Creative Feel May 2018

Page 24

FUGARD@86ful, r e w o p , e l b i d e r c n i An y e n r u o j l eterna

John Kani, who will play Simon the gravedigger in

The Train Driver at the Market Theatre this May, has been working and collaborating with Fugard since the genesis of their careers. Creative Feel spoke to the acclaimed actor, director and playwright.


met Fugard in 1965 when we were doing Antigone,’ says

leaves it open and does not close it behind him like many

John Kani. He was introduced to the playwright with

white South Africans did. He opens it. He does say before

the words ‘John, this is Athol and Athol, this is John’,

he sits down, “I am not alone”. He does not say to me:

with Fugard extending his hand to shake Kani’s. Kani

“You do understand”.’

waited, confused by this – ‘I was supposed to be introduced

When Ngcobo called about the Fugard@86 season, Kani

this way: “John, this is Mr Fugard”, “Mr Fugard, this is John”.

said, ‘I really want this, I want to be part of this moment for

How the hell do I go on first-name basis with this man like

my friend’, but needed to get his schedule sorted out with

I’ve known him all my life? But then I took his hand and he

Disney, which he is currently under contract with until July

shook mine, very warmly, just like that, and said, “Let’s go in”.

2019 for the upcoming CGI live action film, The Lion King.

‘It was during a very difficult time in my life because we were thinking of leaving the country to go for military

Fortunately, he is only needed after June this year. ‘To pay tribute to Athol Fugard and work together with

training,’ says Kani. ‘But it was impossible because the

the Market Theatre – to really talk about this man, talk about

security had closed all borders. So it was in a frustrated

his work, his role in the South African landscape, I mean

manner that I went to this rehearsal.

socially, dramatically and politically – that is why I am doing

‘In the discussion of the play, we asked: if the state is

The Train Driver.

unjust, do the people have the right to fight and oppose?

‘I grew up with this man, this man is close to me.

This is what made me stay and not leave South Africa. I

Sometimes I say even more than my brothers and close

thought, perhaps this platform could be a different weapon,

cousins. I am even the godfather of his daughter, Lisa, and

that is, the stage for change.’

his daughter is the godmother of my daughter. So I have a

Kani and Fugard’s relationship was ‘built on trust and

long history with him. Instead of having to do research in

the truth, but we both had one desire for a free society.

the rehearsal room, I am present. I can talk about the time,

Our journeys were meeting somewhere and we thought

about what was important when the play was written, about

perhaps we could exploit the given situation. This man

what was happening in his life and where Athol was in his

can go into this door because he is white. Maybe he

life, what he was dealing with,’ says Kani.

24 / Creative Feel / May 2018

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