APR / MAY 2011 NO 6 FREE
founder & publisher fernando de haro production director analee g. paz
copy editor
graciela garcia
NO 6
april • may 2011 C I T Y M A G A Z I N E
jerome averill, selene cuevas, gabriela enriquez, mayra flores, beba torres
design & production photographer ferch graphic designer analee g. paz
writers ana chaverria, fernando de haro, gabriela enriquez, kristel e. gomez, moon jamaluddin, bobby turner special thanks
publisher bienvenidos a nuestra sexta edición de Abril/Mayo. Nos llena de gusto presentarles nuestra sección principal dedicada a los niños; ellos nos cuentan lo que les gusta hacer y lo que quisieran ser cuando sean grandes—en una increíble sesión de fotos que captó la esencia y personalidad de cada uno de los chiquitines. Agradezco a todos los padres de familia quienes muy amablemente atendieron nuestra invitación para que sus hijos participaran e hicieran de este número uno de los más especiales que hemos creado. Además de nuestras secciones ya establecidas, en esta ocasión viajamos a Cuernavaca para compartir imágenes en exclusiva de la boda de Valeria y Poncho en un evento que catalogamos como uno de los mejores en mucho tiempo… ¡felicidades a la nueva pareja! Entre otras notas, una chica de Laredo nos lleva por un recorrido de la ciudad de Los Ángeles donde nos comparte sus opiniones acerca de la gran diversidad que ha encontrado al residir en esa gran metrópoli. También entrevistamos a Chito González, quien a su corta edad sobresale en el mundo del golf. Deseamos que este número sea de su agrado y los esperamos la próxima edición con la cual estaremos celebrando nuestro ¡primer aniversario! ¡Gracias a todos nuestros patrocinadores por creer en nosotros y ayudarnos a mantener vivo este gran esfuerzo!
celina diaz, familia paz + serna, laredo country club, frank rotnofsky, ina moreno casso, ina serna moreno, leticia moreno casso, jessica guajardo, ronda de vally, only collection, kuauh de haro, erica luna, katie gutierrez, steve jobs and mafalda.
ADVERTISING sales@creamcitymagazine.com + 956.753.6755
N o6 cream team
Analee G. Paz
Selene Cuevas
Gabriela Enríquez
4 Paola Seifer 5 Marcelo Serna Moreno 6 Mayra Flores 7 Graciela García 8 Jerome Averill 9 Beba Torres
Cream City Magazine on Twitter for daily updates, tidbits, behind the TWEET US! Follow scenes pics+videos+links, and pointless babble at twitter.com/creamcitymag Copyright © 2011 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images in their ads. Printed in Mexico.
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TO THE with Dolly Marie Bonugli
IN 43
1 Senz Umbrella by Senz, $84, senzumbrellas.com 2 London Skyline Squidarella by Squid London, $35, squidlondonshop.com 3 The Davek Traveler by Davek NY, $79, davekny.com 4 Umbrella Pot by Kyouei Design, kyouei-ltd.co.jp 5 Umbuster by Sruli Recht, $312, srulirecht.com 6 Samurai Sword Ninja Folding Umbrella by Materious, $35, materious.com 7 Rain Parade by Fred Flare, $32,fredflare.com 8 Raindrops on Railways Umbrella by ModCloth, $30, modcloth.com
Singin’ in the Rain YOU’LL BE JUMPING DIRECTLY INTO PUDDLES WITH THESE AMAZING UMBRELLAS! “drip, drop, splash” are among the many sounds we hear during this wonderful month of April. Just thirty days of rain and then we can finally embrace springtime with open arms. Even if the rain may be a bit much at times, make the best of it and sport a fabulous umbrella that will not only keep you dry, but will also keep others in awe of your superb taste. The color changing umbrellas, umbrellas that double as swords (for the child in us), and the windproof umbrellas are some of the selections available below. With your nifty umbrella in tote, you’ll be all set for those humdrum days that lie ahead! mayra flores
CLAUDIA LANESE GARCIA, ATTORNEY AND ALTRUIST Successful attorney with the vocation to nurture, help, and better the lives of others.
SANTOS RAMOS G., ENTREPRENEUR AND ATHLETE A well known figure in the sports circles, his name is synonymous with perseverance and success.
YVONNE CALDERON, PAINTER AND MOTHER Painting gives her a sense of being, the brush is her voice, and the canvas is the colorful world where she articulates her ideas.
Our 6th edition gives us the opportunity to introduce you to three individuals who truly make a difference in their respective fields—helping those in need, coloring life with a brushstroke, and shaping a body into a work of art. We invite you to learn a little more about them! CLAUDIA LANESE GARCIA Attorney and Altruist
SANTOS RAMOS G. Entrepreneur and Athlete
YVONNE CALDERON Painter and Mother
I have recently partnered with Selina L. Mireles and Madeline Lopez Escoto to form the first all-women law firm in Laredo. I feel blessed and excited to work with these two accomplished, ethical, hardworking women who share the same family values as me.
My career began all thanks to some friends in 1967—and I haven’t stopped since. I started because I wanted to feel proud about my physique; then, I became interested in bodybuilding as a sport, and finally, I turned professional.
During my childhood, I had the pleasure of spending time with both my paternal and maternal grandparents. Doña Genoveva Garza de Ramos was my paternal grandmother and I used to call her mamá grande. She had a great love for art; I discovered my skill in her studio.
I always thought that working for someone else provided more stability—a steady paycheck, benefits, etc. But now that I am in business for myself, I wish I had taken this leap of faith much earlier. It’s actually more work, but the feelings of personal accomplishment, limitless possibilities, and professional independence are well worth it.
After I participated in the Mr. México Bodybuilding Competition, opened my own gym, and got married, I told myself, “What I’m doing now, I’m going to do it very well because this is my life.”
I feel that I was born to express myself through painting. Art became a part of my life as I became acquainted with special people who taught me different techniques.
I never dreamed that my profession would take me to Europe, Canada, and the U.S. It was all very wonderful. I was also a professional wrestler for 25 years and it was very rewarding.
I have had the opportunity to show my paintings in different venues in México and the U.S. It’s very gratifying to know that others have witnessed my work.
Knowing that I am a mother of two young children drives me to do my best and set a good example. By showing my kids the value of a hard earned dollar, I hope they develop a strong work ethic and never take their talents for granted. I always wanted to do something important. When a client comes in with a legal issue, it is the most important event going on in their life at that moment. Attorneys are problem solvers, and the work we do matters to our clients. I am involved in a local breast cancer organization called “Wings Laredo,” which has helped save the lives of many Laredo women by paying for their cost of breast cancer treatment. Over the years, I have met many breast cancer patients, survivors, and advocates. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the “silent soldiers” who work tirelessly, selflessly, and anonymously to help breast cancer patients and their families. I have to give credit where credit is due—everyone at Mercy Ministries and Doctors Hospital, and our Wings Laredo volunteers, just to name a few. Their commitment to these patients leaves me in awe and inspires me to keep going.
