Create and Educate, LLC. Catalog April/May/June Issue 8

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April/May/June 2021


Issue 8

Bringing you literature to cultivate a love for reading for all children.

Published by Create & Educate, LLC.

Literacy Leaders


CREATE AND EDUCATION Welcome from the Editors


Professional Development: Virtual Events


Professional Development: Implicit Bias ProfessionalDevelopment: School Leaders Collaborative


Featured Author - Alex Pin Featured Author - Michelle Hardy


Featured Author - Vincent Kelly Featured Author - J. Reef Featured Author - Stacey Gardin

Featured Author - Daphne Robinson Featured Author - Stacey Woodson

Our Independent Authors


Featured Author - LaToya Lewis



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Featured Author - S. R. Tease


Featured Author - Robert Horton


Featured Author - Dr. Ameca Thomas


Featured Product - EduMonitor


Featured Author-Martinique Mims


Detroit City Bookstore


New York Life Agent - Tameaka Brown


Dr. Sheka Houston


Principal Tammy Taylor


Join Us on the Collaborative


Free Resources



WELCOME FROM THE EDITORS Fellow Educators: We are the founders of Create and Educate, LLC. We provide professional development and conduct reviews for products and services to determine if they are a good fit for K-12 settings. We saw a need for these services as we sought solutions for our own schools. We are both problem solvers by nature and solution oriented people. Therefore, our goal is to always be a part of the solution. We are firm believers in the power of collaboration, so we want those solutions to include you, so we are sharing what we know works! We are school principals that have experienced tremendous success in the areas of instructional leadership, climate and culture, and improvement in reading achievement in our schools through an effective collaboration with one another. Our collaboration has worked so well, we have designed a system that can be duplicated in any district for sound school leadership collaboration (see page 6 for more information). In the spirit of collaboration, we put together this free publication that you may find helpful. Please feel free to reach out to us. Since we are practicing school principals our solutions are realistic and practical. Dr. Sheka Houston & Principal Tammy Taylor

"Our mission is to create spaces that allow stakeholders to excel and thrive."


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEARN ABOUT OUR VIRTUAL LITERACY EVENTS We have both had tremendous success in improving academic achievement in our schools especially in the area of reading. The NWEA School Conditional Growth matrix indicated extraordinary growth with our students. In some instances Percentile Rankings increased from the 17th Percentile to the 90th Percentile. In order to ensure our students continued to read over Christmas break, we held our first virtual pajama party for kids with phenomenal authors. The pajama party was a tremendous success! This event will be just as fun. Since students can't attend Special Olympics this year, this free event could be used to foster empathy in all students. Register today! The prerecorded event will premiere on Thursday, May 20th and can be watched at your school's convenience. Register today:


IMPLICIT BIAS IN EDUCATION Implicit bias, also known as unconscious bias, occurs when stereotypes influence automatic brain processing. We can be susceptible to inherent bias and not even know it (CantuPawlik, 2019). Do these biases exist in schools? Of course they do. We are all human and prone to certain biases. Biases can exist around sex, race, socio-economic status, and educational goals. In education do we push college more than trades because of our own experiences? You may or may not, but this is the type of bias that will be examined and strategies will be provided in this fun and interactive approach where Dr. Houston tells the story of her own bias against individuals with tattoos before her sister, pictured below, became inked up. Not Inked Up vs. Inked Up gives your staff an opportunity to fully engage in this professional develop experience while learning the importance of tolerance and respect. as desired Not Inked Up or Inked Up t-shirts, hats, masks, or bracelets are also available for purchase before the professional development takes place. This professional development will not only allow your staff to address bias, but serves as a great team building and culture boosting initiative, as w.

