campaigN for drawinG
Artwork by Hope Gangloff
Festivalpaper The Big Draw Eindhoven | 2nd edition 2015
The Big Draw 040 SAMEN
“Een man wandelt langs het strand als zijn blik valt op een jonge vrouw, die bezig lijkt met een soort rituele dans. Ze bukt zich, richt zich helemaal op en werpt vervolgens haar arm uit. Als hij dichterbij komt, ziet hij dat het strand bezaaid ligt met zeesterren, en ze gooit ze één voor één in zee. Hij zegt, een beetje plagerig, tegen haar: “Er liggen zeesterren zover je kunt zien, kilometers en kilometers. Wat maken deze paar, die je nu redt, nu voor verschil?”. Ze glimlacht, bukt zich en gooit nog een zeester terug het water in. Dan zegt ze heel kalm: “Het maakt in ieder geval verschil voor deze.” Uit: ‘De kunst van het mogelijke’, Benjamin Zander (2004)
More than 384,000 geven children the Netherlands livemaken. in poverty. them cannot play Samen betekenis eninsamen het verschil HoeNearly klein half ook.ofElk verschil telt. sport or ieder join a mens theatre, music dance club. Simply because they can’t afforddat it. Art, music, Omdat telt. Eenorcrea eve en fijne samenleving zorgt ervoor iedereen
sports culture are important for child development, not only physically and mentally, but kansenand krijgt. also socially. Involvement in speciale the arts fosters creativity andJeugdcultuurfonds self-confidence. And it enhances Tijdens The Big Draw is er aandacht voor het Eindhoven. the to concentrate and boosts social skills. not just about familiesinor Viaability de ac viteiten jdens deze week wordt geldIt’singezameld omlow-income voor de kinderen households the currentmaken. recession into problems because Eindhoven on hetbenefit. verschilInte kunnen Eenpeople week are dierunning bol staat van de crea viteit
they lostmanier their jobs can’t sell theirhun house. The children shouldn’t have to suffer. By enzorgthave op die datoralle kinderen crea viteit kunnen ontwikkelen. abling them to carry on taking part in their favourite sport or cultural activity they can keep in
step Intermediaries in a position of trust, such as a teacher, the family GP or WATwith WILtheir HETfriends. LANDELIJKE JEUGDCULTUURFONDS?
a youth worker can apply for a donation to pay club membership contributions, musical instru-
Kunst is goed om te doen, voor alle mensen en voor kinderen in het bijzonder. Het Jeugdcultuurfonds wil financiële drempels weghalen om kinderen in Draw is helping to raise awareness en raise funding for the Youth Cultural funds. Thanks to the achterstandsposi es de kans te geven om mee te doen door middel van ac eve Youth Sport Fund and the Youth Culture Fund, more and more children are gaining the opporkunstbeoefening. Het Jeugdcultuurfonds s muleert daarmee de persoonlijke ontwikkeling tunity to participate actively in society and enhance their future prospects. | Would you like to van kinderen die in armoede opgroeien. Het Jeugdcultuurfonds draagt daarmee bij aan support us? Donate to JEUGDCULTUURFONDS EINDHOVEN banknr. NL65RABO0153425628. een crea eve en innova eve samenleving. ments and sometimes clothing from the Youth Sport Fund or the Youth Cultural Fund. The Big
EFFECTEN VOOR KINDEREN Het ontwikkelen van je eigen crea viteit en het laten horen of zien wie je bent en wat er in je lee , hee grote effecten. Wie aan kunst doet, krijgt meer zelfvertrouwen, het concentra evermogen neemt toe en het vergroot de sociale vaardigheden. Deze effecten zijn juist zo belangrijk voor de groep kinderen in achterstandsposi es. Hun zel ewustzijn groeit, ze krijgen meer oog voor hun kansen en meer zelfvertrouwen om ze aan te grijpen. Daarom wil het Jeugdcultuurfonds dat ook deze kinderen de gelegenheid krijgen om ac ef aan kunst te doen.
Youth Culture Fund
JEUGDCULTUURFONDS EINDHOVEN JCFE Volgens scha ngen leven er in Eindhoven ruim 4.000 kinderen onder de zogeheten ‘armoedegrens’. Voor hen is je ontwikkelen door te musiceren, toneelspelen, schilderen, dansen of schrijven nauwelijks weggelegd. Het ac ef beoefenen van kunst kost geld. Naast de lessen is er materiaal nodig zoals instrumenten, kostuums of schildersbenodigdheden. Ook in Eindhoven zi en veel kinderen in deze vervelende situa e. En daar kunnen we met ons allen iets aan doen. We kunnen het verschil maken. Hoe klein ook. HOE KOMT JCFE AAN BIJDRAGEN? YOUTH CULTURE FUND EINDHOVEN Het Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven ontvangt Odysseuslaan 2 bijdragen van het landelijke 5631 JM Eindhoven jeugdcultuurfonds, de gemeente Eindhoven en gi en van bedrijven en par culieren. Email: Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven hee de consulent.eindhoven@jeugdcultuurfonds.nl status van culturele ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende TelephoneInstelling). T 06-3119 7317 Het is daarmee (fiscaal) extra Tuesday 09:00 am - 12:00 am aantrekkelijk om een gi te geven aan het fonds. Thursday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm Om te zorgen dat zoveel mogelijk geld ten de kinderen, werken het goede komtTaan Telephone 06-8397 6111 Jeugdcultuurfonds Monday 01:00 pm Eindhoven - 04:00 pm en S ch ng Tuesdayen 09:00 - 04:00 am Leergeld het am Jeugdspor onds Eindhoven op vele vlakken samen.
WAT WORDT ER MET DE BIJDRAGEN GEDAAN? Het Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven is bestemd voor kinderen en jongeren in de lee ijd van 4 t/m 18 jaar en richt zich op de professionals die werken met deze groep kinderen uit de jeugdzorg en het onderwijs. Zij verzorgen de aanvragen en de inkomenstoets. Het geld gaat rechtstreeks naar de instellingen of personen die de kunsteduca e verzorgen. Met de bijdrage uit het Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven kan bijvoorbeeld het lesgeld of de instrumenten betaald worden. Het geld wordt al jd door een intermediair aangevraagd, die werkt in de omgeving van het kind (bijvoorbeeld een leraar of iemand van Bureau Jeugdzorg). Er is gekozen voor een systeem waarbij de culturele instelling, vereniging of winkel de rekening rechtstreeks naar het Jeugdcultuur fonds stuurt. Juist deze aanpak maakt het Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven laagdrempelig, ouders/ verzorgers hoeven zelf geen ingewikkelde aanvraagformulieren in te vullen of bonnetjes te bewaren. WAT KUNT U BETEKENEN VOOR HET JEUGDCULTUURFONDS? Uw morele en financiële steun helpt deze kinderen zich verder te kunnen ontwikkelen. U kunt uw bijdrage storten op rekeningnummer NL65 RABO0153425628 t.n.v. Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven. Elke steun is welkom. Elke steun maakt het verschil.
