…and a Toucan in a Palm Tree!
Let’s Meet the Egg-Citing HR Team…
Great news! Loyal, watchful and organized, Alison likes to make sure all of your ducks are in a row. If she suspects any fowl play, please know that she is im peck able with her line of reasoning and will solve all of your HR problems.
Have you been clucking around and need some assistance with your benefits?
Have you been chicken out all of our new job positions? Well, Ariel will watch you like a hawk to ensure you get through the hiring process smoothly. Her know it owl wisdom will set you up for a successful career. No need to experience npheasant or hawkward moments when she has your back!
Diane is one of the first faces you see in HR [in other words, she has seen a lot of weird ducks]. She is always happy to help you feather your nest. Diane does a great job ensuring you don’t have to be “owl” alone when you are trying to figure it out.
A real multi tasker, Emily has an eagle eye for detail. Work with her long enough and you’ll find out she’s one “good egg.” She enjoys order and hard work and will teach you that the early bird catches the worm!
Are you wondering what the flock is going on with your HR file? Well visit Jenny to collaborate on a solution. Just don’t ruffle her feathers and birden her with your drama, because she believes conflict is for the birds!
Proud as a peacock, Jody can’t stop raven about the awesome employee training programs. She often tries to kill two birds with one stone, while keeping her “eye on the birdies.”
Johanna can easily fly with the flock because she’s “coo.” When HR life gets a little looney, you’ll want Johanna to help you work it out. So, you think you are going to pull one over on her; well, she’ll let you know that toucan play at that game!
Driven and alert, Kerry is found at the top of the pecking order. Are you being sassy? Well, she’ll give you something to crow about! Protective and fierce, don’t let her fool you with any of her screeching; she understands that “birds of a feather flock together.”
Kerry really wished she had come up with training’s TOUCAN DO IT slogan!
Well, good news Kerry, TOUCAN also share this role with Jody! We will just mix a little bit of that dodo bird with a little bit of the toucan bird and…
A real hoot! Fun, energetic and full of life, most days Mark is as free as a bird. When he is not off on another wild goose chase, he is in the office just as happy as a lark to be here. However, he often experiences bouts of “r-egrets” about not being able to visit his camper in the winter…
Mark really wanted to be the TOUCAN!
Beep beep outta the way, here comes Michelle to save the day… Are you a bluebird? Unemployed? You just don’t give a hoot anymore? Have you been through the wing-er and just need a new career opportunity? Maybe you are even stork raven mad with fowl work situations? Well, what the flock; Michelle will surely fix all of that…let her help you wet your beak, as she gives you a bird’s eye view of some of our best career opportunities.
While Molly may be hard to locate in the main HR office, she does not live on the dark side of the “loon!” A real tweety pie, she is always hooting for you, and ready to take you under her wing. You will not feel a loon for long with Molly’s help!
Vibrant & interesting, Shelly will help you figure out what the duck is going on around here. Are you frustrated and need help? When it is ostrich to figure it out, just ask for Shelly because she understands it can be a real birden to ask for help!
Wise as an owl, this home bird is usually alert and thinking. Are your benefits proving to be a bit of a fuster cluck and you need help figuring them out? Well Sue will quack the case for you. HR can also be full of details, so could you please crow away and leave her alone, so she can be owl focused when she is helping you with your file.