10 Days with Creation: A Devotional

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10 Days with Creation: A Devotional

Brought to you by: Interlinc


PASTOR HARRY THOMAS Creation Founder and Speaker You have a lot of packing and planning to do to come to Creation but don’t forget to prepare your heart! The most important thing about Creation will be what God does in your life and the lives of those you are bringing with you. A person can come to Creation without any preparation and be blessed, but those who come expecting God to move in their lives are most likely to receive the most. Matthew tells us about two blind men who fought their way through the crowd to have Jesus heal them. They were desperate and although they did not know all that we presently know about Christ, they knew his reputation as a Healer. They cried out for mercy even though the rest of the crowd said to be quiet. Interestingly, when

they finally made it to Jesus he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” I guess that is a question we all need to be asked. Do you believe God can touch your life or those with you by His Spirit at Creation? Is it just another time to hear a favorite band or is it a time to encounter the Lord in a fresh way? Could God break through barriers in our lives and speak to us? Maybe He is asking, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” Suddenly by a simple response, “Yes, Lord,” everything changed. That very day they received their vision. A miracle transpired that would change their lives forever. Once they were blind, now they can see. They first person

they saw was Jesus! All kinds of opportunities were now open to them that were not available before. No doubt they became followers of Christ and shared their amazing testimony of God’s love and miracle working power even though Jesus said to keep it quiet. When I stand on the stage during worship of at the festival I am reminded of the promise that God is enthroned upon the praises of His people and that where two or more are gathered in His Name – He is present. When we come to Creation we recognize that He is present and He wants to touch us too. Maybe it is for salvation or a healing but our response is hopefully, “Yes, Lord! You are able!”

As you go through this devotional it is uniquely put together with songs of artists who will be performing at Creation 2012. Thanks to our friends at Interlinc and the artists for working hard on this to assist you with a meaningful devotional to assist you and your group in their experience at Creation. Ask the Holy Spirit to use these devotionals to help you and those you serve. Let me encourage you to have an eternal “yes, Lord” and believe that God will do above and beyond what you ask, hope or think. Serving Jesus with Joy!

Pastor Harry Thomas Director, Co-Founder







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CREATION 2012 Devotional

boomin’ Paul Turner Hueytown, alabama thediscipleproject@me.com Think of some things that you like to be loud. music, concerts and fireworks probably come to mind – but what about your faith? How loud is your faith? Is it turned way down so low only you can hear, or is it turned so loud it’s hurting the ears of those around? Faith, like music, can lose its quality if played too loudly. What is the right place on the dial to set your faith? Let’s look at some “boomers” from the bible to get an idea. • Jesus Boomin’ At The Well (John 4:1-40) Jesus shared His faith in everyday opportunities. His conversation with a woman at a well started a chain of events that affected an entire community. Who are some people you know that seem insignificant, but if touched by God could make an impact? Pray for God-given influence with ordinary people and you may see a God-ordained impact! • Paul Boomin’ At The Palace (Acts 26) Paul was brought in chains before King agrippa to present his testimony in that highest court. What opportunities do you have to share about what God has done in your life? If it’s a short list, pray that you will be able make the most of the opportunities you do have. • A Widow Boomin’ At The Temple (Luke 21:1-4) a nameless widow’s small offering caught the attention of the Son of God. Jesus watched her give all she had while the rich and elite gave only a part of their abundance. How’s your giving? I’m not just talking money. How about time? Service? Whose attention do you want to get – people, or God? Give your best. People know the message of christ generally. They know we make a big deal about christmas and Easter, that there is church involved, and that we all want a lot of people to join us – or else! our role is to clear up the foggy points so that others can see and hear a loud and clear (but not distorted) Good News. Set your volume knob and live your faith loud enough for others to hear but low enough that the message is clear.

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chris tomlin

CREATION 2012 Devotional

God’s Faithfulness


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Day 01


These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme

God’s Faithfulness


Students will look at where God is in their struggles.

Warm Up

You think YOU have problems – Have your students stand in a line. Start off with an innocuous problem like, “My shoelace is untied.” Each student in turn must come up with something worse, all starting with the statement, “You think YOU have problems…” If a student can’t come up with something worse, he or she has to sit down. Students may “boo” an answer if they deem it to not be worse. If that student cannot prove his or her problem is worse to the satisfaction of the booing students, then he or she must sit. To keep this fun, no one is allowed to use death, disease, or anything inappropriate for a church setting. Offering a small prize for the funniest problem will also keep things positive. The last student standing (or all students standing when time runs out) wins a prize.


Say something like, “While our game was fun, most of us would agree that real problems are no laughing matter. In the midst of life’s trials, we can feel as though God has forgotten us.” Ask the students to think of a time of trial that they have experienced. Discuss: • How did you get through it? • Did you feel God’s presence in the midst of it?

The Video

Hand out the Student Guides and explain that Louie Giglio wrote the lyrics of this song during a very difficult time in his life. As you watch the video, check out the images presented. What do the images say to you? The setting? The little boy? The old man? Have your students fill in the blanks on the lyric sheet. (You may need to play the video a second time to accomplish both tasks.)


Ask your students to share what the images from the video meant to them. There are images of destruction, sickness, pain and loneliness. When we experience life’s harder moments we tend to ask, “Where is God when I hurt?” “Why does God allow suffering?” “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Have your students look at the lyrics of the song. Ask them what they feel “lift my hands to believe again” means. In the middle of difficulty, we are tempted to give up on our faith – but in the midst of a trial is when we need our faith the most.