Hartelijk dank voor uw bijdrage! Namens alle kinderen. En namens het bestuur van Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven Relinde Janssen, Frederiek van der Ploeg, Margreeth Broens, Paul Peters en Giel Pastoor Would you like to know more about Youth Culture Fund Eindhoven? Go to www.jeugdcultuurfonds.nl/eindhoven
€1,Geefe for th uro aubYo1ueth t voCuoltr uhree dFouenld!
1 euro for the fund
Did you know that for 4.000 children in Eindhoven active participation in Art & Culture is no option? The Big Draw supports the Youth Culturefund. For that reason you will find a donationbox at every venue. We would appreciate € 1,- per workshop if you join one of the activities. You can make a difference. The Big Draw Eindhoven. A creative festival that stimulates co-creation in every way & and supports The Youth Culture Fund Eindhoven.
In need of sponsors
To grow & succeed in the organisation of this festival we need loyal sponsors & advertisers. Please contact us if you want to support us.
Volunteers The Big Draw Eindhoven is searching for volunteers to help out. Every single day we receive many phonecalls. Every question needs to be adressed, every lead needs follow-up, every contract needs to be ‘signed, sealed and delivered’. Is this your talent? Mail us! Mail to info@creativehabitat.nl
The Big Draw is the world’s biggest drawing festival with thousands of enjoyable, and mainly free, drawing activities which connects people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists, designers, illustrators - and each other. The Big Draw is for anyone who loves to draw, as well as those who think they can’t. Internationally The Big Draw involves twenty-six countries, with 414,000 people attending over 1800 events by 1000+ organisers. In Eindhoven The Big Draw connects drawing to art & science, we realise many co-creation projects and raises fundings for the Youth Culturefund Eindhoven. Programflyers are available at Hoppenbrouwers, Willemstraat 39 and other hotspots. Which hotspots? View the backpage of this brochure.
The Big Draw Eindhoven Fotografie door Saskia Holtjer © www.saskiaholtjer.nl
The Big Draw is all about ‘visual literacy’. About imagination, drawing, learning. The Big Draw promotes drawing as a medium for learning with the aim of engaging people of all ages & all walks of life in creative activities. Drawing is a valuable tool for everyone. It stimulates innovation, empowers imagination and increases knowledge, understanding and confidence. The Big Draw changes the way that drawing is conceived by people and turns ‘I can’t draw’ into ‘I can and do draw’. For drawing is a basic human skill that is a valuable & inspiring activity for everyone in all walks of life.
In Eindhoven The Big Draw in linked to a charityfund called The Youth Culturefund. We support them, we believe in co-creation, and stimulate inclusion & participation in society. Therefore The Big Draw activities are accessible, enjoyable and attractive to a wide audience. And let’s not forget the role of drawing in Eindhoven, the city of design and technique and knowledge. Drawing is used to capture thought, visualises ideas that lead to smart solutions and roadmaps that provide visual guidelines in complex processes.
Watch video’s on www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
Challenge yourself. Look at the world around you. What do you see? (Leave your camera at home) Observe, draw, give it a try. Forget talent. It’s training in mindfullness. It’s about being more aware. Join the fun of drawing! Yvon van Rijswijk Organisator - The Big Draw Eindhoven
4 The Big Draw 040
The Big Draw Eindhoven | 2nd edition, 2015
Fotografie Cons Space Berlin
3D printerpen workshop age 8-12 for children |from
During festival The Big Draw Eindhoven 2015 ADMIRANT SHOPPING will be the decor for the amazing 3D chalk artwork of the famous streetartist LEON KEER. Thursday october 1th he will start his 3D drawing at the BLOB. Witness “the making of” during the festival. Don’t miss this!
Sa. oct 3th, 18 septemberplein
WINDOW WALK @ de Bergen
Hope Gangloff | presentation
By Twinkelbel & Summa Welzijn | Kinderopvang
Saturday morning oct 3th at 11:00 am The Big Draw event starts at the 18 septemberplein! There will be a chalkcontest for the Youth Culture Fund Eindhoven i.c.w. CKE. Ten artists & PIT 040 will draw on mega balloons with EDDING markers. The pavement will be coloured with chalk! We invite parents and children, schools and pupils to join! There will be India Henna art, dance and a chalk-car that’s yours to pimp!
At the populair shopping area Kleine Berg there is a route full of creative drawings on windows called “Big Window Walk” as from 25th of september untill 5th of october. This colorfull route is created by the artists of atelier Twinkelbel of Lunet Zorg and i.c.w. students of the school Summa Welzijn | Childcare. Visit Kleine Berg & admire the Window Walk. www.lunetzorg.nl | www.summawelzijn.nl
Thurday october 1th and friday october 2nd you can watch&listen to an inspiring art-talk by artgallery Nasty Alice about Contemporary art and the works of Hope Gangloff. Location: at Mr. Brown in the Admirant building at Nieuwe Emmasingel 16, 11:00 - 12:00 am. Hope Gangloff lives in New York and is the lead artist of the Big Draw Eindhoven festival 2015. www.mr.brown.nl | www.hopegangloff.com
Performing artists on saturday october 3th 2015 : PIT 040 | Sandra van Dijk | www.tonsmitshuis.nl & Illustrator Pim van de Heuvel |Striptekenaar John Heijink | Illustrator Rudolf Matulessya | Henna artists Ibtissamma Kadda & Payal Puthran | Designer/artist Juliette Verberk | Drawingteacher Yvonne van Meteren | Cartoonist Wil Wils van www.enprofil.nl
THE BIG DRAW PROGRAMME 5 The programme 1 until oct. 4 Here you will find activities that start before 1 october and/or last longer.
