Jumping Frames 2010 Programme Borchure

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主辦 Presenter

合辦 Co-presenters

場地伙伴 Venue Partner

節目伙伴 In partnership with

U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau

院校支持 Supporting Institutions


02 – 03

城市當代舞蹈團及「跳格」簡介 About CCDC & Jumping Frames

04 – 05

前言 Foreword

06 – 09

本地一手播 ─ 珠三角舞蹈錄像 Local Focus — Productions of the Pearl River Delta Region


翩娜包殊之青春交際場 Dancing Dreams — Teenagers Perform "Kontakthof" by Pina Bausch


亞洲新視野 Discover Asia

12 – 13

跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目一) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 1)

14 – 15

跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目二) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 2)

16 – 17

嘩啦啦舞蹈動畫2 Dance & Animation II

18 – 19

舞影無疆界 ─ 葡萄牙與巴西短片展 Dance Without Borders — Portuguese and Brazilian Shorts


歐陸搜影 European Panorama


卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森舞蹈錄像作品選 Selection of Katrina McPherson’s Dance Video

23 – 25

英倫舞蹈錄像 Forward Motion

26 – 27

法國勃根地舞蹈錄像節精選 The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy Selection

28 – 29

跳格加料節目 Jumping Frames Festival Plus Events

30 – 31

放映時間表 Screening Schedule


購票須知 Ticketing Information


活動場地地點 Venues

媒體伙伴 Media Partners

密切留意 Stay tuned at 第四屆跳格國際舞蹈錄像節特輯 The 4th Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival Special

23 & 30.10.2010

10:30am 亞洲電視本港台 aTV Home 加料節目資助 Festival Plus events are sponsored by

12:00am 亞洲高清台 HD aTV 城市當代舞蹈團由香港特別行政區政府資助 CCDC is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company

城市當代舞蹈團 城市當代舞蹈團是香港首個全職專業現代舞團,於1979年由曹誠淵創立,以「立足香港、匯聚華人菁英、創 造當代中國舞蹈」為藝術路線,體現香港當代文化及推動現代舞蹈發展。三十年來,舞團保留了超過二百齣 本土編舞家的完整舞碼,包括曹誠淵、黎海寧、梅卓燕、潘少輝及伍宇烈等作品,也經常與其他媒介藝術家 合作,展現多元化的香港文化特色。每年演出六十多場,參與人數超過五萬。自1980年以來,舞團開展頻密 的國際文化交流活動,先後代表香港在美洲、歐洲、澳洲及亞洲共三十多個主要城市,進行了共187場海外演 出,備受國際藝壇重視。此外,舞團亦致力推廣舞蹈錄像這種藝術表現形式,由2004年起舉辦跳格國際舞蹈 錄像節,促進舞蹈與錄像兩種獨立媒體之間的溝通和對話,開發舞蹈錄像的藝術視野。

City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) Over the past 30 years, through the leadership of its Founder and Artistic Director Willy Tsao, CCDC has inspired and elated audiences in Hong Kong and around the world with superb modern dance performances. Since 1979, in productions by leading choreographers such as Helen Lai, Mui Cheuk-yin, Pun Siu-fai, Yuri Ng, and Tsao himself, and in innovative collaborations with artists from other media, CCDC has presented over 200 original works to critical acclaim. CCDC’s renown in reflecting the vigour and creativity of Hong Kong’s multifaceted contemporary culture has increased its home audience to over 50,000 annually and earned 187 overseas invitations to the world’s foremost dance stages and festivals in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia. CCDC is also dedicated to promoting the up-and-coming art form of dance video by organising Jumping Frames Dance Video Festival since 2004. The Festival has showcased outstanding dance videos from around the globe as well as bringing Hong Kong artists and projects to various international dance and video festivals.

城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company 電話 Tel 傳真 Fax 地址 Address 電郵 Email 網址 Website

(852) 2329 7803 (852) 2351 4199 香港九龍新蒲崗大有街26至28號11樓 11/F, 26-28 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong info@ccdc.com.hk www.ccdc.com.hk

跳格國際舞蹈錄像節 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival

跳格國際舞蹈錄像節 「跳格國際舞蹈錄像節」於2004年由城市當代舞蹈團主辦,現已成為亞洲 規模最大、水平最高的一次舞蹈錄像節盛會之一,並積極在中國及亞洲地 區建立一個交流平台,透過委約製作、比賽、影展及座談,促進導演及舞 蹈家之間的合作。跳格舞蹈錄像節以香港為基地,2009年起巡迴至中國不 同地區,分別以不同規模的放映及推廣,逐漸成為極具規模的地區性舞蹈 錄像展。曾巡迴放映的國家及城市包括:英國、法國、巴西、新加坡及中 國的北京、廣州、澳門及深圳等。

Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival Presented by City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) since 2004, Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival is the only dance video festival of its kind in Asia, featuring commissioned works, a competition, and a selection of acclaimed international productions. It has served to promote dance video in China, as well as to provide a platform for artists and audience alike to share the perspectives and explore the unlimited possibilities of the art form through talks and workshops. The festival brings the excitement of dance video worldwide through screenings, and enhances cultural exchange through the invitation of renowned dance video artists to the Festival, made possible by the support of various national and international partners.

節目策劃 Curators

黃國威 Raymond Wong(城市當代舞蹈團 CCDC) 鄺華歡 Erik Kuong(澳門 Creative Link, Macau) 節目及宣傳統籌 Programme and Marketing Co-ordination 城市當代舞蹈團節目及市場部 CCDC Programme and Marketing Department 黃國威 Raymond Wong(節目經理 Project Manager) 黃嘉淇 Alice Wong(助理節目經理 Assistant Project Manager) 徐海靈 Choi Hoi-ling(節目統籌 Project Co-ordinator) 沈佩琳 Sky Sum(節目統籌 Project Co-ordinator) 廣東現代舞團 Guangdong Modern Dance Company

陳靜 Jasmine Chen 錢曉萱 Volans Qian 宣傳設計 Publicity Design 徐羨曾 Tsui Sin-tsang (Shammer Creative Stuido) 譚俊穎 Raymond Tam (Shammer Creative Stuido) 編輯 Editor

朱琼愛 Daisy Chu 跳格電視特輯製作 Jumping Frames TV Special Production

Blink Brain Creative 鳴謝 Acknowledgements

本屆跳格舞蹈錄像比賽評審團: 陳德昌(城市當代舞蹈團副藝術總監) 傅慧儀(微波國際新媒體藝術節總監) 葉旭耀(香港城市大學創意媒體學院副教授) 鄺珮詩(香港獨立短片及錄像比賽總監) 余載恩(香港演藝學院舞蹈學院高級講師(現代舞)) Panellists of the Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition: Ringo Chan (Assistant Artistic Director, CCDC) Winnie Fu (Director, Microwave International Media Art Festival) Ip Yuk-yiu (Associate Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong) Teresa Kwong (Director, Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards) John Utans (Senior Lecturer, School of Dance (Contemporary Dance), The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)

全藝社 Art For All 許慕瑤 Hui Mo-yiu 葉旭耀 Yip Yuk-yiu 黎宇文 Maurice Lai 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 龐智筠 Noel Pong 曾彥斌 Zeng Yanbin

請瀏覽跳格網頁 Visit Jumping Frames Website:



04 前言 Foreword

前言 舞蹈錄像作為一種藝術表現形式,它結合了舞蹈與錄像兩種藝術元素,展現舞 蹈在影像這個虛擬空間的無限可能性,成為一派獨門美學。跳格國際舞蹈錄像 節自2004年由城市當代舞蹈團發起主辦以來,一直成為香港本地舞蹈和錄像藝 術家與觀眾之間的交流平台。每屆委約至少三個本地創作,至今已催生了十多 齣風格迥異但質量俱全的作品,既有將完整的舞台作品搬到銀幕,亦有用鏡頭 探索舞者的身體及空間。去年我們把這些作品帶到不同地方巡迴放映,得到海 外觀眾的熱烈迴響。這見證了香港的舞蹈錄像在跳格的推動下,八年來從無到 有的成果,亦因而驅使我們加強與鄰近城市的合作伙伴的聯繫,加強跳格作為 交流平台的影響力。 為此,第四屆跳格國際舞蹈錄像節將視野擴闊至珠三角地區,為期約一個月的 錄像節將於香港、澳門及廣州同時舉行,節目包括《本地一手播—珠三角舞 蹈錄像》首映三地導演及編舞創作的全新委約作品;《國際舞蹈錄像展》挑選 世界各地短片,由舞蹈紀錄、動作探索、動畫特技以至視覺效果為主打的多齣 歐美、亞洲作品共冶一爐。《跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展》選播專業評審從 近百個來自世界各地二十多個地區的參賽作品中挑選的優秀作品,讓觀眾大開 眼界。 此外,我們亦很榮幸邀得多位海外嘉賓參與一系列跳格加料節目,包括美國編 舞家彼得 • 凱爾及聲音藝術家詹姆斯 • 迦佛同時於香港、澳門及廣州舉辦《超迷 你舞蹈電影》裝置展;英國導演卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森及西蒙 • 菲爾德斯於香港、 澳門等地教授大師班;藏族現代舞家桑吉加亦出席香港的開幕禮及映後座談。 感謝各藝術家、評審及合作伙伴對跳格的支持,更期望您跟我們的藝術家一樣 全程投入參與﹗ 節目策劃 黃國威、鄺華歡

�言 Foreword 05

Foreword Dance video is a unique genre of art encompassing both the aesthetics of dance and video. Initiated by City Contemporary Dance Company in 2004, the Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival is an event serving to promote dance video in Hong Kong, and to provide a platform for dancers, choreographers, directors and audience to explore, share, and discuss the many possibilities of dance video in respect to its artistic and cultural context. Each Festival has seen a group of local directors and choreographers commissioned to create dance videos featuring the unique characteristics of Hong Kong. Some transplant a completed stage work to the screen, while others choose to study dance through the camera. Over the years, several outstanding works have been born as a result, many subsequently seen and enjoyed by audience during the Festival's tour of various cities, thus strengthening our role as a cultural exchange platform. This year, the 4th Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival will be held simultaneously in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou, and featured programmes include Local Focus - New Productions of the Pearl River Delta Region which will premiere commissioned works from artists of the Region, the International Dance Video Showcase which will include a variety of videos ranging from documentary, animated films, explorations of movement, and visual imaging, all aimed at stimulating the senses of the audience, and the Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase which shortlists some of the best titles selected by our panel of judges from nearly one hundred entries from around the world to reveal new trends of dance on screen. In addition to screenings, the Festival also welcomes international guests to host a series of Fectival Plus Events: the US based choreographer Peter Kyle and sound artist James Bigbee Garver will present their first Tiny Dance Film Installation Exhibition in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou, while UK directors Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes will hold master classes in Hong Kong, Macau and various cities in China. Also Tibetan dancer-choreographer Sang Jijia will attend the opening ceremony as well as post-screening discussions in Hong Kong. We owe a big thank you to all the artists panel of judges and partners for the support of the Festival, and hope you enjoy the result of all their hard work. Raymond Wong, Erik Kuong Curators

06 本地一手播 Local Focus


本地一手播 — 珠三角舞蹈錄像 跳格自2004年創立以來積極委約香港導演及編舞創作天馬行 空,別具本地特色的舞蹈錄像。八年來從無到有,催生了十多 齣質量俱全的作品,並在國際舞台上嶄露頭角。今屆跳格更把 委約版圖由香港擴闊至鄰近的澳門及廣州,在開幕電影呈獻令 觀眾耳目一新的珠三角舞蹈錄像,尋找更多新角度。

世界首映 World Premiere

LOCAL FOCUS — NEW PRODUCTIONS OF THE PEARL RIVER DELTA REGION Since 2004, Jumping Frames has been commissioning local directors and choreographers to create dance videos featuring the unique characteristics of Hong Kong. Over the years, several outstanding works were born and have received international acclaim. In 2010, commissions have been extended to artists from Macau and Guangzhou for the very first time.

