Limitlessly You Issue 4 July2013

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Limitlessly YOU!

Inspiring A Limitless Life and Business. Published by Creative Possibility Coach, Shannon Bush & The Creative Possibility Team

Issue # 4, July 2013

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limitless welcome!

A note from Shannon... Hey everyone! I’m excited to be back with our fourth issue of Limitlessly You! Thank you for your wonderful feedback on our 3rd issue published back in April. You said you loved our guest contributor articles so I paid attention and this issue have even more. I love that I can call on an inspiring community of incredible people who are so excited to share their knowledge and expertise with you. I have had a really busy few months (that is possibly a great understatement) and you have seen that my first book was released at the beginning of June. It’s been a whirlwind since with all sorts of fabulous offers and the launch of a new joint venture project, She Believes Events, with some colleagues here in my home city, including Susan Broughton, one of our regular contributors. I’ll share more about my book and the She Believes Events initiative in this issue. Our Facebook community is growing every day so please, if you are on Facebook, come and hang out there between issues. I hope you <3 this issue. Thank you for being you and supporting Creative Possibility. I believe in you! P.S. I wanted to say a huge congrats to my assistant Pratima who welcomed her first daughter Sasha into the world on April 22nd!

In This Issue Note from Shannon Feature Article from Shannon; What Happens When You Lead Your Life Guest contributions How To Break Away From The Past by Susan Broughton Don’t Forget To Breath by Katy Tafoya What’s In A Name? by Tara Villeneuve Conversation Insights by Brian R. King Visualisation or Actualisation? Are You Anchoring Or Sabotaging Your Success by Dr Madisen Harper 3 Reasons You Should Be Building Your Business From The Brand Up by Catrice Jackson Mastering The Art Of Saying No by Leann Middlemass Inspiration from around the world Pre-order a signed copy of best selling Personal Leadership Style book Meet the Advocate Rescuer, the big hearted compassion junkie personal leadership archetype Limitless Life Inspiration on Creative Possibility - The Limitless Life Radio Show More of our usual potential transformation, certain inspiration, big bursts of colour and lots, lots more

At Creative Possibility we believe in education as key to create a limitless life so we now proudly support the education of 8 year old Kimlang in Cambodia as well as the Girls Fund project through Plan Australia by donating at least 5% of our profits monthly! You know what they say - educate a girl and you support a community so this is us doing our bit to stand up for what we believe in. Here’s a new pic of Kimlang with her mother. Hopefully we can share a letter with you soon but it takes on average 3-4 months for letters to be exchanged. 2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless sharing! Feature Article....

Shannon Shares

What Happens When You Lead Your Life? by Shannon Bush This is a question I have found myself asking from time to time as I deepen my understanding of what it means to lead your life. As I spent hours and hours crafting my recently published book I also went into my natural reflection mode and thought about what I was sharing. I realised that if I was going to encourage people to take ownership and become the leaders of their lives it was important to also understand why this was something worth doing. So what happens when you lead your life?

experiences that create them that increase your happiness. They say “like attracts like”. Others who are moving into or in the same confident space will begin to notice more about what you are doing. People who ‘drive’ opportunities will notice you and come knocking on the door. If you are in a job you might find that you receive more positive feedback and unexpected praise for your work. If you are in business you may have more rewarding client experiences, be approached to create joint venture partnerships, even sign new clients or suddenly seem to sell more of your product. Getting noticed for all the right reasons is getting noticed for being in ‘flow‘. When you are in flow everything just works, including the right people paying attention to what you are doing and letting you know they noticed.

When you lead your life you immediately put yourself into what I call your Effortless Success Zone. When that happens you experience an abundance of personal wealth that shows up in a diverse variety of formats. In my experience there are a certain number of things that have happened frequently in my life when I have stepped up and chosen to be the leader in my day, my week, my month and my life. Here’s more about my favourite three! (in no particular order)

2. High Value Opportunities Freely Flow Your Way

1. You Get Noticed For All The Right Reasons

Opportunities are positive events, experiences, connections and outcomes that can create more flow, effortlessness, ease and joy in your life. We all experience opportunity on a daily basis but it’s knowing the value of the opportunity that is important. Being able to tell the difference between a high value opportunity that is worthy of you investing your time, money, emotion, expertise and more into is an essential skill. That might sound a little difficult but it’s not really.

When you choose to lead your life and act like the leader of your life you create an inner confidence that can’t help but be noticed. With that confidence your attitude and approach to life and your business are more positive, more rewarding and more fulfilling and it’s those feelings and the

When you are leading your life you are much more in tune with what is right for you and therefore able to intuitively and intellectually know what to take action on and what to let flow by.

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless sharing! Feature Article....

Shannon Shares

Leading your life shows you value yourself and self-value is a magnet for positive, rewarding, high-value opportunities.

moment in time, doing whatever it is you are doing, thinking, being and feeling. When you lead your life you are making committed choices and taking committed action every day. What you do in your life is the result of the choices you make and the action you take. Being in control is leading. Leading is driving your life the way you want it to be. It’s that notion of being at the helm that means you are connected to a deeper sense of purpose and meaning is effortlessly present in your life. If for some reason you don’t feel that then do something to make a change.

Recognise, with gratitude what you do have and then make a choice and take action to create a different experience.

3. A Deeper Sense Of Purpose And Meaning Is Present In Your Life We all want to know, understand and express our purpose in life. Doing so with meaning makes the journey so much more rewarding and happiness abundant. I have to say I actually believe that if you are living in and on purpose then there is plenty of meaning in that. I recently connected with a guest on my radio show (the show goes live mid July 2013) and we chatted a little about purpose and how to find it. He reminded me of something very important that got me thinking about how so many of us wander around looking for our purpose. We somehow think that it is this big thing and that it is a challenge to find and express it. You know what? It doesn’t have to be that hard at all. What I was reminded was that, as Joseph Campbell said

if “your heart sings” then you are living your purpose every day and you have genuine meaning in your life. It doesn’t matter what you do. You could have a business, be in a job, be a stay at home mum parenting your kids, a student or a traveler. The what you do each day is irrelevant. If your heart sings then you are living in and on purpose at that

Loved this article? Share your thoughts on my blog along with your feedback and while you are there check out many of the other empowering articles created for you to support your life and business If you want to share this article in your own ezine or newsletter then that’s fantastic. Please include the following; About The Author: Shannon Bush Shannon Bush, the Creative Possibility Coach is a dynamic, creative, empowering coach and mentor with a limitless toolbox of fun, innovative and transformational opportunities for you to create a limitless life and business filled with succulent effortless success. Get started on your journey to a better life today by requesting a Limitless Life Discovery Session with Shannon via email

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless World!

