WELCOME FROM OUR HEADTEACHER I am delighted to welcome you to Moseley C of E Primary School and to the start of our partnership in your child's education. I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Moseley C of E Primary School. Our school was founded in 1828. We are a voluntary aided 1-form entry Church of England school with 210 children aged 4 to 11. We embrace strong links with the churches of St Mary’s, St Annes and St Agnes and actively promote an open Christian ethos, encapsulated by our motto ‘Every Child Matters to God’. We set ourselves high targets and have high standards. Our aim is to make learning enjoyable, allowing every individual to achieve their best and to nurture their talents, as well as giving them confidence, security and the skills they will need to be excellent citizens in a multi-cultural society and part of the workforce of the future. Moseley C of E has a truly dedicated team of pupils, staff, parents and Governors who all go above and beyond expectation to continue to improve and develop our school and the community it serves. This was recognised most recently in our Outstanding OFSTED report (December 2013) and our Outstanding SIAMS report (March 2014). We have achieved consistently excellent results in Maths, Reading and Writing. Our APS (average Point Score) of 33.7 at the end of Key Stage 2, placed us 13th in the country in 2015. he provision of creative and stimulating learning
We provide a curriculum that is truly broad, enriched and challenging. In addition to Core subjects, we teach Foundation subjects through the IPC (International Primary Curriculum). This encompasses local, national and global understanding of the world in which we live. Throughout the year we also run specialist weeks in Creative Arts, Heritage, British Values, Science and Sports and Health. These involve educational visits, external providers and parental expertise enriching the curriculum. We have a rigorous tracking system which enables us to identify pupil’s needs and allows us to personalise their learning. As a Church of England school, our Christian ethos is central to all that we do and it is this ethos that is recognisable from the moment you enter the school. If you would like to arrange visit, or require further information, please contact the school and we will be delighted to welcome you. Mrs J Slough Executive Head Teacher
This was recognised most recently in our Outstanding OFSTED report (December 2013) and our Outstanding SIAMS report (March 2014). We have achieved consistently excellent results in Maths, Reading and Writing. Our APS (average Point Score) of 33.7 at the end of Key Stage 2, placed us 13th in the country in 2015. he provision of creative and stimulating learning environments that are tailored to each child's individual needs, and our home - school partnerships are the reasons for this achievement.
We provide a curriculum that is truly broad, enriched and challenging. In addition to Core subjects, we teach Foundation subjects through the IPC (International Primary Curriculum). This encompasses local, national and global understanding of the world in which we live. Throughout the year we also run specialist weeks in Creative Arts, Heritage, British Values, Science and Sports and Health. These involve educational visits, external providers and parental expertise enriching the curriculum.
‘OUTSTANDING’ OFSTED MARCH 2015 The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Moseley C of E Primary as a Church of England school are outstanding • The school’s outstanding Christian ethos creates an environment where pupils are nurtured as children of God and enabled to develop personally, academically and spiritually. • Religious Education has a high profile, is very well planned and taught and effectively develops children’s understanding of Christianity and other faith traditions. • The excellent relationship between the school and the church has a very positive impact on pupils’ spiritual development and encourages children and their families to become involved in the wider Christian community. SIAMS March 2014 ● All pupils make excellent progress regardless of their background. ● A consistent focus on improving teaching and achievement by all leaders, including the governing body, has raised both to be outstanding since the previous inspection. ● Standards are high and continue to rise. The majority of pupils achieve above the level expected for their age by the time they leave.
● Children get off to a strong start in the Reception class, and build a firm foundation for their great success when they are older. ● Pupils’ exceptionally positive attitudes to learning, strong working relationships and excellent behaviour all contribute to their outstanding progress, as do their high attendance levels. ● Pupils respond extremely well to teachers’ very high expectations of their work and behaviour. They persevere in the face of difficulties and take a pride in their accomplishments. OFSTED March 2015
OUR SCHOOL ORGANISATION The school currently has one class for each primary year from age 4 to 11. The admission number for the school is set at 505 with 60 for nursery. Class structure follows the national pattern of: Nursery (60 spaces) Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 forming KS1 (Infant,225 spaces), and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 forming KS2 (Junior,280 spaces). In a one-form entry school each class is of mixed ability. In KS2, children are placed in mixed age groups for Maths. Y3 and 4 will be mixed as well as Y5 and 6.rovision of creative and stimulating learning environINFANT: ments @New Road that are ● Nursery tailored ● Reception to each child's ● Year 1 individ● Year 2 ual needs, and our home KEY STAGE 1 school partnerships are the reasons for this achievement.