My inspiration comes from the people from Laredo, Nuevo Laredo, and all over México who recognize me. My most significant trait is my build since it’s given me notoriety as a bodybuilder and as a wrestler. It might surprise you to know that I am 63 years old and still do somersaults and practice some routines at the gym. If I could start again, I would not be a bodybuilder; it’s too demanding. I would rather choose baseball. I love it and I played it a lot during my youth. I plan to start another gym. I feel strong and fit; I know I still have the capability to do it. I admire Arnold Schwarzenegger. He won the Mr. Olympia title seven times. I was Mr. México seven times too. This career is hard, but very fulfilling. There is a lot of opportunity—make the best of it.
I am inspired by music, nature, diverse works of art and life with its different manifestations. My most significant traits are my joie de vivre, my honesty, and my sensitivity. I’ve had plenty of satisfactions; the one I enjoy the most is a sense of well-being— of peace—that I get when I paint. I hope I can communicate some type of feeling to those who see my work. I admire anyone who works in the arts— music, photography, dance, theater, sculpture, and, above all, painting. I could name famous painters known by everyone, but I have deep admiration for the unknown artists who create art and convey feelings through it. Live every instant to its fullest. Past and future are linked by the present. It’s up to us to decide how to live fully each moment of the present time.
citylife / golf
golf con imagen Bajo un inmejorable clima y con una gran asistencia, este pasado 21 de marzo se realizó el 1er Torneo Internacional de Golf IMAGEN Palace Resorts, presentado por Cancún y Riviera Maya Inmobiliaria. Se contó con la participación de golfistas, no sólo de los dos Laredos sino también de toda la región, los cuales se dieron cita en el Laredo Country Club. Finalizando con la entrega de premios a ganadores y participantes. cream april / may 2011
Es un deporte muy pacífico
Todo comenzó un domingo por la tarde cuando a la corta edad de cinco años, pisó por vez primera un campo de golf, acompañado de su padre y su grupo de amigos. Desde entonces, el golf se ha convertido en más que un simple juego para Chito.
y único que no mucha gente practica. Fue lo que más me gusto después de haber practicado otros dos deportes, fútbol y charrería. ¿CÓMO LLEGÓ A SER EL GOLF IMPORTANTE EN TU
Poco a poco me fui dando cuenta que era un don dentro de mí, algo que se me facilitaba. Al mismo tiempo, quise alcanzar mis metas. ¿CÓMO LLEGASTE A LA SELECCIÓN NACIONAL? Desde pequeño he participado en diferentes torneos: infantiles, juveniles, internacionales y mundiales. Mi prestigio como golfista en esos torneos me llevó a la Selección Nacional. ¿CÓMO TE SENTISTE? Me sentí satisfecho de mi mismo y de mi esfuerzo después de tantas horas de práctica y dedicación al deporte. ¿INFLUYE EL GOLF DE ALGUNA MANERA EN TU VIDA? El deporte me ha hecho la persona que ahora soy. El golf, como todos sabemos, es un deporte tranquilo y basado en la habilidad mental del jugador. Creo que esto ha contribuido a la manera en la que vivo mi vida. RECIENTEMENTE TE COMPROMETISTE A JUGAR PARA VIDA?
Me comprometí verbalmente a jugar con la
Universidad de Oklahoma. Fue un proceso muy largo pero satisfactorio. Yo solamente me dediqué a jugar golf como siempre lo he hecho. Mientras yo jugaba mis entrenadores personales, Cliff Bounds y Jesus Perez, fueron la ayuda clave para este acontecimiento. ¿QUÉ PAPEL HA DESEMPEÑADO TU FAMILIA EN TU DESARROLLO DEPORTIVO? Por más de 10 años mis padres me han apoyado no sólo en lo económico, sino también espiritual y mentalmente. Las palabras resultan insuficientes para agradecerles todo lo que han hecho. También tengo que agradecer a mi hermana y a mi familia y a todo aquel que en algún momento de mi carrera ayudó en el proceso. ¿CUÁLES SON ALGUNAS DE LAS COSAS QUE MÁS DISFRUTAS
HOY EN DÍA EN TU CARRERA DE GOLFISTA? Lo que más disfruto son los fines de semana en el campo de golf. También, el poder visitar muchas ciudades alrededor del mundo estando en torneos. A lo largo de mi carrera, he tenido muchas experiencias, como haber conocido a cientos de golfistas profesionales, incluyendo al que se denomina como el mejor de la historia, Tiger Woods. He participado en academias y clínicas de entrenamiento donde el instructor fue el ex-coach de Tiger Woods. En mi trayecto, he tenido miles de experiencias inolvidables por lo divertidas que fueron. ¿CUÁLES SON TUS METAS EN EL DEPORTE? Acabar mi carrera en la universidad y, algún día, ser profesional de golf y participar en el tour de golf de la PGA. ...Y POR ULTIMO: Quisiera dar las gracias a las comunidades de Laredo y Nuevo Laredo por todo su apoyo a los deportistas locales. También a la revista Cream y sus directivos por su gran trabajo y dedicación. A mi papá, mi mamá, mi coach y mi familia entera pues sin ellos mi carrera no hubiera sido posible.
en el green Miembro de la Selección Mexicana de Golf Participante en el Mundial de Golf en 2006 y 2008 en Jekyll Island, Georgia y Virginia
1er. lugar en Torneo Mundial Doral Junior World Championship en Miami, Florida. 5to. lugar en el Junior World Championship en San Diego, California Tres veces Campeón Nacional Mexicano
cream april / may 2011
vs the
l carnivan editio
POPCORN VS COTTON CANDY Definitely popcorn, I will take salty over sweet any day!
Rollercoaster because they are more thrilling!
n de A rea d n el a, A Lun a Hov toria Monic c i V , , r rrez ’Conno utie ra G erine O d n a h Alej ia, Kat c T // LEF ula Gar M RO Pa
FUNNEL CAKES VS CORN DOGS I rather have funnel cakes because they are really good and corn dogs don’t have much flavor.
WATER RIDES VS THRILL RIDES Definitely thrill rides! I just love the adrenaline rush.
Carnival food is great but the rides are the best! - PAULA GARCIA
WIN A FISH VS STUFFED ANIMAL I would pick a fish because it gives me a chance to take care of something that’s alive and depends on me.
TAKING IT TO THE with Dolly Marie Bonugli
FRENCH MEDITERRANEAN Good things come to those who wait. Immerse yourself in these extraordinary recipes and serve them next time you’re entertaining friends or hosting the Sunday family meal. Either way, preparing these dishes for your loved ones will get you welldeserved accolades.
