WeBelieveinmoretodayfor abetter tomorrow

WeBelieveinmoretodayfor abetter tomorrow
With the landscape of sustainability constantly evolving, we recognise a recent shift in language and growth of the term ESG. While our report focuses on our three core areas of People, Product and Planet, there is natural alignment with the ESG pillars of Environment, Social and Governance, and we will be further developing this throughout 2024.
This report aims to share our annual progress against our targets, highlight key projects that our teams have delivered and provide our customers, competitors and colleagues with full transparency as we continue our journey to become a more sustainable business.
Click through to the relevant sections below.
At Creed we believe in more today for a better tomorrow. With a focus on people, product and planet we work with our customers and suppliers to act responsibly whilst supporting the communities in which we operate.
We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment by empowering employees across all levels to include sustainability at the heart of everything we do.
Sustainability Director, Philip Creed
E ploring HVO and other alternative f el options
Trialling and e ploring new vehicle technologies
By working with ClimatePartner, a leading international provider of corporate climate solutions, we have accurate and detailed data of our existing carbon emissions, allowing us to now focus on strategic projects that will support our overarching targets. Scope 1
All new company cars to be hybrid or electric. Scope 2
Contin ing to tilise a green energy s pplier
nstalling solar panels across all o r owned sites
Ed cating o r people on energy sage.
S pporting o r people with a fle ible work environment
Promoting car sharing and sing p blic transport when possible
nstalling more cycle sheds at all depots to promote cycling to work
nvesting in training for Wellbeing Champions
Enco raging employees to participate in charitable events.
Reducing our carbon emissions and balancing any unavoidable emissions by supporting projects that , creating a positive environmental impact. remove carbon from the atmosphere
Balancing the amount of carbon emissions we produce with an equivalent amount removed from the atmosphere, effectively resulting in to global carbon levels. no net contribution
Our green house gas emissions increased by 5 tonnes
This is due to vast business growth in 2023, resulting in bigger teams, a bigger vehicle fleet and route network, and an ever growing range of products!
However the great news is that our carbon intensity decreased by 19%
Carbon intensity is a measure of CO 2 and other GHG emissions per unit of activity. This is therefore a better reflection of our emissions progress, to scale with business growth.
To put this into perspective, the average UK household uses 3,400kWh of electricity per year!
Our solar panels throughout 2023! produced 815,610kWh of electricity Electricity consumption has . decreased by over 250,000kWh
As a result of new vehicles within our fleet, the MPG has . improved by 3%
Employee commuting, measured in mileage, . decreased by 22%
That Supported Our ESG Targets
We maintained our 2-star best company to work for Accreditation
Zero emissions vehicle trials
Across our to monitor delivery capabilities and operational likelihood of introducing across our fleet. 3 depots Paper use reduced across the business
New technology within our operations has meant that daily checks and route schedules are now completed paperless on tablets. New technology within our night shift and finance teams has also contributed to this shift.
Saving of paper per week. Almost ! 4,600 pages 240,000 per year
You'll see that Country Range herbs now have green lids and spices have red lids! Improved how we record our commuting emissions
Employees can now record their mode o f travel for each working day, providing us with accurate and actionable data.
fficiency A new freezer plant has been installed at our Cheltenham depot, reducing the GWP of this plant by with potential electricity . 89% savings of 15% 29.3T of Food Donated Through our continued partnership with Fare Share
K This is the equivalent of meals and has saved . 70,000 58.6T of CO2
We recognise that Creed Foodservice plays a vital role in our customers' supply chain.
Alongside all the work we are doing to reduce our own carbon footprint, we can also support our customers with specific objectives or projects that they believe will have a significant impact on their own carbon footprint.
One of the simplest ways our customers can reduced their carbon footprint is by – we offer a vast product range across ambient, chilled and frozen categories, all of which can be delivered on one vehicle, resulting in fewer vehicles on the roads. consolidating their supply chain
Some examples of how we've worked with our customers include:
Utilising delivery and vehicle data, we were able to compare emissions data from before and during the trial, allowing our national customer to clearly see the impact fewer deliveries had on their carbon emissions.
Our Trading team worked closely with selected suppliers to provide an accurate analysis of water products in various packaging (cans, glass etc), taking into account energy and materials required for each stage of the product life cycle.