Bible Study

This lesson looks at some of God’s promises for times of trial. • Matthew 11:28-30 – When we are burdened we can come to Jesus and He will help us to bear those burdens. • John 10:10-15 – Our enemy means to destroy us, but Jesus came that we might have life. Jesus is the good shepherd, and He laid down His life to protect us from our enemy. • John 16:33 – We will experience trouble, but we can take heart because Jesus has overcome.

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• Romans 8:28 – God works for the good in all things for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. • Romans 8:37-39 – Nothing can separate us from His love. • 1 Peter 5:7 – We can give our cares to God and know that He cares for us. • 1 Peter 5:8-10 – We need to be on our guard. We have a very real enemy who attacks us with intent to destroy us. When we resist him, Christ strengthens us. • Hebrews 13:5b – God will never leave us or forsake us.

Wrap Up

Where is God in our struggles? He is right there with us leading us all the way through. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) His promises hold true for us today. Share more stories of God’s faithfulness and offer prayer for all those in the midst of trials.

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Student Guide

Youth Guide Artist:

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Video Title:






The Video

As you watch the video, what do the images say to you?

Fill in the blanks from the lyrics of the song Be _____ there is a _____

Bible Study

What do the following passages tell you about God’s faithfulness? Matthew 11:28-30

His _____ is _____ than the _____ John 10:10-15

His _____ is _____ The setting?

His _____ a _____ for the _____ Let _____ Arise, Let _____ arise

John 16:33

I lift my _____ to _____ again Romans 8:28

You are my _____ The old man?

You are my _____ Romans 8:37-39

As I pour out my _____ these things I _____

1 Peter 5:7

You are _____ God _____ The little boy?

1 Peter 5:8-10

Be _____ there is a _____ That _____ from _____ Tree

Hebrews 13:5b

A _____ for the _____



your _____ that _____ over me

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Creation Festival 2012

Creation Festival 2012 Northeast 2012

CREATION 2012 Devotional Hope

Day 02 These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide

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Youth Guide


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CREATION 2012 Devotional

Faith; Assurance


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Study by:

Day 03


These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme

Faith; Assurance


Students will find assurance in their faith and the hope of God’s grace despite their actions.

Warm Up

Set up a short obstacle course with chairs and/or tables. Blindfold two participants and put one on each end of the course. Split the remaining participants and have half of them give commands to one participant and the other half give commands to the other participant to guide them through the course. Neither group can speak the name of the one that they are guiding. The idea is for the guided to determine which commands they will trust. (Hint: Those guiding can move closer to the one they are guiding.)


Bible Study

The Song

John 6:37-39 – Jesus said that all those whom the Father gave Him would come to Him. That is certain. He also said that He had come to do the will of the Father – to “lose none of all that he has given me” and to “raise them up at the last day.” This “last day” refers to the Day of Judgment. All who come to Jesus will be raised in the last day to go to heaven. Jesus will not lose one of them.

Explain that there are many ways to interpret Scripture. Many interpretations are done in a way to simply make people feel better about how they are living. Others are done in a way to scare people into submission. We need to seek the truth found in God’s Word.

Have participants list fears heard in the song. You can search online for lyrics if needed.

Job 17:1-9 – Give some background to the story of Job. Make sure to emphasize the trials that Job endured including losing all he had and the dissent of his friends. Ask, “What did Job know that his friends didn’t?” (Job understood that despite his trials, his future was secure in the grace of God.)

Romans 8:35-39 – Paul wrote that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. Once we come into His grace, we cannot be removed from that grace.

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Wrap up

Explain that everyone experiences trials and problems. Sometimes we make the decision to do things that are contrary to God’s expectations (sin). While those sins are an abomination to God, Scripture is clear that those who are under His grace remain under His grace. This truth is NOT a free pass to do whatever we want; it is simply an assurance of our part in the Kingdom of God. Close in prayer.

Student Guide

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The Song

Listen closely to the lyrics of the song, or follow along on the lyric sheets if your leader has provided them. List fears the artist names in the song.

Job 17:1-9 What did Job know that his friends didn’t?

John 6:39 What did Jesus come to do?

Once we are in Him, can he lose us?

Romans 8:35-39 What can separate us from the love of Christ?

Wrap Up Everyone experiences trials and problems. Sometimes we make the decision to do things that are contrary to God’s expectations (sin). While those sins are an abomination to God, Scripture is clear that those who are under His grace remain under His grace. This truth is NOT a free pass to do whatever we want; it is simply an assurance of our part in the Kingdom of God.



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Leader Guide



CREATION 2012 Devotional

God’s Love


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Day 04


These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme

God’s Love


Your students will understand that God loves them no matter what they have done. They will know that they really are someone worth dying for.

Warm Up

It’s Worth What? – You can act out or create of these versions of the new TV game: • Use your computer and projector to display extremely valuable items like a Honus Wagner baseball card ($2.35 Million) and the original first Barbie ($8,000). • Buy several common items like school supplies and fast-food menu items – display them side-by-side. • Combination of both. Select two contestants to engage in a battle of four challenges that escalate in difficulty. Both contestants are asked to “discern” the price. They must identify which item is worth more money. A certain amount of prize money is awarded upon completing the challenges, with the highest possible winning being ($1, $5, $10, $20, or whatever your ministry can afford). The audience is encouraged to yell out answers.


