business as usual
performance - hardwired
The Big Bang Academy For a business to survive - its rate of learning must be greater than the changes in its environment
the a quick introduction What we do is simple, effective and all about helping business find another gear in their People, Productivity and Profit performance.
Finding, attracting and retaining the best talent.
Bespoke, high impact and action based professional development coaching and mentoring.
Business efficiency re-engineering and positive change management.
Inside, alongside and all the way
The Big Bang Academy
The Big Bang Academy
foundation modules
1. Step Change Sales And Marketing 2. For Executives and Owner Managers 3. Dynamic Account Management 4. Essential Leadership For Growth 5. Management Fundamentals 6. Foundations in Digital Marketing and Social Media 7. Finding and Keeping the Best People
Ultimately, The Academy is all about stimulating more profitable thinking, behaviour and activity - whilst equipping your organisation with the tools, attitude, confidence and motivation to independently sustain the gains achieved.
the your business You and your business - there is much at stake and much to consider
The business is entitled to see a measurable return on its investment
Bringing in ‘outsiders’ can be a sensitive subject and needs to be trusted by all stakeholders.
It is perfectly natural and right, that the business asks itself whether this is the best use of its hard-earned cash.
The only justification for this or any other investment - is results! We believe that it’s simple human nature to want to share the best, most effective and most rewarding aspects of what we have discovered with others on a similar journey. The Big Bang Academy works inside and alongside your business, to design, create, and deliver action based learning and development programmes that become an integral part of the business’s thinking and behaviour – trusted, natural, effective, fun and energising.
work smarter - not harder
business as usual
performance is in the DNA Facts are facts - the Academy is proven, effective and transformative. The Big Bang Academy programme is conceived, written and delivered by successful industry leaders. The Academy has been central to developing a number of high performance Future Leaders Programmes, business succession plans and investor protection strategies and has been recognised as one of the cornerstones and drivers attributed to the following achievements:
From 30k seed capital grew a ÂŁ multi-million, award winning and recognised sector innovator
Secured over 40% more than the average market multiple value for the business on exit, through highly successful trade sale
Enjoyed margins at +10% over the industry average
Developed self-managing, low maintenance/high productivity management teams
Generated over ÂŁ140 million revenue in one of the most crowded sectors in our economy Made the business the preferred choice of some of the worlds leading brands and Blue Chips Over 15 years of year on year growth
Featured in the Fastest 50 growing businesses in the UK
Achieved over 95% retention of high value key accounts during the life of the business
1. Step Change Sales and Marketing
Our high impact Step Change Sales and Marketing module is based on the skills, methods, strategies and tactical approaches that has secured over £140 million in high quality, sustainable and high value business with leading global brands, blue chips and recognised sector leaders.
As with all Academy sessions - Step Change Sales and Marketing seeks to contextualise the module content by applying it to real life, here and now situations, with a view to winning immediate results for the delegates and for the business... • • • • • • • •
Developing real competitive edge Digital marketing Strategic sales management Managing the sales process The psychology of selling Campaign project management Developing business through social media Getting to ‘Yes!’ negotiation skills
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
1. Step Change Sales and Marketing Key outcomes and measurables:
Enthusiastic re-engagement with the need to secure new business Renewed confidence and capability to address and overcome barriers and mental ‘roadblocks’ (sophisticated objection handling) Better quality activity and improved return on this activity More joined up and coherent sales effort Low maintenance - highly productive people Teams able to approach and operate at the top of their target clients
Improved margins, account and market penetration Conceive and evolve new and meaningful USP’s and put them profitably to work Share their knowledge and know how with others in the business
This programme is offered in the following formats:
Leaders and managers mentoring sessions - who subsequently go onto delivering the
content to relevant individuals and teams
Active group sessions - between 5 and 15 delegates
Small group coaching - up to 5 delegates
Side by side - one to one intensive coaching
Step Change Sales and Marketing, as with all academy programmes, is action based and will require that participants start to use the methods, technique, acquired know-how and the reignited attitude towards the subject matter on the day and thereafter.
This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
2. For Executive and Owner Managers For many, the business cycle is, if nothing else, predictable. At start up – there’s the initial blur of adrenaline infused chaos, mingling with what can only be described as, loosely structured improvisation. For any owner manager who has any aspiration of maximising value from their efforts, sacrifices and successes, it must have a plan and programme to engineer a self managing, sustainable and investable business. Our strategy and leadership programmes were widely credited with being the drivers behind the technological change, repositioning and remodelling, that transformed a previous business from a multi operation retail platform to online hybrid model. This executive programme delivered significant value by reducing costs by over 440k, and in doing so, grew earnings by in excess of 35% - earning a place in the ‘Catalyst Finance Top 50 Fast Growth Businesses’ listings. Amongst the ingredients for this to happen include:
A business where the key functions are led by those sharing and contributing towards the vision.
