#create Preview Edition

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Our Cover

Step Into Your Future by Grace Jimerson, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Letters from the Editors Welcome to the preview edition of #create. The purpose of this magazine is to show the artistic and literary talent in BISD. The positive responses to the birth of #create have been overwhelming, and we are excited to share this preview edition with you. With this being the first literary magazine for BISD, the staff knew we had an exciting challenge ahead of us. Creating this magazine has brought the staff great joy, and reading it will hopefully do the same for you. Julianne McGee 11th Grade Centennial High School Even though I’ll no longer be a BISD student when this is published, I knew I wanted to be a part of getting this magazine started. As one chapter of my life is closing, this is opening up. I am so excited to see where this leads in the future. Allison Owens 12th Grade Burleson High School I am so thrilled to be a contributor to this amazing magazine. Much thought and effort has gone into getting this magazine rolling. I know this will go far. Many talented artists’ work has been put into this, and we couldn’t be more excited about sharing it. With all that said, I hope everybody enjoys this magazine and the future for it to come. MaKayla Childress 9th grade Burleson Collegiate High School

Table of Contents Cover Artist - Grace Jimerson


Tropical by Grace Jimerson


Letters from the Editors


Strictly Evan by Abby Pennington


Thank You Lady Bird by Happy Modisette


Reserve of Strength by Elsie Lappin


Time by Karol Planadeball


Buzzing Bee by Lindsey Prior


Contradicting by Isabella Klemme


Beautiful Mother by Lindsey Prior


Music in Me by Journey Curs


Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades by Allison Owens


Jesus by Sady Williams


Medusa by Allison Owens


Death of a Good Paintbrush by Happy Modisette


Abandoned Incinerator by Lindsey Prior


Friends by Charles Harris


Lovely Fox by Lindsey Prior


Orion by Allison Owens


Sunshine by Drew Blair


Fishing in the Keys by Lindsey Pearce


Point of View by Kim Estes


Aquatic Sunset by Isabella Klemme


Sticky Glue by Cameron Bellamy


Whale Song by Kim Estes


Rise of Glory by Elise Lewis


Helicopter Mom by Stacy Clark


Nachi Cocom and Port of Cozumel by Makayla Childress


Chasing Optimism in the Face of Challenges by Elsie Lappin


Cruise Trails and Foreign by Makayla Childress


Call of the Elephant Seal by Lindsey Prior


Table of Contents Maine Coast Shores by Lindsey Prior


Oregon Stream by Lindsey Prior


Sunset Over Bryce Canyon by Lindsey Prior


Searching by Kim Estes


Sikwitness Feature Article by Allison Owens


Lights Tree by Katie Denney


Don’t Go by Addyson Landon


Street Art by Maria Martinez


Day’s End by Happy Modisette


Octopus Desires by Lindsey Prior


Close It by LilyAnne England-Taylor


Emily’s Desert by Allison Owens


Line Self-Portrait by Lennon Porter


Mid-Day Rain by Maria Martinez


Geometric Desert Sunset by Kendall Kirk


Rain by Makaya Childress


Polar Bears by Braeden Barnes


Nala by Courtney Carlson


Little Girl by Riley Burchard


Japan by Isaac Barrington


Gold by Alana Green


Design Process by Ashton Smith


Snowy Times Square by Lindsey Prior


Santa Fe Cathedral by Lindsey Pearce


May the Fourth Be With You by James Alford


Spanish. Is. Love. by Alyssa Rodriguez


Rock Out with Character Animation by Mason Murphy


Out of Ammo by Jonathan Rios


Different Can Be Good by Peyton Everts


From One If To Another by Kennedy Long


This is My Grandfather by Paula Peckham


Table of Contents Colors of the World by Katelin Wilson


Yellow Butter Pink Cup by Izzy Meek


Colorful Oops by William Woerner


Blue Bird by Katie Grace


Cubist Mountain River by Danae Wenger


Smiles Aren’t Perfect by Sincere Jones


Galaxy Hair by Karol Planadeball


Looking Skyward by Elise Lewis


Spring in Texas by Happy Modisette


Being Biracial by Alyssa Rodriguez


Blackout Poem by Mia Valadez


On the Edge by Kim Estes


The Dark by Addyson Landon


Meet the Staff


Stitches by Grace Jimerson


Submitting Your Work & Fall Submission Dates


What Does the World Gain from Optimism? by Courtney Carlson


This Issue and Social Media


Clarity by Grace Jimerson


Inverted by Allison Owens


Texas Highways by Happy Modisette


Photo: Thank You Lady Bird by Happy Modisette, Teacher, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Contradicting A sweet girl with only the most honest intentions Hurt by those who didn't know who they were hurting What they don't know is You're a kind girl Who’s never going to know what she did wrong You're a beautiful girl Who can't help but pick out every flaw and imperfection You’re such an incredibly intelligent girl Who doesn't know why You are who you are and you flaunt it Because you're not afraid To stay true To yourself Trust me I know I'm not the only one who thinks that Isabella Klemme 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS

