3D Puff Embroidery Digitized embroidery is the perfect way to add a little spice and decor to any outfit. It can be attached to nearly anything, whether it's a décor item or an everyday clothing piece such as jackets, shirts, hats, or backpacks. Cre8iveSkill offers an extensive variety of embroidery digitizing that can be later converted into patches, including the evergreen 3D puff embroidery. 3D puff embroidery has designs extruded on a backing material. Adding 3D dimensions to any design can improve its overall appeal. You can have the entire design with puff stitching or have your design elements in 3D puff embroidery. It's totally up to you. The options are limitless!
Fees & Pricing Up to 10,000 Stitches
$ 8.00USD
10,001 to 15,000 stitches
$ 12.00USD
15,001 to 20,000 stitches
$ 18.00USD
20,001 to 35,000 stitches
$ 25.00USD
35,001 to 50,000 stitches
$ 40.00USD
50,001 to 65,000 stitches
$ 50.00USD
Rush Order
No Charge
Minimum Charge
$ 8.00USD
Maximum Charge
$ 150.00USD
Minor Edits or Redoing
Major Edits or Redoing
Based on time, effort
Contact Us info@cre8iveskill.com www.cre8iveskill.com +91 937-227-3711