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March/April, 2006

A look inside...


Dr. Hayes reveals changes for 2006-07 school year Cory Stottlemyer Editor-In-Chief

Creekʼs biggest loser contest News: Page 4

Attention seniors: Project Graduation Features: Page 6

tables. The transition of students across campus will be the biggest challenge for next year according to Dr. Hayes. In a recent press conference, Dr. “A lot of classes will be Fred Hayes revealed many changes that in the new area,” said Dr. Hayes. “The will occur for the 2006-2007 school CLASS, Business, and Health Science year, including the opening of many [learning communities] will be moved classes in the new building and a posinto the new facility.” sible schedule change. Once the new building is open, The biggest change of all came the second stage of construction will February 27, when the school board begin. In June, A, B, C, G, and the ofvoted against block scheduling. Block fice buildings will all be torn down in scheduling will not be returning for the order for new construction to begin. 2006-2007 school year. The Health Science Learning Dr. Hayes says he is disappointed Community, whose classes are curby the decision and wanted the block rently held in the T-buildings behind schedule to help lower the instructional the ninth grade center, will all be time lost. Walking between campuses moved into the new building. Trooper causes Creek to lose instructional time, school, in-school suspensions, and something Dr. Hayes has been very adadual credit classes will all be moved mant about fixing. into these buildings. “I feel like this campus needs to According to Dr. Hayes, parking make up for a loss of instruction,” Dr. will improve next year as well. A new Hayes said. “Teachers donʼt begin until faculty parking lot with 112 spaces three minutes after class starts. We lose will be opened by the front of the new instructional time other schools arenʼt building, allowing students to use the losing.” current section marked off for faculty Given that block scheduling will this year. The gates at the entrances to not be returning, new schedule ideas the parking lots will be open longer have been floating around to help reduce Dr. Hayes points out changes on the new in the mornings to allow students to between campus traffic and give equal campus. Photo by Lauren Poujahan park. instructional time to Creek. All of the “Parking is actually going to be schedules involve extending the school sections next year: the new building, the day; one in particular begins at 9:30 am but construction staging zone, and the por-

Continued on page 3

Acclaimed author, humanitarian speaks to Seniors Dixie Hairston News Editor

Prom ... Past and Present Centerspread: Pages 8 & 9

League City Proud Creek Speaks: Page 12

does not get out until 4:40 pm. Clear Creek will be divided into three

It is not everyday that Creek gets to host a world-renown humanitarian and author, so when Kathy Eldon came to speak to the senior class on Monday March 27, the newspaper staff was very excited. Eldon is the mother of Dan Eldon, a photographer who was stoned to death in Somalia in 1993. She is the author of over 18 books, ranging in subject from children stories to cookbooks. She has also written diaries that include “Angel Catcher, a Journal of Loss and Remembrance”, “Soul Catcher: a Journal to Help You Become Who You Really Are”, and “Love Catcher, a Journal to Invite more Love in Your Life.” She has also been an art teacher, a food critic in Africa and is now a humanitarian. She has also produced films in Kenya, England and the United States. Born in Cedar Rapids Ohio, Eldon often comments that her humble beginnings only heightened her desire for bigger things. She is a graduate of Wellesley College. She is now a film producer and co-founder of Creative Visions with her daughter Amy. She executive-produced the Emmy nominated Turner Broadcasting documentary “Dying to Tell the Story” about journalists who risk, and often lose, their lives in the pursuit of a story. This documentary featured Dan and his heartbreaking story. She has also produced Nobel Peace Prize nominee “Soldiers of Peace: A Childrenʼs Crusade” about the Colombian

childrenʼs peace crusade. On Monday she came to tell us her amazing journey. Despite a rocky start, the movie clip of Dan and his story was nothing less than inspiring. Her life has been amazing and when hearing her speak there is no way that the students do not feel the urge to get out and make waves. There should be more people like her out there, telling students that the sky is the limit, literally. She shows

Photos by Lauren Poujahan students that at this point in their lives they have the world at their fingertips. She is truly an amazing speaker. When she stepped up to the podium it was like a typical high school assembly. Many students did not even know why they were there. People were laughing, yelling and having a good time. It took a few min-

utes for everyone to settle down and after a miss comment on two names and a DVD that would not work it seemed that no one was focused on what she had to say. As the lights dimmed and she introduced the movie people got a little bit quieter, there were a few groans here and there. Then, as the narrator began to tell Danʼs story a hush came over the audience. A pin dropped could have been heard in that auditorium. The effect that the documentary had on the senior class was amazing but what is key here is the amazing effect that Dan had on everyone he met. He continues to live and breathe through his journals and his memory never strays far from anyone who knows his story. Kathy Eldon has that same effect on the people she meets as well. She and her two children light a fire in anyone they meet. Who will be inspired from her story? The students at Creek can learn so much from this woman. There is so much to be learned from her. Go out and make something happen. “To explore the unknown and the familiar, distant and near, and to record in detail with the eyes of a child, any beauty (of the flesh or otherwise) horror, irony, traces of Utopia or Hell. Select your team with care but when in doubt, take on some new crew and give them a chance. But avoid at all costs fluctuations of sincerity with your best people.” -From the journals of Dan Eldon.

Clear Creek Hilife

2 Opinion Survey

What have you enjoyed most about this year? F r e


h m e


“I enjoyed meeting new people and making new friends. Also learning alot and getting prepared for the future.” - Christine Garza “This year I have met some of the best people to come into my life. I couldnʼt have asked for anything more.” - Heather Dyer “I love my teachers they are sooooo awesome and all the school spirit.” - Justin Fisher

Adminis t rat ion “The office practice students have been a real hoot. They keep us laughing. They have made this year a lot more enjoyable!” - Barbara Raymond “As usual working with the freshmen and their parents, to make them understand the importance of attendance.” - Debbie Muehr

S o p h o m o r e s “My friends and the cookies at the cafeteria. I really enjoyed this year as a sophomore.” - Erik Concha “What I have enjoyed most this year was Homecoming. It was great to have a day just for us to be ourselves!” - Carrie Helms “I have enjoyed going to varsity sporting events and cheering them on.” - Hank Dugie “The open campus and the hope of a new school with better equipment.” - Michael Henry “I enjoyed being in AP Spanish Language and having Mrs. Canales for a teacher again.” - Murtuza Hussain “I came here in September and I made lots of new friends. I also love drama, and the improv troupe, and the UIL.” - Andrew Nunez

“Trying to do common things in uncommon ways to reach and educate students.” - Robert Branch


“Getting our new phone system and not having to take as many messages!” - Barbara Windish

I have enjoyed my PAL class. We have lots of fun and everyone gets along great.” - Christina Gonzales

Clear Creek High School HiLife Newspaper Email us at Hilifenews@yahoo.com Visit us at www.texas.ihigh.com/clearcreek Printed monthly. For advertising rates call: (281)-284-2377 or fax:(281)-338-5631

2005-2006 HiLife Staff Principal: Adviser: Technical Adviser: Executive Editor: Editor-In-Chief:

