EDITOR’S NOTE December 2012 Newsletter R
ed Starbucks coffee cups, crisp air brushing against your face and the sound of Christmas music in the background stirs one to reminisce about the past year and gaze brightly into the next. December is the time to celebrate with friends and family as the year comes to a close. Whether 2012 contains memories of joy or heartache, a new year always brings hope of what’s to come! It’s with joy the cast of writers, photographers, editors, stylist, & more remember 2012 and look forward to what’s in store for 2013. But mostly, we celebrate the cast of women who have been encouraged & empowered to be all they were designed to be by simply discovering Created Woman Magazine. This is a true blessing and what inspires us to continue the journey. We hope you enjoy the journey of becoming and being the woman you were created to be!
Heather Frierson
| Created Woman
Vision “Becoming the woman you were created to be, both inside and out�
Mission Created Woman is a fashion magazine that highlights family, health, fun and purposeful living. There is something for everyone. Fashion is the catalyst intended to carry the message that inspires women to fully express who they were truly created to be.
CREATED WOMAN’S LIFE so far... 2009
Birthed the dream of Created Woman Magazine.
Magazines in print by fall.
2011 CW reached 500,000 readers worldwide.
The online blog went live & a team of writers embarked on a journey of empowering and encouraging women to become who they were created to be.
The digital flip magazine was launched!
| Created Woman
WHAT TO EXPECT IN 2013 JANUARY/FEBRUARY Theme: “Created To Be…..” Featuring the heart of Created Woman Magazine, we’ll introduce you to women who have discovered their destiny, started over and loved others through their unique design sparking our readers to ponder, “Who were you created to be….?”
MARCH/APRIL Theme: Spring Fashion One of the most anticipated months in fashion, CW will go green and fashionable all at once exposing new trailblazers in the fashion and beauty world who are helping to preserve the world around them.
JULY/AUGUST Theme: Back to Basics This issue will mark the 1-year anniversary for our digital flip and we’ll get back to basics and answer the questions that really matter.
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Theme: Fall Fashion/Going Pink The issue will unveil CW in print to the world!
Theme: What’s Hot
Theme: Entertainment & Hospitality
For the 3rd year, CW exposes ‘What’s Hot’ in summer fun, food, bridal, health, trends, outreach & more. It’s the issue the CW team has the most fun with - discovering what’s hot!
Discover ways to entertain & help others during the holiday in a fun, stress-free way! Plus, delicious holiday recipes, workout routines that work for busy holidays schedules and festive holiday fashion.
December 2012 Newsletter | 5
The Birth Of A Dream
M ost little girls have dreams of what
they want to be when they grow up. My dream was to be a school teacher. While waiting to become of age, I practiced on my dogs. Judy and Diane had to sit in chairs for hours while I taught them the three R’s. Finally, at the age of 21, I walked into a class room with 25 live teenagers staring me in the face. Scared? Yes, but a dream had come true that had been on the inside of me for years. In Fall of 2013, Created Woman Magazine will reach the news stands for its very first print publication. It is all because Heather Frierson, along with a team who worked diligently with her, gave birth to a dream.
Your birth will also encourage women, while living out their destiny, to keep their focus on what really matters: family, friends, and health. What dream is on the inside of you? Just as the birth of Created Woman Magazine is a dream come true, yours can be, too. Remembers the words Gabriel said to Mary when he appeared to her announcing she would give birth to our Savior, Jesus Christ: “You are highly favored, you are blessed among women, and with God all things are possible.” (Luke 1)
There is a dream within you just waiting to be birthed!
CREATED WOMAN MAGAZINE --- Welcome to the world! Your birth will be a platform for women to share their life’s story and experiences as they encourage others to discover their own identity and become all God created them to be. About Author: Martha Bush Email: Fashion Inspiration: “I love wearing pant suits with jackets that hug the hip line.” Martha’s favorite things to do are: spending time with family, blogging, teaching and leading small groups at church. She is especially fond of seafood, and all Cajun food.
| Created Woman
LAUNCH WITH US IN 2013! Distributors: Put Created Woman Magazine in your customer’s hands. If you would like to distribute CWM in your place of business, email with“distributor” in subject line. Advertisers: With an ever-growing community, is the perfect place to advertise your site or product. offers a unique opportunity for communicating your message to an audience of thousands of visitors a day in print or online. Print: Request Media Kit email with ‘print ad” in subject line. Online:
Subscribers: Our goal for fall 2013 is to place CW print magazines in your mailbox. Let us know if you would love to have your very own issue and stay tuned to CW online for details in the future. Online: Get every issue and weekly blog posts delivered to your inbox or social media
Newsletter Contributors: Editor: Heather Frierson, Inside/Out: Martha Bush, Editor: Lynn Cherry, Photographers: Maryna Marston, Marco Gutierrez,; Square Earth Studio Graphic Designer: Vania Evangelista, Branding/Web Design: Visual Moxie, Models: Jessica Collins Bridget Farr,; Heyman Talent (South Central) Jennifer Heggem, Alyssa Jimenez,
SNEAK PEEK of CW’s FIRST 2013 ISSUE “Created To Be... ”
Model: Myles Wren