Cork Airport – BAM Brochure

Page 1



Contents Introduction ......................................................4 Project Overview ............................................7 Construction, Programming

& Methodology

- Design Process..........................................14 - Construction & Programming .....................17 - Terminal Building ........................................17 - Central Utility Building ................................24 - Multi Storey Car Park (MSCP) ....................27 - Site Works .................................................28

Company Profile - Rohcon Limited .........................................34 1

Introduction 2



rom it’s humble beginnings as a mere airfield at

breaking ceremony on 26th June 2003, attended by the

Farmer’s Cross in 1948, Cork Airport has under-

then Taoiseach Bertie Aherne, the construction of the

gone continuing expansion in it’s nearly sixty years

project commenced.

of existence. First established as a small endeavor catering for some 10,000 or so passengers a year, the airport has

The new terminal building, has a total area of 28,000 square

grown in size to handle an annual traffic of over 3 million.

meters and to it’s three million plus passengers offers a

Along with the growth in passenger traffic, the airport has

great range of amenities including shops, restaurants and

also greatly increased in availability of destinations to travel

bars. The development is not limited to the terminal

to, expanding from only serving British airports to now

itself, as it also embraces a new Combined Utility Building

providing flights to over 40 international destinations. Due

which houses the Mechanical and Electrical services for

to increasing demands on the airport’s resources, it was

the whole complex, a new Multi Storey Car Park, various

realised that the existing terminal building, which had a capacity for 1.1. million passengers per annum, was no longer viable, this heralded the construction of a new terminal building. Rohcon Ltd against strong competition received the contract to construct the New Terminal Development. The award winning company, previously responsible for such developments as the National Aquatic Centre, West End

infrastructural works and a new Fire Station. This construction was completed with the minimum of disruption to the operation of the existing Airport Services. Cork now possesses an airport to rival and surpass those of the other major cities of Ireland, Europe and beyond.

Development in Temple Bar and many others, assembled a highly experienced team of professional’s and subcontractors that ensured the successful completion of one of the company’s landmark projects. Following the ground-




Project Overview 6

Project Overview


In the late 90s, with the ever increasing traffic through

1999 saw the commission to create a master plan for the

phased development which would minimise the interference

Cork Airport it was obvious that changes had to be

future of Cork Airport through to 2010. The capacity of the

to the existing airport, yet maximise the construction of an

made, especially with the projected increase in popula-

original runways was discovered to be far beyond the

advanced Terminal Building and Infrastructure to match the

tion over the next fifteen years. However, the construction of

terminal itself with the ability to handle an increase number

demands, but due to an unexpected increase in passenger

a new terminal would require a whole new infrastructure to

of aircraft. The adjustments to the runway would be minor,

traffic, the Airport Authority decided to go directly to Phase

handle the increase in users. Furthermore the construction

with the addition of a turning point sufficient to handle a

2, bypassing Phase 1.

of the terminal, along with the sufficient supporting works,

Boeing 747 and the movement of the Terminal Building

would have to be completed without causing disruption to

further back from the airstrip would be necessary. The

the existing airport and terminal.

review in 1999 resulted in the recommendation of a three

> Phase 1

Renovate and construct an extension to the existing

terminal, increasing the capacity to two million passengers per year. This phase was skipped in preference of Phase 2. > Phase 2

Construct a new terminal building to the north east of the existing terminal building, providing a capacity of three million passengers a year.

> Phase 3

Demolish the old terminal building and add piers

to the new terminal building in order to provide a total capacity of 5 million per year.

Night photo of the original Cork Airport Terminal building which was designed to accomodate 1.1 million passengers.



New Multistorey Carpark Entrance

New Terminal Building

New Approach Road Infrastructure



Jacobs Engineering were appointed in April 2001 to develop

Aer Rianta and Rohcon Ltd signed the contract for the

the masterplan, with the creation of a design brief and

Cork Airport Terminal Development on the 3rd of June 2003

planning application. Following the agreement on a detailed

and works began immediately.

briefing document, all the involved parties were ready in October of 2001 to undertake the project. Without a single appeal to the process, full planning permission was granted two months later in December of the same year.