01 THE BIG WINDOW WALK | 25th of sept.
untill 5 oct. 5th.| A colorfull windowroute at De Kleine Berg & Bergstraat (partly). Inspiring to visit & to enjoy for all ages. The route was created by the clients of atelier Twinkelbel of Lunet zorg in collaboration with students of Summa Welzijn/ childcare and Hoppenbrouwers Painting & Drawing (store) at Willemstraat 39 - Ehv. More info: www.hoppenbrouwers.info
02 GGzE- terrein | Windowsilhouette expo |
The windows of Ketelhuis & Trefhove Boschdijk 771, Eindhoven | Thursday 1th of october untill friday 16the of october. Visit during working hours. www.ggze.nl
Kunst | Windowsilhouette expo| 03 Boeiende Kruissttraat 53, Eindhoven | Thursday 1th of october untill friday 16the of october. Exceptional artwork made by clients of GGzE (Dutch mental health organisation) Boeiende Kunst. Visit during working hours. More info: www.boeiendekunst.nl
College | Art on doors | The pupil 04 Novalis council of Highschool Novalis is organising drawing activities & an art-contest. Pupils are challenged to design art on doors. The best artwork will be chosen by a jury. The winner wil be chosen on friday oct. 2nd. More info on www.novalis.nl Fontys Hogeschool Kind en Educatie,
05 PABO Eindhoven | The story in your eyes
Location: Lismortel 25 Eindhoven| TU/e terrein | Painting the glass wall of the aula according the The Big Draw theme ‘Every drawing tells a story’. The work will be open to public the whole month of october. Children see the world objectivly, clear, with an open minded. Students of Pabo translate the childs ‘view’ symbolically through a giant EYE. Everyone is free to interpret their thoughts & imaginations. You are welcome to visit Fontys. More info? Go to www.fontys.nl/fhke
Archipel Vloed | Veerstraat 17, Son en
07 Breugel | Monday. 28 th sept. | 2:00 tot
4.00 pm| Activity: Fill a lifetree together with school children during a creative open session. On friday 2nd oct. the lifetree will be reveiled. More info on the website of www.archipelzorggroep.nl
TON SMITS HUIS | INKTSPOT | Exposition of the best Dutch political cartoons | Open to public as from wednesday sept. 30th untill 1 jan. 2016 at the Ton Smits Huis | Fee € 2,50 p/person | Data & openingschedule on www.tonsmitshuis.nl
Daycare Centre De Spaken, Depuislaan 2, Eindhoven | Cliënts of daycare centre ‘De Spaken’ of Lunet Zorgwill join hands with the pupils of Islamic school Tarieq and create artwork with paint and chalk. The activities will take place on wednesday sept. 30th and friday oct. 2nd. Starting time 8:30-11.30 am and 01.00-02.30 pm and friday 09.30-11.30 am. You are welcome to visit us. www.lunetzorg.nl
LEON KEER 3D streetpainting artist | Adress: Nieuwe Emmasingel | Admirant Shopping [next to the BLOB] During 4 days the International famous streetpainting artist Leon Keer will design & produce 3D artwork in Eindhoven. Next tot the BLOB he will create his spectaculair 3D illusion. In the windowpanes of Admirant shops more artwork is exposed of Leon Keer. DO NOT MISS THIS! Thursday oct. 1th untill sunday oct. 4th. www.admirant.nl
ARTSPACE FLIPSIDE | Drawing with the BIG T | Tarwelaan 56A | Open drawing workshop for all ages 4 days in a row. More info www.artspaceflipside.nl
TON SMITS HUIS |Speechcontest Charlie Hebdo | Location Café De Oude Rechtbank | 12 students of 4 highschools present their vision on the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris d.d. 7 januari. The jury consists of the editor of The Eindhoven Daily Paper (Eindhovens Dagblad) and Ton Smits Huis (museum) Schools; Sint Joris College, Stedelijk College, Lorentz Casimir Lyceum and Novalis College. Presentation by the national political cartoonist Joep Bertrams | Thursday oct. 1 04:00-06:00 pm. Fee € 3,- euro p/p. All revenues go to the Youth Culture Fund Eindhoven. Tickets at Café De Oude Rechtbank, Stratumseind.
4 days: 1-4 oct. Here you will find all the activities that last 4 days: 1-4 october.
Kanidas | Molenveste 1, Best | 06 Archipel Monday. 28 th sept. | 02:00 tot 04.00
pm | Activity: Fill a lifetree together with school children during a creative open session. On friday 2nd oct. the lifetree will be reveiled. More info on the website of www.archipelzorggroep.nl
Archipel Dommelhoef | Parklaan 97 & Drosserstraat 1, Eindhoven | Tuesday sept. 29th from 10:00 - 12.00 am and from 2:00 tot 4:00 pm | Workshop: making art with old books. Fee for public € 2,50 euro p/p. More info available on www.archipelzorggroep.nl
Thursday oct. 1
LEON KEER 3D streetpainting artist | Adress: Nieuwe Emmasingel | Admirant Shopping [next to the BLOB] During 4 days the International famous streetpainting artist Leon Keer will design & produce 3D artwork in Eindhoven. Next tot the BLOB he will create his spectaculair 3D illusion. In the windowpanes of Admirant shops more artwork is exposed of Leon Keer. DO NOT MISS THIS! Thursday oct. 1th untill sunday oct. 4th. www.admirant.nl ARTSPACE FLIPSIDE | Drawing with the BIG T | Tarwelaan 56A | Open drawing workshop for all ages 4 days in a row. With Luc Sponselee and other prof. artist of Eindhoven. Longstay participants can have a meal and a drink. Join the fun! More info www.artspaceflipside.nl TAC | Temporary Art Center | Montage exihibition under the theme IDENTITY. Featured artists: Ioana Tamas - Romania (Ceramics), Patricia Franco - Perù (Acryl on Canvas), Ruxandra Darie - Romania (Mixed Media & Acrylic) Ankitha Kini - India (Animation). Adress: Vonderweg 1, Eindhoven. TAC openinghours: Thursday: closed Friday: 5 -12 pm Sat/Sun:1-12 pm ww.tac.nu | 040-2461325