Choose A Limitless Life

In my recently released book Personal Leadership Style: How To Lead Your Life With Effortless Happiness, Confidence And Purpose I shared a load of information to help share my view of personal leadership. I see personal leadership as something critical to living a limitless life. Personal leadership is, at it’s core a simple equation;

Committed Choice + Committed Action = Personal Leadership = A Limitless Life I really believe, with all my heart, that living a limitless life is a choice. So right now I ask you to think about something that you want to experience that will contribute to your life being limitless. Now make a choice and take action to bring that thought, dream or vision to reality.

Inspiration from around the world

Women For Women International USA & UK Just recently I came across this organisation based in the USA and UK supporting women and I felt that with our global community it was something I wanted to share with you all. I love that no matter where we are based we can still help women in places in the world that are far from home. Here’s what the Women For Women International website has to say about their work; Women for Women International works with socially excluded women in eight countries where war and conflict have devastated lives and communities. Each woman we serve has her own story—some of loved ones murdered, and others of physical and emotional trauma. Most have endured a struggle for survival. When we enroll women in our one-year programme, they learn job skills and receive business training so they can earn a living. Women become confident, independent and productive, embracing their importance in rebuilding their families, their communities and ultimately their nations. Women for Women believes that lasting change can only be achieved when women have access to both knowledge and resources. The Women For Women International Mission: Women for Women International provides women survivors of war, civil strife and other conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency, thereby promoting viable civil societies. We're changing the world one woman at a time. If you’d like to know more you can visit them on the web or find them on their pages on Facebook - Women For Women International and Women For Women International UK If you’ve got something to share that you’ve found inspiring in your part of the world in support of a limitless life for all we’d love to hear about it. Please send details to the Creative Possibility team at

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Abundance!

How To Break Away From The Past Are you struggling to break away from a part of your past that you feel it is time to let go of? Today my housemate broke a mug. She was very apologetic about it. I found it most amusing and an incredibly perfect metaphor. She broke my mug that said “Million Dollar Financial Adviser” You see I used to be a Financial Adviser. I have even been “accused” of being a Financial Adviser a few times since starting my business helping women to build confidence, clarity, awareness and freedom with their money.

are. You are infinite. You are so much more than any labels or roles that you may have played in the past. You can choose. Regardless of what choices you have made in the past you can continue to make choices in each and every day. Freedom, real freedom, comes from being in a place where you are empowered to choose. And you can always choose to be in that place. About The Author: Susan Broughton Susan Broughton is a recovering Financial Planner who helps women slay money dragons and create purposefully abundant lives. For free instant access to the Empower Your Money Gift Box including an eBook, powerful journal practice and meditation go to

My past was a huge part of who I thought I was. I spent so many years studying, practicing, getting ready to “be” a Financial Adviser. And then it was over. And it was time to move on. Getting to a place where I could let that go was difficult. It was hard to break free and reinvent myself. Who am I if not a Financial Adviser? I have often wondered... This broken mug has caused me to reflect and see that it is time now and totally okay for me to completely break free from this part of my past. Here are a few tips that may be useful to you if you are ready to break away from a part of your past. Watch for the signs. It may come in the form of a broken object. It may be a conversational topic that keeps coming up. It may be a feeling or a yearning within you that change is imminent. Watch for the signs and allow yourself to take them seriously. They are your message that you are ready to change to a new path, a path that is more authentically you and aligned with who you truly are.

Here I am with Susan at a recent women’s expo in our home city of Perth. Listen to Susan as Shannon’s guest on the Creative Possibility Radio Show

Remember that you will always keep the lessons. Everything that you experienced in your past relationships, career and life stages will stay with you and continue to serve you if you choose it. You can choose to take the lessons with you. Remember your lessons, you are already very wise. It doesn’t define you. The career you had. The relationships you had. The home you owned. Even the things you thought about yourself and the things others thought about you really don’t define who you 2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Creativity!

Creative Goddess Inspiration: Create A Mandala If I were to ask you if you were creative what would you say? Would the question fill you with terror because you just don’t think you are creative or would you be excited to share your answer and tell me all the things that you do to indulge your inner creative goddess? If you’re in the first category don’t worry. I want to share something fun you could do to embrace your creative side and the awesome thing is you don’t need to be artistic or feel very creative to give it a go and reap the benefits creative play has for us all. This message is inspired by one of our contributors and my good friend Katy Tafoya from Success For Solopreneurs. Recently Katy asked for some creative guidance by starting a conversation on Facebook about how to embrace her own creative goddess. There were loads of different answers shared and I got really excited when I saw one of her friends mention colouring a mandala. What’s a mandala you ask? Well from my understanding it’s an ancient tool for centering and focus. It can be created using a range of different medium but for the purposes of this suggestion why not try colouring one in. You can download all sorts of free templates on-line like here and here or here. Or you could create your own following the simple steps that I use to create what I call an Intention Mandala; 1. Draw a circle 2. Find what feels to be the centre 3. Set an intention or theme for your mandala 4. Fill the circle with patterns, lines, shapes or an image, working from the centre point out towards the edges 5. Place your mandala somewhere you can see it and let it inspire you, focus you and help you to feel calm In May I completed a 30 Day cleanse and created a mandala at the beginning of the month to capture my intention. I saved a picture of the mandala as a screen saver on my phone so I could be reminded of my focus!