Opposite Page Drawing (Marker): Time by Karol Planadeball, 8th Grade, STEAM MS


Photo: Music in Me by Journey Curs, 5th Grade, Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Jesus Amazing savior He is always nice and sweet He forgave our sins.

Sady Williams 2nd Grade Clinkscale ES

Opposite Photo: Death of a Good Paintbrush by Happy Modisette, Teacher, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Friends I have no friends always an illusion Never true just a delusion So hard to believe That I ever achieved A friend just look at me This is not who I am meant to be Always so underdressed No one ever impressed Everyone around me is so sad Because I'm so aggressive when I'm mad I always fall When someone betrays me at all No one I can call I don't need help at all I am going to hell straight down Where I'll be damned to frown Trying to smile Never worthwhile Always fruitless Just like pirates loot less The only thing I can do is sigh

Charles Harris 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS

Opposite Page Painting (Ink and Watercolor): Orion by Allison Owens, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

Top Photo: Aquatic Sunset by Isabella Klemme, 9th Grade, Burleson Collegiate HS Opposite Photo: Fishing in the Keys by Lindsey Pearce, Teacher, Burleson HS

Whale Song I think of you And the memories Echo through my heart, Haunting and beautiful, Like whale song through the ocean. Loneliness wells up From the depths of my soul, A leviathan, Breaching the surface In a salt spray of tears.

Kim Estes Learning Technologies


Helicopter Mom Last night I made a painful yet startling realization about myself. Now before I let you in on it, there are some ground rules. Once I’ve said it, I will give you 5 seconds to scoff, ridicule, and unmercifully laugh…whatever you need. But once I reach 5, you must be done. Ready? Set, here goes…. I discovered through a lot of thought and prayer that I am a “Helicopter Mom”… Ok time starts now. One…Two…Three…Four…Five! Time's up, you must now regain your composure and get up off of the floor. All humor aside, this was a difficult thing for me to admit. But as they say, admitting you have a problem is half the battle, right? I don’t really even know what got me on this path, but once I was here I was determined to see it through…every ugly, muddy, and smelly part. I don’t easily admit to faults, though I know I have them…but this particular thing needed to be addressed. So, as with all things, I ponder. I began to dissect exactly what I thought it meant to be a “Helicopter Mom”. Now to those of you who have never heard this phrase before, it’s not always a flattering or even positive portrayal. It simply means you hover over your child. Okay, it’s a little more than that...more like over-protective, overbearing, and appearing to others as obnoxious and annoying. Get the picture? Once I put a label on all the qualities, or maybe a better word would be characteristics, I decided to compare them with how I wanted to be. What are my intentions when I hover? I want to be helpful but am I really achieving that outcome?

So, I began to cut a little more, go a little deeper. First there’s the word “overbearing”. My good friend Webster defines it as, “unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering”. Ouch! That is NOT my intention. I intended to be the opposite, a quiet presence. Next is over-protective, now using my own strategies I don’t really need Webster to tell me that this means to be more protective than necessary…a lot more. Okay, not my intention but it that really a bad thing? The last word I decided to look at was hover. (I didn’t even want to go near obnoxious or annoying...those were just obvious consequences of the other two actions). Webster had a lot to say on this word; however I got the picture pretty clearly. They ranged from “to hang in the air”, to “remain suspended in one place”, to “move to and fro near a place”. But the one that got my attention was, “to be in a state of uncertainty, irresolution or suspense.” That’s when my discovery became painful….and sad. Within all my good, motherly intentions of protecting and comforting my children…I was really displaying my own doubts, fears and uncertainness of….something, anything, and everything. Now at this point you may be ready to turn away, hit the exit button, and move on …not wanting to join another pointless rant of mine. But hold on, stick with me… It’s when we….you, me, your family, your neighbors, all of us, have these revelations that God works the best. This is when my Father came up beside me and said…now

