPEECH AS HE STEPPED DOWN AFTER SEVEN YEARS AS CHAIR OF CANBERRA BUSINESS COUNCIL Welcome to the Canberra Business Council’s Annual Gala Dinner where tonight we are celebrating thirty years of achievement and honouring those who have contributed so much over that time. To our Past Chairs, present and absent,—Robin Schall, George Snow, John Hindmarsh, Dennis Page and Elizabeth Whitelaw and to our past and present executive directors including those here tonight Helen Leayr, John Miller and Chris Faulks, I wish to acknowledge the enormous contribution each of them has made to the Council over its 30 years. Tonight, I want to look back over thirty years of the Council’s existence and highlight some of the achievements of the Council. The minutes of the first meeting of the ‘Committee of 22’ on 8 February1979 to consider a statement by the Minister for the Capital Territory in respect of Canberra’s future noted, ‘The long term objective should be to alter the balance of the workforce towards private enterprise to lessen the dependence of the private sector on Government policies.’

While tonight is a night for reflection on the Council’s achievements and for honouring those who have gone before us, I don’t want to leave the impression that we dwell on our past at the expense of planning our future. The Council became affiliated with the NSW Business Chamber in mid 2007 specifically to become better resourced, more efficient and more influential in representing the business community to government and providing greater services to our members. I would like to take this opportunity to thank a number of people for their contributions and the support they have provided to me and the Council during the past seven years. To my dear wife Sharon for always supporting me; to my colleagues at KPMG for their enormous understanding; and to my fellow past and present Board members I am very appreciative of your assistance; and to the CEO and Secretariat of the Council who do a tremendous job in supporting and keeping pace with the Council’s activities. I am proud to announce that Brand Hoff was elected as the new Chairman and Michelle Melbourne as the Deputy Chair and I offer Brand and Michelle my congratulations and wish them every success. Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your attendance tonight.

There was never any question that Government would be the biggest business in this city and region. However, those visionaries back in 1979 knew there had to be a greater role played by the private sector. You might ask to what extent is the changed perception of our city, of our region and of our business environment the work of the Council. Well, let me quickly add that we are a lobby group seeking to influence government decisions and, of course, while we are not the only advocates seeking change, we believe the quality of our contributions continue to influence our government leaders. We have helped turn a government company town in the late seventies into an internationally competitive, export-oriented and innovative region by the early 21st century. Formal submissions to government also play an important role in influencing the policy outcome and form an essential part of the Council’s overall strategy of engagement with key decision makers. 2008–09 saw the Council present 28 detailed submissions to government.


Craig Sloan, outgoing CBC Chair


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Annual Gala Dinner

Annual Gala Dinner

In 2009 Canberra Business Council presented the inaugural Chairman’s Award to Mr Terry Snow. Terry was one of the Council’s first individual members when the membership was broadened from ‘associations only’ 30 years ago and was a member of the Council’s first Economic & Planning Committee.

CHAIRMANS AWARD 2009 The Canberra Business Council Chairman’s Award recognises a person assessed as having made a significant individual contribution to the economic development of Canberra and the region. The inaugural award goes to Mr Terry Snow, Executive Chairman, Board of Directors, Canberra Airport Pty Ltd. Terry is a third generation Canberran with extensive experience in accountancy, aviation, finance, property development and funds management. He has been a generous benefactor to disadvantaged and disabled members of our community through the Snow Foundation he established with his brother Mr George Snow. Beyond this, Terry’s individual contribution to the economic growth of this region is unmatched. Canberra Business Council believes the Canberra International Airport is a major stimulant to continued growth in Canberra and across the Capital Region. The airport is fundamental to the future development not only of Canberra and Queanbeyan, but it contributes to the economic growth of Yass, Goulburn, Cooma and the South East Region of NSW. The vision and leadership shown by Terry Snow as Chairman of the Board of Canberra International Airport Pty Ltd, in developing an aviation industry from what was little more than a country airport, has required a high degree of financial skill, environmental concern and development expertise as well as a love of aviation. In the five years since the Master Plan for the development of the Canberra International Airport was approved, over $220 million has been spent in turning the airport into a gateway for the Nation’s Capital. The new terminal is progressing rapidly and should be in operation by mid-to-late 2010. What may not be widely known is that the simultaneous development of the Brindabella Business Park enabled the airport development to proceed despite the aviation downturn that has been experienced in recent years both nationally and internationally. Over 115 businesses now operate at Brindabella Business Park where over 3,000 people are employed. Given the nature of the aviation industry, his efforts to minimise the environmental impact at the airport, including protection of flora and fauna, water recycling and hazardous waste management, are noteworthy. The low emission engineering services include tri-generation plants using gas to generate electricity as well as heating and cooling for office buildings and airport terminal. As well he has made a substantial financial contribution to the ACT Government to improve access to the airport and relieve traffic congestion. His civic pride was evident some years ago with his ‘Living City’ concept for the re-development of City Hill, prepared in response to a call for private sector input. Terry is a visionary, a leader, a philanthropist and above all he is passionate about good design and the potential for Canberra to truly be a great national capital. As an individual he has demonstrated his commitment to this city and to the region and has repeatedly put his own resources on the line in support of the economic development of the city. For these reasons and more, he is a most worthy inaugural recipient of the Canberra Business Council Chairman’s Award.

CRAIG SLOAN Chairman, Canberra Business Council

29 October 2009

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Chairman’s Award 2009


CONCLUSION Long after the event the Council continued to receive very generous and enthusiastic feedback from our members about the success of the 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner. The Hotel Realm proved to be an ideal venue for a function for 480 people; the excellent food and service were accompanied by the thought-provoking presentation given by Bernard Salt and the wonderful entertainment of the Tenors Undercover. To cap off the evening, the announcement of the winners of the Chairman’s Award and the CBC Business Success Awards recognised local individuals and businesses that had contributed to the economy of the ACT over recent years.

Mr Terry Snow, Executive Chairman, Board of Directors, Canberra Airport Pty Ltd.

The Council is grateful to the sponsors of the 30th Anniversary Dinner— in particular the Platinum Sponsors: PricewaterhouseCoopers and Hotel Realm.



Speaker Sponsor

MC Sponsor

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Events and Activities


Events and Activities

CONNECT Connect is a popular after-work networking series providing members and non-members with the opportunity to connect with the broader business community in a relaxed atmosphere. Aimed at small to medium enterprises (SMEs) the Council arranges Connect functions at varying locations around Canberra with a view to business managers meeting each other and learning more about the diversity of business opportunities in the Region. 22 July 2009—The National Press Club

25 March 2010—Harold Mitchell AO, Executive Chairman, Mitchell Communication Group 22 April 2010—Robyn Archer AO Creative Director of Centenary of Canberra 2013 24 June 2010—Terry Campbell AO, Senior Chair, Goldman Sachs JBWere Sponsored by

Supported by

1 Dec 2009—The Commonwealth Club—Christmas Connect 28 Jan 2010—The Brumbies Club 9 June 2010—Robbo’s Harley Davidson Sponsored by

Wine partner:

OUTLOOK 2020 The Outlook 2020 series invites prominent speakers to examine the important issues facing the national and Canberra business sectors into the future—2020 and beyond. Presentations at Outlook 2020 events include both a business perspective and a high-level academic assessment of the issues. The series focuses on the future of Canberra and the Capital Region.

CANBERRA TIMES BUSINESS SERIES The Canberra Times Business Series is now in its eighth year and remains extremely popular because of the consistently high quality of the speakers. This is a high profile series of luncheon addresses by prominent business leaders who comment on the national economy and business environment and relate these to the ACT and Capital Region.

11 September 2009—Paul Gilding, Independent advisor on sustainability and climate change 25 February 2010—Geoff Zippel, Head of Deployment, Better Place Australia 29 October 2009—Bernard Salt, KPMG Partner & Social Commentator Sponsored by

15 July 2009—Barry Urqhart,, Marketing Focus 4 August 2009—Saul Eslake, Chief Economist, ANZ 21 August 2009—Professor Ian Hickie AM, MD, RANZCP, FASSA Executive Director, Brain & Mind Research Institute (BMRI), University of Sydney 7 October 2009—Bill Evans—Chief Economist, Westpac 29 October 2009—Bernard Salt, KPMG Partner & Social Commentator

Supported by

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Events and Activities




CBC Roundtables are invitation-only events for Principal and Corporate members hosted in corporate boardrooms. The Guest of Honor is usually an ACT or Federal Minister or Departmental Head—and numbers are limited to 20-25 people. The Round Tables provide opportunities for members to hold discussions with key decision-makers in an intimate and confidential atmosphere.

The 2010 ACT Budget Breakfast, which the Council organises in partnership with its Kindred Organisations, was held on the 5 May 2010 at the National Press Club. The event was a sell-out with over 300 guests in attendance.

April 29—Katy Gallagher MLA

The Budget Breakfast featured a panel session which allowed the Chief Minister and ACT Treasurer to outline the rationale behind the ACT Government’s budget decisions. The leader of the Opposition and Parliamentary Convenor of the ACT Greens were also able to respond to the ACT Budget. The Budget Breakfast provides an important forum to help place the ACT Budget in context and allows the business community to question the elected representatives from the three major parties. Canberra Business Council would like to acknowledge the support provided by Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers who have sponsored the annual ACT Budget Breakfast since 2006.

L to R: Prof John Howard, Katy Gallagher MLA, Michelle Melbourne, CBC Deputy Chair

May 12—Zed Seselja MLA & Brendan Smyth MLA

Guest speakers & Panelists: Jon Stanhope MLA: Chief Minister Katy Gallagher MLA: Treasurer Zed Seselja MLA: Opposition Leader Brendan Smyth MLA: Shadow Treasurer Meredith Hunter MLA—ACT Greens: Parliamentary Convenor David McLennan—Political commentator: Canberra Times Master of Ceremonies—Ross Solly: ABC Radio

L to R: Brendan Smyth MLA, David Marshall, Zed Seselja MLA

L to R: David McLennan, Brendan Smyth MLA, Zed Seselja MLA, Ross Solly MC, Jon Stanhope MLA, Katy Gallagher MLA, Meredith Hunter MLA

Supported by

Sponsored by

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Events and Activities


Events and Activities continued

2010 FEDERAL BUDGET BREAKFAST The Annual Federal Budget Breakfast, held in the Great Hall at Parliament House, provides an opportunity for both the Minister for Finance and the Shadow Minister for Finance to put forward their views on the Federal Budget. For a number of years now, Robert Gottliebsen has also provided an independent and entertaining economic commentary on the Budget. In 2010, over 630 guests from industry and commerce, government, the Diplomatic Corps and Federal Government Departments attended the Breakfast which was held on the 12 May 2010. Guest Speakers: The Hon. Lindsay Tanner MP—Minister for Finance & Deregulation The Hon Andrew Robb AO MP—Shadow Minister for Finance & Debt Reduction Robert Gottliebsen—Business commentator for Business Spectator Jeremy Lasek—Master of Ceremonies Partners:

L to R: Craig Sloan CBC, Robert Gottliebsen, The Hon. Lindsay Tanner MP, Chris Faulks CBC, The Hon Andrew Robb AO MP

INFORMATION SEMINARS Throughout 2009-10 Canberra Business Council held a series of information seminars on selected topics. Aimed at small to medium businesses, these informal seminars were limited to 20-30 people and regularly included a panel discussion or open question session. October 28—OHS & Employment Law Overview November 11—How to deal with the OHS and Employment Law Changes November 23—Flexible Working Arrangements February 24—Employment & OHS Changes March 10—How to deal with the Employment and OHS law Changes March 24—Flexible Working Arrangements

Sponsored by: » Cantlie Recruitment Services » IMB Banking & Financial Services » Mallesons Stephen Jacques » Ord Minnett » PricewaterhouseCoopers » Thomson Legal & Regulatory Ltd Supported by: AICD, AIM, Capital Region BEC

April 28—Manual Handling Workshop

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here


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Canberra Business Council Annual Report | ACT Exporters’ Network


ACT Exporters’ Network

In 2009–10 the ACT Exporters’ Network welcomed close to 800 individuals to its monthly networking breakfasts, training workshops, briefing seminars and roundtable forums. Given the level of resourcing available to the Network, this is an incredible achievement for the Network manager, network members, partners, sponsors and allies. This increasing awareness and interest in exporting as a viable and profitable means of growing a business is reflected in the official export data for the ACT. In 2008–09, the ACT exported $1,030 million worth of goods and services, an increase of 5.7% from 2007-08. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s annual publication Australia’s Trade Performance by State and Territory 2008–09 released in January 2010, service exports accounted for 98.9 per cent (or $1.014 billion) of the ACT’s total exports in 2008–09 and almost 2% of Australia’s total service exports. The export data coming out of the ACT is compelling. The ACT Exporters’ Network was extremely encouraged by the release of the Sensis Business Index June 2010 Quarterly Report on Small and Medium Enterprises which reported that 15% of ACT Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) had exported in the previous year. This was more than any other State or Territory and above the national average of 12%. While the proportion has been as high as 17%, the Network is pleased to see that export is becoming more and more a logical and profitable income growth stream for small to medium enterprises. At the beginning of the reporting period, Canberra Business Council renewed the Deed of Grant with the ACT Government for the support of the ACT Exporters’ Network and its activities. The ACT Government’s funding has been crucial to ensuring the Network remains responsive to its members and progressive in terms of its service delivery model for exporters and the Council thanks the Government for this support.