www.ouderechtbank.nl | www.tonsmitshuis.nl
Regional Historical Center Eindhoven Guided tour through archives ‘MEISJES VAN TOEN” | Thursday oct. 1 02:30 pm untill 03:30 pm. For a group of 15 persons. Raiffeisenstraat 18, Eindhoven | A unique collection. | Shortly after WWII the artteacher Karel Vermeeren asked a group of female students of the Sint Catharinalyceum to draw their memories. The project resulted in 40 unique drawings, which are kept in the archives of RHCe. Every drawing tells a story about grief, anxiety, terror and poverty. You are welcome to join the guided tour through the archives of RHCe | Webexpo and information on www.meisjesvantoen.nl
Hoppenbrouwers drawing & painting Store location : Willemstraat 39, Ehv. Drawing workshop for all ages by Jeanneke Hoppenbrouwers | Thursday oct. 1 03:00 - 04:30 pm | A search for your story, a journey to discover contraversy and to play with ‘beauty’ versus ‘ugly’ Join us! Come and draw . You are very welcome at Willemstraat 39 in Eindhoven. More info: www.atelier7sprong.nl
Would you like to see a photo impression of last year? Or watch inspiring video’s? Go to www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
6 THE BIG DRAW PROGRAMME Thursday oct. 1 Friday oct. 2 19
GGzE | Windowsilhouette actionpainting Location: Window of Ketelhuis + Trefhove, Boschdijk 771, Eindhoven. Thursday oct. 1 01:00 until 04:00 pm | Artists, cliënts and employees of GGzE Boeiende Kunst are welcome to paint “silhouettes”. Free use of materials. Info: www.ggze.nl
27 20
Mr. Brown| Presentation Hope Gangloff 11:00 12:00 am - Gallery Nasty Alice will give a presentation about Hope Gangloff & Contemporary Art | Nw. Emmasingel 16 www.mrbrown.nl - View advertorial page 9. Urban Sketching | Harold Hugenholz Karikatuur.nl | Harold Hugenholz is inviting you for an “Urban Sketching” tour through town. Register at info@karikatuur.nl | Leave at 10:00 am from: Stratumsedijk 10. Duration: max 3 h. Fee € 5,- of which € 1,00 for Youth Culture Fund. Seats are present. Bring your own drawing material. For adults. www.karikatuur.nl
Van Abbemuseum | The Big Draw | Public drawing activity “long thursday” Artist Gam Bodenhausen is inviting everyone to draw & join her. Thursday oct. 1 05:00 pm until 09:00 pm | Standard fee. For all ages| Location: different areas in the museum. www.vanabbemuseum.nl (On)breekbaar (Un)breakable |Artproject about vulnerability & power | Woodcraft workshop with small cabinets| Location: VITALIS Berckelhof restaurant | Thursday oct. 1 | 9:00 am - 7:00 pm | Free use of materials | You can take your work home All ages [sunday workshop =different time ] Project i.c.w. Vitalis Berckelhof - the Salon Lumens in de Buurt - BS de Driesprong Summa College | Verpleegkunde. More info: www.onbreekbaar.com Atelier Cindy | Elandsgang 7 | Eindhoven Outdoor Sketching in nature | be on time Thursday oct. 1 - 01:00 pm - 03:00 pm. For adults. Free use of materials. www.atelier-cindy.blogspot.com
Big Draw Blacklight Party | Club Rouge [stratumseind] | Fun & freaky dance party where you can learn to draw with lumination paint. Bodypaint demo’s and great music of DJ Carlo. Free entrance. Starting at 08:00 pm. Info: www.rouge-eindhoven.nl
Friday oct. 2
LEON KEER 3D streetpainting artist | Nieuwe Emmasingel | Admirant Shopping [next to the BLOB] In 4 days time the streetpainting artist Leon Keer will design & produce 3D artwork in Eindhoven and create a spectaculair 3D illusion. In the windowpanes more artwork is exposed of Leon Keer. Oct. 1- 4th. www.admirant.nl
Hoppenbrouwers drawing & painting Store location : Willemstraat 39, Ehv. Drawing workshop “Ritmics” for all ages by Marian de Graaff | 3:00 - 14:30 pm| During this workshop you’ll get in a ‘flow’. Using your hands you’ll design a pretty pattern-drawing. Atelier De Hop - 2nd store. Info via email graaffmd@xs4all.nl
ARTSPACE FLIPSIDE | Drawing with the BIG T | Tarwelaan 56A | Open drawing workshop for all ages - 4 days in a row! More info www.artspaceflipside.nl
Archipel Gagelbosch | Gagelboschplein 200 | Glass-art workshop by Josette Pijnenborg,artist & owner of stained glass atelier Blue Horse | Start 1:00 pm| Fee for externs: € 5,- euro | Please register via ontspanning.ge@archipelzorggroep.nl View agenda www.archipelzorggroep.nl
Archipel Eerdbrand | Waddenzeelaan 2 | Creative meeting of elderly with pupils and parents of a primary school. We will share stories and draw together. No fee. Start 10.00 - 11.30 am. Externs are very welcome to join. But please register via www.archipelzorggroep.nl
Van Abbemuseum | Mini guide tour that will focus on a unique drawing collection of the Van Abbemuseum & drawing artists. Standard fee. For adults. For more information go to www.vanabbemuseum.nl
Mr. Brown| Presentation Hope Gangloff 11:00 12:00 am - Gallery Nasty Alice will give a presentation about Hope Gangloff & Contemporary Art | Nw. Emmasingel 16 www.mrbrown.nl - View advertorial page 9.
