CI Magazine - September 2020

Page 35


On doing one courageous thing Written by Ruth Ridgeway


remember this coaching session I had with a client. It was a one off call (something I don't normally do) and she was struggling with how to move her business forward and slot all the pieces into place and actually launch it. When we started the session she thought she needed more jigsaw puzzle pieces (to do more) first - yet honestly she didn't. Because after listening to her it turns out the real challenge she was facing was that she was trying to be everything to everyone instead of the right person/solution for just the right people. When I showed her this I saw a light bulb instantly go off! Before she took a deep breath and said “'Oh crap, THIS is what my niche and total passion is and I haven't been owning it at all” Within 24 hours of our call, words and courage started pouring out of her. All of a sudden she knew exactly what to say, how to say it, and who she needed to say it to (those soon to be clients who needed what she offered).

A couple days later I received another email from her (I love these ones), where she said” 'I've been really thinking about our session and what I really want to do is run my own retreats. I haven't been owning that either, I thought I had to do XYZ first but then I thought - instead of starting BIG with a full on week long retreat, why don't I maybe hold some day retreats and see how those go?'

So my question for you is: what one courageous step can you take today that could change everything? Hit send on the one important email? Say yes to a big but scary opportunity, and figure out the details/how to do it later - one of Richard Branson's own personal faves. Can you reach out to one person you know could help move your business forward?

She told me before she lost her new found courage that she reached out to someone she used to know who had a retreat centre. Their reply? They loved her idea and on the spot they arranged a meeting to discuss them and plan out how to make them happen.

Because when you choose to do the courageous thing - you’re choosing to build your business from a place of love instead of fear. And then, well that’s when the biggest of business dreams have the best chance of really coming to life.

Through one session she had her niche. That of course was in her the whole time, yet she hadn’t given herself permission yet to fully own it. Through one session (and one phone call) she’s now in talks about bringing one of her biggest dreams to life.

Author bio

Ruth Ridgeway is an unconventional business coach who helps online coaches, designers and copywriters own their unique awesome and stop undercharging to create consistent £5k+ months in their business. She’s also a fierce advocate for all things self love (because it’s where it all starts) and building your business in a simple and spacious way. Find out more here


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