Dr. Fred Hayes Wynette Jameson Richard Rasch Jan Oʼ Neil Cory Stottlemyer

News Editors: Features Editor: Online Editor: Sports Editor: Creek Speaks Editor:

Dixie Hairston & Ashli Pendleton Rachel Keith Jessica OʼNeil Kelsey Wiley Danielle Leal & Anne Brown Shaeleah Glidewell Jose Espinoza Rachel Rodgers Alyssa Solomon Lauren Pourjahan Fallan Drago and Micah Wesley

Ads Manager: Bookkeeper: Centerspread Editor: Just for Fun Editor: Photo Finish Editor: Photographers:

Sonia Alihossini Zach Bartel John Brouillard Tabatha McCall Kelly Groce

Olivia Huynh Matrex Kilgore Amelia Looper Jade Vitela Mel Paetz







“I have enjoyed being with my friends and making okay grades this year but I canʼt wait until my senior year itʼs going to be fun.” - Matt Shaffer “I thoroughly enjoy my long strolls to the cafeteria. It gives me time to ponder about my day and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.” - Krista Tucker “Going to the playoffs this year as a junior in football was an awesome experience.” - Garrett Rimel “I have enjoyed meeting new people, but most of all this year just really trying to be myself, an individual.” - Chantel Pruitt “I have enjoyed meeting new people and looking for a college.” - Abigail Sprague “I enjoy my long walk to the cafeteria and ninth grade center, as well as meeting new people.” - Parla Juarez


Jsaniese Parham Feara Smith Stephanie Welcome







“I enjoyed the streaker at Homecoming and watching security freak out.” - Monica Jamaluddin “When the weather starts to get hot and the District part of baseball season.” - Joey Latulippe “Coaching 5th and 6th graders in a youth basketball league. GO COBRAS!” - Kayla Garrett “Watching my friends, as well as myself, mature into “young adults” or whatever you want to call it...and of course Iʼm loving the fact that Iʼm finally graduating.” - Austin Yancy “I really enjoyed sitting back and enjoying all the perks of being a senior, you know, random assemblies and not coming to school until noon during TAKS.” - Sarah Idriss “I loved Mr. Clear Creek. It was a lot of fun getting to be an escort for John Brouillard and goof off with him. I also loved it when my best friend Cory asked me to prom in the middle of the competition.” - Sara Arabi

Clear Creek Hilife

Editorial 3

Hardcore With Cory Cory Stottlemyer Editor in Chief Lack of sleep among teenagers is slowly growing into a more serious problem as the years go by. As the amount of homework and extra-curricular activities for students builds up, the amount of rest that Creek students receive is slowly diminishing. According to the National Sleep Foundationʼs 2006 Sleep in America poll, only 20 percent of adolescents in America are getting the recommended nine hours of sleep on school nights. Creek students can certainly agree with this statistic, as many are forced to leave their sleep and come to school at an outrageously early time. Why do teenagers always seem to suffer from a lack of sleep? Sure, homework can be a hassle, especially if you have to work or participate in an after school activities such as sports, but these are not the only things causing this problem. The National Sleep Foundation claims that after puberty sets in, teenagers tend to start getting drowsy later, usually at 11 oʼclock. In addition to falling asleep later, teenagers tend to want to sleep in later, which conflicts greatly with most school schedules. This shifting in sleeping patterns causes stress on teenagers, as they are unable to get an adequate amount of sleep during the week. Teenagers tend to try and make up for lost sleep on weekends, sleeping in till as late as noon. Though teenagers may enjoy the rest, the dramatic change in

the amount of sleep they get causes them to become drowsy during the day and it completely throws their sleep pattern off, making it difficult to return to a short nightʼs rest. Not getting enough rest causes adolescents to not think as clearly during the day. We all have had our share of days where we have no idea what is being taught in any of our classes and just seem to drift through the day. The Sleep in America poll found that one in four teens fall asleep in class and/or while they were doing homework or studying once a week. It also found that one in ten students were late to class or missed school completely because they had overslept. I have personally fallen behind in classes due to the fact that I was too tired to pay attention in class or simply could not stay awake. Though many students shrug it off, sleep really is a major problem among high school students everywhere. It may start simple enough. One day, you stay up late after working late on homework that you could not do earlier because you had a game that night. You accidentally sleep through your alarm and do not get to school until second period, missing a test in first period that you will not be able to make up. You wander through the day, drifting in and out of sleep throughout all of your classes. You forget to turn in your homework for sixth period. What can start out as one night of sleepless rest, can easily turn into multiple failing grades in multiple classes.

The National Sleep Foundation has eight recommendations on their website, sleepfoundation.org to adolescents in order to help them get more rest and feel better throughout their day: 1. “Sleep is food for the brain: Get enough of it, and get it when you need it.” Always make the attempt to get enough rest; even the slightest amount of sleepiness can drastically hurt you in not only school but in other areas of your life. Lack of sleep can also make you irritable, feel depressed, and look less than average. 2. “Keep consistency in mind: Establish a regular bedtime and waketime schedule, and maintain it during weekends and school vacations.” Keeping a regular schedule allows your body to get used to certain times allotted for sleep, making it easier to actually fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. 3. “Learn how much sleep you need to function at your best.” Try to find out what is the best amount of sleep for you that allows you to feel refreshed and not tired when you wake up and stick to it. The NSF recommends at least eight and a half hours of sleep a night. 4. “Get into bright light as soon as possible in the morning, but avoid it in the evening.” According to the NFS, light tells the brain when it should wake up and when it should prepare to sleep. Things such as computers and televisions should be avoided, as the bright lights stimulates the brain, telling your body that itʼs time to wake up. 5. “[T]o compensate for your ʻslump

(sleepy) times,ʼ participate in stimulating activities or classes that are interactive.” Nothing gets the body alert like physical activity and movement. 6. “After lunch (or after noon), stay away from coffee, colas with caffeine, and nicotine, which are all stimulants.” Put down the soda, pick up a glass of water, and will you not only be ready to sleep, but you will be healthier as well, which is always a plus. 7. “Relax before going to bed.” Turn off the computer and television, put down the homework and the book your reading and allow your body to have a thirty-minute wind-down period. 8. “Say no to all-nighters.” We have all had them. Whether it is to study for an exam or to finish a project, they greatly drain you “brainpower”, causing you to be worse off than you were before. A good nights rest is always better than a night of cramming, and saying no to procrastination helps with those major projects. According to a story done by ABC News, high schools across the country have begun to start school later to compensate for the change in sleep patterns in teens. Hopefully, Creek will make efforts to become more accommodating to the needs of their students. Though it seems that lack of sleep is a permanent part of life, rest assured that it is possible to get a decent night of rest with the right mind set and the right tips to follow.

