First, to improve the development of a human economy. Doing things differently, providing decent housing for all, developing social integration of people with disabilities, making progress with renewable energy or socially responsible savings; all of these are among our many projects. The money of our members contributes to making them happen. Secondly, to be a part of the unique history of this bank ; a bank unlike any other, whose action has made its mark on advances of social and socially responsible economy for over 120 years. Becoming a member means wanting this history to continue and the work of Crédit Coopératif to remain strong and durable. Finally, to participate. Because Crédit Coopératif believes in the benefits of cooperative life. It is committed to providing its members with the means to interact with the bank and make their voices heard. Becoming a member means signing a « cooperative contract » with the bank. It is a mutual commitment. A shared responsibility.
We are committed to our members
I am committed to my bank
Jean-Marc MEYER member and Chief Administrative and Financial Officer of Aapei (Association of Parents and Friends of the Mentally Impaired), Strasburg
Yves-Marie DEVILLERS member and Chairman of the Propriété Familiale de Normandie estate agency
Christiane LECOCQ, individual members’ representative on the Crédit Coopératif Board of Directors
Thierry COMPAS member and Chief Executive of Forgel SA
By becoming a member, you are participating in the construction of a world that believes in the economic efficiency of collective commitment, and which puts people at the heart of its projects and activities. A bank dedicated to social and socially responsible economy, Crédit Coopératif supports those for whom the social utility of these activities is as important as their financial value. Such member customers are at the centre of its cooperative governance: as they are represented on its Board of Directors, they vote every year on proposals for resolutions at the Annual General Meetings.
An active approach to corporate social responsibility
A real driving force for the social and socially responsible economy, Crédit Coopératif is dedicated to an approach of active responsibility, based on solid commitments linked to its banking activity and its cooperative identity. The results are presented every year in a corporate social responsibility report. Crédit Coopératif is the only French bank to be a member of the GABV (Global Alliance for Banking on Values).
“ It is important that the Urapei participates in the cooperative life of the bank, because sharing a humanist vision of the company and creating projects together is what social and socially responsible economy is all about.”
VÉRONIQUE QUET member and Chairwoman of the Urapei (Regional Union of Associations of Parents and Friends of the Mentally Impaired), Limousin.
By signing up to Crédit Coopératif members’ shares, you are helping to increase its scope for action. You are helping it to lend more. It is a useful investment for the bank and its customers. In accordance with its cooperative Articles of Association, which are compliant with the 1947 Act, the remuneration of members’ shares is limited. For the bank, controlling the cost of this resource is a guarantee of better access to credit for its customers. The capital of Crédit Coopératif consists entirely of members’ shares (1) owned by its customer members. These shares are available to both of the capital of legal entities and natural persons. the bank is owned To find out more, contact your by its members account manager, who will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information.(1)
(1) The public prospectus for members’ shares (14-352 of 2 July 2014) is also available free of charge from your branch or online on the Crédit Coopératif websites. ( and the Financial Market Authority ( In this prospectus you can find all the information on our members’ shares, in particular the risk factors inherent in acquiring members’ shares, to which we draw your special attention.
The cooperative rebate scheme
It allows us to redistribute a portion of the results to member customers, whether they are a legal entity or natural person, proportional to the volume of business reached with each of them (interest on loans and commissions); in other words, proportional to their contribution to their bank’s results and not the amount of capital that they possess. In France, Crédit Coopératif is the only bank that constantly applies this cooperative specificity.
85 924 MEMBERS
made up of:
Businesses, public interest organisations
(2) On 31 December 2014.
“One person, one vote”. This is the founding principle of cooperative life: no matter how many shares they have, the vote of each member is of equal importance. There are no «minor» or «major» shareholders during the decision-making process; just members with equal rights – as long as they participate and vote. To do this, Regional General Meetings are essential, because they create a direct link between members and the governance bodies. This is where collective commitment can be fully expressed. Have you signed a democratic contract? Crédit Coopératif will put everything in place for you to be able to enforce it.
Even though individual members cannot vote at the Regional General Meeting, they still have a voice: they are invited and can give their opinion, as well as interact with the representatives of their bank. At the special Meeting for category “P” shareholders, they can also express their opinion on any resolutions. They are also represented on the Board of Directors. How does the bank work, and how does it use the money entrusted to it? Turning Crédit Coopératif wants to help its banking members to better understand the education into a strength way it works, its activities and its actions in order to give them the IT’S means to influence and judge OUR decisions. At the General Meetings, the bank presents its annual financial statements and its governing board representatives travel from region to region in order to respond to any questions members may have. Throughout the year, they receive information via the quarterly review « We are all bankers! » as well as the Crédit Coopératif website in the « members » section.
A bank with a human scale, Crédit Coopératif creates space for dialogue with its members and the representatives of its members, at all echelons of the bank.
TAKE PART IN THE DECISION-MAKING AND CONSULTATION PROCESS Firstly, with the Branch Committees, which bring together member representatives at a local branch advisors level. The perfect occasion for to represent you sharing experience and giving feedback, they promote a relationship between local businesses which share the same vision of society. They provide the opportunity to discuss the services offered by the bank and their economic environment developments.
Crédit Coopératif also promises to make your voice as a member heard at all levels by decision-making bodies within the bank. To do this, representatives of legal entities and private members sit on the Board of Directors, alongside representatives elected by employees of the bank, in order to examine and vote on the strategic directions of the bank. In addition, Crédit Coopératif has set up a national body, the Conseil National du Crédit Coopératif , as a place for dialogue and exchanges with representatives of its stakeholders: members, customers, partners and associated bodies.
Reaching out to the Governing Bodies
As a member, throughout the year and especially at General Meetings, you can put your questions to the Board of Directions by writing to All questions are debated at the meeting and will receive a personalised reply.
A bank which is also an activist for social and socially responsible economy, Crédit Coopératif takes an active role in many national and local events to promote the development of this economic model. As a member, you can help your bank to fulfil this ambition by helping to organise such events in your area and share your vision of the bank with your peers. Do you want to become a member representative or an activist member for cooperative life? Whether you represent a legal entity or you are an individual, get in touch with your local branch or volunteer by directly contacting the Cooperative Life management (
Cooperative life at all levels “When you are a member, you can express yourself, contribute to decisionmaking and meet other members, but you can also support the activities of our bank.”
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ALAIN SAUVRENEAU Member and Chairman of the Île-de-France Association Movement
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Find us on facebook and twitter
Ref: HEZ 01/15– Crédit Coopératif – Variable-capital cooperative joint stock company of banks – RCS Nanterre 349 974 931 01213 – APE 6419 Z – N° ORIAS 07 005 4636 – Headquarters: 12, boulevard Pesaro CS 10002 92024 Nanterre cedex – Illustrations : Artus – L A S UIT E & CO