Mandala more or less means "circle" or "centre". Shapes and patterns are added to a clearly calming centre point. • Mandalas are healing mediums for the soul • Mandalas are the merging of body, spirit and soul • They uncover your inner creativity

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Life! Effortless Success Zone Challenge Your Effortless Success Zone is about being in a space where you are living from your strengths. Things flow freely, there is increasing ease with everything you do. Life is quite simply more effortless! Your Effortless Success Zone Challenge for this edition is to;

Decide what you are ready to release and do one thing each day to show yourself you are actively releasing whatever it is that’s been holding you back! You do deserve a Limitless Life

At Creative Possibility we view a ritual as a repeated action focused on celebration! This issue’s Personal Leadership Ritual asks you to Make a list of 3 things each day that are getting in the way of you living limitlessly! The take our Effortless Success Zone Challenge (at left) to release all that ‘stuff’!

Personal Leadership Ritual of the ISSUE

Leadership Is Not Just For Business Or Work! It’s For Life When I first realised that leadership was what I was intensely passionate about I did what I always do as a Mentor Teacher and I started researching and reading as much as possible on the topic. I’ve always thought of leadership in terms of how it relates to us across all areas of our lives. What I discovered when I conducted a Google search was that most (I’d guess 95% or more) of the references when you search the term leadership return a whole bunch of different results that link leadership to the workplace and business only. That disappointed me greatly. Leadership is about your life. It is not just something that happens at work or in your business, unless you let it be limited to those parts of your life. I’m not sure when I first began the intense research but I know that early on I found a determination to focus on personal leadership as my ‘thing’. While I am passionate about a lot of topics (like creativity, education for girls and women, small business success, living a life you love – just to name a few), I have definitely found my calling, if you like, focusing on personal leadership as my key topic of choice. This has resulted in the release of my first book, Personal Leadership Style: How To Lead Your Life With Effortless Happiness, Confidence And Purpose and I am really excited that all over the world there are countless women reading it right now. I want every woman to realise that you have significant influence over what happens to you in your life, each and every day. When you can know who you really are and your real strengths you are equipped with confidence that helps you to make better choices and then to take action on those choices in a way that leads to your life being genuinely fabulous. I hope, that over time, you are inspired by my enthusiasm and passion for leadership in all areas of your life. Read recent articles from the Creative Possibility Blog here

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Life!

Don’t Forget to Breath "To live is not merely to breathe; it is to act; it is to make use of our organs, senses, faculties - of all those parts of ourselves which give us the feeling of existence" ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau Take a deep breath. Right now. No, really. Now another. And just one more. Believe it or not, most of us spend a lot more time holding our breath than you might think. Crazy, right? I mean we've been breathing our whole lives. Except when we're totally congested or maybe unexpectedly underwater. Yet we rarely stop and think about how we breath or even how shallow our breathing might be. This past weekend I attended a yoga-slash-breathing class for finding your true voice. Considering I'm someone that quite frequently holds my breath or runs out of breath when I'm teaching or speaking and am on a roll, I figured I'd try it. While I can't say it was what I expected (to be honest, I didn't really have any set expectation other than I'd be surrounded by actresses and singers), but it was cool. And I did learn a few things. Most importantly...I am much more aware of my breathing and the many occasions and situations when I'm more likely hold my breath (like as I proofread this now). Did you know that we often hold our breath when we're in transition?

Alternating Nostrils - I learned about this one during my first ever yoga class about 15 years ago. Basically, using your index finger you block one nostril on the inhale (make it a deeeeep inhale) and then you block the other nostril on the exhale. Do this about 10 times and I promise you'll feel much mellower. Alternating Nose-Mouth Breathing - This is a combination of every yoga, meditation and breathing exercise I think I've ever heard...and super simple. Basically take a deep breath through your nose and then you exhale through your mouth. See, super simple. I like to add in a couple of words or phrases when I do this - especially since I often do this as I'm trying to fall asleep. This can be as simple as "peace" on the inhale and "relaxation" on the exhale. Or "love" and "forgiveness". Last night I was working on "I easily and effortlessly" on the inhale "let go and release" on the exhale (works great for letting go of all that crap in your brain as you fall asleep). Yes, both of these breathing exercises take a little work. It's simple work, but it's still work. We're changing up your natural breathing patterns. It might be a smidge uncomfortable (or less comfortable and not quite as natural), but that's part of the awareness and the moving away from reacting. Where not just working on our much needed deep breaths, but we're also working on changing our focus from the outside and turning it to our inside. Play around with it and see what works with. I think you'll notice a big improvement in your day to day activities when you stop to take a couple deep breaths before, during or even after starting new tasks.

We hold our breath when we wait for someone to answer the phone. We tend to hold our breath as we change the channels. We even hold our breath as we wait for our cars to turn over. And let's not forget all those times we hold are breath as we hit "send" or "update" on all our social networks and emails.

If you'd like some more breathing exercises or some guided meditations that might help you further, drop me a note and I'll send you some resources to check out.

That's a lot of time holding breath.

About Katy Tafoya

But when you find the time to sit quietly and become more aware of your breath, it helps you to engage more fully in life. You're no longer responding and reacting to whatever comes at you. You're in a calmer, more zen (there, I said it) space. Which means there's less of a tendency to react, and more of a tendency to pause and breath, and yes, think, before you respond. I've learned two very simple breathing exercises that can help de-stress and calm you down in the moment. And while both might have fancy schmancy names, I have no idea what those names might be.

ACTION PLAN: Take 30 seconds and take some deep inhales and exhales. You'll notice a change immediately.