2006-2007 school changes continued from page 1 better [next year]. Faculty parking will be moved to the front, and four rows will be given back to students,” said Dr. Hayes. He did add, however, that “just because we have four rows, [it] doesnʼt solve the problem of parking. Student growth is still an issue.” Certain issues and programs still have kinks to work out, says Dr. Hayes. The Smaller Learning Communities are a slow process, and they have not had the opportunity to establish working relationships between teachers in the communities as quickly as desired. “Students are unaware of the progress [of SLCs],” said Dr. Hayes. “Itʼs slower than I thought, but there are still some positives.” Advisory is another issue that is slow to make progress. Dr. Hayes questions whether the adult advisors really know their students. “Forty to sixty percent of students

who arenʼt involved in activities lack help and advisors,” Dr. Hayes said these are the students the advisory program is trying to reach. “Advisory needs to be revisited. [Teachers] need some ideas; they need some comfort. Itʼs not this formula that

how does that effect time on campus.” Some things will stay the same after the rebuild. Creek will remain an open campus, but will be slightly different than the older campus. Each building will be closed, but students will still walk outside

“Let’s not get down. The end result is going to be good.” everyone is supposed to follow.” Dr. Hayes has also expressed concern about the walkway that students must walk through to go back and forth between the new building and the rest of campus. “The major corridor is not very wide,” said Dr. Hayes. “With thousands of students walking through, you have to ask

if they need to walk from one building to another. “The whole idea of the new campus is centered around the courtyard,” said Dr. Hayes. “The new campus will have a degree of an open campus.” The Homecoming Carnival will not be impacted by construction, as the courtyard

will still be open for use. Students will have the same amount of time to walk to their next classes during the passing periods, and busses will continue to load and unload at the ninth grade center. The new building will have 36 general use classrooms, five special education classes, seven business and technology labs, eight science labs, and office suites. On April 24, a dozen Creek students will have the opportunity to tour the new building. Dr. Hayes urges students to look into this opportunity to be among the first to see the new building. Though there have been many complaints about construction and the current state of the school, Dr. Hayes assures students that the end result will be worth it. “Letʼs not get down,” said Dr. Hayes about the transition period that Creek is currently in. “The end result is going to be good.”


Clear Creek Hilife


Creek faculty biggest loser competition Amelia Looper Reporter Obesity is one of the- pardon the pun- largest problems with modern Americans. Fast food, cheap sweets, and countless sodas, chips, pizzas, and extravagant desserts make junk food binges a snap. Almost every element of civilized life can be found in the modern living room, so less and less people venture outside to exercise. Every meal can be “super-sized”, and healthy portions go down the drain. These three things are what bring down most consumers, by bringing the numbers up. The average American is overweight to at least some degree. On the other end of the spectrum, celebrities nearly starve themselves in an effort to get approval, motivating many teens to do the same. The temptations to lead an unhealthy life are high as improved medicine makes it easier to live how you want now and deal with the consequences later. As summer approaches, however, many teens dealing with obesity dread hunting for bathing suits. On the other hand, there are some faculty members who can look forward to a pleasurable summer experience, and on April 20th three of them will be named Clear Creek High Schoolʼs “Biggest Losers.” Sound familiar? “The Biggest Loser” is a reality show airing on NBC. According to tv.com, “The biggest winner is “The Biggest Loser” in this compelling new weight-loss reality drama in which two celebrity fitness trainers join with top health

experts to help overweight contestants transform their bodies, health and ultimately, their lives. Caroline Rhea (“Sabrina, The

with a healthier lifestyle and a renewed confidence in themselves. Here is how it works: participants weighed in for the first time on February 24, 2006. For consistency, all of the students used the same scale. An honor system is used, so the participants weigh themselves and record the results without outside interference. Every week, faculty members turn in their numbers and a weekly winner is determined. At the end of the contest, three losers will receive

Teenage Witch”) hosts the unscripted, one-hour series in which two competing teams follow comprehensive diet and exercise plans to undergo radical, physical makeovers. Unique physical challenges, surprising alliances and irresistible temptations make the competition even tougher for the contestants, who ultimately have to decide which player gets eliminated each week. In the end, “The Biggest Loser” be- Photos by Lauren Pourjahan comes the biggest winner, walking away cash prizes for their efforts at leading with a healthier body - and $250,000. healthier lives. Though the adaptation of the show There was an entry fee of $25 per here at Creek does not have such high contestant, which will be used to supply stakes, entrants will still leave the contest

the weekly and final cash prizes. Weigh-ins are every Friday and numbers must be sent in by noon. Mary Latulippe has a spreadsheet listing the results of all the contestants so far. Winners are determined by percentage of weight lost rather than number of pounds lost, so everything is fair. Want to be a “loser” too? There are several basic guidelines to follow when losing weight is your aim. Foods like cheesecake, steak, Big Macs, giant Hersheyʼs bars, and deep dish pizza carry far more fat than many people should consume over a period of several days. Most sodas are also bad investments. Fruits make excellent dessert substitutes and vegetables are always good for after school snacks. Keep in mind that doctors recommend 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily in order to lose weight. Drinking more water helps to stop cravings and also makes a satisfying soda replacement. Another thing to watch is how much one eats. Many junk foods, while not healthy, are harmless if eaten in small amounts. Eating slowly makes a smaller amount of food feel like more. Keep in mind that it takes time for the body to register that it has eaten and does not need more food. Finally, the other key to weight loss is exercise. While building muscle, exercise burns calories and fat. Exercise is also important for a healthy heart and strong body. By following these guidelines, anyone can be successful in losing weight. Even if you are not the “Biggest Loser,” you will always have the satisfaction that a healthy body provides.

Katrina update: The storm is not over yet Sarah Poore Reporter

Watching hundreds of families file through the tent, picking through a very small selection of food and medicine, made my heart tighten. Telling a woman with five small children and tired eyes that she could only have one can of peas, when she obviously needed more, was the most difficult and depressing thing I have ever had to experience. There just was not enough food. Hurricane Katrina happened in August, approximately six months has gone by. Itʼs been a long time since the disaster, and the common belief is that relief has already occurred, however, this is not the case. Americans are acting like the storm is over, when in reality it is only just beginning. Over spring break, I went to New Orleans on a mission trip with a group from my church to offer whatever help I could. I saw a lot of things that gave me hope, and many that brought me to tears. Although

the city is full of willing volunteers, resources are scarce. Money, food, medicine, and donations as a whole are lessening by the minute, while the need is still growing. While in New Orleans, I had the honor of helping re-

build houses for the people whose homes had been flooded or damaged by the hurricane. The stories these families told us were haunting and full of pain. It was overwhelming to be working on a house, look down the road and realize that street after street after street, an entire city was ruined. This tragedy is massive, and the need is just as great. Hundreds and thousands of lives were destroyed. One afternoon we went down to the Ninth Ward, one of the hardest hit sections

in Louisiana. It was silent except for the construction on the near by levee. Many houses where completely demolished by the flood, some had floated off their foundations and were in the middle of the street or turned on

like to stand there. This is real- these are living, breathing human lives that are desperate for hope. It baffles me that in a country like America these people are going unnoticed and untaken care of. If people do not have compassion for their fellow Americans, then nothing will be solved. You might be thinking, “Well, what am I supposed to do?” The answer is simple. Do something. I went on a mission trip there and helped rebuild. It was the most rewarding, moving, eye-opening thing I have ever done. I am probably going to return this their side. summer Many homes for a few where broweeks to ken in half, do more. and looking I know in, I could that many see clothes people still hanging have in the closet taken and things their time still sitting photos by www.udet.edu to donate on shelves, money and stuffed and neanimals on childrenʼs beds. I think one of cessities. So many people have gone out the eeriest things about that place is the of their way to help others that are in need. absence of life, and sound, and people. I However, relief is still needed. Who else cannot fully describe to you what it was can these people turn to?