EXPORTER EDUCATION AND MENTORSHIP In February the ACT Exporters’ Network, in partnership with the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies and Austrade delivered Getting into Services Export and Getting into Products Export workshops. These introductory workshops were designed for potential and new-toexport service companies who were looking to grow their business internationally. In total 13 companies attended the workshops.

Mentoring continues to be tailored to exporting businesses based on their firm’s degree of exporting experience. Pitch Club is a capacity-building program, designed to boost entrepreneurship, innovation and growth within our new and emerging exporting firms. Since Pitch Club began in August 2009, six companies have been through the program and received follow-up support and advice from industry specialists and experienced exporters.In partnership with Ernst & Young, the Network runs International CEO Forums for the CEOs and MDs of international companies based in the ACT. The forums allow peers to discuss business operations and emerging trends and opportunities offshore. Guest speakers have included Alan Morrell, Senior Trade Commissioner, Hong Kong and Phil Ingram, Senior Trade Commissioner, Beijing as well as Brigadier Bill Sowry, former Commander of Australian Defence Forces in East Timor. Networking continues to play an important part in the Network’s events calendar. In 2009–10, the Network ran lunches and breakfasts with notable guests including the Parliamentary Secretary for Trade, the Hon Anthony Byrne MP, the Ambassador for the United Arab Emirates, H.E. Dr Saeed Al-Shamsi and Mr Adam Coin, Project Manager for the Australian Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. In addition to our key-note speakers, the Network has benefited from hearing from companies who have returned from ACT Government-led trade missions including The Wise Academy, CIC Secure and BigWorld Technologies.

EXPORT MARKET EXPOSURE AND DEVELOPING INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS The Network continues to provide assistance to its members in organising meetings with visiting international individuals, groups or delegations to promote Canberra business and develop key networks. The Network has welcomed delegations from Korea, Malta, India and USA and where there are opportunities to do so, has organised business matching appointments. In August 2009, the Network welcomed Ms Yvonne Chan, Senior Trade Commissioner (STC) Taiwan and Mr Dan Tebbutt, Senior Trade Commissioner (STC) Moscow to Canberra. The Senior Trade Commissioners provided Network members with an overview of Taiwanese and Russian economies including the countries respective commercial, economic and legal environments.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | ACT Exporters’ Network

In addition to market briefings, the Network continually promotes the success of local exporters in specific markets through case studies, profiles and industry articles in the B2B in Canberra Magazine and in online articles.

EXPORT MARKET PROMOTION, INFORMATION AND STRATEGY At a more strategic level the Network has been assisting Canberra Business Council’s International Business Task Force in its preparation of the ACT Education Services Export Strategy and Implementation Plan. The Strategy focuses on achieving sustainable export growth in the Territory’s education exports through enhancing the student experience and developing Canberra’s identity as Australia’s education capital. The Network also organised and hosted the Shanghai Expo 2010 Focus Group in July 2009. More than thirty individuals and organisations involved in business activities in China attended this forum and discussed the potential for private sector engagement surrounding the Shanghai World Expo 2010. Government Relations Australia, Simmersion and Yellow Edge all suggested ideas which were taken up by the ACT Government. ACTuality—Canberra, a virtual tour of the National Capital was perhaps one of the most innovative ideas to come out of this forum. In terms of advocacy and lobbying, the Network has continually looked at opportunities where it can represent exporting businesses. A good example is in the ACT Government’s Ministerial Trade Mission Program. The Network will continue to advocate a missions program which identifies with and is responsive to the markets which ACT and Region exporters want to visit. Toward the end of the reporting period, the Australian Government, in its 2010–2011 Budget announced funding cuts to the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) and the TradeStart Program which is a cofunded partnership between State and Territory Governments, industry associations and regional development boards to deliver export assistance to small to medium enterprises. The ACT Exporters’ Network through the Canberra Business Council, the ACT Government and member organisations such as Export Solutions has lobbied the Australian Government in relation to export funding and assistance programs in the ACT. The Network continues to advocate a position which recognises that


export facilitation services for the ACT should be delivered locally and preferably not by an external provider. The Network’s view is that external service providers do not understand the unique business focus and culture that exists in Canberra. The Network’s online presence continues to grow through its dedicated website, electronic newsletters and email updates. In 2010–11 the Network will launch its members-only site which will include industry and market specific information as well as the contact details of experienced and knowledgeable exporters who will act as mentors for the Regions emerging exporting businesses. I would like to end by acknowledging the incredible support and commitment that the Network has received from Ms Chris Faulks, CEO, Canberra Business Council and her team. Chris has been a staunch and unwavering supporter of the Network’s endeavours since her appointment in 2007. Her attendance at functions and speaking engagements has helped raise the profile of the Network enormously. Ms Marita Corra, Chair of the Council’s International Business Taskforce (IBTF) Mr Kevin Reilly, Immediate Past-Chair of the IBTF and Mr Brent Juratowitch, President, ACT Exporters’ Network have been excellent mentors to myself and the emerging exporters in the ACT and Region over the past year. They have led Canberra’s regional export drive from within their respective exporting businesses and as members of the ACT’s vibrant business community. Finally the Network would like to acknowledge the support of its sponsors—the Business & Industry Development Unit (BID) within the ACT Government, Chief Minister’s Department, Canberra Business Council, the Centre for Customs & Excise Studies and AusIndustry. My particular thanks go to Ian Cox, Dita Hunt and Laura Hartley from the Business & Industry Development Unit within the Chief Minister’s Department; Professor David Widdowson and his team at the Centre for Customs & Excise Studies and Rick Berry at the ACT & Region AusIndustry offices who have continued to provide invaluable export-related information, advice and referral services to Network members and the wider business community.

BROOKE ANDERSON Manager *The full list of Exporters’ Network members is included at the end of the Annual Report

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards


2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards

In early 2009 the Council was notified that it was the successful tenderer for the ongoing management of the ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards. In March 2010 the Council signed a contract with the ACT Government to manage and present the prestigious ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards on behalf of the ACT Government until 2011. The 2009 Awards Program included four major events held during the year: » The launch of the 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards; » The 2nd Annual Export Leaders’ Breakfast; » The 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards Presentation Lunch; and » The Chairman’s Lunch with 2009 Category Winners

The ACT’s Emerging Exporter Award was awarded to Windlab Systems, a global wind energy development company. Windlab’s track record in progressing commercially viable sites is reflected in a growing portfolio spanning Canada, USA, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Other notable category winners included Aspen Medical, a provider of healthcare services to remote areas and to regions of high demand. In 2010 Aspen was the recipient of BRW’s most Successful Private Business (under $100 million) of the Year Award. Lucy Media Pty Ltd, a Canberra-based media and entertainment company, Dyesol, a world leader in the development and commercialisation of third generation photo-voltaics and CIT Solutions who were praised for their work in recruiting over 1,000 international students from over 75 countries annually, were also category winners.

A record 424 business leaders, exporters and export supporters attended Export Awards-related functions held between April and November 2009. The 2009 ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards Presentation Lunch held on Tuesday 22 September 2009 at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra was attended by more than 240 people.

Recruitment Systems Pty Ltd and stratsec, both category winners at the 2008 ACT Export Awards continued to demonstrate strong export performance taking out the Small Business and Information & Communication Technology Awards respectively in 2009.

Twenty-one finalists from across the ACT and Capital Region competed across seven awards categories. Sentinel Pty Ltd took out the ACT’s top award and was announced as the ACT Chief Minister’s Exporter of the Year. Sentinel Pty Ltd provides specialised services to clients in the Mining and Government sectors, including design, implementation and operation of remote environmental monitoring solutions. Sentinel also won the Small to Medium Services Award.

The Awards were sponsored by the ACT Government, the Centre for Customs & Excise Studies at the University of Canberra, the ACT Exporters’ Network, Austrade, Canberra Business Council, CEA Technologies Pty Ltd, the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) and IELTS Australia Pty Ltd and kindly supported by B2B in Canberra, Inland Trading Co (Aust) Pty Ltd, the Hyatt Hotel Canberra, Staging Connections, and The Canberra Times.


Category Winner

Arts and Entertainment Award

Lucy Media Pty Ltd

Education and Training Award

CIT Solutions Pty Ltd

Emerging Exporter Award

Windlab Systems Pty Ltd

Information and Communication Technology Award


Large Services Award

Aspen Medical

Small Business Award

Recruitment Systems Pty Ltd

Small to Medium Manufacturer Award

Dyesol Limited

Small to Medium Services Award

Sentinel Pty Ltd

ACT Exporter of the Year—Sentinel Pty Ltd L to R Jon Stanhope MLA, Chief Minister & Rod Sandison, Sentinel

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here














Canberra Business Council Annual Report | ScreenACT


ScreenACT is the office of film, TV and digital media for the ACT and is an initiative of the ACT Government. For the past three years, Canberra Business Council has delivered the ScreenACT initiative on behalf of the ACT Government and can report a number of successes this year. In particular, ScreenACT is excited about continuing to grow and realise the potential of the local talent and screen industry opportunities. The last financial year has seen major shifts in the film, TV and digital media landscape in the ACT with the rest of the country finally sitting up and taking notice of the talent, capacity and abilities that the ACT screen community has to offer. Highlights of the year include: » The establishment of the ACT Screen Investment Fund » ScreenACT contract secured by CBC for a further three year term » The Project and Professional Development Initiative » Increases in project funding » The Children’s TV initiative » An increase in ScreenACT’s profile at the national level » The Internship Program » Expansion of the industry Task Force » A Communication Strategy » Successful grant applications with Screen Australia and Enterprise Connect

ACT SCREEN INVESTMENT FUND The big news in 2009–10 was the announcement of the $1.8 million ACT Screen Investment Fund which will provide equity for the film, TV and digital media projects that have serious market attachments. CBC and ScreenACT lobbied strongly for this funding and consider it a huge win both in its own right but also considering the uncertain economic environment in which the announcement was made. This fund will not only build the local industry but encourage projects from other States and overseas to produce in the region. ScreenACT will assist the ACT Government with the administration of the fund.

SCREENACT CONTRACT Canberra Business Council was successful in winning the tender to manage ScreenACT for a further three years. On awarding the contract the ACT Government noted that the contract terms would be changed to allow for an initial period of two years rather than one, plus an option for one further year to recognise the Council’s achievements in managing the ScreenACT tender over the previous three years. This will provide for a greater level of certainty. The Council also tendered for the delivery of Screen South East (NSW) which is the location and production attraction service for the southern NSW/Capital Region. ScreenACT and Screen South East offer complementary services to the screen communities across the ACT/ Capital Region.

PROJECT POD Throughout 2009–10 ScreenACT worked diligently to increase capacity and skills in the film, TV and digital media and concentrating in the first instance, on developing commercial projects that could be locally produced. Project Pod is a unique initiative developed by ScreenACT which attracted significant co-funding by Screen Australia and the Commonwealth Government through Enterprise Connect. Four phases will be delivered over six months offering professional and project development. Forty-five people across all industry sectors, with projects covering different genres and formats, attended six days of workshops led by an international script consultant and presented to an interstate industry panel. Ten projects were picked for further development with the aim of having market-ready projects by the end of 2010.

PROJECT GRANTS This financial year, ScreenACT secured an extra $20,000 in grants bringing the total Project Fund grant pool to $70,000. This was awarded to eight worthy projects. The grant recipients represent a diverse group of people and projects covering feature dramas, serious games and documentaries.


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | ScreenACT



The three extra grants that ScreenACT secured throughout the year, totalling $115,000, represent an approximate 60% increase in revenue for ScreenACT.

The ScreenACT website was updated and now includes a production directory which lists all of the services and capabilities of ACT companies and crew. This is an important tool for attracting incoming productions. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter are being developed to spread the ScreenACT story.

CHILDREN’S TV ScreenACT also ran a children’s TV initiative which included a workshop with a children’s TV writer, briefings from the commissioning editor for the new dedicated children’s TV channel ABC3 and the Australian Children’s TV Foundation.

INCREASE IN PROFILE The relationship between ScreenACT and Screen Australia goes from strength to strength with funding obtained for Project Pod and inclusion as a stop for the national road show. ScreenACT also secured a place at the table with the other States and Territories at quarterly meetings of Screen Australia. ScreenACT contributed to the joint State submission of the Producer Offset Review and gained a seat on the National Green Screen and RIING (Indigenous) committees.

INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The ScreenACT Internship project kicked off this financial year with three interns each semester from CIT working in the ScreenACT office. The interns work on the ScreenACT website, newsletter, projects and other initiatives giving them an invaluable insight into the industry and experience for their resumes. ScreenACT is looking to broaden the program to other educational institutions in future years.

TASK FORCE The ScreenACT Task Force has grown and includes a good crosssection of industry representatives from digital media, education and independent film and documentary producers. This is a unique model that continues to work well, recognizing the importance of close links to industry and government and the ability to move quickly to adapt to market needs.

CONCLUSION During 2009–10 ScreenACT and the ACT screen industry secured a strong presence on the national screen landscape. The marked improvement in funding and ACT Government support, the level of creativity and innovation in projects and the increased activity of ScreenACT ensured that the ACT secured a significant slice of the national screen funding and investment pie. I would like to record my thanks to Michael Tear, Chairman of the ScreenACT Task Force and members of the Task Force for their constant attention, support and inspiration. David George and Chimwemwe Mpaso from the Chief Minister’s Department provided support through many discussions and brainstorming sessions. Finally, my sincere thanks to the creative and talented people of the ACT screen community, without whom we would not have the vibrant industry that exists in Canberra today.