The WILHELMINA DRAW & ART FAIR| at Wilhelminaplein | 04:00 pm - 09:00 pm| For all ages| Henna tattoo drawing on your shoulder, hand or foot? Join Payal Puthran in her HENNA workshop. Cartoon illustrator John Hejink will draw with public. ‘t Snabbeltje will draw on balloons. DYNAMO organises a spectacular grafitti workshop - Artspace FLIPSIDE will draw with sand - Lunet Zorg is present with atelier Twinkelbel and Kunst & Ko and will give drawing workshops and sell art. Hoppenbrouwers invites you to draw on BAGS. Students of Summa Projects will draw on T-shirts. The Expats Art Community present a fine expo of ARTWORK. More info: www.hoppenbrouwers.info
Daycare Centre De Spaken, Depuislaan 2, Eindhoven | Cliënts of daycare centre ‘De Spaken’ of Lunet Zorgwill join hands with the pupils of Islamic school Tarieq and create artwork with paint and chalk. The activities will take place on wednesday sept. 30th and friday oct. 2nd. Starting time 8:30-11.30 am and 01.00-02.30 pm and friday 09.30-11.30 am. You are welcome to visit. www.lunetzorg.nl Tante Netty | i.c.w. Basisschool ‘t Palet & artist Toon Rooijmans | As a group we will design a BIG COLORING PAGE and color it in with all the children and parents of our neighbourhood. Wenckenbachstraat 42, Eindhoven | 1:00 - 5:00 pm And everyone is welcome to join! Free use of materials. Info www.tantenetty.nl
DRINK & DRAW at HUB | With illustrator/ artist Laura Carter | The Hub - livingroom for Expats | Vestdijk 25 | On friday 2 october | starting 17:00 untill 19:00 there will be a ‘creative social event’ at THE HUB FOR EXPATS: This will be the first of many DRINK & DRAW sessions at the HUB - with live model. | A workshop by Laura Carter Drawing. Materials are available, or bring your own. Fee: 5,- euro. | More info on www.lauracarter.co.uk | www.thehubeindhoven.nl
GLOBAL CITY EINDHOVEN event | By Expat Spouses Initiative at the High Tech Campus Conference Center | At High Tech Campus Conference Center Eindhoven, we will celebrate the passion, desire and zeal of the PEOPLE who make Eindhoven a hotbed of possibilities - the global citizens of Eindhoven. Speakers, panels, workshops and an exposition will combine experiences about being a professional across continents and looking with us into the future of Eindhoven region.| Friday 2nd october. From 16:30 untill 21:00 h |Reservations & info: http://globalcityeindhoven.com
Would you like to see a photo impression of last year? Or watch inspiring video’s? Go to www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
THE BIG DRAW PROGRAMME 7 Saturday oct. 3 Saturday oct. 3 Saturday oct. 3 KEER 3D streetpainting artist | 38 LEON Nieuwe Emmasingel | Admirant Shop-
Vitalis | Wilgenhof in colors! | Schalmstraat 2, Eindhoven | 1:00 - 4:00 pm | An afternoon full of music, 2 wonderous drawing machines, a floating painter, a mechanic wallpaper artist & several silhouet drawing artists and painters i.c.w. Centrum voor de Kunsten | For cliënts, local residents & people who are interested. Vitalis Wilgenhof. www.vitalisgroep.nl
3 Artists: Iris Verbakel, Marijke Liefting & Caroline Peeters | Circle Painting | Atelier Kanaalstraat 8 in Eindhoven | 2:00 pm untill 4:00 pm. People of all ages are invited to work on 1 BIG canvas painting in which the circel symbolises our human connection| Use of materials if free Tip: prepare your route to the atelier at Kanaalstraat 8 - via www.kunstjuf.net
ARTSPACE FLIPSIDE | Drawing with the BIG T | Tarwelaan 56A | Open drawing workshop for all ages - 4 days in a row! More info www.artspaceflipside.nl
Hoppenbrouwers drawing & painting Store location : Willemstraat 39, Ehv. Creatieve uitdagingen met aquarelverf By Nelleke Hoppenbrouwers | 3:00-4:30 pm | All ages. Fee € 1,- (for Youth Culture Fund| With different techniques in form and shape, new suprising images arise. Come draw & share your stories with us. More info: www.hoppenbrouwers.info
ping [next to the BLOB] In 4 days time the streetpainting artist Leon Keer will design & produce 3D artwork in Eindhoven and create a spectaculair 3D illusion. In the windowpanes more artwork is exposed of Leon Keer. Oct. 1- 4th. www.admirant.nl
BIG DRAW EINDHOVEN 2015 39 THE 18 septemberplein | The BIG EVENT !
with the Youth Culture Fund Eindhoven i.c.w. Centrum voor de Kunsten and a group of pupils of 6 primary schools. There will be a Citroen AMI Chalk car that is totally yours to pimp! PIT 040 + many artists will draw on MEGA balloons together with the public. late afternoon the balloon will hand in the air, on a rope. There will be HENNA ART with Payal Puthran & IBKA Creation. For World Animal Day we will draw cats to help the Greeq Cat Resque organisation i.c.w. Juliette Verberk & Yvonne van Meteren. ‘t Snabbeltje will be facepainting |Annette Waterschoot of StepbyStep Danceschool will perform flash dances with a dancing group| Don’t not miss this colorfull event| Join us. Have fun! Everyone can draw!
47 40 Philips Museum Eindhoven | 3D Printer-
pen | Learn to draw with a 3D printerpenWorkshop by 3D printerpen; the Dutch 3D specialist. Two days: saturday oct. 3 and sunday october 4 - 1:00 - 5:00 pm. We would appreciate a small donation to Youth Culture fund. For children 8-12. See the add on page 8. www.3dprinterpen.nl www.philips-museum.com
& architect John Körmeling 41 Artist Sketching on A4 | Ketelhuisplein | Strijp-S
Eindhoven | Ketelhuis | 2:00 tot 3:00 pm. This workshop is 90% definite. Please do check the Big Draw site 1 week before. Bring your own carton board, some paper and drawing pencils. For adults.
