Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community
April 2016
A lot can happen in 3 days. I loved the visual in the photo have turned many people off to religion or Christianity. In our above. Jesus changed our relationship and access to God when attempt to serve God or “do the right thing” we have angered or He willingly went to the cross to die for all our sins. As I pondered alienated the people God has called us to save and serve. We this, I could not help but recall my 3 day Emmaus walk in 2004. have been bad examples to the unsaved. He said that he wanted It changed my life and gave me a deeper understanding of God’s to “personally apologize” on behalf of “The entire Church” to grace and a closer walk with Christ that I had not had previously. those in the audience who have had a bad experience at the I entered the weekend full of thorns and left the weekend knowing hands of a well-meaning Christian. I had experienced “The King”. I saw hearts healed, burdens left It was a powerful moment that I hope will heal the hearts behind, and relationships with other Christians formed. Only of those there who do not trust Christians, the Church or our faith. someone who has been through the Walk can fully understand There is no one reason why our community is struggling, and only the miracles that happen in that 3 days. In the 12+ years that have God knows all of them. One thing I can say without reservation is followed, I have served on numerous teams where I witnessed that the members of the board deeply care. We have prayed, cried, marriages saved, hearts healed and disciples energized to return apologized, and made changes that we hoped would allow the back to their churches. I have worked in numerous kitchens in the community to again attend gatherings and sponsor pilgrims. past years. more than I can count, where I have laughed and I am asking that over the next few weeks you survey your shared God’s love with other community members I would have heart for Emmaus and share your Emmaus experience with never met had I not served in some capacity. The friendships God someone else or consider sharing it with the rest of the community has created in my life through being a part of this community is here in a future newsletter. We are going to be publishing Emmaus priceless. I have had the privilege to serve on the Nashville testimonials here monthly. Emmaus Board the past 2 years. I can say as a person behind Let’s rekindle the fire of His love that once burned brightly the scenes that I have asked myself, just as I am sure you have, in the Nashville community. what’s changed in the community that has caused us to have to cancel walks. My pastor said something from the pulpit on Easter DeColores, Sunday that caused me to reflect upon what’s happening in our Emmaus community as well. He said that Christians and churches Carla Hunt
Fourth Day leaders embodying Christ… I still remember that Sunday afternoon when I was attending my Walk to Emmaus weekend in San Juan, Puerto Rico, almost twenty years ago. Our 72 hours’ experience was about to be over. Before going home, we were taken to the chapel for the last time. We sang, we prayed, we looked at the cross in front of us and then our Spiritual Director told us “Emmaus has a tradition of giving each pilgrim a cross” …remember? It was like graduation day, in accepting the cross we were acknowledging our responsibility as disciples of Jesus Christ. As our Lay Director placed the cross around my neck he told me, “Victor, Christ is counting on you” and then, moved by this special moment I responded “and I am counting on Christ”. Chills ran over my body; my eyes were teary. I would never forget the joy of hearing the cheers of my table friends, receiving the hugs from everyone as I went around the circle. What a great weekend it was!!! The learning’s from that weekend, the friendships made, the love received from my Emmaus community has lasted through the years. Several years later, I went back to Puerto Rico and was able to serve as the Spiritual Director for another men’s walk. The Weekend Lay Director who served by my side had been a pilgrim on my walk (#17). Another clergy colleague serving with me was also on my walk. What a blessing it was to guide this new group of pilgrims through an experience similar to ours. Serving as leaders on that team we were giving back what we have received, we became the hands and feet of Christ for those men. Yes, Christ is counting on us to share the message of God’s unconditional love for all. Jesus is counting on us to serve as sponsors of other men and women who are in need of having an experience such as ours. We can offer them that gift! Pray for God to lead you in identifying a man or a woman that is in need of a deeper relationship with Christ. Listen attentively to the Holy Spirit and act accordingly. You can be the channel of a long awaited blessing! Remember, Christ is counting on you! Rev. Victor Pérez, Community Spiritual Director
Emmaus Gathering Here’s an opportunity to renew Emmaus friendships, make new friends and catch up on Emmaus news! Our next gathering is scheduled for May 14th at 6:00 p.m. at Fellowship United Methodist Church. The address is: 2201 Preachers Mill Road, Clarksville. The meal will be potluck. Drinks, plates, napkins, and utensils will be provided. So bring your favorite dish and join us for an Emmaus fun-filled night of fellowship.
