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Help for households
East Riding Council
‘YOUR money’ team
If you need financial advice to help with longer-term stability, or emergency assistance with your financial or mental health, our local council has services that may be able to help you. Their dedicated ‘YOUR money’ team can help with even the most complex situations. They will ensure you are claiming all the benefits, grants, and discounts that you are entitled to. They can also give debt advice and help with budgeting.
Contact them for a free and confidential appointment by emailing yourmoney@ eastriding.gov.uk
Their online budgeting tool will help you create your own personal budget plan to help you take control of your finances.
Use our budgeting tool to find tips on how to:
• Reduce your expenses
• Maximise your income
• Pay off your debts
• Save for the future
For more information visit, budget.entitledto.co.uk/ eastriding
Healthy Homes scheme
This can provide money to help with the cost of repairing or replacing your household’s heating system. The scheme is available for both owner occupiers, and private tenants who are responsible for repairing the property’s heating system.
You may be eligible for a Healthy Homes payment if someone in your household has a long-term health condition which is made worse by the cold or damp, and you are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
• Pension credit (guarantee)
• Income Support
• Employment and Support
Allowance (income related)
• Universal Credit
• Working Tax or Child Tax
Credit with a total household income less than £30,000.
Cost of Living Payments
The government has announced when further Cost of Living Payments will be made between spring 2023 and spring 2024. These payments are:
• Up to £900 for people on an eligible low income benefit
• £300 for pensioner households
• £150 for people on an eligible disability benefit
Further guidance will be published when more details have been announced, including the qualifying dates.
If you’re eligible, you’ll be paid automatically in the same way you usually get your benefit or tax credits.
Quick and easy no-cost actions
Here are some quick actions that you can take immediately to help reduce the amount of energy you use and hopefully see you saving money.
• Turning your combi boiler flow temperature down to 60°C could save you up to £100 a year
• Turning down radiators in rooms you aren’t using or use less could save you up to £70 a year
• Turning appliances off at the socket could save you up to £70 a year
• Washing clothes at a lower temperature could save you up to £40 a year
• Using your tumble dryer less could save you £70 a year
• Closing all your curtains and blinds at night
• Track your energy usage using an app
For more information, please visit https:// helpforhouseholds.campaign. gov.uk/energy-savingadvice/#no-cost-actions