Katy is teacher and a small business coach who finds joy in helping women claim their passion and expertise. She guides solopreneurs to make their lives and their businesses juicier, more fulfilling and more successful. If you're ready to transform the business you love for the life you desire you can sign up for a free subscription to her weekly ezine at

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless support!

claim Your bonus Giveaways now.... Have you checked out our resources page at our online home resources recently? We have a growing range of bonus free giveaways and resources that you can use to enhance your life and business

Recent Episodes on Creative Possibility Radio The Art Of Activating Your Personal Power with Tara Villeneuve Send Your Energy Sky High with Joanna Rushton Live A Limitless Life; Yes You Can with Dr Madisen Harper (see Madisens article page 16) Be Brilliant Now with Julie-Anne Black

With each new edition of Limitlessly YOU! we publish free downloads related to the content you’ve been reading to support you further

Emotional Wellness: A Gift Of Happiness For You And Your Kids with Leann Middlemass (see Leanns article page 12)

Here’s just some of the newest fabbo stuff we’ve got for you

Be True To Yourself And Be Free: An Eco Fashion Designers Inspiring Story About Creating A Limitless Life with Arlette Lee

Mindfulness practice to start your day How To Be A Limitless Life Goddess poster (see page 7)

If you have an inspiring story, a fabulous book, a life changing service or product and you want to share it with a global audience we’d love to hear from you. Send an email to telling us why you think you’d make a great guest on Creative Possibility - The Limitless Life radio podcast show and we’ll be in touch if we think you’d be great for our growing number of listeners

Forgiveness of yourself and others offers you inner magic that magnificently flows through your life. Now that’s Creative Possibility! 2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Self-Care!

Mastering The Art Of Saying “NO” It is among the smallest words in our vocabulary, but the mere mention of the word NO can create havoc in our lives. Two year olds can master the word No and be steadfast in their decision, yet some one in their 30s would struggle with the same reaction. So why is that we find ourselves committing to all sorts of requests from our family, friends or even the boss when in reality we want to say NO. It stems from our childhood when we are taught that it is wrong to hurt other people and this includes their feelings. It’s been instilled in us that we are selfish if we put our needs before others. We therefore say YES to requests that come our way for two reasons: 1. A “NO” can be misconstrued as a form of rejection by either parties. 2. We’re afraid we will miss something or we’re being left out by not attending and no one likes to be left out. But what of our own feelings, when do these enter the equation? I often laugh at people who say yes to an event then spend minutes, hours or even days trying to conjuring up an excuse (which is really a lie we tell ourselves) in order to negate the request. Why is it that we find it so hard to just be honest and say No thanks that’s not for me, and for both parties to be OK with the answer. I guess it all comes down to reprogramming our brains to be comfortable with rejection. So here are a few ways in which to make that process much easier.

The Request When a request comes your way you will automatically feel the need to give a response. STOP!!!! - STAY QUITE- Before giving your answer draw a breath and hold it for a second or two. This delay should give you enough time to access your true feeling about the invitation. If it is something you wish to attend or do, then simply say so. If not you’ll need to put a few tactics in place. The Delayed Tactics If you’re response if not forthcoming you may like to say one of two things. 1. “Could I have a moment to think about it and I’ll get back to you.” 2. “This sounds exciting but I will need to check my schedule, can I get back to you.” Another way to buy some time is to use a higher power approach such as: 1. I will need to check with my husband 2. I will need to see what the kids are up to. All of these responses however will only give you a moment’s breathing space; you’ll still need to give an answer sooner or later. The NO If the person is applying pressure, then simply say No. A firm No may have the other person back down and give you the breathing space you need for an appropriate response. If they continue to persist, because its time sensitive you’ll need to be firm in your response for additional time. When you waiver you’re giving an indication that you’re happy for them to try and persuade you, kind of like leaving a door open for someone to come into.

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Self-Care! A firm no slams the door indicating your mind is firmly made up.

3. You’re being true to yourself (and that’s very hard for most people to do.)

Ask Questions

The Catch Up

If uncertainty leaves you wishy washy then try asking a question such as “why do you want me to come?”Or “who else is coming?” These kinds of questions not only buy you some thinking time, but could eventually speed up your own response.

Often when I have said No to someone I‘ll try and do a catch up with them in a few days to see how the events went.

If at the end of a few minutes you’re still uncertain then a No may be the answer you need. Be Direct Once you have made up your mind you will need to be direct with your response after all no one is a mind reader and we all hate waiting for a return phone call. If you’ve decided not to go, then say so and do it with conviction to ensure that door is well and truly closed. If you need to make a call-don’t delay. (This also gives the other person the opportunity to invite someone else should you say no.) If I’m undecided I’ll call and tell them my reasons for my indecision. If I need more information I’ll ring and let them know where I am at. Either way the most important thing is to keep the lines of communication open. After The NO Once you’ve said no you may feel a little flat because you may still not be use to saying no. In addition you or the other person may feel a little let down. This is where you need to stay positive, not be too hard on yourself and focus on the benefits for you: 1. You did not have to go somewhere you did not want to go or do something you did not want to do. 2. You did not have to lie to the person with your excuses.

If they are unresponsive it’s because they have had their feelings hurt. Although you may have said no it’s the emotions that they have attached to their memory that are now surfacing. You unfortunately have no control over how someone else thinks or feels. You can only control how you feel. When others are feeling unhappy they often have a tendency to lie, blame others or justify why they feel that way. When they do that they give their power away and with it the opportunity to change how they are feeling. It is not uncommon in these circumstances for the other person to try and make you feel guilty for not attending. When this happens you need to turn the table on them so that they understand that it is their feelings that are causing their negative thoughts and not you. Often I like to remind them by saying: 1. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself 2. Wow what a shame you didn’t enjoy yourself. Hopefully by using the word “you” you are letting them know that it’s their thoughts that are creating their unhappiness. Although they may try and blame you for their unhappiness know that their unhappiness is a direct result of their thoughts. Change your thought change your actions or reactions. You cannot effect change on them without them first wanting to. Sticking to your guns and not going into agreement and feeling guilty will take some time to perfect.

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Self-Care! Have Boundaries People who have good boundaries find it easier to say No rather than commit to a task or event that they do not wish to do. As parents we say No to our kids all the time for various reasons. If you have family boundaries this makes your No easier. “No you cannot watch TV till your home work is done.” “No you cannot go to Jenny’s house- remember you have to let us know 24 hours in advance.” Teenagers too need to know how to say NO as well. When asked if you like to attend a party “No I do not wish to attend the party,” is often very difficult to say, especially if they feel like they are missing out. When asked to go somewhere or do something check in with how you are feeling. Do you get excited at the thought of going? Or has uncertainty crept in. If so No may be your safest bet. Imagine being unsure and saying Yes only to sit in the corner at the party being ignored by the very people who asked you to attend.

