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HiLIFE November/December 2010- Issue 3 Volume 87 2305 East Main, League City,TX 77573

In this issue: Veterans honored by Creek staff Stephanie Johnson

Harry Potter hits the big screen

Basketball starts new season

Taylor Swift produces new album

Football team makes history

President Wilson proclaimed November 11 the first commemoration of Armistice Day in 1919. “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations,” President Wilson said. Armistice Day is a day set aside to celebrate the veterans of World War I, named after the armistice that took place on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. However, in 1954, after World War II, the 83rd Congress inserted “Veterans” in the place of “Armistice.” With the Legislature’s approval on June 1 of that year, November 11 became a day of celebrating American veterans from every war. And so began a history of nationally honoring all of America’s veterans for their patriotism and willingness to serve and to sacrifice for the common good. Clear Creek High School held its own ceremony on Thursday, November 11, to thank those who have served and are associated with the school. Scott Bockart opened the ceremony by welcoming and acknowledging the guests. The ROTC Color Guard provided the Presentation of

Colors, and Jeff Cherry said the Pledge of Allegiance. A video dedication to the veterans and the Clear Creek High School family was shown by Elizabeth Radicioni, and Student Council Representative, Stephanie Reyna, a talented public speaker, presented crystals to the CCHS veterans. Lt. Colonel Wendell Harris then introduced Major General Bailey, who provided the Veterans Day Address. James Coffey and Kyle Pullen followed with a beautiful rendition of God Bless America. Of the many veterans honored at the Clear Creek High School Veterans Day Ceremony, Luis Garza Jr., Wendell Harris, Mark Sepulveda, Duane Sheets, and Ronald Wells received special recognition for their services. Luis Garza Jr. was in the army for four years. He reached the rank of E-4 specialist as a combat medic and has served in Germany, the United States, and the Middle East. While in Europe, Garza was part of a Ready Unit that would prepare everyday for war against Russia and other communist nations in Europe at that time. He studied every aspect of Russian weaponry and military vehicles and helicopters; the way they look, sounds they make, how they work, and the accuracy of the weapons. After his service was up, Garza worked for KBR to support fellow troops in Baghdad, and in Iraq as a MWR Supervisor. Wendell Harris served for 20 years in the United States Army, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Harris

was deployed to both Haiti and Egypt, and now currently teaches in Clear Creek’s Military Science Program. Marc Sepulveda served 25 years in the United States Army, reaching the rank of Sergeant First Class. Sepulveda was sent over seas three times and is a veteran of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. He served one hardship tour of duty in the Republic of South Korea and two tours of duty in Germany, and now currently teaches in Clear Creek’s Military Science Program. Duane Sheets served for eight years in Special Forces of the United States Air Force, 101st Air Commandoes. Sheets is a Vietnam veteran who was just one of five who returned from his 250 men deployment. He made 17 combat jumps out of C-47s, his highest an astonishing 9,000 feet. Sheets was shot three times during his service and has rescued eight downed pilots in Hanoi. Throughout his service he was stationed in England, Germany, Amsterdam, Scotland, France, Japan, and Austria. He flew on “Puff the Magic Dragon,” which was the first aerial gunship developed for combat support. Ronald Wells was an Operation Specialist-5 in the United States Navy. His three years of service included a 12-month stay in Cam Rohn Bay in Vietnam. Creek is proud of all their veterans and family of veterans and not only recognizes them for their service to students but to the country as a whole.





Kaitlyn’s Korner

! If you could g o anywhere fo Holiday Brea r k, where wou ld you go?


“I would go to Italy, because they have really good food and I like listening to people speak Italian.” -Allison Medina “I would go back to Maine, because it actually feels like the holidays there.” -Corey Haas “I would stay home, because there is no place like home.” -Frenci Nguyen “Disney World, because its really fun there and i love Mickey Mouse.” -Brianna Lovett “Alaska, for the fishing and hunting, it’s a great place to go.” -Ben Looper

SOPHOMORES “I would go to Bora Bora, because I want to actually see through what Im swimming in.” -Lauren Whitehead “I would go to Maui, because their weather during the Holiday Break is great and I miss it.” -Sierra Kemper “Either Tennesse or California. Tennesse because I would like to see my friends and family, or California, because I’ve never been.” -Kelsey Harlan “If I could go anywhere, I would go to Martinique. It’s an island in the Carribbean that’s beautiful and full of culture.“ -Toni Nickel “I would go to Colorado, because I love to snowboard and it’s just plain amazing there.” -Jordan Cooley

Juniors “I would go to Scotland, because I like their accents and enjoy the bagpipes.” -Jaclyn Hurt “I would definitely go to Australia for the Holiday Break, to dive in the Great Barrier Reef.” -Sidney Riley “I would like to visit Africa to help spread Holiday cheer to the children there.” -April Hicks “I would go to Greece, because the food is so yummy and everything is so pretty.” -Kelly Bosworth “I would go to New York City so I could see the giant Holiday tree in the Rocker Feller Center.” -Andrew Prangle

“Good judgment comes from experience and experince comes from bad judgment.” - Fred Brooks

Kaitlyn Blake

“For Holiday Break, I would go somewhere where it is warm and pretty with a beach.” -Allyson Jones “I would go to San Antonio for the holidays, to visit my family that lives there.” -Meagan Benavides “For Holiday Break, I would go to Hawaii, because its nice there around this time of year.” -John O’Banion “I would sleep over at Kesha’s house, so I could wake up feeling like P. Diddy.” -Daniel Sparks “I’d go to Australia, because it would be warm there and I want to see kangaroo’s.” -Shefa Moten “I would go to Massachusetts and spend time with my family.” -Amy Wang


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HiLife Staff

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Scott Bockart Wynette Jameson Jan O’Neil Kaitlyn Blake Kaitlyn Boryk Shannon O’Neil Ashley Farmer Ellen Gaudet Tracey Griffith Amber Arnold Madison Borowitz Jacob Arredondo Derek Gay Jacob Mancini Ashley Farmer Mary Veedell Shauna Fererro-Donahue

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I have always been quick to trust people. I expect the best in everyone and I trust that they aren’t going to hurt me. Being this open to people means that I get hurt often by my so-called friends, and this is not fair to me. I know that I am not perfect; I am far from it. But I feel that I at least deserve honesty from those who I call my friends. I have had my friends talk about me behind my back, keep secrets from me, and I’ve even had a friend just decide that she didn’t want to be my friend anymore. This completely devastated me. I was upset, and didn’t understand why she did that to me, and when I asked her about it she just completely ignored me. While I was incredibly upset by this, I also got incredibly close to Molly Yates, someone who I was not very close with a year ago. However, if you had ever seen Molly and I together, you would think that Molly and I have been best friends for years. I completely trust Molly, mostly because I

became friends with her when I was most vulnerable. She listened to me when I told her my life story and was completely attentive the entire time. Molly constantly reminds me of what a good friend should be, and she makes me a better person because of that. Thanks to Molly, I know what a true friend should be, which allows me to make better judgment on all of my friends. I also got incredibly close to Shannon O’Neil. Shannon had been through everything that I was dealing with, and she was there to help me through it. She was there to show me how much she had grown because of it, and she showed me how I would be a better person because of this. She helped me see that I deserve to have friends that care about me and will give me the same respect that I give them. I am happier than I have ever been, and part of me is thanking that friend who hurt me. If it weren’t for that experience, I wouldn’t have gotten nearly as close to Molly and Shannon, and I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I have grown because of this experience. I am a different person now than I was this year, and I feel that I have changed for the better. When the exact same thing happened to another one of my friends, Shannon and I were there to explain to her that it wasn’t worth being upset about. I told her about how I got incredibly close to Molly and Shannon in just a few days because of that experience. I told her that I was incredibly hurt at first, but eventually I forgave

the girl and now have no grudges at all. As 2010 comes to a close, I am making my new year’s resolution for 2011 to be a better friend and to not hurt anyone. My friends deserve the best, especially after how amazing they have been to me. They deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. They deserve complete honesty, and they deserve a shoulder to cry on and a friend to be there to listen to them, just like they were there for me. Friendship works two ways. It’s a give and take relationship. If you don’t treat someone with the respect, then why should they give you any respect? My friends are the best and have not done anything to deserve less than the best in return. The least I can do for all of my friends is be there for them when they need me. I am still not perfect. But now, I hide my pain from most people, and only talk to the few friends that I completely trust. George Washington once said, “Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.” This is the quote that I try to live my life by. I have been trying to trust people less. I have been trying to be more cautious with my friends, but I still see the best in people, which can sometimes hurt me when they don’t turn out to be the person that I expect them to be. But I still accept everyone for who they are and I still trust them until I have a good reason not to trust them. I know that I got lucky with my

friends. Some people aren’t as fortunate as I am to have wonderful friends. I couldn’t have asked for better friends. They are patient, understanding, kind, and keep me smiling, even when I don’t want to. Even though I am a more trusting person with my friends now, I have that fear of being hurt again. I know that if I am hurt, I will have my other friends to help me through it. So next time I get hurt by a friend, I will think about this past year and how much I have grown. I will remember how many times my fantastic friends were there for me. And when one of my friends gets hurt, I will be there to help them through the hard times. I will remind them of how wonderful they are and that they deserve to have the best friends. If someone doesn’t see that, then they don’t deserve to have that person’s friendship. I am done with the drama of high school. I want my friends to last. I don’t want to be friends with someone on one day, and then hate them the next. I don’t want to deal with having a relationship for one week and then hating the person after that. I don’t want to get into any fights with my friends; I just want to have a good experience. Friends shouldn’t add to the stress of school. They should be there to help you with that stress, not add to it. But for now, I am going to deal with everything that happens in my life and take it with a smile. If I need to talk to someone, I know that I have a few friends who will be there to listen to me.

