NOTE: A Looking-Glass is a Telescope
12 Zodiac Signs
Aquarius: the Mad Hatter holding his Teapot from which water constantly flows, never stopping
Pisces: the Fish Footmen
Aries: Sheep from the Shop. “Are we sure it was a ewe?”
[Note: The difference between a sheep & a ram are the horns & genitals, in which both is covered with a hat or coat in the story]
Taurus: the Mock Turtle. Victorians used Veal to make mock turtle soup & turtle has a calf’s head, tail & hooves
[Note: there is also a male Walrus “bull” in the story & a Buffalo mentioned in the song “a sitting on a gate”]
Gemini: Tweedledee & Tweedledum [many signs seen along Alice’s path to tweedledee|tweedledum’s house, but no house shown = symbol of astrological 3rd house]
Cancer: the Crab from Caucus Race
Leo: the Lion
Virgo: Alice (the Virgin)
Libra: King of Hearts [the judge in the courthouse holds the scales of justice]
Scorpio: The Lobster [note: early depictions of Scorpio were of a carapacious shelled’ monster]
Sagittarius: White Knight on his Horse [inseparable & trained in aspects of war]
Capricorn: the Goat in the railway carriage
Characters as other Constellations
King: Jupiter
Dutchess [King’s Mistress]:
Ursa Major
the March Hare
Father William:
Humpty Dumpty:
Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder [egg holds the serpent]
Pawn Finial:
North Pole where Draco & other characters dance around
Andromeda Chained:
Hatta the queer Anglo-Saxon Messenger
Antila Pneumatica [Air Pump]:
Hydra the water snake. Caterpillar as Hydra when he uses the water pipe or hookah, as the air has to draw through the pipe
Argo Navis the Ship:
Sheep & Alice in Rowing Boat [her boat has fleece in it = mirrors
Jason’s Argo ship in search of the Golden Fleece]
Bootes the Herdsman:
The Carpenter
Canis Major & Minor:
The Dog [the size in which she encounters the canine “scaled down” or “sized up”]
Camelopardalis the Giraffe: Alice with Stretched Neck
White Queen who inappropriately shows her petticoat
Centaurus the Centaur: the Red Knight
White King [Cassiopeia is his White Queen]
Cetus the Sea Monster: the Walrus
Chamaeleon the Chameleon: the Tove [changing from badger to lizard to corkscrew]
Corvus the Crow/Raven: a Teacup [an object of desire that wants “the tea”]
Cygnus the Swan: the Dodo. Dodgson was called Do-Do because of his stammer
Delphinus the Dolphin: the Mouse from the pool of tears [turns to a porpoise|purpose]
Draco the Dragon: the Jabberwock
Equuleus the Little Horse: the White Knight
Fiume Giordano:
the Milky Way with North Pole
Fornax the Furnace:
the Furnace Fly
Father William [holds up/balances the eel on his nose]
Heritonius the Charioteer:
Red Queen carrying Alice
Horologium the Pendulum Clock:
The Looking Glass Clock
Hydra the Water Snake:
the Caterpillar [combined with his water pie or hookah]
Hydrus the Lesser Water Snake:
The Eel from Father William
Indus the Indian:
the Man in the Railway Carriage
Lacerta the Lizard:
Bill the Lizard
Lepus the Hare:
March Hare
the Black Kitten & Jaguar [wolf]
The Cheshire Cat
the Music & likely the Mock Turtle [note: Hermes had a lyre make out of tortoise shell rabbit blows a horn when dressed as a Herald]
Medusa’s Head:
Cheshire Cat’s head with invisible body
Microscopium the Microscope:
the Guard with Binoculars
Monoceros the Unicorn:
King’s Crown Leo has 12 points [astrological sign] of winning the zodiac belt. Unicorn lost and is thus banished outside of the sun’s path/ring/crown
Musca the Fly: the Bread & Butter Fly
Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder:
Humpty Dumpty. [egg holds a serpent and humpty holds Alice’s hand & Alice is called a serpent by a pigeon]
Orion the Hunter:
the Old Man on the Fence [hunts for eyes, crab’s and butterflies]
Pavo the Peacock:
Knave of Hearts [struts and positioned with the Tray of Tarts behind him the make the shape of a peacock with fanned tail]
Pegasus the Winged Horse: the Rocking Horse Fly
the Executioner [ordered to execute the Cheshire Cat, Alice, the Cards, Duchess & Croquet Players]
the Gryphon and/or the Plum Cake [Lion & Unicorn] as it rises in a fire/oven and miraculously transforms into a cake
Pixis Nautica:
the Compass & the White Rabbit [shows up when Alice is stuck or lost]
the Net. The White Queen uses a hair net to tidy her hair
Sculptor: the Sculptor. Tools in a workshop – Dodgson [book’s author] denoted exceptional days in his written diaries with a metaphoric white stone marking
Drink Me Bottle
the Kings Sandwich & the Paperman’s triangular Hat
Tucana the Toucan: the Borogrove Bird
Vulpecula cum Anser the Fox & Goose: Bishop [fox] & Pawns [geese]