A Monster at the Palace

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A MONSTER AT THE PALACE How 5G is set to redraw tourism eventing and conferencing


Researched and written by Nick Warren Images by Nexus Studios

There’s a lot of talk about the impact of 5G on the tourism industry. How much is marketing hype? And how much false hope? If you remember the hullabaloos around 3G and then 4G, you may be less than ecstatic about the promises of 5G. But while mass adoption is some way off, we believe the move from 4G to 5G isn’t just a small step forward in tech, it’s more like a quantum leap. Here’s why we believe 5G will accelerate the adoption of AR and VR and have a seismic impact on the world of travel and experiences: 10x Data Transfer 5G can handle up to 20 gigabytes of data transfer per second that’s 10x faster than 4G. Super handy when you’re sending or receiving massive files such as HD video. Imperceptible Latency 5G reduces latency - the response time from a server to a device - to around one millisecond. Since it takes your eye 400 milliseconds to blink, that means it’s imperceptible to humans in the VR world.

Imperceptible Latency 5G reduces latency - the response time from a server to a device - to around one millisecond. Since it takes your eye 400 milliseconds to blink, that means it’s imperceptible to humans in the VR world. Increased Connections 5G can connect many more devices: 1 million connections at any one time, compared to just 2,000 with 4G. Wirelessly connecting thousands of sensors on hundreds of machines and devices will revolutionise the impact of the Internet of Things. Longer Life 5G enabled networks can process massive amounts of data in the cloud. This reduces strain on mobile devices and radically increases their battery life. Smarter Solutions 5G networks will enhance and unlock the massive latent potential of AI and data analytics currently limited by 4G. Smart homes, cities, schools, hospitals, and businesses will suddenly proliferate. By extension, 5G networks potentially open up whole new worlds of richly enhanced experiences across physical, augmented, virtual and extended realities in several industries and sectors.

Fully functioning 5G networks could make a positive impact on every aspect of business tourism from transport, accommodation, culture, hospitality and conferencing. Impact 1: Transport and Accommodation According to the AT&T Business and Editorial Team, 5G makes seamless travel a real possibility. “When added to existing network architectures, 5G technology has the potential to

Forget the group tour: instead of being herded along with a group of strangers asking dumb questions of a boring guide with a fixed narrative, visitors will take personalised, immersive tours of galleries, museums and ruins.

provide increased visibility and control over transportation systems.” The results of unified network protocols could include

You can see this future at a new AR experience at Changdeok Palace in South Korea - created by LA-based Nexus Studios,

seamless integration of public and private transport with real-

mobile operator SK Telecom, tech firm Google and South

time updates on delays, accidents or other obstacles, and

Korea’s Cultural Heritage Administration.

more intelligent use of traffic control systems to divert heavy traffic. Hotel chains are considering integrating 5G technology to

Here, visitors are guided around the site by a mythical creature, Haechi - who leads them to discover 12 interactive activities. These include practising archery with a Prince from

provide personalised experiences such as rooms connected to

the Joseon dynasty, learning an ancient dynastic dance, and

IoT (Internet of Things), chatbots, voice assistants, virtual tour

discovering the role of the Sinmungo Drum.

guides and even robot baggage handling. On faster and more reliable internet access combined with edge computing Yvette Vincent, CTO of Delaware North said it,

5G leverages real-time data to enrich physical environments with virtual and augmented reality enhancements. Mobile devices of all types - mobiles, of course, and also

“allows service automation and personalized options in real-

glasses - will leverage 5G’s speed to bring ancient artefacts to

time based on sensor feedback and preferences, such as

life through augmented reality.

customer-specific messaging, offers real-time way-finding and

Forget the group tour: instead of being herded along with a

enabling augmented reality, virtual reality and autonomous

group of strangers asking dumb questions of a dull guide with

driving applications.”

a fixed narrative, visitors will take personalised, immersive

This all takes travelling and staying to a new level, but what about activities?

tours of galleries, museums and ruins. You can see this future at a new AR experience at Changdeok Palace in South Korea - created by LA-based Nexus Studios,

Impact 2: Culture and Tourism

mobile operator SK Telecom, tech firm Google and South Korea’s Cultural Heritage Administration.

