3 minute read
by CreateTVT
FROM A POLICE PERSPECTIVE: Tackling the issues at Eastgate Flats
Here is an update on what the Goole Policing Team has been up to in the past month
Last month we executed drug warrants at Eastgate Flats and Chiltern Road, Goole with five people being arrested for possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs.
This is as a result of you telling us what’s going on and what matters to you in your community.
This includes serving notices to seek possession of properties linked to crime and anti-social behaviour and a process of ensuring those with a history of such behaviour are not allocated properties in Eastgate Flats in the future.
We have the support of our proactive task force Operation Galaxy. Anyone with information about drugs being dealt in their community can call us on 101 and report their concerns.
Following the recent HumberTalking survey undertaken in Eastgate Flats, we are working closely with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to tackle the issues you told us about.
This is only part of the work we have planned, if you have any information that will support this community priority please call Humberside Police on 101 or East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 393939 or alternatively Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
OTHER NEWS Goole Policing Team is still encouraging everyone to follow the Government guidance. For this reason we will not be holding any more engagement events with our communities for the foreseeable future. Whilst we love seeing you, these events are non-essential in the current circumstances.
You will still see us out and about as we continue to do our job and keep our communities safe. As always there are a number of ways you can get in touch with us if you need us.
For incidents that don’t require an immediate response call our non-emergency 101 line. You can also report nonemergency crimes online via our reporting portal. In an emergency always dial 999.
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