"To know the true reality of yourself you must be aware not only of your conscious thoughts, but also your unconscious prejudice, bias, and habits ." Anonymous

SCHOOL LEADERS COLLABORATIVE: LEADING A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL The most impactful influence for students are teachers, but the most impactful influence to a school is a school leader. It Doesn't Have to Be Lonely At the Top: The Power of Collaboration in Leadership will be pre-released in April 2021. The book outlines our journey as school leaders and how our system of collaboration helped us improve our schools tremendously in a single year. In this book you will learn the importance of having a genuine "trustmate" and how to carve out time to work on the work as leaders. In addition, we discuss how a strong strategic plan and effective structures and systems can lead to unbelievable school improvement and tremendous student growth. Oftentimes, leaders are great about carving out time for teachers; however, little time is devoted to self-improvement. Our system will show you how this can benefit school leaders in any district. The precursor to this book, is our featured stories in the Women Who Lead in Education Featuring School Principals Anthology. In this book we discuss instructional leadership, climate and culture and collaboration.

"Create & Educate, LLC brings a wealth of experience and expertise to their craft. Their strategies and insights were so impressive, I had them present to my research and strategic palnning classes for my masters and doctoral students at the university." -Chike Akua, Ph.D., CEO Imani Enterprises Consulting, LLC. Teacher Transformation Institute


INDEPENDENT AUTHORS The literature offerings from phenomenal independent authors have been an incredible asset as we continue to build strong literacy programs at our schools while increasing academic achievement in reading. Many times independent authors are not given opportunities to see their offerings in schools on large scales if they are not published by any of the larger publishing companies with whom schools currently, primarily, conduct business. We have found it essential to seek out independent authors to meet the diverse literary needs of our schools allowing students to connect with text on a grand scale. See the graphic below from the 2018 School Library Journal that depicts the level of diversity that currently exists in children's books. We encourage you to give these authors the opportunity to provide instructional support for your literacy programs as you achieve success in increasing academic achievement as your students fall in love with reading.

"Dr. Houston and Principal Taylor from Create and Educate, LLC. provided very beneficial professional development to my staff on literacy, breaking down the strategies my teachers needed to perfect their craft and impact students' achievement in reading. I have purchased all of their literary recommendations for my school and classroom libraries to better connect my students with reading ." -Principal Shawn Hurt


Meet Brailey a little girl who loved to color. Her favorite thing to color was people of all different shades and hues. Brailey was a budding artist, until one day in art class, Max told Brailey she was a black girl not brown. Brailey was very confused. She had always been told she was a little brown princess. Unfortunately, Brailey soon realized that everyone did not see the world in colors the way that she did. Get Bailey's story to see how she learned to appreciate differences. Purchase at: Contact the author for bulk discounts:

LaToya Lewis has been working with children as an educator for over a decade. She has always loved books and began writing her own stories to express her feelings about current events taking place in her life. I Am Brown is her first children's book. LaToya is a native of Columbus, GA, and a very proud alumnus of Florida A & M University where she earned her degree in education. Her greatest passions are for education and traveling. Her goal is to inspire youth to dream big and step outside of the United States. Currently, she resides in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

This is a very well written book that includes very important themes such as selfawareness. I am Brown is an amazingly crafted story that also includes diversity and appreciation for differences. I am Brown can be used as an interactive read-aloud or during independent reading times. The story would also be a wonderful addition to every school library. The author even provides a free teacher guide. LaToya is available for virtual author's visits and can even talk with students about her travel abroad as your students embark upon a virtual visit to Dhabi. We highly recommend her materials. She is an outstanding educator who is excellent with children! Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor WWW.CREATEANDEDUCATESOLUTIONS.COM | 08


Hannah is a little girl who has to use a wheelchair. She has a very special wish, and we can’t wait for you and your kids to embark upon this journey with her. After watching kids run and jump and play every day outside her window, Hannah begins to wish she could do it too -- without her wheelchair. After finding out that her legs simply won’t listen, she becomes determined to get her wish, and so she writes Santa her one-of-a-kind Christmas wish… What happens next? Well, you’re going to have to read it to find out!!