有一個地方 There Is A Place 導演:卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森 編舞:桑吉加 英國/中國 2010 7分鐘 Dir: Katrina McPherson Chor: Sang Jijia UK / China 2010 7 Min

導演檔案 Director’s profile 卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森 卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森先後於英國拉邦中心及蘇格蘭但丁大學藝術與 設計學院,修讀舞蹈劇場及電子影像技術,是英國少數具專業舞蹈 訓練背景的導演。過去20年曾為英國廣播公司、英國獨立電視台及 英國第四台拍攝多齣藝術紀錄片,並奪得多項殊榮。同時亦於歐洲 及澳洲等地主持舞蹈錄像大師班,並著有《舞蹈錄像製作》教材。 Katrina McPherson A student of dance theatre at the Laban Centre, London and electronic imaging at Dundee Art College, award-winning artist Katrina McPherson has been creating dance video for over 20 years as well as directing arts documentaries for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4. She is a sought-after teacher, leading master classes and workshops in Europe and Australia and is the author of Making Video Dance - a step by step guide to creating dance for the screen. 編舞檔案 Choreographer’s profile 桑吉加 生於甘肅,1993至1998年間為廣東實驗現代舞團舞者,1996年獲法 國國際現代舞大賽男子獨舞金獎,1997年獲頒廣東省「跨世紀 之星」,1998年及1999年分別獲得美國亞洲文化協會獎學金及美 國舞蹈節國際編舞班獎學金。1999至2002年為城市當代舞蹈團舞 者。2002年遠赴德國師從現代舞大師威廉.科西,並於科西舞團擔 任編舞及演員。現任北京雷動天下現代舞團駐團藝術家。

《有一個地方》是城市當代舞蹈團與英國格拉斯哥舞蹈中心的首部聯合委 約作品。享譽國際的藏族舞者桑吉加於本年5月遠赴蘇格蘭的絕地高原, 與當地錄像藝術家卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森及西蒙 • 菲爾德斯一拍即合,以心 無旁騖的專注及凌厲的舞蹈語彙帶觀眾走進一個蒼茫大地與嚴峻高山的國 度,桑吉加展現德國現代舞巨人威廉 • 科西讚譽的那股「清澈見底,如河 水般勇往直前」的力量。這是他2007年以來首個獨舞作品。 There is a Place is the exciting outcome of the first collaboration between CCDC and Dance House and Goat Media in Scotland. Sang Jijia, a Tibetan dancerchoreographer based in China, travelled to the Highlands of Scotland to make this 7-minute dance film with screendance artists Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes. Combining exquisite movement and stunning landscapes with skillful camerawork and editing, the film takes the viewer into Sang’s world of pure dance.

Sang Jijia An ethnicTibetan born in Gansu, Sang Jijia was a dancer with the Guangdong Modern Dance Company from 1993 to 1998 and won the gold prize in the male section of the Paris International Modern Dance Competition in 1996. He was awarded an Asian Cultural Council Scholarship and American Dance Festival Scholarship in 1998 and 1999. He was a dancer of CCDC from 1999 to 2002. In 2002, Sang studied choreography under William Forsythe and stayed with the Forsythe Company as choreographer and dancer. Sang Jijia is currently the Resident Artist of BeijingDance / LDTX.

支持 Supported by

本片由英國文化協會、英國文化媒體及體育事務部、蘇格蘭行政院及威爾 士議會政府共同舉辦的「中英文化連線」支持 This film is supported by China-UK Connections through Culture, a joint initiative between the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the British Council with support from the Scottish Government and Welsh Assembly Government.

《有一個地方》導演卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森與剪接師 西蒙 • 菲爾德斯將主持大師班,詳見第28頁。 Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes, director and editor respectively of There Is A Place will host master classes. Please see P.28 for details of Festival Plus.

本地一手播 Local Focus 07

11.11 15.11 13.11 21.11

7:45pm * 8:00pm

香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong

7:30pm * 廣東現代舞團小劇場 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre, Guangzhou 7:15pm * 澳門大會堂 Cineteatro Macau

*「本地一手播 ─ 珠三角舞蹈錄像」導演及編舞們將出席放映並與觀眾見面,萬勿錯過! Directors and choreographers of Local Focus will attend the screenings and meet the audience.

歡樂小小姐 Miss Happiness

導演:許樹寧 編舞:陳敏兒 香港 2010 14分鐘 Dir: Hui Shu-ning Chor: Abby Chan Hong Kong 2010 14 Min

導演檔案 Director’s profile 許樹寧 獨立電影及劇場導演,藝團樹寧 • 現在式單位的創辦人及藝術總監,致力開發多媒 體劇場創作。 Hui Shu-ning Independent filmmaker and theatre director Hui Shu-ning is Founder and Artistic Director of Shuning Presentation Unit, whose aims include exploring the possibilities of multi-media theatre.

電視傳來虛假的罐頭笑聲,80後的「士多啤梨」正在電視台的化裝 間準備處女登場當上遊戲節目的歡樂小姐。她不愛笑,愛跳舞, 最愛是乾坐著幻想,與她的愛笑愛發星媽夢的母親剛好相反。母親 冀望女兒能在這城市的 「 歡樂工業 」 裡面一夜成名。不過,就在 「士多啤梨」登場前的剎那;出神的幾分鐘,奇詭的事情發生…… Miss Happiness, a new work by Hong Kong artists Abby Chan and Hui Shuning’s, tells an unusual showbiz story that begins behind-the-scenes in a TV studio and proceeds to reveal the great truth of “happiness”.


編舞檔案 Choreographer’s profile 陳敏兒 香港演藝學院現代舞系畢業生。1991至97年為CCDC舞者,1995年獲亞洲文化協會 利希慎獎學金赴美遊學,1998年成立雙妹嘜舞蹈劇場。曾四度獲香港舞蹈年獎, 所編作品曾發表於香港、紐約、悉尼、東京、首爾、台灣、新加坡、及巴西等 地,現常積極往返香港及紐約參與不同之製作。 Abby Chan A Hong Kong Academy Performing Arts graduate in Modern Dance, Abby Chan was a member of CCDC from 1991 to 97. She was a recipient of the Asian Cultural Council’s Lee Hysan Foundation fellowship in 1995, and co-founded Mcmuimui Dansemble with Yeung Wai-mei in 1998. A four-time recipient of Hong Kong Dance Awards, her work has been performed in Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Taiwan, Singapore, Brazil and most recently in Hong Kong and New York.

導演:黃瑞麟 編舞:黃瑞麟、文慧琦 香港 2010 5分鐘 Dir: Alan Wong Chor: Alan Wong, Vicky Man Hong Kong 2010 5 Min

導演檔案 Director’s profile 黃瑞麟 香港演藝學院畢業,主修中國舞。演出外,亦對媒體藝術興趣甚濃,並曾 修讀香港專業教育學院的電影製片課程。 現為自由身舞蹈工作者。 Alan Wong A Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts graduate in Chinese Dance, Alan Wong began making dance videos when studying digital media at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education. He is currently a freelance dancer. 編舞檔案 Choreographer’s profile 文慧琦 香港演藝學院音樂劇舞系文憑和現代舞系藝術學士(榮譽)學位畢業,現為 自由身舞蹈工作者。 Vicky Man A Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts graduate in Musical Theatre Dance and Modern Dance. She is currently a freelance dancer.

舞蹈來自生活,我們在生活中舞蹈。都市的行人隧道及扶手電梯途人熙 來攘往,肩碰肩擦身而過的角色間發生過的事,一瞬間湧現。本片導演 為2009年首屆「一分鐘跳格舞蹈錄像比賽」得主,旋即被委約拍攝長篇 版本,本地年青舞者的演繹配上原創音樂,展現80後的都市浪漫。 In Walkalator, winner of the first “One-minute Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition” award in 2009, director Alan Wong rediscovers the life of the city through a group of young dancers performing on subway travelators.

08 本地一手播 Local Focus

由點開始 Start From Spots 導演:歐陽永鋒 澳門 2010 2分鐘 Dir: Mike Ao Ieong Macau 2010 2 Min

導演檔案 Director’s profile 歐陽永鋒 本土澳門人,年青時因一台塑膠相機,打開了自己對於視覺的敏 銳度,並由昆蟲學轉修影像創作與平面設計。現就讀於台灣國立雲 林科技大學視覺設計研究所,並持續攝影及錄影等多元創作。其攝影 集《關於女孩的投幣照相機》獲「日本 Epson百萬影像大賞」佳作。 Mike Ao Ieong A student at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, Mike Ao Ieong switched from entomology to Visual Communication Design after purchasing his first camera in 2003, and proceeded to win the Excellent Image Award in the Japan Epson Colour Imaging Contest.

靈感來自於抽象派開山始祖康丁斯基的畫作《 Several Circles 》和 《OnPoints》,《由點開始》融入點線面、色彩、畫面等視覺 構成,並對肢體美感作理性與感性分析,將舞者之肢體「純綷 化」,呈現出舞蹈之「質」與「感」。 Inspired by the avant-garde paintings of Wassily Kandinsky such as Several Circles and On Points, Mike Ao Ieong seeks to transpose the artist’s theories, as published in Point and Line to Plane, to the medium of the dance video, and to explore the “sense and sensibility” of dance.

表演者 The Performer 導演:若瑟 • 狄莫 澳門 2010 10分鐘 Dir: José Drummond Macau 2010 10 Min

導演檔案 Director’s profile 若瑟 • 狄莫 居 於 澳 門 的 葡 萄 牙 籍 藝 術 家 若 瑟 • 狄 莫 自 1987年 起 曾 先 後 在 葡萄牙、西班牙及澳門等地舉辦20次個人展覽,其作品亦曾在法 國、美國、德國、南韓、葡萄牙、泰國和中國各地參與數十個不同 的聯展。 José Drummond Macau-based Portuguese artist José Drummond has held 20 solo exhibitions in Portugal, Spain and Macau since 1987, and has participated in numerous joint exhibitions in France, USA, Germany, South Korea, Thailand and Mainland China.

觀眾在偷窺還是旁觀?《表演者》以栩栩如生的人形娃娃表演音樂盒內芭 蕾舞孃的動作,每個動作如貼心的時鐘,記錄著時間的流逝。演出提問但 沒有提供解答,讓觀眾自行思考最終答案。 The Performer uses point-of-view situating the viewer as a voyeur, an animated human doll performing the ritualistic and representative function of a music box ballerina, each movement marking the passage of time as an intimate clock. Questions raised are left unanswered, leaving any final meaning to the viewer.