Clear Creek Hilife

News 5

Heart and Soul This club promotes young girls to interact in community service is currently handling two projects. They are collecting coke tabs to send to the Ronald McDonald foundation and they are planning an Easter egg hunt for underprivelaged kids. Meetings for Heart and Soul are still every Wednesday in room B-3.

The Press Club The Press Club has been extremely busy. They just completed the No-Run Fun Run, where they sold t-shirts in exchange for entrance to the South Shore Harbor Resort. Here there were refreshments as well as the “finish line” for the “run”. All of the proceeds went directly to the Ray Hutchinson scholarship. Also the club helped arrange and prepare for the guest speaker Kathy Eldon.

Trooper School

Drama Department The Clear Creek Drama Department won in the UIL One-Act Play Competition. Chance Smith received the Best Actor award, Summer Cook won the Technical Theatre award, Matrex Kilgore and Tara Wright won All Star Cast, and Matthew Quijas won Honorable Mention All Star Cast. District Competition will take place on Saturday, April 1st at Galveston Ball High School. Creek will perform, “Dark of the Moon” at approximately 6:00 pm.

The last nine weeks is well on its way as the school year is coming to an end. The pre-school is preparing its last lessons. Teachers are excited for the upcoming zoo, Motherʼs Day, Easter, and graduation for the preschoolers. Field trips are being planned for the zoo and the aquarium. Hopefully, the field trips will be as much of a success as the Houston Rodeo and Live Stock show. The teachers and troopers enjoyed watching chicks hatch, seeing a cow being milked, the petting zoo and other fun activities.

A Change in Latitude: Ireland Dixie Hairston News Editor

In the Sprit of March, St. Patrickʼs Day and all things Irish, this travel section explores the beautiful and intriguing country of Ireland. Possessing everything from vast expanses of Emerald green countryside to some of the hottest nightlife spots in the world, this country proves to be one of the most diverse in the world. Our tour starts on the east side of the Emerald Isle in the capital city of Dublin. Known worldwide as a major metropolis, Dublin is often seen as the center for entertainment and education in Ireland. The streets of downtown Dublin present a unique balance of ancient and modern architecture. This intermingling of new and old are symbols of the thriving cultural hub that Dublin has become. Often described as awe-inspiring, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin Castle and Trinity college are must sees when visiting this city. Also towering 120 meters over the ground is the recently constructed Spire of Dublin, which is the world largest sculpture, locals will not fail to boast. There is just about enough to do at night in Dublin as there is during the day.

The world famous Temple Bar Street is the finest, worldwide, for night clubs, gourmet restaurants, cafes, shops, museums and art galleries. Here anyone can find the lively local music scene, traditional, Irish folk music, jazz, rock, dance, pop or R&B are just a few styles offered.

Traveling south of Dublin along the Irish Sea is Wickow, known as the Garden County, which is home to some of the worldʼs most exotic plants that are beautifully displayed in the Mount Usher Gardens. For travelers interested in hiking and sightseeing, this is the place to go. Following the sea all the way down south, roaming travelers will find the country of Cork. Hailed as one of the more lively cities in Ireland and often referred to as the “Rebel County,” Cork definitely is a must see. When passing through, do not forget to kiss the Blarney Stone, which is believed to hold “the luck of the Irish.”

Located almost directly north of Cork is the very active and fun county of Limerick. Just as the rest of Ireland this county is a successful blend of ancient and modern. This area is not only the prime section in Ireland for shopping and nightlife but rugby as well. In fact, the World Vintage Rugby Carnival was held in Limerick in 2004. This county is also home to two of the premiere universities in Ireland, L.I.T. and

the University of Limerick. Traditionally, Ireland brings up images of little leprechans, pubs and the gold at the end of the rainbow, but this country presents so much more than that to inhabitant and traveler alike. Irelandʼs beautiful scenery and lively streets reflect a time when all that was important was enjoying life. Photos by www.travelireland.com

Clear Creek Hilife

6 Features

Attention seniors: Project Graduation, itʼs graduation time Rachel Keith

are $10 per person. Another way to contribute to Project Graduation is lunch at the gazebo on Itʼs almost time for graduation; one Fridays. Parents and other of the most exciting times of the year volunteers work tirelessly aside from turning 18 or prom. But, with to serve food to all of those such exciting events, tragedy is lurking willing to eat it. The project around the corner. Every year students graduation volunteers serve are injured or lives are lost due to acnachos, pizza, coke, and cidents that occurred while celebrating. candy and chips. So, over the past years, parents have Also, it has been ancome together to form an event so that nounced that the Village graduating seniors have a way to celeFair will be hosting a Battle brate their success in the safest way posof the Bands, where a porsible. It is every parentʼs absolute worst tion of the proceeds from nightmare to be up tossing and turning gate sales will be contribthe night after graduation, wondering if uted to Project Graduathey will have that dreaded phone call tion. This is not finalized that their child has been in an accident. yet, but hopefully it will Project graduation takes place happen because it will be throughout the year with fundraisers to a great experience for the raise money for the various activities of local bands, as well as the graduation night. Project Graduation is a students. lock-in that starts at 11:00 p.m. the night It is extremely imporof graduation and lasts until 6:00 a.m. tant that all students at least the following morning. Once you arrive, try to sell raffle tickets. you may not leave unless your parents Without raffle ticket sales, are contacted, and they give the okay. some of the prizes will But if you leave early, you may not be funded, and Projmiss out on some of the door prizes. Left: A group of seniors enjoys eating lunch on friday. Right: A group of students sits ect Graduation for next There will be a car, a laptop, an Ipod, outside during Project Graduation lunch . Photos Courtesy of Lauren Pourjahan. year may not be possible. computer and electronics, gift certifiProject Graduation would cates, and many other prizes. It is said third prize $1000. Also, the seller of any dent has sold five he or she gets in to the like to thank all of those who have helped that every student will win something. But, of the winning raffle tickets receives $100. lock-in free; if he or she sells ten, they and contribute and who have volunteered. Stusome of the prizes cannot be won unless The students who sell the most amount of their guest will not have to pay to get into dents, keep up the good work and continue the student has sold a raffle ticket. raffle tickets win: first prize $500, second the lock-in. Tickets for Project Graduation selling raffle tickets. The raffle tickets are $100 each. The

Features Editor

raffle tickets are then drawn and whoever bought the winning raffle ticket may win: first prize $5000, second prize $1500, and

prize $400, and third $300. There are also senior cookbooks. Cookbooks are only $10, and once a stu-