CHEF DOLLY MARIE BONUGLI graduated with distinction from the French Culinary Institute in Manhattan, where she studied under such renowned chefs as Jacques Pepin, Andre Soltner, Alain Saihac, and Jacques Torres. After her internship at L’Ecole in Manhattan, she worked under Chef Gabriel Kreuther at the Ritz Carlton Central Park South, then under Master Chef Thomas Henkelmann at Homestead Inn in Greenwich, Connecticut. She is currently chef at Doctors Hospital of Laredo.
Vegetable Tart
Balsamic Dressing 2 cloves fresh garlic 1 small shallot 1 tbsp. (each) honey & Dijon mustard Kosher salt Black pepper 1 c. balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar 3 c. olive oil Tart & Filling Balsamic Dressing 4 tbsp. (each) butter & olive oil 2 leeks & 2 red peppers diced 4 green zucchini (2 diced) (2 thinly sliced ⅛”) 1 eggplant diced 2 c. mushroom diced 4 medium tomatoes (2 diced ½” cut) (2 thinly sliced ⅛”) 2 tbsp. (each) fresh thyme chopped & tomato paste 4 cloves garlic chopped 2 c. Chardonnay ¼ c. arugula salad 1 sheet puff pastry thawed and cut with a 4 1/2” round cookie cutter For Balsamic Dressing: In a blender, combine all ingredients except olive oil till blended smoothly. Slowly add olive oil till a nice, thick consistency is achieved. For Tart & Filling: Place puff pastry rounds on a sheet pan. Bake at 350° for 7 min., then place another sheet pan directly on top of puff pastry to prevent rising. Cook till golden brown. In a sauté pan on medium heat, add 3 tablespoons butter and olive oil. Add leeks, bell peppers, and diced zucchini and sauté 4 min. till translucent. Add eggplant, mushrooms, diced tomatoes, thyme, and garlic and cook 4 min. Add tomato paste; cook for 1 min. Deglaze with wine, cover and cook on low for 5 min. till tender. Set filling aside. Assembly: Coat sheet pan with remaining butter & olive oil; using cookie cutter, place one slice of tomato and one slice of zucchini, creating a fan. Add filling and puff pastry round on top. Place in a 350° oven 10-12 min. till warm; use a spatula to turn over tart on to a plate and remove cookie cutter. Drizzle dressing onto arugula salad, place on top of tart, drizzle around the plate. INSTRUCTIONS:
Gril ed Salmon and Asparagus with Lentils and Roasted Pepper Relish INGREDIENTS / 4 SERVINGS
Salmon & Asparagus 4 (8 ounce) salmon seasoned with salt & pepper on both sides 16 stems fresh asparagus Balsamic reduction (can be store bought) or reduce 4 c. balsamic vinegar till it thickens Relish 3 red & 3 yellow peppers 1 bay leaf 2 c. balsamic vinegar 2 c. olive oil 3 tbsp. capers (drained) 2 tbsp. honey ½ tbsp. fresh basil chiffonade 1 tbsp. chopped thyme Lentils 1 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 red peppers & 2 leeks diced 3 cloves chopped garlic 1 bay leaf 3 c. lentils ¼ cube chicken base 3 tbsp. tomato paste 2 tbsp. chopped thyme 3 tbsp. red wine vinegar INSTRUCTIONS: For Relish: Coat peppers
with oil and salt & pepper. Char skin on grill. Place in a covered bowl. When cool, peel; remove seeds, slice, and place in bowl with remaining ingredients. Cover and refrigerate. For Lentils: Heat butter and 1 tbsp. oil in a medium saucepan on medium heat. Sauté peppers and leeks till tender; add garlic, bay leaf, lentils, and water (about 2” above lentils). Add base, tomato paste, and thyme; cover and simmer till tender (approx. 15-20 min.). Uncover and reduce 5 min. more. Take ½ c. lentils and cream in blender. Return to saucepan and add wine vinegar. Check seasonings. For Salmon: Spray non-stick on grill and fish. Place salmon on grill. Once cross marks are achieved, place in a 350° oven till firm to touch, approx 10 min. Toss asparagus in olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on grill and cook till tender. Assembly: Place layer of lentils on plate, then asparagus, and finally the salmon. Top with relish, drizzle with balsamic reduction, and garnish with a plume of fresh basil.
1 c. milk 1 stick unsalted butter Pinch kosher salt 1 cup all-purpose flour 4 extra-large eggs Good vanilla ice cream (recommended: Haagen-Dazs) Chocolate syrup (recommended: Hershey) Toasted almonds Powdered sugar INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat the oven to 425°. Heat the milk, butter, and salt over medium heat until scalded. When the butter is melted, add the flour all at once and beat it with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes together and forms a dough. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat for 2 minutes; the flour will begin to coat the bottom of the pan. Dump the hot mixture into a bowl. Add the eggs and blend with a hand mixer until the eggs are incorporated into the dough and the mixture is thick. Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag or ziploc bag with the end cut out. Pipe in mounds 1½ inches wide and 1-inch high onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. You should have about 18 puffs. With a wet finger, lightly press down the swirl at the top of each puff. (You can also use 2 spoons to scoop out the mixture and shape the puffs with damp fingers.) Bake for 20 min. or until lightly browned, then turn off the oven and allow them to sit for another 10 min. until they sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Make a small slit in the side of each puff to allow the steam to escape. Set aside to cool. For serving, cut each profiterole in half crosswise, fill with a small scoop of ice cream, replace the top, and drizzle with slightly warm chocolate sauce. Garnish with toasted almonds and dust with powdered sugar.
Time to spend with
Experience at:
Crisda Collections 5601 San Dario, Suite 2B Laredo, Texas 78041 956.729.7444
for your bella baby GIFTS. Find unique gifts for
your special occasions— wrapped and ready!
SHOES. Wide selection of the most
comfortable and fashionable shoes for kids. Once you try them, you will be back for more!
