Corporate Research Forum - 2014 Programme

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2014 Programme

Organisational, Team and Individual Effectiveness

Andy Newall Group HR Director, Imperial Tobacco


2014 Programme


Welcome to the Corporate Research Forum 2014 Programme Our 2014 Programme takes as its theme ‘Organisational, Team and Individual Effectiveness – Stories of Success’. Organisational design and values, the assembling and leadership of inter-dependent teams and an environment which promotes individual effectiveness continue to be pivotal in business success. Consistent high performance across any organisation is not easily achieved but by understanding the issues which lead to success, and by striving for good practice in all that its people do, high-performing businesses are able to stay ahead. Our 2014 Programme takes an in-depth look at how this is best achieved with a range of topics including Employee Health and Wellbeing, Organisational Trust and Engagement, Coaching and Thinking, Teams & Teaming and Storytelling. Our faculty will be looking to continue our approach of providing contemporary thought leadership in a challenging and interactive style based on high-quality research and leading business practice built around: • Events which address issues in-depth – sharing ideas and experiences in a facilitated, challenging but supportive environment. • An international perspective. • Personal development and networking opportunities. • An opportunity to reflect. The CRF International Conference has become one of the highlights of our year and in 2014 we shall be in Berlin for our 6th annual gathering.

“CRF Programmes deliver outstanding value to myself and members of my team who attend. Highly engaged and diverse audiences, the very best of faculties, topical HR thought leadership and varied events all demonstrate finger on the pulse and commitment to outstanding standards of business education.”

Our membership continues to grow and we have over 140 members of forward-thinking organisations. We are also grateful for the continued support of our Partners who add their considerable expertise and experience to CRF membership. We look forward to seeing you in 2014.

Ben Bengougam Vice President Human Resources Europe Operations, Hilton Hotels



2014 Programme

About Corporate Research Forum (CRF)

• Our reports are substantial enough to be practical yet not too dense to be inaccessible. • Our contributors are fresh and pragmatic with international experience. • Our meetings are informal and pacey. • Our network enables members to share queries and requests in a manner which is helpful, informing and cost efficient.




SI N Experienced team of C ES FE Directors and Associates F S E ready to respond to E Facilitated Over 80 hours of your questions and introductions to interactive, engaging and give INSIGHTS ensure best practice stimulating EVENTS led by & GUIDANCE is shared, new experts and supported by on your HR relationships formed member insights and challenges and NETWORKS case studies broadened Thought-provoking Range of research, academically robust, tools and support to help yet practical, RESEARCH with strategy decision-making written by global leaders and DEVELOPMENT of the HR team in management thinking


• Our research is based on qualitative comparison by acknowledged global experts.



Our Approach



• Academics, self-appointed experts, consultants and practitioners rarely have the answers they claim. However, fusing different experiences together in an atmosphere conducive to exchange for mutual benefit often leads to excellent outcomes.




• Complex problems don’t have simple solutions.

CRF Membership - Benefits


• You rarely improve an organisation as a whole by improving the performance of one of its parts.

We pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with an expanding network of organisations whose most senior HR leaders recognise and value our pragmatic approach.


• Organisations need to create an environment where good people can flourish.

Sharing, collaboration and networking are enthusiastically facilitated. Connecting members who share common challenges is an integral part of the network with connections formed both face to face and on-line.


• Best practice does not exist – one size does not fit all – but good practice does.

Our annual programme of high level, expert-led events, provides the highest standards of intellectual rigour and excellence. Our events are run in conjunction with members who are happy to share their experiences.


Our rationale was based on an underlying set of principles:

CRF - What we do


Corporate Research Forum is a membership network established in 1994 as an antidote to the fads and fashions which had begun to dominate management and leadership.