Say something like, “I hope you enjoyed that game. I also hope the winner takes me to lunch this week. So what did you think as you saw each item and thought about its value? What would you have thought if one of the items displayed was a person? What if that person was your friend? What if that person was you? How much are your family and friends worth? How much are YOU worth?”

The Song

Ask the students to pay close attention to the lyrics. Play the song.


than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! It was simply because the Lord loves you.” (Deuteronomy 7:7-8 – New Living Translation paraphrase) Why does God love us? Not because of what we have done, or because there is something special about us, or because we’re worth it. God loves us because He has chosen to love us. There is nothing we can do to make Him love us any less, and there is nothing we can do make Him love us more. He loves us continually. When we think no one else loves us, He does. When our friends hurt us, when our family mistreats us, when the entire world is against us, God loves us. Always. No matter what.

The guys in MIKESCHAIR sang, “You’re someone worth dying for.” What do you think of that statement?

Read these verses and have the students fill in the blanks that are on the Student Guide:

Bible Study

• Romans 9:25 (from The Message paraphrase)

Popular Christian author Max Lucado wrote, “God’s love does not hinge on yours. The abundance of your love does not increase His. The lack of your love does not diminish His. Your goodness does not enhance His love nor does your weakness dilute it.” A few thousand years before Max said that, Moses told Israel that “The Lord did not choose you and lavish His love on you because you were larger or greater

• Jeremiah 31:3 (from New Living Translation paraphrase) Ask, “Let’s look at the people the song mentioned in the song – what do you think is their story?” Have the kids talk about each character and what has happened in their lives. (There really are no wrong answers here so allow the kids to be creative. Make sure they discuss why each person would feel

©2011, inTeRlínC / inTeRlinC-online.Com / 800.725.3300


unloved or worthless and the importance of each of their pictures). Ask, “If you were to add a line to the song about you, what would that line be? (Give time for them to write.) Take a minute or two to fill in that final blank. You don’t have to share what you wrote, but look at the line underneath what you wrote. What does it say?”

Wrap Up

Say, “Sometimes you may feel like the Honus Wagner card (or whatever expensive item you had) and sometimes you feel like a chewed-up piece of gum. No matter how you feel or what is happening around you, God loves you, and you are someone worth dying for.” Close in prayer.

Student Guide

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God loves us because:

There’s nothing we can do to make God love us:

Romans 9:25

Jeremiah 31:3

“I’ll call ___________________________________ and

“I have loved you, my people, with an

make them ____________________________________;

________________________________________ love.

I’ll call the ______________________________________

With _______________________________________

and make them _______________________________.”

love I have drawn you to myself.”

(from The Message paraphrase)

(from the New Living Translation)

The wife waiting up at night The man struggling to provide The son who chose a broken road The girl thinking you’ll end up alone.

There’s nothing we can do to make God love us:

I might be the __________________________________ _______________________________________________

And I am loved by God. I am someone worth dying for. Additional


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Creation Festival 2012

Creation Festival 2012

CREATION 2012 Devotional


Leader Guide



God’s Strength

Day 05


Album Title & Record Company:


Study by:






These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme

God’s Strength


Students will learn to rely on God’s strength instead of their own in time of weakness.

Warm Up

The Siphoning Game – You will need four empty milk jugs (or four large containers) and two large straws. Students will have to suck the liquid (of your choosing) out of one container and blow it into the other. You could have this done in teams to make it go faster.


Ask if anyone has heard a story of someone getting their gas siphoned out. Wouldn’t you hate to show up to your vehicle, which you filled with gas the night before, only to find it empty? Frustrating, right?

The Song

Hand out the Student Guides. As the song plays, have the students consider some of their weak areas where they feel as though the world or the devil has siphoned their strength. Have them write their thoughts on the Student Guide.

Bible Study

Explain that in the song, “Jesus Loves Me” is the line, “ I am weak, and He is strong.” This line is not just a good motto or phrase – it’s the truth. God is stronger than we are. Stronger in every way. Whose strength do we rely on in tough times, ours or His? Let’s take a look at Samson’s life as someone who let others siphon his strength.

Everyone wants to know your secret. (Judges 16:4-5) People may hate Tim Tebow for always talking about God, but he never denies or dances around the issue, he says it straight. If you do not want to be zapped of spiritual strength, be honest and open about where your strength comes from. Samson lied three times and offered no credit to God. All this toying around siphoned his patience. Share your weakness with those who love you and can help. (Judges 16:17) Samson trusted the wrong people with his weakness and because of that, they turned on him, exploited his weakness, and took his strength. If we do not want to be zapped of spiritual strength, we should share our struggles with those who are willing to pray with us, not those who are looking to siphon us.

© 2012, inTeRlínC / inTeRlinC-online.Com / 800.725.3300


God will strengthen you when you need it. (Judges 16:18-30) Earlier in the story of Samson, Samson was flaunting his strength and daring others to fight with him. This was certainly a misuse of God’s power. In the end, Samson was a blinded, whipped foe, but not beyond God’s strength or reach. Samson had been siphoned of his power, but he prayed, and God gave him the strength he needed to defeat his foes. Like Samson, we waste our strength instead of using it to serve others. We need to know that when we are weak, without any strength of our own, God will strengthen us when we need it. God is faithful, even when we are not.

Wrap Up

Hand out blindfolds to everyone. Ask them to put them on. Say, “We are all Samson blinded by our mistakes and misuse of God’s power. If you are weak tonight, God will make you strong. Ask for forgiveness; then ask for strength for the battle you are going through.”