Vision and Strategy
A clear long term of ‘what and how’ to make the Vision happen.
Culture of learning, self-development, independent thinking and doing, trust, empowerment, knowledge sharing and ownership.
Recognition that you don’t have to ‘boss’ to lead brilliant people towards the Vision. A shift in your thinking to understand, that it is through others, that the vision and end game will be realised, is the first BIG step to getting what you’re really after.
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
2. For Executive and Owner Managers THE PLAN (How) The specific actions, steps taken, objectives, goals, behaviours, and targets
TACTICAL Tactics deployed, how resources and assets will be utilised, tools of execution, doing things right
STRATEGY VISION (Long Term How) (Long Term What) Concepts/intangible Explicitly what the innovation, options business will look like to grow organic/JV, - size, structure, value, acquisition, doing the market share, model, right thing value streams, ownership and end game
Key Elements:
Structuring and re-structuring your business
Which way next - essential strategies
Succession, MBO/MBI and exit planning
Executive well being
Creative thinking for the board
Taking control of the beast
Smart finance for business
Digital roadmap
This programme is delivered as a discreet 1:1 programme for owner / managers, senior teams and executives.
3. Dynamic Account Management
Over 95% high value client retention has to be worked for. It’s about so much more than delivering KPI’s contained within an SLA, solid relationships alone are not enough and ultimately price is not the king pin. The following cornerstones are at the heart of our Dynamic Account Management sessions: • • • • •
The need to know and fix the classic Top 10 Bad Habits of British Business The ‘Changes Over Time’ principle The real client agenda and how to please it Compete with yourself to know where you’re compromised Forget ‘added value’ - standard offerings start with USP’s and innovation
Master all - and retention, maximising value and account security is yours, as your business becomes the natural key strategic partner to your clients: • • • • • • • • •
Understanding the key relationships Legislating for the unexpected Maximising value up and downstream Strategy and innovation in key relationships Leveraging existing accounts to win new business Advanced communcation skills Understanding the client agenda A ring of steel around your key accounts Rescue, recovery, grow - distressed accounts and relationships
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
3. Dynamic Account Management Key outcomes and measurables:
Improved account and market penetration Better margins, lower costs Increased barrier of entry to competition Less anxiety fuelled discounting Working closer to the centre and the top of your key clients ‘Transcend the transactional’ - it not about price Lower maintenance client relationships More client referrals and advocacy More confidence in the business’s planning and strategy Delegates sharing their newly acquired knowledge and know-how with others in the business
This programme is offered in the following formats:
Leaders and managers mentoring sessions - who subsequently go onto delivering the
content to the appropriate individuals and teams
Active group sessions - between 5 and 15 delegates
Small group coaching - up to 5 delegates
Side by side - one to one intensive coaching
Dynamic Account Management, as with all academy programmes, is action based and will require that participants start to use the methods, technique, acquired know-how and the reignited attitude towards the subject matter on the day and thereafter. This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
4. Essential Leadership For Growth Most business owners or executives will have invested time and energy into trying to understand exactly how the longer-term aspirations of the business are to be achieved. With this thinking, typically comes a realisation that often, there will be a need to develop their management teams from ‘doers’ and facilitators, to enablers and ultimately, leaders for the business, to truly become sustainable and crucially investible. Certainly for owner managers, the uncomfortable (some might suggest unimaginable) paradox of the business ‘doing just fine without you, thank you very much’ is a must achieve objective, if true value is to be achieved and the aspirations of your best people are to be accommodated.