Guest Editorial: Amber Arnold “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”- Unknown

Amber Arnold I believe in never giving up on people. I have met many people in my life that have become my best friend and some who I only talk to once a year. My best friend had done some very mean things to me that made me want to give up on her and never talk to her again, but I have learned that it is not always best for me. Jordan and I have been best friends since 7th grade. She was the first friend I met here when I moved to League City. I was the lonely new girl who had no friends. Jordan and I met in P.E class. I was running by myself and she asked to run with me. We started talking and we realized that we had a lot in common. We became best friends. Jordan moved away to Conroe at the beginning of our freshman year. I felt lost knowing that my best friend would not be there with me thru my high school years. After she moved we stayed in touch and

we saw each other whenever we could. At the beginning of our junior year in high school, she started dating this guy named Robert and they spent a lot of time together. I didn’t get to see her as much. The first time I met Robert was when all three of us hung out together at his house. I kind of got the feeling that he really didn’t like me, because he ignored me a lot and he would distract Jordan to where she was ignoring me. I just decided to not say anything and maybe it would get better. It only got worse from there. Three months after that my friendship with Jordan started to fall apart because of some of Robert’s actions. Since Robert and I couldn’t get along, he told her that she had to choose between us, that she couldn’t have both of us in her life. Even though we didn’t get along I still didn’t want to lose my best friend because of him. She decided to choose him over me. She said that we couldn’t be friends anymore because I couldn’t accept Robert, even though I supported her with whatever decision she decided to make. This was very hard for me to understand and the first thought I had was to just give up, but when I really thought about it I knew that I couldn’t just give up on our

friendship. I tried talking to her about it and came up with ways for all of us to get along, but everything I said didn’t work for her. Even though she had given up on me, I planned on never giving up on her. I knew that her and Robert wouldn’t last forever and when he broke her heart, I would be the only one there for her. Six months later, I got a text message from her talking about how she is not happy with Robert and how sorry she is for what happened. I was surprised that she sent that to me. My first reaction was to shut her out and not accept her apology but then I realized that I had missed her and that I don’t want to give up on her because I really needed her in my life. We talked that day for awhile about why she chose him over me and how we were going to work on making our friendship. It took us about a month to work everything out and I was really glad we did. I had to deal with some hard stuff at home. My parents were getting a divorce after being married for 11 years. They were always fighting and yelling at each other. This was going on while Jordan and I were not friends so I had to deal with this on my own. I had to take care

of my 10-year-old sister, because she didn’t understand what was going on. Once Jordan and I became best friends again, I had told her about what had been going on around my house. She was there for me with open arms, and she listened to me for hours on the phone while I was crying. When I needed to get away for a weekend, she would let me come over and stay as long as a wanted too. She helped me get through everything during my parent’s divorce. Now Jordan and I are best friends again and we don’t talk about what happened in the past. We just moved on and acted like it didn’t happened, which was best to do for both of us. If I had decided to just give up on our friendship then I would have been all alone going through my parent’s divorce, and I would of lost my best friend who meant the world to me. I now cherish everyone I have in my life and if they make me mad, then I just let it go and I remember why I have them in my life. I feel like when you give up on someone, then you are losing a part of you. You no longer have that person in your life that made you happy. *The names in this story were changed.



New Boundless Playground in League City Madison Borowitz

On Saturday, October 30, in the historic district in League City,the dreams of many citizens became a reality as the Boundless Playground was opened to the public. As one of only 200 Boundless Playgrounds built, and the first in Galveston County, disabled children of our area will have the opportunity to be a part of something truly unique. The playground facilitates wheelchair accessability, with wide ramps, coushined rubberized pathways for safety, and swings with high backing for stabilized support. They have also reconstructed the sidewalk so that it is inclined, allowing wheelchairs easy entry. In addition, the park features colorful musical instruments such as drums and sound pads on the ground that play different noises, activated by touching. The park was first proposed by Reneé Farrow-Bennett in 2008, partly because of her son Christian, who has down syndrome. Christian was the first to play on the playground, sneaking in some time before the park opened. “We couldn’t wait”, said Farrow-Bennett The park was bordering on relocation to the Sportsplex on League City Parkway. Joanna Sharp, a city Councilwoman, was

concerned with the cost the construction of the park would bring, and she sug-

ing for the parks construction, favored the original address in the League Park.

Photo by: Madison Borowitz gested moving the Sharps concerns were New boundary playground in park because the valid and the city use League City city would save grants and donations for $118,00 in tax revthe playground. League enue if it was on youth sports facil- City was awarded a $50,000 CVS Caity grounds. However, citizens push- reMark Charitable Trust Fund grant,

as well as $20,000 from Baxter Trust, and a $10,000 donation from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Others who contributed to the construction of the park have a brick on the new sidewalk with their name engraved on it. The RCK Foundation, started by Danielle and Andrew Keller, provided the city with $25,000 for a future project to build a section in the park for 2-5 year olds. The Kellers created the foundation in honor of their daughter Rori, who died in March of this year just 22 days after birth due to a genetic disorder. Local mom Michelle Lacombe says she read up on the park over the summer, and hoped that they would have luck coming up with funds. On November 1 she took her son to the League City historic district and was thrilled that the park had been built. “Its actually here. They actually did it!” said Lacombe. Lacombe knows many parents with children affected by mental and physical disabilities, some bound to wheelchairs who would benefit from League City’s new Boundless Playground “Its just so nice that we have something like this in our area. I can’t wait to tell my friends about the park. Our children can play together here, side by side.”

Security in airports becoming more strict Ashley Farmer

Fear from a thwarted terrorist attack involving potentially explosive packages mailed to the United States, has resulted in more emphasis being placed on airport security measures, bringing to light some concerns and backlash from the American public over various safety measures. According to a press release from the Department of Headland Security, many old security measures have been revamped and new ones have been implemented to ensure the tightest security. These can include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams and pat downs, among others. International and private sector partners are using these layered detection systems to ensure maximum security. Two specific measures that have caused the most controversy from travelers and non-travelers alike are full-body screening and the new pat down procedures. According to USA Today, many of the complaints claim that these procedures are too time consuming and are an invasion of privacy. Questions are also being raised about the health risks of the procedures. The full body scanners that have recently caused more vocal backlash were installed last March after the Christmas Day bombing attempt. According to USA Today, the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, hopes to implement about 1,000 of these machines by end of the year at 133 different airports. The cost for 500 of these machines is estimated at $80 million. Officials on security in both Dubai and many countries in Europe have opted out of implementing these security measures.

In October, the U.S Accountability Office claimed that these machines were being dispersed without adequate testing to prove their capability of detecting harmful weapons. However, they are not dangerous to humans. The two types of machines the TSA have implemented

both see underneath clothing, one using an X-ray beam and one using electromagnetic rays. Those who choose to not undergo the screening may have a pat down search or screening by a metal detector. These pat downs, however, have also faced controversy because of their invasive and personal nature. According to Reuters, both travelers and U.S Lawmakers object to scans that are highly personal. On ABC Friday, TSA announced they are testing a new X-ray technology that would show a stick figure instead of the passenger’s full-body image.

Shannon O’Neil

forty parents have joined The Surviving Parents Coalition. The Coalition strives to teach children and parents the facts about child abductions. They want to implement better laws in the legal system to honor their children, according to the Surviving Parents Coalition. The president of The Surviving Parents Coalition is Ed Smart. His daughter, Elizabeth, was kidnapped on June 5, 2002. Elizabeth was one of the lucky children who was found alive. She has returned to her home, according to The Surviving Parents Coalition. However, Elizabeth’s kidnapper is only now starting to face a real trial. In 2005, Brain David Mitchell, was labeled mentally ill and sent to a mental hospital instead of a federal prison, according to In 2008 Mitchell was ruled competent enough to stand trial for the kidnapping and abuse of Elizabeth Smart, according to The Surviving Parents Coalition endorses many different organizations with the same goal, protecting children. The National Sheriffs’ Association endorses the organization, radKIDS.

Pilots would face a different technology based on what TSA Administration chief John Pistole referred to as a “risk based intelligence driven process.”