A clear and concise summary was then provided to our customer so they could make an informed decision.
The importance of using seasonal produce should never be overlooked. As a food-led business, we provide a range of recipes and menu ideas and always recommend that our customers change their ingredients depending on the time of year.
As we strive to achieve Net Zero by 2040
We delivered an industry leading with esg at the core Food festival
We utlised seed paper wrist bands, donated food waste to charity partners & used an extensive recycling bin system across our show.
Clothing saved from going to waste
From April 2024, local routes from our have been using accredited Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) instead of diesel. HVO has a carbon footprint 90% less than that of diesel, however it is more expensive.
From April to June, we have saved Staverton depot 18tCo2e!
Paper use reduced across the business
Our people continue to drive change and challenge the status-quo. As a result of a Sustainability Suggestion, our invoices are now printed double sided, reducing our paper usage for invoices by one third, that’s over of paper saved per week! 2000 pages
We have recently introduced ESGnius, which allows us to review our , giving us the ability to share this detail with our customers and to ensure our suppliers are doing their bit. Suppliers must complete their submissions by the end of 2024. suppliers’ sustainability credentials
Our Sustainability Champions arranged an internal Swap Shop, where employees could bring in their unwanted clothing which was then either donated to charity or free for other employees to take.
Through this initiative, we saved from going to waste. 174 items
WRAP’s Courtauld Commitment 2030
We are delighted to have joined . The Commitment focusses on reducing food waste, cutting carbon and protecting water resources.
We are excited to share our own projects and learn from the knowledge and experiences of others who are involved.
bug hotels to promote
Working as a team, each of our depots have built a Bug Hotel using waste materials to create a bug enticing environment!
Creed boasts a diverse range of accreditations, encompassing ethical sourcing, traceability, food safety, fair employment practices, and a commitment to a safe and eco-friendly workplace.
We are committed to improving the lives and livelihoods of our colleagues, customers and communities. Our business is centred around people, wellbeing, fairness and inclusion.
Creed Foodservice is committed to giving something back to our customers and our local communities.
We will continue to prioritise providing financial support and donations in line with our charity charter, remain committed to creating opportunities including jobs and training placements to improve prospects for individuals and their families and to supporting and delivering community projects and events.
133 Employment opportunities
251 participants each month within our charity lottery.
over £80,000 donated through financial and stock donations, paid volunteering days for employees and our charity lottery.
2 work experience placements
505 Hours volunteered in 2023, dedicated to charitable projects and events.
Continue to onate money, stock an time
Encou age employee pa ticipation in the lotte y
Encou age supplie s to suppo t stock onations.
Be the employe of choice within ou local communities
Continue to p ovi e wo k expe ience an app enticeship oppo tunities.
Pa ticipate in an o ganise p ojects an events which give back to ou communities
Continue to offe one pai voluntee ing ay pe yea fo all of ou people.
Creed is committed to developing and improving our position as a modern caring and progressive organisation by continually reviewing all areas of the employee lifecycle and ensuring that we have a suite of policies and procedures that will support the wellbeing of our people, including those on domestic violence, stalking and abuse, menopause and wellbeing.
We will continue to prioritise the wellbeing of our people with a focus on financial wellbeing, personal growth and health; both physical and mental.
Our people are our greatest asset
Rewarding our people fairly for the work they do.
Th oughout 2023 we
Maintained our Living Wage Foundation accreditation
Reduced the cost of employee purchases by 0%
Reviewed our benefits offering
Improved access to financial wellbeing guidance, advice and support.
We support our colleagues through various policies and procedures designed to safeguard their financial wellbeing.
Ensure salaries meet our living wage accreditation standards. Life insurance.
A range of discounts available through our employee benefits platform, Credo.
Access to hardship grants.
Investing in our people's future through training and progression, supporting qualifications, apprenticeships and skills development. We will also recognise and reward the success of those that develop their skills and their progression.
We supported our people through 5,746 Hours dedicated to training and development.
11 New apprenticeships were started. 5 apprenticeships successfully completed.
203 Promotions and role changes.
Encourage cycling with bike shelters, cycle schemes, and events.
Gym discounts and health services through CREDO.