Alex Pin is the author of several innovative children's books, through which she encourages self-awareness in children and adults alike. Each of her books is filled with kindness, friendship, tolerance, and gratitude. She also received an Innovation Award for her work "Big Careless Boots". Her first picture book "Pepi and His Nest" was given the Best Ecological Picture Book award, as well. Contact the author for bulk discounts:

This is a very impactful story that depicts a child with a physical disability as the leading character. The story is not only one that fosters empathy and inclusion from students, but also empowers students with disabilities who rarely see characters like themselves depicted in books. The conversations around hope, kindness and character that will be invoked by this story could be very long lasting and could positively impact any classroom or school culture. Alex resides in Europe, but is also available virtually for authors visits and could even lead students in foreign language exploration being multi-lingual. Her book is available in various languages. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor WWW.CREATEANDEDUCATESOLUTIONS.COM | 09


Michelle Hardy's Random Acts of Kindness and Storytelling

Michelle takes her audience to a place of not only authenticity but in some instantances hilarity. Michelle Hardy's story telling and and kindness program is all about relationships, friendship, and era that is still treasured through the eyes of the beholder; a bit of drama squeezed into an awesome story. You will find that her storytelling brings even more intrigue because it will come true right before your very eyes. Contact the author:

."Michelle Tamiko Hardy, a Philanthropist, Inspirational Speaker and Author known as 'The Giving Guru' for her daily Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) and teaching people how to Give Without Ceasing. Michelle educates individuals and large groups on how to give in creative ways for low or no cost. She is the expert of taking little to nothing and making it into something to give. As she wrote the story it began to come true for her in life making it one of those stories that epitomizes "as you shall it be.

Michelle is an amazing storyteller. Her talent of storytelling will capture the attention of students K-12 immediately. We love the potential that the story provides for transforming schools and school cultures into institutions of kindness. In early grades the institution of play and imagination could be utilized after children hear the story. There are so many things you can do with this story. We love it as a schoolwide kindess initiative. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor



An important book for early readers that highlights the beauty of our differences. All people are beautiful. All cultures are beautiful. All languages are beautiful. Celebrating our differences is beautiful. What better way to talk about diversity and acceptance than with bright colors, fun artwork, and interactive ways children can enjoy while they read. Enjoy learning a few new words in different languages and even use your creativity in some of the in-book activities!

"Vincent Kelly is a husband, father, and an award-winning author. He resides in Nashville, TN with his wife and two sons. Vincent loves writing stories that are filled with fun, color, life lessons, and that focus on promoting positive behavior and early learning in children. Vincent's goal is to write books that children all over the world will grow to love. Find out more about Vincent's books at

This is a very well written and beautifully illustrated book your kids will absolutely fall in love with. The book is an excellent representation of children of varying cultures and a sundry of races being celebrated. Vincent is committed to providing quality books for children across the world, and he can be available for virtual author's visits and a virtual field experience through the amazing city of Nashville, Tennessee. We highly recommend Vincent and his work. He is very professional, extremely positive, and great with children. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor WWW.CREATEANDEDUCATESOLUTIONS.COM | 11


J. Reef: Born & raised in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, N.Y., J. Reef (Jovany Reef) is a small business owner, entrepreneur, and father of 4 (3 boys and 1 girl) who loves children and despises when they are mistreated. Sometimes a child may not be able to voice his/her fears or thoughts about mistreatment, bullying, or anxiety. The activities in this book provide a comfortable way for them to convey these feelings when necessary. If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, guardian, teacher, counselor, or just someone who plays an important role in a child’s life, you can use Friend Or Not as a valuable interactive tool for children to freely provide insight into their daily lives.

