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SMCA Campus Master Plan
SMCA Campus Master Plan
The SMCA Campus Master Plan is purposed to enhance the campus in a manner that will improve the doctor, staff, and patient experience. The plan reviews the existing conditions, proposes a wayfinding master plan, and provides recommendations for future capital improvements.
The SMCA’s guiding principles to wellness are centered around “utilizing best practices in healthcare to modernize and improve the visitor, doctor, and staff experience”. To accomplish this, the team came up with numerous improvements SMCA could make. A few of these improvements are: • Provide clear clues that establish a main entrance for the hospital • Celebrate hospital arrival at campus gateways • Orient and improve the campus experience for each user group • Improve patient drop-off and pick-up experiences for vehicular and pedestrian traffic • Create emotional textures around the building that align with and promote the medical center’s mission, vision, and values • Create a connection with adjacent shoal creek greenbelt to accentuate hospital experience, and provide space for physical activities