A TSA screener pats down a traveler at the B-side security checkpoint at Orlando International Airport, November 24, 2010. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)

Parents organize coalition for kids Throughout the United States, children and parents are faced with the harsh reality of kidnapping. According to Kids Fighting Chance, about 800,000 children per year go missing. A person not related to them kidnaps about 12,000 of these children. Though many kidnappings happen when a parent of the child takes the child against a court order, some children are kidnapped by non-family members and are put in extreme danger. Around 46 percent of all these kidnappings will result in sexual assault on the child, according to Kids Fighting Chance. Most of these kidnappings by a non-related person result in the death of the child. The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act along with The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act has helped to create an organization called the Surviving Parents Coalition (SPC). The Surviving Parents Coalition is a non-profit organization that will lobby with Congress for legislations. These groups of parents are working together to lower the number and rate of child abductions and abuse. Over



This is an organization dedicated to teaching children about safety. This organization provides not only information on kidnapping but on bullying, Internet safety, and much more. The Surviving Parents Coalition has links to other programs dedicated to child safety, and it provides information about laws in hopes of getting other states to put the laws into effect. The SPC is focused mainly on putting the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act into effect in all states. The Adam Walsh Act along with the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, are dedicated to making states have certain standards and procedures for sex offenders. The SPC is focused on requiring all states to enforce felons to take a DNA test. It also funds the “Protect Act” that will help reduce and incarcerate Internet sex offenders. The SPC also supports the “NOT ONE MORE CHILD,” classes sponsored by radKIDS. With all the kidnappings, the parents are the ones who really make a difference in life or death of their child. The Surviving Parents Coalition is just one way parents of kidnapped children can make a difference.

Obama freezes federal worker pay until 2012 Amber Arnold

beginning of 2009. The President’s freeze According to, on November would not affect members of Congress 29, 2010 president Barack Obama or their staff members, but Congress announced a pay freeze for two million voted to freeze its own pay for 2011. Obama’s federal pay freeze won praise federal employees and warned the American and raised comparisons to President Ronald public that the move is the first of many Reagan, who difficult decisions that must be made. The froze pay freeze will only put a tiny in 1986. dent in the T h e n a t i o n ’s f r e e z e $ 1 4 would take trillion effect on debt. The J a n u a r y freeze is not 1, 2011 if to punish congress federal approves workers or it by the to disrespect end of the work the year. they do. T h e 2 0 1 2 According pay freeze will be included to yahoo news, by Obama as the two-year part of his fiscal freeze would President Barack Obama speaks about budget apply to all the U.S. economy to local business lead- 2012 submission to civilian federal ers and students and faculty at Forsyth Congress, which e m p l o y e e s , County Technical Community College in due early including those Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Mon- is next year. In the working at the day, December 6, 2010. (Shawn Rocco/ past, Congress Department of Raleigh News & Observer/MCT) has generally Defense, but gone along with would not affect p r e s i d e n t ial any military recommendations on personnel. It will affect all other Executive federal worker pay levels. Branch personel. It will not affect members Without congressional action, of Congress or their staffs, defense federal employees would automatically contractors, postal workers or federal court judges and workers. The freeze, which get a 0.9 percent increase under the requires congressional approval, is expected formula set by a 1990 law. They received to save more than $5 billion in savings over a 1.9 percent pay increase this year. The president’s goal is to get rid of two years, $28 billion over five years and growing budget concerns and pressure more than $60 billion over ten years. The from republicans, and many rank and freeze would end September 20, 2012. file Democrats, to rein in federal pay and Congress is not covered by Obama’s benefits. The federal government is the order but lawmakers voted last April to nation’s largest employer, with about 2 freeze their pay, with the House and Senate million workers. Eighty-five percent of them opting to forgo an automatic $1,600 annual cost of living increase. House members work outside of the Washington, D.C. area. Federal workers have not been and senators now are paid $174,000 a year. directly affected by the recession like other Their last pay increase was $4,700 a year at

sectors, with fewer layoffs and continued annual pay increases. Republican and fiscal conservative critics have argued that federal employees are better paid than private sector counterparts. After taking office in January 2009, Obama froze salaries of top White house officials and top political appointees. Congress froze its pay last April, with House and Senate voting to forgo an automatic $1,600 annual cost of living increase. The president has proposed a three-year freeze in pay for most federal employees as part of his plan to reduce the nation’s growing deficit. According to a new Associated Press CNBC poll, the federal government is on track to rack up the third trillion dollars

plus deficit in history. Yearly deficits have raised as a result of falling tax revenues and rising recession related costs. The poll reveals that 46 percent of the country would prefer increasing government spending on education, health care reform, and the development of alternative energy sources, even if it means that the deficit will grow. Fourty-seven percent say that reducing the deficit by cutting spending is the most important priority, even if it means the government should spend more or less for domestic programs. President Obama is also recommending solutions for balancing the budget, targeting Social Security and Medicare to increase savings.

U.S. President Barack Obama holds a press conference defending his decision to deal with the GOP in order to extend soon-toexpire tax cuts, Tuesday, December 7, 2010. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/MCT)



Around Creek


Creek Best Buddies provide sponsor activities Jacob Mancini

Best buddies is a nonprofit organization with a mission to establish a global volunteer movement, creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Founded in 1989 by Anthony Kennedy Shriver, Best Buddies has grown from one original chapter to more than 1,500 chapters in college, high school and middle school campuses in all fifty states. Operating with seven formal programs—Best Buddies Citizens, Colleges, e-Buddies®, High Schools, Jobs, Middle Schools and Ambassadors— Best Buddies will impact more than 700,000 individuals in 2010. Best Buddie volunteers annually and contribute services to the community that equate to more than $170 million. When people with IDD are unable to attain or maintain a working job, it is most often due to an absence of social skills rather than an inadequacy to perform the work required. Best Buddies introduces various socialization programs as well as job coaching to these individuals as tools for them to participate and be accepted in society. One-to-one friendship is the

lifeblood of Best Buddies. At its core, the entire program can be summed up in the relationship between a buddy and a peer buddy. Creek’s chapter of Best Buddies

has 95 peer buddies in it and 32 buddies, or individuals with special needs. Led by President Ryan Ward, students team up with the special needs students of Creek to help make them feel more involved at Creek, helping each other feel secure at Creek. In the beginning of the year Best Buddies at Creek held a matchup party where each member of the chapter was paired together with their buddy. They introduced themselves at the celebration and committed to meeting at least once every week and hanging out with them outside of school at least once per month. Every month, Creek’s chapter of Best buddies takes a field trip so that students can strengthen the bonds with their peers and buddies while having fun. In October, the Best buddies went to a pumpkin patch at Clear Lake United Methodist Church. The buddies

picked out small pumpkins and had a picnic on the lawn of a nearby park with their peers. On November 5, Best Buddies went to the Bay Area Raceway. The buddies shared go-karts with their peers and raced together around the circuit. Afterwards, they played arcade games and won prizes. In December, the Best Buddies plan to take a trip to the Baybrook Mall to shop for Christmas presents for the buddies and their families. Best Buddies at Creek also unites with other chapters of the organization in hosting events such as the Rock for Friendship concert. An annual celebration of friendship between IDD students and their peers, the concert commemorates the efforts of the students in Best Buddies in five schools district-wide. The date for the Rock for friendship has not yet been decided. In April, following Creek’s Senior Prom, Best Buddies will have a prom of their own. Encouraged to dance and be themselves, the buddies always enjoy the night out with their friends. Creek Buddies dance while participating in Mix It Up Day

Photo By: Kaitlyn Boryk Photo Illistration By: Jacob Mancini

National Merit Scholars recognized at Creek Shannon O’Neil

The 2010-2011 National Merit Scholars are Emilia Capuzzi, Sakthi Rajendran, Andrew Coulter, Nicholas White, and Emily Dismukes. All National Merit Scholars are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship. Students had to qualify for this award program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Any student can take the test but he or she must be enrolled in high school and plan to enroll in college. Applicants m u s t be or be in the process of becoming


citizen of the United States. Students who took the SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test can receive the ranking of a Commended Student, which means that the student’s scores were higher than most but not high enough to reach Semifinalist standards. These students are not able to further qualify in the

National Merit Scholarship Program, but may in fact have a higher chance of receiving more awards and or scholarships by outside companies. Semifinalists are notified in the mail if they have qualified and then the competition really gets going. Students then progress, on a state level, based on their grades. Students will then have to fill out another portion of the National Merit Scholarship Program application, have a principal recommendation, and take the SAT. When students take the SAT, they must complete a score high enough to keep them qualified for the finales. If students advance to Finalist level they have a chance to win scholarships. These finalists

will receive a certificate from their school and look forward to winning scholarships. Winners of the National Merit Scholarship Program will be chosen based on academic performance, abilities, and accomplishments they have received. The award is non-biased towards certain races and or religions. Creek’s English 4 AP teacher, Gordon Lewis, planned a short and small ceremony for the five winners of the National Merit Scholarship Program. Most may not be aware that in the courtyard Creek has a monument for all their National Merit Scholars. This year’s National Merit Scholars will have the great honor of having their names added to the list of previous scholars. Lewis held the ceremony near the statue in the courtyard and presented each National Merit Scholar with a school spirited, maroon, embroidered polo shirt with their name and National Merit Scholar. Attending the ceremony was assistant principal Mary Latulipe, David Drake, and one of Lewis’ English AP classes, who are peers of the National Merit Scholars This year’s reprints can look forward to graduating Creek and leaving a piece of their accomplishments behind.

Creek National Merit Scholars in front of the statue.

