There is a treatise specific to the genus Processus Sathane from the 14th century, entitled Processus Sathane infernalis contra genus humanurri, where the Virgin Mary uses legal & rhetorical skills against a demonic procurator.
A representative of Satan asks God for his right to mislead mankind.
The Processus Sathane, or Masscheroen’s [Devil] Game, as it is also known, dates back to the 12 century, a time when Mariolatry, or devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, was at its peak. It stages the trial between God & the Devil for the fate of humanity, with the decisive role of the Virgin Mary as the defense advocate. Mary convinces God to forgive mankind & to reject the Devil’s claims. The Devil and Masscheroen are defeated and humiliated and humanity is saved.
“Now that mankind can be forgiven for sins, Satan & his demons fear that they will be deceived of their right to tempt people to sin. The devils decide to elect a representative to go to the Tribunal of Heaven to plead their cause. Masscheroen, the chosen one, asks God to summon mankind before the tribunal & accuse them. God agrees, stipulating that the day will be Good Friday. Masscheroen objects, but God assures him that he will be granted a dispensation [permission to do something that is normally not allowed].” Masscheroen appears early on Good Friday & studies the court to find the best place to make his accusation. He is armed with the Bible for reference. Nothing happens: no representative of the accused arrives, and, at noon, Masscheroen is impatient. God tells him to be patient. Masscheroen blurts out, “I’ve spent this day in the realm of justice, but there’s no justice.” God suspends the court until the following day. Meanwhile, Maria learns of the situation & offers to defend humanity. The next day he arrives in court with an entourage of angels, patriarchs & prophets, in spite of Masscheroen. Mary sits at the side of Jesus, the judge. Masscheroen protests, but Maria is allowed to stay. Masscheroen pulls out his Bible & reads a verse that God said to Adam and Eve: “This you must know: You can eat from all fruits except this one, and you will regret the hour when you eat of it, because you will die one after the other.” ~JJ 1
Masscheroen demands that these words be carried out at all times. Mary replies that the devil is guilty of falsehood for deceiving Adam and Eve, and blames him for the Fall. Masscheroen is mocked by the court. He says that offenses must be punished even if there is no accuser. Mankind has sinned publicly & neither he, Masscheroen, nor Maria can influence the case. This worries Maria, and she makes a compassionate appeal to the court. She tears her clothes and shows her breasts, reminding Jesus how she gave birth to and fed them. Crying, she asks him to choose between her & Masscheroen. Jesus rejects Masscheroen. Masscheroen replies, “Flesh & blood have advised you, and not the righteousness of heaven. I knew it was going to happen. It’s hard to have the Judge’s mother as an adversary.” But he doesn’t give up & changes his strategy. It proposes to divide humanity. He should have the lion’s share, because good people are just a mustard seed. Mary responses by turning to Jesus, “This was done a long time ago, when you were hung on the cross, and you bought mankind. We will therefore not have to do any further weighing.” Masscheroen screams in rage. He asks for 2 lawyers, and he is given Justice & Truth. The angels advise Mary to choose lawyers and she chooses Mercy & Peace. The four lawyers continue the debate. In the end all four side with Maria, and Masscheroen makes a humiliating retreat. ~JJ 2
The correlation between the Processus Sathane & the paranormal can be identified in serval aspects. For example, with the presence of Satan, the evil one, the angel who opposes God. The “devil” dia-bolos is the one who “throws himself in the way” of God’s plan and his “work of salvation” accomplished in Christ. The devil is one of the most well-known & ambiguous figures of evil, manifesting itself in various ways, including temptation, deception, accusation, possession, disease, death. The Devil is also the head of a hierarchy of demons, who are fallen angels who followed his rebellion against God. The Devil & his Demons are considered supernatural beings, who can influence the natural world & the lives of men, but who are subject to God’s power & justice. In addition, the practice of exorcism, which is the act of freeing a person or place from the influence of the Devil or his demons, is present in the Processus Sathane. Exorcism is a ministry of the Church, which is exercised by priests authorized by the bishop, with the use of prayers, signs & sacred symbols. Exorcism is based on faith in Christ, who conquered the Devil by his death & resurrection & who gave his disciples the power to cast our demons in his name. Exorcism is also a form of charity, which aims to free people from evil & return them to God’s grace. ~JJ 3
"Finally there is also a supernatural part related to the role of the Virgin Mary, who, in the Processus Sathane, is seen as the Mediatrix between God and Humanity, the mother of mercy, the queen of heaven and the victor over evil. Mary is the woman who said "yes" to God, welcoming within herself the Son of God made man. Mary is the mother of Christ and of the Church, who intercedes for her children and protects them from the Devil. Mary is the woman clothed with the sun, who fights against the dragon, symbol of the devil, in the vision of the Apocalypse (Revelation). Mary is the woman who crushes the head of the serpent, symbol of original sin, in the prophecy of Genesis. Mary is the woman who is invoked with various titles and devotions , including the Ave Maria, the Rosary, the Magnificat, the Litany, the apparitions, the medals and the images.“ ~JJ
The oldest known version of the Processus Sathane dates back to 1260 in Maerlant, on the island of Oostvoorne, by the Flemish writer Jacob van Maerlant [1235-1300] & the translation by Robert de Boron