140+ member organisations including over a third of the FTSE 100 Annual membership offers your organisation: • Attendance at each event in the annual programme. • Access across your organisation through the CRF website to the full catalogue of research reports, models, video interviews, benchmark tools and diagnostic instruments. • Copies of all new research reports that are published with the opportunity to participate in, and contribute to, the research. • Complimentary copies of Harvard Business Review. • Access to the Ashridge Business School Virtual Learning Resource Centre offering extensive sources of guidance and research on management and leadership. • Opportunity to connect with other members through our on-line networking tool allowing relationships to be established, surveys completed and queries answered. • Facilitated networking at each event ensuring you are connected to peers, experts and practitioners. • Regular meetings with the CRF team in order to gain insights on key trends and for CRF to facilitate introductions to other members. For more details on how your organisation can benefit from membership and the associated fees please contact Richard Hargreaves, Commercial Director, at +44 (0) 20 7470 7104 or via e-mail at



2014 Programme


2014 Schedule at a glance Organisational respect – what trust & engagement really means (Research Report)

Wednesday 5th February Trinity House, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DH

Rt. Hon David Blunkett MP, Veronica Hope Hailey, Andrew Lambert

Improving thinking through coaching (mini-research paper) Nancy Kline

Team building & beyond – the notion of teaming Amy Edmondson

Symposium – the HR leader’s toolkit Keynote speaker – Amy Edmondson

The ingredients of systems thinking & its organisational application Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge

The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work

“Corporate Research Forum offers senior HR executives the ideal platform for sharing best practices, learning from peers, and accessing the best current thought leadership in the field.” Patrick M. Wright Department of Management, Darla Moore School of Business at University of South Carolina

Thursday 3rd April Trinity House, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DH

Wednesday 14th May Clothworkers’ Hall, Mincing Lane, Dunster Court, London EC3R 7AHSpring

Thursday 15th May Clothworkers’ Hall, Mincing Lane, Dunster Court, London EC3R 7AH

Wednesday 11th June and Thursday 12th June Latimer Place, Latimer, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1UG

Alain de Botton

Thursday 3rd July Haberdasher’s Hall, 18 West Smithfield, London EC1A 9HQ

Storytelling (mini-research paper)

Wednesday 10th September Trinity House, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DH

Dr. Stephen Bungay, Geoff Lloyd, Adrian Furnham

International Conference – managing, directing & leading Tessa Jowell, Stephen Bungay, Murray Steele, Stephen Carver, Thomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Employee health & wellbeing – whose responsibility is it? (Research Report)

Tuesday 30th September – Thursday 2nd October Hilton Hotel, Mohrenstraße 30, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Wednesday 19th November Trinity House, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DH

Dorian Dugmore, Matt Freeland, Vicki Culpin

Group HR Directors’ Dinner (by invitation)

Wednesday 14th May Wednesday 19th November



2014 Programme

Organisational respect – what trust & engagement really means

Workshop and research report

Who is it for? Corporate and HR leaders, heads of communication, OD and people risk functions.



Wednesday 5th February 9:00am to 4:00pm

Trust is inherently a determinant of organisational effectiveness, as it impacts the willingness of: • Staff, customers, suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders to engage with an organisation.

Venue Trinity House Trinity Square Tower Hill London EC3N 4DH

• Its people to contribute – affecting alignment with goals, retention and attraction of talent, engagement, productivity, business improvement, innovation and collaboration. • Regulators to permit the organisation to operate. An organisation’s internal trust dimensions are vertical – between leaders and the led; horizontal, within leadership teams and between departments, divisions, subsidiaries and fellow leaders. There is also an 'holistic' element as in the norms and practices embedded in the whole organisation and the trust which this engenders in the business internally and externally. In a VUCA world, the stresses on organisational trust continue to grow - as evidenced by surveys on trust of leaders, and fierce debates about ethics, information transparency, fairness of rewards and other visceral issues.

Content We will examine how organisations manage trust conundrums and dilemmas in the ‘real’ as opposed to the ideal world. We will thereby seek to identify what leaders and functions like HR can do to resolve sometimes seemingly irreconcilable tensions and foster engagement.