JUNIOR: @Widney Manor Road ● Year 3 ● Year 4 ● Year 5 ● Year 6 KEY STAGE 2
ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR OUR SCHOOL Our admissions process is part of the Local Authority co-ordinated scheme. Application forms are available from the Local Authority in the autumn before the year of admission. The school’s admission number is 30. Where the number of applications is lower than the school’s admission number, all applicants will be admitted. If there are more applications than places available then all applications received by the Local Authority’s designated closing date for receipt of applications will be considered, together and at one time by a committee of the Governing Body’s Admissions Committee.
Priority 1 Children looked after by a Local Authority (in line with section 22 of the Children Act) and children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). Priority 2 Children with brothers or sisters already at the school who will still be there when they start school themselves. Priority 3. Children whose parent/guardian regularly attends the local Church of England Churches in Moseley (St Mary’s, St Anne’s and St Agnes). We define regular as meaning once a month for a two year period and this will be confirmed by a letter from the local minister. Priority 4. Children whose parent/guardian regularly attends any other Church of England Church. We define regular as meaning once a month for a two year period and this will be confirmed by a letter from the local minister. Priority 5. Children whose parent/guardian regularly attends any other Christian denomination (defined as a Church who are members of England or the Evangelical Alliance). We define regular as meaning once a month for a two year period and this will be confirmed by a letter from the local minister. Priority 6. Children who live nearest the school.
PARENTS IN PARTNERSHIP Parents’ support and expertise can be used in many ways and is greatly valued and appreciated. Other family members such as Grandparents are also very welcome. At the start of the day, many join us for Reading time and enjoy reading with a small group of children. We also encourage parents to volunteer for educational visits where the help is much appreciated! All volunteers working in school are required to have a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check and therefore these will be conducted on parents who can help in school on at least 3 occasions per month. Advice regarding this can be obtained from either office. We welcome parents and carers into Moseley C of E Primary School believing we are partners in the education of your children. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school and to gain a greater understanding of its work.
The PTA exists to support the life and work of the school and is open to all members of the school community. Members of the PTA work extremely hard organising many social events for parents and children, involving the wider local community. These include the bonfire, Christmas Fayre, Summer Ball, Promises Auction and Summer Fayre. Money raised provides extra facilities and equipment for all children. Over the last few years the PTA have helped fund a new Media suite and visualisers in each class. We look forward to your support to the work of the PTA.
INFANT SCHOOL AND NURSERY I am delighted to welcome you to Moseley C of E Primary School and to the start of our partnership in your child's education. I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Moseley C of E Primary School. Our school was founded in 1828. We are a voluntary aided 1-form entry Church of England school with 210 children aged 4 to 11. We embrace strong links with the churches of St Mary’s, St Annes and St Agnes and actively promote an open Christian ethos, encapsulated by our motto ‘Every Child Matters to God’. We set ourselves high targets and have high standards. Our aim is to make learning enjoyable, allowing every individual to achieve their best and to nurture their talents, as well as giving them confidence, security and the skills they will need to be excellent citizens in a multi-cultural society and part of the workforce of the future. Moseley C of E has a truly dedicated team of pupils, staff, parents and Governors who all go above and beyond expectation to continue to improve and develop our school and the community it serves. This was recognised most recently in our Outstanding OFSTED report (December 2013) and our Outstanding SIAMS report (March 2014). We have achieved consistently excellent results in Maths, Reading and Writing. Our APS (average Point Score) of 33.7 at the end of Key Stage 2, placed us 13th in the country in 2015. he provision of creative and stimulating learning
We provide a curriculum that is truly broad, enriched and challenging. In addition to Core subjects, we teach Foundation subjects through the IPC (International Primary Curriculum). This encompasses local, national and global understanding of the world in which we live. Throughout the year we also run specialist weeks in Creative Arts, Heritage, British Values, Science and Sports and Health. These involve educational visits, external providers and parental expertise enriching the curriculum. We have a rigorous tracking system which enables us to identify pupil’s needs and allows us to personalise their learning. As a Church of England school, our Christian ethos is central to all that we do and it is this ethos that is recognisable from the moment you enter the school. If you would like to arrange visit, or require further information, please contact the school and we will be delighted to us to personalise their learning. As a Church of England school, our Christian ethos is central to all that we do and it is this ethos that is recognisable from the moment you enter the school. If you would like to arrange visit, or require further information, please contact the school and we will be delighted to This encompasses local, national and global understanding of the world in which we live. Throughout the year we also run specialist weeks in Creative Arts, Heritage, British Values, Science and Sports and Health. These involve educational visits, external