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Corporate Social Responsibility


Canberra Business Council’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporations these days are expected to act responsibly across social, environmental and economic criteria—the triple bottom line. There is an expectation that they will give back to the communities in which they operate. Canberra Business Council’s mission is to provide business leadership in the promotion of economic and business development in Canberra and the Capital Region. However, for economic development to be sustainable, it must also meet the social and environmental expectations of the community. The engine rooms of the Council’s policy development are the seven Task Forces which consist of Council members and non-members who have a policy expertise or interest around particular issues. The Task Forces range from Economic Development, the Business Environment and International Business to Planning and Infrastructure, Small Business, Tourism, Sports and the Arts and Innovation, Education and Sustainability. Policy positions and submissions to Government are written with sustainable economic development in mind and ultimately, the Council makes recommendations which not only serve business interests but that benefit the ACT and regional communities in which businesses exist. Since its inception in 1979, the Council’s culture, its not-for-profit status and the objective of those who contribute to the Council’s work, have been focused on sustainable growth and meeting community needs. More recently the Council has extended this commitment by taking a leadership role in a number of business-community partnership initiatives to demonstrate how business can partner with community organisations to benefit the broader Canberra community. Early in the reporting year 2009–10, the Council offered to host the Australian Business Arts Foundation (AbaF) by providing free office accommodation and support for the Director and staff of AbaF—ACT. AbaF promotes private sector support for the arts through three programs: partnering, volunteering and giving. Through the volunteering programs, adviceBank and boardBank, businesses and individuals in the corporate sector are matched with arts organisations to provide Board members, mentors or expert advisors for specific projects. The objective is to transfer skills from the business volunteer to the arts organisation, leading to long term benefits for the arts organisations.

Businesses find that AbaF programs provide volunteering opportunities which can boost staff loyalty and morale as well as strengthen skills in communication and leadership. AbaF also facilitates partnerships between arts organisations and businesses, provides a range of professional development courses and activities and encourages its many Councillor companies to provide opportunities to promote the value of arts to business. The Council’s partnership with AbaF has created many opportunities for Arts organisations in the ACT to build their capacity, obtain sponsorship and access professional advice about governance and sustainability and growth. This year the partnership between CBC and AbaF not only assisted AbaF to establish in Canberra, it raised awareness of the value to a city such as Canberra of having a vibrant Arts community. High-profile corporate speakers—including Harold Mitchell, one of the nation’s most powerful media figures and Terry Campbell, Senior Chairman of Goldman Sachs and Partners, Australia— addressed ACT businesses not just about their business successes but also about their involvement with the Arts to enrich the social fabric of our communities. The Council also partnered with AFFIRM, the Australian Foundation for Mental Health Research. Jointly Canberra Business Council and AFFIRM hosted a very successful Business Lunch which raised awareness of mental health issues in the workplace and broader community and assisted AFFIRM to raise funds for ongoing research into mental health. Finally, the Council’s CEO, Ms Chris Faulks, joined 110 other Canberra and regional CEOs in the St Vincent de Paul’s 2010 CEO Sleepout. The Sleepout event, held in June 2010, raised $327,000 as part of a national campaign to raise awareness of and funds for homelessness.

WORKPLACE SAFETY – it’s easy as 1-2-3

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here

Safety in the workplace is often seen as complicated, challenging, time consuming and expensive but it is really about adopting what is reasonable. Recent changes in the ACT saw the introduction of the Work Safety Act, which was the first revision to safety management since 1989 and sets in place a framework that is consistent with the National Harmonisation of Work Safety that is due to commence in 2012. This change is the most far reaching change to work safety since it was first introduced into Australia in the mid 1970’s and will be of great benefit to business that operates across State and Territory borders like a large number of ACT based businesses operating into NSW and beyond and Queanbeyan based businesses operating into the ACT. This change will give businesses both the opportunity and requirement to review their safety management system to make sure that it is both comprehensive and compliant.




Review your current safety management framework and identify where there is a capacity to improve


Talk to your staff about what needs to be changed, how it is to change and what additional training might be needed


Launch your new system and make sure that it is embedded into how you run your business on a day to day basis

HOW DO YOU DO THIS? A SIMPLE OVERVIEW Safety management is about applying a basic set of rules to how you run your business to ensure that your workers know the risks that their work presents, know what is expected of them and know what the rules and processes are for working safely. It is about talking to your workers to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will keep them safe and allow them to go home at the end of each day without injury or illness.

WHO AM I AND WHAT DO I DO. David Segrott is Director of Australian Health and Safety Services Pty Ltd, (AHSS) a Canberra based specialist consulting firm. David has over 35 years experience in the management of safety in the workplace and works extensively with Government (both Federal and State) and Private Sector organisations. Included among the clients that AHSS has worked are the National Capital Authority, Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Air Services Australia, Broadcast Australia, Canberra Racing Club, Anglicare, Canberra Grammar School, Marist College, Canberra Girls Grammar School and Woden Community Services. David is a Board Member of the Canberra Business Council and represents employers on the ACT Work Safety Council. He is also a member of the State Advisory Council of the NSW Business Chamber and a member of their OHS Policy Committee as well as being on the National Board of the Safety Institute of Australia.


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Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Economic Development Task Force


Economic Development Task Force

TERMS OF REFERENCE The Economic Development Task Force will: » Contribute to an economic development strategy for the ACT » Identify key projects and initiatives that will make a sustained contribution to economic development » Provide advice on investment strategies for development projects » Liaise with key stakeholders in the development process » Ensure appropriate linkages between land use planning and economic development planning » Promote the ACT as Australia’s leader in knowledge-based economic development

CURRENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ISSUES AND CHALLENGES The Economic Development Task Force was again focussed this year on key development issues and challenges for the Canberra economy. However, the Task Force looked primarily at those industries that principally form the basis of ongoing development and growth in the region: public administration, education, tourism, ICT, professional services and transport and infrastructure. Housing and construction, the other driver of economic growth in the ACT, was also included in the Task Forces consideration. The Task Force has been actively involved also in promoting economic development issues related specifically to: » The CBC Education Exports Task Force » Membership of the RDA-ACT » The ACT Tertiary Education Task Force

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE Historically Canberra’s economic prosperity has been tied to investment, expenditure and construction and employment decisions of the Commonwealth Government. As the city has grown and matured the Commonwealth economic influence is becoming less dominant and growth is now tied to the city’s substantial knowledge-based talent pool and a maturing private sector. Canberra is approaching sustained growth through industry and business development founded on the platform of unique knowledge assets and capabilities.

Despite this trend, Federal Government public administration remains the region’s major employer and the driving force behind numerous other industries, but particularly professional services and ICT. In addition, the Commonwealth remains a major purchaser of goods and services including ICT equipment, software and services and engages numerous contractors, consultants and advisers in a very broad range of professions. Some of Canberra’s lead industries—public administration and defence, education and research, and cultural heritage—stimulate other industries and businesses. For example, these industries have given rise to a strong building and construction sector, a burgeoning ICT industry, growing capabilities in biotechnology and environmental services, growth in the broader creative industries, as well as in financial and professional services, tourism and hospitality. One issue of ongoing concern remains the stability of employment and demand for services while another concerns local skill shortages and the resultant possibility of agencies relocating interstate. The ACT Government has done much to tackle this issue through a variety of measures including its ‘Live in Canberra’ promotion and educational reviews.

EDUCATION Education is a key leader in Canberra’s economic future with direct expenditures in tertiary education approaching $1 billion annually. Education exports contribute $270m to the economy. The ACT Government commenced a consultation process during 2010 through its ACT Tertiary Education Task Force where Council members are playing their part. The process provides the Council’s Economic Development Task Force with an opportunity to think about a broad, longer term vision for Canberra’s tertiary education system as an international education hub. With some strategic initiatives and collaborative actions by education institutions and supporting investments from Government and industry, Canberra’s tertiary education system could be the best in the world for a region of its size. Canberra is already characterized by high levels of education attainment, a significant research base and strong networks that support innovation.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Economic Development Task Force

It is also well known that industry is attracted to regions that have strong education and training capability. Building the link between education and industry is a major opportunity for Canberra’s economic future. To achieve the vision, the ACT education system should provide an integrated framework for the delivery of tertiary level qualifications in accordance with Australian and internationally accepted standards. The system should also: » Provide the knowledge, skills, and competencies appropriate to educational, professional, technical, and vocational needs of industry, government and the community; » Support the growth of the professions through opportunities for lifelong learning relevant and appropriate to workplace needs and requirements; » Ensure that Canberra and region school leavers see the system as the best place to enter and continue with tertiary education; and » Be supportive of international students through services, amenities and work place learning and employment opportunities. An integrated tertiary education system would bring substantial economic benefits as well as educational outcomes. In addition to attracting industry, education institutions are a major source of direct and indirect employment and downstream economic impacts that flow from income and expenditures on goods and services in the Canberra economy.

TOURISM Construction and expansion of new national cultural and heritage institutions also generates employment and growth. Canberra’s asset base of cultural and heritage institutions are unique in Australia and a sound base for the tourism industry. Issues relating to tourism are dealt with elsewhere in this Report by the Tourism, Sports & the Arts Task Force.

TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE The ACT Government has developed an ACT Infrastructure Plan which will be examined in more depth in the coming year 2010–11 by the Planning and Infrastructure Task Force. This Task Force has made a number of submissions seeking to influence Canberra city development, the Majura Parkway and transport infrastructure including pursuing


High Speed Rail as part of a future growth strategy. There has also been a detailed study undertaken into the ACT Taxi Industry which will be completed in the coming year.

INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) Canberra is also a national centre for education, science, and research. Over 10 percent of Australia’s publicly-funded research occurs in the Canberra. It is home to Australia’s only National University and the University of Canberra established specifically to meet the education and development needs of government and the professions that are associated with Canberra’s growth. The CSIRO has a substantial presence in Canberra. While there are opportunities in the knowledge-based economy, there are also constraints. Unlike many other cities and regions, Canberra’s economic opportunities are limited by capacity constraints. Canberra’s growth potential is severely constrained by acute skills shortages and housing affordability. Task Force members have been paying increasing attention to ways that government, industry and tertiary education institutions can work in partnership to address the skills shortage and to identify those skills that are necessary to support major business opportunities in new and emerging knowledge-based industries. A particular focus of attention is now in the area of ‘green’ industries. The Sustainability Special Interest Group of the Innovation Task Force is focussed on ways to promote business expansion in this area.

SUMMARY Task Force members have also been involved in identifying and supporting investment proposals for new teaching and research infrastructure for Canberra and strengthening the ‘knowledge base’ of the economy. The Task Force will continue to work with Universities and Government to examine and explore opportunities for greater knowledge transfer in the form of new business creation and the integration of occupational and institution based learning.


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Economic Development Task Force

Chair: John Howard: University of Canberra Michael Capezio: FM Projects Ian Davis: National Publishers Ian Gash: Westpac Banking Corporation Peter Gordon: Economic Futures Craig Harris: Canberra Investment Corporation Limited Robyn Hendry: Canberra Convention Bureau Inc Glenn Keys: Aspen Medical Noel McCann: Canberra International Airport Karen Macdonald: Australian Bureau of Statistics Denis Page: Denis Page Management Pty Ltd Neil Primrose: Primrose Solutions Pty Ltd Geoff Pryor: Pryor Knowledge Pty Ltd Craig Sloan: KPMG Ron Thompson: Electro Optic Systems David White: Commonwealth Bank of Australia


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here

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Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Planning and Infrastructure Task Force


Planning and Infrastructure Task Force

TERMS OF REFERENCE The Objectives of the Planning & Infrastructure Task Force are to: » Identify critical infrastructure needed and/or key infrastructure maintenance required to support Canberra and the region to exploit its obvious capacity and potential as a major growth centre. » Examine planning systems and issues relating to planning which impact on the development and growth of Canberra and the Region. » Provide advice to the Executive Committee and Consultative Committee on matters relating to planning and infrastructure which could be used in written and/or oral submissions to government(s) and other key stakeholders.