There is a clear and indisputable correlation, between having excellence in leadership and the business’s cultural integrity, sustainability, appeal to current employees and its ability to attract the best talent to compete, perform, innovate and grow. •
Behaviours for successful management
Positive change management
Risk, crisis and reputation management
Creating a vision for the business
Practical motivational theory
People and culture strategies
Introduction to and development of strategic thinking
Building high performance teams
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
4. Essential Leadership For Growth Key outcomes and measurables:
Improved appreciation of how teams work
Achieving unity on the business’s keys goals and objectives
Low maintenance, self managing and high performance teams
Creation of individual and group performance improvement strategies
Move the business from dependence, to independence to inter-dependence
Adaptable, agile and dynamic people
Better sales/profit per employee
Transform managers to leaders
More motivated, focused and capable teams
A more sustainable and investible business
This programme is offered in the following formats:
Leaders and managers mentoring sessions - who subsequently go onto delivering the
content to the appropriate individuals and teams
Active group sessions - between 5 and 15 delegates
Small group coaching - up to 5 delegates
Side by side - one to one intensive coaching
Essential Leadership For Growth, as with all Academy programmes, is action based and will require that participants start to use the methods, technique, acquired know-how and the reignited attitude towards the subject matter on the day and thereafter. This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
5. Management Fundamentals The function and definition of a manager can vary radically from business to business. An effective management team is the glue that holds the business together and enables the business to pursue its operational, tactical and strategic objectives. A properly functioning management team helps liberate the board to address growth and value – whilst ensuring that the business continues to fire on all cylinders. In what can feel intuitively to be the right thing to do, ‘a management role’ is often bestowed upon respected and well liked individuals, who have previously demonstrated loyalty and productivity in a former role, and been seen as a responsible person - with little or no investment in ensuring they are capable of discharging the responsibilities and delivering the expectations of what being a manager really means. Management Fundamentals helps reinforce existing knowledge, bridges the skills gap, and provides the tools and know how essential to ensuring managers can, and do deliver results for the business, through the business resources and assets.
The keys to personal productivity and effectiveness
Coaching for performance
Situational leadership
Understanding learning styles
We are one - building effective teams
Finding and keeping the best people
Inciting ownership in others
Self managing teams and a culture of independent learning and development
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
5. Management Fundamentals Key outcomes and measurables:
Working smarter not harder
Optimising the time, resources, tasks principles
More effective delegation, eliminate procrastination and better productivity
Inspired and motivated teams
Performance improvement through coaching and mentoring
Instill skills, capability, confidence and ownership
Improved return on investment in people and time
This programme is offered in the following formats:
Leaders and managers mentoring sessions - who subsequently go onto delivering the
content to the appropriate individuals and teams
Active group sessions – between 5 and 15 delegates
Small group coaching – up to 5 delegates
Side by side – one to one intensive coaching
Management Fundamentals, as with all Academy programmes, is action based and will require that participants start to use the methods, technique, acquired know-how and the reignited attitude towards the subject matter on the day and thereafter.
This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
6. Foundations in Digital Marketing and Social Media Real time, all the time, is the new reality, with more and more businesses harnessing the power of electronic social media to not simply promote products and services - but often to deliver services, provide information and measure performance. The world of social media is a fast moving feast, and staying ahead of the game is central to ensuring that you’re engaging with your target audience in a way that they prefer to engage - not simply the approach that you’re most used to.
Who would have thought a well conceived, targeted and executed LinkedIn poll at zero cost, would attract more qualified information and be shared amongst more of your target market in 24 hours, than a direct mail campaign and follow up campaign could hope to achieve in months of potentially, fruitless ‘outbound’ activity? •
Top 10 easy wins using social media
Achieving precision in your inbound marketing investment
Basic and advanced SEO skills
Using analytics to measure your ROI
Building your audience on various platforms
Essential housekeeping - managing spam, system integrity and staying in control
Digital channels to market
Reputation management in the new digital environment
The law and social networking
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
6. Foundations in Digital Marketing and Social Media Key outcomes and measurables:
Production of your social media strategy
Creating your digital roadmap
Effective SM copywriting and posting
Integrating your SM platforms
Improve brand awareness and profile
Generate more of the right type of traffic to your website
Achieve more for your marketing investment
Master SM in-house
This programme is offered in the following formats:
Active group sessions - between 5 and 15 delegates
Small group coaching - up to 5 delegates
Side by side - one to one intensive coaching
Foundations in Digital Marketing and Social Media, as with all Academy programmes, is action based and will require that participants start to use the methods, technique, acquired know-how and the reignited attitude towards the subject matter on the day, and thereafter.
This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
7. Finding and Keeping the Best People It might seem obvious, but when it comes to where the skills, relationships, knowledge, insight, intel, know-how, loyalty, ideas, value and therefore, control lies - it’s in the people! In other words, identifying the best of the best and securing them for yourself over the competition = immediate competitive advantage BUT conversely; losing your best people can mean losing capability and potential irretrievably. That’s why taking control matters – and seriously matters. It’s important to know your Herzberg from your Maslow, your hygiene factors to high level motivators, the Vitality Curve to who sits where on the bus, and when and how to leverage brand to attract and retain the types of people who can be the game changers in yours and the business’s fortunes.