Construction, Programming & Methodology

Design Process


he design for the overall Cork Airport project was

a highly collaborative process between Jacobs Engineering and Rohcon Limited. The Main Ter-

minal Development was undertaken by Jacobs Engineering, with Burro Hapold commissioned as the specialist structural consultants for the Terminal roof, while Rohcon limited were responsible for various elements of the main and surrounding structures, including;

• Detailing of steelwork connections. • Specialist glazing and curtain walling design. • Specialist Passenger Boarding Bridges design • Specialist Escalator and Lift Installations • Design and details of secondary steelwork for retail units, doorframes, openings, etc.

• The Design and Building of the Multi Storey Car Park

• Non Load Bearing Blockwork Design.

• Specialist Baggage Handling Installation

• Elements of Mechanical and Electrical Installations

• Detailing of Steel to Steel and Steel to Timber connec-

• Multi discipline co-ordination of services

tions within the glulam beam roof structure. • Production and checking of detailed reinforcement drawings and bar bending schedules. • Design of retained earth solutions.

A number of specialist subcontractors were commissioned to carry out some elements of the design. The process involved a collaborative effort and necessitated the holding of various workshops to ensure that the original design

• Design of all temporary works including dealing with

concept was adhered to as well as keeping the project in

ground water and stabilising the temporary slopes of all

line with structural requirements, and achieving the desired


aesthetically pleasing appearance.



“The Terminal Building has an area of 28,300m2, which is three times the size of the original facility�


Construction & Programming


he construction of the Cork Airport project

involved the consideration of a great range of factors due to the sheer number of the elements

involved. All the constituent parts of the project had to be carefully planned in order to maintain a successful outcome in line with the schedule, while keeping in mind the quality and cost of the development, plus minimising disruption to the existing airport, the adjacent hotel and the business park. In order to achieve this end, the agreed timeline of the project had to be strictly adhered. Examples of items undertaken to make sure this happened, included establishing fortnightly progress meetings and the creation of a concrete batching plant onsite. The plant, produced 60,000 metres of concrete over the three years of the program, proved to be fundamental in achieving the correct level of service and quality, in order to meet the construction deadlines.

Terminal Building


he International Air Transport Authority maintains

The main terminal is a three level structure with each floor

very strict standards for the design of terminals

catering to different needs.

and with three million passengers passing through


the airport every year, equating to an average of over 1800 passengers arriving and departing every hour, the newly constructed airport building has to be designed both to allow for the current demands and for the ease in expansion as passengers expected to rise to five million in the coming years.


• Inbound and outbound baggage processing, plant room and VIP suite. • Level 1 contains the arrival hall, baggage reclaim, customs, check-in desks and various retail outlets. • Level 2 comprising of screening areas, departure gates, lounges, a food court, bar and retail outlets.


The original terminal building had an area of just under 10,000 square metres, greatly limiting the facilities it could

The glass facade forms the central aesthetic feature of the

provide and with the increase of the new structure this has

building, lending an immense feeling of space to the build-

changed immensely. One airport worker who has served in

ing, allowing natural light to flood through. In total the facade

both complexes commented "In the old building we

is 5,600 square metres of structural glazing and has an

were always stuck for space, we were always tripping

immense impact on the acoustic and heating concerns in

over each other, but after the move I can barely

the design and construction of the building. Supported by

believe the space we have, it's fantastic"

exposed vertical trusses, the facade ranges in height on the

Main Elements

various sides of the building, reaching a height of 16 metres on airside allowing passengers and visitors a view of the incoming and departing aircraft. The external facade also


incorporates cedar and limestone cladding.