Saying No will take some practice. But once you learn to master it you’ll be able to harness a power that will literally set you free. Stress comes from putting an unrealistic expectation on you. Once you learn the art of saying no you’ll have the power to be in the driver’s seat of your life and firmly in charge of your own destiny. About The Author, Leann Middlemass Leanne is a mother with significant experience in the personal development industry Leanne says her true passion lies in Emotional Wellness. An author of 2 books offering invaluable insights into how to understand your emotions Leanne has also developed motivational and wellness programs specifically for teenage girls, although she says that the programs would be beneficial to anyone wanting to reduce stress and have greater control in their lives. Find out more about Leanne here

Find it challenging to say NO? Set yourself a goal to practice saying NO using Leann’s suggestions in the article. If you struggle with saying no and find yourself consuming all your time doing everything for everyone else then you may well have the Advocate Rescuer in your Personal Leadership Profile! If you want to find out more about her check out the insights on page 24 or get yourself a copy of Personal Leadership Style: How To Lead Your Life With Effortless Happiness, Confidence And Purpose. The e-book is available on Amazon or you can preorder your paperback copy here (for release August 2013 and includes free shipping at the moment!)

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless business!

Effortless Success Business Booster! This issue’s Effortless Success Business Booster is a bit of a reminder of the power of reaching out and offering support by sharing your advice, knowledge and insights with others. As a women (or man) in business I know that you have invested a lot of time, money, emotion and more into establishing yourself and positioning yourself in terms of your expertise. I often meet women in business who are struggling to connect with their ideal clients or to get themselves and their businesses noticed. What I find most often is that they are in hiding. That really is the best way to describe it. What do I mean by hiding? You may have a business card, a Facebook page, a website with lots of amazing content but what are you actively doing to get out there and make sure people know you exist. The best SEO in the world won’t help you if no-one knows who you are! On page 21 I’ve shared a note about how I met contributor Tara Villeneuve. Tara really stood out to me as a woman I wanted to get to know when she dared to not only comment on a Facebook page post I put out asking for feedback. She took it a step further and sent me a very detailed messaging offering her advice and expertise in answer to my question. That single response has led to Tara appearing as a guest on my radio show, to contributing to Limitlessly You! and to most certainly gaining my support for anything she needs.

Your mission this issue is to do one thing each week that ensures you get noticed for all the right reasons!

Connect with Shannon Weekly: New Episodes of Creative Possibility: A Limitless Life Radio Show on Web Talk Radio (available as a new downloadable free podcast each and every week!) July 12th - Speaking at Free To Be Me in Perth, Australia - a new event from She Believes Events (book here) August 1st - How To Publish A Best Selling e-Book on Amazon Lunchtime Learning @ Spacecubed, Perth CBD August: Personal Leadership Style Paperback available August 7th - Meet the Author Chat for WA Special Families August 10th - Guest on Stephanie Pedersen’s Your Big Life Radio Show August 15 - Sept 1st: Shannon attending an art retreat and writing her new books in Bali September: Limitless Life e-Program launches - group program Late September: Meet the Author Chat at Moondance Massage, Manjimup October: New issue of Limitlessly You! published - Subscribe here! October: Book Launch Party for Personal Leadership Style TBC November: Personal Leadership Mastery Day Retreats launch (details coming soon)

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2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Life! Article.... Feature

Shannon Shares

Visualisation vs Actualisation – Are You Anchoring or Sabotaging Your Success? By Dr. Madisen Harper The Law of Attraction is hot a topic for those who want to manifest a better existence. The process refers to the energetic concept of ‘like attracts like’ and is a pivotal principle to creating a limitless life. Previously it was defined as ‘thought creates form,’ but practitioners of this law soon discovered that emotions were a key driver in creation. It’s for this reason that affirmations, positive statements of desire, repeated to affect the subconscious, often don’t elicit a response if they are not fueled by positive emotions. It is considered the most powerful law in the Universe and is the basis of everything that comes into your experience, both wanted and unwanted and the latter doesn’t have to be considered ‘bad.’ We live in a duality-based world, which means we need to know lack to know abundance, hate to know love, sickness to know wellness, limited to know limitlessness and so on. By understanding the duality, you can be grateful for the circumstances that are neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad,’ but just ‘are.’ Each side of the coin offers an alternate perspective of the same state and opportunity to gain valuable insights and lessons.

anchoring and actualizing the experience into the 3D world. Those who discover the Law of Attraction often get excited by the principle of first in the mind and then in reality. They learn the power of visualization, a state of relaxing and playing out desired scenarios, like movies, in their mind to elicit the emotions to activate the manifestation process. Vision boards are another tool where a visual display of the desired lifestyle is created through pictures and words. These seemingly simple manifestation concepts are appealing as many are often exhausted by decades of ‘doing’. It feels nice to sit back and relax into mental and emotional co-creation. But here’s a theme I’ve noticed amongst clients; they spend months, years and sometimes decades practicing the Law of Attraction and working through and healing issues as they arise, but when the manifestation occurs they often feel uncomfortable and sometimes even reject the bounty that is being bestowed upon them. The reason revolves around healing challenges and blocks which is important otherwise they will remain an inhibitor to manifesting the desired experience. You can’t just focus on the desires and ignore the elephant in the room of what’s been tripped you up time and time again. Here’s something I know for sure, if you haven’t manifested, there’s a part of you that believes it’s beneficial to stay the way you are and until you address that progress is going to be slow or halted.