COLOR SCHEMES. Custom made hair accessories and wipe cases
always available. Special orders to
match your favorite outfit and wipe cases to match your color scheme or specific theme.
dress your child from head-to-toe
for that special day. Find here the
perfect outfit with the matching hair accessories and shoes!
bella baby For styling your kids from head to toe, Cream could not resist selecting this fabulous boutique as this issue’s biz style pick. bella baby opened its doors in August 2008. But the idea had been around for some time. When Gloria Garcia was pregnant, there were so many choices for baby items online but not many local options. Again, after her first daughter was born, the need was apparent for unique and exclusive merchandise that is not sold through large retailers. Lily De Anda, on the other hand, had been thinking of starting her own business but had not quite decided what it should be. Finally in 2008, Gloria and Lily decided to become partners. They made decisions quickly since individually they had been working on their own plans for a few years, and, fortunately, their respective plans fit perfectly together. Very soon after beginning their partnership, they went shopping— one of the things they do best! And everything fell into place. They placed the initial orders—with no location yet; nonetheless, felt confident that they were going to find the perfect spot. And they did, Times Square Plaza. Their objective was simple: offer not only what a mom would need, but mostly everything a
mom would love to have! Diaper bags, cute clothes, the best shoes, and everything in between! And to make this vision complete, all that was missing was free gift wrapping. We all have tight schedules, and walking out of a store in 15 minutes or less with a beautiful gift already wrapped is a definite plus. This was and continues to be their goal. Bella Baby started as a baby gift store, providing unique and exclusive selections from across the U.S.; however, it has expanded significantly in these past few years in response to a need the owners saw locally. They now offer European as well as American clothing for babies and children, beautiful hair accessories, a full collection of the highest quality shoes, along with an excellent variety of gifts in a range of prices to fit any budget. Their fashionable selection and their excellent customer service have provided them with a great clientele—the reason they continue in this wonderful endeavor. Seeing many of their once pregnant customers, walk in with their babies in hand, makes Gloria and Lily feel they have accomplished their purpose.
They range from backpacks, totes, and clutches, all available in silk brocades, organic cotton canvas
and matte coated canvas, and even luxurious tweed with Italian cut velvet designs!
BELLA BABY Times Square Plaza Suite A-121 1705 E. Del Mar Blvd. Laredo, Texas
cream april / may 2011
in do s ni n u tro m r, vida, s e u e n ría colo amos. d a í er nd s as ué s nada te todos p omento q o d , unta sin ellos r la que esos m s sino g e r o á p re han ecir que etapa p siemp s y pap tro. e s á a d lla en ar m ez na v e podría una be pturar p lo a ma o por d u g l ñ s S ¿A ez e oder ca n no só va un ni os? ñ i ñ i n n p los tido. La ramos nmueve que lle o o ié sen IO quis cen y c r human TUD s e BE S H e c A e Í n F e C s A R Z OGR PTO FE A v e enter G PA FOT todo E LEE a A ONC N C n qu NA bié CIÓ TRA tam ILUS
cream april / may 2011
Si pudieras tener un superpoder, ¿qué sería y por qué?
¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito en el mundo?
...para poder viajar por todo el mundo y conocer muchos países. Karime Alejandra Ramos, 8
Stellan Deutch De La Miyar, 5
Vanessa A. Zamudio, 12
arre c e d s e de coch
Mario-Andre Dominguez, 7
Natalia Deutsch De la Miyar ,7
Marcelo Prida Seifer, 4
Giana Ca
sso, 8
...porque lo que me ha ense単ado mi maestra me gustar鱈a ense単arselo a otros ni単os.
...porque es divertido y me fascina cantar.
Valeria Pri d
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Elle Olivia
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since masaharu morimoto wasn’t available for an iron chef battle, I picked the next best competitor I know in the kitchen: my little sister. Ok, I realize I haven’t had the golden opportunity to set foot into the quintessential Kitchen Stadium, but you never know; Chef Momo could someday be on the battle schedule!
Growing up, the biggest battle between my sister and me was over control of the TV remote after school. We quickly “matured” into fighting over fancy kitchen gadgets. Like most siblings, we are complete opposites except for a few genetic threads that bind us. Although we live in North America, the quirky traditions of our South Asian culture always have centered our lives. The little things that used to annoy us, like the mandatory daily meal that had to consist of rice, lentils, and some protein, now define us. Always looking for ways to take the limelight from the other sibling, we would constantly try to out-cook one another. Our food competition morphed into collaboration around college, while sis was studying overseas and I was just becoming acquainted with the fresh concept of fusing subcontinental flavors. We both started posting on Facebook pictures of my new dishes or cool new cultural foods in her case.
It became more like a recipe swap meet than culinary combat. I began drawing from her palette to experience interesting foods from around the world to add to my own creations. Whenever she got back from exploring Brazil, Argentina, Vienna, Nepal, and countless other countries, I would do a mental download of her eating adventures. To my benefit, she is selective and discerning about flavors and textures. I lived vicariously through her travels and tried to absorb all the rich, simple creativity that thrives in other cultures, hopeful to have my own firsthand experiences someday too. Of all the places she described, I have grown quite fond of the food traditions from South America. Quinoa grains may look like eyeballs, but they’re actually a delicious and versatile base comprised of half grain and half cereal. Quinoa can be added to nearly any savory dish, various salads, and even makes for a high protein breakfast Moon Jamaluddin is a private chef and caterer in Houston, she was born in Bangladesh and brings a new light to the traditional flavors. Find more about Momo Catering on Twitter, Yelp, or Facebook.
with blueberries, cinnamon, and honey (more protein, calcium, and potassium than oatmeal!). After tasting a quinoa black bean salad that my sister made, resembling the flavors of a tabouli, I wondered if quinoa would work as a substitute for couscous. It did! A simple toss of quinoa with pine nuts, grated Asiago, and orange zest is so tasty paired with garlic seared scallops. Though I pride myself to be somewhat of a steak connoisseur, after experiencing my sister’s four-day marinated flank steak, I had to give in and try it out for myself. Working with the tools I had in my apron and the ones I borrowed from hers, I took the simple recipe of soy sauce, honey, wine vinegar, ginger, garlic, and green onions and made it my own by adding red onions and sesame seeds. Flip it once in the morning and once in the evening, poke some holes in it to allow for complete flavor absorption, and when you touch it to the grill for a second after four days, the meat just cuts like butter. Not sure which of us would have won that battle, but the steaks were delicious! From the famous Kitchen Stadium to your very own cooking milieu, there are secrets to be shared in every bite. My sister and I, although different, always seem to find a way to complement each other; whether it manifests in combining our recipes, or her stealing my clothes. I leave you with the challenge of making generic recipes your own by incorporating some of your favorite, lesser known ingredients. Learn from our kitchen collaboration. Take my advice like I took flavors from my sister’s travels. moon jamaluddin
POR UNA BUENA CAUSA Los clubs Mirada de Amor y Donando Amor se unieron para la campaña “Únete y Dona” apoyando a los niños y personas con cáncer. Dona tu cabello hoy para una sonrisa mañana. Ayuda a los niños con cáncer y juntos seremos la diferencia. Único requisito es que el cabello sea en forma de trenza y mida 8 pulgadas o más de largo, para que se pueda utilizar. La fecha límite para las donaciones es el 27 de abril. Todo el cabello que logremos recaudar será entregado al Doctors Hospital.