that you’re all muddy, are you ready for the rest? Are you ready to wash off the gunk? By this time I’m ready for anything to make me feel better. Softly and gently, God reminded me that He just wants my best. He knows it falls short sometimes, but that just means I have to trust Him. I don’t have to do it all…while he appreciates my efforts….He is God and He is big enough. He reminded me of a blog I read last week. In it, the author described a helper that we already have in our lives. It’s a helper that is “closer than our breath and nearer than our thoughts.” Talk about a hoverer…but this helper or comforter is one who knows us inside and out. Knows our thoughts as we do...or even before we do. This helper…the Holy Spirit of God is a far more qualified and capable helper than I could ever be. Now I’m not trying to knock myself down with that statement I’m simply saying that I don’t need to be that “Helicopter Mom,” when God has already provided that protection, companionship, comfort, guidance….without all the annoyingly, overbearing, domineering, obnoxious , uncertain mess that occurs when I take over. And the bonus…we all have this helper, not just our children. So it’s with this loving and cleansing lesson that I can now slow down, let my children move ahead…far enough that I can still see them, hear them, witness the great adventures that they will have….all with the assurance that they will be alright because they have the Holy Spirit walking beside them, leading them all the way. And when it gets really difficult….I have Him too.

Stacy Clark Teacher The Academy of Leadership and Technology at Mound ES


Photo: Tropical by Grace Jimerson, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES


A Reserve of Strength American Revolutionaries They’re a curious thing Representatives of the past They all had the same dream Creators of the Red, White, and Blue They had a lot to do It's because of them we have a country like we do They were a foundation of a bonding glue Thomas Jefferson writer of the Declaration of Independence Started the whole slue We talk about founding Fathers But surely there were founding Mothers too? What did they do? Deborah Sampson couldn't take it anymore So, she disguised herself as a male and fought in the war Shara Bradlee Fulton decided so that none may die The Boston Tea Party attackers should be disguised But who created Liberty Tea? American women did that if you please We talk about Sons of Liberty But were there Daughters of Liberty too? Abigail Adams was the icon for that too People saw her and wanted to join the crew She helped women become more independent On anything British made They sacrificed comfort Which was far and few if I may say It says all men are created equal But trust me women fought for independence too For what else was there to do?

Elsie Lappin 8th Grade STEAM MS

Opposite Page Photo: Strictly Evan by Abby Pennington, 4th Grade, Hajek ES


Top Photo: Beautiful Mother by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS Opposite Photo: Buzzing Bee by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS


Painting (Ink and Watercolor): Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades by Allison Owens, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

Drawing (Colored Pencil and Graphite Pencil): Medusa by Allison Owens, 12th Grade, Burleson HS


Opposite Photo: Lovely Fox by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS Bottom Photo: Abandoned Incinerator by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

Photo: Sunshine by Drew Blair, 4th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Point of View You think you are the sun Blindingly brilliant, radiant to behold The center of the universe Allowing those around you To bask in your glow And I think you are the sun Hot air and gas, painful to look at A million miles from this reality And prolonged exposure leads to A blistering, burning irritation Kim Estes Learning Technologies

Sticky Glue

Cameron Bellamy 2nd Grade The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES


Photo: Rise of Glory by Elise Lewis, 7th Grade, Kerr MS


Right to Left Photos: Nachi Cocom and Port of Cozumel by MaKayla Childress, 9th Grade, Burleson Collegiate HS

Chasing Optimism in the Face of Challenges There's an old saying that I once read which reads, ”Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.” I like comparing this saying to being optimistic in the face of a challenge. It is my belief that optimism can improve any situation, makes you happier, and can influence others to have a better life. Have you ever been stuck in a pessimistic, aversive, or downright negative situation? As Helen Keller said,”Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope, and confidence.” I fully believe in this quote because if you walk into a situation expecting the worst outcome, then the worst outcome is what you will get. But if you walk into a situation optimistic with faith and confidence, then it will always turn out for the best. For example, when I was eleven years old, I found out that my family and I were going to move three states away, a total of fourteen hours away from where I had grown up and lived my whole life. About a week before we were going to move my grandpa had a major heart attack and had a triple bypass surgery. Then once we arrived to