J. Reef is very passionate about the safety and wellbeing of all children and is very dedicated to finding many different ways to improve their lives and interaction with others. Contact the author for bulk discounts: Purchase Here: Click Here

This book can be used by parents and educators to start crucial conversations with children about friends and relationships. It is difficult for some children to be vocal about the school day or events. This book will be the resource that can be used to tear down walls and begin crucial conversations. Instead of it appearing as if parents or educators are attempting to select friends for children/students, decisions can be made by looking at the characters depicted in the book and a determination can made as to what makes a friend and what doesn't. A must have for schools and parents.

Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor



Mandy: Tangled in a Web, explores the journey of a little girl wanting her first pet but her mother is hesitant. The reader is taken on an exciting journey of finding the right fit for Mandy that she can hide. All of her lies spin a web of chaos that she doesn't know how to escape on her own. This book is great for PreK to Third Grade readers, teaching moral values encouraging imagination. Purchase at Contact the author for bulk discounts.

"Stacey Gardin is an author, model and photographer. She’s been modeling since the age of 15 and has had her photography business, Smit’N Photography, since 2015. She launched her first book, “Mandy: Tangled in a Web” in October 2020. It’s about a little girl that wants a pet but her mother tells her not yet. Stacey held the title of Miss Greenville USA 2013 in the Miss SC USA Pageant where she placed in the Top 15. She was featured on the cover of TOWN Magazine’s April 2015 Style issue.

This is a very well written and beautifully illustrated book your kids will fall in love with. Mandy: Tangled in a Web makes a great read aloud in Pre-K through 3rd grades. Most students can connect with pets. In addition, the lessons learned from being truthful will help add character to your young readers. Stacey is available for virtual author's visits and can even talk with students about her photography business during career days. We highly recommend her. She is very professional, upbeat and great with children. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor WWW.CREATEANDEDUCATESOLUTIONS.COM |



Black children are more than twice as likely as white children to be arrested. Black children are five times more likely than white children to be detained or committed to youth jails. These statistics are shocking because black children only make up 16% of the total number of children in this country. Why is the American Juvenile Court failing Black children? In the book, Delinquent: How the American Juvenile Justice System is Failing Black Children, Daphne Robinson reviews the history of the juvenile justice system and argues that it was founded upon white supremacy and systemic racism. Professor Robinson argues that in order to overcome the racialized history of the juvenile justice system, policymakers should apply public health strategies that focus on data, trauma, and implicit bias training.

Daphne Robinson is a native of Greenville, Mississippi, a town in the Mississippi Delta. She is a graduate of Tougaloo College in Jackson, Mississippi and the American University Washington of Law in Washington, D.C. She completed her Master's Degree in Public Health with a concentration in Prevention Sciences from Emory University Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta, Georgia. Daphne has served as a prosecutor for more than 20 years in three jurisdictions in Louisiana and is currently the Executive Director of the Center for Public Health & Justice, a non-profit organization focused on improving the lived experiences of people in the Mississippi Delta. She is also an adjunct professor of public health at Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Louisiana

Systemic racism is very prevalent in our society. Delinquent has the great perspective of former prosecutor Robinson bringing light to practices that can be changed with the right policies and mindsets towards children. Read her book to explore the practices of your system, school or district. The findings are sure to prove quite interesting. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor



Delicious and Nutritious: The Prince/Princess of Picky Eating Tries New Foods is the first book in the series. The children's book was inspired by and loosely based on the author's children. Stacey lives in Philadelphia, PA with her husband, three children and her cat. Books can be purchased on Contact the author for bulk discounts.

Stacey Woodson, MS, RD, LDN is a registered dietitian & nutritionist, entrepreneur, counselor, speaker, and author on the topics of nutrition and wellness. Stacey holds a Bachelors of Science in Biology from Hampton University, a Bachelors of Science in Dietetics from La Salle University and a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. She loves teaching children about healthy eating and introducing them to new foods. She also has a passion for representing and affirming children of color which inspired her to start a clothing line called Melanated Magic Tees. Stacey enjoys gardening, foraging, yoga and spending time in nature.