Student Guide

Youth Guide




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Us this acronym to share a weakness you have for each of these areas.


STRONG Everyone wants to know your _____________________ . (Judges 16:4-5)

I am weak because I cannot control _____________________ and I give in.


I am weak because I let _____________________ change my mind or heart.

Share your _____________________ with those who love you and can help. (Judges 16:17)


I am weak because I keep having this attitude towards _____________________ . God will _____________________ you when you need it. (Judges 16:18-30)


I am weak because I don’t know what God says about _____________________ .


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Leader Guide



CREATION 2012 Devotional



Album Title & Record Company:


Red RedmusiconLine.com

untiL We Have Faces essentiaL RecoRd

Feed tHe macHine

Study by:

Day 06

JoeL Jackson st. tHomas cHuRcH BeRnviLLe, PennsyLvania


These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide theme commitment


students will be challenged to consider if they are consistent or fickle with their faith.

Warm up

Before this meeting, fit the names of your small group participants into a crossword puzzle. then create clues for the crossword puzzle that correspond to the individuals named. (For example: if “thomas” occupies 1-down, you would create a clue about thomas such as, “this person plays goalie on the high school soccer team.) do your best to make the clues obscure so that students have a more difficult time solving the puzzle. When students arrive at the meeting hand each of them a copy of the puzzle and challenge them to solve it. you may wish to place a time limit on this so it does not take up too large a portion of your meeting. you also may want to provide a prize for the student who gets the most right answers in the time allotted. Have the Red album playing as they work.


say, “as you can see from the clues to your puzzle, each one of us is an individual with unique characteristics that make us the person God created. as individuals we are called to serve and worship God in all circumstances with our entire beings. do we fully follow after and worship God, or do we fail to fully commit to Him? often the search for popularity or acceptance causes us to compromise our convictions and fail to live as the individual God created us to be.”

the song

Hand out the student Guides. as “Feed the machine” from Red’s album Until We Have Faces is playing, have the students write the various needs Red identifies that cause them to compromise their calling to follow only God.


ask, “What do you think is the main message of this song?” allow the students to offer their thoughts and then say, “this song talks about the temptation to fit in. so often we want to fit in with whatever group we happen to be with. We compromise our commitment to God to fall in line with the habits and methods of the world.”

Bible study

Read Deuteronomy 6:4-19 aloud together – maybe have your students take turns reading a verse each. this text is the central point to moses’ final message for the people of israel. moses reminded israel where they came from and where they needed to go for their relationship with God to remain strong. the main challenge moses delivered was one of commitment; the people of israel needed to commit themselves to God with all of their heart, soul, and strength. moses reminded them to remember God as their provider and redeemer in all the blessings of the “Promised Land.” therefore, they should serve the Lord only and not become enslaved to the gods in the cultures around them. discuss: • What challenge did moses lay before the people of israel? • What do you think loving God with all of your heart means? With all your soul? With all your strength? • the nation of israel was enslaved to egypt. What issues or things might enslave us?

© 2011, inTeRlínC. inTeRlinC-online.Com / 800.725.3300


• the nations that surrounded israel worshipped gods made of wood and stone. What “gods” of the people who surround us that we might be tempted to follow? • How do these other gods already serve as our masters? How are we enslaved to them as israel was enslaved to egypt?

Wrap up

close with a time of commitment/ recommitment. instruct the students to close their eyes and think about their relationship with God. ask them to consider if they truly dedicate their entire heart, soul, and strength to their relationship with God or if they fumble when approached by the gods of our culture. then, instruct them to write down an area in which they compromise their total commitment to God. encourage students to find another christian in the room with whom they can share any struggles in their commitment to God. encourage them to share their struggles with one another and promise to pray for and support each other as they endeavor to commit their whole lives to the God who saves.

Student Guide

Youth Guide




Album Title & Record Company:



Red RedmusiconLine.com

untiL We Have Faces essentiaL RecoRd

Feed tHe macHine


Following the song

Please fill in the needs identified by Red in their lyrics: you need the: you need to:

Following God’s Word

Deuteronomy 6:4-19 What challenge did moses lay before the people of israel?

What do you think loving God with all of your heart means? With all your soul? With all your strength?

you need the: you need the:

the nation of israel was enslaved to www.thetroc.com/venue.php#booking egypt. What issues or things might enslave us?

you need another: the nations that surrounded israel worshipped gods made of wood and stone. What “gods” of the people who surround us that we might be tempted to follow? you need a: you need a:

How do these other gods already serve as our masters? How are we enslaved to them as israel was enslaved to egypt?

Following only God What is the message of this song, in your own words?

identify an idol with which you are struggling as you try to follow God with your whole being.



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Leader Guide



CREATION 2012 Devotional



Album Title & Record Company:







Day 07


These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme



Students will realize the freedom they receive through Christ’s sacrifice and, if they have not done so already, accept Christ into their lives so they might experience the fullness of the freedom He gives.

Warm Up

Form pairs. Have each twosome face each other. Then give each pair a couple of three-foot-long strings to tie their hands together. Have leaders help them tie their hands together. One person’s string should be intertwined behind their partner’s string so that they are linked. Then challenge them to get free from each other without untying the strings or breaking the strings. (Secret: To escape, pass the center of one partner’s string through the wrist loop and over the hand of the other partner.) After the students have struggled for a while you can give them the secret or cut them loose.