Al finalizar habrá una fiesta patrocinada por el salón Royal Party Palace y Cakes by Design donde estarán invitados los niños del Depto. de Cáncer y sus familias. Las estéticas de belleza que estarán patrocinando gratis el corte de cabello para todas aquellas personas que deseen donarlo son las siguientes: Beluhu’s: 956.724.7638 Hair Designer el día 3 de abril: 956.744.5150 Pigtail & Crewcuts: 956.723.3600 Tresses by Sergio: 956.723.8737 Hair Gallery: 956.722.7922
this is my place
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out through attered fun is sc ents into my r. r fo ve uita elem nd lo music a ll my personal ster, and my g po ication to ta His ded . “I tried to pu my Lil Wayne , the room bunch of toys thing.” ry a room… little bit of eve I have a
colorful beats
neon chains, oversized louis vuitton duffels, and music equipment may sound like what you would find in Pharrell’s house; however, it also happens to be what you will find in Jarrad Moreno’s bedroom. His room is a reflection of his fun personality and fondness for music and fashion. Stuffed toys perch on his bed as you walk into the room; on the far corner, you can find two hard to miss candy red sofas for relaxing with friends. As music major currently studying in Los Angeles, Jarrad’s music equipment enables him to work from home and keep up with his many projects. His custom-made closet, which is his favorite part of the room especially now that he lives in a college dorm with minimal closet space, houses his Fly Kicks and even has a special corner for his collection of chains—another reflection of his colorful and eclectic style. He wanted to collaborate with us because he believes, “Cream is a young, trendy magazine that captures the social essence of Laredo and is always on point...when I saw it, I knew my room had to be in it.” selene cuevas
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cream april / may 2011
VALERIA y PONCHO El 5 de marzo fue la fecha que unió para siempre las vidas de Valeria y Poncho. Familiares y amigos se dieron cita en La Quinta Rubelinas de Cuernavaca, México para presenciar tan emotivo enlace. Cream estuvo allí, en exclusiva para captar los mejores momentos.
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DIVERCITY los angeles is as diverse and eclectic as its districts. From the high-end Beverly Hills to the hip and trendy Silver Lake, this town is fascinating. Just turning a corner can seem to take you into another country and culture. The city is divided into ten sections: Downtown L.A., Wilshire, West L.A., Silver Lake/Los Feliz, San Fernando Valley, South L.A., East L.A., Harbor Area, Echo Park/Westlake, and, of course, Hollywood. Within them, there are 80 districts and neighborhoods. What is astonishing to me is not their amount, but the influence they have in each area. When describing the cityscape, it’s impossible to pinpoint a particular physical feature or characteristic because there are so many. None of the buildings are built in the same style, nor are they from the same era. If I want that modern, busy, cosmopolitan feel, I drive to Downtown; if I want serenity and relaxation, I go to Santa Monica, a resort municipality surrounded by Los Angeles. I was once told, “The option is yours in L.A.; where else can you have the beach and the mountains in the middle of the second largest city in the United States?” Driving from the quiet refined avenues of Hancock Park to the hustle and bustle of the loud and colorful Koreatown can be quite a social experience. In the latter, everything has major Korean influence, from the poster ads and restaurant names, to the architecture, grocery stores, and mall. Actually, all the districts vary according to the traditions they house. Just as unique as the buildings, are the people’s apparel as well. When I first visited Chinatown, I was surprised to see how dominant the culture was—95 percent of its residents hardly spoke any English. The majority of people was wearing traditional clothing and following Chinese customs. They sold only Chinese groceries, and restaurants specialized mostly in Chinese fare. Clothing isn’t just a reflection of ethnicity. In fact, I’ve come to realize that people can generally tell where you live by your wardrobe. West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Venice Beach, and Silver Lake are noted for setting fashion trends. West Hollywood, which was my first home, boasts a fresh vibe due to its abundance of stylish boutiques and stores, including the iconic Fred Segal. West Hollywood also holds two of the most famous streets when it comes to fashion—Melrose and Robertson. Venice Beach has a “hippie” ambiance that will take you back to the times when life was a little simpler. I have grown to love Venice; you can find great handmade jewelry and clothes. Silver Lake is best known for its laid-back rock-chic flair. I go to “hang out” there for its
many charming coffee shops, dive bars, and great vintage shops. Beverly Hills is home to the legendary Rodeo Drive—one of the most decadent streets in the world. You’ll find everything from Chanel to Barney’s. Need I say more? If there is one thing I like as much as fashion in Los Angeles, it’s, without a doubt, the food. There isn’t anything you can’t find in this metropolis. Having all these districts at hand has channeled my inner foodie. No need to go to Ethiopia to eat when there is a whole community filled with Ethiopian restaurants. This happens throughout the different neighborhoods, and is especially convenient and apt because I have a blog in which we examine the different cuisines L.A. has to offer. The options and possibilities are endless. I am passionate about travel and believe that the best way of actually experiencing a different culture is by sampling its traditional foods, and here I have enjoyed some of the best ethnic meals ever. Living in Laredo delicacies were limited, but growing up in a very cultural family helped me develop a great palate. I don’t think there is anything I would not try. My friends always ask me, “Don’t you miss the food from home?” No. Honestly. Any dish I could crave is within reach. I have lived in and traveled to many places, and none has been as diverse as The City of Angels—a fusion of traditions, entertainment, and history. It has so much to offer and I still have so much to explore. Every day is an adventure here, in Los Angeles. love for the arts runs in her family. Her grandfather, Raul Gomez-Rejon, a beloved composer, planted the roots. She noticed her abilities for film and photography at a young age creating short films with her cousins and photographing with a 35 mm camera since the age of 12. Since moving to Los Angeles, she has worked on two films, a TV show, and is currently working on a documentary, “Fashion & Culture in Los Angeles.” Kristel also started a blog in 2010 called Chic & Cultured that is dedicated to exploring new fashion trends and cuisines.
cream april / may 2011
Being environmentally friendly is the key to helping save our planet, and what better way to do so than to opt out of using plastic bags at the grocery store for your own reusable canvas shopping bags. By substituting plastic bags with reusable ones, we can reduce the need for over 20,000 bags in our lifetime. We asked our readers to jump on the environmental bandwagon and design their own reusable sacks to use on their next trip to the grocery store. — selene cuevas
brianna stellpflug
My main inspiration for this project was showing love for the earth while still demonstrating my feminine side. The green crocheted doily in the middle represents Mother Nature because, ultimately, the point of using reusable shopping bags is to help our environment. I decided to bejewel the rest of the bag since shopping is more fun when your bag is cuter!
katherine marie lavaude
The bag I painted is based on the current season of spring. It is a season that brings us many new beautiful colors, flowers, and animals. Butterflies remind me of springtime the most, so they were my inspiration for the bag. I love all the different colors of spring and that’s what I really wanted to focus on.