(Girl/Boy Version) Looking for a fun-to-read-aloud book that has a lot of alliterations, a scrumptious story, and teaches about trying new foods? This is it! Sloane/Stanton will only eat foods beginning with the letter 'B'. Broccoli, butter, and blue corn chips! Her/His picky eating habits persist until Sloane/Stanton is presented with a precious opportunity s/he cannot resist, which encourages her/him to nibble on new foods.The Prince(ss) of Picky Eating Tries New Foods tells a humorous story while introducing dishes eaten throughout the wide world. It offers several lessons on basic nutrition facts and includes a great glossary. A nourishing story for anyone looking to instill the importance of healthy eating into the children in their life. The book can also be used to introduce the food groups. This multicultural book is also perfect for anyone looking to add diversity to their library. By the end of this book, adults and children will know trying new foods can be delicious and nutritious! Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor




“I Am Who I Am” is a wonderful book for children of all backgrounds, especially Black children. It is about loving yourself & knowing your worth. With playful rhymes and a powerful message. “I Am Who I Am” is written inspiration and filled with affirmations of self-worth. “I Am Who I Am” is the perfect book to read to kids for story time! The words are small enough for younger kids to understand, and the illustrations are fun and engaging. The matching workbook for “I Am Who I Am”, provides the perfect opportunity for guided lessons and extensions for learning. This book is the perfect addition to your library collection. This book is a must read for younger students. Contact the author for bulk discounts:

S.R. Tease is the author and publisher of inspirational children’s books, “No Ordinary Horse,” and “I Am Who I Am.” As a teacher with her Master’s in Education, S.R. Tease has spent the last decade of her career educating and inspiring urban youth. Understanding the need for children to discover their own voices by creating a strong sense of self, she created her publishing company, Purple Squirrel World. It is the hope of S.R. Tease that her books encourage children to embrace their authentic selves in a culture where inauthenticity is so prevalent. Her Story Monster Approved title, “No Ordinary Horse,” helps children understand that there is no other person in this world they should try to be but themselves. The second title from S.R. Tease, “I Am Who I Am,” written specifically for Black and African American children, contains a powerful message to help them proclaim who they are in a climate of racial injustice. S.R. Tease is an autism mom and wife who lives and works in her home in Dallas, Texas. She is always creating and when not writing she enjoys painting.

This is a very empowering book for students with affirmations of selfworth and playful rhyming that children love. Great message of becoming a champion of one's authenticity! We love the workbook that provides extended learning activities. Dr. Houston and Principal Taylor WWW.CREATEANDEDUCATESOLUTIONS.COM | 16


Will You (12 Questions For My Teacher) From your 4th grade African American student (Excerpt of the full Poem) Will you greet me with a smile and have encouraging words to say? Will you appreciate my learning style and coach me along the way? Will you provide images of role models who look like me? Robert L. Horton Purchase Here: Click Here Cotact the Author for Bulk Orders:

Robert L. Horton was born and raised in Springfield Illinois. During his childhood, he was inspired to write poetry by his older brother Fred, who also loved to write poetry. His passion for the art of poetry continued throughout his adolescence and into his adult life. Poetry has always been a way for Robert to express his inner most thoughts and feelings. Robert endeavors to write poetry in ways that will inspire, motivate, encourage, and uplift people. He has successfully authored three books of poetry titled, Released: Inspired Poetic Messages (2015), Miscellaneous Pieces (2017), and FAME (2020).

This will be a great resource for my middle school ELA department. It contains quotes from Tupac and Nipsey which could serve as a great hook for students since these may be names they recognize. Robert is available for virtual author's visits and can even talk with students about his poetry. We highly recommend his materials. His ability to connect with students through his poetry will be helpful to all teachers. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor WWW.CREATEANDEDUCATESOLUTIONS.COM | 17


Everyone needs someone in their life to believe in them and tell them, "You can do it!" You Can Be Anything is an inspirational story that uses rhythmic rhyme to express all the hopes, dreams, and wishes we have for our children. It will provide readers of all ages the confidence and encouragement to believe that they can achieve their goals. It encourages readers to work hard, be kind, believe in themselves, and make a difference in the world.