支持 Supported by

澳門本土委約作品由澳門特別行政區文化局贊助拍攝 These Macau commissioned films are sponsored by the Cultural Affair Bureau of Macau SAR

本地一手播 Local Focus 09

介面 Interface 導演:楊振業、張志佳 編舞:陳謝維 中國 2010 10分鐘 Dir: Adrian Yeung, Guy Cheung Chor: Chen Xie-wei China 2010 10 Min 「介面」是兩個系統之間互動的一點,是人跟電腦對話的「語言」。當這 個概念引伸至人類之間,或肉體與精神,甚至感觀與現實之互動,「介 面」是如何達成溝通?作品通過對「介面」的探索,對後數碼年代身體、 舞蹈和影像之間的關係作出思考。當身體的限制由物理性的轉變成虛擬性 的,舞蹈會是什麼?2006年跳格委約導演楊振業及張志佳再接再厲,夥拍 廣東現代舞團舞者陳謝維,創造首個中港合拍的舞蹈錄像介面。 2006 Jumping Frames commissioned artists Adrian Yeung and Guy Cheung join forces again, this time with dancer Chen Xie-wei of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company, in Interface, the first collaboration between Hong Kong and Guangzhou artists in dance video. This is a study of the concept of ‘interface’ in the context of physical, choreographical and visual communication. The artists use the body, movement and visual effects to act as means for communication and interaction, resulting in a complex amalgamation of dance and images. 導演檔案 Director’s profile 楊振業 香港大學電腦工程系畢業,現為錄像設計師。此外亦有參與舞台的 編、導、演,並於2006年獲跳格委約夥拍舞者/編舞楊惠美拍攝舞蹈錄 像《愛在虛擬與現實之間》。 張志佳 擁有藝術學位的牙科醫生,自小受CG電影《電子世界爭霸戰》啟發, 夢想活在虛擬世界。 Adrian Yeung A graduate in Computer Engineering from The University of Hong Kong, Adrian Yeung is currently a video designer. He has also participated in a variety of works as playwright, director and performer. He created his first dance video The Love Between J and L with dancer-choreographer Yeung Waimei for Jumping Frames in 2006. Guy Cheung A Hong Kong dentist with a degree in fine art, inspired by the computer graphic movie Tron long time ago; he longs to live in the virtual world. 編舞檔案 Choreographer’s profile 陳謝維 廣東舞蹈學校芭蕾舞專業畢業。1999年加入廣州芭蕾舞團,及後於 2000年加入廣東現代舞團為舞者。曾參加各主要作品演出並多次隨團 赴海外演出。 Chen Xie-wei After graduating from the ballet programme at the Guangdong Dance School, Chen joined the Guangzhou Ballet Company in 1999. He has been a dancer of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company since 2000 and has taken part in all of the company's major productions, frequently touring with them around the world.

10 《翩娜包殊之青春交際場》Dancing Dreams — Teenagers Perform “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch


9:55pm 8:00pm

香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong

7:30pm 澳門大會堂 Cineteatro Macau, Macau

導演:安娜˙蓮素、雷納˙荷夫曼 編舞:翩娜˙包殊 德國 2010 89分鐘 Dir: Anne Linsel, Rainer Hoffmann Chor: Pina Bausch Germany 2010 89 Min 一群對舞蹈一竅不通的初生之犢,遇上編舞大師翩娜 • 包殊,會擦出什 麼火花?這位去年遽然辭世的舞蹈劇場大師勞心勞力,用整整一年時間 與這群青春無敵的少年男女相約星期六,排演1978年的經典舞碼《交際 場》。他們由零開始,過程中除了克服自己僵硬的肢體外,更要克服逐 漸封閉起來的自我,將內心對於性別、愛情、青春的徬徨、期盼與焦 慮,透過身體赤裸裸地表露,令他們經歷了一次影響畢生的震撼。繼 2008年跳格首映窩心的《與翩娜有約》後,再度為舞迷影迷獻上大師逝 世前銀幕上的最後身影。 Dancing Dreams — Teenagers Perform Kontakthof by Pina Bausch follows a group of teenagers as they rehearse in Pina Bausch’s studio for their very first performance of Kontakthof. Hailing from different backgrounds, they embark on a year-long emotional journey, their experiences reflecting many of the themes of the work they are to perform, such as the search for love and tenderness with all its attendant anxieties, yearnings and doubts. Dancing Dreams includes the very last moving images of, and final interview with the world-famous choreographer, and is a worthy successor to the highly acclaimed Coffee With Pina that was the opening film of Jumping Frames in 2008.

亞洲新視野 Discover Asia 11

DISCOVER ASIA 檢閱中國大陸、香港、台灣、新加坡及日本創作人 的舞蹈影像實驗。他們各有所長,展現今日亞洲導 演在鏡頭下對動作語彙不同的演繹。 This programme features the video work of artists from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Japan uncovering new perspectives dance and movement on screen.

12.11 14.11

7:10pm 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong 廣東現代舞團小劇場 4:00pm Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre, Guangzhou




D.I.Y. 導演:陳子謙 新加坡 2005 6分鐘 Dir: Royston Tan Singapore 2005 6 Min 《時代》周刊譽為「亞洲二十大人物」之一的新加坡導演陳子謙,將一眾 尋常聲響幻變成一齣獲獎無數的城市時代曲─個人在日常生活中的一舉 一動,那管是杯碟碰撞,還是手指敲打魚缸的聲音─反映每個人的所思 所想。

4 1

Individuals engage in their day-to-day activities, caught up in their own thoughts. But they are all connected. The squeak of dirty plates, the tap of a finger against a seafood restaurant aquarium, the thump of feet inside a cargo lift and other disparate sounds collide in a quirky and funky multi-award winning piece from a film-maker included by Time magazine in their “Top 20 Asian Heroes”.



破曉 Day Break



說謊記 Chionauthus Retusus

導演:達倫˙奧利維奧 編舞:劉中達 台灣/美國 2010 5分鐘 Dir: Darren Olivero Chor: David Liu Taiwan / US 2010 5 Min

導演:許雅舒 編舞:楊惠美 香港 2001 26分鐘 Dir: Rita Hui Chor: Yeung Wai-mei Hong Kong 2001 26 Min

前中華台北三屆冬奧會花式滑冰選手劉中達與導演奧利維奧炮製的迷人冰 上飛短片,短短五分鐘表現了風與水的特性,以及風水對動作的影響。強 力的風與勁量的水,合成這齣好玩有趣,又充滿詩意影像的作品。

2009年釜山電影節競賽單元入選作品《慢性中毒》導演許舒雅的早期作 品。《說謊記》以著名女作家張愛玲的經典小說《傾城之戀》為背景,將 主角范柳原與白流蘇之間的感情遊戲為演繹骨幹,手法備受國際注目。

A captivating production on ice from three-time Olympic skater/choreographer Liu and director Olivero explores the properties of wind and water and their relation to movement. A powerful, visually poetic, and fun piece of work.

Based on Love in a Fallen City by Eileen Chang, Chionauthus Retusus uses Cantonese Opera and dance to tell the story of a woman who is involved in an affair with a man who builds their relationship on lies.

一氧化碳 Carbon Monoxide


誰的烏托邦 Whose Utopia?

導演及編舞:伊藤郁女 日本 2002 6分鐘 Dir & Chor: Kaori ito Japan 2002 6 Min

導演:曹斐 中國 2006 23分鐘 Dir: Cao Fei China 2006 23 Min

潮爆國際的日本野性舞壇教主伊藤郁女一齣不可思議的超現實幻想式作 品。年輕日本女子在超現實與現實世界兩邊來回:一邊是充滿奇形怪狀昆 蟲的詭異空間,一邊是她無緣無故地跟蹤一個男子,模仿他的身體動作, 慢慢兩人變得動作一致。

中國大陸當紅青年藝術家曹斐作品《誰的烏托邦?》在佛山一家工廠耗時 半年拍攝。工人在龐大的流水作業中翩翩起舞,將沉重的現實與天馬行空 的幻想世界並置,形成強烈對比─中國工人面對的灰暗現實被記錄下來, 同時觀眾又看到他們如何大玩個人奇想,兩面拼合,讓觀眾在非人化的 環境下審視每個個體不同的面貌。作品為西門子藝術項目《他們在此幹什 麼》的一部分。

A colourful fantasy in which a young Japanese girl drifts between a surreal world populated by strange insects and 'reality', where she follows a strange man and mimics his body language, their movements becoming synchronised. A witty short by internationally renowned choreographer Kaori Ito.

While Whose Utopia? documents a seemingly grim subject in the conditions faced by many workers in China, the dull and repetitive nature of their work is contrasted with dreamlike episodes in which the workers act out their private fantasies, creating a lyrical portrait of the individual in an increasingly dehumanized environment. Produced as part of the Siemen’s Art Programme What Are They Doing Here?

12 跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目一) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 1)



組屋底層 Void Decked


導演:艾哈爾 • 舒科爾 編舞:艾利沙 • 溫迪 新加坡 2010 4分鐘 Dir: Azhar Shukor Chor: Elysa Wendi Singapore 2010 4 Min

導演:卡里 • 安 • 森 • 沙姆 美國 2009 10分鐘 Dir: Cari Ann Shim Sham USA 2009 10 Min

空的不一定是空,新加坡的住宅大廈常見的底層空間,是流動的行人風 景,空蕩的空間總有人走過。《組屋底層》以並置的畫面,探索人在空間 的走動,物質與心靈上的空間有無。

《沙》是個父傳子的舞蹈故事,父親把自己的沙舞絕技教給兒子,在口述 歷史與舞蹈表演交替中,展演箇中故事。

A void deck is something typically found beneath apartment blocks in Singapore, but with the constant flow of human traffic, it is very rarely a void. Our reception of space is often dictated by the way we manoeuvre around it, and this video explores and challenges the notion of physical and mental space.


沙 Sand

Sand tells the story of the history and evolution of “sand dance” as it is passed down from father to son.


科甫納特 KorpuNater 導演:卡洛 • 迪博恩 編舞:阿雷簡德 • M• 塔迪圖 智利 2009 6 分鐘 Dir: Carlos Dittborn Chor: Alejandra Maturana Tardito Chile 2009 6 Min

移動碼頭 Ports in Motion 導演:朱普 • 曼廷 編舞及演出:凱文 • 波拉克 荷蘭 2009 5分鐘 Dir: Joop Menting Chor: Kevin Polak The Netherlands 2009 5 Min

黃沙萬里,灌木叢林,女舞者在不同的自然環境中跳著舞著,《科甫納 特》展現了人類狀態並不是靜止的,是不斷移動,永不休止。

這齣舞蹈短片講述碼頭上作息的點滴,以土、水、空氣與火這四大希臘元 素為視覺主題,兩位舞者追趕跑跳碰,違反一切吸力定律,既作水上飛, 又控制身邊世界,還要爬上一堆煤炭與灰塵。

A lone female dances in the desert, a meadow, the woods... KorpuNater shows the human condition to be a configuration that is in constant flux, never fixed, never static, never finished.

Ports in Motion is about living and working in the harbour. The four classical Greek elements: earth, water, air and fire are its visual themes, expressed through the movements of the two dancers; they walk on water, mocking gravity, controlling the world around them. A powerful, visually poetic, and fun piece of work.

2 1


跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目一) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 1) 13

12.11 13.11 21.11


9:00pm 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong 2:15pm 廣東現代舞團小劇場 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre, Guangzhou 2:00pm 澳門東方基金會 Oriental Foundation, Macau

跳格 Connected

中國舞蹈錄像新人類獎 Special Awards for Chinese Dance Filmmakers


導演:司徒一雷、張仲恩 編舞:袁尚仁 香港 2010 18分鐘 Dir: Szeto Yat-lui, Cheung Chung-yan Chor: Yuan Shang-jen Hong Kong 2010 18 Min

跳格國際舞蹈錄像大獎 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Award

導演及編舞:基姆 • 阿拉昆納斯 芬蘭 2010 23分鐘 Dir & Chor: Kimmo Alakunnas Finland 2010 23 Min 《工蟻》是個工作狂的故事。無日無之地工作,工作狂慢慢搞不真實與幻 想世界的分野。什麼是真實?什麼是幻想?更重要的是,什麼是這只管做 做做的工蟻呢?

每個人都有自己的故事。《跳格》裡年輕人踫上老人家,慢慢進入老人的 生活,體驗他的處境。年輕的世界與年長的人生碰撞,會出現怎麼的反應 與感覺?《跳格》以舞者的動作回答以上的問題。 Life is like a story, and everyone has their own. In this story a young man acrossers the path of an old man, enters into his living environment, experiences his life. When the new generation encounters the old, what feelings and reactions will emerge? Connected tells us the answer, through the movement of a dancer.

工蟻 An Ant

An Ant tells the story of a workaholic whose sense of reality begins to fail, falling into imaginary worlds from which it is almost impossible to escape. What is real and what is fantasy, and what exactly is the enigmatic and disturbing ant?