Photo By: Tianah Brewer and Shannon O’Neil Photo Illistration By: Shannon O’Neil



Teenager Teens distracted when driving charged of murdering friend Hannah Brinsko

Tracey Griffith

The body of eighteen-year-old Josh Wilkerson was found on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 in west Pearland in a field between FM 518 and FM 521 according to Wilkerson is believed to have been killed by classmate and friend, HermiloVildo Moralez. Moralez was accused of the crime on November 18. According to, Wilkerson was reported missing on Tuesday, November 16 after his parents found his car abandoned at a nearby shopping center. A search party was sent out and police who were investigating the disappearance found Wilkerson’s backpack and shoes in a garbage dumpster which was near the site of his abandoned car. Wilkerson was last seen at around 12 pm and was reported missing at around 5 pm. A search party was sent out to locate him Moralez was first identified as a suspect after he was caught lingering around Wilkerson’s abandoned car. He was brought in for questioning after falsely identifying himself to the police at the site of Wilkerson’s car. Wilkerson’s body was found with his hands and feet bound together. He had been beaten to death and then his remains burned. Once in custody, Moralez admitted to both offenses. Moralez told police during questioning that Wilkerson had made sexual advances on him when taking him home from school and that he had begun to fight him. He claims that Wilkerson then picked up a large piece of wood and attempted to hit him with it, and that in self-defense he grabbed the wood from Wilkerson and began beating him with it. After Moralez realized that he had killed Wilkerson, he took him out to the field, burned his remains, and then took Wilkerson’s belongings to the dumpster. Moralez agreed to cooperate with the police to search for and locate the body of Wilkerson, but during the search, Moralez attempted to steal the gun of one of the officers. He has now been charged with false identification and attempting to take a weapon from an officer. Moralez was formally charged of the murder of Wilkerson on November 18 and is being held without bail. Students of Pearland ISD and nearby areas are deeply upset by the murder. Counselors have been sent to Wilkerson’s school, PACE Center, to help the students to deal with the loss of their fellow student. High school students from Pearland ISD and other areas have already formed groups on Facebook in memory of Wilkerson. One of the groups already contained 1,123 members by the evening of November 18. According to, school officials described Wilkerson by being a dedicated student who was very hardworking. The investigation into the death of Josh Wilkerson is still taking place and anyone with information concerned with his death is asked to call the number 281-007- 4100.

A new survey conducted by Seventeen magazine and the AAA auto club found that almost nine out of ten teenagers drive while distracted, knowing that it significantly increases their risk of getting in a car crash. “I do it all the time,” said sophomore Meg Little over driving while distracted. ìI know it is really bad and dangerous, but I still do it.î Distracted driving in general is defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation as any nondriving activity a person engages in that has the potential to distract him or her from the primary task of driving and increase the risk of crashing. There are three main types of distractions while driving. Visual distractions are those that require a driver to take his or her eyes off the road. Visual distractions can include something as simple as looking at a billboard or reading a map. Distractions that require your hands to leave the wheel are called manual distractions. Eating while driving, programming a GPS system, and calling someone without the use of a hands free device are all examples of manual distractions. Mental distractions require drivers to take their mind off what they are doing. Talking to passengers qualifies as a mental distraction. Some activities, such as texting, involve all three types of distractions.

“I text when I drive every now and then, but only when I’m on a long straight road and I don’t have to do anything,” said junior Spencer Arlington. Within the past year eleven states have placed bans on texting while driving. Only twelve states have no laws prohibiting texting while driving for any age group.

Student eating while driving

Photo by Aimee Sierra

In Texas, inexperienced drivers, people who have held their license for less than one year, are not permitted to text while driving, nor can they make phone calls with or without a hands-free device. All drivers are prohibited from making phone calls without the assistance of a hands-free device, and texting while in school zones.

Additionally, school bus drivers are not allowed to text while transporting children. “I try not to drive while distracted because I know I’m not very good at driving yet. Lots of times when Iím driving my friends try distracting me by talking loudly and blasting the music, but I try to ignore them,” said junior Alli Souris, who received her license this summer. According to the survey conducted by Seventeen and the AAA auto club, 28% of the surveyed teenagers admitted to sending a text while driving. Fourty one precent of surveyed teenagers said they drove distracted because it takes hardly any time to send a text or adjust their radio. Twenty two precent said it makes driving less boring. Another 22% drove while distracted because they are used to being constantly connected with people, and 35% of drivers drove while distracted because they donít think their actions will cause them harm. Studies also show that driving while using a cell phone impairs the driver as much as driving while intoxicated. Also teenagers that are eighteen or older are more likely to drive while distracted than a recently licensed sixteen and seventeen year old driver. In 2008, one out of every five car crashes resulted from distracting driving, ultimately causing over 6,000 deaths. Drivers under the age of 20 have the highest proportion of fatal car crashes due to distracted driving.

Movie inspired by local murders Derek Gay

Krystal Jean Baker’s life was cut short on March 5, 1996. Baker was only 13 years old when she disappeared. The killer was unknown for 14 years until DNA testing provided proof of the perpetrator. Baker’s killer, Kevin Smith, was arrested on September 25, 210. However the killers of the other women still have not been identified. Police believe an astonishing 3070 women have been killed along a 28 mile stretch of I-45. However, detectives do not know if they worked as a team or if they were un related. Jessica Cain has been missing since August 17, 1997. To this day authorities do mot know what has happened to her. She could possibly still be alive to this day, which is why her family has announced a $250,00 reward for her safe return. Hollywood sees the tragedy on I-45 as an opportunity to create another suspenseful thriller. The movie killing Fields was planned to star Jeffery Dean Morgan, but

now rumors that Bradley Cooper will be the star have surfaced. If Bradley Cooper takes this role he will be teaming up with Sam Worthington, the lead role in the award-winning Avatar. The Screen Play for this movie was written by a former Drug Enforcement agent, Donald Ferarrone of Galveston, Texas. Ferarrone is known for writing Déjà vu, and The Taking of Phelam 123. Killing Fields will be directed by Michael Mann who has also directed other well known movies such as Public Enemies, Hancock, and The Last of The Mohicans. While fans await the premier of this movie, families closely touched by this tragedy. “I think they will be happy to see the word of I-45 getting out, but it will be sad to relive what happened.” Said Nikki Alvarez Grade 9. Though this movie will be based on League City and the infamous I-45

murders it will be filmed in Louisiana. Mann and his film crew plan to start the filming in April 2011, and it is planned to release late in 2012 as reported by Variety, Film Industry Magazine. This movie may sway the view toward league city, making some people weary about visiting or moving here. However Courtney McSwain believes “Every city has it’s share of crazy people, but I know how to take the precautions to stay safe, but for the most part I believe League City is safe.” Though the tragedy of the killing fields is hopefully over, it shows how big of an impact it had on the small town of League City.

A sign leading to I-45.

Photo by Kaitlyn Blake Photo illustration by Shannon O’Neil



Moody Gardens introduces Imagine Christmas Shannon O’Neil

Imagine Christmas will begin on December 16 and run through December 26, at Moody Gardens beginning at 7 pm. Guests will enjoy a buffet meal and a holiday show will. After the show guests can walk through the Festival of Lights, complimentary with their Imagine Christmas ticket. Moody Gardens is known for its pyramids and Imax films. Every holiday season Moody Gardens creates new festive activities for the public including the Festival of Lights, and Imagine Christmas, this years holiday show. For the past two years, Moody Gardens, has held a Christmas dinner/show at the Moody Gardens Hotel Convention Center. Last year Moody Gardens presented The Gift of Christmas Live, and this year they will be introducing a new show with Island Star Performances, called Imagine Christmas. Imagine Christmas is a show that tells the story of Christ’s birth in a unique way. Not only will there be singing and dancing, but Imagine Christmas features aerial acrobatics. Mark Stonebarger is the director of Imagine Christmas. Stonebarger is also the drama director at Clear Springs High

School. Stonebarger has been involved in one hundred productions as either director or performer. He has 17 years of teaching experience, with UIL awards. The aerial stunts were created by Aerial Experience Productions, owned by Lee and Debbie Park. Ticket prices are $45 for adults and $25 for children. Groups of 20 or more are eligible to receive a $10 discount on each ticket, $35 for adults and $15 for children. All tickets can be purchased online at, by telephone, 409-6834186, and 1-800-582-4673 extension 4186, or at the Moody Gardens Hotel in the Island Star Box Office. Tickets include The Holiday Dinner Buffet and Performance, Admission to the Festival of Lights, all taxes and gratuities, and complimentary parking. The show will be held in the Moody Gardens Convention Center. Moody Gardens will also be hosting its annual Festival of Lights, “a mile long trail of over one million lights.” The Festival of Lights will

be an ongoing holiday activity till January 1. Visitors can pay $5.95 to walk through the trail of lights mixed with sounds and the Moody Garden’s landscape. Visitors can ice skate in Moody Garden’s outdoor skating rink. Guests can take a break from the cold, and visit Santa, inside the Visitors’ Center. Visitors of the Festival of Lights receive discounts on the IMAX movies with their Festival of Lights ticket. Fridays are special at Festival of Lights. Different activities are held only on Friday. The Snow Zone will be available for children for $5 with a purchase of a Festival of Lights ticket. Here kids can play in snow-generated onsite. Visitors

also have an opportunity to receive 2 for 1 admission discount if they bring a food item that is non-perishable to donate in the Moody Gardens Food Drive Fridays program. All items will then be donated to Houston and Galveston food banks. The Holiday Season at Moody Gardens has already begun with the Festival of Lights and other IMAX films dedicated to the holidays. Moody Gardens along with Island Star Performances are debuting their newest holiday activity, Imagine Christmas. Moody Gardens looks forward to all the guests who come to spread the holiday cheer with Moody Gardens.

