Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community
July 2015
Miserableness to……… We sometimes have the opportunity to talk about our Emmaus Walks and what they meant to us, what fun we had, how it has impacted our lives. This recollection has been brought to my mind over the past 18 months and again just recently. It seemed strange to me at first, “why am I thinking about my Emmaus weekend?” Two life happenings have pulled me into a couple of difficult life situations: first one becoming the “parent” of my 96 year old mother who lives in Ohio. The second one is this past week beginning the long walk through cancer with my best friend. She has no family here but me – we have kind of adopted each other as sisters and have been through a lot together. Cancer is something new to us both.
Probably all of you have had some times of long walks through problems of health, aging parents, children trying to grow up, etc. How did you make it through those times? How are you making it through these times? My walks through these troubled times are made easier with my faith. This is where my Emmaus walk comes in – it helped me to deepen that faith and helps it continue to grow deeper and deeper with my group and attendance on the weekends. Actually, my walk was not a wonderful experience, a mountain top, or even a mid-mountain climb! I had a lousy time, didn’t want to be there and didn’t participate – a problem for some, I know. My husband then, had just been in a motorcycle accident and was home by himself. I wanted to be there to take care of him. Not away on an event! Thus, the ingredients for a miserable time. How could such a miserable time like that have deepened my faith? It was through the seeds that were planted. The seeds of trusting God, following God, and growing with God. A little seed planted with the perseverance of the women on that team allowing God to work and help them plant the seeds of faith, trust and love. A deepening of my faith and Christian perseverance continues to grow within me – thanks to that miserable Emmaus weekend☺! Grace, peace and DeColores, Edna Vaughan
In This Issue
While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and began walking with them... Luke 24:15
It’s a Choice.....................................................................................2 Words Do Matter..........................................................................3 Service ................................................................................................4 Face to Face.....................................................................................5 Karios Update.................................................................................5 Gathering ..........................................................................................6 Events .................................................................................................6 Board Members & Assignments...........................................7
It occurs to me as I ponder how The Walk to Emmaus experience has changed my life that it has not changed my life, it is changing my life, still today. It’s not an experience I had all those years ago, it is an on-going experience, it is a return to my Walk of Life. Now I purposely choose to notice the beauty of the trees outside my window. When I walk to the mailbox, I listen for the songs of birds and take time to watch a butterfly tease my puppy. I find I actually take time to smell the rain, to stomp puddles and look at the clouds. I choose to appreciate the God’s handiwork. I’ve always noticed people and things, but now I also respond in ways I’m not sure I would have before I Walked to Emmaus, I make a choice. I strike up conversations with strangers, offer to help when someone seems to need an extra hand, look into the eyes of the forgotten and let them know that they are not invisible. Such small things and yet I feel an enormous sense of belonging and love when I choose to pay attention. God gave us a choice, a choice in where we place our priorities, a choice in how we see what is right in front of us ,a choice in loving ourselves and loving others. Our choice, my choice, your choice is how we walk this road of life, is how we define ourselves and our world, is the relationship we have with God and each other. We make choices every moment of
every day whether we are paying attention to what we choose or not. It’s amazing the choices I’ve made by simply deciding not to make a choice, because that in itself is a choice. Choice by default has not often been the wisest choice for me. My renewal on the Walk to Emmaus gave me the courage to live less by default and more by intention. I’ve served in leadership roles that I once would have declined. I’ve spoken up where I once would have been silent. I’ve stepped in where I once would have shied away. I’ve chosen to live life, not just pass through. I’m more confident because I know I’m not walking alone and because I know if I ask for help with a choice I will receive it. It’s a continual Walk of Life, of Love, of Emmaus. It warms my soul and brings tears of joy to my eyes to see past the world we humans create and to see the world God has created. No life is not always easy or fun, but it is always an adventure of love; if you so choose. After all, what better way to walk this Life than with Christ by my side, God as my guide and the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear? The Walk to Emmaus was the choice I made that brought to my attention how my every day choices matter and really do make a difference in this world. DeColores! Sandie Glover