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The tree represents the world. Inside of it, I drew a small map. The colors going into the tree suggest that we should all be able to change the world into a better, brighter place. The sun in the back reinforces this idea. We should all start somewhere and using these bags is a great way to begin.
Contact us at info@creamcitymagazine.com or message us on facebook for a chance to participate in our next activity!
Dancing is a very important part of me. When I dance, I feel light, confident and fearless. WHY DID YOU WANT TO LEARN BALLET?
I wanted to learn ballet because I thought it was such an elegant and graceful way to express myself.
In Laredo, May is synonymous with two things, scorching hot weather and dance recitals. Dance studios prep their talented and hardworking students to showcase their best moves, whether they be ballet, salsa, or jazz, in performances throughout the city. Hundreds of gifted Laredoans participate in these recitals that represent our town’s growing dance scene. The programs feature different skills, from ballet’s sophisticated plies and pirouettes, to the fun and youthful steps of the hip-hop dancers. Enjoy the recitals. Support the arts.
When I dance I feel light, confident and fearless. WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO DANCE?
Whenever I hear a piece of music or a song that I absolutely love, I can't help moving to the beat. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PRACTICING BALLET?
I have been in ballet for three and a half years. I study at El Estudio, and I hope to continue for as long as I possibly can. FEATURED DANCER TIFFANY LEIGH WILLIAMS 14 YRS OLD
Laura Reynoso Jewelry laurareynosojewelry.com
elegantes y con muy buen acabado. Me gusta trabajar también con perlas y piedras semipreciosas tales como ágata, turquesa y coral. En los últimos años he incursionado en las telas; disfruto mucho combinar diferentes elementos y texturas. A la hora de diseñar no dudo en emplear cualquier material—plata, metal, piedras y cristal. Mis creaciones han sido utilizadas por artistas de televisión en República Dominicana y Puerto Rico. Colaboré con diseñadores de alta costura de Puerto Rico, donde lancé mi línea Tempo durante Puerto Rico High Fashion Week 2010. Elaboré una línea exclusiva para Forever Crystals, una cadena puertorriqueña de joyería. Además, he contribuido con mi joyería para concursos de belleza y varias revistas internacionales. POR EL MUNDO / He tenido la oportunidad de visitar Venezuela, Panamá, Cuba, Curazao, España, Francia, Alemania y Puerto Rico. Casi toda mi vida viví en mi país, República Dominicana, también estuve dos años en Barcelona, España; dos años en Puerto Rico y los seis últimos meses en Laredo, Texas. Es muy cierto que cada vez que vives en otro país, al marcharte dejas una parte de tu corazón y te llevas un poco de su cultura contigo. Tanto España como Puerto Rico influyeron en mi estilo de diseñar y ver arte. De mi país traigo la mayor parte de la materia prima que manejo en mis piezas y de Barcelona, el estilo bohemio-europeo.
llo on se a c a t s i rt bin Una a , que com ad o id propi y creativ s o t s n e e d u tal a una latica d a c p en lo s, nos pieza su estilo y izar l sobre lleva a rea a e que la cinante lín s tan fa ría. e de joy
LAURA REYNOSO / Soy artista desde que tengo uso de razón, siempre he sido muy creativa; desde niña pintaba, hacia manualidades y, por supuesto, siempre amé la moda. Luego de haber terminado la carrera de Marketing en la Universidad de la República Dominicana, viajé a Barcelona, España donde hice mi maestría en Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas, experiencia determinante para definir mi estilo. Pero no fue hasta el 2004 cuando inicié formalmente con una línea de accesorios para damas llamada Idea Rosa Factory. Hice estudios básicos de confección de joyería en Santo Domingo, capital de la República Dominicana, pero la creatividad fue la que me impulsó a donde ahora estoy, el resto es historia. Me considero autodidacta en el diseño de joyería.
INSPIRACIÓN / Los artistas somos impredecibles, podemos inspirarnos tanto en las cosas más simples de la vida como en las experiencias cotidianas. Amo las diferentes culturas; muchas veces me inspiro en ellas, mezclándolas con las tendencias y colores de la temporada. Mi estilo es bohemio-chic, pero me encanta innovar en técnicas y materiales; mi meta es crear piezas únicas—con personalidad y originalidad. Diseñadores que admiro: Coco Chanel porque decidió no seguir las reglas y se atrevió a ser diferente; Oscar de la Renta, por ser uno de los primeros latinos en conquistar las pasarelas internacionales, además de su buen gusto y habilidad al combinar las telas y colores. Y por último, Alber Elbaz, diseñador de Lanvin, su trabajo tanto en accesorios como en textiles es increíble—con diseños excepcionales y muy vanguardistas.
CREACIONES / Uno de los materiales que identifica mis piezas es la madera, exclusivamente la madera dominicana llamada sabina, con un exquisito aroma que permite trabajos
cream april / may 2011
more on level x
running training: wednesday afternoons and saturday mornings cycling training: saturday and sunday mornings facebook: level x
contact: carlo.molano@gmail.com
a few weeks ago, a group of cycling enthusiasts from level x cycling association invited me to join them for a mountain bike ride. It was a thrilling experience that tested my endurance and left me with the desire to do it again! Carlo Molano is the president of Level X. The club has forty members and some of them are also runners and triathletes. Definitely, cycling is a truly beneficial sport that can encourage you to undertake new challenges. HOW DID LEVEL X BEGIN? Level X started in the fall of 2009 when a handful of friends decided to get together every Saturday and Sunday to ride mountain bikes at one of three trails: Chacon Creek, La Bota Ranch, or Morales Ranch. Thanks to Alberto Salas, this group of friends decided to grow as a mountain bike club that would invite friends of friends to join our weekend rides. DO YOU ONLY PRACTICE CYCLING? As a Club/Association we focus on cycling, but we now have runners and swimmers in the group. There is also a racing group in Level X that enhances their training with one of our sponsors, Crossfit Laredo. They teach our racers the importance of strength and core training. WHAT IS THE AGE RANGE OF YOUR MEMBERS? The ages of the members vary from early teens to a few strong members in their 50s and 60s. WHICH TYPES OF CYCLING DO YOU PRACTICE? We practice cross country mountain biking and road biking. CAN ANYONE JOIN LEVEL X? Anyone that is seriously interested in riding a bike, running, or swimming can join Level X. We welcome levels from recreational riding to avid racers to join. Level X provides all members with a multisport community that encourages you to stay healthy, sporty, and charitable since Level X will also focus on giving back to the community as well as making the sport accessible to young riders through fundraising to purchase bikes for those that cannot afford one. DO YOU NEED SPECIAL EQUIPMENT TO JOIN? There is no such thing as special equipment to start riding or running. The main thing we ask from our members is positive willpower, a decent pair of sneakers, a bike (any mountain bike or road bike), and, of course, a helmet and a water bottle. Safety and hydration play a key role in our activities. No helmet = no ride. getting ready to go out for a ride
level x started in the fall of 2009 when a handful of friends decided to get together every saturday and sunday to ride mountain bikes DOES LEVEL X HAVE A MISSION OR GOAL? Our mission is to educate primarily cyclists, the community, and its elected officials
about the benefits of cycling as an athletic activity, a healthy lifestyle choice, and as an alternative means of transportation. Our club participates in and promotes trail and bicycle path construction and maintenance. We recently completed the Shiloh trails in north Laredo that are great for both running and riding.We also encourage and help develop all levels of mountain bike and road bike racing teams as well as advocate for cycling as means of environmental conservation. I invite you to discover more about Level X from their Facebook page, where you can find additional information about their members, routes, and riding dates. In the meantime, I will get my bike ready for the next run. See you at the bike trail! fernando de haro
citylife the equity markets charged with full force into the first trading days of 2011. Yet, investors were quickly reminded that the troublesome economic issues of 2010 simply cannot be left behind and the markets experienced a slight step back. Share prices however, continue to be in a major upward trend as we move through the first half of the year.