Television invasion: Reality TV takes over Rachel Keith Features Editor

Reality television is becoming increasingly popular throughout all generations of people but especially among teenagers. Humming through the hallways, there is talk of some of the most popular reality television shows, such as, “American Idol”, “Americas Next Top Model”, and “8th & Ocean”. But what is the buzz about reality television? In 1992, MTV began an era of fresh and exciting television when they chose seven strangers to move in together, away from home, and live in the real world, working and dealing with problems. The new show captured audiences from around the world, and was able to draw them in to the life of seven people, destined by a producer, but dubbed “The Real World.” MTV, through the years, became more and more reality and less music television. Eventually, other reality shows began airing on various broadcast stations with increasing popularity. The next obsessed-over reality show was “Survivor”, which first aired in 2000. Sixteen men and women were taken to a small island off of the coast of Malaysia, called Pulua Tiga. There they were cut off from all civilization and forced to complete tasks and challenges, as well as stay alive. Those who could not make it were given the title “outcasts or castaways” and sent home. After that came many other shows, such as “American Idol”. “American Idol” made head way around the world, and for many reasons, one being Simon Crowell, the hysterical brutally honest, tell-it-likeit-is judge. His comments and criticisms are mimicked around the world by judges of knock-off Idol shows. Another reason for Idolʼs success is the lack of talent of many of those who try-out. The “absolute

disgrace”, as Simon often refers it to, is not only entertaining but also sometimes inspirational; but who could forget Kelly Clarkson. The now pop diva got her start on American Idol, as the first to win the title. Another show to grow outrageously popular in such a short amount of time is “The Bachelor”. Every one knows about “The Bachelor,” one handsome man, twenty-five beautiful women, who wouldnʼt want to watch, right? Then came “The Bachelorette”, where the tables turned and there was one woman and twenty-five men, which received as much, if not more, attention as The Bachelor. There is also “Americaʼs Next Top Model”, with famous Victoria Secret model Tyra Banks. On this show, women are given the chance of a lifetime to prove their runway ability and be chosen by a top-modeling agency and be given the title “Americaʼs Next Top Model”. There are many other “reality” televisions shows. One that received a lot of attention, especially from teenagers, was MTVʼs Laguna Beach. On MTVʼs new and ever-so-popular show a group of upper class California kids was followed by camera crews and every aspect of their lives was captured on film. Everything from their love life, to parties, to dramatic girl fights, backstabbing, and even prom was caught on film. This particular show got a lot of attention from teenagers all over the nation, not just from students at Creek. Students from numerous other high schools, public and private, were throwing the infamous “black-and-white” parties, and partaking in romantic surprise prom invites. Two students at Creek, in particular, even gave each other “nick names” from another reality television show, The Real World, seniors Cameron Miller and Bryce Sanders. Bryce, who Cameron thought looked like Wes from the Real World,

decided to ask Cameron to prom by leading her through a series of puzzles before Cameron found herself in her backyard where Bryce then came out from hiding with a sign that read “Prom Johanna?” Johanna and Wes were known for “having a thing for each other” on the Real World. The whole ordeal was incredibly romantic, not to mention prompted by reality television shows. Reality television really is shaping the lives of many, especially teenagers. From its over indulging of the fascinating lives of teenagers to the unrepressed talent, as well as lack there of, of people from all over the country, reality television has

become the newest and freshest form of family entertainment. Every night, families all over the country turn on their televisions with the curiosity and anticipation of what new and crazy quirks and challenges will be presented to the characters. Not to mention, what characters they may be introduced to when new shows are aired. To find out, just turn on the television. MTV, Fox, the WB, and even the Discovery Channel have been taken over by reality television. Fortunately enough for viewers, these shows are mildly entertaining, to say the least, and have been able to capture the attention of thousands.

Clear Creek Hilife

Features 7

April Amusement The Benchwarmers (featuring

David Spade and Rob Schneider) Opening April 7, 2006 In an attempt to forgive the mistakes of their childhood, three friends put together a threeman baseball team to play local little league squads. Take the Lead (featuring Antonio Banderas) Opening April 7, 2006 A former professional dancer decides to volunteer as a dance teacher in the New York public school system. At first, his background clashes with his students, but soon they form a bond that will help them work together to create a dance style all of their own. Lucky Number Slevin (featuring Josh Hartnett and Morgan Freeman) Opening April 7, 2006 A man whose identity is mistaken for that of another finds himself trapped in the middle of a murder plot being planned by the cities most rival crime lords. As if that isn’t stressful enough, he also has to deal with a detective and assassin who are both out to get him. On a Clear Day (featuring Peter Mullan) Opening April 7, 2006 A middle-aged shipyard engineer decides it is time his life takes a turn for the best. In order to do this, not only for him but also his family, he decides that he must swim across the English Channel. Scary Movie 4 (featuring Anna Faris) Opening April 14, 2006 The fourth of a series of scary movie parodies, this one makes fun of, The Grudge, Saw, The Village, War of the worlds, and the attack of a killer Tr-Ipod. The Wild (featuring the voices of James Belushi and Kiefer Sutherland) Opening April 14, 2006 A young lion escapes from a zoo and is mistakenly sent from his New York Zoo to Africa, where he is able to run free. But his zoo pals, a lion, a giraffe, an anaconda, a koala, and a squirrel, must put aside their differences if they want to help bring him back from the wild to the zoo where he belongs.

Silent Hill (featuring Radha Mitchell and Laurie Holden) Opening April 21, 2006 A mother loses her sick daughter after wrecking her vehicle in a mysterious deserted town, which seems to have been abandoned and taken over by dark and evil forces. American Dreamz (featuring Dennis Quaid and Mandy Moore) Opening April 21, 2006 The new season of “American Dreamz”, a parody of American Idol, has just started and a new competition, between a sweet southern girl and an Orange County man. Eventually, even the president wants to get involved in season finale. Stick It (featuring Jeff Bridges and Missy Peregrym) Opening April 21, 2006 After a close call with the law, a young gymnast is forced to return to the life of competing, which she thought she had moved away from. Surprisingly enough, her rebellious spirit turns out to be what some might refer to as “team spirit.” The Sentinel (featuring Kim Basinger, Michael Douglas) Opening April 21,2006 A special agent works to demolish a plot to assassinate the President of the United States. United 93 (featuring David Alan Basche, Olivia Thirlby) Opening April 28, 2006 A real time account of the events on the United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, when passengers worked together to demolish the terrorists plot. Akkelah and the Bee (featuring Angela Bassett and Laurence Fishburne) Opening April 28, 2006 A young girl from south Los Angeles heads to the National Spelling Bee after winning her high school competition. R.V. (featuring Robin Williams and Cheryl Hines) Opening April 28, 2006 Bob McNeive and his dysfunctional family rent an R.V. for a road trip to the Colorado Rockies, where they encounter a group of campers as dysfunctional as they are.

For more information or movie times, visit www.cinemark.com or www.imdb.com.