INFANTS THE CURRICULUM Parents’ support and expertise can be used in many ways and is greatly valued and appreciated. Other family members such as Grandparents are also very welcome. At the start of the day, many join us for Reading time and enjoy reading with a small group of children. We also encourage parents to volunteer for educational visits where the help is much appreciated! All volunteers working in school are required to have a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check and therefore these will be conducted on parents who can help in school on at least 3 occasions per month. Advice regarding this can be obtained from either office. We welcome parents and carers into Moseley C of E Primary School believing we are partners in the education of your children. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school and to gain a greater understanding of its work. Advice regarding this can be obtained from either office. We welcome parents and carers into Moseley C of E Primary School believing we are partners in the education of your children. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school and to gain a greater understanding of its work.
JUNIOR SCHOOL HAPPY, ACHIEVING PUPILS I am delighted to welcome you to Moseley C of E Primary School and to the start of our partnership in your child's education. I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Moseley C of E Primary School. Our school was founded in 1828. We are a voluntary aided 1-form entry Church of England school with 210 children aged 4 to 11. We embrace strong links with the churches of St Mary’s, St Annes and St Agnes and actively promote an open Christian ethos, encapsulated by our motto ‘Every Child Matters to God’. We set ourselves high targets and have high standards. Our aim is to make learning enjoyable, allowing every individual to achieve their best and to nurture their talents, as well as giving them confidence, security and the skills they will need to be excellent citizens in a multi-cultural society and part of the workforce of the future. Moseley C of E has a truly dedicated team of pupils, staff, parents and Governors who all go above and beyond expectation to c ontinue to improve and develop our school and the community it serves. This was recognised most recently in our Outstanding OFSTED report (December 2013) and our Outstanding SIAMS report (March 2014). We have achieved consistently excellent results in Maths, Reading and Writing. APS (average Point Score) of 33.7 at the end of Key Stage 2, placed us 13th in the country in 2015. he provision of creative and stimulating learning
We provide a curriculum that is truly broad, enriched and challenging. In addition to Core subjects, we teach Foundation subjects through the IPC (International Primary Curriculum). This encompasses local, national and global understanding of the world in which we live. Throughout the year we also run specialist weeks in Creative Arts, Heritage, British Values, Science and Sports and Health. These involve educational visits, external providers and parental expertise enriching the curriculum. We have a rigorous tracking system which enables us to identify pupil’s needs and allows us to personalise their learning. As a Church of England school, our Christian ethos is central to all that we do and it is this ethos that is recognisable from the moment you enter the school. If you would like to arrange visit, or require further information, please contact the school and we will be delighted to us to personalise their learning. As a Church of England school, our Christian ethos is central to all that we do and it is this ethos that is recognisable from the moment you enter the school. If you would like to arrange visit, or require further information, please contact the school and we will be delighted to This encompasses local, national and global understanding of the world in which we live. Throughout the year we also run specialist weeks in Creative Arts, Heritage, British Values, Science and Sports and Health. These involve educational visits, external
become involved in the life of the school and to gain a greater understanding of its work. Advice regarding this can be obtained from either office. We welcome parents and carers into Moseley C of E Primary School believing we are partners in the education of your children. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school and to gain a greater understanding of its work.
Parents’ support and expertise can be used in many ways and is greatly valued and appreciated. Other family members such as Grandparents are also very welcome. At the start of the day, many join us for Reading time and enjoy reading with a small group of children. We also encourage parents to volunteer for educational visits where the help is much appreciated! All volunteers working in school are required to have a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check and therefore these will be conducted on parents who can help in school on at least 3 occasions per month. Advice regarding this can be obtained from either office. We welcome parents and carers into school