Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community
The Upper Room Walk to Emmaus vision is “Fourth Day leaders embodying Christ”. The goal of this ministry, as we understand it, is to help Christian leaders grow into their understanding of how could they be more like Christ. Embodying Christ means thinking like Christ, acting like Christ, living like Christ did. Our whole life journey should be anchored on this premise.
June 2016
away from me, occasionally they come back to bite me again. It is so frustrating, I would like for them to go away, but I have to remind myself that I can expect to be perfect, I am just, as Wesley’s said, on my way to perfection. Through God’s sanctifying grace I am changed little by little by the power of his Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul also wanted to get rid of a thorn in his flesh and asked God to take it away from him. However, God didn’t take his thorn away As we all know, becoming more like Christ is not as easy or simple but reminded Paul that God’s grace, given to him, should be as it sounds. Even when we are deeply committed to steer our sufficient (2Cor.12:9). whole life to accomplish this goal, we will always find many obstacles on our path to imitate Christ. Our pride; our desire to The spiritual disciplines of prayer, scripture reading, fasting, Christian be in control; our selfishness; are conferencing which we learned during our 72 hours experience just a few of the obstacles that are helpful tools for us to keep growing into a deeper relationship will obstruct our journey, as we with Christ. As we worship with our faith community, as we try to be more like Christ. participate of the means of grace on a regular basis our lives will be transformed. Christ has promised to walk by our side As a spiritual director, I have if we allow him. By keeping him in our midst, through the been part of so many “Dying power of the Holy Spirit, we will learn to be less judgmental, Moments” communions in less selfish, more humble and more trusting of God’s will for Emmaus. To be honest us. We will become more like Christ. For some of us this I have found myself giving process could take years, but remember that when we put our these obstacles to Christ lives in God’s hand, what seems to be impossible becomes a during many of those reality. Please, keep in mind that you are not alone in your journey dying moments. I don’t of being more like Christ. Paul reminds the Philippians, “I can do know about you, but all things in him (Christ) who strengthens me…” (4:13). I have come to realize that even though I confess these faults to De Colores! God, and even though I am honest in asking Rev. Victor Perez God to take them Community Spiritual Director
May Gathering
We had a wonderful uplifting gathering at Fellowship UMC in Clarksville on May 14th. 72 people attended! We were all blessed! Thanks to Steve Zuercher and Fellowship UMC in Clarksville for your wonderful hospitality, fellowship and amazing worship at our May gathering.
Make plans to attend our next gatherings: June 11 at Cedars of Lebanon State Park (shelter 7). • July 9 Smyrna 1st UMC • August 13 Upper Room in Nashville All gatherings begin at 6pm (All meals will be potluck.) SEE YOU THERE!!!
Congratulations to the pilgrims from our Face to Face Encounter #6!!! There was no doubt as to the fact that the Holy Spirit was in attendance. May your next days be blessed!
Frances Blackwell Gwen Carter Nancy Cathey Anne Davis Buddy DeFord Diana Fitzpatrick Yvonne Hayes
Gail Leverett Beanie Rankin Judy Vecchione Mike Webb Roger Wells Judy Wheeler Dick Williams
JOURNEY TO THE TABLE is a new ministry in the family of Walk to Emmaus, Chrysalis, and Face to Face. It is specifically designed for young adults, ages 18 – 35 years old. Journey to the Table seeks to inspire and equip individuals to create spaces of Christian action in their homes, schools, places of work, and communities. After two years of development and testing, The Upper Room is hosting the first public event in Nashville July 8th – 10th. 17 team members and 36 participants will be coming from across the U.S. and Puerto Rico to be part of this new program. I would like your help creating the environment of agape love for them. We need a few volunteers to help sort agape items during the day on the 8th or 9th, and people to attend candlelight the evening of the 9th. Contact Patrice Rullo at You can also find out more about Journey to the Table, and find registration information for participants at