WHAT’S THE SCOOP? When you begin to talk to future pilgrims about attending the Walk to Emmaus, have you wondered how much of the experience you should share? I know I have! When I was getting ready to take my walk, I knew my sponsor wouldn’t send me to something I wouldn’t be uncomfortable with – but I think we would all admit to wondering what was going to happen. Some folks are more nervous than others – and I think we can help take care of some of those nerves by sharing a few things that go on. Now while I know there are some events that need to come as a total surprise, there are a few things I share that will give them some idea of what they will be doing while still making sure that that it will be a special time for them and allowing it to be “their walk”. Here are some things I tell pilgrims that, I hope will make them more comfortable as they get ready for send-off. 1.
Any need they have – whether it is taking their medication(s), special diet requirements, etc. – will be met at the time it needs to be.
I explain that they will hear a series of talks on the Christian faith given by both clergy and laity and they will have the opportunity to respond to what they hear.
I explain that communion will be served each full day.
There will be a time for both personal and corporate prayer and reflection.
There will be plenty to eat – they do not need to bring snacks.
There will be worship and music each day.
I let them know that when send-off “officially” starts, to go ahead and say goodbye to their friends and family. I once worked a walk when a pilgrim told me that she was not told this and didn’t realize that she would not be able to speak with them again until Sunday evening once her name was called. Sometimes it is the little things….
Be sure to get an early shower! ☺
And finally – I tell them that they will need to trust that they do not need to anticipate what is coming. The Holy Spirit will take care of it all.
I do think doing this helps to make my pilgrims more comfortable about going on the Walk and having a sense of excitement about what they will experience. I hope it will help your pilgrims as well. I am hoping that you will be sponsoring pilgrims on the fall walks and that I will be receiving applications from many folks excited to attend!
De Colores! Nita Wright, Registrar
There will be free time for them to walk, read, socialize, nap, etc.
Apr 20-21, 27-28 May 14 October 20-23 November 3-6
Face to Face Donelson Heights UMC Emmaus Gathering Fellowship UMC, Clarksville, TN Men's Walk #193 Hermitage UMC Women's Walk #194 Hermitage UMC
Is It True? Emmaus Rumor or Fact I’ve discovered while serving on the Board that there is a good bit of confusion and rumors taken for fact in our community and I’m sure most other communities. This column is to dispel or verify the item, sort of a for Nashville Emmaus. I invite you to email items you would like verified or dispelled. Is it true…
Spouses must attend walks at the same time. Once fact, no longer true! Spouses do not have to attend at the same time, nor do both spouses have to attend in order for either to attend. There is a place on the application asking if the spouse is attending and why if not. This is to ensure the sponsor has communicated to the spouse what they can expect during the weekend, i.e. no contact and has the opportunity to ask questions. Spouses being able to attend at the same time made for good walks for the couples. It is recommended for the sponsor to see if it is the date that is a problem and if the next set of dates would work for both; however, it is not a requirement. One spouse may just not be ready yet and the other is.
Sponsorship training must be attended to sponsor a Pilgrim. Once fact, but no longer true. All new Pilgrims receive training during the 4th Day Meeting. Mandatory training for the rest of us was in response to multiple occasions when Sponsors did not fulfill their responsibilities to their Pilgrim. About two years ago it became non-mandatory; however, the presentation is on the website if you feel you would like a refresher or you can attend a Walk’s 4th Day. You are not required to go through the training to sponsor. It is the Board’s responsibility to provide once a year training and refresher opportunities for the community to attend.
You must have a sponsor to attend Face to Face. You cannot tell anyone outside of Emmaus what happens on the weekend. Rumor! You can talk about weekend. Tell people about the talks, the group discussions, that there will be worship, singing and communion. You can even tell them about candlelight or you can keep that a surprise. Knowing some of what to expect may make your Pilgrim or potential Pilgrim feel more comfortable.
Rumor! Probably more of an assumption since you need a sponsor to attend the Walks. Anyone over 60 who wishes to attend Face to Face can complete the application and send in their fee, no sponsorship required.