5G leverages real-time data to enrich physical environments with virtual and augmented reality enhancements. Mobile devices of all types - mobiles, of course, and also

Here, visitors are guided around the site by a mythical creature, Haechi - who leads them to discover 12 interactive activities. These include practising archery with a Prince from

glasses - will leverage 5G’s speed to bring ancient artefacts to

the Joseon dynasty, learning an ancient dynastic dance, and

life through augmented reality.

discovering the role of the Sinmungo Drum.

Impact 3: Conferencing and Events

WXO Take Out

Bill Allen of Tourism Review states that virtual and augmented

Whatever your operation, your long-term planning should

reality at events could be much more efficient, “thanks to the

already feature 5G and the AR/VR/XR opportunities it

increase in bandwidth and the reduction of latency time. 5G


technology will reduce the need for Wi-Fi, it will simplify and improve online content delivery and live interactions during conferences.” According to Vincent, 5G could also improve real-time collaboration by offering “new ways to interact with attendees, speakers and content, such as real-time language conversion during streamed meetings from a selected camera angle for remote attendees.” When Should You Prepare For 5G? 5G will become as ubiquitous as 4G in five years. Most early adopters will already have 5G-enabled mobile devices, but the capability is nothing without the capacity of the network that supports it. 5G networks have reached nearly 378 cities worldwide according to Lance Whitney of Tech Republic drawing on a report from network testing provider VIAVI in February of this year:

South Korea - 85 China - 57 US - 50 UK - 31 Saudi Arabia - 24 “The remaining countries in the top ten for 5G are Saudi Arabia, Spain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Australia, Germany, and Romania,” says Whitney.

Your target market will determine whether 5G will also affect your medium-term plans. If your target market is early adopters of technology, high-end tourists, or event and conference attendees, then 5G enhancements should feature in your plans for 2021. Sources: https://www.travelnhospitalitytech.com/news/the-arrival-of-5g-in-the-travelindustry-nwid-364.html https://www.tourism-review.com/5g-technology-to-boost-the-tourism-sectornews11125 https://www.travelweekly.com/Travel-News/Travel-Technology/5G-could-take-travelto-new-places https://www.max-tourism.com/what-the-arrival-of-5g-means-for-tourism/ https://techhq.com/2020/04/how-5g-could-help-reignite-the-tourism-industry-nextyear/ https://www.business.att.com/learn/tech-advice/how-5g-will-impact-thetransportation-industry.html https://www.hotelbusiness.com/what-5g-means-for-hospitality/ https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/accommodation/inside-oppo-5ghotel-australias-smartest-hotel-is-a-game-changer/newsstory/3cba1eacebcc6b2ead4e304f60042c58 https://www.tourism-review.com/5g-technology-to-boost-the-tourism-sectornews11125

Statistica.com predict that the number of 5G enabled cities will increase to 235 in 2021 and 645 in 2022, 1240 in 2023, 1815 in 2024 and a massive 2451 by 2025. Next Realities Because of the expense of installing the backbone to support 5G networks, the most likely early adopters will be the higherend hotels and conference centres in larger cities. Vanessa Ogle, CEO of hotel and technology provider, Enseo suggests that hoteliers “redeploy their network investment into ‘smart’ investments now, [and] event planners should create relationships with hotel property teams that will be servicing their attendees with technology enabling properties that create the environment they are looking for.” So, even though it may not be a complete high five for what’s on offer today, it’s high time to prepare the ground for what 5G promises to demand and to deliver.

https://www.techrepublic.com/article/10-android-predictions-for-2021/ https://beebom.com/cities-5g-network-world-list/ https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/11/16/these-5g-stocks-could-be-surefirewinners-in-2021/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2020/09/21/top-10-digitaltransformation-trends-for-2021/?sh=a8acd6bc6f4a https://www.statista.com/chart/9604/5g-subscription-forecast/

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