The construction of the buildings reinforced frame required the excavation of some130,000 metres of material, followed by the pouring of over 13,000m of reinforced concrete and the fixing of 3,000 tonnes of steel reinforcement. The foun-

is a cast insitu reinforced concrete structure divided into

dations of the building lie on weathered rock. The Building

three separate blocks with 2 expansion joints running its length.


The roof structure, consists of structural steel four limbed ‘trees’ each weighing in excess of 11 tonnes. From the tree tops, 20 Nr double glulam beams span the building from landside to airside, strengthened and stiffened by Macalloy rod trusses. Above glulam beam level, is a structural steelwork framework of purlins providing support to the lightweight double span curved roof deck. The roof deck is lined internally with acoustic insulation and an architectural panel which follows the wave form of the roof structure.


• Baggage handling power and control

Communications systems provided include the following:

• Lift and escalator power requirements

• Voice / Data

• Earthing and lightning protection

• Common user terminal equipment

• Hard of hearing loops

• Flight information display system

• Automatic fire detection and alarm

• Airport operation system

• Voice evacuation and public address installation

• IT LAN and server network

• Telecommunications, voice and data systems • Two main communication rooms and six satellite communication rooms.


The main electrical switchrooms are located on Level 0, with seven smaller switchrooms located throughout the terminal building. Besides the necessary power supply for the operation of the terminal, these systems also allow for essential security and safety. Electrical systems provided include the following: • Medium voltage and low voltage distribution and UPS power requirements • Supervisory control and data acquisition • Interior, exterior and emergency lighting • Mechanical and HVAC power and control



transportation of the bags through the airport building. The

An eternal concern for any air passenger is that of their

with three outbound belts and 4 inbound retrieval belts in

baggage, the safe transportation and quick delivery of which

order to minimise the congestion frequently found in the

being a significant factor in their experience of any airport.

baggage handling facilities of many airports.

Cork Airport system can handle over 14,000 bags per hour,

The specialist installation within the terminal, dealing with the baggage from check in until the ultimate retrieval, uses

The terminal includes 6 escalators and 11 lifts, allowing for

highly sophisticated tagging, screening and security

ease of access to the different levels of the building.

processes, all of which ensure the efficient yet secure



“The system incorporates 100% hold baggage screening and has a design capacity of 1,400 bags per hour �


Security systems provided include the following: • Card reader access control

In order to achieve a high quality and powerful aesthetic

• Intruder detection

effect of the appearance of the interior, only the highest


quality materials were used, inclusive of:

• X-Ray Machines

• 2,500m2 of glazed partitions.


• 6,600m2 of granite flooring

A highly important factor for the operation of the Terminal building is the mechanical installation process, and therefore of great concern during the construction process. The circulation of air throughout the building is provided by eighteen air handling units, with the fresh air intake located in the upper levels on the road side of the Terminal, avoiding exhausts which may be emitted from the airfield. The terminal contains a state of the art sprinkler systems, as well as two smoke evacuation systems for high risk fire areas and two gas suppression systems for the main electrical rooms. The uniting factor of the mechanical and electrical systems is the BMS (Building Management System), a system based on Direct Digital Control technology, monitoring all of the systems present within the terminal. It also serves to maximise the fuel and energy efficiency of the facility.



• 3,000m2 of jatoba wood flooring • 2,500m2 of white oak wall cladding

Central Utility Building


and the services are linked to the main terminal building via insulated pipework. The building contains the low pressure hot water (LPHW), chilled water generators and distribution pumps.

ith the demands on electricity, water and

other resources posed by the Terminal

One of the building's other main purposes is to house the

building, it was decided to construct an

new ESB MV power supply connection. The building also

exterior building specifically for the purpose of maintaining

contains two 1,250kVA generator sets, the purpose of

these requirements. The Central Utility Building (CUB) is

which is to provide an emergency power supply in the event

located a short distance from the New Terminal Building,

of power failures.