原 Origin

中國舞蹈錄像新人類獎 Special Awards for Chinese Dance Filmmakers

導演:鄭敏健 編舞:蘇榮娜 中國 2009 24分鐘 Dir: Zheng Minjian Chor: Su Rongna China 2009 24 Min 走向城市的蒙古人,生命慢慢枯萎,她要回到草原找回真正的自己。但當 她踏上故土,出現的是一個充斥「工業文明」的草原,不再是一望無際的 綠色了,無數黑色露天煤礦,那一台台石油採挖機,如劊子手般揮舞大刀 刺入母親心臟,使母親在死亡的邊緣掙扎…… A Mongolian girl leaves the countryside and goes into the city. As time goes by, she realise what kind of world she is living in, and decides to go home. But she discovers the place of her birth is no longer the same.




14 跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目二) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 2)





導演:麥婉珊 編舞:Natalie Mak 香港 2010 4分鐘 Dir: Mak Yuen-shan Chor: Natalie Mak Hong Kong 2010 4 Min


攝於塞內加爾,《Fao》中孤獨、飢餓與求生的意志驅使女子開展旅程,令 她與內心的恐懼打個照面。 Shot in Senegal, where hunger, loneliness and the will to survive push Fao to embark on a journey that will bring her face to face with her fears.


彼岸 The Other Shore 導演:歐凱 編舞:林宣池 中國 2008 7分鐘 Dir: Ou Kai Chor: Lin Xuanchi China 2008 7 Min

變遷 FLUX 導演:奈杰爾 • 亨 編舞:愛麗莎 • 雲迪 新加坡 2010 5分鐘 Dir: Nigel Heng Chor: Elysa Wendi Singapore 2010 5 Min 精妙地糅合電影與舞蹈語言,《變遷》講述現今都市生活的焦慮與不安, 探索每個家庭日常生活中的心理與地理的變遷。 Using the languages of both dance and film, Flux talks to us about the anxieties of urban living, and explores the psycho-geography of the everyday domestic house.

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跳格國際舞蹈錄像大獎 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Award

導演:愛圖爾 • 艾切維利亞、卡羅萊娜 • 阿萊霍斯 西班牙 2010 9分鐘 Dir: Aitor Echeverria and Carolina Alejos Spain 2010 9 Min

《Ensemble》獨立音樂人蔡世豪首張大碟「Weird Mind」中《 Free Access For Violin》作為主題音樂及骨幹。錄像有如音樂本身有拼貼、重疊及蒙太奇手 法剪接而成,有節奏地交替舞者與演奏者的片段,使兩者共存一個空間, 舞者與演奏者畫面流露的感情就是視覺的音符。 Using the song Free Access For Violin from indie musician Choi Sai-ho’s first album for its theme music and backbone, Ensemble is constructed in much the same way as the music. Scenes between the dancer and musician intertwine, pushing them into the same space.


他們不知歸宿,在彼此生命裡煽動黑暗火焰,使之餘生淪陷,無法解脫。 豔麗,痛楚。最終糾結為一體,回歸命輪。《彼岸》曾獲江西DV電影節 最佳創意獎。 Two identical spaces side by side, doors open to corridors, one bathed in white light the other in red. A man dances to a beat before suddenly disappearing into the wall between the two corridors... and a woman jumps out on the other side! The Other Shore was the winner of the Most Creative Award at the Jiangxi DV Film Festival.


跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目二) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 2) 15

14.11 16.11 21.11


2:30pm 廣東現代舞團小劇場 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre, Guangzhou 9:45pm 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong 4:00pm 澳門東方基金會 Oriental Foundation, Macau

遊魂之島 Isle of the Waiting Soul 導演及編舞:Kim Hyonok 南韓 2008 7分鐘 Dir & Chor: Kim Hyonok South Korea 2008 7 Min 傳說中人死後靈魂徘徊不已,在等待往另一國土 ─ 隱喻的小島。《遊魂 之島》展示這段旅程。身穿紅白服裝的舞者,代表自然的靈性與和諧,與 人間的傷痛與苦難,交替並置。 Souls are believed to be wanderers waiting to go to another realm after death...to an isolated metaphoric isle. Isle of the Waiting Soul conveys their journey. The dancers, wearing red and white costumes, are juxtaposed to represent the spirituality and harmony of nature and the suffering and conflict of life.



中國舞蹈錄像新人類獎 Special Awards for Chinese Dance Filmmakers


仙尼迪卡 Cinétical

導演:安娜 • 塞布羅 • 科卡 西班牙 2009 | 27 分鐘 Dir: Ana Cembrero Coca Spain 2009 27 Min 四個人以身體及舞蹈表現自己,互相探索彼此的潛意識世界,透過女性身 體,披露真實世界與幻想世界的模糊不清,我們吃喝玩樂,談笑尋索的地 方,究竟哪裡是現實,哪裡是夢境? In Cinética, four people express themselves through their bodies and dance; it digs into the subconscious mind of each one of them. It reveals, through the female body, the ambiguity between the real and imaginary worlds; where we live, talk, search, play, fight and dance, without separating what it is lived and what it is dreamed.

導演:鴻鴻 編舞:周書毅 台灣 2008 15分鐘 Dir: Hung Hung Chor: Chou Shu Yi Taiwan 2008 15 Min 現階段的社會正試在生命中找每一條回歸自然之道,這個回歸自然對生命 來說,應該可以說是自我的一種矛盾與種種的選擇,但出口與解答也許尚 未找到。而我們有時走在0的線上找出口,有時卻站在0的中央,走不出也 看不見出口。《0000000000》像是個生命循環與回繞的符號,歸零或是開 始,重來或是結束。 A man and a woman in a nightclub dance to 'oldies'. They are searching, trying to find answers to their questions, trying to find their way back to nature...but it remains elusive.

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跳格國際舞蹈錄像大獎 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Award


16 嘩啦啦舞蹈動畫 2 Dance & Animation II

DANCE & ANIMATION II 舞蹈與科技這兩個看似風馬牛不相及的媒體如何擦出火花?繼 2009年「跳格舞蹈錄像展」首次策劃《嘩啦啦舞蹈動畫》引來 各方關注後,跳格再接再厲,為觀眾搜羅十多段不同風格的舞 蹈短片、動畫、電腦特效的短片,引發更多可能性。


2 Dance and technology — two very different and unrelated media – come together to create some wonderful visual art. Following the success of last year’s Dance & Animation programme, Jumping Frames once again presents a selection of videos, animated shorts, and digital films that highlight both the imagination and inventiveness of their creators and the opportunites offered by the genre of dance video.

海草 Seaweed


導演:盧克.韋特、里美 • 威克斯 英國 2010 0.5分鐘


殘缺不全 Atelic

Dir: Luke White and Remi Weekes UK 2010 0.5 Min

導演:DuckEye 編舞:阿歷山大 • 惠特利 英國 2009 3分鐘 Dir: DuckEye Chor: Alexander Whitley UK 2009 3 Min

一套不足一分鐘的lo-fi錄像實驗,將出奇創意與奇巧科技糅合起來,好玩 有趣。

Iatrogenesis公司為蘭伯特舞蹈團「新舞作季度」發展的動作控制測試短 片,由Clock Opera的Guy Conelly作曲。

For what is essentially a playful“lo-fi”video experiment, the 25 second long Seaweed exhibits both a desire for innovation and a sure grasp of creative techniques.

A motion control test film developed from Iatrogenesis created for the Rambert Dance Company's 'Season of New Choreography' with music by Clock Opera's Guy Conelly.

2010巴黎OFFF贊助鳴謝片 OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors titles


導演:維拉希特 • 烏撒斯爾 美國 2009 3分鐘 Dir: Varathit Uthaisr USA 2009 3 Min

導演:朱利恩 • 瓦利 加拿大 2010 3分鐘 Dir: Julien Vallée Canada 2010 3 Min

真正由下而上拍攝的電影,由下面角度看這個世界。人的動作,街頭物 件,踫撞的聲響,構成一幅充滿節奏感的城市風情畫組曲。

例行公事一樣可以變得新奇有趣!巴黎OFFF藝術節展示頂尖數碼、網頁設 計、印刷及互動媒體設計師,以至創作音樂藝術家的作品。這齣鳴謝贊助 商的短片證明了,即使例行工作一樣可以變成創新有趣的差事。 OFFF is a festival showcasing top digital artists, web, print and interactive designers, motion graphics studios, and adventurous new music. This video shows how a seemingly thankless task — creating a short piece crediting the many sponsors can be a creative and fun exercise.

表面:下面角度 SURFACE : A film from underneath

Asking what the world might be like from a literally underground perspective, this 'urban symphony' transforms human actions and street objects into beats that harmoniously collide to create a grand audio and visual composition.


歌王積遜vs戇豆先生 Jackson vs Bean 導演:帕特里克 • 博伊文 加拿大 2009 2分鐘 Dir: Patrick Boivin Canada 2009 2 Min


已故流行曲之王米高.積遜與喜劇人物戇豆先生的大對決,惹笑幽默的停 格動畫短片。


A short, witty piece of stop motion animation featuring a face-off between the late pop star Michael Jackson and fictional funny man Mr. Bean.

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嘩啦啦舞蹈動畫 2 Dance & Animation II 17

13.11 14.11

1:20pm 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong 5:15pm 廣東現代舞團小劇場 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre, Guangzhou




FM Belfast:內衣褲 Underwear - FM Belfast


導演:丹尼爾 • 沙因爾特 美國 2010 3分鐘


Dir: Daniel Scheiner USA 2010 3 Min

導演:阿德南 • 萊蘭尼 編舞:素 • 希利 澳洲 2009 6分鐘 Dir: Adnan Lalani Chor: Sue Healey Australia 2009 6 Min

冰島電子樂隊FM Belfast的音樂錄像 ─ 獨自跳舞的人的速度動作被加快減 慢,甚至凝住,氣氛詭異。

舞者與動畫影像的雙人舞,由新西蘭詩人珍妮.博恩霍德的詩作啟發靈 感。動畫是根據舞者動作而設計。

A music video for Icelandic electro outfit FM Belfast, that strikes an eerie note by playing with people dancing alone... slowing them down, speeding them up, and freezing them in time.

A duet for dancer and animated anatomical imagery; inspired by a poem by Jenny Bornholdt, the animation was created in response to the dancer's performance.


用眼說不 Eye No

獲獎無數的《成為》中,一個身形怪異的人優雅地在河流、樹林,以至田 野等自然環境中游走,彷如一只螳螂。

導演將一個夭折了的實驗改造為音樂錄像,以他兄弟的速寫簿內的圖畫掃 描作錄像材料。

A multi-award winning film that follows a strange figure moving gracefully like a praying mantis through changing natural landscapes...a river, a wood, and finally a field where a deadly confrontation awaits.

An aborted experiment reworked into a music video using some illustrations scanned from the director’s brother’s sketch book.

Digitalism:木星室 Digitalism — Jupiter Room


痂 Scab

導演:史葛 • 艾特曼 編舞:K • 奈特 英國 2009 5分鐘 Dir: Scott Altman Chor: K. Knight UK 2009 5 Min

導演:馬賈 • 莫哈德達姆 編舞:鄭有傑 美國 2009 4分鐘 Dir: Marjan Moghaddam Chor: Cheng Yu-chieh USA 2009 4 Min


《痂》利用立體動畫、特技、舞蹈動作,刺耳的音樂和由動作引發的聲 響,探討不斷重複的傷痛及康復過程對情緒的影響。

A music video for German techno duo Digitalism's single “Jupiter Room”.


成為 Becoming 導演及編舞:艾伊連 • 利伯隆拿 加拿大 2008 9分鐘 Dir & Chor: Ayelen Liberona Canada 2008 9 Min

導演:戴維 • 達頓 美國 2010 4分鐘 Dir: David Dutton USA 2010 4 Min


閱讀身體 Reading The Body

舞! Dance!

