5/15 Nashville Emmaus Newsletter

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Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community

May 2015

Our Fourth Day/Forth Day I have recently been helping my 96 year old mother transition into the Wellness section of her retirement center. It has been a difficult time, but a rewarding one too. You see, my mother has been in depression for the past year, trying to deal with the loss of her sister and another friend of 14 years within two weeks of each other. She lost her friends and her ability to continue on without them. Our Emmaus community has been in transition, too. As in life, we have gone through the peaks and valleys; Times of having full walks and gatherings, great attendance at send-offs, candlelight’s and closings. Then slowly going into times of smaller attendance at walks, gatherings and low attendance at the weekend events. We even had to cancel Walks. Our time of loss. We could have stayed in that place. But we didn’t!! We are a strong and faithful board and community of believers!! We talked about what was wrong. We began looking and talking about what had gotten us to this place – the place of having to cancel Walks. We began looking at positive ways to help our community to become rejuvenated - to focus on these positives and to make plans for more positive actions.

weekends. We know it is the working together that will help our Nashville Emmaus Community to become strong again as an active community. My mother is coming back and going forth in her new area. She has begun pulling out of her depression and starting to socialize and enjoy her life again – going back to church and being with friends who missed her! She is enjoying her Fourth Day! We too are growing into another rewarding time of our community: new signs of life and new growth with two successful Spring Walks, Gatherings expanding, Face to Face growing, Chrysalis rebuilding, and a renewed feeling of optimism looking to our future. We formed our circle of friendships, we held hands and reached outside our circle to others, we began walking together and now we are enjoying our Fourth Day walk together moving forth! Blessings and joy, Edna

P.S. My mother experienced her Emmaus Walk at the age of 80 in Sidney Area Walk to Emmaus in Ohio. She said it was one of the best times in We are now turning to you. her life and she came off Walk and We are working to get committees to help us with began a new way to let people know weekend responsibilities – kitchen, agape, set up, etc. We are they are loved. Her greeting to everyone: “God loves you, and forming a new committee that will be our Outreach into I love you and there is nothing you can do about it!” while she churches and our community and we will be asking for your gives them a hug. She now continuing her “hug ministry”. help with these. We started Gatherings again with a new look and the help of community members. We are becoming part of the Emmaus community, not just a board who helps put on

In This Issue

While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and began walking with them... Luke 24:15

Earworms ..........................................................................................2 Meet Our Newest Members ...................................................3 Our Community at Work .........................................................4 A Plan, Support, and Tools .....................................................5 Chrysalis ............................................................................................6 Has Your Pastor Been on a Walk? .......................................6 Board Members & Assignments...........................................7 Upcoming Events .........................................................................7

Thoughts from the Nashville Community Spiritual Director

“Earworms” They bore. They burrow in. They attach themselves inside your head. Earworms! At one time these were only insects but now it is the term for those unrelenting tunes that you can get out of your head. Songs like, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” the “Barney Song”, or one that once you hear it its stuck in your head forever, “It’s A Small World After All.” It is said that the only way to rid your mind of the infestation of these Earworms is to replace it with what is called a “cleaner” song. New words and a fresh tune can crowd out the old. This brings to mind as we experienced the recent men’s and women’s Emmaus walks that 4 times a year we have Earworms that move into our head – the songs, “De Colores” (a song we know and love but can’t remember the words to) and “Jesus, Jesus”. These songs from the Emmaus walks become “cleaner songs” 4 times a year as they move into our heads and clear out other songs for the moment. For the new pilgrims who have just been through their Emmaus walk and have now entered their “Fourth Day” they couldn’t have better “Earworm songs” in their heads. That is why it is so important to be present for Send Off, for Candlelight or to serve on a team because you will have your head filled once again with these wonderful cleaner songs that help us focus on the many colors of God’s Love and how much Jesus wants us to allow Him to just be present with us.

In fact you can use these cleaner songs (well at least the Jesus, Jesus song) whenever you need your thought-life cleaned. When lustful or vengeful thoughts creep into our minds, reading and meditating on God’s Word can help clean up our thinking.