FEBRUARY – Trust & Engagement “Membership of the Corporate Research Forum is a cost effective way of being involved in and keeping up to date with business focused HR strategy and practice. The regular events are great for development and networking opportunities for both me and the HR team.” Celia Baxter Director of Group HR, Bunzl plc


The Rt Hon David Blunkett MP, Member of Parliament for Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough. David’s political career dates back to his election as a councillor in Sheffield at the age of 22, his leadership of the Council in the 1980s, and his election to Parliament in 1987. After serving in the Shadow Cabinet, he became Education and Employment Secretary in 1997, Home Secretary in 2001, and Work and Pensions Secretary in 2005.

Veronica Hope Hailey is Dean, School of Management and Chair in Management Studies, Bath University School of Management. Veronica’s research focuses on the link between Business Strategy, HR Strategy and Change Management. She is particularly interested in the relationship between organisational change and individual transition. She teaches and consults on an international basis. Andrew Lambert is an associate of CRF, and a partner in Creelman Lambert, advisers on corporate and HR governance. He was MD of People in Business, a founder director of Smythe Dorward Lambert, and director of Wolff Olins, the corporate identity specialists. He also ran communications functions for TSB and Midland Montagu. He was a Director of CRF, has authored many CRF reports – and has provided consultancy to over 90 organisations on management and communication issues.


2014 Programme

Improving thinking through coaching

Workshop and mini research paper

Who is it for? Professionals who have a deep understanding and interest in coaching as practitioners and purchasers and who want to explore ways of optimising its benefits.

Date Thursday 3rd April 9:00am to 4:00pm

Overview • The quality of everything humans do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first.

Venue Trinity House Trinity Square Tower Hill London EC3N 4DH

• The first responsibility of leadership, therefore, is to generate the finest independent thinking throughout the organisation. • The question that arises then is: how do leaders and coaches help people to think for themselves with rigour, imagination and courage?

Content This masterclass with Nancy Kline, originator of the Thinking Environment and author of ‘Time To Think’ and ‘More Time To Think’, will introduce you to the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment and to two of their top applications: leadership coaching and transforming meetings. You will leave with insight and skill that can immediately add quality to all your interactions, as a leader or as a coach. The Havers research confirms organisations that have become thinking environments report significant, sustainable positive change and a rise in overall organisational performance. This masterclass will also be a time for you to think about an issue of your choice and to return to your life and work renewed and inspired.

APRIL – Coaching “I have collaborated with the CRF team on a couple of occasions and each time have admired their professional approach and the delivery of their events. Similarly their members always generate a lively and interactive atmosphere ensuring maximum participation and learning opportunities for all.”

Nancy Kline is President of Time To Think, an international coaching and leadership development company. Nancy teaches coaches and leaders to become experts in creating Thinking Environments with their clients and their teams. As a coach herself, Nancy values most the journey the client takes to their own, independent thinking. As a teacher of coaches she finds that creating these conditions for thinking are among the most challenging aspects of professional coaching and also the most rewarding.

Rob Cross Professor of management at the University of Virginia and Research Director of The Network Roundtable



2014 Programme

Team building & beyond – the notion of teaming


Who is it for? HR Directors and business leaders who are involved or concerned with teams and improving team effectiveness and who are looking beyond the traditional concept of team building.

Date Wednesday 14th May 9:00am to 4:00pm Venue Clothworkers’ Hall Mincing Lane Dunster Court London EC3R 7AH

Overview To review how teams enable innovation and improvement in organisations and examine how leaders can stimulate learning and continuous improvement within their organisations. We shall be exploring challenges of change in a dynamic context based around the idea of ‘teaming’ being a verb rather than a noun.

Content The goal of this session is to explore issues relating to psychological safety, team problem solving and organisational learning. In addition, we will address the role of leaders in promoting learning and continuous improvement in organisations. To achieve this, managers need to stop thinking of teams as static groups of individuals who have ample time to practice interacting successfully and efficiently. Today’s corporate teams band and disband by the minute, requiring a more dynamic approach to how they absorb knowledge. Key concepts include: • The importance of focussing on team performance rather than team design. • Teaming, a verb that embraces the reality of teamwork on the fly. • Effective training requires the ability to recognise moments of potential collaboration and act upon them quickly. Leaders can encourage their employees to develop this ability. • The notion of teaming as ‘the engine of organisational learning’.