As the Law of Attraction is vibrationally based, it responds to your thoughts, actions, words, and emotions that must be aligned in order to manifest your desires. If you’re saying, “I want a fulfilling new job” but cringe and feel fear when you look at the job classifieds then what you’re feeling and what you want are vibrationally opposed. The challenge is to align positive thoughts and feelings to attract more of the same. As the Law of Attraction has gained momentum I’ve witnessed another challenge that can sabotage success and that’s using a key Law of Attraction tool, visualization, for too long and not

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless life! Article.... Feature

Shannon Shares

Here’s what’s going on. When you visualize you are creating imaginary scenarios you want to experience in this reality. No doubt as you process the emotions and information, feelings of uncertainty come up and challenges arise, “Am I worthy?”, “Am I lovable”, “Can I do it?” These are great opportunities to work through and heal blocks, but they’re often only the tip of the iceberg. When you’re healing and learning on the visualization plain you’re working with your mind who is trying to anticipate and overcome challenges – it’s what your mind thinks will happen and as you know your mind is often limited by thoughts and beliefs of others and your environment.

live in the 3D world, imagination is a great tool but doesn’t fulfill you in your day-to-day life. Which would you prefer? Imaging your soul mate or experiencing their arms wrapped around you. Imaging work that fills your heart or making a difference dayto-day. Anchor the reality sooner rather than later, it’s not safer to hide behind the mind’s illusions, use visualization as a launch pad to a beautiful reality that you embrace now.

The real opportunity arises when you stop overthinking and start actualizing the experiences as you often find a whole other layer, the massive base of the iceberg, where the reality magnifies the actual challenges. This recently happened to Jenna, a woman who wanted to change her career from salesperson to counselor. She dreamed of being of service for years and took action to obtain her counseling qualifications and set up her business. Jenna imagined herself helping clients daily and feeling fulfilled in the process. When she visualized she experienced feelings of doubt around whether she could start her own business and worked to overcome them. Two years passed and Jenna still hadn’t stepped into her role until her friend Marty suggested it was time. It was a scary, yet life-changing process. Jenna reflects, “I thought I was ready, but I obviously wasn’t, otherwise it wouldn’t have taken two years. When I started practicing all these fears came up that stopped me in my tracks. I thought my challenge was around being my own boss, but when I began I realized all these other thoughts and worries were at play, ‘Am I worthy to help people? Who am I to guide others when I’m not perfect?’ It’s no wonder it took me years to take action as these massive showstoppers were playing out in my subconscious. If Marty hadn’t encouraged me to get going and stop delaying I would never have had these realizations or the opportunity to overcome them. It was a surprisingly short process but I’m pleased to say I worked though the issues and an enjoying my new career.”

Live A Limitless Life; Yes You Can with Dr Madisen Harper on Creative Possibility - The Limitless Life

Dr. Madisen Harper is an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and life enrichment mentor. Her #1 international bestselling book, limitLESS: 10 Energy Excelerators to Access Your Infinite Potential outlines a framework that has guided over 90,000 people to triumph in self, health and wealth and in areas where they previously failed. Madisen is offering Limitless Magazine readers FREE access to her 10-week course, Introduction to Meditation, Spiritual and Energetic Awareness. Click here for information on the FREE 10-Week Course.

The Law of Attraction tools are fantastic but don’t sabotage yourself by staying stuck in visualization mode. Actualize and anchor your desires. After all you 2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Business! Feature Article....

Shannon Shares

3 Reasons You Should Be Building Your Business From The Brand Up Regardless of where you are in your brand building journey your brand needs to be a top priority and focus. Invest your time, energy, money, resources and passion into building a strong, relevant and distinctive brand. I know firsthand what happens when you become externally focused on building your business and what happens when you do not have a clear, strong, pulsating brand. When I first started my business in 2008 I thought brands were only for products in the grocery store or department stores. No one taught me that as an entrepreneur that I should be focused on building a brand for my business and or why it is essential to business success. Nevertheless, I learned the hard way and soon figured out that without a brand I really didn't have a business. I had some success and many failures within the first few years of business and it wasn't until I truly and deeply understood the power of a brand that my business success dramatically increased. Prior to the “aha” moment and turn around there were moments when I want to throw in the towel and give up. Now that I know this "secret" and the power of it I am compelled to share it with every business owner and aspiring entrepreneur I know.

you chose those specific brands. Maybe you chose them for the products value, quality, price or likeability. It doesn't matter why; the point is that you spent your money on the product for a reason. The makers of those particular brands know "why" you spent your money and it's just as important for YOU to know "why" your clients will buy your brand products. The makers of those brands understand the "psychology" behind creating a brand message to speak to your needs, wants, desires and values. They effectively have woven the magic answers into their brand-marketing message and you said YES. Don't work hard to get YES; work on your brand and let it work for you. If you don't build your business from the brand up and invest in strengthening your brand you won't have a platform to stand on as you broadcast your marketing message. If you are marketing your products without making sure they are an extension of your brand there's a high possibility that you are confusing your potential clients because you are "confused" about what your brand is.


Here are 3 reasons why you should be building your business from the brand up: 1. Your brand is the #1 business asset that needs the most attention now and forever. Make sure yours is clear, distinctive, relevant and credible. Truth is people buy brands; plain, simple...period! Think about the products you have in your home right now. There is a reason why

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless Business! Feature Article....

Shannon Shares

2. Branding will never go out of style or become a temporary fad. Stay on the cutting edge or get cut out. The days of physically going to the store or market to get ALL of the products you need is slowly fading away. Internet sales and online shopping are here to stay and the trend will continue to grow that shoppers will be shopping online more and more. Shoppers have many more choices these days and they are being bombarded with online offers all the time. They are shopping for brands that provide what they need or want, brands that promise value or quality, brands that communicate relief or a solution to their challenge and or brands that clearly communicate the transformation they desire. YOUR brand needs to communicate all of that based on your brand platform, brand promise and brand values. Do you know your brand platform, promise and values? How can you communicate what customers need and want if you don't know what they want or what your brand will promise and deliver? Branding is not going out of style so don't sleep on your brand. As more brands enter the marketplace you've got to stay innovative and on the cutting edge of what customers want or another brand will. Make sure your brand-marketing messages are fresh, engaging, exciting and keep up with brand marketing trends.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH BRANDING MESSAGES = MAKES CLIENTS SNOOZE AND CLICK AWAY 3. Build your brand from the inside out. Customers and clients don't want to see your brand costume they want to feel your CORE values. If you are building your brand right now and you are focused on colors, a website, a logo, programs, packages and offers you are starting in the WRONG place. While those things are an important piece of your brand they are NOT what a potential client/customer cares about at the deepest level. They want to know who you are, what you value and what you stand for. They want to know what your core values are so they can decide whether your values and their values line up.