42 Public Library Eindhoven i.c.w. Studio
Kind (Studio Child)| Drawing workshop with children for children in the age of 6-12| 1:00 - 4:00 pm| Children will learn to express their feelings on paper while listening to music. Guided by an experienced childrens coach Tamara van Wijgereden van Studio Kind | A walk in workshop| More info www.studiokind.nl
Zen Zien Tekenen | Sa.oct. 2 & Su.oct. 3| Atelier Hemelrijken 77, Eindhoven | For adults| Open walkin workshop as from 10:00 am -4:00pm | Getting to know a Zen drawing workshop with pencil and paper | A drawing session about aging, life, letting go, the blooming & fading of a flower. Guided by Leo van Vegchel en Gentiana Kerkhof | Info? T 0628341339 www.zenzientekenen.nl Galerie Nasty Alice | Portfolio evaluation Sint Antoniusstraat 10 | Eindhoven | On Sa. oct. 3th | 11:00 am - 5:00 pm We invite upcoming artists to present their artwork. Galerie Nasty Alice will evaluate your art and provide feedback. Fee € 5,- euro. Revenues are for Youth Culture Fund. Be our guest! With drinks. Info on www.galerienastyalice.nl
Van Abbemuseum | Childrens Art Club Exiting and inspiring drawing adventures for children in the age of 5 up to 12. Location: classroom of Van Abbemuseum. Important: All participants need to register via website! Fee: € 6,- per child. No costs for childrens entrance. Normal entrancefee for adults. Adults can join CAC or discover the Van Abbemuseum. Info: www.vanabbemuseum.nl
Van Abbemuseum | De Woenselse Poort | GGzE | Vernissage exhibition “Every drawing tells a story” | Opening by De Woenselse Poort director Lucian van Heumen at 2:00 pm| 13 portrets & the presentation of a unique book | Artist Carolien de Brouwer will be present. In the spring of 2015 Carolien guided nine cliënts and four employees of TBS clinic De Woenselse Poort in the making of ‘the selfportret’. Challenge: look in the mirror, paint or draw ‘ who you were, who you are or who you want to be’ | Location: Studio Van Abbemuseum | Free entrance Everyone is welcome | Donation for the Youth Culture Fund is appreciated | Info: www.dewoenselsepoort.nl | www.ggze.nl
Sunday oct. 4 53
LEON KEER 3D streetpainting |Nieuwe Emmasingel | Admirant Shopping [next to the BLOB] In 4 days time he will create a spectaculair 3D illusion. Including expo in windowpanes. www.admirant.nl
Van Abbemuseum | De Woenselse Poort | GGzE | 2nd day of the exhibition “Every drawing tells a story” | 11:00 am until 5:00 pm| 13 portrets & publication of a unique book |Artproject by Carolien de Brouwer with nine cliënts and four employees of De Woenselse Poort. Read number 48. In Studio Van Abbemuseum | Gratis | You are welcome | Donation for the Youth Culture Fund is appreciated. www.ggze.nl | www.dewoenselsepoort.nl
Citydwellers | DRAW, DANCE, DRAWDIO in The Heuvel (galerie)| 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Citydwellers proudly presents modern dance & high tech drawing. Dancer Annette Waterschoot of StepbyStep will perform 4 dances inspired by drawing. Drawdio: create your sound & lightshow while drawing. On the first floor there will be mural painting. Shopcentre HEUVEL 235-237 | 1e floor & forum | 8-88 jaar | www.citydwellers.nl
Zen Zien Drawing | Hemelrijken 77, Ehv 10:00 tot 16:00 u. A drawing session about life, blooming & fading: see 47. www.zenzientekenen.nl | T 0628341339
Atelier Cindy | Drawing a cartoonfigure while casting die’s| Elandsgang 7 | Eindhoven. Sa. oct. 3 2:00 tot 3:30 pm. Everyone can join. Use of drawing material is free. More info? Go to my blog www.atelier-cindy.blogspot.com WooninitiativePlu-s | Space-S inhaitants and Plu-S youth will develop a big painted mosaic work| 01:00 tot 5:00 pm. More info? Go to www.wooninitiatief-plu-s.nl
Would you like to see a photo impression of last year? Or watch inspiring video’s? Go to www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
8 THE BIG DRAW PROGRAMME Sunday oct. 4 57
Tekenmeesters | “The Drawingmachine”. Ketelhuisplein Strijp-S | Eindhoven | Su. october 4 | 11:00 am - 4:00 pm | Fee per person is € 1,- (for Youth Culture Fund) Under the guidance of professionals and “drawingmasters” Anneke Vervoort, Beerd Gieteling, Gemma Tegelaers en Hélène Aarts, everyone will be drawing a GIANT DRAWING MACHINE at : Ketelhuisplein. Come & draw! www.tekenmeesters.nl Hoppenbrouwers drawing & painting Store location : Willemstraat 39, Ehv. BIG DRAW CHILDRENS ATELIER | Atelier De Hop on the 2nd store | Kidsworkshop drawing - by artist Yvonne van Meteren | Su. oct. 4 | 1:00 tot 3:00 pm | Let’s draw a story together. Or your favorite pet. For today it’s World Animal Day. It’s fun! Fee: € 1,- (Youth Culture Fund) Age 6-12 jaar Visit website www.hoppenbrouwers.info and www.tekentraining.nl (On)breekbaar (Un)breakable |Artproject about vulnerability & power | Woodcraft workshop with small cabinets| Location Vitalis Berckelhof restaurant | Thursday oct 1th | 11:00 am- 4:00 pm | Fee € 1,(for Youth Culture Fund) |Free use of materials | You can take your work home All ages | There is a workshop on thursday as well| Info: www.onbreekbaar.com Rochushofje | PRONK multi-family artproject | by Auke vd Kerkhof & Marlies van Weelden | Su. oct. 4 | 11:00 am until 4:00 pm| Donation for Youth Culture Fund is appreciated |Many families are welcome to create a work of art together at ‘Rochushofje’. Getting to know each other, paint, draw. We all will be working with grafitti cans, rollers en big brushes & BIG SIZE materials. Every family will be challenged to create one specific theme. No need to register. Just join! You can take your work home! More info? www.aukepraktijkbeeldend.nl
Creative daycare centre Pinnokio | Sporkenhoutlaan 37 | Schuttersbos | Local residents can meet the cliënts and the employees of ZORGATELIER PINOKKIO on sunday oct. 4th | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. A happy & creative afternoon for residents of the Schuttersbos | You are welcome for a guided tour & we will create BIG DRAW artwork in our brandnew atelier. More info? www.zorgatelierpinokkio.nl
PIT 040 Play in Town | 1000m2 THE BIG CHALK challenge. In the old garage at Vestdijk 133 PIT 040 will design a giant chalk drawing with public, supervisioned by designers & a box full of CHALK. Next: digital coloring with gamecontroller PILLO on a giant screen. Start: 12:00 am - 5:00 pm. Info on www.facebook.com/pit040
Sunday oct. 4 63
Sunday oct. 4