Ask the students how difficult it was to get free from the strings. Then explain that we are all slaves, we are all trapped, and we are all tied up in

our sin. Each one of us, from the day we are born, is trapped within our corruption. It is nearly impossible for us to find the freedom we long for, the freedom that we need. We can only find freedom through Christ! Listen carefully to this song by The Rend Collective Experiment. As you listen, consider the things the singer lists from which we can be set free through Christ.

The Song

Hand out the Student Guides. As students listen, have them list the items from which the singer is set free by the work of Christ. When the song is over, have the students come up with other things from which we are set free by Christ’s sacrifice.


Say, “Jesus Christ came so that we could be set free from the sin that entangles us. Each of us has been trapped in our own selfish lifestyles since day one. God wants nothing but that we might be set free and able to live a life of freedom in relationship with Him. We will look at a passage from Romans that explains the action of Christ on our behalf. As we learn what Christ has done for us, please consider if you have truly experienced the freedom that Christ offers to you.”

Bible Study

Read Romans 7:24-8:4 to the group. Explain, “The book of Romans was written by Paul. Within the book, he develops the fullness of the Gospel message and what it means for everyone. In this passage we are nearing the apex of his argument in which he declares that it is only through Christ that we can be set free. Paul tells us in chapter 7 that he tried to depend on the law, his own efforts, and acts of obedience – but failed miserably. In fact, the law only opened his eyes to the fullness of his depravity and his need for some other method of deliverance. In enters Jesus Christ our Lord. Like Paul, many people think they can reach heaven on their own efforts, by acting the right way, or by making the right choices. We fail because of our wretchedness. In enters Jesus Christ our Lord.” Allow students time to answer these questions in their discussion guide: • Re-list some of the things from which we need to be set free from our discussion about the “Christ has Set Me Free” song. This is what Paul refers to when he declares he is a wretched man. We are all wretched because of the sin that entraps us. • Where did Paul find his freedom from those things that entrapped him? (In Christ Jesus the Lord)

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• What happens when we are in Christ Jesus? (We are no longer condemned, we are set free) • Why do you think it was important for Jesus to come in the likeness of man? (Because only a man can take the punishment – death – of those who are trapped in our sinfulness) • What does this passage say in your own words? • If you believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, what does His sacrifice do for you?

Wrap Up

Have a time of silence – encourage students to contemplate their relationship with Christ. They should ask themselves whether they have taken advantage of the freedom that He offers them. If they already have then they should come forward and take a string and a 3x5 card. (Six-inch pieces of string should be tied to 3x5 cards that say “I have freedom through Christ.”) If they want to make a decision now they should be encouraged to talk to a leader about the decision and then receive a string and a card from that leader. Each student who receives a string with a card tied to it should be encouraged to display it on their book bag, purse, or elsewhere where it declares their freedom.

Student Guide

The ReND COLLeCTIVe creationfest.com eXPeRIMeNT

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Album Title & Record Company:








The Song

As you listen to the song, write down anything the singer declares he is now freed from because of Christ. After the song is over, write down other things from which Christ sets you free:

Freedom Declared Romans 7:24-8:4

Re-list some of the things from which we need to be set free from our discussion about the “Christ has Set Me Free” song. This is what Paul refers to when he declares he is a wretched man. We are all wretched because of the sin that entraps us.

Response To Christ

In this time of silence please consider your relationship with Christ. Do you experience the freedom that Christ grants to those who believe in Him? If you do great, praise God. Come forward to receive a testament to your belief. If not, please consider belief in Him and come talk to one of the adult leaders.

Where did Paul find his freedom from those things that entrapped him?

What happens when we are in Christ Jesus?

Why do you think it was important for Jesus to come in the likeness of man?

What does this passage say in your own words?

If you believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, what does His sacrifice do for you?



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Creation Festival 2012

Creation 2012 CreationFestival Northeast 2012 Page

Leader Guide


Royal TailoR

CREATION 2012 Devotional



Album Title & Record Company:





Study by:

Day 08



These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme



Students will demonstrate a renewed energy and motivation to live out their faith by evaluating the connection between faith and actions in their own lives.

Warm Up

Tag-Team “So You Think You Can Move?” – This resembles the TV show “So You Think You Can Dance” but faster. You might want to set up a spotlight on the stage or in front of the room if possible, then using either just the audio track of this song or moveinspiring music (preferably without lyrics), you will give each student just 30 seconds to show what they can do moving to the music before they have to tag another student to do his or her thing. No repeats and no wimp outs. Have the rest of the students rate each participant in the area provided on the Student Guide. The game ends when the song ends. Tally the scores and present the winner with a small prize.


Explain that most people like to move to music, but what else moves you? What motivates you to do something different from you have been doing?

The Song

Instruct students to use the Exploring the Song section as a listening guide to discover what Royal Tailor challenges us to do. Here is the key: • True religion is [love with hands and feet] • We’ve been captured by [the unimportant] • What will real faith do? [come through] • What do we not need permission to do? [Go outside the doors and dream some crazy new dream] • How can we put faith into action? [Do more than just believe] • We are hope to [the broken] • What were we made for? [to make a difference] • When will real faith come through? [When I, you, we make a move]


Walk the students through their answers, discussing as is appropriate for your group. Ask, “What does real faith look like?”