Jesus taught us to love the Lord, “with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.” (Matthew 22: 37) And we are taught to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). In this world our minds will wander (sometimes to evil) so we are all in need of a “cleaner” to allow God to move into our thoughts and hearts. I am so thankful that every time I attend the events of an Emmaus walk my mind is opened to be cleansed with such special Emmaus songs as “De Colores” and “Jesus, Jesus”. Be ready for the Fall walks because by then we will all probably need a fresh infilling of these “cleaner” songs and while you’re at it you can begin to think of folks you want to sponsor for the Fall men’s women’s walks and maybe a Face to Face encounter (for those 60 and older) so they can have their minds cleared of “Earworms” and filled with some special “God’s cleaner songs.” De Colores! Allen Weller

Meet the newest Members of the Nashville Emmaus Community Men’s Walk #189 Frank Bauer Don Fagan Saul Espino Barry Nixon Tommy Goodwin Shaun Stephens Robert Aukland Tommy Crips Ron Lowery Brent Mullins Bro. Don Shafer Shawn Stroh Steve Taylor Josh Triggs Michael Woywood Derek Waynick GL Waynick Ray White Christian Ofner Greg Brandon Dave Burgett Jerry Rains Corey Wheeler Mike Mosley Jim Phiffer Jamie Hood, Jr. Todd Woodard Terrance Davis

Women’s Walk #190 Bethlehem UMC Bethlehem UMC Brentwood UMC Brentwood UMC Ebenezer UMC Ebenezer UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Grace UMC Grace UMC Hermitage UMC Hillisboro UMC Lavergne 1st UMC Lavergne 1st UMC LaVergne 1st UMC Lavergne 1st UMC Smyrna First UMC Trinity UMC United Freewill Baptist Church United Freewill Baptist Church Westmoreland UMC

LeeAnn Bauer Cheryl Browning Ann Christian Esther Walden Paula Stephens Lois Aukland Pearl Crips Amy Gilbert Angela Stroh Deborah Fetch CherryLane Darken Joye Ofner Laini Burgett Jennifer Holtz Marie Raines Beth Wheeler Julia Wallace Karen Snyder Erin Reeves Kimberly Riddle Gail Church Kay Sharp Marie Nichols Heather Hood Beth Howard

Bethlehem UMC Cedar Hill Baptist Christ Church City Road Chapel UMC Ebenezer UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Fellowship UMC Grace Community Church Hillsboro UMC Hillsboro UMC Lavergne 1st UMC Lavergne 1st UMC Lavergne 1st UMC Lavergne 1st UMC McKendree Memorial UMC Pleasant View UMC Shiloh UMC Shiloh UMC St. Luke UMC St. Luke UMC Trinity UMC United Freewill Baptist Church West End UMC

Our Community at Work Thank you to the conference room teams of 189 and 190 who spent months in preparation and prayer and in combination with the Holy Spirit and all those who server anonymously.

A Plan, Support, and Tools A few months ago, sometime between Christmas and New Year’s Day, my colleagues from work and I were chatting. This week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, in my world, is a VERY slow week. You see, I oversee the Learning Technology Professional Development in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools. The last thing on most teachers’ minds during this time is “Wow, I sure would like to take a class or two as I get ready for the next semester of school to begin” or “I can’t wait to get back to school – I’ve had enough rest”. Anyway, my colleagues and I were reflecting on how we had been simply lazy and allowed ourselves become both overweight and unhealthy. We decided to do something about it – we were going to have an office challenge and accountability group beginning January 5, 2015. Being the overachiever that I am, I decided to get a ‘head-start’ and begin exercising that very afternoon. Without a plan. Without a support mechanism. Without a decent pair of athletic shoes. I was thinking I could “Do it on my own!” What was I thinking? Needless to say, that afternoon without direction, support, or the right equipment, I was completely unsuccessful in my attempt to change my lifestyle and habits. I went to the gym – but had no idea the best place to begin. I hopped on the elliptical and proceeded to exercise for a whopping 10 minutes and left. This experience could have, and probably should have, derailed my efforts but the next day I shared what I had attempted with my colleagues. Not only were they supportive of my efforts, they applauded my efforts and encouraged me to go back that afternoon and shoot for 11 minutes – and get a new pair of athletic shoes. My fourth day has been much the same as my experience earlier this year attempting to lose weight and become healthier – trying to do things on my own, without a plan, without the support to work my plan, and without the tools to achieve my plan. Over 16 years ago I was blessed to experience the Walk to Emmaus and since that time, during my “Fourth Day”, I have expanded how I serve the Lord in my church through leading Bible Study, directing special musical productions, and serving on the church council. But I didn’t simply say one day, “I think today I’ll lead a Bible study”.

It was though others and the empowerment from them, the tools and efforts I made to study and develop a deeper and more genuine understanding of The Word, and prayer for affirmation that my efforts were aligned with God’s plan for me and my life that I began to cultivate a plan. Those “others” that I speak of are my family, my friends, and most importantly, my reunion group. My reunion group is truly where I meet and experience God’s love, God’s power, and God’s presence. Being faithful to attendance and participation provides a perfect opportunity to redirect and keep God at the center of my life. And I love those gals and there’s nothing more fun than our travels together!