2009–2010 In a country where there is much current debate about the provision of infrastructure and carbon impacts and in a city such as Canberra where planning receives so much attention, the work of the Council’s Planning and Infrastructure Task Force is always focused on topical issues. The past year has been no different. There has been so much occurring at many different levels, national, regional and local, each impacting on the future of the Australian Capital Region. The ongoing impacts of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) have seen the ACT Government remain committed to its program of Roundtables with business and industry. Driving most Roundtables over the past year have been planning and infrastructure related matters. The Council has participated strongly in these discussions and was instrumental in encouraging the Government to focus specifically on infrastructure leading to the release this year of their first Infrastructure Plan. The plan has been the subject of review at Task Force meetings and will need a further response from the Council as the Government seeks to make infrastructure a focus of at least one Roundtable in the year ahead. While the Council is very supportive of the ACT Government in committing to an Infrastructure Plan, it is vital that the end-result includes shared views on major infrastructure needed to advance and support the economic and social growth of Canberra and the region. Public transport, alternative development opportunities and funding

models to bring forward much needed infrastructure and maintenance of existing infrastructure were key points raised during the Roundtable and Task Force meetings. The Council has been one of the strongest of proponents of a High Speed Rail (HSR) network in Australia. In February 2010 the CRC for Rail Innovation released a report which recommended that a detailed feasibility study be undertaken for a HSR network from Melbourne to Brisbane via Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle. Following the release of this report a special gathering of the Planning & Infrastructure Task Force heard from experts in this field who have been advocating and positioning for such a system. It is clear from the Council’s discussions that our best opportunity in eventually succeeding in being part of a high-speed rail network is to work with others such as NSW, Victoria, Queensland and Commonwealth Governments in unlocking the key drivers such as freight and congestion in Sydney and at Sydney airport. Also at a national level, representatives of the Task Force met with Infrastructure Australia (IA) to discuss the ACT and the likelihood of receiving future funding to support infrastructure that could meet Australian Government objectives under IA’s funding criteria. The Territory needs to be very attuned to building the case to receive future funding but it was encouraging to see that both Majura Parkway and energy grid proposals remained on the latest priority list put to the Commonwealth. Planning changes, both those made and those proposed have ensured strong reaction from industry and the community. Through the Industry Monitoring Group set up via the ACT Government Roundtable program, there have been some sensible changes made to the planning system, particularly for green fields residential development. Some draft variations to the Territory Plan released late in the reporting period caused some angst for the industry, particularly the possible impacts on affordable housing pursuits. The Task Force will need to stay on top of these issues to ensure that there is private sector opportunity to help meet government policy around housing provision. One of the biggest issues to impact on planning has been the approach to Change of Use Charges (CUC.) Under proposals to codify CUC, the industry has strongly argued that the values being proposed are unrealistic and have the potential to significantly slow down development and at the same time bring a halt to urban infill pursuits.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Planning and Infrastructure Task Force

At the time of writing this matter is not settled and will require greater input and diligence by the Council and Task Force to argue a sensible approach by government. The Council has also been influential in convincing the ACT Government to pilot the use of private sector project management contractors and in the establishment of the Industry Reference Group. Throughout 2009–10 this Group was co-chaired by Ms Sandra Lambert of ACTPLA and Mr Glenn Keys from Aspen Medical and one of the Council’s Board members. Its purpose is to provide a forum for industry to work with Government to deliver Capital works projects in a collaborative manner and enhance the efficiency of delivery. It also provides Government with an opportunity to obtain the benefit of industry’s expertise and experience in all stages of the project delivery cycle. The Council has been an important contributor to all of these debates and this situation will continue as there is no sign that changes impacting on planning, infrastructure and the environment will ever be far away from the front pages. It is important that Council members continue to get involved and contribute to the debates on these issues as our future well-being as a vibrant and growing private sector is dependent on the outcomes.

MEMBERSHIP OF THE PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE TASK FORCE Chair: John Miller: Master Builders Association Tony Adams: CB Richard Ellis Dale Budd: Dale Budd & Associates Pty Ltd Michael Capezio: Australian Hotels Association Catherine Carter: Property Council of Australia (ACT Divn.) Ross Cottrill: Cottrill Holdings Peter Dunn: GHD Pty Ltd (Belconnen) Michael Ensor: Kell & Rigby Pty Ltd Georgina Greenland: Australian Institute of Architects (ACT Chapter) P J Gould: Toll Priority David Gribble: Northrop Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd Ken Ineson: The Village Building Company Barry Jackson: United Group Noel McCann: Canberra International Airport Bob Nairn: Engineers Australia, Canberra Division Mark Nixon: Ernst & Young


Annabelle Pegrum: University of Canberra Geoff Pryor: Pryor Knowledge (ACT) Pty Ltd Rob Purdon: Purdon & Associates Kristine Reithmiller: KMR Consulting Pty Ltd Grant Shaw: NECA ACT Mike Stapleton: Institute of Surveyors Australia Ltd (Canberra Divn.) Colin Stewart: Colin Stewart Architects Pty Ltd Vesna Strika: Engineers Australia, Canberra Divn. Rod Sutherland: Macquarie Equities Ltd Greg Taylor: APP Corporation Pty Ltd Bob Winnel: The Village Building Company Sue Whelan: Queanbeyan City Council


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force


Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force


The 2009–10 financial year saw a number of Task Force initiatives:

The Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force has four key objectives:

» Input into the Canberra Business Council’s submission to the ACT Government’s Taxi Industry Review. We appreciate Tony Bryce, from the Canberra Taxi Industry Association serving as a Task Force member and also for Aerial Taxis for meeting with the Business Council to discuss the Council’s final submission. The health and efficiency of the taxi industry in the city is a complex matter that impacts directing on the business community. During 2009–10 the Council was represented on the ACT Government’s Taxi Industry Review Committee.

1. To work with the ACT, NSW and Commonwealth Governments and key industry organisations to increase the awareness of the economic importance of tourism, cultural, arts and sporting sectors. 2. To provide a forum for the tourism, cultural, arts and sporting sectors to interact with key ACT Ministers, senior bureaucrats and Federal Members of Parliament and encourage the exchange of ideas that will form the basis of submissions to both the ACT and Commonwealth Governments. 3. To provide input to the ACT and Commonwealth Governments on tourism, arts, cultural and sports infrastructure development that will enhance the appeal of Canberra as a destination. 4. To prepare major submissions to the ACT and Commonwealth Governments on issues impacting on the economic development of the tourism, cultural, arts and sporting sectors. The Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force has been pleased to have maintained its focus on these objectives during the 2009–10 financial year. This year we have had a number of prominent and influential guests brief the Task Force on key issues and many have also used our meeting to seek our members’ views on a variety of matters. Guests included: » Jon Stanhope: Chief Minister » Andrew Barr: Tourism, Sport and Recreation Minister » Shane Rattenbury: the Greens Tourism Spokesperson » Meredith Hunter: the Greens Parliamentary Convenor » Robyn Archer: Artistic Director of the Centenary of Canberra » Andrew Cappie-Wood: Chief Executive, Chief Minister’s Department » Ron Radford: Director of the National Gallery of Australia » John Mackay: Chair of the National Arboretum Canberra » Jane Madden: Head of the Tourism Division Department of Energy, Resources and Tourism » Gary Rake: Chief Executive, National Capital Authority We very much appreciate each giving their time to attend the Task Force meetings.

» The Masterpieces from Paris Exhibition was a winner for the National Gallery and Canberra. Two issues of concern emerged from this outstanding event. Canberra’s tourism-related service industries were left wanting in some cases as the volume of visitors exceeded expectations. As a result, a campaign was launched to improve service standards over the Easter period. The Task Force, in association with the Tourism Industry Council, will look at ways the tourism industry and business community can take better advantage of such blockbuster events in the future. Second, the Task Force in association with the AHA, the Hyatt, Canberra Airport and Qantas hosted a function to express our appreciation to the 270 staff at the NGA for their magnificent efforts. » The Task Force met with Senator Lundy regarding her initiatives and those of the Prime Minister’s wife, in bringing together the National Institutions to better market the city’s iconic attractions. The Task Force wishes to focus attention on the major issues within the Parliamentary Triangle that impact on visitor experiences and also stimulate economic returns to Canberra. » The Task Force contributed to CBC’s submission to the ACT Budget Submission for the 2010–11 financial year. » Meetings were held with the consultant preparing the ACT Government’s review into Festivals and Events. This is a major study with significant repercussions for the city. » The Task Force continued its close working relationship with the National Arboretum Canberra and commends the Government on the investment it is making to this world class attraction. The Task Force chair sits on the Arboretum Board of Governors. The Council believes that the foresight shown by the ACT Government in developing this facility will pay huge dividends in years to come. » The Task Force expressed its ongoing concerns to the Federal Government on the impact budget cuts and efficiency dividends

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Tourism, Sports and the Arts Task Force

are having on our National Institutions. It is disappointing to see these wonderful facilities having to cut services, curtail outreach programs, slash visitor services and reduce staff. The attitude of the Commonwealth to our most precious national institutions and to the National Capital Authority has been disappointing to say the least.


» The Task Force has supported the Canberra Convention Bureau in its presentations in Sydney and Canberra to potential conference organisers, business clients, government departments and associations in enticing them to view Canberra as an excellent destination for their next event.

Tony Bryce: Canberra Taxi Industry Association

» Planning for the Australia Forum as a new national and international meeting place is on schedule with the Steering Group, headed by Professor Peter Shergold AC, overseeing this project and the development of a Business Case and Scoping Study. This concept was first proposed by the Council in 2005 as a building that would have a national focus. I would take this opportunity to congratulate the Canberra International Airport, in particular Terry Snow and Stephen Bryon, for the massive investment they have made in what is one of the most impressive airport terminals in Australia. When it opens, it will no doubt compare favourably with any comparative city’s airport anywhere in the world. The Task Force continues to have a watching brief on the ACT Government’s funding of Australian Capital Tourism. We applaud the decision to move responsibility for tourism to the Chief Minister’s Department.

Chair: David Marshall: Talkforce Consultants & Trainers Helen Ayres: University of Canberra

Dana Busic: Meetings and Events Association Anne Caine: Canberra District Wine Industry Peter Cursley: Casino Canberra Limited Sue Dever: TAMS Harriet Elvin: Cultural Facilities Corporation Steven Fanner: Australian Hotels Association Joseph Griffiths: Tourism Industry Council (ACT & Region) Neale Guthrie: Canberra Stadium Robyn Hendry: Canberra Convention Bureau Inc Sarah Hitchcock: Centenary of Canberra—ACT Project Trish Kirkland: National Museum of Australia Jeremy Lasek: Chief Minister’s Department Gavin Macdonald: ACTSPORT Shanthini Naidoo: National Gallery of Australia

Ongoing issues that occupied Task Force members attention included the new Autumn Festival proposed by the ACT Government; the impact of water restrictions and maintenance on the city’s sports ovals; the need for a new Performing Arts Centre; the announcement of a new sports stadium at Bruce as part of Australia’s World Cup submission; and the release of potential hotel sites in CivicThe Task Force also welcomed progress on the Kingston Foreshore development and the Acton precinct coming to life—all working towards providing a quality visitor experience to the city.

Emmanuel Notaras: Canberra CBD Ltd

Could I sincerely thank the 30 members of the Task Force for their ongoing support and involvement and Canberra Business Council CEO Chris Faulks and her staff Gary Beck and Elly Szkobel for their assistance. Gary has been tremendously supportive in preparing submissions, attending our meetings and following up the important work of our Task Force.

Barbara Walsh: Australian Sports Commission


Jim Paterson: Canberra Region Tour Operators Marylou Pooley: Australian War Memorial Simonne Shepherd: Australian Capital Tourism Caroline Stacey: The Street Theatre Linda Staite: Canberra CBD Ltd Alan Thompson: Parliamentary Services Dept. Parliament House

David Whitney: artsACT Allan Williams: Qantas Airways Ltd


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | International Business Task Force


International Business Task Force

During 2009–10 the International Business Task Force (IBTF) further consolidated and strengthened its leadership role in the ACT and surrounding Region’s international business and export community. The IBTF signed off on its Strategic Plan at the beginning of 2009–10. The Plan is built around progressing three key objectives: 1. The ACT Exporters’ Network—The IBTF, as the governing body for the ACT Exporters’ Network will focus on opportunities to raise the profile of exporting and international business, identifying and building positive and mutually beneficial relationships and developing and supporting programs which build capacity amongst exporters. 2. Inwards Investment—The IBTF has established a sub-committee to assist with identifying and addressing the issues which constrain inward investment into the ACT. 3. Policy Development—The IBTF has established a sub-committee to generate informed policy advice to government and other bodies. The IBTF’s new structure has enabled it to undertake important work in the areas of education exports, export assistance and training models for exporters and the Shanghai World Expo. The major highlights for 2009–10 included:

ACT TRADESTART OFFICE CLOSURE In May 2010 the Federal Government announced that it was halving the budget for the TradeStart Program, a co-funded partnership with State and Territory Governments, industry associations and regional development boards to deliver export assistance to SMEs. The funding cut meant that Austrade closed the TradeStart Canberra office, which was run by the NSW Business Chamber, severely limiting the provision of vital export assistance services to the ACT and Capital Region. The IBTF sent a letter to the CEO of Austrade Mr Peter Grey expressing its concern at the removal of TradeStart services from the ACT and Capital Region. The Task Force also raised the matter with the ACT Chief Minister and Parliamentary Secretary for Trade, the Hon Anthony Byrne MP at a Network breakfast on 27 May 2010. In response to Austrade’s Request for Tenders for the provision of TradeStart services released on 11 May 2010, the Canberra Business Council submitted a non-compliant tender response for the delivery of TradeStart services in the ACT and Capital Region. The tender focused on the partnerships and networks currently in place through Canberra Business Council including the ACT Exporters’ Network.

AUSTRALIAN EXPORT HERO AWARD ACT EDUCATION SERVICES EXPORT STRATEGY Canberra Business Council’s International Business Taskforce formally submitted the ACT Education Services Export Strategy to the ACT Government in late March 2010. The Strategy focused on achieving sustainable export growth, leveraging Canberra’s unique position as Australia’s capital and fostering positive engagement of the business and broader community with international students. The Strategy is built around four strategic objectives: 1. Building Collaboration & Capacity 2. Enhancing the Student Experience 3. Developing Canberra’s identity as Australia’s Education capital 4. Strengthening Infrastructure and Support The ACT Education Services Export Strategy aims to create additional value over and above what education institutions already do and achieve, in their current marketing, recruitment and international engagement strategies.

