THE. . .
SCENE. . .
You are in a small rubber boat careening down a raging river littered with sharp rocks. Crocodiles infest the dark water. Both banks are steep cliffs of smooth mud studded with poisonous thorn bushes. Around the bend, you can hear the roar of a thunderous waterfall. You have a paddle, a life jacket and precious little time. What are you going to do?
THEN. . .
Chances are you will do something. You might get the lifejacket half on, use the oar to beat off the crocs, spread your feet in the boat's bottom and steer your way between the boulders before clinging on for dear life as you fly over the water’s edge before the world explodes into darkness.
NOW. . .
A little later, you wake up in warm sunshine, on a soft sandbank, smelling food cooking on an open fire, listening to the astonished chatter of others who like you - have survived. You smile briefly, but then you hear the roar of big cats approaching from the bush. What are you going to do now?
WHAT. . . ?
You could curl up in a ball and hope the others do something. Or you could spring up, rush to the fire, pull a flaming log and turn to face the threat with your new comrades.
SO. . .
If you do that - if you bounce back from one adversity to the next, if you face uncertainty with confidence and clarity, you have resilience. Resilience is key to all of us getting through this Covid19 crisis and being in great shape to make the most of the recovery.
SO. . .
Over the next few days, we will share some tips on how you can access and develop your inner resilience. Join the Resilience!