Free fruit, health advice and active initiatives.
Improved access to physical and mental health support through our EAP.
Wellbeing champions organise activities to bring relevant events to life across our depots.
Improve understanding, awareness and communication.
Support flexible working where possible.
Provided mental health awareness training for all managers.
Improved access to mental wellbeing services including education resources, counselling support and mindfulness.
Improved 121 process to ensure our people are treated as individuals.
Mental Health First Aid network across the business.
Continue to review benefits which support improved financial wellbeing.
Continue to offer discounts, and special offers on staff accounts.
Continue to invest in our CREDO discount portal and promote savings to our people.
Promote advice and guidance for financial wellbeing available through our EAP.
Continue to invest in training and development.
Build and deliver "Believe in You" training programme.
Provide progression opportunities.
Celebrate success through recognition, awards, training graduations and by saying thank-you.
Launch Sustainability Champions.
Mental & Physical Health
Promote cycle to work scheme
Encourage employee participation in active events and challenges.
Offer free fruit at our depots.
Maintain commitment to Mental Health training for HR, Managers & Wellbeing Champions.
Where possible, continue to encourage and support flexible working.
Creed is committed to building an open and inclusive culture by sharing information, encouraging two-way communication at all levels, investing in training and development and creating opportunities for our people, communities and customers.
Reviewing our people processes through an inclusion lens to provide a platform for equal outcomes.
Listening to our people to learn from their diverse views, perspectives and ideas.
We were delighted to win the Federation of Wholesale Distributors (FWD) Diversity in Wholesale award at the 2023 Gold Medal Awards.
Creed Foodservice is setting the bar within the industry by working to achieve equity of outcome for all of our people. We are extremely proud of our commitment to support individuals based on their personal needs.
Investing in training, development and support that will up-skill our people on valuing diversity.
Building an inclusive culture and holding our people accountable for their contribution to this.
Improving collaborative working and dispersed leadership through crossdepartmental working groups and shared workspaces.
Rep rt n, investigate and impr ve ur gender pay gap
Review ur data t ensure that we rep rt n and impr ve equity in the treatment f all f ur pe ple
Deliver equity training f r ur Wellbeing Champi ns Inclusi n
Keep up to ate with in ustry an sector est practice
Improve our relationship an involvement with Diversity in Wholesale
Invest in upskilling our people on valuing iversity.
Deliver management training on communication.
Deliver Line Manager Essentials Training
Continue to evelop cross- epartmental working groups which ensure iverse thought groups are consi ere in key usiness projects.
Launch Sustaina ility Champions.
Review Human Trafficking an Mo ern Slavery statements an eliver training to relevant stakehol ers.
2 star accreditation
Our 2-Star accreditation has been held since 2020!
Employee Feedback
Commitment to employee feedback through listening groups and surveys.
Top 5 best companies
Food and Drink's Top 5 Best Companies to work for in the UK!
Annual Celebrations
Annual celebrations with fun, prizes and food. Departmental Action Plans
Driving accountability for making positive change within each department.
We are committed to an ethical, sustainable supply chain with minimal environmental impact, offering eco-friendly and 'Better for You' choices.
At Creed we strive to work with and give preference to suppliers who are sustainable and aware of their environmental impact. When having discussions with suppliers we ascertain their sustainability policy and focuses to ensure their values align with ours. Several of our suppliers are carbon neutral or aim to be in the coming years.
We now work with three suppliers who are dedicated to using 'wonky' produce.
Black plastic has been completely removed from all Country Range products.
Embracing biodegradable labels and non-plastic alternatives.
All supplier meetings include discussions around sustainability.
Our Trading team
69% of our products that contain palm oil use sustainable sources
Striving for RSPO-accredited palm oil in the entire supply chain.
Constantly striving to consolidate our supply chain. In 2023 our business grew by 9.3% in volume, with our suppliers growing by only 3.5%.
Aim to consoli ate supply across the Cree pro uct range by 10% to re uce the number of eliveries to site.
Where possible, all palm oil in our pro ucts to be from sustainable sources.
Strive to work with ethically like-min e suppliers an give preference to those who put sustainability first.
We provide eco-friendly and healthy alternatives for informed customer choices, prioritising safety and accessibility in our supply chain.