Words Do Matter Have you ever heard of a “savant”? This is a Spirit several times on your walk!” God has always person with an extraordinary memory. I read a story stressed the importance of obedience to God’s once of Kim Peek who was a savant. He memorized commands in the lives of God’s people for the good all of Shakespeare’s plays and once night attended a of God’s people. Every command and response to our performance of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. As the prayers matters to God. God is able to determine the performance went on he noticed the actor had skipped value we, His people, place on God’s Word by the way a word from one of the lines. Peek suddenly stood up we live out those words in our day to day life. When we prayed that prayer on our Walk, God and shouted, “Stop!” The actor apologized and said he didn’t think anyone would mind. Peek shouted out, was faithful to respond and “fill the hearts of His faithful” and God “Shakespeare would!” was faithful to Words do matter. Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your “kindle in us the fire Words especially matter to of God’s love” and God. Anyone who has faithful and kindle in them the fire of God was to “recreate attended an Emmaus Walk your love. Send forth your Holy Spirit us”. All this, God did or Face to Face has been with hopes that we introduced to the followand they shall be recreated and would go from our ing words, “Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your You shall renew the face of the earth…” Walk and through us God would “renew faithful and kindle in them the face of the the fire of your love. Send forth your Holy Spirit and they shall be recreated and earth.” We have no doubts about God’s faithfulness to You shall renew the face of the earth…” These words us to do all these things. The question becomes “How are from the Prayer to the Holy Spirit that we have are we doing on our Fourth Day allowing God to continue God’s work in our churches, in our homes prayed several times while attending a Walk. As God looks at our lives today, months, or and in our workplaces through us?” God is calling us to value God’s Word, handle years after we have been on our walk does God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” or do we hear it with great care, and obey what it ways and live out God yelling at us, “Stop! You have forgotten what you our Fourth Day as we promised prayed for when you prayed the prayer to the Holy God on our Walk we would. In this way we give God the reverence He truly deserves. How are you doing? I wonder if on an Emmaus Walk or a Face to Face Encounter God’s goal is to “recreate” people into “savants” of God’s Word? De Colores Allen Weller Nashville Emmaus Community Spiritual Director
Eleven years ago this November I went on my Walk to Emmaus. I was back in Nashville after being away for 10 years. I had lost contact with most of my friends, newly back in a spiritual walk and trying to build some roots in a church and a community I hardly knew. I was told about the walk and at first very skeptical. But, the Holy Spirit would not leave me alone until I said yes. After my walk I felt God was calling me to discipleship and telling me to get involved in church and with the Emmaus community. The best way to do that was to volunteer behind the scenes, so I chose the kitchen. I am NOT a cook!!! But, I can set a table, chop veggies, make drinks and serve during meals. I served in the kitchen my first time in the spring of 2005 and I was hooked!!! In the last 10 years I have made an enormous
amount of Christian friends through serving in the kitchen, and even better I have been witness to many life changing stories. To be able to see the energy in the dining room and witness the Holy Spirit at work behind the scenes is powerful. The fellowship in the kitchen is wonderful and rewarding. To know that those in the kitchen are making a difference and showing the pilgrims love through service is a humbling experience. I would not know the vast numbers of the Emmaus community if not for serving in the kitchen. I hope if you have not ever served in the kitchen you will consider it this Fall. If only for a meal or a day, please come and see the Holy Spirit at work. DeColores, Carla Hunt
“What has this walk meant to me? And, what am I going to do about it?” The question we are all asked at the close of our Emmaus weekend. My particular walk was way back in 1991. I don’t remember how I responded to the question then but I do know how I have answered it thought out my fourth days. When called to serve on a team, I always said “yes”. Here’s why, I believe the Holy Spirit is in charge of the team selection process and I’m not about to say no to the Holy Spirit! I learned this firsthand. I was blessed to serve as the Lay Leader of a walk and was invited to sit in on the team selection committee meeting. I came prepared to that meeting with my list of people “I” wanted on “my” team. The meeting was opened in prayer during which the Holy Spirit was invited into our hearts and minds as we selected people to serve. The group considered those persons in the community who were available. We also