The IBTF received notification from the Australian Institute of Export (AIEX) in March 2010 that its application nominating Mr David Gaul as an Australian Export Hero was successful. The application was completed with the support of the ACT Chief Minister and organisations such as Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre, MAW Action and CEA Technologies. The Australian Export Heroes Awards program is a national initiative which is run by the Australian Institute of Export (AIEX) and recognises and congratulates the individual champions of Australia’s export community. The Awards highlight people who have dedicated and committed a significant period of their working life to building Australia’s export and international interests. The Governor General, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC presented David Gaul and five other outstanding individuals with the 2009–10 Australian Export Hero Awards at an Induction Ceremony at Government House.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | International Business Task Force

SHANGHAI EXPO Members of the IBTF were very pleased to see the ACT Government adopt several of the ideas and recommendations contained in the Task Force’s ‘Strategy for the Private Sector Engagement Surrounding the Shanghai World Expo 2010 on behalf of the Business Community in Canberra.’ The idea for ACTuality—a new, purpose-built website offering spectacular 360-degree aerial photography of Canberra institutions and attractions—was conceived at the ACT Exporters’ Network Expo Focus Group in July 2009. The IBTF would like to thank Ernst & Young and Mr Chris Nailer from the Australian National University for their part in developing the Strategy.


MEMBERSHIP OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TASK FORCE Chair: Marita Corra: Inland Trading Co (Aust) Immediate Past Chair: Kevin Reilly: Global Trade Remedies Pty Ltd (July 2009–January 2010) Brooke Anderson: Export Development Manager Andy Castle: ActivIdentity Brent Juratowitch (President, ACT Exporters’ Network): Recruitment Systems Pty Ltd Chris Horsburgh: Austrade Glenn Keys: Aspen Medical

SERVICE DELIVERY MODELS FOR EMERGING EXPORTERS During May and June 2010 the IBTF worked closely with Canberra Business Council’s management team to construct a service delivery model tailored to emerging exporters that delves deeply into effective export strategy, market entry strategies, growth relationships and resource building. The model formed part of Canberra Business Council’s overall tender for the ACT Government’s Request for Tender for delivery of Canberra Business Point, an ACT Government-funded initiative which delivers general business training and advisory services to ACT companies. On behalf of the IBTF I would like to thank Mr Chris Nailer, Mr Peter Dawson and Professor David Widdowson for their work in developing a delivery model for emerging exporters in the ACT. Finally, I would like to thank all members of the IBTF for the invaluable input they provide to the IBTF. It is this level of commitment which has ensured the continued growth and success of this Task Force. I would also like to acknowledge the Immediate Past Chair of the IBTF, Mr Kevin Reilly and former IBTF member Michael Cliff, for their dedication to the Task Force over many years. I have inherited an extremely exciting work program and look forward to continuing to deliver outcomes for the ACT’s international business community.


David Malloch: Malloch Digital Design Chris Nailer: Australian National University (ANU) Peter Dawson: PJ Dawson & Associates Paul Stapleton: NCITA Professor David Widdowson: Centre for Customs & Excise Studies, University of Canberra Phil Williamson: Intelledox Peter Askew: Beyond Business Connections Ron Thompson: EOS Space Systems Pty Ltd Michael Cliff: Cliff & Associates (July 2009–October 2009)

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Innovation, Education & Sustainability Task Force


Innovation, Education & Sustainability Task Force

TERMS OF REFERENCE The objectives of the Task Force are to: » Develop strategies to encourage innovation in business as a means of competing in a connected, global knowledge economy. » Develop strategies to promote sustainability as a key to business success in the future. » Promote education export in the Capital Region and to identify business opportunities across the wider education spectrum. » Identify key projects and initiatives in the areas of innovation and sustainability that will make a sustained contribution to regional economic development.

The Innovation Task Force has also been active in engaging with the ACT Government,, NICTA, Capital Angels and a myriad of other bodies and individuals. The recent changes within the Federal Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and the establishment of Commercialisation Australia have also required engagement with many new ecosystem participants. Monthly meetings have been held and have been well attended. We have regularly found our agendas to be larger than the amount of time available, but this situation reflects well on the Task Force and its membership. The current level of discussion means we still have much to cover as we move into the next financial year.

SUBMISSIONS 2009–2010 This Task Force was reinvigorated in 2009–10 in recognition of the growing agenda in innovation and sustainability facing the business sector in the region. The Terms of Reference were recast and the areas to be considered specified. These now include sustainability, education, information infrastructure as well as the broader innovation brief. It was recognised from the outset that other Task Forces also have interest in many of these areas and we have explored and engaged with these bodies as required. It has been a very busy twelve months and I would like to thank members for their engagement and support but also for the assistance in identifying and recruiting Task Force members and members of the wider community to support our special interest working groups. This level of engagement will provide considerable benefits in the future both for Council members but also for our environment. It was also recognised that membership of the Task Force would need to be changed due to the broader scope of the Task Force and following discussion throughout the year. It was acknowledged that addressing each of the topics could best be achieved through the establishment of working groups. We have now moved to establish special interest working groups as topics or tasks became apparent. The information infrastructure working group, the education working group and the sustainability working group have all now been convened. The Task Force as a whole will continue to nurture and discuss the innovation environment for the ACT.

The Task Force has prepared advice to Canberra Business Council which has enabled it to to a number of Discussion Papers that have been released by the ACT Government. These have included:

ACT GOVERNMENT SUSTAINABLE FUTURE WORKSHOP FINDINGS REPORT This document was developed as a result of a series of workshops and seminars hosted by ACTPLA. The Task Force explored this paper from the perspectives of sustainability, supporting education and training requirements and also from the perspective of information infrastructure and its integration into these plans. Many of the submissions and workshops indicated a requirement to take a more holistic perspective and our paper applauded this approach. We understand that the CBC submission was well regarded by the committee.

NATIONAL TO SOLAR CAPITAL—OPTIONS FOR AN EXPANDED ACT ELECTRICITY FEED-IN TARIFF The solar feed-in tariff discussion paper was released for comment by an Inter-Agency Committee, chaired by the ACT Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water (DECCEW.) The paper provided some econometric modelling of the current policy regime and the impact of alternatives that were being explored. These alternatives included an expansion of the system to cater for medium—and large-

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Innovation, Education & Sustainability Task Force

scale production of solar energy and the expansion of the current distributed solar feed-in capability. The Task Force recommendation, reflected in the CBC Submission, was that expansion of the cap at this time was not warranted, as the 1.8Kw ACT cap was the current limit in all other Australian jurisdictions, but that the system should enable other forms of micro-generation to be included, such as micro-turbines using natural gas. The Council suggested that this was a better way to support properties that do not have the correct solar aspect while at once encouraging the continued support for the distributed feed-in approach within the region. Further we suggested that the continued deployment of domestic production units and units in small businesses was to be commended as it made use of the existing roof asset. We also felt that this approach would best support the region in growing a green economy and supporting the development of industry skills and capability. This approach also reduced risks of single point sensitivity that might emerge if we only pursued large scale generation.

CREATING A CONNECTED ACT TERTIARY EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT The Tertiary Education Review submission saw us exploring how the excellent tertiary education capabilities based within our region could be better linked with each other and indeed with the community and the business community for the benefit of the region. This is a very important area where the Council recognises that the linkage of business and education sectors is important for the future economic prosperity of the region. We noted that while there have been a number of initiatives led by the tertiary education institutions to connect with business, these initiatives have been few in number and far fewer that we would like to see. The Council position was summarized as: » The Council welcomes the willingness of the ACT Government to seek the input of business and the community into the future of the tertiary education environment » The industry of education is critical to the future equality and prosperity of the community in the ACT » Our universities and CIT and other VET providers would all benefit from greater and more active engagement with business and the


Council stands ready to make meaningful industry advice available » International education brings wealth and cultural diversity to our institutions and our city and as such needs to be treated more comprehensively in economic planning » Opportunities for school based visiting programs can be increased » International students have a large part to play in addressing skills shortages in the economy » The Council recommends the formation of a government-businessuniversity standing committee modelled along the lines of the ACT Skills Commission

ACT TERTIARY EDUCATION TASK FORCE Another major ACT Government education study was created during 2010 as a result of a number of factors including the Bradley Review of higher education, skill shortages and the need to attract people into lifelong learning. The ACT Tertiary Education Task Force has been tasked to negotiate an ACT vision for tertiary education, training and skills development and to report to the Minister for Education and Training on its findings and to make recommendations for ACT tertiary education. The Council is represented on the Task Force and is providing input into ways industry, government and the tertiary education sector can better engage with each other to meet critical skill shortages in a range of professional areas and to better equip young people with employable skills.

INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE The Innovation Task Force has continued to nurture the ICT Information Infrastructure Plan (I3P) that was developed by Canberra Business Council in the preceding year. An Information Infrastructure Working Group was formed to explore initiatives identified in the I3P paper that could be progressed. These were then described in a short statement and explored with the ACT Government representatives. Unfortunately, due to the tight budgetary environment, we have yet to see any of these initiatives supported but interest is apparent on both sides and we will continue to encourage these ideas.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Innovation, Education & Sustainability Task Force

EVENTS During 2009–10 the Innovation Task Force began to explore with Canberra Business Council the staging of events that initiate or continue discussion in areas of interest to the Task Force. As a result we were able with the assistance of Knight Sinclair Merz (SKM) to hold an initial event for the Sustainability Working Group. Professor Malcolm McIntosh was invited to address a group on the importance of sustainability and how it was both broader and increasingly more important than corporate social responsibility (CSR) which had been the flagship program run by the United Nations in this area. Attendees provided positive feedback at this session and Professor McIntosh has agreed to provide advice for the Council’s Task Force activities going forward. Other events have included activities with NICTA and its e-Government cluster, ACT Procurement Solutions and AIIA.

MEMBERSHIP OF THE INNOVATION, EDUCATION & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE Chair: Phil Sloper: Connexxion Bill Andrews: Sneddon Hall & Gallop Michelle Carden: NICTA Peter Gordon: Economic Futures David Gribble: Northrop Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd Tony Henshaw: Unisys Roslyn Hughes: Origin Ventures Sheilagh Hughes: GHD Richard Jones: The Distillery Pty Ltd David Lamont: ANU Enterprise David Malloch: Malloch Digital Design Pty Ltd

DIRECTIONS We expect to be able to conduct many more workshops and forums as the Innovation Task Force and its Working Groups mature. Further we will continue our regular dialogues with ACT Government representatives and seek to explore opportunities to assist them with policy direction and business community engagement in the coming year.

David Matthews: Crystal Approach Peter Murphy: Noetic Solutions Pty Ltd Keats Nelms: ANU Mark O’Brien: Beyond Neutral Anne-Marie Perret: Ernst & Young Tony Robey: Wizard Power


Mario Rosi: Systematica


Kip Tanneer: CB Richard Ellis Mary-Anne Waldren: ASF Limited Phillip Williamson: Intelledox


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here

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Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Small Business Task Force


Small Business Task Force

TERMS OF REFERENCE The Small Business Task (SBTF) was established in 2008. The objectives of the Task Force are to: » provide small businesses with a stronger voice to government with a focus on improving business outcomes for SMEs in the Capital Region; and » ensure that the services and benefits offered by Canberra Business Council (CBC) meet the needs of its small business members The Small Business Task Force has been working on identifying, in more detail, what types of activities and support are most valuable to the small business sector and identifying how Canberra Business Council can provide better service to its small business members. It has focused its attention on information gathering including small business statistics, seminars, member services and representation. A key issue identified over the last year has been the duplication of effort by organisations that represent or support small business. For example, various organisations, such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, banks, accounting firms and industry associations, conduct surveys and provide statistical analysis of the small business sector. A similar duplication of effort occurs with developing and promoting seminars and conducting other knowledge-sharing initiatives.

» a conduit for their voice to be heard by Government. Discussions with government officials also found that they want to hear from the small business community in order to better understand business issues and needs and to enable them to develop policies that meet the priorities of small business. Many of the desired areas of activity are those that should be covered by the ACT Government’s Canberra BusinessPoint (CBP) which provides services to small business, particularly start-up and early stage businesses. During the year the SBTF explored some options for working with the ACT Government to achieve the shared goals. Towards the end of the reporting period the delivery of CBP was put out to tender. The SBTF worked with the Council on its tender response to ensure that the tender reflected the requirements of the SME business community. If CBC’s tender for CBP was successful, resources would be available to deliver many of the initiatives and priorities identified by the SBTF. In the meantime the focus of the SBTF will be identifying and filling the gaps in a somewhat crowded service offering. (See note below) The Council’s strengths lie in consulting with business to understand issues and needs and then raising the profile of these issues with government, the media and the broader business community in order to find a suitable resolution. For the coming year the SBTF will place emphasis on:

The Task Force is interested in identifying those areas where gaps exist and different services are required. Consultation with small business owners and operators found that they are calling for: » problem-solving assistance, i.e. guidance for traversing the government and regulatory landscape. SMEs indicated a preference for face-to-face assistance or a telephone hotline service where they can access information quickly. » a place to exchange ideas, questions and information, i.e. building a community of peers supporting each other. There are opportunities for extending online social networking principles (including a webbased forum) to the small business community. » localised and/or industry-based business communities, i.e., the SBTF could establish or engage with communities of interest with a tighter focus either on specific industries or locations rather than attempt to be all things to all small businesses.