Bible Study

Read James 1:22 from the New Living Translation of the Bible. Walk through each sentence with the group. • Don’t JUST listen (i.e. don’t stop there) • DO what it says (obey, follow through) • So that you don’t TRICK yourself into thinking you’re something you’re not (Christ-FOLLOWER) Ask students what parallels they can identify between this verse and the lyrics of this song. Then, divide the group into two teams (or an even number of teams using evens and odds) and give them the following assignments: • Team 1: Identify the person whose birthday is closest to Labor Day (before or after). That person is the team leader. Have everyone on the team follow while one person reads James 2:14-18. Continue to refer to the Scripture passage to answer the questions in the Show Me Your Faith section. • Team 2: Identify the person whose birthday is closest to Labor Day (before or after). That person is the team leader. Have everyone on the team follow while one person reads Matthew 7:21, 24-27. Continue to refer to the Scripture passage to answer the questions in the Faith You Can Build On section.

© 2011, inTeRlínC. inTeRlinC-online.Com / 800.725.3300

www.interlinc-online.com/ylo www.interlinc-online.com/ylo

Give the teams about ten minutes to complete the questions; have each team share their answers with the others. Guide them where they have difficulty grasping the concept of our faith being demonstrated by our actions to others, God and ourselves.

Wrap Up

The challenge of this song and of Scripture is to not just hear what God is saying in His Word, but to take action on it. Challenge the students to take a moment to evaluate themselves in the light of this truth. Have them rate their faith in the So What? section. How bright does your light shine? How solid is your foundation? Have students underline the word that best describes how their faith and actions match right now. Have them circle the word that describes the direction they are motivated to move. Close in a prayer for your students and for the commitments they are making to God, themselves, and those around them to live out their faith.

Student Guide


Royal TailoR

Youth Guide Artist:

Album Title & Record Company:







So You Think You Can Move? Score 1-10 (10 being best) Mover #












Exploring The Song

Show Me Your Faith

Faith You Can Build On

• Which is more important, faith or works?

• Doing the will of the Father is a requirement for what?

True religion is:

• How does James challenge us to act on our faith? Is that difficult?

• Jesus said that the person who hears His words and does them is what kind of person?

We’ve been captured by:

• How effective does James say faith without action is?

• What do you think the rock foundation represents?

What will real faith do?

• What do our actions (works) demonstrate to others?

What do we not need permission to do?

• Do you think this might be what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 5:16?

As you listen, try to find these answers in the lyrics.

How can we put faith into action? We are hope to: What were we made for?

• The person who hears Jesus’ words and does not do them is called what kind of person? • What do you think the sand foundation represents? • What kinds of storms come in our lives to test our foundation?

So What?

What does the way you live say about your faith? How bright is your light? BLINDING!




When will real faith come through? How solid is your foundation? ROCkIN’






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Creation Festival 2012

Creation 2012 CreationFestival Northeast 2012 << Switchfoot • Vice Verses CREATION 2012 Devotionaldiscussion GuidEs


Augustine was an early church father, a Bishop in Africa who wrote a book called City of God that includes this quote: “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You.” This song would have been Augustine’s favorite song. Play the song. Ask, “Which of these metaphors that the song uses most relates to when you are feeling far from God?” • Broken, leaking pipes (your desire for God is a constant, almost annoying, drip) • A raindrop seeking the deepest part of the earth (always wanting more of God) • The breaking seas try to reach shore (a tumultuous heart waiting to reach God) Character Study: David (Psalm 77:1-6; 102; 22; 37; 43; 130) David, the giant killer and the writer of many of the Psalms, was restless for God. He often wondered when God would vanquish his enemies or when his trouble would be over. We all become restless when life does not seem like it’s coming together, or worse, it’s completely falling apart. Restlessness is not bad; it is our soul’s signal that we are connected to something great than this earth and we have a divine nature created by God. We ultimately won’t be happy until we are connected with Him in this life, and we will not be satisfied until we are with Him in the next. • What are some things that David was restless about in these Psalms? • How are you like David? • Finish this statement: “I get restless (inwardly dissatisfied) with my spiritual life when…” Play the song again, and encourage the kids to reflect on the lyrics and on their own restlessness.

Blinding Light

In this song, a young man and young lady are encouraged to be themselves and not buy into the false promises of the American Dream. It is said that a young person will see or hear over 3,000 media messages a day – most of the messages are trying to sell something. Ads on YouTube, games, and cellphones are trying to define their habits based on a product or a way of life. It’s as old as the promise made by Satan himself in the Garden of Eden; he told Eve, “If you eat this, you will become this.” Play the song – encourage your students to identify what each young person is being sold.

Day 09



Selling The News

Recently, the “supreme leader” (the dictator of North Korea) passed away. Kim Jung Ill’s son Kim Jung Eun took his place. Here is what the Korean people were told of the former dictator: a bright star lighted up at his birth; he made five hole-in-ones in the same golf game and shot a 38; his fashion was a global trend; people celebrate his birthday all over the world and throw festivals in his honor; he invented the hamburger; if he gets addicted to a drug, so does everyone else; and finally, the whole world loved him. The people of North Korea had no way to disprove this. Play the song.

• What are some of the promises being made to the young people in the song?

• Do you watch the news? If not, how do you find out what is going on in the world?

• What are some of the things that advertise promises? (e.g. If you use this product, you will become this.)

• Are news shows biased one way or the other? What do you think?