They want to know why you do what you do and why you offer what you offer. They want to know what you are passionate about, what excites you and what makes you come alive. They want to feel the pulse of who you are through your brand. As you can see all of the above has little to do with your external brand. Start building your brand from the inside out and make sure YOU can answer the questions above and communicate them effectively when you market the brand of you.

SHOW THE WORLD THE REAL YOU SO THEY CAN KNOW YOU, LIKE YOU AND TRUST YOU. Think of your business as a house. The concrete foundation must be your brand. If you build a strong, reliable, customized and personalized brand your business will have a strong basis for business building success. Think of the walls as your core values. Think of the ceiling as your big "why" and then adorn the house with the rest of the bells and whistles. Building a brand you love from the inside out takes time, effort, authenticity and care. Don't rush it but don't get caught up in procrastination either because procrastination = paralyzation. Your gift to the world in the form of a business service is too important to be a disservice by not doing it or doing it the unproductive way.

About The Author, Catrice M. Jackson Catrice is the BOSSLady of Branding, Empowerment Speaker and Two-Time International BestSelling Author

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless BUSINESS!

What’s Really in a Name?

unnecessary obstacles, and distractions that slow down the progress you could be making. But here’s the best part......

The very moment you were born, a series of personal cycles - represented by numbers - were set in motion that will carry you through your entire life. At that magnificent space in time, you were also given a one of a kind, abundance formula. Your souls custom map to pure expression, bliss, fulfillment and freedom. Your compass for navigating life on Earth......Your Spiritual Numbers Code. Numbers are symbols, messengers and incredible tools that not only allow you to understand your experiences, yourself and others better, but also have the power to literally work miracles in your life! As an Astro-Numerologist and Coach, I demistify the unknown by revealing the hidden talents, gifts and messages contained in your one of a kind code, so that you can align and THRIVE in your Divine Flow. But there’s one very important piece of your code that outweighs all others - your current name! “A GOOD name is better than precious ointment” Ecclesiastes Your current name (the name you’ve chosen to use right now) is your ‘Sacred Calling Card’, because the number that your name adds up to, projects a powerful vibration that influences how your life unfolds from one moment to the next. So of course, you want to make sure that this significant piece of your Spiritual Numbers Code supports you! Why?

You are in complete control when it comes to your current name because unlike your birthdate or birth name - which are set in stone and are neither positive or negative, meaning they’re what you make them - you can change your current name at anytime! (With a little help of course) For example....we all know Madonna. Whether you love her or hate her, she is a great example of someone who, like countless others, was not aware of the power behind her current name when she changed it from “Madonna Ciccone” to just “Madonna.” And thank goodness she did because “Madonna Ciccone” resonates to a very challenging 18/9 vibration which certainly spoke to the multitude of obstacles she faced growing up and trying to get her career in modern dance and music off the ground! “Madonna” on the other hand, resonates to a very fortunate 27/9 vibration which brings abundance, authority, and power by carrying out ones own creative and original ideas and plans, which Madonna has absolutely been able to achieve time and time again.

However, you don’t have to drop half your name to get a positive name vibration! In fact, it can be as simple as subtracting or adding just 1 letter.

Because having a fortunate name elevates you on your path to achieving your deepest dreams and goals by bringing a sense of effortlessness to your life, and attracting synchronistic events, opportunities, people, and resources to you! On the other hand, having a challenging current name can really create a lot of inner confusion because it clouds your ability to ‘see’ clearly under pressure, leaves you feeling less energized and out of sync, while at the same time attracting

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless BUSINESS!

Take George Clooney for example. George has a challenging current name number of 11/2 which brings an overall feeling of incompleteness in his life and a lot of division especially in his relationships (because the number 2 represents the joining of two people) which we’ve certainly seen play out time and time again for him. Now if he were to change the spelling to “George Cloony”, a very fortunate 15/6 vibration would be activated for him which would absolutely support him in manifesting a lasting relationship and family, as well as any form of abundance he so desired. But this profound principle doesn’t just apply to your personal life. Just think of all the ways you use names and numbers in your business! For example...

About The Author, Tara Villeneuve Tara is a Personal Freedom Advocate, AstroNumerologist and Coach with a fiery passion for Cultivating and Celebrating the Uniqueness within the Soulful Woman. By revealing the messages with your Spiritual Numbers Code, Tara guides you back into your Divine Flow. That sacred space of connection within each of us, where the unlimited source of radiant power, confidence and infinite unconditional love is experienced and expressed. If you’re ready to be free in such an authentic way that you come to know every realm of soulful experience and ecstasy while sharing your great work with the world, I invite you to learn more at

Your business name Website name or url The names of your products and programs The phone number you use And your pricing just to name a few! That’s a ton of opportunity to ensure that positive reinforcement is always at work for you and your business with very little effort. Which is exactly why this piece is often overlooked, leaving you wondering why you have to keep reliving the same heartbreaking scenarios over and over. Or why your info-product isn’t selling or why it’s merely impossible to get your clients to stop talking so that you can complete a session on time. And for those very reasons, and countless more, a fortunate name is not only a true blessing - and one of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon yourself..... It’s priceless!

Note from Shannon: I met Tara on-line when she commented on a post I placed on Facebook asking for feedback on the possible names for my new book. Lucky for me she confirmed that the name I went with was a prosperous, successful one. (breathing a sigh of relief!) What I want to point out is that from that one message Tara is now a guest contributor in this magazine and will appear as guest on my radio show this week! That is the power of getting out of your comfort zone and offering someone else support! You never know what opportunities may come your way.