our new home with the moving truck, we found out after traveling the grueling fourteen hour trip that our new house had been broken into and it might take longer to move in than we had planned. Being a week before school was supposed to start, eleven year old me was freaking out. But I choose to stay positive and optimistic and things turned out for the best. We were able to move into our house sooner than expected, I got unpacked in time for school to start and my grandpa was on the road to recovery. Someone once told me, “Happiness is a choice, not a result; nothing will make you happy unless you choose to be.” This statement is more true than I can say. Many people, when they wake up in the morning, wait for the good day to just happen; but no matter what you do happiness won't just be handed to you. Instead you need to wake up each morning with an optimistic attitude. For example sometimes if my little sister wakes up in the morning in a bad mood she will allow it to ruin her whole day just because she woke up the wrong way. Instead be ready to make your day happy yourself

Right to Left Photos: Cruise Trails and Foreign by MaKayla Childress, 9th Grade, Burleson Collegiate HS

because like I stated before happiness is not a result but a choice you make. Nothing will make you happy unless you choose to be. In my experience, I have also found that optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, then good things and good people will be drawn to you. If you choose to be optimistic on a daily basis, then you will definitely start to notice a difference in your life and the lives of others around you. When you choose to be optimistic you are also helping to improve the lives of others around you. For example, if you are positive towards others and don't constantly talk negatively around them, you will find that they are happier, less stressed, and more friendly towards you and others. In correlation to this a study called The Penn Depression Project done by Dr. Martin Seligman states that after close observation it is proven that children ages eight to twelve show that children battling depression can learn to fight depression by being taught to challenge their pessimistic thoughts. In conclusion of this study Dr. Seligman found that children that

learn the skills of optimism not only reduce the risk of depression but also boost school performance, improve physical health, and provide themselves with the self resilience they need when approaching their teenage years. After all, all it takes is a optimistic attitude, friendliness, and compassion towards others to change a life. In conclusion, optimism is key. If you expect the worst then the worst will happen. You are your own stress and anger, your own sadness and frustration. If you let things bother you then they will bother you. So, don't let them and just be happy! Nothing in life is easy, so choose to make the best of it. After all an optimist is someone who believes that taking a step backwards after taking a step forwards is not a disaster, it's a cha-cha! Elsie Lappin 8th Grade STEAM MS 32

Photo: Call of the Elephant Seal by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

Photo: Maine Coast Shores by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS


Photo: Sunset Over Bryce Canyon by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

sikwitness Damon Lowe is a BISD alumni and he graduated in 2016. Now he spends his time pursuing his passion of photography in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. He is currently 18 years old and has his own photography business, sikwitness. When did you first get interested in photography? I first got into photography in 2014 because one of my friends needed help taking pictures for this show Instagram account he had. Where do you get inspiration? I find that I get a lot of my inspiration from just simply scrolling through Instagram and watching certain TV shows. What do you do to improve? I tend to focus on my weaknesses the most. Here recently my weakness has been portraits so all I have been shooting is portraits. What are your favorite things about photography? I would have to say the people you meet where it's a session or simply going out with other photographers to shoot would have to be my favorite thing about it. How would you describe your style? When it comes to my style I would have to

say moody. I like being able to draw attention to my photos so I like to add a moody look to my photos. What advice do you have for anyone wanting to start photography? Don’t worry about trying to shoot like a certain person or what get everyone else is using. Focus on your craft and use whatever camera you can get your hands on even if it's a phone. A camera is a camera. What equipment do you use? My favorite lens to use would be a 85mm. I shoot more portraits now than anything so I always find myself using that lens more than all my other lenses, and I shoot with a Canon 6D body. I have zero complaints about that camera body. What role do you see photography playing in your future? I wish I knew to be honest. Nothing ever goes the way you want it to in life, but I am willing to make certain sacrifices in my life for me to be able to keep pursuing my passion. You can enjoy Damon’s work on the next two pages. Find him online at: Instagram- @sikwitness Website- sikwitness.com Email- sikwitness@yahoo.com Interview by: Allison Owens 12th Grade Burleson HS