• Have the world’s ideas and promises of success come through for America’s youth? Why or why not? Character Study: The Rich Young Ruler and the Prodigal Son (Mark 10:17-27; Luke 15:11-32) The song continues, encouraging youth that they are better than what the world paints them and better than a cheap promise, but they respond they are still hopeful that the world will give them what they are looking for. In the two stories above, each young man looked to riches as the answers. The Rich Young Ruler could not do without them, and the Prodigal son could not hang on to them. In each case, riches played a part separating a young person from God’s best. • Do you think they received what riches promised? • Why are we so easily fooled by false promises? Read 2 Peter 1:4; Matthew 7:26-28; 1 John 2:17; Psalm 145:13. Discuss: • What contrast do these Scriptures offer between the promises of God’s and the promises of the world? • Even if the world could make good on its promises, would people be better off than with God’s promises? Why or why not? Have each student empty their pockets or wallets of money and place it in front of them. Ask, “Is what is in front of you enough to separate you from God? Why or why not? Is there an amount that could separate you from God? Let’s pray that there is not!” Ask the students to take their money, hold it in their hands, and pray this simple prayer, “Father, do not let riches or the false promises of riches come between me and You.”

• Do you think the news exploits or takes advantage of people? Why or why not? Character Study: Solomon (1 Kings 3:6-28) Solomon wanted to please God more than anything. He could have asked God for anything, but he asked to be able to tell the difference between good and evil. That’s called “discernment.” Right after Solomon’s dream he had two women come to him and asked him to solve a dispute involving a baby. Solomon had to choose wisely. He did not just want to make a decision, he wanted to provide justice – to do the right thing based on the information he had. • Do you filter the information you hear to make sure it’s true, or do you believe what everyone says? • Does everyone on the news/YouTube tell the truth? Why or why not? • What do you use to help you tell the different between what is right and wrong in God’s eyes? • Is the Bible more reliable than the news? Why or why not? Read Philippians 4:8. Discuss. • If this verse became your standard for watching the news or any other show, for that matter, how would this change your viewing habits? • Why do you think God wants you to have such a high standard for what goes through your eyes and ears? The message of Jesus is called the “gospel”, a Greek word that means “good news.” Consider the news Jesus offers the next time you are presented with the bad news of man’s opinion.

©2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300

www.interlinc-online.com/ylo www.interlinc-online.com/ylo


discussion GuidEs


Switchfoot’s Vice Verses is about questions and hope. It’s a dichotomy between the now and the not yet. It sums up the life of everyone, especially a teenager’s life. Switchfoot challenges us to look at life as a whole and not just its parts. God has made an art form of painting pictures of things that don’t go together – a servant king, a king savior born in a manager, and dying to live. The students in your group don’t just need to hear these songs, they need to wrestle with them, use their Bibles as a high-wire walker uses a pole to balance himself 100 ft. off the ground. After all the wrestling, they can lay on their backs, look up in the sky, and see hope. Paul Turner, a longtime Youth Leaders Only member, interlínc WriteGroup member, and the youth pastor at the tornado-ravaged Pleasant Grove Assembly of God Church in Birmingham, Alabama created a Discussion Starter for each song on Switchfoot’s latest album. Use these Discussion Starters in small Bible study groups, car rides with a bunch of kids, or even as the basis for cabin discussions at retreats or camps.


When you were little, what could you not wait until you were old enough to do? There are so many things we have to wait to do until we are old enough: drive a car, date, get married, get a job, vote, join the military, collect Social Security. Play the song. Character Study: Peter (Matthew 14:22-33) Peter lived life large. He acted or spoke first and thought later. Contrast James and John – who argued about the afterlife and who would be next to Jesus (Matthew 20:20-21) with Peter – who wanted to experience the power of the afterlife now, as seen in his jumping out of a boat to go to Jesus. Like the song says, “I’m ready now, I’m not waiting on the afterlife.” Discuss: • Have you ever done something without thought – maybe even recorded it and put it on YouTube? Explain. • What was the difference between Peter and the two brothers James and John? • How can we move from talking about the afterlife to experiencing it here and now? The good news is that Jesus wants us to know Him, enjoy Him, and live for Him now. Have a student read John 10:10. Jesus said that He came to give life “more abundantly.” Ask the students: • How do you know something is alive? • Is there a difference between living and being alive? What? • How can we enjoy the abundant life Jesus is talking about here, right now? Jesus came to show us how to live life to the fullest. He hung out with the wrong crowd to show them the right way, performed miracles, and showed us what living out our faith to the fullest is like. There is a line in the song that says, “And I wonder why would I wait to come alive, I’m ready now.” What are you waiting for?

The Original

Which Is Better? – Name a re-made movie, re-mixed song, or updated product, and ask, “Which is better, the original, or the new? Why?” “Which movies do you like, the old or the new?” “Which do you like when it comes to music?”

The War Inside

Jesus was one of a kind. He is the only religious figure of any religion to die for the sins of the world and rise from the dead. Jesus did things in a new way. Where hate was the way, He showed love. Where judgment was the way, He showed mercy. Jesus was an original.

From the time we get up in the morning we face small battles such as, “Should I get out of bed, or sleep a little later?” The war within us is made up of many small battles, but the battles intensify the further we go into our day. The choices get harder: “Should I talk to that new girl, or should I sit with that lonely kid at lunch?” The battles get even more intense when we are deciding major issues of life such as whether we should do drugs, or drink just to get along with everyone, or have sex although we know it’s wrong. These battles all spring out of the original battle between Adam and Eve and Satan.

Play the song.

Play the song.

Character Study: The Centurion (Matthew 8:5-13) You would think it would take a lot to blow Jesus away, but a simple request from a Roman soldier did just that. The Centurion’s servant was sick. He knew Jesus was a healer, so he went to ask for healing for his servant. Jesus offered to come to his house and heal him, but the Centurion told Jesus, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” Jesus said, in essence, “I have found an original!”

