Awards For Service Vol 1

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Awards Magazine




by Lord Watson of Richmond CBE Many congratulations to all the 2013 Jubilee Awards for Service winners. As a nation it is important to show gratitude to those that go above and beyond to serve others. Every day, millions of public sector workers in Britain provide an invaluable service that makes a difference to others. The Jubilee Awards for Service recognise the achievements of some of these, often unsung, heroes. The 2013 Awards showcased some of the ways people working in the public sector have changed the lives of others. The winners included nurses, individuals working for the emergency services, doctors, teachers and care workers. All of these roles, when undertaken to the highest standard, involve people going above and beyond their remit for the benefit of others.

It was memorable to attend the awards ceremony in the House of Lords and to be able to hear the winners’ stories. What struck me most about the winners was their enthusiasm. It was also impressive that they wished to share the recognition that they had received with other members of their team. Many also felt that undertaking service was ‘just part and parcel’ of their jobs. The Jubilee Centre for Character and Values believes that it is important that the virtue of service is recognised and celebrated. This magazine showcases the numerous achievements of the award winners in a hope that others will be moved to follow their inspiring example.

Lord Alan Watson of Richmond CBE



Jubilee Awards for Service The Jubilee Awards for Service is an annual awards programme celebrating the outstanding service of those working in the public sector. The awards are run by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Values at the University of Birmingham. The awards recognise and reward people who go above and beyond their remit, dedicate their working life to helping others, or who have made a significant contribution to the lives of others through their work. Public sector workers from across the UK were nominated by grateful colleagues, friends or members of the public. The Jubilee Centre for Character and Values was established with a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The Centre is currently carrying out numerous research projects with a focus on gratitude in Britain. The awards were presented by Lord Alan Watson of Richmond CBE, at a ceremony in the House of Lords on the 25th July 2013. This magazine showcases the winners and the work they have been awarded for.




Cholmondeley Room, House of Lords Wednesday 25th July, 2013 Arrival and drinks on the Terrace Welcome Lord Watson of Richmond Introduction to The Jubilee Awards for Service Professor James Arthur The Importance of Gratitude and Service The Very Rev. Dr. John Hall, Dean of Westminster Six Award Winners announced announced by Tom Harrison, presented by Lord Watson Judging the Awards Gary Lewis, Headteacher, Kings Langley School Five Award Winners announced announced by Professor Kristján Kristjánsson, presented by Lord Watson Overall Winner announced announced by Professor James Arthur, presented by Lord Watson Closing Remarks Lord Watson of Richmond 4    AWARDS MAGAZINE


The Winners




Kathryn Bloomfield | London Fire Brigade, Community Safety Manager Kathryn has been with London Fire Brigade for over 22 years, demonstrating commitment to the service, her colleagues and the people of London from the beginning. Her achievements include establishing a project with volunteers from local communities to support fire victims, and designing educational packages for children with Special Educational Needs.

Why do you work in the public sector? I work in the public sector because I get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that what I do either directly helps the public to stay safer from fire or supports my fire-fighter colleagues to do their jobs. I find it easy to be passionate about what my organisation does – I am really proud to be associated with our fire-fighters who are amazing. London Fire Brigade is also a really supportive employer with a great culture; I always say that it feels like family to me.

What motivates you to go ‘above and beyond? I think a lot of people go above and beyond when they feel that their colleagues and their managers value them and that what they do matters, even if it’s only in a small way.

How did you feel when you found out you had won a Jubilee Award? I was amazed, elated and shocked. I had been so pleased just to be nominated and really didn’t think that I would win because there are so many people across all of the public services who go above and beyond – it’s a very inspiring sector. Hearing the speeches at the Awards ceremony was incredibly humbling.

“ Hearing the speeches at the Awards ceremony was incredibly humbling ”

‘Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.’ MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO

David King | Watch Manager, Porthcawl Fire Station David has worked for the Fire & Rescue Service for 43 years as a member of the ‘retained duty system’ at Porthcawl Fire Station. Dave’s dedication to his community is second to none, providing in excess of 90 hours per week on-call commitment as a fire-fighter for the duration of his career, and he is currently the longest serving fire-fighter in the South Wales Fire & Rescue Service. As the ‘officer in charge’ of Porthcawl Fire Station, Dave ensures high standards and levels of performance are maintained, and that his station is at the forefront of essential public services by carrying out fire safety work to reduce risks to people in the local community.