Scab explores the emotional experience of repetitive trauma, injury and the healing process, through the use of 3D animation, motion captured dance, special effects, dissonant music, and direct audio triggering of visual elements.


導演:馬科 • 卡莫納 加拿大 2009 2分鐘 Dir: Marco Carmona Canada 2009 2 Min


糾纏理論 Entanglement Theory

溫哥華電影學院學生馬科.卡莫納的作品,個人包辦拍攝與電子音樂 創作。

導演及編舞:理察 • 詹姆斯 • 艾倫 澳洲 2009 10 分鐘 Dir & Chor: Richard James Allen Australia 2009 10 Min

An upbeat piece of animation from Vancouver Film School student Marco Carmona, who also contributed the accompanying electronic music.

兩個男子在自己的世界內舞著,在超越傳統概念中的時空界線時,潛行於 對方的表演之中。 Entanglement Theory proposes the hypothesis that the two dancing men, each in their own reality, can meet, by crossing over boundaries of conventionally perceived time and space, and populate each other's performances.

18 舞影舞疆界 – 葡萄牙與巴西短片展 Dance Without Borders – Portuguese & Brazilian Shorts




痛苦 Là ou je dor


導演/編舞:伊莎貝爾 • 巴羅斯 葡萄牙 2005 10分鐘 Dir/ Chor: Isabel Barros Portugal 2005 10 Min

導演:塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯 葡萄牙 2009 5分鐘 Dir: Sergio Cruz Portugal 2009 5 Min

睡眠令夜晚的時間概念變得有趣,通過夢境,可以幻變出無數可能,神秘 甚至帶有危險性。編舞創造了一個劇場的空間,讓角色引發無數無意識的 影像。

2008年3月在莫桑比克為期三周的駐節藝術家生涯,發展出這一部作品。 克魯斯透過與當地音樂與舞蹈社群的接觸,將非洲生活與儀式文化,以輕 鬆的手法與快拍方式展現出來。

Sleep turns night into a time of possibility, via our dreams, mysterious and even dangerous. The choreographer chooses to create a space of unconscious images, of characters inside a theatre.

The result of a three-week artistic residence in Maputo (Mozambique) in March 2008, Exotica takes a playful approach in this snapshot of the lives and rituals of African culture, through contacts with the local dance and music community.

物件的動作 The Movement of Things


導演:丹尼爾 • 皮涅羅 葡萄牙 2008 10分鐘 Dir: Daniel Pinheiro Portugal 2008 10 Min

葡萄牙 2010 5分鐘 Dir: Sergio Cruz Chor: Hannah Dempsey and Sergio Cruz Portugal 2010 5 Min 年輕的漢娜是唐氏綜合症患者,但她也是舞者與運動員。克魯斯這齣實驗 短片紀錄了漢娜叫人難忘的技巧,野心與夢想。

Movement is a basic element in all time-based visual media forms, but video dance is distinguished from other film genres by its emphasis on the craft and composition of movement, in this case of the natural movement of things.

《動物》中十六位來自英國南部的年輕舞者演出潛藏體內的獸性。 Sixteen pre-teen and teenage dancers from the South coast of England are encouraged to bring out the animal in themselves in their performances.


An experimental short film exploring the impressive skills, playful ambition and dreams of Hannah Dempsey, a young dancer and athlete who has Down’s syndrome.

動物 Animalz 導演:塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯 編舞:JP 奧馬里 葡萄牙/英國 2006 3分鐘 Dir: Sergio Cruz Chor: JP Omari Portugal/UK 2006 3 Min

外面 Outside 導演:塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯 葡萄牙 2008 16分鐘 Dir: Sergio Cruz Portugal 2008 16 Min 2007年,北京奧運正如火如荼,古老京城迅速現代化,導演花了一個月時 間到處觀察市民生活,並將日常影像記錄下來,組成這齣短片。 Images collected over a period of one month (September 2007) spent in Beijing – a city making the transition from ancient to modern at breakneck pace as it prepared for the Olympic Game - observing Chinese life, and documenting quotidian performances.

漢娜 Hannah 導演:塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯 編舞: 漢娜 • 登普西、塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯

動作可以說是所有以時間為基準的媒介的基本元素,但舞蹈錄像對動作設 計的著重,在眾多電影媒介中至為突出。這套短片將集中呈現物件的自然 動作。


異國風情 Exótica


FF>> 導演:卡列尼娜 • 德洛斯桑托斯、萊蒂西亞 • 納布科、馬塞洛 • 索比亞、 塔蒂亞 • 娜詹蒂萊 編舞:卡列尼娜 • 德洛斯桑托斯、萊蒂西亞 • 納布科 巴西 2007 6分鐘 Dir: Karenina de los Santos, Letícia Nabuco, Marcello Stroppa and Tatiana Gentile Chor: Karenina de los Santos, Letícia Nabuco Brazil 2007 6 Min 兩個人開展一段關於時間與空間的奇怪對話。 Two people follow a continuous and uninterrupted flow, creating a strange dialogue between time and space.

舞影舞疆界 – 葡萄牙與巴西短片展 Dance Without Borders – Portuguese & Brazilian Shorts 19


2:40pm 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong

葡萄牙FRAME表演與新科技藝術節展示來自世界各地藝術 家的舞蹈錄像,集中介紹運用科技的演出。FRAME與世界各 地不同的藝術節合作,推介如塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯等舞蹈錄像藝 術家,去年更與巴西重要的藝術中心開展合作關係。今屆跳格 便帶來由FRAME主持人阿爾貝托 • 孟奴策劃的巴西與葡萄牙短 片展,讓香港觀眾跨國體驗葡式風情。


FRAME research is a Portuguese based performance and new technologies festival that showcases dance-videos from around the world, concentrating on new approaches to performance using technology. They have collaborated with other festivals like Jumping Frames — helping to promote the video dance of artists such as Sergio Cruz — and last year established a relationship with a major cultural centre in Brazil. FRAME research curator Alberto Magno presents in Hong Kong a programme of Brazilian and Portuguese shorts.

到世界中心打場仗 Journey to the World’s Belly

派對 A Festa

導演/編舞:亞歷 • 卡塞爾、愛麗絲 • 日坡理 巴西 2007 7分鐘

導演/編舞:克拉拉 • 多米尼卡 巴西/阿根廷 2008 6分鐘

Dir/ Chor: Alex Cassal, Alice Ripoli Brazil 2007 7 Min

Dir/ Chor: Clara Domingas Brazil/Argentina 2008 6 Min

一群戰士踏上神秘旅程─穿過平原、高山、洞穴和森林,面對極端危險, 無可避免地被這不斷改變的世界所影響。停格動畫令這些兒童玩具戰士活 起來。

《派對》將一系列兩極的物件或概念的影像並置,質疑那些看似肯定無誤 的概念。

A group of warriors on a mysterious journey through plains, mountains, caves and forests, face extreme dangers and are irrevocably transformed by a changing world. The protagonists of this adventure are small children's toys brought to life using stop-motion animation.



過渡 Passage 導演:塞萊納 • 坡瑞特拉、艾利沙 • 佩索亞 編舞:塞萊納 • 坡瑞特拉 巴西 2007 5分鐘 Dir: Celina Portella, Elisa Pessoa Chor: Celina Portella Brazil 2007 5 Min

A Festa is composed of images suggesting an emotional game of opposites, questioning conceptions about things that seem certain.


美智子的平房 Michiko’s Bungalow 導演:辛西婭 • 多米尼高 巴西 2009 4分鐘 Dir: Cynthia Domenico Brazil 2009 4 Min 真實的表述有時遠較真實本身容易掌握。 The representation of reality is easier to grasp than reality itself.


攝錄機鏡頭一鏡直落,橫掃不同房間,所有舞蹈共收鏡下。 A single shot, the camera moving through rooms, and discovering all kinds of dance.


相反的感覺 Contrary Sensations 導演:阿馬德烏 • 阿爾萬、豪爾赫 • 阿倫卡爾、馬修斯 • 羅恰 編舞:豪爾赫 • 阿倫卡爾 Brazil 2007 6分鐘 Dir: Amadeu Alban, Jorge Alencar, Matheus Rocha Chor: Jorge Alencar 1 Brazil 2007 6 Min



在人口下降的巴亞諾峽谷地區,人活在現實和超現實之間。 Set in the Baiano region, a decaying provincial environment, a boundary between realism and surrealism.

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20 歐陸搜影 European Panorama

EUROPEAN PANORAMA 歐洲不單是電影的發源地,過去三十年亦是舞蹈錄像發展的重 要搖籃。無論名導演,各大編舞與舞者均紛紛投入,造福一眾 舞迷。本節目搜羅歐洲極具代表性的舞蹈錄像,首次帶進珠三 角,以超強電影感及鏡頭觸覺給我們一個提示:舞蹈錄像不是 翻拍舞台的一舉一動,公仔箱可以承載整個地球﹗

15.11 19.11


Europe, the birthplace of film, has been an important base for the exploration of dance using video, with continued input from renowned choreographers and dancers and directors throughout the past three decades. This programme features three major works from Shelly Love, Akram Khan and Pontus Lidberg, each exhibiting a strong sense of understanding the power of the moving image, and showing here for the first time in The Greater Pearl River Delta.

9:30pm 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong 9:15pm 澳門大會堂 Cineteatro Macau, Macau

被遺忘的雜技團 The Forgotten Circus


雨 The Rain

導演:雪萊 • 洛夫 編舞:雪萊 • 洛夫、熱拉爾 • 貝爾 英國 2008 22分鐘 Dir: Shelly Love Chor: Shelly Love, Gerard Bell UK 2008 22 Min

導演及編舞:龐德絲 • 尼德堡 瑞典 2006 28分鐘

身兼導演、編舞家的洛夫藝高人膽大,以倒後播放方式送上拆解雜技表演 101的《被遺忘的雜技團》,由英國一間雜技學校委約創作,道出雜技員 的種種辛酸,成為世界各地電影節的揀手熱播。

2007年倫敦國際舞蹈電影節最佳電影《雨》的場景為無休止的暴雨。如瀑 布傾瀉的大雨把尋常物件變得性感與感性,更在當中道出一個關於愛、 拒絕和復生的激情故事。室內片段極富戲劇性,室外自然的背景,讓集 愛人、排練總監與實驗主義者於一身的舞者自由馳騁,如疾風般跑著、 舞著。

Dir & Chor: Pontus Lidberg Sweden 2006 28 Min

Commissioned by a British circus arts school and featuring 16 of their students plus a single actor, award-winning London-based artist Shelly Love's The Forgotten Circus runs backwards, harking back to the very roots of circus performance. Already a popular choice of festivals worldwide.


The Rain, Best Film at the 2007 London International Dance Film Festival, takes place under a constant torrent of rain, cascading water turning ordinary objects into sensual focal points. Indoor scenes take on a theatrical quality, and scenes in natural, outdoor settings free the dancers – at once lovers, ballet masters, and experimentalists – to run and dance like the wind, as a passionate story of love, rejection, and resurrection unfolds.



如不,何不 If Not, Why Not 導演:丹尼爾 • 偉羅特 編舞:艾甘 • 漢 英國 2003 22分鐘 Dir: Daniel Wiroth Chor: Akram Khan UK 2003 22 Min 如果從未發出疑問,答案也就不會出現。炙手可熱的著名英國編舞艾甘. 漢及他的舞團在《如不,何不》中,演出一場由傳統印度舞加塔克啟發的 現代舞作品,宏偉的場面叫人拍案叫絕。


In If Not, Why Not virtuoso UK choreographer Akram Khan – awarded an MBE for his services to dance in 2005 – and his company perform a complex modern dance piece inspired by the classical Indian dance form Kathak.

