Providing first-class
music education
hen I look at the Durban Music School (DMS),
find that when a child who has very little materially and very
I see a tiny glimpse of what is possible when
little support from adults, is given an expensive instrument
people who are passionate come together.
and we say to them that we feel they are worthy and we
Particularly with sponsors who understand
trust them, the child’s self-esteem skyrockets and they look
the importance of music education for all children in South
after their instruments with great care. Most children come
Africa, be they orphaned, disadvantaged financially, or
to the school when they are around 12 to 14 years old. We
physically disabled. The school is a non-profit organisation
assess them very carefully and identify those who we feel
that has Section 21 Company status and is run by a board of
will be successful as musicians later in life. We pay for their
directors with Bongani Tembe as its chairperson.
practical and theory lessons, and exams. They also receive
We are able to give 611 orphaned or vulnerable children
transport money, sheet music and ensemble training. The
the opportunity to receive first-class music education by
exams that the students do are internationally recognised so
giving them full music bursaries. They receive everything
that they can use this accreditation if they want to apply for
they need to learn to play an instrument and are then
a job or study further.
equipped with the skills they need to find employment in
It doesn’t matter how good a musician a person is, if
the industry. The children receive the instrument of their
they have been trained by an educator on a one-on-one
choice, which they are expected to take home and practise
basis in a studio and have never had ensemble training,
on every day. Some instruments are very expensive, but I
they won’t be able to get a job in an orchestra, band or
62 / Creative Feel / July 2018