» engaging with the small business community on a localised and industry basis. There will be a focus on strategic issues. To understand and remain responsive to SME issues and priorities the SBTF will continue to conduct issue-specific meetings with small groups of SMEs and run information with keynote speakers, including key figures in the government. » representing small business issues and priorities to government and other key decision-makers. » coordinating services for members, including the promotion of available tools and information resources and providing cross referrals to other Government-sponsored services (CBP, Lighthouse etc) and other organisations (including the NSW Business Chamber) who may have deeper specialisations and resources.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Small Business Task Force

I would like to record my thanks for the support and contribution from all involved in the SBTF. With the Task Force now up and running, and with a recent change to my career, it is a suitable time for me to pass the baton to a new Chair. Kristine Riethmiller has agreed to take on the role and guide the Task Force over the coming year.


MEMBERS OF THE SMALL BUSINESS TASK FORCE Chair: Peter Norton: Independent Property Group Suzette Bailey: Sensory 7 Pty Ltd Tim Benson: B2B in Canberra Pat Byrne: Holis Tech Pty Ltd Ian Davis: National Publishers Bruce Gale: Capital Insurance Brokers Rod Hattch: Wisdom Learning Steve Jamieson: Capital Region BEC Kevin Jeffery: Tharwa Business Centre Elaine Kos: eKonsulting Edward Le Quesne: PricewaterhouseCoopers Christine Macauley: Robbo’s Motorcycles Pty Ltd Jean McIntyre: Marketing Angels Jon Moyes: Millpost Technologies Sue Osborne: Xact Project Consultants Pty Ltd Sam Prince: Zambrero Kristine Reithmiller: KMR Consulting Pty Ltd David Segrott: Australian Health & Safety Services Pty Ltd Frank Starr: Axonn Chartered Accountants


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Business Environment Task Force


Business Environment Task Force

TERMS OF REFERENCE The objectives of the Business Environment Task Force are: » To ensure that the ACT & Federal Governments and the community fully appreciate and welcome the central role business plays in the health and well-being of the whole community; and » To promote a business environment which supports long-term viability for current businesses but also attracts new businesses and investment to the Capital Region.

Capital, to the rest of Australia. Funding cuts to the National Capital Authority, a failure to properly maintain existing infrastructure and fund new infrastructure, apart from at the ANU; the lack of funding and interest to date in the Centenary of Canberra celebrations in 2013; the negative impact of efficiency dividends on the National Institutions; and the fact that responsibility for the National Capital sits hidden within the portfolio responsibilities of the Minister for Home Affairs where it is overwhelmed by a focus on refugees and terrorism.

During the reporting period, the Government Strategies Team concentrated on Federal Government strategies and policies that affect the business community of the Capital Region.

The second aspect is that successive new Federal Governments have failed to appreciate that, as the largest employer in town, their policy decisions relating to public sector employment and procurement have a disproportionate impact in the ACT compared to the rest of Australia. Federal Governments have a responsibility to consider the impact of their decisions on the community located at their doorstep. While it is not appropriate for a National Government to favour one region over another, it is critical that governments are fully aware of the local impact of decisions taken in the national interest, given the extensive interaction between the Federal Government and Canberra businesses which supply government with goods and services.

The Council has established extensive relationships the ACT Government over many years. The Council continues to work closely with all levels of the ACT administration as evidenced by the work undertaken by this and other Council Task Forces in responding to ACT Government Discussion Papers; in the numerous meetings between Ministers and senior Department Heads and our Task Forces; and in the work contracted to the Council and undertaken on behalf of the ACT Government.

In this context, the Government Strategies Team determined that there was a pressing need for the Council to build closer relationships with the Federal Government and its supporting bureaucracy. The objective was to highlight the Federal Government’s responsibility for Canberra as the National Capital but also to deepen the Federal Government’s understanding of Canberra as a unique, services-based and education-driven economy which remains integrally dependent on the Federal Government but also plays an important role in the productivity of the national economy.

Rather than focus at the ACT level, the Business Environment Task Force concentrated throughout 2009–10 on the relationship between the Federal Government and the ACT.

The Task Force has worked on a paper which outlines the importance of the relationship between the Federal Government and the ACT to the vitality of the private sector in the Capital Region and to the broader ACT community. In addition the Task Force has planned a series of Round Table meetings with Departmental heads and a forum of senior managers in the public and private sectors designed to better educate senior APS leaders about business in the ACT and the impact of departmental policies and decisions on ACT businesses. The Forum, to be jointly chaired by Canberra Business Council and the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) NSW & ACT Ltd, will also educate the business community about public sector policy constraints.

The work of the Task Force continued through the year, allocated across the three Teams as reported below.


Following the election of a new Labor Government late in 2007, the Council and the broader ACT business community faced the recurring challenge that first term Federal Governments rarely understand the symbiotic relationship between the Federal Government and Canberra and the Capital Region. This relationship has two aspects—the first relates to the fact that first-term Federal Governments rarely appreciate their responsibility for Canberra as the National Capital and for promoting the National

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Business Environment Task Force

The Team concluded that once the relationship between senior private and public sector managers had improved, there was an opportunity to reinstate the National Capital Consultative Committee as a forum for the relevant Federal and Territory Ministers to sit with representatives of the business community to discuss priorities for the ACT.


» Organised a guest speaker from COTA for CBC members on attraction/retention strategies and other employment issues relating to mature age workers. The Flexible Work Styles Team expects that the recovering economy and the need to lift productivity will require a strategy in the coming period that focuses on: » The impact of skills gaps as the economy recovers;

Flexible work arrangements were once rare in the workplace but are fast becoming a tool to attract and retain all workers. The demographics of the Australian workforce have shifted significantly. Women account for half of the workplace and our workforce is ageing.

» How employers are coping with the National Employment Standards and in particular, the value of parents’ right to request flexible work arrangements;

The Australian Government has acknowledged the first of these by introducing a National Employment Standard that provides parents with children under school age the right to request employment flexibility. The UK introduced a similar employment law in 2003 and it has been modified to now include all workers with caring responsibilities. Australia should expect to see this change in the next few years.

» The impact of superannuation rules relating to retirement age.

Much more needs to be done to retain and value the contribution of older workers. A close working relationship has been established with a number of businesses and organisations working in this field, especially CareerMums, the ACT Council of the Ageing and the Chief Minister’s Department of the ACT Government. During the reporting period, the Flexible Workstyles Team: » Responded to policy issues such as the proposed National Paid Parental Leave Scheme and provided information on this scheme to the CBC Secretariat to distribute to Council members; » Provided information to members regarding the two recently introduced National Employment Standards—Requests for flexible working arrangements and parental leave and related entitlements; » Participated in the Employment and OH&S Seminar series which the Council ran for CBC members; » Updated a ‘Flexibility & Diversity Resources Guide’ for the CBC website for all members to use;


» Attraction/retention of mature workers through wise work styles; and

WORKPLACE REGULATION TEAM 2009–10 saw many changes and challenges in the areas of Work Safety and Workers Compensation, not only in the ACT, but also at a National level. New Work Safety Legislation was due to commence at the end of 200809 but was delayed for three months while supporting Regulations were drafted and passed. The Council provided major input to the process of developing both and made comments that were reflected in the final shape of the framework now in place. The commencement of the new framework in the ACT saw a move towards what will be reflected in the Nationally Harmonised Work Safety framework in 2012. This places the ACT at the forefront of business compliance in Australia. The Model Rules that will be used as the basis of the Nationally Harmonised approach were reviewed by the Council and by our Kindred Organisations; particularly the Safety Institute of Australia and the outcome was reflected in the final framework. The next phase of this process will be the release of the Draft Regulations and Core Codes of Practice. This release is scheduled for November 2010, but may be delayed by the timing of the Federal Election to be held late in 2010.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Business Environment Task Force

Business Environment Task Force continued

The Council continues to work closely with the NSW Business Chamber through its affiliation agreement to assist members in the region outside the ACT to manage work place safety and compensation issues and to represent their views to the NSW Government. The Council also promotes the views of business in the field of workplace safety and compensation through its representation on the ACT Work Safety Council and the ACT Default Insurance Fund Advisory Committee. One of the Council’s Directors, David Segrott, represents the Council on the NSW Business Chamber’s State Advisory Council and has recently been asked to sit on the NSW OHS Committee of the NSW Business Chamber. The next 18 months will be a challenge for businesses as the harmonised Work Safety Legislation and Regulations are rolled out. The Task Force is seeking additional members with expertise in the area of workplace regulation to provide greater input in order to strengthen the Council’s influence on the process.


MEMBERS OF THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT TASK FORCE Government Strategies Team Leader: Neil Primrose: Primrose Solutions Phil Butler: Australian Institute of Company Directors Andy Gregory: Yellow Edge Kathy Kostyrko: Hays Flexible Workstyles Team Leader: Kate Sykes: Career Mums Paul Flint: Council of the Ageing (COTA) Des Linehan: Effective People Workplace Regulation Team Leader: David Segrott: Australian Health and Safety Services


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here



Canberra Business Council Annual Report | ScreenACT Task Force


ScreenACT Task Force

2009-10 has been a landmark year for the local film television and digital media industries. The ACT Government’s innovative policy to develop a production investment fund will bring long term benefits to the industry and brings ACT into line with other jurisdictions that offer a similar scheme. The $1.8 million fund ($400,000, $600,000 and $800,000 over the next three financial years) will provide finance to film, television and digital media productions. The Fund is expected to support feature films and a number of documentary, television and animation projects The Government has stated that ScreenACT will have a role in facilitating he process. ScreenACT will be the first port of call for the majorty of the work coming through the Fund with the team working closely with producers to ensure the best possible applications are put together for the assessment committees. The guidelines are still being developed at the time of writing but it is expected that the Government’s investments will take the form of equity and will share in recouping that investment from sales. Financing will be dependant on meeting a number of requirements, including having the bulk of financing in place and the Fund will be the last money in and will help close that final piece of the financing puzzle The initiative means that local producers, when financing their projects, will not be disadvantaged when competing with producers from other jurisdictions. It will also mean that the ACT will become an increasingly attractive option for out-of-area producers. In combination with the local advantages, that include under-used locations, distinctive architecture, plenty of sunshine and a skilled local workforce, the industry anticipates attracting an increasing number of runaway productions from interstate. The other by-product of the introduction of the fund is that the ACT screen industry is now been taken seriously. Screen Australia and other State and Territory film offices are sitting up and taking notice of the talent and range of projects that are being developed locally. It is envisioned that ScreenACT will start to look at joint initiatives with other like-minded State film offices.

The tender from Screen ACT came up for renewal in 2010 and at the time of writing we have just heard that the agreement with Canberra Business Council will be renewed for two years with an option for a further twelve months. The approach of outsourcing management to CBC and actively engaging industry in shaping the strategy has been a great success. ScreenACT is responsive to industry needs, can respond quickly to developments in the industry and has been extremely nimble in responding to opportunities to attract further funding. More than 50% of the 2009/10 project funding was secured from external providers, including Screen Australia and the Commonwealth Government Enterprise Connect program. When awarding the contract, the Government commented that the two year plus one rather than the individual year terms is in recognition of the excellent work by the Council in delivering the ScreenACT project. Over the past 3 years, ScreenACT has awarded over $178,000 in grants covering features, documentary and digital media projects supporting both emerging and established practitioners. Some of these projects have gone into production and are an excellent indictator of the level of talent in the region that has been and should continue to be supported. The ACT Government is also to be congratulated on an initiative to review the support it offers the screen industry across the business and arts portfolios through a round table to occur in June and August. ScreenACT would like to see this opportunity to harmonise business and arts policies lead to better outcomes for the screen industry. In particular ScreenACT would like to see pathways to success whereby screen industry practitioners, from the emerging to the more established, can have meaningful careers in the ACT. This means both supporting grass roots filmmaking and ensuring that higher budget films are initiated here or come to the ACT because of natural competitive advantages. The large employment base in production, the highly skilled workforce and the cohesive cooperative nature of the local industry mean that getting the policy settings right will make a major contribution to growing the screen industry.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | ScreenACT Task Force

Already the ACT is one of the nations’ leaders in creative industries, with over 9% of the workforce engaged in that sector compared to 5.3% nationally. Providing an environment where creativity and innovation will flourish will lead to greater employment in the creative industries. Monica Penders is to be congratulated on an outstanding effort as the manager of Screen ACT. Monica increased the budget by nearly 60% by securing external project-based funding for the organisation. Monica’s energy and enthusiasm is infectious and she not only brings a wealth of expertise through her experience as a producer but also a passion for the industry. I would also like to thank the Taskforce. We meet monthly and that regular, continuing commitment to ScreenACT is vital to the ongoing success of the organisation and the industry. Finally I would like to thank Chris Faulks and the CBC board and staff. The support offered by the Canberra Business Council has been instrumental in our achieving a number of goals this


MEMBERS OF THE SCREENACT TASK FORCE Chair: Michael Tear: Bearcage Georgina Jenkins: By George Marisa Martin: EoR Media Seb Perri: AIE Harriet Pike: Ronin Films Andrew Einspruch: Wild Pure Heart Paul Kirwan: ANU Andrew Marriot: Silversun Pictures Dave Le Ruez: Channel Vision/NRS Terry Wilkins: PRIME TV Annette Hurda: Screen South East Glen Eaves: ACT Filmmaker’s Network Chris Hindes: Production Hub


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | 2009 Annual Winner Business Achievement Award


2009 Annual Winner Business Achievement Award Presented to Strategic at 2009 Annual Gala Dinner

L to R: Julian Buckmaster, Darren Stewart (Makin Trax), Sean Wood, Zed Seselja, Doug Stuart, Melissa Humphries, Ken Hendrie

STRATSEC PUNCHES ABOVE ITS WEIGHT Starting in 2003 as a small Canberra-based information security company, with a small number of clients and even smaller team totalling three, stratsec now counts—after just five years of operation—Microsoft, SanDisk, SAIC and IBM as key international clients. During 2009–10, the company confirmed its first international office in Singapore, as part of its strong export focus and expanding footprint into the Asia-Pacific region, the US and UK. It’s been quite a ride for stratsec, with exciting times ahead. stratsec is an independent Australian-owned provider of information security consulting services to a diverse range of global private and public sector clients with a presence in each Australian capital city. Key services include: business security consulting, ICT security, trusted advisory and technical assurance services including Common Criteria evaluations. Export success for stratsec has been largely driven by the establishment of an internationally accredited IT security evaluation facility (stratsec lab) and its independence from the security vendors. Their unique Australian and pragmatic approach has enabled them to engage and win contracts with government agencies and major international software companies, in competition with large multinational players in the IT security industry.