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卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森舞蹈錄像作品選 Selection of Katrina McPherson’s Dance Videos 21

SELECTION OF KATRINA McPHERSON’S DANCE VIDEOS 本屆跳格的訪問藝術家,資深的舞蹈錄像拍攝工作者卡特里 娜 • 麥克弗森,憑著她曾在英國拉邦中心修讀舞蹈劇場的背 景,拍攝時完全超越傳統上對「紀錄片」的既定印象,無論是 她捕捉動作的敏銳及拍攝手法都讓人耳目一新。為時90分鐘的 節目將放映她與錄像剪接師西蒙 • 菲爾德斯過往十多年來的代 表作品,以及最近與現代舞者桑吉加合作拍攝一出全新的舞蹈 短片《有一個地方》。麥克弗森並親身介紹舞蹈錄像的創作過 程,與觀眾探索導演、編舞與舞者的鐵三角關係。

This year's Jumping Frames international guest, Katrina McPherson, belongs to the first generation of truly hybrid dance video artists. Having studied dance theatre at the Laban Centre in London, and electronic imaging at Dundee Art College, she went on to gain wide experience as a dancer and choreographer, as a director of arts programmes for UK television, and as a creator of “video dance”. This programme presents a retrospective of her work with editor Simon Fildes from the past 15 years, including their most recent film There is a Place, a collaboration with Chinese dancer and choreographer Sang Jijia. A fascinating introduction to the creative process of dance video making.

iCentre 14.11 3:00pm 澳門 iCentre Macau


步速 Pace 導演:卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森 編舞:瑪莉沙 • 贊諾帝 英國 1996 5分鐘 Dir: Katrina McPherson Chor: Marisa Zanotti UK 1996 5 Min


時刻 Moment 導演:卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森 英國 2000 7分鐘 Dir: Katrina McPherson UK 2000 7 Min


第八感 Sense-8 導演:卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森 編舞:凱特 • 戴莫基 英國 2001 11分鐘 Dir: Katrina McPherson Chor: Kate Dymoke UK 2001 11 Min


真相 The Truth 導演:卡特里娜 • 麥克弗森 編舞:保羅 • 里拜羅、芬 • 沃克 英國 2003 29分鐘 Dir: Katrina McPherson Chor: Paulo Ribeiro, Fin Walker UK 2003 29 Min


有一個地方 There Is A Place 導演:卡特里娜˙麥克弗森 編舞:桑吉加 英國/中國 2010 7分鐘 Dir: Katrina McPherson Chor: Sang Jijia UK/China 2010 7 Min

英倫舞蹈錄像 Forward Motion 23


3:30pm 英倫舞蹈錄像:引介 Forward Motion: Intros

5:00pm 英倫舞蹈錄像:透視 Forward Motion: Insights 澳門藝術博物館 20.11 Macao Museum 7:45pm 英倫舞蹈錄像:藝術家之選 of Art Forward Motion: Artists’ Choice


The Hottest and Coolest UK Dance Film!

英國文化協會(在中國大陸作為英國大使館文化教育處開展工 作)夥拍英國舞蹈錄像推廣機構South East Dance製作《英倫舞 蹈錄像》舞蹈錄像專輯,由英國舞蹈和電影界最當時得令的人 物深入淺出地介紹精彩的英國舞蹈錄像。現在跳格安排於澳門 一氣呵成放映全套三輯,乃全國首個放足全套的城市。除了去 年在香港、北京及廣州首映反應超乎理想的《藝術家之選》, 《英倫舞蹈錄像》還包括《引介》、《透視》。

Co-produced by the British Council (operating as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in mainland China) and South East Dance in 2008, Forward Motion is a collection of outstanding British dance films curated and presented by leading figures in British dance and film. Jumping Frames presents the Chinese premiere of the full version of Forward Motion in Macau; Intros, Insights and Artists’Choice, the latter of which was shown to high acclaim last year to audiences in Hong Kong, Beijing and Guangzhou. 2



合作伙伴 In partnership with

引介 Intros In Intros, Professor Liz Aggiss of the University of Brighton introduces us to the genre of ‘screen dance’ with a programme of important British short films.

曾於2008年憑《舞孃習作》奪得跳格舞蹈錄像大獎的英國布萊 頓大學教授里茲 • 阿紀絲擔任「零團費」導遊,帶觀眾漫遊舞 蹈錄像的世界:首站是英國藝術重鎮倫敦,夜遊情迷酒吧,主 角們又說又笑,邊抽煙邊喝酒,既哭且舞,在《感動》裡度過 了一個晚上;《金牌》迎接2012倫敦奧運,透過一對年輕體操 選手的沉重訓練與日常生活點滴,展現他們的意志與戰鬥格; 受傑克遜 • 波洛克強而有力的畫作與 Club Dance 誘發靈感,動 畫《線舞》採用輕快的森巴節奏,以動作捕捉技術將自然的人 體動作美感表現出來。走進大城小我,《不完整的自傳》以第 一身描劃女孩的私密空間,以及她眼中的世界,筆觸懷舊的動 畫形成詩意夢幻般的氛圍;《誇啦啦》巧妙融合停格動畫與現 場演出,詩意飛揚地呈現童真的稍縱即逝;《沙甸魚》呈現一 系列快速而充滿戲劇性的畫面,編舞以定鏡兼一鏡直落,完全 懾住了觀眾的視點;黑白電影《巴仙尼》以強烈的影像捕捉了 舞者心靈的脆弱與孤獨,黑影映襯出舞蹈編排的辛酸,傷感的 音樂與難忘的歌聲營造了荒涼與淒絕的感覺。《控動》是舞者 與攝錄機的雙人舞,通過它的視角,攝錄機也成為敏捷、自有 個性的表演者,無情地追逐著它的拍檔,最後在高潮中收結。 片長約60分鐘,謝絕小費。 2


The first of three films set in London, Touched takes place over the course of a single evening in a bar, as its protagonists talk, smoke, drink, fight, laugh, weep and dance their way through their own personal dramas, while Gold documents - with the aid of some staged scenes - the demanding training and daily lives of a pair of young gymnasts, capturing their determination, vitality and playful competitiveness. Inspired by club dancing, and the dynamic paintings of Jackson Pollock and employing fluid samba rhythms, Line Dance uses the technique of ‘motion capture’ to illustrate the beauty of natural human movement. The Incomplete Autobiography with its first-person narration and sepia-tinted visuals invites us into the intimate and idiosyncratic world of a child and her perceptions of the world around her, the animation lending it a dreamy or imagined quality, while Tra La La combines stop frame animation and live performance in a poetic reflection on the ephemeral nature of innocence and childhood.


感動 Touched

Sardinas was recorded in one shot from a fixed position, and treats the viewer to an everchanging series of quick witted tableaux completely controlled by the choreographer. Basini poignantly and expressionistically shot in black and white features a lone, vulnerable dancer; dark shadows compliment the awkward, painful and rigid choreography, melancholic music with haunting vocals conjuring up a feeling of desolation and despair. Motion Control is a duet between camera and dancer; using point-of-view, the camera becomes a performer with needs, agility and a personality all of its own, relentlessly pursuing and courting its partner as the film builds towards an operatic and gravity-defying climax. Approx. 60 mins.


導演:大衛 • 辛頓 編舞:溫蒂 • 休斯頓 1994 Dir: David Hinton Chor: Wendy Houston 1994 2

金牌 Gold

導演:瑪加麗 • 查理爾 編舞:維 • 摩亞 2004 Dir: Magali Charrier Chor: Viv Moore 2004 6

導演:雷切爾 • 戴維斯 編舞:漢娜 • 吉格倫 2004 Dir: Rachel Davies Chor: Hanna Gilgren 2004 3

線舞 Line Dance

不完整的自傳 The Incomplete Autobiography 導演/編舞:雷雅斯里 • 雷瑪默石、斯卡 • 萬蕭特 2004 Dir & Chor: Rajyashree Ramamurth, Silke Manshott 2004

沙甸魚 Sardinas 導演:大衛 • 辛頓 編舞:溫蒂 • 休斯頓 1994 Dir: David Hinton Chor: Wendy Houston 1994


導演/編舞:亞歷克斯 • 魯賓 2004 Dir & Chor: Alex Reuben 2004 4

誇啦啦 Tra La La

巴仙尼 Basini 導演/編舞:里茲 • 阿紀斯、比利 • 考利 1995 Dir & Chor: Liz Aggiss, Billie Cowie 1995


控動 Motion Control 導演:大衛 • 安德森 編舞:里茲 • 阿紀斯、比利 • 考利 2002 Dir: David Anderson Chor: Liz Aggiss, Billie Cowie 2002 Image credits: Gold, Director: Rachel Davies, Photographer: Natasha Braier Tra La La, Director: Magali Charrier, Photographer: Gregory Nixon Sardinas, Choreographer: Lea Anderson

英倫舞蹈錄像 Forward Motion


透視 Insights 《透視》由英國舞者/編舞維納 • 蘭法爾帶觀眾進深一層,探 索風格迥異的實驗舞蹈電影。2008年跳格舞蹈錄像大賽「評審 特別大獎」得獎作品《放逐地平線》中,兩位流亡海外的伊 朗庫爾德族女子走在不明時空的荒漠空間,被無情的過去纏 繞,在清醒或沉重,下墜與重尋間釋放出來,是一次對女性身 份、土地與流放的沉思。女子在《消失點》裡踽踽獨行穿過 風動的沙丘,停下來,亮一記簡單動作,步步移近攝錄機,在 縈繞於懷的精緻音樂配襯下,觀眾仿如經歷了一次冥想又或朝 聖之旅。《磁性北方》發生在北風凜冽的芬蘭小鎮,少女在結 冰的湖面上溜冰,少男在室內彈奏結他,一個充滿青春期少 年夢想與渴求的世界。《夜間練習》中:一群少年在運動場內 操練球技,場外的跑道上一位賽跑手在默默跑圈,群體與個人 對照下,他們的脆弱與強而有力的體能,構成一幅真摯動人的 圖畫。《雪》全片以1890至1960年代檔案資料片段組成,以逝 去年代的雪地滑稽動作造成喜劇效果;擅長以倒後播放方式呈 現動作美感的雪萊 • 洛夫在《保鮮紙》大玩物料質感與動作之 間的互動關係。南亞舞蹈家 BharathaNatyam在《交疊》中不僅 顯得豐富多姿,更讓觀眾對表演與表演者有更親密的體 會,那是在觀看劇場表演時無法獲得的經驗。《手》就是 一隻舞,由喬納森 • 伯羅斯為放在大腿上的一對手而編排的作 品。片長約90分鐘。


消失點 Vanishing Point

Vena Ramphal presents a programme of experimental British dance films. In the award-winning Horizon of Exile two women journey across a timeless desert landscape travelling as though released from consciousness or gravity, falling and recuperating, haunted by an irrepressible past. In Vanishing Point, it is a lone figure that makes her way across windswept sand dunes performing a simple series of gestures, each time moving a few steps closer to the camera; with its haunting ethereal sound track, the viewer is left feeling that they have witnessed a form of meditation or pilgrimage. In Magnetic North adolescent rituals are played out across the wintry landscapes of a small Finnish town; young girls skate on a frozen lake, while indoors teenage boys play and pose with guitars, evoking a world of adolescent fantasy and yearning. Night Practice uses the sight of a group of young men practicing football on a floodlit pitch being encircled by a lone runner to mesmerizing effect; it is an authentic and touching portrayal, capturing both their fragility and powerful physicality. Snow is constructed solely from archival footage, using movement from a bygone era to often comic effect, while Film, which runs entirely backwards, is a playful exploration of the texture of materials - in this case clingfilm - and motion. Fold is a lush and vibrant rendition of a South Asian dance, Bharatha Natyam , allowing the viewer an intimate experience of performance and performer that could never be realized in the theatre, as does Hands which is literally a dance — choreographed by Jonathon Burrows – for a single pair of hands. Approx. 90 mins.