Throughout his career, he has trained in excess of 100 fire-fighters for his station, passing on his vast knowledge, experience and expertise. His managerial and personal skills, and ability to motivate others, not only ensures that his station is one of the highest performing within South Wales Fire & Rescue Service, but has also enabled him to organise and support a large number of charitable events.


Terry Rodgers | Street Cleaning Operative Terry has given over 50 years’ service to the borough of Rushmoor. Now aged 72, Terry still works full time driving a road sweeper and is always available to help in an emergency, taking great pride in his work and providing a first rate service to the tax payer.

What motivates you to go ‘above and beyond? My moral standards, I was brought up always to do the best I could.

Why do you work in the public sector?

How did you feel when you found out you had won a Jubilee Award?

50 plus years ago it only started as a temporary job and here I am today, enjoying it so much that I’m glad I stayed.

Absolutely thrilled beyond belief and still even now, after the award ceremony, I can’t believe it’s happened.

“ Absolutely thrilled beyond belief... I can’t believe it’s happened “ Simon Hensley | Neighbourhood Police Sergeant Sergeant Hensley has been the catalyst for a large scale community rejuvenation in Stockland Green, enthusing the community and inspiring organisations to get involved. His work has included providing bespoke community provision in one of the most deprived areas of Birmingham.

What motivates you to go ‘above and beyond? I am a big believer in ‘becoming the change that you want to see’ and I enjoy a challenge. I relish approaching things from a different perspective and taking on large issues that can make a huge difference in communities.

Why do you work in the public sector? I wanted to help people, make a positive difference in communities and give a little back.

How did you feel when you found out you had won a Jubilee Award? Overwhelmed really, whilst we do not expect recognition for the work that we do it is lovely that someone has taken the time to nominate me and that the Jubilee Centre feel me a worthy winner!

Ian Sheard | Support Worker for the Advance Enablement Project

Ian works with adults with learning disabilities, encouraging participation and inclusion within the community and in society. Ian works with stores and libraries to identify work placements for the service user group and provides on-going support which can often be life changing. Ian is a kind and thoughtful man and is a team player; he has a ‘can do’ attitude and is unafraid of stepping outside his job description if this is in the best interests of the service users.

He recently became involved in promoting a breakfast club for the service users which meant him having to be at work much earlier. Ian approached this as he always does with a positive attitude and a smile!




Overall Winner Noran Flynn Nechells POD Education Action Zone Director

Noran has worked in education for over thirty years in a variety of roles including as a secondary school teacher, an advisory teacher for autism and an officer with responsibility for community safety. Her current role is Education Action Zone Director, where she established the POD Community Interest Company in the heart of one of the most disadvantaged areas of Birmingham, working tirelessly to support eight schools in raising standards and improving educational attainment.

You have worked in the public sector in education for your entire career. What motivated you to go into this line of work? I originally wanted to work in social work to improve children’s life chances. However, I found that there were not enough resources available to support children. So I went into teaching. I taught sociology in schools and through this I developed an interest in behavioural issues so I went to work for a PRU hoping to re-engage children in education. I realised that you have to influence families to appreciate the positive impact that education has on their children. From here I went into advisory work, working alongside families to improve parenting skills. I strongly believe that if you get families right then children’s lives are more fulfilled. Equally, if you get communities right then other things fall into place. We need to strengthen communities.

What has kept you there? A strong belief in communities has kept me in this line of work. I do a lot of voluntary work in my private life. I believe in leading the way in caring.


What is it that motivates you to go ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty?

“ We have to show that by going the extra mile you get

Knowing that I can make a difference keeps me motivated. I have seen that it is possible to create a safe haven in a troubled area. The knock on effect extends to the entire community.

so much back in return “

What are the most fulfilling aspects of your job?

What impact do you think individuals can make in the public sector?

Seeing people in the community benefit from the centre is hugely fulfilling. When they come here, people realise that others are in the same situation as them. I believe that raising aspirations has to start early. We have to encourage young children to volunteer to embed that feeling of ‘giving something back’.