The bulls were back—able to ignore a world in turmoil with overthrown governments, massive protests, civil wars breaking out, a U.S. budget deficit climbing to unbelievable levels, soaring oil, food, and other commodity prices, and, now, a massive earthquake that brought along with it tsunamis and complete devastation to Japan. The market has since experienced major corrections as each “breaking news” event is unleashed to the public. For many investors, these corrections brought opportunities to buy. But for too many investors the setbacks of the recession are an unsettling reminder that we are no better today at predicting tomorrow than we were yesterday. So, they have taken their cash and run for the sidelines. As the world blows up, what does this mean for the investor? The market can only continue its upward trend for so long with the mounds of troubles weighing in on it. This can only mean that the stock market is poised to experience additional unexpected and violent corrections. And the falls can be deeper, especially if the marketplace continues to be plagued by political anxiety and economic uncertainty. CONVERSELY, ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS ABOUT BEING INVOLVED IN THE MARKET IS THAT IT IS NEVER SENSIBLE TO PANIC.
It is possible this could just be a passing squall and the market could very well carry on its upward trend. Nevertheless, what the market will do next at any point in time is always a mystery. While the appetite for risk taking has been awakened once again in light of sentiment that we have weathered the recession, we still live in turbulent times. For the next several months, you need to layout a possible roadmap—which may have to be adjusted or discarded altogether as circumstances change. It may be time to take it back to the basics—those very basics that have made big time investors like Warren Buffett good at what they do. Buffett is the world’s best investor. He got that way mainly by figuring out how to correctly value equities and allocate assets.
wine tasting for a cause For the 4th consecutive year, Salsa’s Restaurant hosted the Wine Tasting Fundraiser benefiting TAMIU Autism Intervention Center whose mission is to deliver services to children with autism spectrum disorder. The event was a total success. Hoping to raise awareness, upcoming events will include a golf tournament and a 5k run-walk.
sustainable in the short-term, corrections happen often, offering investors opportunities to buy attractive stocks at bargain prices. Going into the second half of this year, however, the broad macro environment for stocks could become much more complicated. And while you do not have to make a run for the sidelines, it is always wise to prepare for the worst. Invest wisely, do your homework, and unless you can stomach the volatility, only invest in what you know for the long-term. ana chaverria The 26 year old Texas native lives in New York City working as an account manager at an asset management firm pursuing her passion for finance and the markets.
cream april / may 2011
art showcase The Innovation Art Expo featuring local artists showcasing their latest creations was presented at Sushi Madre in a night full of friends and good times.
cinema “City of God” tells the story of two very different boys from the slums of Rio or favelas, as they are known in the Portuguese language. One boy known simply as “Rocket,” played by Brazilian actor Alexandre Rodrigues in his first feature role, dreams of becoming a photographer and escaping the slums that he has called home since the day of his birth. The audience experiences half of the story through the enduring teenage innocence and comical blunders that plague Rocket from the onset of the film. From the moment when his older brother “borrows” his shorts, leaving Rocket half naked in the streets to push a fish cart, to when he finds himself right smack in the middle of a gunfight between rival gangs with nothing standing between them but the camera around his neck and a frightened chicken, who, like Rocket, is just trying to escape the slaughter. Rocket’s teenage misadventures in love and life unfurl in the midst of a bloody war for control of the slum and the very lucrative drug trade that comes with it.
FERNANDO MEIRELLES’ “CITY OF GOD” TAKES YOU INTO A WORLD THAT YOU NEVER WANT TO KNOW. INTO A WORLD MOST PEOPLE NEVER EVEN KNEW EXISTED. ADAPTED FROM PAULO LINS’ 1997 NOVEL OF THE SAME NAME AND BASED UPON FACTUAL EVENTS DURING THE LATE 1970S IN RIO DE JANEIRO’S NOTORIOUS HOUSING PROJECTS, THIS FILM OFFERS A UNIQUE GLIMPSE INTO EVENTS THAT WERE UNFOLDING MILES FROM WHAT WAS KNOWN AT THE TIME AS AN EXOTIC GETAWAY FOR THE WEALTHY AND PRIVILEGED— PLAYGROUND FOR THE RICH AND FAMOUS. RIO, WITH ITS BEAUTIFUL BEACHES AND WOMEN, WAS PERCEIVED AS A PARADISE. THE OBSCURE FACTS DEPICTED IN THIS FILM PROVE THAT EVEN PARADISE CAN HAVE A DARK SIDE. The second boy is not really a boy at all. One can even wonder if he is human. We meet him when he is no more than seven or eight years old, back when he is known as “Lil’ Dice” and at first glance seems to be a boy like any other. But soon the evil in his eyes becomes apparent; it knows no age, no boundaries, no love, and is often accompanied by maniacal laughter that shows no trace of childhood innocence. The little boy soon grows up to be “Lil’ Zé,” creepily played to perfection by Brazilian actor Leandro Firmino in his first feature role. Lil’ Zé takes the audience into the depths of criminal insanity where there is no room for reason or civility, just power, violence, and the acrid
judgment of a gunshot. He takes over his slum with a smile on his face, systematically and mercilessly, eliminating the competition in a wave of brutal abandon without questions or considerations, killing all who dare stand in his way, and any who he believes is holding him back. It seems that his thirst for domination and cruelty is more gratifying to him than the river of bloody money flowing into his pockets. It seems his only joy is taken from the final breaths of his victims. The cinematography of Cesar Charlone is masterful; his efforts not only won him an Oscar nod, but also created an utterly absorbing experience, where the tragedies, fears, and joys felt by the characters seem as though they are occurring right outside of one’s window. Filmed entirely on location, we are taken through the backstreets of Brazil and into the unforgiving slums of this third world suburb. Here, we see not the beautiful beaches and colorful culture for which Rio is famous, but the grainy black and white, where the truths of everyday life are simple as they are primal. The City of God is densely populated with the orphans of a society that no longer functions. A place where criminals acted with a sense of childish, self centered desire, and served as far too effective of an example for those that followed, ensuring the endless cycles of misguided dreams built upon foundations without morals or sympathy. Children, whose backyard was the most dangerous city in the world, are given guns as gifts by gang members, just as long as they promise to kill any “hoods” from rival slums. The reality of life in the