The CUB also houses three passenger lifts for the MultiStorey Car Park, which is connected via a series of link bridges. A further lift shaft, along with the capacity to increase the height of the other three, is in existance should the need arise for expansion of the Car Park.



The internal fit out of the Terminal Building included over 6,000m 2 of blockwork, 12,000m 2 of stud partitions and 2,500m2 of glazed partitions.


Multi-Storey Car Park



The structure is designed to accommodate 635 vehicles, as well a chapel, located on the ground floor. The structure is comprised of in-situ reinforced concrete beams, columns and walls.

he large increase in passengers utilising Cork Air-

The building is designed for future expansion, with the pos-

port, necessitated the construction of the Multi

sibility of an additional two storeys and outward expansion

Storey Carpark (MSCP).

of up to eighty metres northward.


With the restructuring of Cork Airport, vastly increasing the size and scope beyond the pre-existing structures, there was a resulting increase in the demands on the surrounding infrastructure. These expansions included the following:• A new landscaped dual carriageway entrance road to the Main Terminal Building and the existing Business Park. The dual carriageway includes roundabouts, footpaths, cycleways, lighting, signage etc, along with modifications to the roads leading on and off the route. • New short term, long term, staff and VIP car parking. • A reworking of the underground foul and surface drainage systems, as well as a network of underground power and communications ducts. • The development of new taxi rank, coach parking and car hire areas. • Extensions and redevelopments of the existing airfield, with provisions for increases of equipment storage and other facilities to handle the projected increase in aircraft traffic. • Various ground retaining structures and a pedestrian underpass.


The installation of over three kilometers of fencing along the airside was a very necessary step in order to outline and ensure the security of the site area. The excavation of over 500,000 cubic metres of material, a large quantity of it being rock, posed a significant worry that disruptions would be caused during its transportation, however with proper co-ordination and satisfactory health and safety measures, these worries were more than adequately addressed.

Caption to come: Schizophrenic Macintoshes grew up, and five quixotic fountains extremely annoyingly telephoned bourgeois orifices.

As with the other works being performed during the Cork

times during construction, a plan which required some

Airport project, the minimisation of disruption to the Airport

inventive use of the available space.

itself and the surrounding businesses was a prime concern. For this reason, all works were reviewed on a weekly basis

An employee of one of the businesses in the Airport

and all works were cleared by the airport authority. In par-

Business Park commented "When I first heard about

ticular, if works would interfere with the provision of parking

the plans to redevelop the roads and the areas around

spaces, or available road areas, it was necessary to divert

the airport I was worried that travelling to work and

traffic appropriately. The surrounding areas of Cork Airport

finding some place to park would be near impossible,

are remarkably busy, especially that of the business park,

but I must say I found that there was no real disrup-

therefore an agreement was made with the airport authority

tion to my daily journey"

that approximately 4,000 parking spaces be available at all


The reorientation of the access roads to the existing termi-

The increased size and scale of the airport facilities meant

system, using large diameter pipes to accommodate the

nal building, to allow the construction of over 1km of dual

the requirement for an extensive storm water and foul water

discharges controlled removal, proved to be an efficient

carriageway and 3km of single carriageway, required exten-

drainage system. This involved the usage of over 12,000

and cost effective alternative to the traditional attenuation

sive traffic management in order to maintain regular traffic

metre of pipe, which is to feed into the existing Liberty

tank design.


Stream. The installation of a 'Tubosider', attennuation The requirements for the addition of 20,000 square metres to the runway areas, made necessary the involvement of a UK firm specialising in the laying of Pavement Quality concrete, a form of concrete appropriate to tolerate the high levels of pressure upon it. Other elements of the site works included the construction of walkways, earth retaining systems, and an underpass, among many others. The volume of these works required a great amount of co-ordination and planning between all parties involved.



“With over 5,600m2 of structural glazing to the building façade, factors such as acoustic and thermal performance had a massive impact on the design of this element of the buildingâ€?