Key to the success of stratsec has been the commitment of their dedicated personnel and unique approach to aligning security capabilities with the risk profile of their clients. This success has been recognised in securing Telstra Business Awards in 2007 (MYOB ACT Small Business category) and 2008 (Panasonic SME category); the 2008 ACT Emerging Exporter Award; and this year’s Froggy Award (SME category); awarded to the highest achievers in the Federal Government ICT market. For further information on stratsec contact them on (02) 6260 8878 or visit their website at Presentations were made by the Chairman to representatives of the following companies who were the recipients of CBC’s Monthly Business Achievement Awards.

THE UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Section Title Here


AUSTRALIA’S CAPITAL UNIVERSITY The University of Canberra has enjoyed a year of rapid change and development. New methods in program delivery have been introduced and major building works undertaken. The University has further-developed its proud tradition of delivering highly employable graduates to the ACT, surrounding regions and every state in Australia. As one of Canberra’s largest businesses, the University continues to contribute to the region’s economic and social development. The employability of university graduates is an Australian Government priority, as recommended in the Bradley Review of Higher Education. It’s an issue which industry has also acknowledged. Accordingly, the University incorporates Work Integrated Learning (WIL) into its courses to address the skills shortages in the ACT and Australia in general. This initiative focuses on developing a strategic, best practice approach to WIL. It ensures a supply of professionally competent graduates ready to deliver a high level of productivity for employers from day one. Quality teachers, lawyers, scientists, nurses and allied health professionals, accountants, marketers, IT professionals, administrators, architects and designers all benefit from a focused approach to Work Integrated Learning. Fulfilling the needs of Industry plays a significant role in shaping the future structure of education, not only at tertiary level, but also across vocational and senior secondary schooling. To that end, the University has established formal partnerships with the University of Canberra High School -Kaleen, the University of Canberra Senior Secondary College - Lake

Ginninderra, and the Australian Council for Private Education and Training. Memoranda of Understanding, which demonstrate the University’s commitment to collaborative approaches to education, professional development, and life-long learning, have been signed with CIT and the ANU. These partnerships and collaborations reflect Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stephen Parker’s vision that Canberra can be an Education City - one of the best in the world. The University sees itself as a key component in the ACT’s knowledge economy. It has been, and is, making significant contributions to educating professionals in the public sector and the ever-growing private sector. Both of which place more and more demands on highly trained and qualified employees. The University maintains close ties with employers to ensure it delivers graduates with the appropriate professional skills to ‘hit the ground running.’ In addition, through its flexible undergraduate and postgraduate programs the University provides opportunities for professionals to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date throughout their careers. On August 30, a new building was opened on campus. It will house the International Microsimulation Centre and the Ann Harding Conference Centre. This facility will be a hub for economic and statistical modeling and academic and professional forums. Other major building works are underway to renew and reinvigorate the campus. These will both improve the student experience and contribute to the economic development of the ACT. The University constantly looks for ways to become more actively involved

in industry and regional development through participation in business forums such as the Canberra Business Council, the Canberra Convention Bureau, and Regional Development Australia. Recently, a Regional Education Engagement Forum was held to develop strategies that will improve access to education for students disadvantaged by geographic distance and low socioeconomic status. The University of Canberra continues to be a vital link in a highly functioning ACT economy. As a major player in the Canberra business community, the University of Canberra contributed $6.4 million in payroll tax. It employs around 1,000 people, and contributes significantly to the economic growth of the ACT economy through what is broadly termed ‘education exports’. Over 1500 international students are attracted to the University each year. Education is Canberra’s second biggest export, and international and out of region students make a significant contribution to the ACT economy through working and spending during their stay. The campus supports a vibrant microeconomy. Its commercial activities include conference facilities, food and beverage outlets, banking and shops. As a purely commercial entity, the University of Canberra recorded income of $167m in 2009. Commonwealth grants amounted to 30% of this total; the major part was generated through student fees and research income. The University of Canberra is Australia’s Capital University and as such will continue to contribute to the ACT and surrounding region by delivering workready graduates, contributing to the ACT knowledge economy and its broader economic and social development.

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Monthly Business Achievement Awards 2009-10


Monthly Business Achievements Awards 2009-10

2008-09 Monthly Business Achievement Award Winners



Funnelback is a search engine technology and services company offering web and enterprise search engine solution and consultancy services. While Funnelback is a Canberra-based company, it provides a fully hosted search service for client websites run from their data centres in UK, USA and Australia.

Windlab is a global wind energy development company that prospects for and develops wind energy sites in Canada, USA, South Africa and Australia. Windlab was commercialised from the Black Mountain campus at the CSIRO in Canberra in 2003 and has grown to have offices worldwide, but retains a strong presence in Canberra with its technical services and research and development divisions based here. Being in Canberra has enabled to recruit a number of talented graduates and scientists from the local universities and that has really helped Windlab’s growth story.

The search engine project evolved from leading edge technology offering development during an eight year project by the CSIRO. Funnelback was then established in 2005 as the corporate entity to further develop the technology and commercialise the business. It was acquired by Squiz, a leading Content Management System (CMS) company in 2009 which enabled Funnelback UK to break into the European sector where it proved a superior search alternative to the European and NZ markets. Leveraging support services off Squiz enabled it to focus on sales and customer implementations. It expects to make a rapid entry into the US market in the not too distant future. Funnelback was included in the 2008 AFR’s MIS magazine Strategic 100 as a ‘rising star’ company. It was awarded 2010 ACT Chief Minister’s Exporter of the Year for ICT. For more information visit

A computer cluster based in Windlab’s Barton office works day and night performing atmospheric calculations. The results of this modelling are wind maps that the company uses to locate viable wind sites all over the world. Teams in the local offices then undertake stakeholder consultations to develop a renewable energy project. Windlab’s development portfolio currently has in excess of 5,000 megawatts of projects at various stages of development around the world. Although the company has consulted on many wind farms, their own developments are just starting to reach fruition. Windlab initiated the Oakland’s Hill project in Western Victoria in 2004 and their project partners AGL Energy has announced that construction will commence soon. Windlab also has ambitions of a public float in 2011. For more information visit

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Monthly Business Achievement Awards 2009-0

NOVEMBER 2009 SENTINEL Sentinel, ACT Chief Minister’s Exporter of the Year 2009, is a locallyowned and operated environmental monitoring company specialising in the monitoring of water resources and climatic conditions. Sentinel has had continued strong growth, averaging 82% over the past three years. This growth rate has placed Sentinel as number 28 in BRW Fast 100 2009. In the past 12 months Sentinel has continued to export to Africa, Asia, and the Pacific with new projects in the Dominican Republic. Sentinel’s success reflects the commitment, camaraderie and the quality of the team’s work. With the entire team based in the Canberra region and a majority of personnel locally educated, Sentinel is extremely proud to be recognised by the ACT business community and to be awarded the ‘November 2009 Business Success Series Award.’ To date 100 percent of Sentinel’s income is sourced external of the ACT. Sentinel isproud of the fact and that Sentinel is developing a business with strong foundations in export. Sentinel firmly believes that there are great opportunities locally, interstate and internationally for its highly specialized services. In the mean time Sentinel will continue to develop its resources with a view to further future growth. For more information visit

DECEMBER 2009 INDEPENDENT PROPERTY GROUP Proudly tracing its history in Canberra real estate back to 1958, Independent Property Group has now grown to become Canberra’s largest and most successful real estate agency, offering highly trained and experienced professional teams in sales, marketing, property management and body corporate services. Currently Australia’s Large Residential Agency of the Year—a title they have held for three of the past four years, as well as Canberra’s Large Agency of the Year for the 14th time in the awards’ 15-year history, Independent is also the only agency in Canberra to offer a full range of property services under the one roof.


All staff, from the Chief Executive Officer to the newest recruit, regularly undertakes in-house industry-leading training to ensure they remain at the forefront of this highly competitive industry. Independent also has an emphasis on employee recognition, professional development and personal empowerment which has resulted in their being able to attract and retain outstanding staff members. The team at Independent are passionate about what they do. They are constantly striving for excellence with a main focus on providing clients with the best service possible across every facet of real estate by utilising innovative communication strategies, client-focused programs and dedicated service teams. For more information visit

FEBRUARY 2010 SUNFX SunFX was established just over 10 years ago by experienced beauty industry professionals to provide quality products which met the growing need for safe alternatives to sun and UV tanning. Following extensive research and development, SunFX released its new spray-on tan solutions to the market. Years ahead of its time, SunFX was the first company in the world to introduce all natural tanning products. SunFX has since continued to develop extremely popular professional body products with the latest innovative range scheduled for release late in 2010. Originally a small Canberra-based home business, SunFX is now a successful international-export enterprise that continues to grow with offices and distribution centres across the world. SunFX has always been proud to see almost all its products manufactured here in Australia. In 2005 SunFX released unique state-of-the-art equipment which set new standards of design and efficiency in the industry. This achievement was acknowledged later that year when SunFX proudly received the prestigious Australian Design Mark Award for design excellence. SunFX attributes its success to great staff and constantly striving to achieve high standards in both product quality and unmatched customer service. For more information visit

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Monthly Business Achievements Awards


Monthly Business Achievements Awards 2009-10 Continued

MARCH 2010 2K AUSTRALIA Located in Braddon, 2K Australia is a game-development studio that has contributed to titles that are highly acclaimed in Australian and international gaming industries. Founded in 1997 as Irrational Games by multi-award winning developers Jonathan Chev and Ken Levine, the studio was acquired by Take Two Interactive in 2005 and is now known as 2K Australia. 2K Australia works closely with other international 2K studios on the development of new and existing intellectual property including the award-winning BioShock franchise. The original BioShock is considered to be one the finest games in the history of interactive entertainment, earning some of the highest ratings and accolades. In addition to BioShock and BioShock 2, 2K Australia has contributed to popular titles such as System Shock 2 and Freedom Force and is now working on an exciting project—as yet unannounced. The studio is dedicated to producing games that achieve excellence in immersive environments, player choice, deep game play and narrative. Through empowering its employees to contribute creatively in everything they do, 2K Australia develops games that are fun, financially and creatively rewarding and that set high standards in the industry. For more information visit

APRIL 2010 PAYME Established in 2006 to service the ACT, PayMe Australia now provides outsourced payroll services to local, national and international companies operating in Australia. PayMe, attributes its quick growth to providing the level of service it would expect to receive if it outsourced its own payroll. PayMe’s clients include family businesses, small-to-medium businesses, contractors, recruitment companies and resource companies. With a philosophy of providing a high level of customer service and a flat fee structure, PayMe has experienced rapid growth and turnover exceeding $57 million last financial year.