considered the people on “my” list and I was given permission to call them as well. Here’s what I discovered – the people I was absolutely sure would serve on my team said no. I had always heard that the Holy Spirit selects the teams. And, oh what an amazing team we had! We had team members talk about their particular brokenness AND we had pilgrims who had had that same issue in their lives. Only the Holy Spirit would have known. So, if you receive a call this fall serve to serve in the conference room, prayer chapel or the kitchen, I hope you will consider these words and “JUST SAY YES!” DeColores! Cathy Wedekind
Upcoming Fall Walks – Prayerfully consider serving on teams, working in the kitchen, making agape, bringing snack agape, help with set-up and take-down, attend Send-off, Candlelight, Closing,
Face to Face Face to Face is what excites me! As its Board Representative I am part of this growing ministry to our Senior Adults, men and women 60+ who have never been able to experience the Walk to Emmaus before maybe for health or age related restraints. This year marked the 5th Encounter and we have been in a different part of our area each year. That in itself is exciting as we are able to take the Emmaus experience to the Pilgrims as opposed to them having to travel to the event. This year we were in Clarksville and hopefully next year we will be in the Nashville area. Watch this newsletter for the spring dates and hopefully invite someone you know to enjoy what you enjoyed on your Walk. I am so thrilled to see our Community coming together to support Face to Face either on the Team or in the background serving as only Emmaus people can serve. DeColores! Pat Mishler
KAIROS UPDATE Riverbend Maximum Security Institutions (RMSI) Kairos #3 was a tremendous success with 26 team members, 24 residents and the Holy Spirit spending 72 hours discovering Christianity inside the walls. On behalf of the entire team for RMSI Kairos #3 I wanted to thank the Emmaus Community for your support and prayers. That being said, Kairos is moving forward very quickly in the Middle Tennessee region and we have two opportunities for everyone to explore their call to prison ministry. On Thursday November 5 through Sunday November 8, RMSI Kairos #4 will take place. We need team members, volunteers to help with food logistics and outside support and especially clergy to serve on the team. Team meetings will start in September and if you have ANY interest please contact Weekend Leader Mike Provine at miknsan@ or Jim Melrose at Either Mike or Jim will be happy to talk with you about the ministry and the blessings you can receive from your service. Our goal is to have 1/3 (approximately 8-9) new team members for each Weekend so we can rotate team members and keep everyone fresh. We are extremely excited to have Tennessee Prison For Women (TPFW) as part of the region and want to make sure everyone is aware that they are forming the team and getting ready to start team meetings in the next few weeks. Since Kairos is gender specific there is a need for female team members and clergy to be part of TPFW Kairos #1. If you have any interest you can contact Lisa Smith at The Weekend is scheduled for Thursday October 29 through Sunday November 1 and promises to have its own exciting blessings. Both Weekends need commitments on Kairos Cookies and prayer strips so please be talking to your churches and friends and let us know how many dozen you can provide. The RMSI Kairos will need over 1,400 dozen and the TPFW Kairos will probably need a minimum of 800 dozen. We have very specific recipes that have been approved so please check with us to get a recipe list. We know that everyone has their “special� cookies but we have very strict guidelines that we must follow so let us know if you want to help. Lastly, please let us know if you have a church or civic organization that we can approach to talk to. We have a 30-45 minute presentation to introduce Kairos and a team of trained presenters that are happy to make the contact if you can provide a name and phone number. Please send any contact info to Jim Melrose at DeColores! Jim Melrose
Attention!!!!! Time again for our Nashville Emmaus Community Gathering! The next community gathering is scheduled for Saturday, August 1st at 6:00 pm at Dickson First United Methodist Church. The address is 215 North Main Street, Dickson. The meal will be a barbeque plate, desserts and drinks, and the cost is $8. No cooking for you! Just bring yourself and a friend and be prepared to meet new Emmaus friends and/or renew friendships from past walks. If there are any questions, please Jeanne Bell 931-267-6291 or Cheryl Paulus 615-446-2917 (Church), 615-406-4818 (cell). See you there!
Help!!!! Our Website is in great need of a facelift. If you have the skills and some extra time – we would really appreciate your assistance. Please contact Cathy Wedekind at If you need to update your email address in order to receive the bi-monthly Candlelight Newsletter, go to, click on the drop down menu of “Contact Us”, then scroll down to “Request Address Change to the Community Database for Newsletter”—then follow the instructions.
Aug 1 Oct 1-4 Oct 15-18 Mar 31-Apr 3 Apr 14-17
Gathering Dickson UMC 6 pm Men’s Walk #191 Hermitage UMC Women’s Walk #192 Hermitage UMC Men’s Walk #193 Hermitage UMC Women’s Walk #194 Hermitage UMC
Emmaus Board Members & Job Assignments: Name
Job Description
Ball, Doug
Set up/take down
Bell, Jeanne
Bell, Jon
Bill Owen, Rev.
Chavis, John David
Team Selection
Glover, Sandie
Co Chair/Prayer
Grayson, Steve
Griggs, Sandra, Rev
Hunt, Carla
Mabry, Loyd, Rev
Mason, Hughmason
Melrose, Jane
Mishler, Pat
Face 2 Face
Perez, Victor, Rev
Snodgrass, Carla
Street, Wilda
Trott, Sam
Set Up/take down
Vaughan, Edna and
Wedekind, Cathy
Weller, Allen, Rev
Williams, Randy
CLD ChrysalisEx-officio