4/17 Nashville Emmause Newsletter

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Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community

April 2017

DeColores to one and all! Wow! What an event-filled first three months we have had this year! The 2017 Board of Directors is quickly getting down to business to move the community forward toward our future in grace. Last newsletter I shared the blessings of our outgoing and incoming board members. This newsletter I want to share the board’s goals and actions planned for the coming year. First let’s talk about success! By the time we see this edition published, we will have conducted successful men’s and women’s walks. Let us praise God right now for the new lives, renewed lives, and newfound focus among the many pilgrims. Let’s continue to pray for these new community members and encourage them to stay involved. The Nashville Emmaus Community is one of many Emmaus communities that achieve the purpose of the Walk to Emmaus, the renewal of disciples to influence the local church, realized in the 4th day. This really means we keep on with the Emmaus program, according to the models given. This is not legalism, because the Emmaus Handbook describes this as keeping our heart and mind on Christ, not satisfying our human tendencies to do it our way. By following the models, we can focus on the 4th day activities and continue to grow interest, enthusiasm and unity in the community that the 2017 board has created. I believe there are three core goals and supporting tasks to achieve. #1 goal and line of effort is information and communications. This goal has two primary tasks, having a useable database, and developing a new website. The database is our #1 critical asset that will allow direct and personal communications with community members. We are unable to function without it. The website is important to project to the community and the more general public with information affecting groups and communities. #2 goal and effort is the selection of leaders and teams. Goal #1 is directly related to and an enabler of this goal. Timely selection of leaders and teams allows team and relationship building, cohesion, and strengthens the community by these relationships and associations. #3 goal and effort is to review and validate the bylaws and standing guidelines. It is important that we operate within the community according to the guidelines, but the guidelines should nest with the Emmaus model and reflect how we actually operate, not something that is unattainable and unsustainable. The board is already actively working these tasks. A team is working the data base day to day. We are seeking someone to completely rework the www.nashvilleemmaus.org website. We can use your help with referrals to community members who can help with this technical task. The team selection committee is working on the fall walk rosters right now, and a special committee was established to work on the bylaws and community guidelines. You, the community, have the opportunity to contribute in the strengthening of our community. Please continue to pray for Nashville Emmaus, Nashville Chrysalis, Face to Face, and the work the board is putting forth. Support the community by serving on a walk, flight, encounter, or consider serving on the board. Sponsor a pilgrim or caterpillar. Let’s work together toward our goals. Please take the opportunity to be involved and participate. Onward, Christian Soldiers! DeColores, Steve Zuercher Walk 142, Table of Mark 931-436-7479

Face to Face Encounter #7 @ Cookeville 1st UMC May 9th, 12th, 16th, & 19th, 2017 Face to Face Encounter #8 @ Connell Memorial UMC September 18th, 21st, 25th, & 28th, 2017 That’s right! We are having TWO Face to Face Encounters this year. There has been such a phenomenal response, not only from pilgrims in the Nashville area, but around the world that we have decided we need two a year. The Spring Encounter will take place OUTSIDE the Metro-Nashville area, and the Fall Encounter… INSIDE the Metro area. We are also working at keeping the teams and pilgrims from within the geographical areas of the Encounter so people are not traveling across the state trying to make the multiple days of an Encounter. Does that mean if a pilgrim from Franklin wants to attend an Encounter in Cookeville we are saying no? Not a chance. We all believe God places the right people on the right Emmaus Event that God intends them to experience. Thank you to those who have been helping with the first Face to Face Committee for the Nashville Emmaus Ministries Board. Face to Face has been, and will remain, a part of the ministry offerings of the Nashville Board, and it has been an interesting experience beginning this journey. We are looking for people who would like to continue to serve on this committee. If you feel God is calling you to be a part of this committee, and have a desire to continue working within the model that is set forth for these ministries, please send an email to “Doc” Hall at hhall@upperroom.org and tell us why you would like to serve on this committee. Again, if God is telling you the name of someone who needs to attend an upcoming Face to Face Encounter, you can get a registration form from the Nashville Emmaus website at: http://www.nashvilleemmaus.org/Face_To_Face/