Enough for now, what have you heard? If there is something keeping you from sponsoring or if you are unsure of something you’ve heard, email We’ll chase it down and share our findings in the next Candlelight (no names will be shared). If you have a question or uncertainty chances are someone else does to. Sandie Glover, CDL
Meet “Doc” Hall For those whom I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, my name is “Doc” Hall. I attended North Georgia Men’s Walk to Emmaus #42 where I sat at the table of Mark. I am the chairperson of the Face to Face Committee to the Nashville Emmaus Board. I am also the Program Manager for Face to Face internationally at the Upper Room. First, let me thank this community for helping the Upper Room pilot this program over the last six years. As we prepare for Encounter #6 we are, as always, excited to be witnesses to God’s grace at work in our world! To be present to see Older Adults begin to, many for the first time, honestly look at end-of-life issues; to deal with the grief in their souls they may have been carrying for decades; to see them realize they STILL have a place in ministry and they are needed voices and servants in God’s ministry to the world and in their local churches and ministries, is truly an awe inspiring experience. We are now transitioning from a Steering Committee that has depended on the sacrificial service of a select few, to a Standing Committee on the Board, which relies heavily on the Board and Community to continue to serve and witness to these pilgrims. We have several members on the committee now but are looking for a few more who can guide and help in this important ministry. How can you help? I’m soooo glad you asked!
2) We have an Encounter April 20th, 21st, 27th, & 28th at Donelson Heights UMC in Donelson. We do still have room for a few more pilgrims if you know someone who might be interested in attending. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE SPONSORED! But, if you wish to sponsor them, by all means do so! Candlelight will be on April 27th at 2:00 in the afternoon. If you can possibly make time in your busy schedules, it would be greatly appreciated. Agape, whether food or other is always appreciated. Contact Sandie Glover on that - 3) Contact me about scouting future locations for Face to Face. Beginning in 2017 we hope to host two of these a year – one in Metro Nashville and another in one of the outlying areas of the community. If you know of churches that would be good locations contact me at 4) Would you like to guide this ministry into the future? As I mentioned before we are looking for others, both laity and clergy, to serve on the Face to Face Committee. This will require several meetings a year and then your continued support for the Encounters. Thank you again for your support in the past. And especially we thank you for your continued and fervent support in the future.
1) Pray! As always we rely on prayer to strengthen us and carry us on this journey. Peace! Doc Hall
How’s your 4th Day? DeColores! What a wonderful season this is, a time of reflection and renewal in our lives and the visible renewal of the world with Spring arriving. Many of us take pause at this time in the Christian calendar to examine where we are spiritually and our "rightness" with God. We are all asked, or question others, "how's your 4th Day?" when we meet and greet. On the surface it is equal to a greeting, but the real question is whether or not we are seeking, learning and growing. In simplest terms the question is, are we living the life of Grace. Your answers will vary of course since our God made us all unique individuals. For some it is an emphatic yes, but for the rest of the crowd it will range somewhere between pretty good to blah. Why is that? What are we doing or failing to do? It has been my experience that my 4th day, my perseverance, is dependent upon two things, me maintaining contact with Christ and being in fellowship with other Christians. You've heard that before. In the Perseverance talk on Sunday, the lay leader spoke to you about the importance of maintaining your disciplines of prayer, study and action to keep in contact with Christ and gain real security for today and tomorrow. We all know that simply being "in touch" with Christ doesn't quite cut the mustard, we have to surrender ourselves to the will of God and surrender to the calling of the Holy Spirit on our lives. We know from our individual paths that this is a process, not an event, so daily acts of piety and study are necessary to achieve real contact and an intimate relationship with Christ. Contact with other Christians is really the easiest thing that could asked of us, right? We make contact with other Christians at worship, church events, on the street, at work, everywhere. But that's not the kind of contact the lay
leader was talking about and this is where many of us fall short. The kind of contact we need is through Christ-centered sharing that provides support for our daily disciplines, encouragement to keep going on that lifelong process, and accountability for what we committed to and the plan to continue. The reunion group is the proper method of Christian fellowship, or "koinonia", and is critical for us to maintain a life in Grace. If you are in a reunion group I encourage you to continue, welcome others to join, and continue to persevere in your 4th day. If you are not currently in a group, ask a couple of your Christian friends to join into one with you. That is the quickest way to have a group, make your own! As you begin, use the reunion card to direct your discussions and sharing. If you need help or want to join an existing group, fill out the reunion group survey form at, contact me directly, or contact any of the other board members. For those of you that are currently in a reunion group, we would like to know about your group so we can share with the community. Please fill out the reunion group survey at so we can build our database of reunion groups and better serve our community. Our perseverance depends on maintaining contact with other Christians to continue our life in Grace and keep the flame burning for Christ in our 4th days. Let's do this together in Christian community. DeColores. Steve Zuecher