If you have slowly slipped away from your reunion group or if you have not really become involved in a reunion group, I encourage you to rekindle the fire and connect or reconnect. The Rebel Road Reunion Group, my blessing, helps me maintain my walk and directs my Fourth Days. When life gets in the way, or when the world drains the life out of us, we hold each other up, hold each other accountable, and pray each other up! Now those are some great tools to keep Christ at the center of everything, and working my plan to remember that Christ is counting on me. DeColores! Denise Pridemore

Hello from the Chrysalis Board. We are thrilled to announce that we have more than enough Caterpillars for both the girls and boys flight! The dates for those flights are: • June 6-8 – Girl’s Flight – Lay Director TBD • June 26-28 - Boys flight - Daniel Baggett - Lay Director Set up will be Thursday evenings, June 4th and June 25th at the Fellowship UMC (2511 New Salem Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN) at 5pm or as soon as you can arrive. Pizza will be provided around 7pm. We have changed our set up time for the flights to Thursday night so that more members of the Community are able to share their Agape love by serving this very important need. We will also need help with take down on the Monday’s of June 8th & June 28th. If you have a schedule that would permit you to serve this need during the morning and early afternoon, your help will be greatly appreciated. You will also be fed well! The Board has decided to host a Hoot at First UMC (265 W Thompson Ln, Murfreesboro, TN). There will be plenty of food, fun & games. A Hoot is the Community’s opportunity to introduce the concept of Chrysalis to your youth.

Youth, ages 15-18 are invited to come and to see that it will be a fun weekend to come and be blessed. The date for the Hoot is Sunday, May 17th and we will start at 6pm. Please encourage your Community Butterflies to bring a potential Caterpillar to our Hoot for a great reunion and introduction. There was a great response at the men’s candlelight in a call for the Emmaus Community to help fill the 4 vacant board positions. Two answered right away and before the night was over we had 6 ask what they can do to help. If you feel lead to join the Chrysalis Community in some form, please do not hesitate to contact us! The next Nashville Chrysalis Board meeting will be May 9th @ 9:00am. We meet at Fellowship UMC located on Hwy 99 at 2511 New Salem Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN. Thank you as you prayerfully consider your sponsorship or service for these upcoming flights. It is with a glad heart that this Board serves this Chrysalis Community. Fly with Christ! Randy Williams Chrysalis Community Lay Director 931-314-1832 cell/text

Has Your Pastor been on a Walk? Springtime is baseball, softball and pastors' moving time. Some of you, in fact, may be receiving a new pastor soon. Would you please make it a priority to ask if he or she has gone on the Walk to Emmaus? (And this goes for everyone! If your pastor has been at your church for a while and still hasn't gone on the Walk, please pray and ask again!) Here are some ways you can help get more pastors involved in Emmaus!

2. Become a leader within your own congregation that works WITH, not against, your pastor. Your attitude toward your pastor can make a difference. 3. Encourage members in your congregation to see that their pastor’s time away on an Emmaus Walk isn't in addition to their 'church' work, but, is in fact, part and parcel of their ministry. Give your pastors the time they need to go on a Walk (and then later, to serve on Walks). 4. If your pastor says 'no’, don't give up; PRAY! Emmaus is an effective evangelism, church growth, leader developing, life transforming, Holy Spirit experience from which all pastors can benefit! SO KEEP ASKING!

1. Become a congregation that has an active stated desire for your pastor to go through the Walk to Emmaus. I am forever blessed because the members of Ebenezer UMC in New Johnsonville had a high expectation that their pastor go through the Walk to Emmaus.

De Colores Pastor Donna A. Parramore

Emmaus Board Members & Job Assignments: Name


Job Description

Ball, Doug


Set up/take down

Bell, Jeanne



Bell, Jon



Bill Owen, Rev.



Chavis, John David


Team Selection

Glover, Sandie


Co Chair/Prayer

Grayson, Steve



Griggs, Sandra, Rev



Hunt, Carla



Mabry, Loyd, Rev



Mason, Hughmason



Melrose, Jane



Mishler, Pat


Face 2 Face

Perez, Victor, Rev



Snodgrass, Carla



Street, Wilda



Trott, Sam


Set Up/take down

Vaughan, Edna

evaughan@gbod.org and evaughan@tds.net


Wedekind, Cathy



Weller, Allen, Rev



Williams, Randy


CLD ChrysalisEx-officio

Chrysalis Flights

Emmaus Walks

Girl’s Flight #105 June 6-8 Boys Flight #106 June 27-29

Men’s October 1-4, 2015 Women’s October 15-18, 2015 Check the Community website for the latest schedule

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