High Quality Chain Stitch Machine Embroidery Digitizing Service

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Chain Stitch Embroidery

Chain stitch embroidery is a popular type of embroidery that is often used for borders and details.This embroidery can be done by hand or with a machine, and it produces a lovely, delicate look.The chain stitch is among the most ancient embroidery techniques that are still being used in many parts of the world and were even identified from garments found in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Let's learn the basics of chain stitch embroidery, including what it is, where to use it, and how Cre8iveSkill can bring out the best in your digitized embroidery designs with perfectly executed chain stitch embroidery.





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Up to 10,ches 000 Stit 10,001 to 15,000 stitches 15,001 to 20,000 stitches 20,001 to 35,000 stitches 35,001 to 50,000 stitches 50,001 to 65,000 stitches Rush Order Minimum Charge Maximum Charge Minor Edits or Redoing Major Edits or Redoing $ 8.00USD $ 12.00USD $ 18.00USD $ 25.00USD $ 40.00USD $ 50.00USD No Charge $ 8.00USD $ 150.00USD Free Based on time, effort Fees & Pricing GET QUOTATION www.cre8iveskill.com
Contact Us www.cre8iveskill.com info@cre8iveskill.com www.cre8iveskill.com +91 937-227-3711

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