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless inspiration! Insights From “The Conversation” with Brian R KIng When adversity strikes, that's when you have to be the most calm. Take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on." - LL Cool J

In recent days I've noticed a phrase repeatedly leaving my mouth in response to offers from others. The phrase is, "Thank you, I'm good." I noticed it several times during Yoga class this morning when the instructor asked if I needed any assistance. I reflected upon this because for as long as I could remember my response has been, "No, thank you" under similar circumstances. Why the change?

For years I've been feeling tired as I burned the candle at both ends day after day. I felt myself frequently at the point of mental and emotional saturation and the words, "No, thank you" was on the surface the rote response I'd learned when I was a child. As I looked deeper the word "No" was also coming from the part of me that wanted "no more input." What has changed is that in the past few weeks I've

been more diligent with my meditation practice and added yoga several times a week. This has served to manage my anxiety as well as giving me new tools to calm my mind which has historically been racing and scattered instead of calm and focused. I'm not saying run out and join a yoga class. What I discovered for myself is that the words, "Thank you, I'm good" were coming from a place of increased gratitude. From a place that felt an abundance of calm. Whereas, "No, thank you" came from an abundance of overwhelm. My words changed simply because I have been taking better care of myself. It's interesting how our own words, when we actually pay attention to them, can be such a powerful barometer. Brian R King is a Lifeologist and Social Strategies Coach As a cancer survivor, adult with Dyslexia, A.D.D., the father of three sons on the autism spectrum as well as someone who lives on the autism spectrum himself, Brian has learned something very critical. He’s learned that success in life has nothing to do with circumstances but everything to do with strategies

Want to Live Limitlessly? Register here to secure your place in our upcoming Limitless Life e-Program. A mastermind group launches September 2013 at a very sepcial early bird rate of just $347 if you book before 30th August (then price goes up to $497) and in 8 steps you’ll be well on your way to a juicy and limitless life. If you think you’ve got a Limitlessly You! story about Life or Business that you’d love to share we’d love to hear from you. Submit your articles and stories to us at We love spreading the spirit of Creative Possibility and that means sharing the inspiring, transformational stories, articles and case studies you create. From this edition onwards there is lots of space for your feature. This magazine is created with love on a regular basis and is not meant (at this stage) to be a polished, completely 100% perfect publication. It’s real like you are and it might have flaws that appear as spelling and grammatical mistakes. The important thing is that it inspires you and you feel the love that has been poured into it’s pages with each edition. 2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless inspiration!

Best of Creative Possibility on Instagram! Words & images to inspire & delight

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless inspiration!


Advocate Rescuer

Each issue I will be sharing the strengths of one of the 12 different personal leadership types (or archetypes) I share in my book Personal Leadership Style. This time around I want to introduce you to the Advocate Rescuer. I complete a number of personalised Personal Leadership Profiles every month and have done so for the past 2 years. I have to say that the Advocate Rescuer has to be one of the most common types that I see in profiles of women of all ages and backgrounds. She can be absolutely wonderful but (isn’t there always a but...) she can also be her own worst enemy. Her message it tied to being an advocate first and foremost. That means advocating for yourself before you give everything you have to advocate for others. If it’s all about everyone and everything else you may find that all you do is really rescue. To be your best and feel your best self advocacy is key.

Compassionate, loving and generous. Your warm heart is something others love about you. It makes them feel safe and comfortable with you and creates great trust and a loyal connection Nurturing and expressive in a way others would describe as unconditionally loving Open, accepting and tolerant. These attributes lead you to being non- judgmental, diplomatic and fair with all Centered and grounded. This is usually achieved through bodily connection such as exercise, movement, deep breathing or just connecting with nature Fearless and strong-minded, with a focused sense of courage Action oriented. You follow through and take action without hesitation

Here’s a summary of her natural strengths;

The Advocate Rescuer is inspired by the Eastern Goddess Kwan Yin! As the Goddess of Compassion Kwan Yin was truly able to be a voice for all equally. She was passionate about helping others but understood that she was in her personal power when she was also looking after herself. Let the Advocate Rescuer and Kwan Yin inspire you to be good to yourself right now. Be an advocate, say no without guilt and love yourself fully!

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

Limitless inspiration! Want To Know How To Lead Your Life With Effortless Happiness, Confidence And Purpose? On 5th July my first solo book was released as an e-book on Amazon. Within 4 days it became a best seller in both of it’s categories.

There are a growing number of positive reviews supporting how much value readers are getting from the book which makes me incredible proud and thankful that I decided to follow through on this project and self publish my book. If you’d like to know more about who you are, discover your natural strengths, understand the importance of leadership in life, not just at work or in your business, find out the core challenges you may experience and what to do about them then this book is for you. Order the e-book from Amazon or pre-order the paperback version here (for release early August - order now and get a signed copy!) You may also like to get a set of my all new Personal Leadership Card Deck (see pics at right) featuring images and insights from all 12 Personal Leadership Types. They are available here

About Shannon Bush.... “Personal leadership welcomes effortless success; they are a match made in heaven. To be effortless is not to do nothing. It is to live with greater ease. I see flowing into your effortless success zone as a beautiful consequence of personal leadership. Personal leadership is your key to life being easier. Yay for that I say!” Shannon Bush, Personal Leadership Style

Shannon is the Creative Possibility Coach, Director and Principal Coach at Creative Possibility, a dynamic creative organisation dedicated to empowering individuals to create their own succulent effortless success, key to a limitless life and business. A radio show host, best selling author, coach, Arts Therapist and creator, Shannon is a mindset liberator and action inspirer, and founder of the Innate Potential Model of Personal Leadership defining 12 unique personal leadership types. Over the past 15+ years Shannon has amassed a wealth of expertise related to personal and professional development. She is determined and dedicated to inspire and teach women to become the leaders of their lives and businesses. Shannon is inspired most by a juicy conversation, words of wisdom, active creativity, the creative beauty the world has to offer, the day to day journey that is life, the people she loves and who love her and her curious cat Archie. Find out more about Shannon and how you can work with her visit

Contact the Creative Possibility Team

2013 All Rights Reserved | Shannon Bush | Creative Possibility | P.O. Box 240 Scarborough WA Australia 6922 | 156 Vincent Street North Perth WA Australia 6006

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