Rochusbuurt Buurthuis De Buut | Draw & Food Fair | by artist/illustrator Josje Godschalk | 12:00 am - 5:00 pm | Lot’s of colorfull and fun drawingactivities at community centre De Buut. We will share and draw grandma’s recipies or your own favorites. Donation for Youth Culture Fund is appreciated. Maybe afterwards some nice food & drinks. Info on facebook page ‘Draw & Food Fair’ of Josje Godschalk. Plein Air aquarelle painting Location: 18 septemberplein & Lighttower of Philips by Peter Rooijakkers i.c.w. Maarten de Kok Su oct. 4 | 1:00- 5:00 pm | Please bring your own chair, paper & drawing material. www.peterrooijakkers.nl Community Centre ‘T Trefpunt | Area Woensel Noord The Big Draw event| Belgiëplein 20, 5628 XJ Eindhoven, 12:00 am until 5:00 pm| Lot’s of Big Draw activities Comic cartoon drawing with artist John Heijink | Dancing-studio Valentijn will perform a dance with toddlers & brushes. ‘t Snabbeltje will be facepainting. This and a lot more at www.t-trefpunt.dse.nl ARTSPACE FLIPSIDE | Drawing with the BIG T | Tarwelaan 56A | Open drawing workshop for all ages 4 days in a row. More info www.artspaceflipside.nl
Dikketje Dap animalclinic | Orpheuslaan
67 29-A, 5631 BR, Eindhoven | Open door
day with cartoondrawing| Su. oct. 4 1:00 - 5:00 pm | Everyone is welcome | Cartoonist Bezano will be present. More info: www.dikketjedap.com
Museum Eindhoven | 3D Printer68 Philips pen | Learn to draw with a 3D printerpenWorkshop by 3D printerpen; the Dutch 3D specialist. Two days: saturday oct. 3 and sunday october 4 - 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Donation to Youth Culture fund is much appreciated. For kids 8-12. View the add on page 8. www.3dprinterpen.nl www.philips-museum.com
Cindy | Elandsgang 7 | Eindhoven 69 Atelier Drawing monsters with die’s! Time: 2:00 tot 3:30 pm. Everyone can join. free use of materials. Donation of € 1,- to the Youth Culture Fund is much appreciated. Info: www.atelier-cindy.blogspot.com
Draw Blacklight BURLESQUE Party | 70 Big Club Rouge [stratumseind] | The drawing festival The Big Draw 2015 ends with an exiting BURLESQUE show & dance party where everyone colors their face & body with illuminating paint. Party starts at 8:00 pm. Big Draw Fun until nighttime! Be there! www.rouge-eindhoven.nl
3D Printer For kids Age 8-14
The Philips museum is the perfect location to inspire young children to explore science and technique. During the festival The Big Draw we present something new and exiting: drawing with 3D filament wire. Kids can learn to draw whatever they imagine. It’s amazing to watch how constructions emerge with melted plastic. The 3D Pen replaces ink with plastic which melts at a high temperature which is used to draw in the air or on a surface to create 3D objects. Does this look like fun to you? Join us on saturday october 2nd and sunday october 4th. 3D Printerpen Workshop | starts 1:00 - 5:00 pm | For kids, age 8 -14. Philips Museum | Emmasingel 31 | 5611 AZ | Eindhoven | T 040 235 9030
Would you like to see a photo impression of last year? Or watch inspiring video’s? Go to www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
Creativity is contagious .... pass it on.
Albert Einstein
Guided tour through the archives with original drawings. WO II was just over when a drawingteacher from Eindhoven requested his pupils to visualise their memories of war and draw them on paper. These drawings of childhood then vanished for years. Safely stored in the archives they lay concealed for decades to finally emerge some years ago in The Regional Historical Centre Eindhoven. Today we not only charish these drawings but we also searched and found the artists who made the artwork. All girls, for it’s was a girlsschool. All woman were interviewed. After so many years, again they shared their remarkable stories, memories and ... drawings of WO II.
Thursday afternoon october 1th from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Regional Historical Centre Eindhoven Raiffeisenstraat 18 Eindhoven
For whom?
Everyone is welcome. No fee. The maximum groupsize is 15 people.
More info?
These drawing are special and therefore kept in the archives of RHCe. During The Big Draw we will organise a guided tour, for you to see these drawing with your own eyes. Are you joining?
There is a webexpo made of these drawings and stories.
A closer view on the work of artist
HOPE GANGLOFF Thursday 1 october & Friday 2 october
ART TALK about Hope Gangloff
and influences of other artists by Gallery Nasty Alice From 11:00 - 12:00 h
VERNISSAGE Saturday oct.3 | Sunday oct.4 2015 Van Abbemuseum | Sa. opening at 2:00 pm | Art-project De Woenselse Poort with artist Carolien de Brouwer
Visit this presentation: Mr.Brown | Nieuwe Emmasingel 16 Hope Gangloff’s expo will last 4 days
t. 2 m oc 0 p
Fr. 0-9:0 DESIGNER EYE GLASSES | COFFEECORNER | HOTSPOT EINDHOVEN www.mrbrown.nl | Nieuwe Emmasingel 16 | Eindhoven | T 040 - 8200063
Wilhelmina Wilhelminaplein Eindhoven
Draw & Art Fair
Payal Puthran introduces HENNA ART. India drawings on hands and body. Where? Hoppenbrouwers! Friday 2nd OCT. 4:00 - 9:00 pm.
DYNAMO organises grafitti workshops. FLIPSIDE will create amazing SAND ART. SUMMA/040-PROJECTS draws on T-shirts. 2015 HOPPENBROUWERS illustrates BAGS & stuff.
4 dagen lang zijn er bij HOPPENBROUWERS tal van leuke tekenworkshops. Bekijk de website: www.hoppenbrouwers.info
Would you like to see a photo impression of last year? Or watch inspiring video’s? Go to www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
10 New event at High Tech Campus > DRAWING AS A TOOL FOR LEARNING & FOR COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS creating Art & sharing stories is something that we believe in ... In 2014 we created “our world” for the public to see. This year we will share stories, for “Every drawing tells a story” according the festival The Big Draw. Let’s search for meaning in this theme and connect with each other through art. We will write and draw the stories and transform it all into a beautiful book. Creativity connects people The goals of The Big Draw match with the vision of Archipel. For creativity and synergy are binding aspects in every activity we organise for people that live at Archipel. We love to explore the hidden talents. And we believe that everyone has one! By initiating these Big Draw projects, we contribute to the Youth Culture Fund and support children that live in poverty.
Drawing cat’s for World Animal Da y
We invite everyo on saturday oct ne to 18 septemberplein We hope to rai . 3th to join & draw CATS! se awareness & find sponsors Two female arti Juliette Verberk sts from Eindhoven, called will guide this Big& Yvonne van Meteren Draw “animal”pro ject.