Women’s Kairos at TPFW April 28th – May 1st, 2016 Kairos #2 was held at Tennessee Prison for Women at the main campus on April 28th – May 1st. While this was weekend #2, it was the first weekend at the main campus. We had 18 participants and an enthusiastic team that was covered in prayer as evidenced by a very long prayer chain and an overfilled 72 hour prayer vigil. Because this was a new venue, we were very fortunate to have one of the officers that worked with Kairos both at the Annex last fall and at Riverbend Kairos with us for the majority of the weekend. Officer Stephens helped smooth the way and worked on our behalf to help the other officers understand what we were about, and to help us get all the needed supplies through checkpoint. TPFW also has a new warden, Carolyn Jordan, but she transferred from Riverbend, and was familiar with Kairos, so that was an additional blessing. The women were so appreciative of everything that was done for them in the name of Jesus. All of the participants spoke at closing, and the consensus was that walking with Christ started where they were now, not once they were released. For many of the ladies, TPFW will be their home for a long time, and they expressed a desire to make positive changes for Christ on the compound by their prayers and actions. One of the biggest blessings of the weekend was that the ladies who had participated in Kairos in Memphis and were now residents at TPFW came to closing, and were a real encouragement to our ladies. Two weeks after the weekend on May 14th, we had what is called
an instructional reunion. Several team members returned to the prison, and we grouped with the participants from the previous weekend to help establish prayer and share groups. Like with Emmaus, this is the heart of the program. The only participants not in attendance were two that had child visitation and one lady who was transferred to the Annex. This also showed their level of commitment. A few prior team members return to the prison every 3rd Saturday at the Annex and every 4th Saturday at the main campus for group reunions. We really get to know these ladies, and we try to encourage them in their Christian journey. At the main campus, 153 women expressed interest in Kairos and signed up in hopes of being able to participate. Because of the number of volunteers we could only serve 18 ladies. In Kairos, we consider a full weekend to be 42 participants, but we have not been able to serve that many at either the men’s (Riverbend) or the women’s (TPFW) prison due to the number of available volunteers. If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please contact Bonnie Perry (the next weekend leader) for TPFW or Jim Melrose (Chair of the Riverbend advisory council) for the men. Bonnie’s e-mail address is and Jim’s e-mail is: We thank all of our Emmaus brothers and sisters for their prayer support. It was definitely felt and appreciated.
Upcoming Nashville Emmaus Walk Yes, 2017! We already have our dates! With the Men’s Fall Team built, I am pulling the list of people for the Board to approve for the Spring Walk Lay Director. As soon as the women’s team is built I’ll be doing the same for Women’s Spring Walk. The goal is to have the teams in place as close to a year in advance as possible. That way if a pilgrim has a desire to attend a walk but the dates don’t work, we can go ahead and let them know when the next walk is and possibly sign them up for that one. It will, also, allow the teams to know their walk is a go before they start their team meetings and the community to know the team is built before they sponsor a pilgrim.
During the Board Retreat in April, we decided to be more proactive in walk preparation starting with the Fall Walks. We already had a Men’s Lay Director in place and he now has his team built. We recently received a Women’s Lay Director and she has begun building her team. The plan is to have both teams in place no later than the end of June. We ask you to join us in prayer for these teams. With the Teams built this early our Registrar is reaching out to the sponsors who had Pilgrims on postponed walks to see if they can participate this Fall and we are already receiving new applications for these walks. We expect to know the walks will make well before it time for the teams start their team meetings. In reality we expect to have full walks this Fall. It’s time to be praying for the pilgrim that will be brought to you to sponsor. If not this Fall, then in 2017.
Please embrace the following members of our community in prayer: John Arnold – Leukemia Bonnie Perry and her daughter Anita MurpheyIn the loss of Bonnie’s husband Tim Perry to an automobile accident. If you know of anyone in the community that we need to be in prayer for please email Anne Proctor at:
The Spring 2017 dates are Men’s Walk March 16-19, Women’s Walk March 29 – April 4. The Fall 2017 dates are Men’s Walk Oct 5-10 and Women’s Oct 19-22 and Nov 2-5. Please begin praying for the teams that will come together for these walks and the pilgrims that will be brought to them. I already have several people who have asked to be called to serve on the Spring Walk teams. Which brings up one last thing. We are still updating the database. If you feel lead to serve on a team, but haven’t been contacted, it may be your contact information is out of date. Please contact our Team Selection Board member Carla Snodgrass or myself and let us know. The Holy Spirit is very active in our Nashville Emmaus Community and it is a wonderful thing to experience! De Colores, Sandie Glover Community Lay Director
Men's Walk #193 at Hermitage UMC Women's Walk #194 at Hermitage UMC Send Off - Thursday Registration and Reception in Gym 7:00 pm Send Off in Sanctuary 7:45 pm Sponsor’s Hour 8:00 pm Candlelight - Saturday - 8:15 pm Closing - Sunday - 4:30 pm Fourth Day Meeting - Tuesday - 7:00 pm
Oct. 20-23, 2016 Nov. 3-6, 2016