The Moody Gardens’ Pyramids lit up at night. A palm tree light at the Festival of Lights.

Photo and illustration by Shannon O’Neil

New college sport rises Madison Williams

“Muggle Quidditch,” or “Ground Quidditch,” began in 2005 at Middlebury College in Vermont. According to the International Quidditch Association the rules were adapted from JK Rowling’s Harry Potter novels by Alexander Manshel, the first Quidditch Commissioner. In 2006, Alex Benepe took over as the Middlebury Commissioner. In 2007 he founded the Intercollegiate Quidditch Association after the first Intercollegiate Quidditch match between Middlebury College and Vassar College on November 11, 2007. The Quidditch field consists of three hoops at the end of each field, equally spaced from each other. The hoops are placed at three different heights. There is also a designated keeper zone where only the keeper and seeker may be. A soccer ball is used in the game, also referred to as a quaffle, and a dodge ball is used as the bludger. For the snitch, a neutral player is chosen to run around the field making the seekers chase him. If the seeker is able to catch the snitch, then the seeker wins the match for his team. Each team consists of six active players, 3 chasers, 2 beaters, and 1 keeper. The Chaser handles the quaffle and is able to move freely through out the field. Beaters can catch, pick up, and throw the bludgers. A beaters job is to throw the dodge ball at the other team, trying to knock a player of his broom. Beaters may also leave the field to retrieve loose bludgers. Keepers stay in the keeper zone at all times and protect the goals. Seekers are allowed to roam

anywhere as long as they are still inside of the field. Each game lasts approximately thirty minutes unless other wise indicated at the start of the match. A goal is scored when the quaffle passes through one of the six hoops on the field. The team that scored earns 10 points, and possession of the quaffle is given to the keeper of the opposing team. If the shot on the hoops goes wide, it will return to the defending keeper. Fouls can be given for playing in the keeper zone when you are not the keeper or the seeker, an incomplete pass between players, carrying the quaffle for more than five steps, and holding the quaffle for more than ten seconds while guarded. Since the development of the International Quidditch Association rules have been standardized, over 400 college teams and 300 high school teams have formed. Quidditch is mainly played in the United States in 45 states. The United States teams are split into five regions: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West. Not only has the sport taken hold in the United States but it has also gained popularity in other countries around the world including, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. Quidditch has spread to various parts of the world and in the process has promoted good sportsmanship between rival colleges and has brought a little Harry Potter every where it goes.

12 Creek Speaks

Hypersocializing affects a generation of teens Stephanie Johnson

Texting while driving has long been regarded as a deadly combination, however, hyper-socializing now has researchers worried about the teenage population for reasons other than the road. Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and Master of Public Health program presented the findings from their new research at the American Public Health Association’s 138th Annual Meeting and Exposition in Denver, November 9. Over 4,200 students were surveyed in 20 public schools around the Cleveland area last year with the purpose of determining whether or not social networking sites and texting could be associated to poor heath behaviors. “The startling results of this study suggest that, when left unchecked, texting and other widely popular methods of staying connected can have dangerous health effects on teenagers,” said Scott Frank, the lead researcher on the study. The surprising results concluded that hyper-texters, those who send over 120 messages a day, are twice as likely to have tried alcohol, 55% more likely to have been in a physical fight, 41 percent more likely to have tried illicit drugs, and 40% more likely to have tried cigarettes. Hyper-networkers, those who spend 3 hours or more on a

social networking website, similarly, are 84% more likely to have tried illicit drugs, 79% more likely to have tried alcohol, 62% more likely to have tried cigarettes, and 94% more likely to have been in a physical fight. Additionally, 11.5% of students surveyed were identified as hypertexters or hypernetworkers. T h e s e teenagers s h o w e d signs of suffering

from stress, depression, suicide, poor sleep, poor academics, excessive television watching, and parental

permissiveness. Scott Frank s a i d , “This should be a wake-up call for parents to not only help their children stay safe by not texting and driving, but by discouraging excessive use of the cell phone or social Web sites in general.” Of course this may be the reason for

hyper-networking, rather than the cause. Many students claim that spending hours on Facebook and Twitter are ways that they handle the anxiety, depression, and loneliness they experience at school and at home, not the other way around. Almost 20% of the students reported to be hypertexters were female, minority, and from socioeconomic status that had no father at home, according to the researchers at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine in Cleveland.

Photos By Madison Borowitz and Tianah Brewer Photo Illustrations By Madison Borowitz and Ashely Farmer

Creek Speaks13

Creek FFA travels to Indianapolis for nationals cific to the events the members compete On Wednesday October 20, the Clear in at home, and an FFA shopping mall. “Not only was it fun, but it was Creek High School FFA headed for Indianapolis, Indiana, where educational. The whole thing ran really smoothly and we were they attended the annual able to get so much FFA national convention. out of it,” said sophoAccording to the Nationmore Toni Nickel. al FFA Organization, Seven stuover 55,000 FFA memdents from Clear Creek bers and guests attended High School attended the conventhis event. They include tion from FFA president, Rachel across the Woodworth, secrec o u n t r y. tary Sarah Leahey, The theme Sentenel Calvin of the conPicou, student vention was advisor Regan “infinite DeLesandri, potential.” reporter Toni A c Nickel, and cording historian Morto, gan Ferrell. the official The teacher website for advisor and the National chaperone for FFA Organithe event was zation, “The Mr. Stokely. 83rd National FFA Convention [presented] FFA members with a world of possibilities. Attendees exThe plored the many event opportunities available Calvin Picou in Courtesy Corps was paid to today’s agricultural Photo by Toni Nickel students and [learned] Photo illustration by Ashley for the FFA booster how to tap into their Farmer club, who own infinite potential.” was reOne of these opportunities was career development events sponsible for providing transwhere students learn about their future portation, the hotel, and the as FFA members. Other events more spe- admission for the students.

Ashley Farmer

Attending the event along with the Clear Creek High School FFA students were the students from Clear Brook, whose chaperone was their teacher advisor, Mrs. Stokely. Both school chapters attended the events together. After checking into the hotel in Indianapolis on Wednesday, the students joined other FFA members at the convention. They had the opportunity to participate in many career developing events at the convention. Students were invited to a National Chapter Awards Dinner at the Marriot. Also attending this event were honored guests such as heads of Ford motor company. Both the Clear Creek and the Clear Brook FFAs won 2-star National Chapter of the year awards at the banquet. In order to qualify to win a National Chapter award, the FFA chapter must first be awarded a gold rating by their state FFA associations. After completing and documenting at least 15 specialized activities and compet-

ing with the the other chapters in the state, Creek was awarded the gold, the most prestigious of the awards. The school received a certificate for its state rat-

Reagan DeLesandri and Morgan Ferrell at FFA Nationals

Photo by Toni Nickel Photo Illustration By Ashley Faremer ing, a plaque for its national rating, and spurs displaying its 2-star ranking. On Thursday, the students explored the convention and met members of FFA from around the country. Some went to view the competitions that were taking place that pertained to the events they also participated in at home. Others went to work on “courtesy core,” a program set up to organize volunteer service to allow the convention to run smoothly. “It was such a great bonding experience for our team. We learned so much about different events and careers that pertain to FFA. I’m really glad I got to go,” said Nickel.

Clear Creek high spirit spills from the stands Sara Wallace

This school year has begun full of spirit and positive attitudes from the starting of Club Adrenaline to Mix it Up Day during lunch, and the many other opportunities that students have to get involved in at

school and have fun doing it. The morale of the school is getting brighter by the day and that shows especially during football games. Friday, November 5 at District Stadium, Creek defeated Lake. The students’ section was full of cheers and spirit. It was the last district game and everyone w a s excited to be there. The student section was a field of maroon shirts and some students even

painted themselves with Creek’s colors. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation to see what this game would bring. When the cheerleaders came out, the crowd cheered with them and when the drum-line came out in the third quarter nobody was standing still and no one was sitting down. Any team playing against Creek would be blown away with the amount of support we had in the stands. This Friday was no different and t h e screams continued until the end of half time then the stands became quiet with the murmurs of students passing back a message, “when the team comes out chant for Will.” The c r o w d

waited for a sign of movement from the other side of the field. Right after halftime, as the team

stormed the field to continue their win for a spot in the playoffs, a student named Will was running onto the field with the team. Will is a boy with special needs who has always wanted to play football. Due to physical setbacks, however, he does not have that opportunity. Although he wasn’t running plays he had a chance to be part of the team on Friday night. While he didn’t suit up for the Wildcats, he did storm the field and was a part of the team in spirit. When the football players ran out of the huge maroon helmet shaped balloon, he was right there with them, and when he passed the student’s section the crowd went wild. When the team first started their run onto the field, the chant was somewhat quiet but as the team drew closer the screams got louder. The cheers and chants for him were phenomenal and it was like he was the star of the team. Even students who were only half interested in the game were getting into this cheer. Students throughout the stands were explaining their excitement and students who know Will were especially excited. It has proven that Creek’s spirit really has been brought to a whole new level. The crowd pumps it up