Following single use plastic legislation introduced in October 2023, all cutlery in our range is now either wooden or paper. For the first time all Christmas crackers in our 2023 range were fully recyclable with no single use plastic!
We have introduced a price fighter range from GoPak to make sustainable packaging more affordable.
Total number of products within our range suitable for:
Vegans 49%
Vegetarians 78%
Coeliacs 57%
Lactose Intolerance 59%
Proudly RSPCA-certified for eggs,
Compostable and/or recyclable disposables and packaging prioritised.
Continue to expan our Free From range inclu ing vegan an vegetarian, airy free an gluten free pro ucts.
Continue to review an expan our range of HFSS compliant pro ucts.
Expan range of sustainable non-foo lines an re uce the level of pro ucts that contain less than 30% recycle plastic.
Ethical supply is fundamental to our fair foodservice supply chain. We've implemented policies to align suppliers with our values.
fundamental to our fair foodservice
Extensive supplier application and charter for ethical standards. Zero Tolerance for inhumane conditions. Accreditation suppliers must have BRC, SALSA, IFS, GRMS or FSSC22000 accreditation.
Strong modern slavery prevention policy in supply chains. Strict Prohibition of child labour and adherence to anti-modern slavery policy.
All new su liers must sign u to and adhere to our strict ethical code of ractice.
Maintain our zero-tolerance olicy to inhumane working conditions.
Ensure food su liers are BRC or SALSA accredited.
Our target remains to reduce our overall Co2 emissions as a company by 7.5% per year, through further efficiencies in transport, our buildings and refrigeration.
Updated car policy, shifting to hybrid and electric vehicles.
Euro 6 engines in owned/leased delivery vehicles.
TRS Eco drive refrigeration units reduce fuel demand.
With a customer base spread across the UK, we will continue to prioritise environmental sustainability across our fleet operations.
Our teams are targeted with consistently improving our routing efficiencies in order to increase our MPG and therefore reduce our environmental impact.
We reduced our eight fleet emissions by 14.6% throughout 2023.
Compliant with London's direct vision standards for safety.
Monitoring MPG to assess environmental impact.
Exploring the use of alternative fuels such as HVO and biodiesel.
Actively considering and trialling innovations in electric and hydrogen vehicles.
All company cars to be hybri or fully electric by 2026.
Continue to monitor if more are nee e . Fleet Emissions
Re uce fleet emissions by 7.5% as a percentage of annual turnover.
74,000kg of CO2
Over saved through the collection of our customers' used cooking oil.
33% more oil was collected than in 2022.
Food waste bins prevent landfill use. Short-dated stock is redistributed to our charity partners.
Zero waste to landfill across all sites.
Key partners
Key partners for sustainable waste management.
Recycling plastic and cardboard at depots.
: Redistribute surplus stock, connecting the general public with Creed products they would not normally have access to.
Exploring compactors to reduce waste collections.
Aiming for paper-free offices in 2024 through process change, Sharepoint, EPDD, and scanner picking. Striving
Introduce food waste bins in key areas across all depots by Q1 2 24
Educate our people on recycling best practices by sharing helpful guides, celebrating relevant national days and bringing to life through various activities.
Increase 2023 total litres of customer oil recycle by 10% by the en of 202 .
Continue to review the use of bio egra able an recycle bags in our Fresh Pro uce operations
Continue to review recycle cage an pallet wrap.
In line with our Scope 2 and 3 focusses, our commitment to reducing our energy consumption progresses through various projects.
Through the installation of over 2,500 solar panels
we saw a 25% reduction in our electricity
Upgrading refrigeration plant for over 50% lower GWP, minimising harm in leaks.
Actively reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions through energysaving projects.
A decade of energy monitoring for optimal solutions.
Entire electricity usage sourced from renewables, saving 700TCo2/year.
Educating employees on best practices both at work and at home.
Reduce annual energy consumption across our entire estate in excess o 10% (as a % o turnover).
Continue to invest in technology that helps us reduce our emissions.
Continue to invest in green renewable energy.
To discuss any specific points of our ESG report in more detail, or to explore how Creed Foodservice can support your sustainability objectives, please speak to your . Account Manager