Monthly Gatherings • May 13 6pm at Fellowship UMC 2511 New Salem Hwy Murfreesboro. Potluck with Worship to follow Walks at Hermitage UMC • Men’s Walk #197 Oct 19-22 • Women’s Walk #198 Nov 2-5 Face to Face Spring Walk • May 9th, 12th, 16th & 19th • Cookeville 1st UMC 165 E. Broad St, Cookeville, Tn, 38501 All applications for the Walk to Emmaus and Face to Face should be sent to: Nita Wright, 203 Brookhaven Trail, Smyrna, Tn. 37167.

Let's see what the book says,

In John 14:2-3 Jesus talks about going to prepare a place for us. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. As many of you know Rachel and I along with Reesa had to move out of our house in Winchester, Tennessee back in November. The reason for this was that water pipes that had been leaking for a while and that caused significant damage to the downstairs of the house. The entire downstairs had to be gutted. The slow process of getting new floor coverings, cabinets, baseboards, etc. etc. etc. is still not completed. We hopefully will be moved back in before the end of this month. She and Reesa have put over 8000 miles on their cars going back and forth to work. My point is this, the contractors etc. are exercising great care to prepare our house for us to move back into. Updates are being made etc. But it takes time, they are preparing a place for us to live. Jesus the Master Carpenter also knew a thing or two about building. (measure twice cut once) He is working on our next house and home where we will abide with him forever. As excited as I am (and especially Rachel) about getting back in our house, what excites me more is that Jesus is working on my next house. He said, In my father's house,are many rooms. You and I will one day be moving in a mansion, not a shack, not a hut, not a lean-to but a mansion built for us by the Master, who spares no expense. Don't become weary down here, for in his timing your new house will be complete and we will move in for eternity. Have a great week. Decolores, Randy Brown Nashville Community Spiritual Director

Host a Gathering at your church

Nashville Emmaus Community

• Provide location • Provide clergy for communion • Suggest two people, that you have spoken with, to give a fourth day talk.) We will verify with one to give talk, second person is backup. • Gathering is always the second Saturday of each month (excluding months of walks, i.e. March/April/Oct/Nov) • Contact: Carla Snodgrass at 615440-7644 or csnodgrass@preventchildabuse.org Kimberly Mungin at 757-753-5558 or kimberly.mungin2471@gmail.com Gathering Potluck begins at 6pm, plates and utensils provided by board team.

Kitchen Update The Kitchen Team would love to have you join us in building up our leadership in the kitchen. We are looking for individuals or reunion groups that would be willing to stay the weekend and serve the pilgrims by running the kitchen. The list of people who have worked the kitchen or willing to work is out of date. Please let us know if you are willing or interested in being part of a kitchen team. You do not have to be a good cook or even like to cook to be part of the kitchen team, all you need is a heart to serve. Jenny Shelton (jennyshelton@tnfellowship.com) or Mary Craig (marylcraig@yahoo.com)

If you are interested in providing entertainment or helping with decorations for any of the upcoming walks we would love to hear from you. Contact Ruste Foster at dlfoster730@gmail.com or by phone 214-642-5184.

We welcome the following new member of our community: PILGRIMS OF WALK #195 Bill Abernathy Jeff Rickard Jim Allen David Griffey Ron Maurer John Owen Jerry Eledge Mike Wrist

Kenneth Bald Dan Spatz Brian Heatherly Trevor Gentry Jerry Wright Preston Reyome Don Sensing Ken Pruitt

We welcome the following new member of our community: PILGRIMS OF WALK #196 Terri Adams Kelly Breniser Kelsey Clifford Judy Dotson Jessica Hackett Norma Hawk Kelly Holley Nancy List Jane Phelps Susan PruittKim Amy Sandberg-Watson Dale Springer Pam Brown Tracy Stout

Lydia Bain Randa Brown Andrea Crawford Mary Gerard Debra Haislar Dianne Holland Donna Johnson Jacque Maurer Susan Pirnia Roberts Cathy Sensing Donna Wright Angie Johnson Angel Pagan

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