Photo by Aimee Sierra Photo Illustration by Ashley Farmer






Teen Interest

Tangled twist on Rapunzel thrills audiences Stephanie Johnson

Thanksgiving weekend brought about a whole host of new movies to theaters. One in particular, however, shocked viewers with both its popularity and quality of entertainment. Disney’s 50th animated feature, Tangled, dazzled audiences with its colorful characters, memorable music, and beautiful CGI animation. The story is about a beautiful princess named Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore). Taken from her castle as a baby for the magical powers captivated in her hair, Rapunzel spends her childhood under the care of the selfish, aging Mother Gothel (voiced by Donna Murphy). Gothel keeps Rapunzel hidden away in a tower to use the magical qualities of the hair to keep herself young, but as Rapunzel gets older she feels she’s ready to finally leave the tower. With the help of a fleeing bandit Flynn Rider (voiced by Zachary Levi) and her fiery friend, Pascal, Rapunzel finally gets to live her dream while having the

most magnificent adventure of her life. The movie will remind its viewers of the great Disney decade, the 90’s. Rapunzel is a mix between Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Jasmine from Aladdin in personality. She was fun with a bit of an attitude and an appetite for adventure. Flynn was perfect as her guide who always had something to say (typically about himself). Both characters grew as the story progressed, becoming even more wholesome and lovable. Pascal,his horse is the typical animated animal friend, but he embodies a character of hilarious personality while offering Rapunzel support and much needed advice. Maximus, the horse, acts more like a dog than an actual horse. This in itself is the source for most of his hilarity. The songs are well written and composed, as is expected from Alan Menken, who is responsible for the undeniable classics present in The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and The Beauty and The Beast. There isone song in particular that many fans can look forward to possibly

seeing nominated for an Oscar. The music placement is perfect as well. There isn’t too much singing, so it doesn’t feel forced or uncomfortable, but there was enough to fully enjoy Menken’s talent. Also every song is an easy transition, which may ease a lot of viewers who don’t find characters randomly striking a tune enjoyable. There is so much emotion in the film as well, something not found in many children’s cartoons. Walking out of the theater, there were more than just a few viewers with puffy eyes. The animation is absolutely astonishing. As a CGI animated film, many viewers will not expect much, but as usual Disney delivers. Disney animators managed to make this 3D film look and feel like the classic hand-drawn films, but with depth and dimension. Rapunzel’s hair

in particular is perfect, with each stand visible throughout the entire movie - no easy feat. Overall, it is an easy 4 out of 5 stars that audiences of all ages and genders can enjoy. It’s an instant Disney classic.

Flynn, from left, Rapunzel and Pascal in a scene from Disney’s animation, “Tangled.” (Courtesy Disney Enterprises/MCT)

Taylor Swifts new album will “Speak” to fans Tracey Griffith Taylor Swift, the popular country pop sensation, released her new album Speak Now on October 25. Sticking to her usual style of writing, each song has some specific personal meaning to Swift. A short paragraph of background information describing what each song means written by Swift herself, along with a short audio clip of the song, is available on her website, The title of the album, Speak Now, refers to the moment in a wedding that the preacher asks if anyone opposes the marriage to speak now or forever hold their peace. She describes the song lyrics on the album as what she wishes she could have told people in her life in person. Swift had an impressive amount of sales the first week of the album’s release, estimated at 800 to 900 thousand copies. It also had an extraordinary amount of digital sales through iTunes, and may even have had the most digital sales in a week ever for a country artist. So far the album has had overwhelmingly positive review, receiving a four star review from Rolling Stone Magazine. Swifts albums have grown along with her as a person. The lyrics in Speak Now are far more mature and daring than any other lyrics she has written before. Swift is known for bashing ex-boyfriends in her lyrics, but she takes revenge to a new level

in Speak Now with the songs “Dear John,” “Innocent,” and “Better than Revenge.” Because Swift’s lyrics are inspired by real life experiences, many teens and young adults are able to relate with the lyrics well. The first song and single from the album, Mine, sounds very similar to ever other single released by Swift. The lyrics “You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” demonstrate the talent that Swift has in writing music. With its clever hook, lyrics about love, and building intensity, it makes a great first single from the album. The song Sparks Fly opens with a catchy guitar riff followed by the same melody in the violin. It is Swift’s own voice singing the harmonies in this song, which makes it slightly different from most of her songs. The underlying eerie tone of the song works well with the lyrics. The intensity of the song drops toward the end, and then works its way back up for a strong ending. Back to December is the first of the many slower and softer songs on the album. The chorus of the song has a good rhythm, which keeps such a slow song interesting. A slight difference to the melody of the lyrics and a dropped word to the chorus help to keep the listener attentive.

Speak Now has a light happy feeling and the lyrics have a different sort of theme than most of the lyrics on the album. The song shows off the Swift’s singing ability. The song is also the source of the album’s title. Another slow paced song, Dear John, opens with cool effect with acoustic guitar interrupted by short electric guitar entrances. The song has a more pronounced country feel to the chorus. Although decent, the song doesn’t have the variety and excitement of the other songs on the album. Mean also has a more country than pop feel to the music and is slightly similar to the sound of the Dixie Chicks. The song has a simple melody, clever lyrics, and catchy hook of “Why you gotta be so mean?” The Story of Us begins differently with drums rather than guitar or vocals. The strong drum beat continues throughout the rest of the song. Although the song like all other songs on the album has exceptional lyrics with phrases like, “I’ve never heard silence quite this loud”, it like Dear John, is not one of the stronger songs on the album. “Never Grow Up” is a very soft and sweet song. Its smooth and peaceful feeling filled with harmonies is enjoyable to listen to. The song Enchanted begins a bit bland and boring, but eventually reaches level of excellence of the other songs of the album. One of the most clever and interesting songs on the album, Better than Revenge, begins with Swift speaking the words “Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did” which humorously complements the lyrics, “She’s gonna find stealing other people’s toys on the






go green. save earth. enjoy the sunshine. dont let the faucet run. three easy steps. reduce. reuse. recycle. donate old clothes to a resale shop. start a garden. compost veggies, newspaper, leaves, grass, sticks anything. turn off the lights when you leave the room. un-plug things if you arent using them. bring a reusable water bottle. buy local vegatables. go to a farmers market. invite your friends to all come watch a movie on the same television and save electricity. plant a family tree and watch it grow. go on a bike ride. have a picnic. open the windows and let the sun in. go to the library and rent a book. use notebooks of recycled paper. use the backs of your paper. if its clean dont wash it. share your knowledge. recycle your ideas and thoughts.


playground,” in the chorus of the song. Innocent has a melancholy feel to the verses, and Swift gives an excellent performance vocally in the song. Perhaps the best song on the entire album, Haunted, is an extremely powerful song, both in the vocals and background music. The song opens with fierce and chilling violins that continue throughout the song. The song immediately catches the listener’s attention and holds it to the end, with the excellent melody of the lyrics that takes Swift’s range to the max. Swift’s style of vocals is distinct in Last Kiss with a very soft almost raspy feel to them. The pauses between lyrics in the chorus of the song sets this song apart from the other slow songs on the album. Long Live, a tribute to Swift’s band and producer, is fittingly the last song on the album. The song has little musical variation but is still strong. Lyrics like “For a moment a band of thieves in ripped jeans got to rule the world” cleverly display Swift’s excitement over her career and are a good ending to the album. All in all, the album contained lots of variety and creativity. Swift has really perfected the art of song writing, creating catchy songs, with great hooks that are easy to relate to, and released an excellent album. Taylor Swift’s new album “Speak Now” was recently released.

Photo by Tianah Brewer. Photo Illustration by Shannon O’Neil.

Teen Interest


Glee continues pleasing viewers in season two Kaitlyn Blake

The award winning show, Glee, returned this fall to an incredibly excited audience. Many were skeptical, however, that the show might not be as entertaining as it was last season and that the season premiere would not live up to the fantastic season one finale. Glee is, obviously, about a high school Glee Club. The show is portraying that cheerleaders, jocks, and nerds can all get along and be part of a “family” in Glee Club. The show also features a new blond, attractive guy named Sam. In the first few episodes it was believed that he was going to be Kurt’s new boyfriend, but then those thoughts were quickly put to rest when he became Quinn’s boyfriend. This season is also featuring another new actor, Blaine (played by Darren Criss), from an all-boys private school. Blaine helps Kurt deal with being bullied at school. Brittany, one of Sue’s “cheerios,” is also having a larger role this season. Brittany was in the spotlight when the show dedicated an episode to Britney Spears. As one of the favorite characters on the show, she is well liked because of her childish and oblivious personality. Also, when the Glee Club went to sectionals, they featured Brittany and Mike Chang (by far the best dancers on the show) in the second song, and it was absolutely phenomenal. This season is featuring a number of new couples amid the Glee Club. Artie and Brittany are perhaps one of the cutest

couples. As previously mentioned, Sam and Quinn also have a new relationship that is blooming quickly. The two of them have the best voices on the show, and are, in Santana’s words, “so freaking charming.” Kurt and Blaine, Tina and Mike Chang, and Rachel and Finn, of course, have started relationships. Also in this season, there are many well-known guest stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Carol Burnett, John Stamos, Charice Pempkengo, Britney Spears, and Dot Jones. Paltrow deserves an Emmy for her performances on Glee. Not only was her acting wonderful, but she sang incredibly (as shown when she sang “Forget You” almost as well as the original artist Cee-Lo) and she made a huge impact on the students in the Glee Club. And when Mr. Shuester told her that he would like her to come back and help him with the Glee Club, it opened the door for Paltrow to come back to the show in future episodes. Overall, season two Glee is far exceeding season one. It was very difficult for the season premiere to live up to last season’s finale, but this season has far surpassed season one. Not only has the acting improved, but the show is also featuring current songs, but in a different way than they were originally recorded. This season is featuring more of the secondary characters and less of Rachel, Finn, and Quinn. This factor adds a greater dynamic to the show and is making Rachel more likable since there is less of her dramatic,