Photos: Damon Lowe, Alumni, Class of 2016, Burleson HS

Don’t Go Addyson Landon 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS


Opposite Photo: Day’s End by Happy Modisette, Teacher, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES Top Drawing (Pencil): Close It by LilyAnne England-Taylor, 8th Grade, Kerr MS


Polar Bears Polar Bears are cool Always hunting on the prowl In the snow all day

Braeden Barnes 5th Grade Clinkscale ES

Opposite Sculpture (Wire): Line Self-Portrait by Lennon Porter, 6th Grade, STEAM MS Bottom Painting (Acrylic): Geometric Desert Sunset by Kendall Kirk, 8th Grade, STEAM MS

Top Drawing (Pencil): Little Girl by Riley Burchard, 4th Grade, Frazier ES Opposite Drawing (Pencil/Colored Pencil): Gold by Alana Green, 5th Grade, Frazier ES

Photo: Snowy Times Square by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

Drawing (Dry Erase Marker on Whiteboard): May the Fourth Be With You by James Alford, Teacher, The REALM MS Opposite Digital Work (Adobe Illustrator Outline Traced): Out of Ammo by Jonathan Rios, 7th Grade, STEAM MS

Digital Work (Animation Adobe After Effects): Rock Out with Character Animation by Mason Murphy, 7th Grade, STEAM MS Click HERE or scan to view

Digital Work (Video Meme): Different Can Be Good by Peyton Everts, 5th Grade, The Academy at Nola Dunn ES

Digital Work (Video Meme): From One If To Another by Kennedy Long, 4th Grade, The Academy at Nola Dunn ES

Click HERE or scan to view

Click HERE or scan to view


This is My Grandfather It is late afternoon, and I sit on the bed watching my grandfather. He has just been moved to the “rehabilitation center” (it’s not a nursing home, everyone keeps insisting) after spending time in the hospital. I know this is a turning point in our lives. He won’t be going home again. He sits in his wheelchair quietly, facing his bed, and I mimic him, sitting motionless on that same bed. I felt the sterile crackle of protective plastic when I first sat down, and my mind shied away from the image that the sound brought to mind. This is my grandfather. He glances up at me and cracks his trademark grin, cocking his head slightly to the right. The smile splits his face from side to side, revealing the gap between his two front teeth. He knows it’s me, but I can sense from the quiet confusion in his eyes that he doesn’t quite know where he is. He glances away, ashamed maybe to ask me, maybe embarrassed that he doesn’t know. This is my grandfather. I sit, watching him be. The afternoon sun streams in golden from his window, which is behind me. It is bisected into parallel shafts by the blind hanging there, casting stripes across his face and body. Dust motes dance in the alternating pattern of light and the dimness of his room. It is quiet where we are, all the way at the end of an L-shaped hall. We’re in the last room, and the constant stream of day-to-day noises from the nurses and other residents are muted and seem far away from our golden cocoon. The room is a double occupancy, shaped like the wings of a butterfly with the shared

bathroom in the position of thorax. The other room, however, is empty and it is just the two of us here. I fight back tears as I watch him. His hand moves up slowly, and his fingers touch the side of his face. The tip of his index finger traces the curve of the shell of his ear. Each movement is slow, methodical, thoughtful. It is as if some current has been broken between the synapses in his brain that control his movements and the actual muscle contractions that follow. I wonder briefly if he has been given a pill. His ears make me smile through my tears. I suddenly remember a picture we took of him, from behind, while he was holding my infant son. We were outside, standing on the sidewalk in my mother’s front yard. The similar silhouettes of their two round, almost-bald heads with their ears sticking out slightly to the sides made us all laugh, and we told him to hold it while we found the camera. He was so tall, so strong, holding my baby. He was my grandfather. We laughed… Pop lays his hand gently, slowly back in his lap. It joins its gnarled, age-mottled partner, sitting motionless there, both of them facing palms up with fingers curled relaxed and defenselessly inward. He glances at me again and I quickly wipe my face and smile back at that grin I’ve known all my life. This is my grandfather. This is the man who used to sail a boat on Lake Benbrook with my grandmother. This is the man who, during the summer that he was laid off when I was twelve or so, spent what seemed like hours touring me around