導演:若斯瑪麗 • 布徹、馬丁 • 奧塔 2004 Dir: Rosemary Butcher, Martin Otter UK 2004 2

雪 Snow

導演:蘇珊娜 • 沃林 2006 Dir: Susanna Wallin 2006 4

導演:大衛 • 辛頓 編舞:羅斯瑪瑞 • 李 2003 Dir: David Hinton Chor: Rosemary Lee 2003 1


夜間練習 Night Practice

手 Hands 導演:亞當 • 羅賓斯 編舞:喬納森 • 伯羅斯 1995 Dir: Adam Roberts Chor: Jonathan Burrows 1995


保鮮紙 Film 導演/編舞:雪萊 • 洛夫 2005 Dir & Chor: Shelly Love 2005


磁性北方 Magnetic North 導演/編舞:米蘭達 • 潘尼爾 2003 Dir & Chor: Miranda Pennell 2003




交疊 Fold 導演/編舞:維納 • 蘭法爾 2004 Dir & Chor: Vena Ramphal 2004

8 5


放逐地平線 Horizon of Exile 導演/編舞:依莎貝 • 羅卡莫娃 2007 Dir & Chor: Isabel Rocamora 2007

Image credits: Snow, Director: David Hinton, Choreographer: Rosemary Lee Horizon of Exile, Director/Choreographer: Isabel Rocamora Fold, Director: Vena Ramphal, Photographer: Gregory Nixon Vanishing Point, a film by: Rosemary Butcher & Martin Otter

英倫舞蹈錄像 Forward Motion 25

藝術家之選 Artists’ Choice 由英國藝術界至勁猛人推介至好玩的舞蹈錄像:英國獨立形體 及劇場藝術家溫蒂 • 休斯頓心水之選《野孩子》,八歲男孩在 幻想國度裡複製了一個自己,以身體動作為自己創造了一個不 可思議的超現實狂舞世界;曾於2006年與梅卓燕於CCDC節目 《迷走雙城》合作的印度裔編舞家修芭娜 • 嘉亞辛推薦的《鳴 金收兵》,由從不跳舞的軍人以多變的行列在鏡頭前構成多幅 有趣的舞蹈風景;英國鬼才編舞邁克爾 • 克拉克推介《霍夫曼 的故事》(選段)改編德裔法國作曲家奧芬巴哈這部歌劇遺作 的電影版本,以舞蹈說故事;《劇情片(選段)》由 多媒體 前衛編舞及學者若斯瑪麗 • 卜契爾推介,英國視覺藝術大師德 格拉斯.哥頓執導,將希治閣經典電影《迷魂記》的懸疑緊張 音樂,配合指揮家的靈巧的手勢,讓大家感受巴黎歌劇院樂團 現場演奏的震撼;獨立舞者/編舞家羅素 • 馬列分特推介的, 是著名MV導演基斯 • 簡寧漢,以Portishead名曲《Only You》拍 成的流動影像詩篇;而大家熟悉的編舞家艾甘 • 漢則選了DV8 肢體劇場創辦人萊爾德 • 尼爾遜拍攝的《生活的代價》:兩個 街頭藝人在夏天將盡時,於英國偏僻小鎮賣藝維生的故事,充 滿DV8的招牌黑色幽默。片長約75分鐘 。


A programme featuring dance films selected by high profile dance makers. Wendy Houston introduces the magical Boy, in which an eight-year old conjures up an imaginary twin, and Shobana Jeyasingh presents the absurd but disturbing Tattoo where the English countryside is the setting for a senseless yet beautiful military exercise. Michael Clark offers an extract from Powell & Pressburger's acclaimed film version of The Tales of Hoffman, while Rosemary Butcher chooses a clip from Turner Prize Winner Douglas Gordon's Feature Film, a video projection which interpolates Bernard Hermann's music for Hitchcock's Vertigo with close-ups of James Conlon conducting the Paris Opera Orchestra performing the score. Russel Malliphant's choice is acclaimed music video director Chris Cunningham's promo for Portishead's Only You, and Akram Khan concludes with The Cost of Living focusing on two street performers in an English coastal town at the end of the summer season. Approx. 75 mins.

野孩子 Boy


導演:彼德 • 安德森 編舞:羅斯瑪瑞 • 李 1995 Dir: Peter Anderson Chor: Rosemary Lee 1995 2

鳴金收兵 Tattoo 導演/編舞:米蘭達 • 潘尼爾 2001 Dir & Chor: Miranda Pennell 2001


霍夫曼的故事(選段) The Tales of Hoffmann (extract) 導演/監製:米高˙鮑威爾、艾默利˙普萊斯柏格 編舞:費德里克• 阿什頓 1951 Dir & Prod: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Chor: Frederick Ashton 1951



劇情片(選段) Feature Film (extract) 導演:德格拉斯˙歌頓 1999 Dir: Douglas Gordon 1999


只有你 Only You (Portishead)


導演:基斯˙簡寧漢 1998 Dir: Chris Cunningham 1998 6

生活的代價 The Cost of Living 概念/導演:萊爾德˙尼爾遜 2004 Conceiver /Dir: Lloyd Newson 2004

Image credits: Boy, a film by: Rosemary Lee & Peter Anderson Film, Director: Shelly Love, Photographer: Rob Hardy Tattoo, Director: Miranda Pennell, Photographer: Margaret Williams

26 勃根地國際舞蹈錄像節精選 The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy Selection




拜愛娜 Baiana


導演:瑪妮雅 • 普羅科賓科 編舞:溫斯頓 • 哈金 加拿大 2008 6分鐘 Dir: Mariya Prokopenko Chor: Winston Hacking Canada 2008 6 Min


導演:法蘭克 • 布朗尼格、馬里薩 • C • 海斯 法國 2009 14分鐘 Dirs: Franck Boulegue, Marisa C. Hayes France 2009 14 Min



導演:羅伯特 • 普羅斯 編舞:安德烈 • 派斯 加拿大 2006 4分鐘 Dir: Robert Prowse Chor: Andrea Pass Canada 2006 4 Min


歌舞明高 Kabukimenco 導演/演出:凱西 • 羅斯 美國 2008 3分鐘 Dir/Perf: Kathy Rose USA 2008 3 Min

在一起 Together


導演:瑪麗 • 基恩 編舞:史蒂夫 • 巴茨、烏蘇拉 • 萊馬里、 菲利普 • 斯圖爾特 愛爾蘭 2008 6 分鐘 Dir: Mary Keane Chor: Steve Batts, Ursula Laeubli, Philip Stewart Ireland 2008 6 Min


地層 Strata

動物 Animalz 導演:塞爾吉奧 • 克魯斯 編舞:JP奧馬里 葡萄牙/英國 2006 3分鐘 Dir: Sergio Cruz Chor: JP Omari Portugal/UK 2006 3 Min

雙海運河 Le Canal des deux Mers 導演/編舞:奧里尼 • 佩特朗 加拿大/法國 2008 3分鐘 Dir/ Chor: Aureie Pedron Canada/France 2008 3 Min



勃根地國際舞蹈錄像節精選 The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy Selection 27


3:45pm 廣東現代舞團小劇場 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre, Guangzhou

「法國勃根地國際舞蹈錄像節」是2009年由勃根地多個城市的 戲院與文化機構聯合舉辦的大型舞蹈錄像節。本節目精選13齣 來自全球各地參賽的舞蹈錄像,其中多齣為得獎作品:《地 層》以影像描述庫梭城歷史遺痕,並因此令製作人發起催生這 個藝術節,讓觀眾體會到這種變化多端的新生藝術形式;來自 愛爾蘭的《在一起》探討在一切科技掛帥的現代社會中人性是 否仍在的問題;葡萄牙/英國聯合製作的《動物》,一群年輕 舞者演出潛藏體內的獸性;美國出品《夢飛行》,兩個女人練 習飛行;另一齣美國製作《歌舞明高》一如其名,將歌舞伎與 佛蘭明高來個大串燒;加拿大的《拜愛娜》中女子被祖先靈魂 上身,追認自己的前世今生,由Creole芭蕾舞團演出;兩名男 子在加拿大與法國合拍的《雙海運河》中載沉載浮,與無言劇 《CEA》的田野景觀雙映成趣;還有法國電影《鳥》,以動作 呈現個人與集體身份之別;《海難》中,一幕幕看似是災難的 畫面,超慢鏡頭拍攝剎那間一種無以名狀的思想狀態。英國的 《二進式》將即興舞蹈片段以二進式呈現;以色列的《二樓》 講現在、過去與未來,配以 John Zorn 音樂;澳洲《分裂》的 主角,由科技連繫,也被科技割裂。


The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy touring programme includes 13 dance videos from all across the globe. Strata, a physical exploration of the traces left from various periods in the history of the city of Le Creusot, was the film that literally gave birth to the festival; the makers, eager to share their work alongside other international artists equally passionate about the multidisciplinary nature of dance and video and help audience appreciates this growing and diverse form of art, organised a global submission call for video dance resulting in a full-scale festival at various theaters and institutions in different cities in Burgundy in 2009. Among the award-winning films on show are Together, about humanity, or the lack of it, in today's modern world, from Ireland, Animalz, a Portuguese/English co-production in which young dancers bring out the animal in themselves, and the American Flying Lesson where two women dream of flight. Also from the US comes Kabukimenco which as the title suggests mixes aspects of kabuki theatre with flamenco. From Canada comes the transformational dance film Baiana featuring movement by Ballet Creole, the wordless CEA, and a co-production with France, Le Canal des Deux Mers. Other French films on show are Les Oiseaux, a look at the notion of identity, and Naufrage, a title which translates as shipwreck. Completing the impressively “international” line-up are Binary Form from the UK, the Israeli First Floor with music by John Zorn, and the Australian Fragmentation.

夢飛行 Flying Lesson


導演/編舞:羅珊娜 • 錢默斯基、菲爾 • 赫特納及安德烈 • 勒納 美國 2007 5分鐘 Dir/Chor: Rosane Chamecki, Phil Hardner and Andrea Lerner USA 2007 5 Min


導演/編舞:馬克 • 奧米德 以色列 2007 6分鐘 Dir/Chor: Mark Ornit Israel 2007 6 Min


海難 Naufrage 導演:克洛林達 • 杜蘭德 法國 2008 7分鐘 Dir: Clorinde Durand France 2008 7 Min

二進式 Binary Form 導演:基斯汀 • 懷特、傑克 • 美聖吉 英國 2009 2分鐘 Dir: Chirstinn Whyte, Jake Mesenge UK 2009 2 Min


二樓 First Floor

鳥 Les Oiseaux 導演/編舞:桑德仙尼 • 賴斯多法爾 法國 2009 14分鐘 Dir/Chor: Sandrine Reisdorffer France 2009 14 Min


分裂 Fragmentation 導演:蘇桑 • 福克斯 編舞:詹姆斯 • 簡寧漢、蘇桑 • 福克斯、羅布 • 坦尼昂 澳洲 2007 5 分鐘 Dir: Suzon Fuks Chor: James Cunningham, Suzon Fuks and Rob Tannion Australia 2007 5 Min



12 10


28 跳格加料節目 Jumping Frames Festival Plus

JUMPING FRAMES FESTIVAL PLUS 《超迷你舞蹈電影》裝置展 Tiny Dance Film Installation Exhibition 跳格邀請美國紐約編舞家彼得 • 凱爾及聲音藝術家詹姆斯 • 迦 佛同時於香港、澳門及廣州舉辦《超迷你舞蹈電影》裝置展, 以懷舊的影畫戲箱配以超迷你屏幕,呈獻多齣在不同公眾地方 排練及拍攝的短片,並且奉行簡約主義:拍攝不打燈,全部一 take過,務求令作品去蕪存菁,在方寸內帶觀眾進入清新、有 趣又好玩的舞蹈錄像欣賞經驗。

9 - 22.11 10 - 29.11 11.11 - 12.12

亞洲首現 Asia Premiere 免費入場 Free Admission

In addition to cinema screenings, Jumping Frames presents American choreographer Peter Kyle and sound artist James Bigbee Garver’s Tiny Dance Film Series, in which short dance films are screened in darkened kiosks for an audience of one. All films are choreographed, rehearsed, and filmed in public spaces ruled by a strict manifesto - all are done in one take, using only natural light - the results provide a uniquely personal, interactive experience for the viewer, evoking a feeling of nostalgia for the old-time penny arcades.