Switchfoot sings, “Ain’t no killer like pride, ain’t no killer like I, no killer like what’s inside.” What do you think Switchfoot means by “the war inside”?

• What made the Centurion an original in Jesus’ eyes? • Would you call yourself an original or would you consider yourself a copy when it comes to faith? Explain. Read Matthew 7:15-20. Jesus said you could tell the original from a copy by the fruit (actions, speech, etc.) of a person’s life. The question is, do we look like the original Jesus or have we become a poor knock off version of Him? Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5. What does Paul say about these copycat Christians? “One essential ingredient for being an original in the day of copies is courageous vision.” (Charles Swindoll) Let’s pray that we will choose to be an original when it comes to our faith.

Character Study: Paul (Romans 7:14-20) – (Read this in multiple versions, e.g. The Message paraphrase, so the youth know exactly what Paul was trying to get across.) Paul knew the evil that was in him. As a former persecutor of the church, he was a man who would drag believers to court, to prison, and possibly to their deaths. There was a battle within him – not to go back to the old life, but to pursue what he knew was right. For most of us, going back to bad is easy. It’s easy to sin and disobey God. What is not easy is our pursuit of good and the best God has for us. Paul knew it then and we know it now. • Does this war continue today? How so? • How does Satan continue the war today in our lives? Read Galatians 5:16-18 and James 1:13-14. Although Satan can become a convenient scapegoat whenever something goes wrong (“The devil made me do it.”), the Bible is clear that we have a major scar from the original battle. After receiving Christ we now have a choice to make: the old way or Christ’s way? Have a bowl of sand available. Have students pass the bowl of sand around. Ask the students to, one at a time, draw a line in that sand and pray to pursue the side of the line that represents Christ. After they have said a silent prayer, have them erase their line and pass the bowl.

©2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300


Notes Creation Festival 2012

CreationFestival Northeast 2012 Creation 2012 Page

Leader Guide



CREATION 2012 Devotional

Self Identity; In Christ


Album Title & Record Company:





Study by:


Day 10


These devotionals are excerpts from interlínc’s Youth Leaders Only resource. Come to the Youth Leader Hospitality Area to meet the Creation Artists and get more Bible studies.

Youth Pastor / Leader Guide Theme

Self-Identity; In Christ


Your students will realize that they are loved and valued by God.

Warm Up

Clumps – Tell the students to form groups or “clumps” based on height, hair color, number of cavities, number of siblings, shirt color, month of birth, grade, school you attend, etc. Once they are in their groups, read a question from the list below (or write your own) and ask everyone to answer within their group. When the groups have finished, tell the students to mingle again. Sample questions: • What is your favorite cartoon (or cartoon character)?


Ask, “What did you learn about our group?” (They should say things like, although we are similar in some areas, we are still very different and unique.)

The Song

Hand out the Student Guides and say, “We’re going to listen to ‘Be Somebody’ – a new song by Thousand Foot Krutch. This is TFK’s seventh studio album, and after 15 years they still know how to RAWK. As I play this song, listen to the words and fill in the blanks on your handout.”


Say, “What did you think of the song? Okay, let’s split up into small groups and talk more about this song and what it means.”

• Who do you most admire? • What animal is most like your personality? • What would you do with $100,000? • What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

Bible Study

As the students get settled, have them share their names and discuss: • If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be, and why? • Take a look at the chorus; did you get all the blanks filled in? (Answers: down, sound, chemistry, me, fire, I really am, somebody, far) • What do you think when you hear the phrase, “We all want to be somebody, we just need a taste of who we are”? What do you think the band is trying to tell us with that statement? (Allow students to respond and get them to say something like we are somebody, but sometimes we don’t realize it.) The Bible tells us that we are someone. God is crazy about us. (Read Psalm 139:13-17.) Discuss: • What does this passage tell you about how God sees you? • Has anyone ever sent you a card, email, or text message that just said something like, “Hey just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you; have a great day”? If so, how did that make you feel? • The last line of that passage says, “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!” How amazing that God thinks about us continually, and that they are good thoughts!

©2012, inTeRlínC / inTeRlinC-online.Com / 800.725.3300

www.interlinc-online.com/ylo www.interlinc-online.com/ylo

Wrap Up

I want you to think about two things: • We all want to be somebody – and in Christ, we are somebody. So write your name in that first blank. Who do you think gets his or her name in the second blank? (God) • You probably know someone who doesn’t think they are somebody. What can you do to share this lesson with them? What do you think would happen if you sent them a quick text message that says, “THINKIN BOUT U! U R AWESOME!” If they ask why you sent that, are you willing to share with them some of the things we talked about here tonight? Let’s pray for God to use you to share with your friends that they are SOMEBODY. Then, let’s text our friends!

Student Guide

creationfest.com THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH

Youth Guide Artist:

Album Title & Record Company:







Fill In The Blanks

Psalm 139:13-17

After all the lights go _________________, I’m just the words, you are the _________________, A strange type of ________________, How you’ve become a part of ________________ And when I, sit alone at night, Your thoughts burn through me, Like a ________________, ...you’re the only one, Who knows, who, ________________ ____________________ is SOMEBODY, because ______________ says so! We all want to be ________________, We just need a taste of who we are, We all want to be somebody,


We’re willing to go, but not that ________________



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Creation Festival 2012

It begins again. june 26 - 29 MT. UNION, PA


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