Cidade de Deus did not seem at all possible; where the utter disregard for life and innocence results in the encouragement of children killing children. In this place, even a man of honor can be pulled into and be lost in the downward spiral of the wicked and corrupt on the whims of the corrupted, where the still reflections of one’s choices in life are faced in a maroon pool of realization. Incredibly, somewhere among the havoc, the violence, the reckless bloodshed and senseless deaths, a sliver of hope survives in the form of a boy and his camera. After insurmountable evidence to the contrary, this film becomes a testament to the ultimate triumph of eternal hope over despair; the balances in life that have proven to be true: Evil in turn only creates more evil, and hard work pays off. Choices can be made and life can change in an instant. Hope and purpose in life cause one to avoid the pitfalls of indulgence, manage to live long enough to see the seeds of hard work come to fruition, and stand to look forward to tomorrow without having to look over your shoulder. And as this film proves, hope can be just as enduring as innocence. The true tragedy is the loss of purpose, which sadly seems to continue in a perpetual cycle—the lessons never learned. The true crime is the corruption of purity, from which there can be no return, and which has effectively and collectively caused more devastation and despair throughout the history of time than any bullet ever has. bobby turner cream april / may 2011
teenage dream once upon a friday night in a town far, far away, there was a beautiful, young girl with a deepened tan. She sat on the porch, smoking a Gitane and flipping through French Bazaar, waiting for her prom date to arrive. Her long and loose floral and lace Marchesa dress clung to her body in all the right places. Her dark brown hair, streaked with gold from the sun, draped over her back like running water. Her date, barely arriving, wrapped his lacrosse-toned arms around her. His glittering-emerald-eyes sparkled in the summer twilight and…okay, I’m just kidding, guys. I’m not about to go all Taylor Swift on you and sing a song or whatever. But that would have been a fairy tale start to any prom night. Instead, here is a somewhat related story I can tell you with mounting distress: We have all gone through days that we’re not proud of. Days we would like to detach from our life forever. Mine? Prom night. The one night I’m not willing to forgive my best friends for flying to Las Vegas to go see Britney Spears lip-synch to “Womanizer” and “Circus.” I don’t care if it was her comeback year or if they were wearing their new gauzy pink dresses from Net-A-Porter.Com. That night I wore a bad tan and there are pictures to prove it. It’s the stuff nightmares are made of—that, and being chased by a midget. It all started with my prom date getting suspended from school the day before prom night. “What is it?” I asked with bated breath after he told me something had occurred. “WHAT is it?!” “I got suspended, so I can’t go to prom,” he
finally answered. “Say that again,” I said, assuming either I was deaf or he was drunk. “You’re dateless,” he repeated. I was not deaf, and (after a swift sniff ) I decided that he was not drunk. As you can imagine, this revelation filled me with pure fear. Not only were my best friends not in town, but I was also dateless. And visions of the somewhat dubious couples on prom night, with their ugly, doublebreasted pinstriped suits and triple layered fuchsia dresses, began to haunt me. “Build a bridge and get over it,” is how my GBF consoled me; followed by, “let’s go out by the pool and get a tan.” So I did that and had a dream. Couple of hours later I woke up looking like what might happen if a Vampire Weekend groupie slept with someone from the Jersey Shore.
all those petticoats, puffed sleeves, and bows hard to forgive, in the end it was totally worth it. Prom night left me with memories of an adventurous night that has given me something to write about. A night I recall with more amusement than regret. Give it a go.
So what happened? The next day, my GBF dragged me to the Civic Center. I narrowed my eyes to avoid my Algebra teacher and stared critically at her ugly brown orthopedic shoes. In the middle of the polished, chrome table, I got asked out to dance. His stomach stuck out. He rubbed together his fat, stubby hands with hairy wrists and cheesy gold jewelry as he shot alcoholic fumes into my face. I walked away and left. And missed the Prom Queen and King dance. Damn.
gabriela enriquez
My nightmare continued. The after-party looked like we were re-creating a scene from some dumb college frat movie that no one else had ever seen. Pitbull or Redbull—or whatever his name is—was singing in slow- motion or, at least, it seemed that way. Five hours later and with hair-matted-with-sweat-from-dancing, it was six o’clock in the morning and the kiddie pool was littered with red, plastic cups. We drove to the lake to watch the sunrise and had a toast to the class of ’09—over and over again. Then, I ended up participating in a scavenger hunt with two South Africans who invited me to karaoke later. Typical. Listen; as much as I might want to ignore my prom night, it is a night that will be with me forever. Yes, I was dateless, but who cares now? Although I found
Of course, you can stay at home and listen to the new The Kills or The Strokes album. You can also stalk Oprah on YouTube or sing into a hairbrush to incredibly embarrassing music and have a mega two person dance party with your own reflection. Still, a prom night well spent. P.S. It’s my birthday month. Just putting that out there.
If you still think that going to the after-party requires clattering around in unyielding, skyscraping platforms or high-stepping heels that look more like furniture, then you better think again. The damsel who is walking to a ranch for an H after-bash in five-and-a-halfinch wooden platforms should do herself a favor and go with the pretty, down-to earth pumps instead. So please, I don’t want you losing a heel on the stairs and having to hop all night long or ending up with the point of a table in your spine. It’s spring after all, so wear gorgeous, mermaidworthy hair or, at least, a sad distant cousin to the Gisele-style wave. Natural dewy make-up looks great with the bright ready-for-summer subtle colors, and if you mix it with some moisturizer, it can help protect your skin during your long night. Nobody likes hard and flaky fingernails. Go with an iconic “It” polish in a vivid shade like Chanel’s mint-green “Jade” or anything from Essie’s neon collection. Maintain your dignity, your sense of style, and your unique heiress. So, this is actually important: When you’re out partying on prom night (and every night), make sure you wear your seatbelt…It doesn’t hurt, it’s black so it goes with everything, and it’ll keep you shielded, just in case your car flips over at 2 a.m., and you end up sending Twitter posts from the emergency room and completely terrifying your Facebook friends.
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Got it? Good. Back to your regularly scheduled rock ‘n roll.