Fact! Salary, money and bonuses are and always have been, low-level motivators. Smart businesses know this and are using high-level motivators to their advantage to profitable effect. This module is all about ensuring you have the necessary talent, to make the most of what your business has to offer and to keep this talent all to yourself! • • • • • • •
Winning the talent arms race Becoming an employer of choice Grow your own talent What really motivates people Search and Selection Continuous professional development Why culture and leadership matters
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
7. Finding and Keeping the Best People Key outcomes and measurables:
Improved talent acquisition and retention
Making your brand, profile and presence count
Transforming employees into stakeholders
Create your own in-house professional development platform
Recruiting through social media
Step change improvement in value per employee
Making people and culture show in the bottom line
This programme is offered in the following formats:
Leaders and managers mentoring sessions - who subsequently go onto delivering the
content to the appropriate individuals and teams
Active group sessions - between 5 and 15 delegates
Small group coaching - up to 5 delegates
Side by side - one to one intensive coaching
Find and Keeping the Best People, as with all Academy programmes, is action based and will require that participants start to use the methods, technique, acquired know-how and the reignited attitude, towards the subject matter on the day and thereafter.
This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
the testimonials Project Outsourcing / Performance and Project Management Sector
Building Services and Manufacturing
Steve is an entrepreneurial and motivational business leader with a track record of delivering business growth and profit. He has always kept abreast of the changing business environment and been quick to reposition his own business and recommend positive change to his clients. Steve’s customer focus, strategic thinking and attention to detail helps create value propositions that differentiate businesses and add real value to the client. As a final note, I would draw attention to Steve’s people management skills. His ability to create a positive culture, promote team work and open communication acts as a real enabler in delivering business success. LH / Managing Director
Project Outsourcing / Performance Management / MRP Sector
International Design / Manufacturing / Brand Development
When Steve was first introduced to the business. I was blown away with the altogether different approach - I have never utilised a company that actually has my best interests at heart and over the last decade he has constantly delivered time after time. To meet a company that wants to get under the skin of your organisation in order to truly provide and service. JH / Director and Business Owner
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
Project Business Mentorship / Direction and Outsourcing Sector
Legal / HR
Steve has worked in partnership with me for over a decade, His vision, business acumen and forward thinking approach to delivering solutions is invaluable to any organisation. He dedicates time, passion and energy to maintain and grow strong partnerships. Steve’s integrity is faultless and I trust him implicitly. His ability to look at the bigger picture, sift through the detail and present a strong, straight-forward business case to Senior Executives has played a fundamental part in organisational strategy. He is focussed on delivery of results whilst ensuring the stakeholders are fully on board. A natural leader with the ability to create and inspire. A knowledgeable individual who can even be relied on to recommend a good bottle of red! DH / Director and Business Owner
Project Performance Management / Business Re-structuring / Branding Sector
International Manufacturing
Steven values his customers above all. He and his team listen attentively to the customers needs and supply the best fit. I have worked with Steven during my time at two different businesses one being my own, he has taken time out to understand what it is that I do, what I need. Over recent years he has assisted me in problem solving and business direction; during this time his advice and patience has been invaluable. Not one to rest on his laurels, excellent team leader and superb company. JF / Managing Director
A few words from me...
The Academy is a body of work that I have developed with some remarkable people over the past 21 years - harvesting the very best of the best in recognised and trusted business principles, know-how, knowledge and expertise - packing it all up in a definitive professional development programme tailored exactly to your business’s needs. I come at this as an active, lifelong hands on business owner/leader, with a proven track record of delivering consistently excellent results in my own enterprises, and in those of my clients. It is with pride and respect that I act as non-executive director, mentor and advisor to other business leaders and owners, helping them to develop their business strategies, evolve their management and leadership teams’ capabilities, to improve their performance and contribution and in doing so, help drive growth and become more sustainable businesses.
Steven Street Academy Founder and Principal
The Big Bang Academy
business as usual
A few words from me... Amongst my own interests and specialties are:
Business strategy
Accelerating growth
Rescue, recover and maintain’ turnaround work
Game changing project leadership
Business re-modelling
Positive change
Individual and group mentoring
General business leadership - geared to building progressive/sustainable businesses with
edge through a combination of skill, knowledge, trust, empathy and ‘can do’.
As a parent of children with additional needs; my own personal mission includes; launching an employability community enterprise that will support young people and adults with Autism, Aspergers and other additional needs into work, apprenticeships, internships and work experience. In other words, a real person, sharing real life knowledge and capability with my peers in business. Contact me for an informal chat...
Testimonials at
This is about results - not the harvesting of knowledge for the sake of banking knowledge.
The Big Bang Academy
A business that is not growing is a business already in decline Harvard Business School