Bam Building Company Profile 33

A Brief History Ascon has its roots in the construction of the Wexford Bridge, which spans 400 metres across the River Slaney, at Wexford Town. A joint venture between HBG of the Netherlands and Sisk constructed this bridge between 1956 and 1959. Arising out of the successful completion of the bridge, the joint venture formed Ascon (short for Associated Contractors) to undertake civil engineering projects, primarily in Ireland.

Farmleigh House, Castle Knock, Dublin, Ireland

N25 Kinsale Road Interchange, Cork, Ireland. Now completed.

HBG became to sole owner of Ascon in 1989. The building company Rohan Construction Ltd was acquired by Ascon in 1993 to be its building arm; it was re-branded as Rohcon. Ascon Contractors, the holding company for Ascon and Rohcon, and is Ireland’s second largest contractor and through Ascon is Ireland’s largest civil engineering contractor. Royal BAM Group of the Netherlands acquired HBG in 2003. BAM is ranked in the Top 10 of European construction companies. Ascon and Rohcon, through their sister companies in BAM, have unrivalled access to international expertise, experience and resources.


Ascon Property Developments was formed in 2004 to undertake property development.

Safety Ascon Contractors are uncompromising in implementing our Health and Safety Policy. Our safety management system has been accredited to Level 7 of the coveted international Det Norske Veritas Standard. Our motto is. “Work safely or don’t work at all”

Ascon / Rohcon’s tough approach to Health and Safety, has led to success not only at awards but also as a model of achievement and we are the recognised leader in Health and Safety amongst contractors in Ireland. Ascon / Rohcon provides: • DNV Level 7 Certification • Safe-T-Cert • A comprehensive Safety Management System • Safety conscious, trained and committed workforce • Strong safety management of subcontractors.

• • • • • • • • •

OPW Buildings, Blackpool, Cork, Ireland. Currently under construction.

Environment It’s is our Environmental Management Policy to promote a responsible and proactive approach to environmental and waste management at every level of our operation through implementation of our Environmental Management System. • Minimise water, air & noise pollution • Adhere to the waste hierarchy – Prevent, Minimise, Re-use, Recycle, Energy Recovery, Dispose • Site Specific Environmental and Waste Management Plans • Implement best available technology to minimise impacts • Train and encourage employees in environmental policies and procedures • Inspect and audit operations to continually improve environmental performance.

Comply fully with Client’s specific requirements Total commitment to Quality Process Approach to Quality Management QMS certified to ISO 9001:2000 IQNET Certification Excellent reputation for meeting Client needs Constant internal and independent external evaluation Full-time QA Manager and assistant Committed to continuous staff development

Financial Strength Turnover 2005 Ascon / Rohcon: €440m BAM: €7,425m

Procurement • • • • • •

Traditional Contracting Design and Build Design, Build and Operate Design, Build and Finance PPP Developer



Our focus on quality is enshrined in our Quality Policy Statement “… to complete every project in accordance with the Client’s specified requirements”. Ascon / Rohcon are certified to ISO 9001:2000 by Construction Quality Assurance Ireland, N.S.A.I. and IQNET.

National Aquatic Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland

County Hall Building, Cork, Ireland.

People Ascon / Rohcon are committed to excellence and employs dedicated people from a variety of backgrounds. We offer a dynamic environment to learn in, contribute to and an opportunity for mutual success. Recognising that it is through our employees that we maintain our position as a leading civil engineering and building company, we encourage and develop our employee’s potential, leading to there personal development and growth, which in turn allows them to achieve maximum contributions in their work, with a commitment to continuous improvement in efficiency and quality.


Cork Office: Little Island, Co. Cork Tel: +353 (0)21 451 7300 Email:

Head Office: Kill, County Kildare Tel: +353 (0)45 886 400 Email:

Western Regional Office: Tuam Road, Galway Tel: +353 (0)91 778 583 Email:



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