Preparing for prom night Rachel Keith Features Editor With prom right around the corner, it is time to start preparing for the big night. It seems as though there is still so much time until May 6th, but the truth is there is less than a few weeks. Preparing for prom is a lot more complicated than one might think, especially for the girls. Guys, typically, donʼt get into the actual dance or the dressing up. They are more for the hanging out afterwards. But a lot goes into girls getting ready for prom. It starts with the dress. Many girls think that they canʼt get a dress until they have a date, but that isnʼt true. Although no girl wants to go to prom without a date, many girls in the past have found that it is just as fun to go with a group of friends. No one wants to wait until the last minute to start looking for a dress. Many dress stores will tell you that if a girl hasnʼt found a dress by at least two months before the date of their prom, she is behind. However, some girls are lucky enough to find a dress that fits just right, and needs minimal alterations. Once the dress is bought, its time to start planning accessories. If the dress needs to be altered because its too long it would be a good idea to find the shoes that will be worn. Jewelry needs to be chosen. Try not to go for something too gaudy, especially if the dress has a lot of beads or sequins or

design. Also, if the dress is a halter, maybe consider not wearing jewelry, it will draw more attention to the neckline of the dress, which accents the hair and the face. Consider getting nails done the evening before, to make sure there is time to get to any hair and make-up appointments. Always schedule hair before make-up, this keeps make-up from getting rinsed off or smudged. While planning for the big day, donʼt forget about events. Some people like to go with a group th of friends and arrive at the prom destination in a limo. The means, a limo service needs to be contacted. If the group wants to go out to dinner before the big night, dinner reservations will need to be made. Make sure that a floral store has been contacted to get a boutonnière or corsage, and make sure that it will be ready for pick up on the day of the prom. Another good idea would be to get with the group and figure out what is happening after prom. There is a lot involved in getting ready for prom. Everyone has their own checklists, but sometimes they forget about the basics. Just remember, have fun at prom and be careful on the way there, and definitely on the way to the activities that take place after the prom.

“It seems as though there is still so much time until May 6 , but the truth is there is less than a few weeks. Preparing for prom is a lot more complicated than one might think, especially for the girls.” “Just remember have fun and be careful on the way there, and on the way to the activities that take place after the prom.”

Clear Creek Hilife







Ev ma

Clear Creek Hilife


and Present



Prom 2006

Date: May 6 Time: 7:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. Place: South Shore Harbour Hotel Theme: Midnight Masquerade Colors: Dark Blue and Gold

very student receives a asquerade mask at the door.

For your snacking pleasure there will be finger foods and a delightful chocolte fountain.

Vote for the King and Queen at the dance.

Prom King and Queen will be announced between 11:30 P.M. and Midnight.

10 Just For Fun

Clear Creek Hilife

Clear Creek Hilife

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12 Creek Speaks

Clear Creek Hilife

Senioritis takes its toll on the class of 2006 Anne Brown Creek-Speaks Editor

The first semester is over and the second is well under way. But for many of Clear Creek High Schoolʼs seniors, the school year has already come to a close. Early graduation is not the cause of this pre-graduation slump. Another culprit is to blame. “Senioritis,” “Senior Slack,” “Senior Slump”—All of these terms refer to one thing, the tendency of seniors to float through their last year of high school and stop caring about it at all. This syndrome has come to be a nation wide phenomenon. It seems that most twelfth grade students are cosmically linked in an effort to drop school and start having fun. For many years, most people have thought that these students inflicted with “senioritis” have been using this term as an excuse to become lazy and slack off from their schoolwork and grades. However, experts say, it is actually a real state of mind. By definition, according to Wikipedia, Senioritis is “ a controversial syndrome attributed to students nearing the end of high school and college in the United States and

Canada. Its symptoms can include laziness, procrastination, apathy regarding school work and a tendency toward truancy.” Senioritis doesnʼt affect all peoples in the same way. A less common symptom is mania. Students feel an immense amount of pressure due to the closing of the year. People with a great number of classes and academic strains are subject to panic attacks and anxiety. When taking excessive course loads to fulfill graduation requirements set by the state, some high school seniors have shown an inability to work, control emotional swings, consummate relationships, and maintain personal hygiene. Even though some students might stress out over their senior year, it seems that the majority try to “make the most of it” by spending as much time as possible with the close friends they are leaving behind. Chris Lampley, a Creek senior who is experiencing the symptoms of senioritis says, “I feel like I donʼt need to do anything anymore. Except for the two classes that I need to graduate, Iʼm basically done here.” It does seem that most Creek seniors feel this way. A great majority of seniors have skipped at least one class this year

and struggle to simply get the minimum of work done. A leading cause of senioritis is acceptance to college. Once accepted to a university, the student feels that the high school coursework thereafter doesnʼt matter. Another Creek senior coping with senioritis, Vicky Riviera explains her theory on it, “ After youʼve already been accepted, it just doesnʼt matter anymore. You just have to try not to mess it up.” As the problem worsens, colleges are beginning to take a stand against senioritis. After a study by the National Commission of High School Senior Year, colleges found that one-third of every student entering college needs remedial help in basic courses; reading, writing, and high school math. Most believe senioritis is to blame. To combat this, colleges have begun to revoke admissions. If a studentʼs grades drop dramatically, even after college acceptance, the college reserves the right to revoke their admission to that school. Because educators are worried that senior year has become a “party time” rather than a time to prepare for the next phase of life, they are taking action to stop it. The National commission of High School Senior Year says it hopes to convince

lawmakers and educators alike to work to reform the high school senior year so that every student knows what It takes to do well in college. Some educators, however, believe that senioritis isnʼt as much of the problem that it has been made out to be. A creek faculty member, Mr. Scott Barzilla, believes that senioritis “is not prevalent.” He says that he has noticed no change in the seniorʼs efforts in class. He does believe, however that senioritis does exist, and says “I believe that every senior has senioritis to a certain extent, but what students need to realize is that every teacher has been a student at least two to three times. Weʼve been there and know what theyʼre going through.” While everyone has different opinions on senioritis, and to what it really is, one thing can most likely be agreed on: a large number of seniors are experiencing a type of “short-term syndrome.” The end is in sight, but getting to that point may be an arduous journey for Clear Creek High Schoolʼs class of 2006. Vicky Riviera describes her final semester philosophically; “School is like a prison and weʼre behind bars. We just canʼt wait to taste the freedom.”