Dr. Ameca Thomas is a mother and an educator committed to studentcentered, learner-focused, resultsoriented, and community-connected success for all children. She believes every child can learn and achieve at high levels. As an educator she works to support all students, meet the needs of all learners, and ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. Contact the author for bulk discounts: Click Here

This is a wonderful story that encourages children to believe and strive to be anything they would like to be. The story depicts Dr. Thomas' three beautiful daughters making it that much more relevant and easy to connect to, because it is a very heartfelt story. All children will learn from this book. It is a great resource for social and emotional learning and teaching growth mindset. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor



With the learning loss many students have experienced as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, EduMonitor is an excellent solution for reinforcement and extra practice. These amazing quality resource materials have been developed based on grade level standards as determined by CCSS. Perfect for mitigating both pandemic and summer learning loss.

Please visit our website for more informaiton: You may also contact us at the following: (p) - 405-638-4568 (email)

Materials are available in all grades - PK - 12 and in all subject areas.

With thousands of teacher-crafted learning activities that sync up with the school year, we empower parents and teachers so each child’s needs and potential can take center stage. EduMonitor Creators and Staff 2410 W Memorial Rd Suite c233 Oklahoma City, OK 73134



“Unique's family just moved to a different side of town halfway through the school year. Being a child with physical differences in a new school creates worries for Unique. But everything changes when she is asked to take care of the class pet. Join Unique on a magical journey of self-discovery to find out exactly how unique she truly is. In this tender story about self-love, selfempowerment, and acceptance, a changing butterfly helps a young third-grade girl celebrate her differences and recognize her gifts.

Contact the author for bulk discounts:

Martinique Mims is a writer, organizer and spoken word artist having performed locally in her hometown for over 10 years. Her past experiences have impressed upon her the importance of giving youth and local artists a voice. Martinique believes that education and art have the power to transcend our circumstances. She uses the power of words to inspire change, uplift and build community. She is excited and thrilled to share her 1st published book with the world! She hopes to inspire young readers to step out of their cocoons and dare to become Butterflies!

Empathy is such an important characteristic that must be developed in children for the betterment of our society. We love how this story describes a magicial journey that is relevant and relateable to students. Dr. Houston and Principal Taylor



It is so important to support bookstores. Historically they have been a place for like minds to come together. For decades, bookstores have supported writers and authors. Contact the Detroit Book City Bookstore for your diverse literary needs. They will be able to help you build excellent, diverse classroom and school libraries filled with books your children will be able to easily connect with. Contact them today. Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor



Many students have experienced loss during this time of the global pandemic. New York Life offers a wonderful opportunity for teachers and staff to be trained and schools to become Grief-Sensitive Schools. My school also recieved a grant during the process. I highly recommend it.

."Tameaka Brown is a New York Life Agent. Her company has a phenomenal program that can certify your school to become A Grief Sensitive School. Virtual training is available along with a host of resources for your students and staff. -sensitive-schools-initiative Dr. Sheka Houston, Principal

Tameaka has an amazing story of triumph that will resonate with your staff members. The training and resources available are needed during a time when students and staff members have experienced so much loss. Get your school certified today.

Dr. Sheka Houston and Principal Tammy Taylor


Dr. Sheka Houston

Dr. Sheka Houston is a passionate educator that has the desire to inspire all she comes into contact with to become the very best versions of themselves. As a teacher, Sheka was awarded teacher of the year by her peers. She has spent the last 17 years in public education, 12 of which has been in administration while also serving as the AVID District Director. She has also served as the district facilitator for Title IX and the teacher evaluation protocol. Sheka is a certifed grant writer through Research Associates and has received multiple grants to include EIA ($6000.00) PPG ($1500.00) and NetLead Mini-Grant ($1000.00). Sheka has been trained in A Framework for Understanding Poverty, The Ron Clark Educator Training, Single Gender Training, NWEA training and Culturally Relevancy training. She is a contributing author in the Women Who Lead Anthology which features extraordinary women with extraordinary achievements from all industries and careers.