Everyone can make a difference if they go the extra mile. You have to focus on making a difference to just one person. We have to show that by going the extra mile you get so much back in return. This is very satisfying.

“ We have to encourage young children to volunteer to embed that feeling of ‘giving something back’ “

How did you feel when you found out you had won a Jubilee Award? I was so excited to hear that I had won! I wrote to all the head teachers in the area! I have not won anything before so I was thrilled. It really validated the work that we do. As my name was not read out with the other winners I thought I had been forgotten. When I heard I was the overall winner I was overwhelmed! A few tears were shed. It feels very important to be recognised for the work that you do. People too often forget to say thank you.





Tanya Kenny-Parker | Manager, The Haven Day Centre Tanya is manager of The Haven Day Centre, providing a service to 30 older people with physical disabilities, sensory impairment or mental health problems. Tanya is an inspirational and highly committed manager who runs a service of very high quality, providing individually tailored care and a rich variety of activity programmes for each service user.

Why do you work in the public sector? I continue to work in the public sector because whilst working with older people, I quickly realised that there are many opportunities to improve the quality of someone’s life. By always trying to do my best no matter how big or small the task, I really can make a difference. I am an employee of Haringey Council and from day one I have always believed that they strive to ensure all older residents of the borough are provided with services that they need and that all care and support is carried out with both dignity and respect.

What motivates you to go ‘above and beyond? I am a firm believer that older people are not only our present and our future, but they are also our past. I do not believe that older people are valued enough; they have life experiences and histories that need to be recognised and in

some cases highlighted. I was brought up as a child to respect my elders and always help those less able than myself. Clients have a right to a high standard of care and are encouraged to put their needs and wishes forward which thus enables them to have a sense of value and worth in society.

How did you feel when you found out you had won a Jubilee Award? I was overwhelmed and somewhat shocked when I received the news that I had won a Jubilee Award; after all I was just doing the work that I do every day. Of the thousands of people who work in the public sector, I never expected to be chosen as a winner. I am very proud of the work that is carried out by the team at The Haven Day Centre, and this award has given me increased motivation to explore more avenues for improving the services that we provide to those in need of a care service.

“ This award has given me increased motivation... “

Dr Jane Risdall | Surgeon Commander Dr Jane Risdall has demonstrated an inspirational devotion to her medical practice and research into traumatic brain injury at the same time as contributing substantially to local and national community activities. Jane also continues to serve in the Royal Navy while undertaking a full time clinical commitment at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

Rita Liddle | District Nurse Rita Liddle has dedicated her life to working in the community as a District Nurse for the NHS in Derby. She started training as a nurse in 1973 and retired last year after 40 years in the profession, even continuing to work after suffering a stroke in May 2011. Rita always turned down any offer of management work, as she always felt the need and desire to be ‘hands on’. Throughout her years as a nurse, Rita has maintained her sense of humour, and her determination and dedication to the nursing profession is second to none. 10    AWARDS MAGAZINE


Anne Fenton | Home Manager Anne has worked for Birmingham City Council for 32 years in residential services for children, and for the past 8 years has managed a Home for 16 children with profound disabilities. Anne supports parents and staff through very difficult times and works closely with health colleagues to ensure the children have the best care, regularly advocating for the children when they are moving on to an adult placement.

What motivates you to go ‘above and beyond’? My passion is the children and my motivation is when I see how the children have developed and their health improved when they receive a high standard of care. I ensure the children in my care are not disadvantaged because of their disability.

How did you feel when you found out you had won a Jubilee Award? I was very pleased to find out I had won an award and felt proud to receive it.

“ I was very pleased to find out I had won an award and felt proud to receive it “ Juliet Parker-Smith | Manager, Trewern Outdoor Centre Juliet Parker-Smith manages the Trewern Outdoor Centre. Over the years thousands of young people have experienced spending time at this centre near the Black Mountains. Juliet has constantly developed new experiential learning activities and ensures that young people experience a wide range of educational experiences in an environment which contrasts with their home area in East London.

