American Site Builders Brochure

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Safety. Performance. Honesty.

The best choice in renewable energy, power and civil construction.

American Site Builders was established to provide civil concrete construction services to the energy and utility industries. At that time, the company specialized in deep drilled pier foundation construction and pad foundations for substation electrical equipment, transmission lines, wind turbine towers, and power plant facilities.

OUR STORY American Site Builders, LLC (ASB) is a Limited Liability; Minority owned company headquartered in Amarillo, Texas. It is 100% owed by Dwayne and Debbie Hoving and was established in 2007. Debbie Hoving serves as President and Dwayne Hoving serves as CEO of ASB. Within a span of 6 years, ASB has grown to become a turnkey, self-performing supplier of power construction services to meet the demands of a “niche” market. In addition to its initial service offerings, the company added services in the wind farm construction sector and turnkey construction services in the substation and transmission sectors. This includes road construction, pad construction, excavation services, electrical substation construction, lattice assembly and wire pulling for transmission lines. Electrical construction in the “energy industry” requires technical acumen, clarity and focus unparallel to “general” construction project standards. Tolerances are small and

deviations from engineering requirements are not permitted, and thus a true expertise is essential. Because of the liability and exposure risks involved, most construction companies are not eligible to participate in project build-outs. ASB has proven it’s financial and construction processes to its customers without fault. Through an unwavering commitment to provide exceptional construction services delivered on time, within budget while exceeding customer expectations, ASB has positioned itself as one of the only turnkey construction services provider in the United States. Since 2010, ASB has grown from 8 (eight) full time employees to more than 176 (one hundred seventy six). ASB employees and management are the “face” of the company. Each team member, by their signed commitment in the employee handbook and daily activities, helps facilitate the core values by which ASB is defined. This mindset and attitude is what promotes the essence of ASB in its

OUR STORY efforts to provide a superior products and services to its customers. By understanding the needs of its customers and putting those above its own, ASB can participate as a genuine “partner� acting on the best interest of its client while maintaining its commitment to safety, quality, performance, and honesty. ASB recognized that success is built on a solid business foundation, and sustained through a commitment to excellence with streamlined processes and procedures in a culture of continuous improvement. ASB continues to attract and retain top talent in an industry where technical expertise and exceptional performance are crucial in maintaining a sustainable advantage over the competition, while never losing focus on the needs of its customers, in their pursuit to achieve success in a competitive global economy.

ASB continues to be a self-performing, turnkey construction services provider in the power and utility industries. This distinction allows the company to penetrate markets that other companies in the industry cannot and, gain a significant client base that includes: So-Cal Edison, PG&E, Mid American, Pennsylvania Power & Light and NextEra to name a few. As the first half of 2014 comes to a close, ASB continues to build on our momentum. With a solid relationships with our existing clients, a pipeline of new projects, strong business systems in place, and a welltrained team committed to excellence, ASB will continue on to grow and almost certainly distinguish the company as one of the premier suppliers of power construction services.






ASB has grown to become a turnkey, self-perform-

At its inception, ASB was established to provide

American Site Builders has a proven track record in

ing supplier of power construction services to meet

concrete construction services to the energy and

providing specialized contracting services to meet

the demands of a “niche” market. In additivon to

utility industries. The company specialized in deep

our client’s environmental needs. Our crews are

its initial service offerings, the company added

drilled pier foundation construction and pad

well adept at working in environmentally sensitive

construction services in the wind farm construction

foundations for substation electrical equipment,

areas as well as routine landscapes. ASB ensures

sector and turnkey construction services in the

transmission lines, wind turbine towers, and power

every project complies with all applicable regula-

substation and transmission sectors. This includes

plant facilities. Our experience and strength of Field

tions through Best Management Practices (BMP’s)

road construction, pad construction, excavation

personnel and Management ensures a safe, timely

and highly skilled crews and management.

services, electrical substation construction, lattice

and quality product for each project.v

Power Constructions Sevices.

assembly and wire pulling for transmission lines.

Concrete Construction Services.

Civil Construction services.

OUR TEAM Dwayne Hoving. Chief Executive Office

Byron Logue. Chief Finacial Office

Jeff Dryer.

Vice President Power Opearation

Dwayne’s success as a business leader and entre-

Byron’s career in the construction industry has

Jeff has served as Lead Estimator, Senior

preneur spans more than 16 years across both

included every facet of the process and over-

Project Manager and Operations Manager for

public and private sectors. His formal education

sight of hundreds of projects of varied size

large construction projects both domestically

includes a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology

and scope. His contribution to the refinement

and internationally. Jeff’s “word is his bond”

from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and a

of the company’s financial operations and

and always works until a project meets our

Master of Science Degree from Our Lady of the

corporate governance have streamlined all

client’s expectations. His commitment to

Lake University. It is his passion for deep sea and

business units to allow them to focus on their

completing each project on time and within

fly fishing, however, that influences his leader-

core competencies. His contagious energy

budget is a reflection of his dedication to train

ship style of patience and relationship building.

is directed after business hours to coaching

tirelessly for Ironman triathlon competitions.

local youth basketball leagues.



Success is built on a solid business foundation, and sustained through a commitment to excellence in a culture of continuous improvement.




Head Quarter USA

American Site Builders LLC 3700 Business Park Drive Amarillo, TX 79110



American Site Builders 3700 Business Park Drive Amarillo, TX 79110


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