Sheka also serves on the Board of Girls on the Run, Tri-County, South Carolina, serves as a Girl Scout Troop Leader, serves on the Juneteenth CelebrationChester Committee and is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Entering the field of education through the alternative certification program, Sheka transitioned into education from the real estate industry where she was a Million Dollar producer after hosting a workshop on self-esteem for a group of young ladies in a local community pageant. Sheka conducted research through Gardner-Webb University to becoome a Doctor of Education with a concentration on school leadership. Her dissertation topic; Impoverished Schools that are Performing Successfully in South Carolina. How do They Differ from Impoverished Schools that are Underperforming? was inspired by her desire to find solutions for new principals, especially those serving in high poverty areas, to experience success in the area of academic achievement for students.

Finally, Sheka is a lead teacher in the elementary sunday school program at her church where her family activly contributes to ministry. Sheka and her husband of 22 years, Jerry, have two beautiful daughters, Elizabeth and Isabella who are truly her inspirations, as she leads through the lens of a mom.

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Principal Tammy Taylor

Tammy Taylor is a dedicated educator who has committed her life and career to the service of others. She has spent 23 years as a public educator, serving in a plethora of roles including teaching fourth and first grades respectively, Instructional Coach, Instructional Coordinator, Curriculum Facilitator, Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Director of Title I and Testing, and Director of Accountability and Special Projects. Her most recent role has been her service as an elementary principal. Tammy has served on a variety of committees and boards over her career as an advocate for students and public education. These include, First Steps, Chamber of Commerce, and the South Carolina Association of School and Title I Administrators. She has a strong background in Early Childhood Education, curriculum development, and literacy and foundational reading skills


Tammy has been trained in the tenets of the national movement to increase reading skills - Reading First. She served as a partner teacher and Reading First Initiative team member. Tammy is passionate about teaching and learning and keeps her skills honed through her affiliations with a number of professional organizations. She is a member of the Association for School Curriculum and Development, The National Education Association, The South Carolina Education Association, Kappa Delta Pi, the National Association for Professional Women, and the International Reading Association.

Tammy is married to Pastor Keith Taylor. She has worked faithfully to support him in ministry for over two decades. She’s passionate about working with youth, and has worked with young ladies to create a sense of value and self worth through teaching them to understand, accept, and fulfill their purposes in life. She has become known for her work with a youth organization - at their church, Girls All About Purpose (GAAP).

Tammy is currently pursuing her PhD from the University of South Carolina. Her passion for validating the experience of the principalship and the impact on students’ achievement, drives her research focus. This research will focus on the Impact of Leadership Styles of Principals, School Culture and Climate on Student Achievement.

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The Collaborative

The Collaborative is our online platform that brings educators, parents, and community members together each week to navigate the pivots of Pandemic Education. A thirty minute segment followed by story time, Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST. Tune in at: Fill out the contact form at www.CreateandEducate.Solutions to be a guest or featured childrens' book author.

www.CreatandEducate.Solutions |25

FREE RESOURCES Many students have experienced loss during this time of the global pandemic. New York Life offers a wonderful opportunity for teachers and staff to be trained and schools to become Grief-Sensitive Schools. My school also received a grant during the process. I highly recommend it. Dr. Sheka Houston, Principal Celebrating and Strengthening Literacy Actively engaging students in literacy experiences are very important to their continued development as readers, writers, listeners, speakers, and strong communicators. The following are ways to connect with incredible resources that are available to students. Principal Tammy S. Taylor Bedtime Stories with Ms. Pat q=bedtime%20stories%20with%20miss%20pat Read with Carylee Community Storytime with Miss McGriff Storytime with Mr. Limata

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