Verberk s Juliette teren With artist ne van Me and Yvon
Sa. oct. 3 - 18 sep temberplein, 10: 00 am - 4:30 pm
Illustratie door Rob Tornoe
More info? archipelzorggroep.nl/agenda
Many many cats all over Greece are in desperate need and are living a short and dangerous, stressfull life. Greeq Cat Rescue, in Dutch called Kattenhulp Griekenland, is active since 2010. We have four main objectives: sterilising of street cats | Wintertime feeding | Providing emergency help and medical care | Arranging adoptions of suitable street cats, recovery cats and orphans to new homes. Meet us at The Big Draw on oct. 3! Please support us | www.greeqcatrescue.com | Donate your gift to NL71 INGB 000 5 826 890 |
The pupil council of Highschool Novalis is organising some Big Draw activities & an art-contest. Pupils are challenged to design art on doors. The best artwork will be chosen by a jury. And the winner wil be elected on friday oct. 2nd. More info on www.novalis.nl
Donderdag 1 oktober | Café De Oude Rechtbank Thursday october 1th | Café De Oude Rechtbank
THE THEBIG BIGDRAW DRAWSPEECHWEDSTRIJD SPEECHCONTEST 12 mondige studenten gaan devision competitie 12 talented students will present their on the met elkaar aan. De uitdaging is een scherterror attack in Paris, 7th januari, Charlie Hebdo. The pe opofde Charlie Hebdo juryvisie consists theaanslag editor of The Eindhoven Dailyten Paper gehore te brengen enTon hiermee 1e prijs (Eindhovens Dagblad) and Smits Huisde (museum) inSchools: de wacht te College, slepen.Stedelijk De jury bestaat uit Sint Joris College, Lorentz een van NL’s bekendste cartoonisten Joep Casimir Lyceum and Novalis College. Presentation by Bertrams, ED redactiechef LucasJoep vanBertrams. Houtert the famous national political cartoonist en Frans oct. Bakermans, voorzitter hetp/p. Ton Thursday 1 | 3:50 - 6:00 pm. Fee € van 3,- euro Smits Huis.go Wil maakt ‘live’ cartoons. All revenues to Wils the Youth Culture Fund Eindhoven. Tickets 3,- De p/pOude > bijRechtbank, De Oude Rechtbank. Tickets at€Café Stratumseind. Do. 1 okt. 15:50-18:00 uur | Stratumseind 32 | Eindhoven
More info? www.novalis.nl Would you like to see a photo impression of last year? Or watch inspiring video’s? Go to www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl
Live art model is @Hub
17:00 - 19:00 h
Drink & Draw Night @ Hub
From 1st untill 4th october 2015 the second edition of The Big Draw Eindhoven will take place. THE HUB FOR EXPATS is joining this festival with a Drink & Draw !
City Poet Eindhoven
Mixing drinking, socialising and drawing isn’t new, in fact, it’s getting more and more populair in cities all over the world. For it’s a great way to unwind after a busy week. And now the Drink & Draw trend has reached Eindhoven, at last ! How many of you liked ART at school, but lost touch with it? This is your chance to reconnect. And to meet new people !
inspiring & smart
Laura Carter, artist and art teacher is inviting you to join the first of many Drink & Draw sessions at The Hub for Expats.
Friday 2nd october she will teach you the basics of drawing, how to outline, how to shade using pencils and other materials, & ... how to draw the human figure by observing a live model. Be there. Have fun. Everyone can draw! Entrance fee € 5,-
The New City Poet wil be chosen on Mail to: illustrator.laura@gmail.com the 29thMore ofinformation? october at Parktheater Websites: www.lauracarter.co.uk | www.thehubeindhoven.nl and is a guest on 2nd october at the W W W. T H E B I G D R A W E I N D H O V E N . N L the Global City Eindhoven event.
Hub for Expats Vestdijk 25 5611 CA Eindhoven T 040 845 1475
drawing workshops
More information about the Global City Eindhoven event on the High Tech Campus you will find on the website http://globalcityeindhoven.com
drawing materials at
Van Beek
Art supplies coupo er eliv
1- 4 r e ob Oct
tV na
k Bee
0at 8
is Kru
| www.thebigdraweindhoven.nl | Twitter: TheBigDraw040 | Facebook: TheBigDraw.nu | Pinterest: TheBigDraw040 |
20% discount THE Big DRAW
Is CAMPAIGN made SAMEN mogelijk FOR possible WAT Dankzij BETEKENEN by DRAWING support of ©
We thank every organisation and person that supported The Big Draw Eindhoven & made it all happen. • • • • • • • • • • •
Admirant Shopping Ondernemersvereniging Admirant Eindhoven (OASE) Archipel Zorggroep GGzE | De Woenselse Poort Hoppenbrouwers teken- & kunstschildersmaterialen Mr. Brown Specs & Beans Novalis College Ondernemers Stichting De Bergen (OSDB) Philips Museum Regionaal Historisch Centrum Eindhoven Ton Smits Huis
You supported us with services & products: Designburo Stoerrr Saskia Holtjer Fotografie Drukkerij Wilco Artbooks Cafe De Oude Rechtbank Kledingatelier 2BElse Studio De Rode Muis Citroen AMI vereniging Cafe De Oude Rechtbank Prokonpack.nl
Summa Welzijn Projects 040 Lunet zorg | Twinkelbel TAC | Projects 040 ED en Groot Eindhoven CKE | Dynamo | Edding Ton Smits Huis Expat Spouses Initiative Toneelgroep Proskenion
Goldsponsors: Drukkerij Wilco Artbooks, Edding, Ton Smits Huis, Admirant Shopping, ED & Groot Eindhoven. Prokonpack provided Youth Culture Fund donationboxes.
Like & Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest,Twitter and Youtube.
Get more Big Draw festivalpapers & programmbrochures at the following hotspots: Parktheater, Van Abbemuseum, Hoppenbrouwers Tekenen en Schilderen, Centrum voor de Kunsten, Public Library Eindhoven, TAC, Philips Museum. Piet Hein Eek Restaurant, Van Beek Art Supplies, Cafe De Oude Rechtbank. Torenallee Strijp-S: Caffee Allee, De Ontdekfabriek, Office At Work restaurant.
Stichting Jeugdcultuurfonds Eindhoven Odysseuslaan 2, 5631 JM Eindhoven Email consulent.eindhoven@jeugdcultuurfonds.nl Telephone number T 06-13 19 73 17