澳門廣場 Macau Square 廣東現代舞團 Guangdong Modern Dance Company, Guangzhou 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong

工作坊 Workshop

英語主講 Conducted in English

彼得 • 凱爾及詹姆斯 • 迦佛 的錄像及聲音藝術

Peter Kyle and James Bigbee Garver and the Art of Video and Sound

彼得 • 凱爾與詹姆斯 • 迦佛經常在世界各地教學及創作駐場計 劃,包括工作坊及大師班。他們於實際經驗取材,策劃一系列 與舞蹈和表演相關的工作坊,並通過跨界教學和創作,著重在 過程中學習、了解和探索運動方式,提昇身體,動覺智力和應 變能力。最終讓每一個學員重新審視舞蹈元素,並發展自己的 藝術視野。

Peter Kyle and James Bigbee Garver conduct teaching and creative residencies internationally, including workshops for students of all skill levels and age groups. Drawing on their substantial experience in the field, they offer workshops in a range of dance and performance related topics, and are concerned with the ongoing process of learning to understand and explore movement, in ways that allow for physical, kinesthetic and intellectual resilience. Their classes invite each individual to look again at the elements of dance and to develop their own artistic voice.

廣東現代舞團 Gunagdong Modern Dance Company 舞團內部課程 For company dancers only 特設觀課名額,每位收費人民幣15元。查詢及報名請電廣東現代舞團 15 - 16.11 9:00am – 1:00pm 黎小姐 (86) 20 8704 9512或電郵至admin@gdmdc.com Limited observer’s quota is available at RMB15. Please contact Ms. Lai of Guangdong Modern Dance Company at (86) 20 8704 9512 or email at admin@gdmdc.com for enquiries and enrolment.

澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校 School of Dance, Macau Conservatory 學院內部課程 For students of Macau Conservatory only 20 - 21.11

查詢請電澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校 (853) 2875 0562 For enquiries please call School of Dance, Macau Conservatory at (853) 2875 0562

講座 Talk

英語主講 Conducted in English

彼得 • 凱爾及詹姆斯 • 迦佛的錄像及聲音藝術 Peter Kyle and James Bigbee Garver and the Art of Video and Sound 17.11 7:00pm – 9:00pm 節目伙伴 In partnership with

油麻地 kubrick-bc (百老匯電影中心側) kubrick-bc, Yau Ma Tei (next to Broadway Cinematheque) 講座名額有限,查詢及報名請致電 (852) 2329 7803或電郵至info@ccdc.com.hk Limited quota is available, please call (852) 2329 7803 or email info@ccdc.com.hk for enquiries and enrolment.

院校支持 Supporting Institution U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau

跳格加料節目 Jumping Frames Festival Plus 29

今屆跳格首次伙拍中國主要城市的合作伙伴,邀請歐美舞蹈錄 像藝術家駐節,為觀眾帶來一系列加料節目,包括裝置展覽、 大師班及講座等,在銀幕以外探索舞蹈錄像的無限可能。

For the first time, Jumping Frames, in collaboration with partners in major cities in China, invites dance video artists from Europe and the US to hold a series of Festival Plus programmes, including installation exhibitions, master classes and talks, to explore the unlimited possibilities of dance videos. 加料節目資助 Festival Plus events are sponsored by

大師班 Master Class

英語主講 Conducted in English

《 舞蹈、錄像與即興的 不期而遇 》

Unexpected Encounters — Dance/Video/Improvisation

蘇格蘭舞蹈錄像藝術家卡特里娜˙麥克弗森和 西蒙˙菲爾德斯大師班

Master Class with screendance artists Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes

此項密集式課程專為有興趣探索即興舞蹈與錄像創作的人士 而設。兩位導師將透過即興舞蹈創作及拍攝練習,探討如何 把即興舞蹈發展成為舞蹈錄像素材,並以剪接練習及作品觀 摩,探討錄像技術如何能夠捕捉舞蹈表演的特點 — 自發性、 力量、存在以及觀眾的交流。參加者宜具備基本錄像拍攝及剪 接經驗。

This intensive course is open for those interested in exploring the creative interface between improvised dance & video dance practice. Each session starts with exercises to awaken the body, and then proceeds to focused practical sessions on in-camera editing facilitated by Katrina or Simon, looking at different issues for dancing and filming, using improvisation as the primary creative method. They will also explore the ways in which improvisation can be used to generate video dance material and how camera techniques can capture certain characteristics of dance performances: spontaneity, energy, presence, how it connects to an audience. Participants are expected to have some experience of filming.

9:30am – 5:30pm 9:30am – 5:30pm 9.11

香港浸會大學傳理學院 Film Academy, School of Communications, Hong Kong Baptist University 特設免費觀課名額,查詢及報名請電城市當代舞蹈團 (852) 2329 7803 Limited observer’s quota is available for free. Please call CCDC at 2329 7803 for enquiries and enrolment.

13.11 & 14.11 21.11

澳門 iCentre Macau 課程費用 Course Fee:澳門幣MOP 450 查詢及報名請電澳門 iCentre (853) 2872 3766 For enquiries and enrolment, please call iCentre at (853) 2875 0063

18:30 – 21:30 10:00am – 1:00pm 節目伙伴 In partnership with

院校支持 Supporting Institution

30 放映時間表 Screening Schedule


香港 Hong Kong 日期 Date

11.11 四 Thu

時間 Time 節目 Programme



7:10pm 五 Fri 8:35pm 9:55pm


1:20pm 六 Sat 2:40pm

15.11 一 Mon


8:00pm 9:30pm

8:00pm 二 Tue 9:45pm

地點 Venue

開幕電影 本地一手播—珠三角舞蹈錄像 Opening Film Local Focus — New Productions of the Pearl River Delta Region 亞洲新視野 Discover Asia 跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目一) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 1) 翩娜包殊之青春交際場 Dancing Dreams — Teenagers Perform “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch 嘩啦啦舞蹈動畫(二) Dance and Animation II 舞影無疆界 — 葡萄牙與巴西短片展 Dance Without Borders — Portuguese and Brazilian Shorts 本地一手播—珠三角舞蹈錄像 Local Focus — New Productions of the Pearl River Delta Region 歐陸搜影 European Panorama 翩娜包殊之青春交際場 Dancing Dreams — Teenagers Perform “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch 跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目二) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 2)

百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque

放映時間表 Screening Schedule 31

廣州 Guangzhou 日期 Date 時間 Time 節目 Programme

13.11 2:15pm 六 Sat

3:45pm 7:30pm*

14.11 2:30pm

跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目一) Jumping FramesDance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 1) 法國勃根地舞蹈錄像節精選 The International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy Selection 本地一手播—珠三角舞蹈錄像 Local Focus — New Productions of the Pearl River Delta Region

跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目二) 日 Sun Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 2) 4:00pm 亞洲新視野 Discover Asia 5:15pm 嘩啦啦舞蹈動畫(二) Dance and Animation II

地點 Venue

廣東現代舞團小劇場 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre

澳門 Macau 日期 Date 時間 Time 節目 Programme

14.11 3:00pm 日 Sun

19.11 7:30pm 五 Fri


20.11 3:30pm

卡特里娜.麥克弗森舞蹈錄像作品展 Selection of Katrina McPherson's Dance Video

地點 Venue

澳門 iCentre iCentre Macau

翩娜包殊之青春交際場 Dancing Dreams — Teenagers Perform “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch 澳門大會堂 歐陸搜影 Cineteatro Macau European Panorama 英倫舞蹈錄像:引介 Forward Motion: Intros 英倫舞蹈錄像:透視 Forward Motion: Insights 英倫舞蹈錄像:藝術家之選 Forward Motion: Artists’ Choice

澳門藝術博物館演講廳 Auditorium, Macao Museum of Art

日 Sun 4:00pm

跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目一) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 1) 跳格舞蹈錄像比賽優秀作品展(節目二) Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition Finalist Showcase (Programme 2)

澳門東方基金會 Macau Oriental Foundation

本地一手播—珠三角舞蹈錄像 Local Focus — New Productions of the Pearl River Delta Region

澳門大會堂 Cineteatro Macau

六 Sat 5:00pm 7:45pm

21.11 2:00pm


* 設映後藝人談 With Post-screening discussion

32 購票須知 Ticketing Information

TICKETING INFORMATION 香港放映 Screenings in Hong Kong

澳門放映 Screenings in Macau

地點 Venue 香港百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong

地點 Venue • 澳門大會堂 Cineteatro Macau

票價 Ticket Price HK$ 80 (開幕電影 Opening Film) / HK$ 60

• 澳門 iCenter Macau

優惠票價 Discount Price (不適用於開幕電影及「跳格」通行證 Not applicable to Opening Film and Jumping Frame Pass)

• 澳門藝術博物館 Macao Museum of Art • 澳門東方基金會 Macau Oriental Foundation

• HK$48(適用於票房及網上購票 Applicable to box office and online ticketing) CCDC Dance Generation 特級會員及百老匯電影中心會員 CCDC Dance Generation Premium Member & bc VIP member • HK$40 全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士及殘疾人士 Full time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above and people with disabilities 購票辦法 Ticketing 親臨票房或自動售票機購買 Tickets available at the box office and ATM at the cinema 電話購票 Phone Booking: (852) 2388 3188 網上購票 Online Booking: www.cinema.com.hk 網上及電話購票均需收取每張$6手續費 $6 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone

• • •

售票條款 Terms & Conditions • 長者優惠適用於60歲或以上長者,購買長者票必須於票房劃位前及入場 前出示年齡証明文件 • 購買學生票必須於票房劃位前及入場前出示有效的全日制學生証 • 所有已出售的門票均不能退款,亦不能更換其他放映之場次 • 所有門票均受百老匯院線的銷售條款所約束-請參閱 www.cinema.com.hk網頁上之告示 • Senior ticket for aged 60 or above. People must present proof of age before purchase ticket and admission to the house • Student must present valid full time student ID card before purchase ticket and admission to the house • All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable • All tickets are subject to the Purchase Policy of Boardway Circuit — Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at www.cinema.com.hk

票價 Ticket Price MOP$40 (澳門大會堂放映節目 Screenings at Cineteatro Macau) 免費入場 Free entry (其他節目Other progammes) 節目查詢及訂票 Programme Enquiries and Booking (853) 6257 5447 / jf@creativelink.asia

廣州放映 Screenings in Guangzhou 地點 Venue 廣東現代舞團 Guangdong Modern Dance Company 票價 Ticket Price RMB¥20 節目查詢及訂票 Programme Enquiries and Booking (86) 20 8704 9512 / admin@gdmdc.com

節目更改或取消安排 Programme Change and Cancellation Arrangement 主辦單位保留更改節目及放映的影片、時間及地點之權利。節目更 改或取消的詳情,請留意「跳格」網站(www.jumpingframes.com)及 放映場地的通告。 Presenter reserves the right to change the programmes and screening schedule. Screening alterations and cancellations will be announced on the Jumping Frames website (www.jumpingframes.com) and at the screening venue.

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries (852) 2329 7803 / info@ccdc.com.hk

「跳格」通行證 Jumping Frames Pass


通行證持有人可持證觀看所有於香港澳門廣州三地的各場放映。 購買及詢查:(852) 2329 7803 / info@ccdc.com.hk Admits to ALL screenings in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou. Purchase and Enquiries: (852) 2329 7803 / info@ccdc.com.hk

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