on his motorcycle during the once-a-summer week that I spent with them each year. I remember that my feet and my bottom were numb from the vibrations before we got home, but I can still see my skinny arms wrapped tightly around his sturdy back as he drove and drove. This is the man who whistles, just because the joy inside of him has to come out somehow. This is my grandfather. And he is never going to be the same again. I sit in this golden, quiet room and I love him. Finally, I reach forward and wrap my fingers around his. “Pop,” I tell him. “I have to go home. Someone will be here tomorrow to see you.” He looks at me quietly, uncertainly, but that grin cracks out again. He doesn’t answer me and doesn’t try to talk me out of leaving him. I lean forward and press a kiss against his bristly face, feeling the tips of whiskers prickle against my lips. I am suddenly flooded with another memory… him standing in his bathroom, feet braced widely apart, white undershirt tucked into his pants, belt unbuckled, morning sun streaming in through the frosted window pane to his right, stretching his cheek tight with one hand while his other hand rubbed his electric razor across the night’s growth of whiskers. I could not remember ever feeling whiskers on his face before now. Love floods my chest so strongly that for a moment it is hard to breathe.

push, but the “residents” are trapped behind the doors the buttons control as surely as if a prison gate had clanged behind me by the dimness in their minds. This is my grandfather! I sit in my truck in the parking lot, unable to drive away because of the tears flooding my eyes. I find myself chanting over and over, like a mantra, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. I say out loud, through the tears slipping down my face as I pull away, “This is my grandfather, Father. He has loved You all his life. Now, love him well.“ And, I know He did, and He does, and He always will. Because, there in that golden room was also my Father, and He is a God with a plan.

Paula Peckham Teacher Burleson HS

I make my escape, pushing buttons that open doors. They’re simple buttons; they’re even labeled so people will know which button to 52

Searching I have searched the rolling hillside Green with swaying grasses And covered in a quilt of Queen Anne’s Lace I have searched by the brook That laughed and whispered over stones In it’s rush to share its gossip with the crystal lake I have searched beneath the willow’s limbs It’s locks plaited by the amorous breezes I have searched the misty water’s edge And plumbed the darkened depths Of caverns ancient and forsaken I have searched the barren plains And washed their cracked, parched lips With my salty tears I have searched the cathedral forest In dappled gold and glowing silver In its finest array and its poorest cloak I have searched the cobwebbed cloisters Of my desolate heart Through mournful melodies that sang Of loneliness, loss, and pain I searched and searched until you spoke my name I raised my eyes to yours That familiar, knowing smile The same scarred and weary heart A kindred soul My search at last had ended

Kim Estes Learning Technologies

Photo: Oregon Stream by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

Photo: Lights Tree by Katie Denney, 8th Grade, Kerr MS

Photo: Street Art by Maria Martinez, 8th Grade, STEAM MS

Opposite Drawing (Ink Pens and Copic Markers): Octopus Desires by Lindsey Prior, 12th Grade, Burleson HS Top Drawing (Colored Pencil): Emily’s Desert by Allison Owens, 12th Grade, Burleson HS



they ask you to go away yet i beg for you to stay. you bring a type of soothing nature. one that makes me want to cuddle up in bed and drink sweet tea. you make me calm for once so i beg you rain, please stay.

MaKayla Childress 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS

Photo: Mid-Day Rain by Maria Martinez, 8th Grade, STEAM MS

Digital Work (Minecraft): Japan by Isaac Barrington, 6th Grade, The REALM MS Opposite Digital Work (Photoshop): Nala by Courtney Carlson, 8th Grade, STEAM MS


Design Process

Ashton Smith 2nd Grade Mrs. Leeman’s Class STEAM Academy at Stribling ES


Spanish. Is. Love. Spanish Is a language that should come easy to me Spanish Is the blood of my ancestors pouring out onto the protest scorned streets Spanish Is a language that I should know It should be engrained in my memory Burnt in my skin When my skin breaks open, I should be able to see the words tumbling out from beneath my veins But I don't I shouldn't have to have a translator for every family reunion I shouldn't have to question everything I'm saying I shouldn't scream out Selena lyrics without knowing what I'm saying But I do And I feel guilty I try to tell myself that it's not my fault It's the way I was raised My parents decided not to teach me this beautiful language that I would need in the future I tell myself it's okay But it's not You see, Spanish is not just a language It is a lifestyle A culture A family I may call myself chicana Or latina Or mexicana Or hispanic Or mexican-American But I feel like I'm lying It feels fake Like I'm trying to a appropriate a struggle that is not mine to claim I don't know everything you're saying But I know this Spanish. Is. Love.