Xbox Kinect hits stores Valerie Hellinghausen On Thursday November 4, 2010 Microsoft released their latest innovation to the gaming world. Almost 30,000 retailers released Microsoft its new addition to the Xbox 360 gaming system. Kinect is a controller-free system for the Xbox 360 gaming system that has changed how people interact in their gaming experience. Kinect identifies movements from its users that control the action in the games on the screen. Unlike its predecessors Nintendo Wii and Sony Move it requires absolutely no controllers or buttons. “Microsoft is trying to break down technological barriers and make game interaction more natural,” said Alex Kipman, director of incubation for Kinect in a CNN report. Kimpan explained that the components for creating Kinect have been around for a while, but the software was not yet developed for the gaming system. The Kinect has integrated both voice and motion command to control the system as well as other new facets. The system requires software downloads that calibrate to the room it’s located in as well as its users. “It is technology that understands you. Kinect looks at 48 points on the body to figure out what it should do. It always knows who is in charge,” explained Kipman. Kinect uses little wires to hook it up, making it extremely user friendly. Kinect also provides an introductory segment on how to interact within the games. The system uses 3 camera sensors and 4 microphones that sense the user standing in front of the system. The system then translates your movements into the movements of a game’s avatar on screen.

“We wanted to transform entertainment where technology understands you. It was our goal to merge really amazing tech with a really amazing experience,” said Alex Kipman during a Kinect demo inWashington. But a user’s full range of movement isn’t the only thing Kinect recognizes. The Kinect also allows users to access Windows Cloud accounts to help Kinect suggest other games that match with their music and entertainment interests. As well as internet access, Kinect owners can view movies and listen to music in a more realistic experience. However Kinect also has taken a word from the wise and reinvented several popular games with the help of other gaming companies. Along with its expected 17 game releases, Kinect has integrated several previously seen games for different game consoles. Among pet lovers, “Kinectimals,” a virtual pet game, was released at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles this June. Kinect also has developed “Kinect Sports” which involves full body movement that integrates gaming experience with real life skills needed to play a sport. “The only skill you need is life skill. If you know how to bowl, you can bowl in our game,” added Kipman. As of now the Kinect has adapted to understand languages from the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico, Japan, and Canada with others soon to be added in order to appeal to a global gaming network. The price range for the Kinect extends from $399 for the 250G Xbox 360, $299 for the 4G package, and $149 for the Kinect system alone.

diva-like behavior to annoy viewers. Kurt switched to the rival high school because he felt that he was no longer safe at his school due to bullying. He switched because Dalton has a zero tolerance policy in bullying. However, in his new Glee Club, they aren’t giving him any solos or listening to his ideas because he is “different” from the other members (which is incredibly ironic considering that he switched to be more like everyone else and to feel more included). But it is strange to see Kurt in the background and having absolutely no solo. But the reason people watch Glee is for the music. This season has so much music, and it is all so good. Every episode has at least two musical performances that leave me completely speechless. When the rival Glee Club sang Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream, they managed to turn a somewhat annoying song into an incredible musical

performance. The only episode that was somewhat disappointing in terms of music was “The Rocky Horror Glee Show.” It was entirely too suggestive and at the end of the episode I found myself wishing that it had been much better. Some of the best songs all season are the mash-up of “Singing in the Rain” and “Umbrella;” Tina and Mike’s duet “Sing,” which showcased Mike’s dancing; “Empire State of Mind,” which was performed in the courtyard of the school to recruit new members; and “Marry You” when the whole Glee Club danced down the aisle at Kurt and Finn’s parents’ wedding. This season of Glee is even better than last season. It has better music, better lessons, and better acting. In general, Glee fans will be looking forward to Tuesday every week to see what that week’s episode of Glee has to offer.

Seventh Harry Potter tops movie charts movie, this cartoon could win an Oscar for best-animated short film. The cartoon The latest of the Harry Potter series is beautifully crafted and is a masterpiece. was released on November 19, 2010. This It was not what was expected but added movie is part one of the two-part installment a nice change of pace and demonstrated of the seventh book. This movie was split Yates’ diverse skills as a director. The nudity in the movie was brief but into two parts so that the seventh book could still makes the be followed audience feel more closely awkward, and and that no I question why details were it was even put left out. in the movie. O n c e Although again David this movie Yates stayed is fictional, true to the it teaches a book and gave valuable life Harry Potter lesson. The enthusiasts major themes exactly what seem to be they asked determination, for, a movie Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, from left, sacrifice, that followed Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley and Emma friendship, the story line Watson as Hermione Granger star in Warner and above all down to the Bros. Pictures’ fantasy adventure, “Harry acceptance. exact dialogue. Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1,” a As the movie Some things Warner Bros. Pictures release. (Jaap Buitprogresses were changed endijk/Courtesy Warner Bros./MCT) it gains dark but Yates momentum followed the and gives the book as closely audience the feeling of hopelessness. as possible. For most of the movie, Harry, So far the movie has grossed $216 Hermione, and Ron spend their time in the million in the United States and $389 woods camping. This tended to drag out but sporadic fighting scenes helped speed million in foreign countries. In total, Harry up the monotonous day-to-day activities. Potter has earned $608 million worldwide. Comedy was nicely dispersed through out If Harry Potter continues with its projected the movie to help relieve the sometimes growth it will be one of the 10th greatest awkward and numerous sad moments. Parts 10-day grossing movies in box-office of the movie were tear jerkers and other history and the best ever for a Potter flick. parts had the whole theater in an uproar. Opening weekend, the movie came in as the The movie is very dramatic which sixth-highest opening weekend of all time. This movie has been breaking records serve to highlight the foreshadowing of with the amount of money grossed. Harry the epic battle scene that will come in Potter fans will not be disappointed with this part two of the movie. The special effects film and it will make them even more eager in the movie are spectacular as usual to see the last chapter in the Harry Potter and make the audience feel as if they series due to be released on July 15, 2011. are in the adventure with the characters. There is a scene where the Deathly Hallows tale is retold in a very Tim Burton cartoon like story. If separated from the

Madison Williams



Creek basketball on top of Houston rankings Jacob Arredondo This season, Clear Creek basketball is going to take control over the Carlisle and the Butler Gym as well as Region III. The Texas Association of Basketball Coaches ranked the boy’s program as number 25 in the state, while the girl’s team has been touted as a top-ten in the Houston area. Both are returning key starters such as Tre Webb, the 6’3’’ forward, who almost averaged a double-double last year with 14.5 points per game and 9 rebounds per game. As well as Dustin Hobaugh, the 6’5’’ wing who averaged 11.5 points per game and has committed to Houston Baptist University. On the girl’s team, the sophomore guard duo of Brentney Branch and Taylor Longley, look to lead a young Lady Wildcat squad. Both were apart of last year’s district champion team, who went 13-1 in district play, but lost to Fort Bend Elkins in the playoffs. The girl’s team was the first to start the season. They played three tough Fort Bend teams to get their team used to the quality district play. They took on Fort Bend Marshall on the 9th of November and were highlighted as the Houston Chronicle’s Game of the Week. Creek got off on a hot streak, making the 1st quarter a 21-2 run

by Creek. The Lady Wildcats added 12 more points in the second quarter, pushing their lead to 33-10 at the half. Marshall tried to fight back, outscoring Creek in the second half, but the lead put up by Creek was too much as Creek got the victory, 5436. Branch and Longley led the team in points—Branch had 17, while Longley added 11. Junior forward, Jasmine Cook, grabbed 12 offensive boards on the night as well. Creek played Houston Madison next and squeezed by with a 55-54 win. Creek came out with a 21-9 first quarter, but Madison came back in the second quarter with a 20-3 run. In a tough contested second half, Creek put up 16 points in the fourth quarter to bring Creek to another victory. Branch and Longley both contributed 16 points to the Lady Wildcat win. Creek squeaked another win against F o r t Bend Dulles 39-36, with senior Callie Parsley leading the team with 8 points. Girl’s basketball starts district play against Clear Springs on December 14th. Creek boy’s basketball took on Friendswood for it first game of the year.

Creek look consistent throughout the game and won 57-42. After a 12-6 first quarter, Creek started the second quarter with an 8-0 run, which led to a 28-

1 6 lead at the end of the half. In the second half, Creek relied on their defense to control the Friendswood’s offense, Friendswood made many mistakes and turnovers that led to easy transition baskets and fast breaks. Hobaugh lead the team with a game-high 20 points, while Webb got his first double-double on the season with 15 points

and 15 rebounds. Creek took on Angleton in their second game, taking care of Angleton, 58-44. Hobaugh and Webb both scored 16 points; Ian Hill scored 7 points and dished out 8 assists. Creek then played Cinco Ranch, the Wildcats one in a close match, 61-56. Webb led all players with 21 points, 7 rebounds, 3 blocks, 3 steals, and 3 assist in the game. Creek starts district play on December 20th against the Dickinson Gators.