That the centre continues to run at a time when local authorities are shutting down such centres is down to the energy, drive and enthusiasm of Juliet as head of centre. She is a lively, highly energetic promoter of young people’s health, well-being and confidence. Juliet ensures that she and her team go the extra mile to create a sense of fun and community spirit to ensure that all the visits are successful and can be life-changing.

Dr David Rose | Principal Clinical Psychologist NHS Foundation Trust

Dr David Rose has been the driving force behind the Specialist Learning Disability Dementia Service since before its establishment in 2008. His energy and commitment have been instrumental in making the service effective and collaborative,

focusing on the needs of carers and family as well as the person with dementia, and making a real difference to some of the most vulnerable people in Dudley.




Researching Gratitude and Service Interest in the virtues of gratitude and service has grown rapidly in recent years. This has been apparent in both academic and popular circles. Public interest in gratitude and service has been witnessed by the boom in self-help books which have emphasised the personal and social benefits of cultivating an ‘Attitude for Gratitude’. Similarly ‘Saturday Live’ on BBC Radio 4 and Paul O’Grady’s show on BBC Radio 2 feature gratitude slots where members of the public phone in to express thanks on air. Clearly, gratitude is on the public’s radar. But what do people understand by it? Is it just something which oils the wheels of our social life, an expression of politeness and good manners? Or does gratitude plumb more profound depths? The Jubilee Centre for Character and Values seeks to examine the meaning and value of gratitude in the UK and in other English-speaking cultures through a number of research and development projects. In the Attitude for Gratitude Project, ‘expert’ definitions of psychologists and philosophers are brought into dialogue with popular understandings of gratitude, and over the next two years we will seek to understand what kinds of situations lead to gratitude and what factors influence how grateful people feel. We would also like to know what value is placed on gratitude in society. Is gratitude deemed an important character attribute? Is it considered more or less important than honesty, kindness or self-control and, perhaps significantly, do we feel we could pay more attention to this value in our everyday lives? The Jubilee Awards for Service starts to highlight the gratitude we as a nation feel to those who give service, and hopes to encourage people to think more about our gratitude to those around us. In future years, the Jubilee Centre for Character and Values will be researching the connection between gratitude and service. Does gratitude motivate us to be of service to others? When people show gratitude to us, are we inspired to do more for others? How can we encourage people to express their gratitude? Through interviews with Jubilee Award Winners and those who nominated them, we hope to promote gratitude for the common good.



Nominations for the 2014 Jubilee Awards for Service open in January 2014. The second annual Jubilee Awards for Service recognise and reward individuals working in the public sector who go above and beyond the call of duty to help others and to provide an outstanding service. If you know someone who deserves to be recognised for the work they do, complete a nomination form telling us why they deserve to win a Jubilee Award, how they have gone above and beyond their usual duties, and about the impact they have made on another person or a community. Nominations forms are available from January 2014, please see for further information. The Jubilee Awards | Showcasing the Nation’s gratitude for the outstanding service provided by public sector workers!



Jubilee Awards Judging Panel Gary Lewis, Headteacher, Kings Langley School Professor Paul Stewart, Dean of Medicine, University of Birmingham Brian Strutton, National Secretary, GMB Trade Union Keith Heron, Regional Manager, Unison

”Public service is the glue which holds our society together, but too often it remains invisible and as a result is taken for granted. I’m delighted that the Jubilee Awards for Service are recognising the outstanding contributions that all of these inspirational leaders have made to their local community. The awards are for them but also for the thousands of other volunteers and public sector workers who make such a valuable contribution to everybody’s life in modern Britain.” Keith Heron

“These awards are so important to recognise the unsung and often unnoticed contribution that public service workers make to our society. All the nominees are champions in their own right and I pay tribute to them and congratulate the winners.” Brian Strutton

Thank you The Jubilee Centre for Character and Values would like to thank the following people for their part in the Jubilee Awards for Service. All nominees All those who nominated someone Lord Alan Watson of Richmond CBE Lee Rogerson Gary Lewis Brian Strutton Keith Heron Professor Paul Stewart

‘Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.’ MELODY BEATTIE

‘Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living’ ALBERT EINSTEIN

For more information please contact: Aidan Thompson, Centre Manager, The Jubilee Centre for Character and Values 0121 414 3602

This project was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation

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