League City Proud works to plan town parade ever year

Kelly Groce Reporter

bigger and better every year. League City Proud will continue to work with the city regarding parade safety and the issues at The League City Proud general mem- hand. Community spirit and volunteers are bership meeting is held the third Thurs- what keep the parade fun and exciting, acday of each month at the Queenʼs Crazy cording to most of the members. Kitchen Tea Room and Gifts, located at At the general meeting held February 1013 Main Street in the historic district 16th, the League City Proud organization of League City. At 6:00 PM there is social presented Rex Ward of the Clear Creek Entime, the meeting follows at 6:30 P.M. vironmental Foundation a check for $500. League City Proud is Nanci Rutledge from a 501 (c)(3) non-profit the North Galveston organization that plans County YMCA was and coordinates the presented a check for Holiday in the Park $250 this year with and Festival the first an additional $250 weekend of December promised for the next in League City Park. three years to benefit League City Proud the YMCA Capital welcomes all citizens Building Fund. Both to attend a meeting, of these individuals become involved and are highly motivated Photo by Kelly Groce join in the fun. Voland committed to unteers are needed in helping the commuseveral areas, mainly nity by providing a healthy lifestyle and before, during, and after the parade. Safety environment for generations to come. is always the number one concern of the “Keeper of the Creek”, Rex Ward, City and League City Proud. The City of spoke of how important it is to make volLeague City ordinance, which is being unteering fun and rewarding. When he first drafted, will make the final determina- started cleaning up the creek seven years tion as to whether candy and throws will ago, he had a handful of volunteers, mostly be allowed at any parade held in League his buddies, and now there are over 1,000 City. Last year, it was recommended by volunteers. These include entire families. City Staff that no candy or throws be al- The organization won the National Award lowed in the parade due to the overwhelm- for Achievement and Habitat. Interested ing crowds and unfortunately the lack of volunteers can call (281) 334-8929 to find parental supervision to keep the young out bout the next clean-up project. children out of the street. Besides candy, Nanci Rutledge with the YMCA spoke the floats are a main attraction and just get about the new state of the art facility that

will be located on Brittany Bay Blvd. She Longhorn Museum and Interfaith Caralso spoke about the commitment to the ing Ministries during future League City youth and seniors of our community to Proud general membership meetings. help them lead a healthy lifestyle through Over the past eight years, the Holiday in the many programs the YMCA offers. The the Park Parade and Festival has also bennew 40,000 square efited Interfaith Carfoot building will ing Ministries, Blue be on 17 acres with Santa, Sylvan Rodria swimming pool guez Cancer Research and many other Fund, League City amenities. Heritage Foundation, League City League City HistoriProud were $200 cal Society and West sponsors for the Bay Common School Ray Hutchinson Childrenʼs Museum, Scholarship Fund League City EMS, during the “No Run St. Maryʼs Catholic Fun Run” held Feb- Photo by Kelly Groce Church Food Pantry. ruary 9 at the HarThe citizens of League bor Club at South Shore Harbor Resort and City and the surrounding community $300 sponsors for the Houston Livestock benefit by having the Holiday in the Park Show and Rodeo Nasa/Friendswood/Clear Festival and Grand Night Parade down Lake Metro Committee Scholarship Fund. Main Street to attend with their friends Check will be presented to Butler and family.

Clear Creek Hilife

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Clear Creek Hilife

14 Sports

Creek baseball is a swinging success in District John Brouillard Sports Reporter

seniors. Joey Latulippe is catching behind the plate, first baseman Ross Appfel, third basemen, Josh Darnell and Andrew Springtime is almost here and that Eads, and shortstop Pablo Salinas. The means the baseball season is starting up. senior outfielders are Matt Rouse and The Clear Creek Wildcat baseball team is Bryce Sanders with Matt Birkenseher and ready for another year filled with many Norman Wittkamp playing outfield and victories. pitching. The They are senior pitchall excited ers are Trey about playThomas, Nick ing hard and Nitschmann, getting back and Lee Dolan. to the playThe senior off status. designated hitCoach ter is Justin Mallory has Ainsworth selected his and the pinch team for this hitter is Bano year and has Benavides. The some high juniors are secPhoto by Lauren Pourjahan expectaond baseman tions. “Our Jereme Brooks, standards are always set high, maybe more outfielder Christian Wooldrige, and pitcher so this year due to having several starters James Wooster. The only sophomore on back from the 2005 playoff team and hav- the team is pitcher Jared Cosart who transing so many seniors. We have a chance to ferred here from Clear Lake. be very successful this year. The main nuThe Wildcats are very motivated for cleus of last yearʼs team is returning. One this season, because they have been to question mark going into the season is very the playoffs ten years in a row and cerinexperienced varsity pitchers. We have tainly do not want to end their great streak. some good arms but majority of the staff Coach Mallory says, “These guys are self has very little varsity experience. Our two motivated...the wildcats have been to post “go to guys” from last year graduated.” season play for ten years in a row and they This yearʼs team consists of fourteen want not only to continue that consecutive

sting but we want to make it to the show pitcher/outfielder says, “The team really needs to pick up the intensity for us to be again...Austin!” Lee Dolan, a brand new part of the successful. Coach Mallory has given us all Wildcats baseball team who tried out last the skills and techniques and itʼs our turn week and made the team as a pitcher says, to use them and play well. We started out “ It is an awesome feeling to be a part of a a little shaky with the two losses but now baseball team again. I really have to work I think we will pick it up and start winning hard at this because all of the other players more consistently.” The last thing Coach Mallory wants have been playing longer than me. I have not played since the eighth grade. I am the students at Creek to know is that in one very excited to be apart of this great base- word, he describes the team as “Exciting.” The Wildball team cats would and hopelove all of your fully I can support at the do my part Creek baseball and help games this year. the team get They would back to the love everyone playoffs.” there cheering The them back to Wildcats the playoffs and currently they especially have been would love to victorious see Tha Militia over the being loud to Deer Park Photo by Lauren Pourjahan intimidate their Deer, the opposition. Humble Wildcats, Fort Bend Bush, and Houston Christian. The losses are from Klein Collins, Brenham, Memorial and tied a game against Louisville. With a first place finish Fri. 3/31 Home 7:00pm in the CCISD tournament, the Wildcats Tues. 4/04 Lake 7:00pm hope to continue winning. Matt Birkenshire, the Wildcats Fri. 4/07 Home 7:00pm

Up Coming Games...

Who do you think will win the NCAA Basketball tournament? Why?

George Mason, is a powerhouse team who beat many competitive opponents. Alec Korogodsky- 12th Grade

Duke, J.J. Reddick will carry the Blue Devils to another NCAA championship. Matt Hill- 12th grade

UConn Huskies, will win because they are the best and they have a great coach. Mike Greenleaf- 12th grade

Bringing family and athletes together on the bowling lanes Kelsey Wiley Sports Editor

been bowling with Jamie. The Unified part of the Special Olympics pairs a family member or friend with an athlete in a Over the February 8-10 weekend, sport that they excel at. This concept has Jamie Capwell, a been around 2004 Creek gradusince the midate, and Samantha 1980s to proCapwell, a freshvide a level of man here at Creek, challenge for competed in the higher abilUnified Special ity athletes Olympics National and to promote Bowling tournaequality and ment in Corpus inclusion. Christi. They “It ofwalked away with fers a positive two medals: a silver foundation for medal against 68 activity beteams and a bronze tween special Photo by Fallan Drago medal against 38 education and teams. general educaFor the past two years, Samantha has tion students, family members, and adult

athletes and volunteers,” says Bobbi Capwell, their mother. This experience is not only good for the Unified athletes, who improve their physical fitness, sharpen their skills, challenge the competition, and have fun,

but also for the partners who accompany them. “People say these folks have disabilities but they are just differently enabled in a way most people should only admire,” said Margie Shaw, a coach from Alabama.