Kendrick Whitaker dribbles the ball down the court.

Photo By: Kaitlyn Boryk Photo Illustration By: Shannon O’Neil

Creek football team makes history in playoffs Derek Gay The Clear Creek football team’s 12 week season came to an end November 27, when Cy-Woods came out on top in the third round of the Division II playoffs. Though the game did not result with a Clear Creek Wildcat victory, this marked the first time that any Clear Creek High School team had played a third round playoff game in it’s 53 year history. The Wildcats began the playoffs against the Fort Bend Travis Tigers, where the team made their first comeback win of the season, defeating the Tigers 37-34. The Fort Bend Tiger’s scored on the first possession of the game putting the Tiger’s up 7 points, until Marcus Nelson ran 47-yards into the end zone, tieing the score at 7-7. The Tiger’s answered back with a 68-yard pass for a

touchdown leaving their team back on top again. Without letting even one minute run off the clock, C.J. McElroy rushed for a 64-yard touchdown, hoping to tie the score until the

missed extra point attempt by Tanner Graeber left the Wildcats down by one point. The Wildcat’s saftey, Brandon Martin intercepted a Travis pass, running 103 yards for the touchdown. After Graeber kicked for the extra point, the Wildcats had the advantage with the score at 20-14. Two minutes before the half, Chris Collins launched to Dion Lewis for a 27-yard touchdown, pushing the score to 27-14. Starting the second half, Graeber kicked a 35-yard field goal ending a Wildcat drive and leaving the score 30-14. However, the Travis offense came out strong moving the ball 50 yards for a touchdown bringing the score to 3021, Wildcats still holding the lead. After a scoreless offensive drive for the Wildcats, Travis rushes in for another touchdown, but misses the extra point, getting closer to the Wildcats with a score of 30-27. Midway through the 4th quarter, Travis takes another shot at the end zone with a 4-yard rush for a

touchdown now taking the lead, Travis, 34, Wildcats, 30. With the ball in the Wildcat’s possession, they move the ball into Travis territory setting up McElroy for a 46-yard run, making this his second trip to the end zone for the night. This gave the Wildcats the lead again and let the defense hold Travis without another score, sending the Wildcats into round two of the playoffs with a 37-34 victory over Fort Bend Travis. The win allowed the Wildcats to advanced to Galena Park where they faced the (9-2) La Porte Bulldogs. The first half of the game almost left both teams in a stalemate until Tanner Graeber split the uprights for a 46-yard field goal midway through the second quarter, leaving the wildcats with a 3-0 advantage over the bulldogs. The defense came out strong in the second half with a fumble return carried by Matt Seale for 31-yard touchdown. After the ball changed possessions several times, C.J. McElroy rushed for a 16yard touchdown, but Graeber’s extra point kick failed, leaving the final score 160. A win

against the Bulldogs marked the first time in Clear Creek High School history the Wildcat football team had gone on to play a third round playoff game. Though Clear Creek suffered a 52-34 upset to the Cypress Woods Wildcats, the team made history.



Creek volleyball reaches Region III semi-finals playoffs. Creek looked to their offense; led by senior Rachel Hobaugh and sophomore Ashley Smith, as well as their defense; led by junior Natalie Piznar, to beat La Porte. The Lady Wildcats did just that and swept the Lady Bulldogs 25-23, 25-15, 25-13. After a slow start by the Lady Wildcats, sophomore Courtney Richardson saved many passes from her teammates to set them up for some huge points for Creek. She ended the night with 31 assists and was named CBS Sport’s MaxPreps/ACVA Texas player of the week by the American Volleyball Coaches Association. Richardson has 1392 assists and is averaging 10.3 assists per game ranking. She has been ranked as the fourth setter in Texas. Along with Richardson’s huge night, Smith ended her night with 18 kills, while Hobough added 10 kills along with an ace to close out the first game. The win advance Creek to play Pearland in the regional quarterfinals. This was the third time that Creek has gone up against Pearland. Both games before were three-game sweeps in Clear Creek’s favor. After dropping the first game to Pearland 17-25, Creek regrouped in the next three games and beat Pearland 25-17, 25-15 and 25-18. Smith came up huge again with 20 kills and 18 digs, Hobough added 15 kills, 24 with three blocks. Piznar led her team with 36 digs, and Richardson came with an even stronger performance than against La Porte with 44 assists an 8 digs. Creek played their final game against the number 3 team in the state, Cy-Woods. It was a close contest between the two

teams, both taking a piece of the first two games, 21-25 for Cy-Woods and 25-22 for Creek. Cy-Woods captured the next two games, 19-25 and 20-25 winning the game, and taking Creek out of the playoffs. Creek played their best with Smith leading the team with 19 kills, Piznar leading with 38 digs and 4 aces, and Richardson leading with 40 assists. Creek finished the season as the cochampion of 24-5A and the seventh time that the Lady Wildcats have reached Region 3-5A tournament. Several players were honored for their play this season. Rachel Hobaugh was named to the 1st Team All District, 1st Team All Galveston County, and First Team All State. Ashley Smith was named to the 1st Team All District and First Team All Galveston County. Natalie Piznar was named to the 1st Team all District and 2nd

Team All County. Ellen Shoemaker was named to the 2nd Team All District and 2nd Team All County. Courtney Richardson was name to the 2nd Team All District, and Ariel Froeschl And Courtney Childers were named Honorable Mention All District.

The Clear Creek cross country team has outrun the competition this year going above and beyond what was expected of them. Coach Jordan commented saying, “I

and ready to run. Usually their course is to run down 518 turn down South Shore Boulevard and go back up 2094 which is estimated to be around a five mile loop. Along with practicing during normal practice hours Christian Pena has taken up extra hours to better his times.

big part of cross country but most of it is just mental,” said twelfth grader Christian Pena. Cross country is differs from track in, speed, endurance, and terrain. In cross county a fast track sprinter might not be the fastest cross country runner. According to it is best to start off at a fast pace to pass up the other runners

feel like we accomplished alot because we were very competitive and the foundations was laid a little for the younger guys to see that with hard work and dedication a lot of things can be accomplished.” Cross country members are required to run a minimum of three to five miles each day. At 5:45 cross country members are up

Coach Jordan said, “He trained hard over the summer putting in a lot of mileage to reach his goal of running in the regional meet this year.” With his goal complete Christian plans on trying his best to continue on and hopefully make it to area. “Running to me is big; it’s my lifestyle and sets examples for others. Training is a

but then to slow back to an average pace to conserve energy. The terrain in cross country requires athletes to stay mentally in the race, forcing them to climb steep hills, and navigate unknown territory in sometimes poor weather conditions. The unstable terrain is different than a flat,

stable track surface. It requires runners to use more muscles and skill during the race. Also in cross country they less points a runner receives the better their position. A runner that receives one point is in first place and so on. This unique sport began back in the 1800’s in England where it was a team sport in public schools. Back then the sport was called “Hare and Hounds” or “The Paper Trails.” The sport would consist of a group of runners that would lay a trail of paper or other devices to mark a trail and another group of runners would follow the trail. In 1837, the first competition was held at Rugby School, which later turned into the sport having a course pre set over open country land. As the sport gained popularity through out England the English Cross-Country Championship took place in 1876. A year later cross country was introduced to the United States. Harvard was the first university to start an official team and soon after other universities followed. As the sport gained popularity in the United States rules, guidelines and other associations were founded. One thing remained the same, the determination and passion each runner has in their sport. Cross Country girls prepare for a meet.

Jacob Arredondo Clear Creek volleyball has advanced to the Regional Semifinal in the UIL 5A playoffs for volleyball. Creek started off with a win over Clear Lake in the district season. In a 5-game match, Creek beat their cross-district foes: 25-22, 18-25, 16-25, 25-23, and 15-11. Creek won a share of the district title, which put them in the playoffs. Creek was seeded as the runner-ups in district 24-5A, despite having the same district record as Clear Lake. This was Creek’s tenth straight year proceding to the playoffs, and the nineteenth time in the last twenty-one years. Creek has been a dominating force in a the Houston area: making deep runs in the playoffs, sending numerous athletes to college programs, as well as having multiple athletes of the month from the Houston Chronicle. For the Bi-District Championship, Creek took on Fort Bend Travis for its first round opponent. Travis was ranked third coming out of the 23-5A district, the same district that knocked Creek out the first round last year against Fort Bend Duells, 3 games to 1. After a close first game against Travis, the Lady Wildcats won in the first game 28-26. In the next game, the Lady Wildcats dropped a close game, 28-30. But after that hiccup, the Lady Wildcats took care of business with the next two games, 25-23 and 29-27. This win sent Creek on to the next round of playoffs against La Porte. La Porte, the winner of district 21-5A, was a serious contender coming into the

Creek celebrates after a win.

Photo By: Gaby Renwall Photo Illustration By: Shannon O’Neil

Cross country runs with a blaze of glory Madison Williams

Football team sets up against La Porte.

Photo By: Madi Borowitz Photo Illustration By: Shannon O’Neil

Photo By: Kaitlyn Boryk Photo Illustration By: Derek Gay



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