Alyssa Rodriguez 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS Opposite Photo: Santa Fe Cathedral by Lindsey Pearce, Teacher, Burleson HS


Photo: Colors of the World by Katelin Wilson, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Photo: Colorful Oops by William Woerner, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES


Opposite Painting (Watercolor): Galaxy Hair by Karol Planadeball, 8th Grade, STEAM MS Top Painting (Acrylic): Cubist Mountain River by Danae Wenger, 8th Grade, STEAM MS

Photo: Spring in Texas by Happy Modisette, Teacher, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Blackout Poem Mia Valadez 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS

The Dark Addyson Landon 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS


Photo: Stitches by Grace Jimerson, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

What Does the World Gain From Optimism? Imagine what your life would be like without things like smartphones, cars, the internet, or the multiple medical advances. What if the creators of these incredible things didn’t have the motivation and drive to have ever made them? You wouldn’t be able to send short messages in an instant, get to places as fast, be able to know the answer to something in seconds, or have the gift of life. These creations are made possible for people like you and me, by the optimism and hard work of others. Some of the most recognizable names in history have been told that they would never make it and they should do something else because they weren’t good enough. Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein, and so many others have been rejected before

becoming the outstanding role models they are to everyone today by being optimistic, confident, and innovative. We have gained joy from watching them all but do you know what they had to overcome? First of all, Walt Disney who is still known as a legend in the animation industry, was fired from a newspaper editor for “not having an imagination or good ideas.” We all obviously now know from iconic characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, that Walt did keep pursuing his dream and proved that editor wrong. Secondly, Oprah was told she wasn’t fit for television after being fired as a co-anchor on a local news station. Not only did she work hard to achieve her dream, but she built a huge media empire and had one of the longest running talk shows ever. The famous NBA player and owner Michael

Photo: Clarity by Grace Jimerson, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES Opposite Photo: Texas Highways by Happy Modisette, Teacher, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Jordan, was actually cut from his high school basketball team and the incredible director Steven Spielberg didn’t get accepted into the University of Southern California not once, but THREE TIMES! Finally, the genius Albert Einstein was actually expelled from school and one of his teachers there called him “mentally slow.” This just demonstrates that we should stay optimistic when being told something is impossible. Every week, I watch a show on ABC called Shark Tank. It’s a tv show where business owners hope to gain an investment from the “Sharks” who are wealthy businessmen and women. I’ve seen person after person come in with big dreams to grow an innovative new product that would make everyone’s lives better. One example of this is a product called Ring. It was on the show and didn’t get a deal from any of the investors. The original idea was a doorbell with a video camera that you could access through your smartphone to

prevent break ins and robberies. The sharks didn’t like the idea that much so the business left empty handed. After hard work and motivation to attempt to get people to gain a sense of safety from their product, they stayed optimistic and ended up with one of the best selling products to have been on Shark Tank. So what does the world gain from optimism? We gain things we use every single day and if you really think about it, almost everything is made from one optimistic idea or dream. These creations are made possible for people like you and me, by the optimism and hard work of others. All of these world changing breakthroughs were at one time impossibilities or merely dreams. These dreams became a reality for a single reason, the creators were optimistic that they could change our lives forever. Courtney Carlson 8th Grade STEAM MS

Photo: Yellow Butter Pink Cup by Izzy Meek, 5th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES

Photo: Blue Bird by Katie Grace, 4th Grade, The Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom ES


Opposite Drawing (Charcoal): Smiles Aren’t Perfect by Sincere Jones, 7th Grade, STEAM MS Top Photos: Looking Skyward by Elise Lewis, 7th Grade, Kerr MS

