Albertina Sisulu – A spirit
that binds two countries
Women and War, Struggle and Stories event held at the Market Theatre in October. PHOTOS Michael Phasha
he city of Reggio Emilia in Italy may not be as
Reggio Emilia was actively involved in the promotion of
well known to South Africans as Rome, Milan or
the anti-apartheid movement abroad and went on to sign a
Venice, but its claim to fame is as the birthplace of
solidarity pact with the African National Congress (ANC) in
the Italian flag – the famous red, white and green
1977. Oliver Tambo, then President of the ANC, addressed
tricolour – and of the renowned Reggio Emilia Approach, an
delegates in the Municipal Theatre of Reggio Emilia. Tambo
educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary
and other guests were also welcomed in Rome by the
education that values the expressiveness and creativity of
then-president of Italy, Alessandro Pertini, and Pope John
each child. At least, that was the case until the South African
Paul II. In 1987, the city conferred honorary citizenship to
Ambassador to Italy, Shirish Soni, arrived in Italy and, through
Albertina Sisulu.
his hyperactive social media postings, profiled the city’s
This year marks the centenary of Albertina Sisulu’s
historical connection with South African liberation icon
birth. An excellent turnout of political and cultural activists
Albertina Sisulu.
gathered at the Market Theatre on Monday 22 October 2018,
For Ambassador Soni, the city’s solidarity and support
a day after the late icon’s 100th birthday, to celebrate her
for the South African liberation movement was far too
legacy under the theme ‘Celebrating 100 years of Albertina
important not to be celebrated through the arts. Spurred
Sisulu, A woman of fortitude’.
on by Ambassador Soni and Serena Foracchia, the Deputy
The evening commenced with a screening of the 2004
Mayor for International Affairs of the City of Reggio
documentary A South African Love Story – Walter and
Emilia, a delegation of arts producers from the city’s
Albertina Sisulu, followed by a lively panel discussion
Mamino Theatre found their way to Johannesburg. Their
that proved that Ma Sisulu’s legacy remains relevant and
journey brought them to the Hillbrow Theatre, Windybrow
well respected. The discussion was led by an all-female
Theatre and the Market Theatre Laboratory to commence
panel comprising of authors Elinor Sisulu, Sindiwe
discussions about a collaborative production that will
Magona and Joyce Sikhakhane-Rankin, photography
celebrate the city’s historical solidarity with South Africa’s
archivist Ayanda Sisulu and academic researcher
liberation struggle.
Sithembile Mbete.
76 / Creative Feel / December 2018 / January 2019