2 minute read
by CreateTVT
Goole Policing Team is looking for people in and around Goole to join Humberside Police and become a Community Safety Volunteer
“A dedicated team of volunteers from a variety of backgrounds and cultures already works across the Humberside force area, making a positive contribution to the area’s communities, using their wide range of experiences and skills.”
The Community Safety Volunteer scheme was first established in April 2008 to promote community involvement in policing through volunteering.
The aim of the scheme is to encourage those living and working in the area to use their skills, experience and knowledge to assist and support Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables, support staff and fire service personnel in their daily business.
A team of volunteers from a variety of backgrounds and cultures already works across the Humberside force area, making a positive contribution to the area’s communities and using its experiences and skills to enhance the work of the police and fire service.
Matt Sutcliffe, Group Manager Public Safety with the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service said: “The Police/Fire volunteer partnership is now firmly established within our toolbox of options for supporting the organisation and helping to make our communities a safer place to live and work. The commitment and professionalism of the volunteers is an absolute privilege to witness and support. It also important to recognise the life experience and skills the volunteers bring to our organisation. Volunteers are firmly embedded into the tapestry of work streams to ensure we are an effective organisation.”
What can becoming a Police Volunteer offer?
• Enhances your CV • Get involved in local community events • Makes a real difference to policing in your area
What do volunteers assist with?
The tasks performed by our volunteers vary widely, but will never replace roles held by paid staff. These tasks include: • Administrative support • Diversity and community engagement • Recruitment event assistance • Helping to give crime prevention and fire safety advice • Playing roles in training exercises
What qualifications do I need?
You do not need any formal qualifications.
How old do I have to be to apply?
You can apply to be a volunteer once you are 16 and have left secondary education.
For more information on volunteering please contact us on (01482) 220723 via SPOCCommunitySafety@humberside.pnn. police.uk