Clear Creek Hilife

Sports 15

Lady Wildcats hit a homerun in District play Zack Bartel Sports Reporter

Potential is the one word that sums up this years Lady Wildcat softball team. They have the potential to do well this season but they have to continue to work hard. Their season is underway and they are about to begin a tough district race that will not be handed to them. “We have a lot of talent and as long as we can get everything together and practice hard, we have the potential to go really far but it is going to take a lot of hard work,” Sophomore ace pitcher Morgan Luksa said of this yearʼs team. The Lady Wildcats have been working hard to get a district championship this year. This yearʼs team is filled with many underclassmen that are led by some senior team leaders. The roster includes freshman Megan Tamayo, Ashley Moore, and Allison Bright, sophomores Morgan Luksa and Amy Ross, juniors Kara Rau and Becca Morris, and seniors Veronica Pena, Caitlin Boyle, Brady Kelso, Michelle Boudreaux, and Alex Nashke. The girls have had a tough non-district schedule that is now over. They have played in a Brenham tournament in which

they finished with a 3-2 record. The other two tournaments ended up in disappointment. Both the La Porte tournament and the El Campo tournament games were rained out. The softball team is now underway with district play. The girls have a

Photos by Lauren Pourjahan record of 8-4. They are hoping to win their district championship under their new coach. Coach Cash is in her first year back at Clear Creek High School. She was at Clear Lake High School last year and helped the Falcons greatly improve their softball program. She felt a calling in her heart to come back to the field that she loved, which is the Wildcat field. She is hoping to lead the Wildcats to a district title and to greatly improve a softball team

Brook/Creek hockey ties for first and heads to the playoffs Kelsey Wiley

Sports Editor Clear Brook and Clear Creek are rivals in every other sport except hockey where the athletes come together to form one extremely talented team. The Brook/ Creek hockey team practices and plays their home games at the Space City Ice Station (formerly Texas Ice Stadium). Winning a total of 14 games and tying two out of 20 makes this yearʼs hockey season a success for the Brook/Creek team. After losing their first game to Cy-Creek (3-1), the team was off to a shaky start. But by the end of the season, the players had winning down. How is the team so successful? All the players have their talents and when combined, the team is unstoppable. The players put these talents to the test at the High School All Stars Skills Competition on March 4 at the Toyota Center. The team was once again successful, walking out with three medals out of a possible six categories. Cody Hogeboom took home the gold medal as the most outstanding goalie for 2005-2006. Jon Yonley took

that is known for their hard work. The field for the Lady Wildcats softball team has undergone some construction. The field has been remodeled to better accommodate the Wildcats and their home field advantage. The Wildcats have

the gold medal as the fastest skater with a time of 15.72 sec/lap. Alex Enty took the silver medal for Best Puck Handling with a time of 24.06 sec just behind Tyler King, from Lake, with 23.52 sec. Alex Enty, though, finished this season in the number two spot of the Top 25 ISHL (Interscholastic Hockey League) players in Houston for the second year in a row, scoring a total of 41 individual points. Not many teams have the honor of claiming an 11 game winning streak in a competitive district. But the Brook/Creek hockey team won that honor by defeating the third place overall team, Houstonʼs College Park, with a score of 6 to 3. Brook/ Creek closes the 20052006 season tied for first place with their district rivals, the Clear Lake Falcons. With their out standing record, Brook/ Creek hockey advances to playoffs, which start on Friday, March 31 at the Space City Ice Station at 8:40pm. For More information check the ISHL websitewww.ishl.org

Up Coming Games... Playoffs start on March 31 at Space City Ice Station 8:40pm Photos by Lauren Pourjahan

improved the dugouts for both the visiting team and the home team. This is to make the teams feel comfortable. The field itself has been improved because the grass is greener. The Wildcats have also made a special warm-up area for the softball team to get ready for their game. This area is separated from the bleacher where the fans sit by a fence so that the girls donʼt have any distractions while warming up. Last yearʼs team was just shy of play-

offs. A lot of the seniors last year have graduated and left behind a good example for the ones still here. With the loss of their star pitcher from last year, Megan Shupp, the Wildcats have asked sophomore Morgan Luksa to fill those shoes. It is a big task but Morgan is proving that she can do it. In one game this year Morgan was a couple of pitches away from a perfect game. She still had a no hitter but walked a few batters. This yearʼs lady Wildcat team is working hard and is overcoming some obstacles to see that they achieve their goal of a district championship. The Wildcats want everyone to come out and support them this season. Sophomore Morgan Luksa said, “Our bleachers are looking a little bit empty this year so everyone should come out and support us because we have been working really hard and I do not think they would be disappointed.” So bada bing bada boom, lets go to a softball game and fill the bleachers up for the Wildcats.

Up Coming Games...

Fri. 3/31 Alvin 7:30pm Tues. 4/04 Home 7:00pm Fri. 4/07 Brook 7:30pm

Athlete of the Month

Morgan Luksa

Kelsey Wiley Sports Editor

Spring Break is usually a time for high school athletes to relax. Thatʼs not the case for this editionʼs Athlete of the Month, Morgan Luksa. Morgan started playing softball at the age of eight. By the time she was ten, her team, the Slammers, won the State Tournament. “That would have to be one of my highlights of playing softball,” said Morgan. Though she is only a sophomore, Morgan is a key component for this yearʼs varsity team. “I think that this yearʼs team has a lot of talent. I think that we can go far if we get our heads on right and work hard,” said Morgan. Morgan and the team have been practicing hard during eighth period and everyday after school. “Practice makes perfect,” said Morgan of the advice that has helped her the most in playing softball. Here at Creek, Morgan is not only involved in softball but also with the Creek volleyball team. She does not have much free time outside of school though, because she is also involved in an outside club team, Zero Gravity, for volleyball and the Aces for softball. Every Tuesday and Friday, Morgan shows what the Creek softball team is made up of. Skill. That is why she has been chosen as this editionʼs Athlete of the Month.

Alex Enty

Kelsey Wiley Sports Editor

For the second year in a row, Alex Enty finished the season ranked as the number two spot out of 25 ISHL players in Houston. With 41 individual points, he has been chosen as this editionʼs Athlete of the Month. Alex started playing hockey at the age of four. “There was a coach who came to all of my practices even though he had cancer. He inspired me to work hard in everything I do,” said Alex. This philosophy has worked for him through his hockey career where he has lettered as a forward for all three of his years at Creek. “This year our team started out a little rocky but by the end, I think we finished as one of the best teams in the district,” said Alex about this yearʼs Brook/Creek hockey team. On March 4, Brook/Creek competed in the High School ALL Stars Skills competition and walked away with three medals. Alex took home the silver in the Best Puck Handling competition. Outside of the Brook/Creek hockey team, Alex plays on a club team, at Space City Ice Station, the Baha Hounds. Free time then is taken up by playing hockey, however, when he is not on the ice, he is at church or trying to keep up with his school work. With his outstanding skill and talent Alex Enty is this editionʼs Athlete of the Month.

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Clear Creek Hilife

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