Being Biracial Being biracial is probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to deal with. I’m either too white or too Hispanic, and that has been really difficult for me. Growing up, I never really saw myself as one or the other - white or brown - because I didn’t know there was something different about that. My parents could be considered an interracial couple because my dad identifies as Hispanic. When you look at them, you can clearly tell that my dad is brown and my mom is white, but looking at me, you couldn’t tell that I was my dad’s child. I didn’t see the problem with being both until I got older. I have always been closer to my dad’s side of the family because I was around them more. I was used to the typical Mexican traditions, customs, food, music, etc. I never really saw my mom’s family and those that I did visit I never liked. I stayed with my grandpa (on my dad’s side) practically everyday until I was about 6 years old, and on the weekends after that. I have just always been more comfortable around my paternal family. I always knew that racism existed. It was just a fact of life that I had to deal with. My entire life, people identified me as white, because I am. But I have always identified as Hispanic/Latina, because, well, I am. But don’t get me wrong, I recognize the fact that I am white-passing and because of that I have white privilege, but I hate having to ignore the fact that I’m also Hispanic. I am also expected to agree with white people’s views on various topics, such as language barriers and immigration laws. Even though I do not speak Spanish and I am not an immigrant, my dad’s family speaks Spanish and my ancestors were immigrants. I even have family that currently live in Mexico. This struggle has affected me academically (and emotionally) in several ways, especially classes where we talk about race and countries, such as Spanish, History, and some English lessons. I struggled with my identity, but alas, I didn’t want to perpetuate a struggle that was not mine. My family would always joke about being Hispanic, especially me and my sister (we are

both biracial). I always laughed at the jokes, but they secretly bothered me because I have always struggled with my identity. It’s not fun not knowing what or who you are. After a while, I realized that I should be proud of who I am. My grandpa (whom I called Papa or Papi), was always very proud of being Hispanic and he would want me to feel the same way. He was the person who inspired me to embrace my culture and my family, both of which I am very proud of. Latinos have faced so many challenges, and I do not want to forget about the things my ancestors have faced. No matter what, I love being biracial. It gives me the luxury of seeing things from two different perspectives. I am not going to erase my identity because some people want to judge me. Hispanics/Latinos/Chicanos/Mexicans come in all shapes, colors, sizes, etc; we are all unique.

Alyssa Rodriguez 9th Grade Burleson Collegiate HS

Photo: On the Edge by Kim Estes, Learning Technologies

Meet the Staff Our Editors

Allison Owens 12th Grade - BHS

Julianne McGee 11th Grade - CHS

Makayla Childress 9th Grade - BCHS

Our Staff

Payton Hudak 12th Grade - BHS

Wade McCrory 9th Grade - BHS

Laura Richardson 9th Grade - BCHS

Jessica DosSantos 9th Grade - BHS

Brayden Hedrick 9th Grade - BHS

Facilitators Kim Estes - Learning Technologies Lindsay Foster - Learning Technologies Heather Sanders - Learning Technologies Matt Kitchens - Learning Technologies Yvonne Hensley - Curriculum Lindsey Pearce - BHS Paula Peckham - BHS Jennifer Cook - BCHS Shannon Baldwin - KMS Happy Modisette - Academy of Fine Arts at Bransom Elementary Stacy Clark - Academy of Leadership and Technology at Mound Elementary JodiLynn McGee - STEAM Academy at Stribling Elementary

Submitting Your Work Any current student, staff, or faculty member of the Burleson Independent School District is welcome to submit work for publication in #create. All work MUST be the original work of the artist. #create does it’s best to verify each item submitted. Items may be excluded from selection, at the discretion of the submission committee, if there is any question as to the ownership/creation of the work. If you are submitting art work, please be sure to take a GOOD, high resolution photo of the work. Hang the work or lay it flat and make sure you have good lighting. Please try to avoid sketchbook spirals or fingers in the photo. Art students are encouraged to submit. Selection for the magazine is done by the editors, staff, and facilitators of the magazine. All identifying names or identifying marks are removed from the submissions by the submission committee (who do NOT vote). Numbered submissions are presented to the #create staff for voting. Some artwork or photography may have to be cropped to fit in the magazine.

This Issue

Digitally created using Google Slides and issuu.com Preview Edition #create: Burleson ISD’s Literary and Fine Arts Magazine Published: June 15, 2017

Our Next Call for Submissions Opens August 1, 2017 Our 1st edition theme will be “Coming Home” Visit our website for more details.

All members of the #create staff are volunteers. The magazine is created with a zero budget. Editorial positions are staffed by students from BISD schools. All submissions are posted with the permission of the author/artist.

@2017 Burleson Independent School District. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without explicit written permission from Burleson ISD and the authors/artists.


#create: The Burleson ISD Literary and Fine Arts Magazine 1160 SW Wilshire Blvd. Burleson, TX 760283 Painting (Watercolor): Inverted by Allison Owens, 12th Grade, Burleson HS

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