PayMe gives its clients outsourced payroll capacity with an in-house feel. No answering machines are used, and all calls are answered within three rings. Services include all possible salary packaging, vehicle leasing, payroll and financial advice to employers and employees. Clients are also able to transfer non-income producing payroll investments directly to core business. PayMe’s high level of service aims to see clients recognised as employers of choice by their employees. For more information visit

MAY 2010 CITADEL GROUP Citadel Group Limited (CGL) provides strategy development, recruitment, nationally-accredited training, contracting, management consulting, integrated communication solutions and outsourced managed services. In 2009, CGL was announced by leading business magazine BRW as Australia’s third fastest growing company, with a three-year average growth rate of 247 percent. A passion for exceeding client expectations and delivering high quality managed service solutions has made the Citadel Group Limited (CGL) one of Canberra’s largest home-grown success stories. This year CGL is set to achieve annual revenues around $65 million. With around 300 staff, CGL is a significant local employer and has extended its portfolio into Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Companies within the group include, amongst others, JBS, ServicePoint, Frontier Recruitment and Gibsons. CGL’s Managing Director, Dr Miles Jakeman, attributes the group’s success to the CGL team’s hard work, commitment and strong desire to exceed client expectations. CGL’s experienced staff works closely with clients to define their requirement, source appropriate people, implement practical solutions, and provide ongoing support so CGL can achieve the best outcomes. For further information visit

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Monthly Business Achievements Awards

JUNE 2010 BEARCAGE PRODUCTIONS Canberra production company Bearcage attributes recent success in the national television market to teamwork and high-quality services. By respecting their team’s individual talents, they have won over 50 national and international awards, broken into the national television market and positioned the company for growth. By the end of 2010, Bearcage will have produced over six hours of factual television for FOXTEL. Currently airing is the ten-part series, titled As Australian As, in which prominent Australians describe what being Australian means to them. Their recently broadcast production For Valour received an Astra Award nomination for most outstanding documentary. Production is also underway on a documentary exploring the life of Australia’s first saint Mary MacKillop. Furthering the future of Canberra’s production industry, Bearcage is financing loans for a producer’s offset through a joint venture with Mandala Films. They believe this service will attract production and post-production work to the ACT. Bearcage’s own television slate will bring more than $2 million into the Canberra sector during the 2011–12 financial year. Bearcage continues to services its core areas of Government, corporate and advertising production. Recent campaigns for ActewAGL, TransACT, Capital Chemists, Mortgage Choice, Parnell Pharmaceuticals, Countrylink, Canberra Centre and Dimetapp have continued a tradition of excellence. Projects with an international focus for Shanghai Expo and a strong emphasis in healthcare, climate change and innovation have been produced for the Government sector. To find out more visit


JULY 2010 AUSTRALIAN SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS (AIS) Australian Scientific Instruments (ASI), owned by the Australian National University (ANU), exports advanced instruments across the world from its factory in Fyshwick. ASI’s most recent customers include NASA, the Chinese Geological Survey and the University of Teubingin, Germany. ASI’s skilled technicians, engineers and scientists work closely with researchers from the ANU and CSIRO to ensure instruments and their applications are at the forefront of science internationally. ASI products include the 12 tonne SHRIMP II ion microprobe used to date the oldest rocks on the planet, and the High Pressure, High Temperature Paterson Rig used to measure rock properties at extreme temperatures and pressures in the Earth’s mantle. Both of these instruments were developed at the ANU. ASI also builds the CSIROdeveloped Alphachron TM which traces the temperature history of rocks and is used to find diamonds, copper deposits, oil and gas. ASI works with subcontractors in Canberra and the region to build the electronics, structures and precision-machined components of each instrument. ASI is currently collaborating with Australian research bodies to develop the next generation of instruments and bring the attention of the international science industry to Canberra. To find out more visit

Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Membership List as at 30 June 2010

Membership List as at 30 June 2010

LIFE MEMBERS Rear Admiral Ian Crawford Mr John Hindmarsh Dr Darrel Killen Mr Ossie Kleinig Mr William Lawrence Mr Denis Page Mr Bert Roberts Mr Robin Schall Mr George Snow

HONORARY MEMBER The Hon Margaret Reid AO

KINDRED ORGANISATIONS ACTSport AIIA Australian Hotels Association Australian Institute of Architects (ACT Chapter) Australian Institute of Company Directors Australian Institute of Management NSW & ACT Ltd Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (ACT Chapter) Australian Medical Council Australian Property Institute (ACT Division) Canberra Convention Bureau Inc Carers ACT ClubsACT COTA (ACT) CPA Australia Engineers Australia, Canberra Division Family Business Australia Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Law Society of the ACT Master Builders Association (ACT) Medicines Australia Inc National Institute of Accountants NECA ACT Property Council of Australia (ACT Division)

Public Health Association of Australia Inc Safety Institute of Australia Inc (ACT Division) The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Volunteering ACT Inc

PRINCIPAL MEMBERS ACTEW Corporation ActewAGL Bankwest Blue Star Printing Clayton Utz Cre8ive Elite Sound & Lighting Ernst & Young eWAY Hindmarsh KPMG Master Builders Association (ACT) Medibank Health Solutions nab Business Centre Canberra National Museum of Australia NEC Australia Pty Ltd Staging Connections (ACT) The Village Building Company Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems Australia

CORPORATE MEMBERS Anglican Church Property Trust ANU AON APP Corporation Pty Ltd ASF Limited Aspen Medical Australian Sports Commission Australian War Memorial B2B in Canberra (Man Bites Dog) Beames and Associates Bearcage Productions Bradley Allen Lawyers


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Membership List as at 30 June 2010

Canberra Convention Bureau Inc Canberra Institute of Technology Canberra International Airport Capital Insulation Casino Canberra CEA Technologies Pty Ltd CIC Australia Limited City News Commonwealth Bank of Australia—Business Banking Centre (ACT) Connexxion Pty Ltd Crowne Plaza & National Convention Centre Deloitte Dyesol Ltd Electro Optic Systems Group Elrington Boardman Allport Lawyers Enhance Corporate Pty Ltd Farrar Gesini & Dunn GE Shaw & Associates (ACT) Pty Ltd Grace Records Management Hotel Realm Hyatt Hotel Canberra Iken Workplace Evolutions Intelledox Koundouris Group Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre Ltd Lintek Pty Ltd Macquarie Equities Limited Manidis Roberts Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers National ICT Australia National Press Club Noetic Solutions Pty Ltd Ord Minnett Ltd PayMe Australia Pty Ltd PCA People Pty Ltd PricewaterhouseCoopers—Canberra Qantas Airways Ltd—Canberra Queanbeyan City Council Regional Development Australia ACT St George Bank Limited Pty Ltd Swell Design The Canberra Times The Communication Link University of Canberra Wizard Power Xact Project Consultants Pty Ltd Yellow Edge Pty Ltd

BUSINESS MEMBERS 10X Canberra South Able Landscaping Pty Ltd ACT XRay Services Pty Ltd Action Joinery ActivIdentity ACTTAB Limited Advanced Electronics Pty Ltd Agile Digital Engineering Pty Ltd Airport International Motel Allstaff Australia ANZ Banking Group Limited Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd Australian Academy of Science Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Business Academy Pty Ltd Australian Capital Tourism Australian Health & Safety Services Pty Ltd Australian International Education Academy Pty Ltd Australian Management Control Axonn Chartered Accountants Batemans Bay & Moruya District Funerals Beaconhill Consulting Bellchambers Music School Betta Canvas Products Beyond Business Beyond Neutral Pty Ltd Boettcher Law Bogar Enterprise Pty Ltd Border Stainless Steel Pty Ltd


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Membership List as at 30 June 2010

Membership List as at 30 June 2010 continued

Bottles of Australia Pty Ltd Boyce Chartered Accountants Brindabella Family Practice Brooks Marchant BTA Unit Trust Button Hawdon & McMahon Callaghans Pty Ltd Canberra Ice Cream Distributors Canberra Orthodontics Pty Ltd Canberra Racing Club CanFab Engineering Pty Ltd Cantlie Recruitment Services Pty Ltd Capital Cabinetmaking Capital Jobs Pty Ltd Capital Magazine Publishing Capital Region BEC Cardno Young CB Richard Ellis CE Industries Pty Ltd Centre for International Economics Chamberlains Professional Services Group Pty Ltd Clicks Recruit Pty Ltd Cliftons Canberra Club Financial Services Canberra Colin Stewart Architects Pty Ltd Communities@Work Complete Technology Integrations Pty Ltd Corkhill Bros Pty Ltd Country Style Windows Pty Ltd Crystal Approach Pty Ltd Cusacks Trading Co Pty Ltd Dale Budd & Associates Pty Ltd Denis Page Management Pty Ltd Dept of Disability, Housing & Community Services Dial Before you Dig NSW/ACT DibbsBarker DKS Security Dynjab Technologies Pty Ltd E W A Australia Economic Futures Australia

Edwards Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd eKonsulting Endeavour Industries Euking Australia Pty Ltd (Aroma Cafe) Financial Integrity Group Fivium Flair Gourmet Services Formach Pty Ltd GHD Pty Ltd (Belconnen) Golden International Investment Pty Ltd Guida Moseley Brown Pty Ltd Harry Notaras Investments Pty Ltd HBA Consulting HBO & EMTB Pty Ltd Hepatitis Australia Herron Todd White Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd Hopes Goulburn Cordials Pty Ltd Horizon One Recruitment Pty Ltd Hydraulic Doctors Pty Ltd Independent Steel Company Pty Ltd Inland Trading Co (Aust) Insitec Pty Ltd IT Management Solutions Jim Murphy Market Cellars Pty Ltd Jo Fisher Executives John McEwen House Pty Ltd John Michelin & Son John Watson Blind & Awnings Just Travel Kell & Rigby Pty Ltd Ken Roberts Marketing King O’Malleys Pty Ltd Kings Printing Shop Kinsella Partners KMR Consulting Pty Ltd KordTech Pty Ltd Kowalski Recruitment Pty Ltd Lanyon Management Services Malloch Digital Design Pty Ltd


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Membership List as at 30 June 2010

McArthur Management Services—Canberra McMahon’s Lawn Turf & Maintenance Mecu Moulis Legal National Folk Festival National Gallery of Australia National Publishers Neil Davies Pty Ltd Netspeed Northfork Chemicals (Australia) Pty Ltd Northrop Engineers Pty Ltd Parasol EMT Pty Ltd Perin Group Management Pty Ltd Peter R Norton-Baker Pty Ltd PJ Dawson & Associates Pleasurelea Caravan Park Pty Ltd Point Project Management Pty Ltd Powell’s Stockfeeds Precision Metals Pty Ltd Primrose Solutions Pty Ltd Professional Management Solutions Pty Ltd Pryor Knowledge (ACT) Pty Ltd Purdon Associates Pty Ltd Queanbeyan Business Council Radpharm Scientific Reading Room Australia Pty Ltd Rider Levett Bucknall ACT Pty Ltd Riteway Curtains & Blinds Canberra Pty Ltd Robbo’s Motorcycles Pty Ltd Royal National Capital Agricultural Society Sales Innovation Seeing Machines Pty Ltd Serafin & Co (Bactfobe Pty Ltd) Sharon Williams Chiropractic Shaw Vineyard Estate ShelvMaster Pty Ltd Sigma Bravo Pty Ltd SilverSun Pictures SIMmersion Holdings Pty Ltd Smart Upholstery Pty Ltd

Snedden Hall & Gallop South Coast Beverages SRC Solutions Pty Ltd Stratagem SYPAQ Systems Systematica Pty Ltd Talkforce Consultants & Trainers Taylor’s Window Supplies Tetlow Tigwell Watch The Brassey of Canberra The Creators Workshop The Distillery Pty Ltd The Enterprise Group The Nous Group The Picture Show Man Cinema The Production Hub The Wise Academy Totally Wired Electrical Services Pty Ltd Training & Tertiary Education Directorate Uneke Furniture Union Offset Co Pty Ltd Universal Express Group Urban Contractors Viria Pty Ltd Waramanga Medical Centre Pty Ltd Westgroup International Pty Ltd Westpac Banking Corporation Wilde & Woollard Consultants Pty Ltd Wisdom Learning XTEK Limited Young Women’s Christian Association of Canberra Zenith Interiors (ACT) Pty Ltd

ACT EXPORTER’S NETWORK MEMBERSHIP ActivIdentity AMS Australia Pty Ltd AMSAT International Aspen Medical


Canberra Business Council Annual Report | Membership List as at 30 June 2010

Membership List as at 30 June 2010 continued

AusIndustry Austrade Australian Network of Maritime Education & Training Australian Scientific Instruments Austranter Medical Bayley & Associates Best Exhaust Pty Ltd Beyond Business Connections BigWorld Pty Ltd Buchanan Law Business & Industry Development Unit, Chief Minister’s Dept. CAER International Calcom-Solutions Capital Football CEA Technologies Centre for Customs and Excise Studies Codarra Advanced Systems Compucat Research Pty Ltd Contentkeeper Technologies Cross Cultural Communications and Management Defence Export Unit Design Construct Industries Electro Optic Systems Group Enable Software Pty Ltd Ernst & Young Services Trust Evalua Pty Ltd eWater eWay Exergy Australia Pty Ltd Export Solutions ExSport Management Fitness Trails FRoG Tech Pty Ltd Hindmarsh Hitting Lab iCognition Ideas Connect Inland Trading Co (Aust) Intelledox JP International Hospitality College

Kinetic Performance Technology KPMG La Bella Creations Laughing Owl Productions Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre Ltd Lipotek Malloch Digital Design Pty Ltd Meyer Vandenberg Moulis Legal Mpowerdome National ICT Australia Natural Systems Pty Ltd Noetic Solutions PJ Dawson & Associates Pty Ltd Poacher’s Pantry Professional Public Relations Radpharm Scientific Pty Ltd Random Computing Services Pty Ltd Recruitment Systems Ronin Films Seeing Machines Limited Sentinel Pty Ltd Smartfix Industries Software Improvements Pty Ltd Splatter Sterian Partners Stratsec The Communication Toolbox The Distillery Pty Ltd The WISE Academy Pty Ltd University of Canberra—Centre for Sports Studies Viria Why Wurry Internet Solutions Wizard Power Pty Ltd XP Software XTEK Ltd Yellow Edge



‘COMMITTEE OF 22’ ACT Automotive Services Association ACT Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association ACT Committee of the Australian Finance Conference ACT Master Hairdressers’ Association ACT Master Joiners’ Association Association of Permanent Building Societies of the ACT Australian Association of Independent Business Ltd Australian Institute of Drycleaning, ACT Building Owners and Managers Association Canberra Builders Supply Merchants’ Association Canberra Chamber of Commerce Canberra And Monaro Pharmacists’ Association Confederation of ACT Industry Construction Suppliers’ Association, ACT & Region Electrical Contractors’ Association, ACT Housing Industry Association Master Builders’ Association, ACT Master Painters’ Association of the ACT Master Plumbers and Sanitary Engineers’ Association, ACT Nsw Chamber of Manufacturers (Act & District Office) Queanbeyan Chamber Of Commerce Queanbeyan City Council Real Estate Institute of the ACT Restaurant Industry Association of the ACT Yarrowlumla Shire Council



Annual Report

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