“We joined CRF for the first time in 2013 and have got a lot from it events provide enough time and space for both insightful quality input from experts and helpful interactive discussion with peers who face similar challenges to our own. On top of that, the research work is high quality and, with access to other resources through the website, you have a varied platform that can help to support the growth and development of your Human Resources team.” Alastair Procter Chief HR Officer Worldwide, IPG Mediabrands


MAY - Teams Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School. The Novartis Chair was established to enable the study of human interactions that lead to the creation of successful business enterprises for the betterment of society. Professor Edmondson teaches MBA and Executive Education courses in leadership, team effectiveness, and organisational learning and a doctoral course in field research methods.

Adrian Moorhouse co-founded Lane4 in 1995 and is now Managing Director. As a business leader and Olympic gold medallist in the 100m Breaststroke, he draws upon his extensive commercial expertise and elite sporting background to balance his MD role with delivering performance solutions for our clients. In his spare time Adrian also works as a swimming commentator for the BBC.


2014 Programme

Spring Symposium – the HR leader’s toolkit


Who is it for?


Ambitious HR professionals and leaders with people management responsibility, who are looking to gain exposure to leading-edge management thinking and build their networks with like-minded professionals.

Thursday 15th May Day: 9:00am to 4:30pm Evening: 4:30pm to 6:00pm Amy Edmondson keynote address Venue Clothworkers’ Hall Mincing Lane Dunster Court London EC3R 7AH Attendance for non-members costs £450 + VAT

Overview Following our successful symposia of the last two years, we shall once again be running an event aimed at: • Helping tomorrow’s HR leaders build a network of fellow aspiring professionals. • Giving attendees access to leading-edge thinkers in change management, management development, performance management and career development. • Through team-based analysis, providing an opportunity for considering issues of organisation and management development in practice. • Giving participants the chance to hear and meet Amy Edmondson, from Harvard Business School who will offer some views on the importance of creating effective teams and having a ‘teaming’ mind-set.

Content The HR Leaders Toolkit HR leaders are characterised by their professional competence, underpinned by appropriate qualifications, well-honed interpersonal skills and a presence or bearing which sets them apart. To be outstanding leaders however, there are a number of other elements to be mastered in what we describe as the HR Leaders Toolkit. In conjunction with our Symposium partners, we shall be exploring a range of tools – when and how to use them – and the benefits which may accrue. Working in short, interactive sessions we shall be inviting attendees to share experiences and problems with both our faculty of experts and fellow guests – more than 100 from a diverse range of organisations, all intent on better preparing themselves for the career challenges which lie ahead.

“The speed at which technology is driving changes in the business landscape means we need high quality, digestible and useable information fast. And that is exactly what I get from CRF.” Chris Rayner Group Human Resources Director, SSP

MAY – Spring Symposium Kath Durrant is Group Director of Human Resources at Rolls-Royce Plc. She was previously Vice President, HR & Communications for the Research and Development division of pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and has held senior positions with GUS plc and GlaxoSmithKline. She started her career at the London Stock Exchange as a graduate trainee and has a degree in History from Lancaster University, now sitting as an Advisory Board member for the University Management School.

Deborah Baker is the Director for People at BSkyB, the UK and Ireland’s leading entertainment and communications company. Starting her career at Ford Motor Company in Dagenham she moved to Schlumberger, Grand Metropolitan and then into retailing. Before joining Sky she was SVP of HR for Burberry worldwide. Deborah has spent her career in the HR function covering every aspect of the people agenda. She has a particular interest in driving value and insight through the HR function.



2014 Programme

The ingredients of systems thinking & its organisational application


Who is it for? Senior managers and OD practitioners who have an interest in understanding and implementing systems thinking.

Date Wednesday 11th June and Thursday 12th June Day One: 9.00am to 5.00pm Day Two: 9.00am to 4.00pm Venue Latimer Place Latimer Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 1UG Accommodation £175 + VAT per night There is a non-refundable deposit for accommodation of £175 plus VAT per night at the time of registration. Early booking is recommended as there is a limited number of places.

“I have had the pleasure of working with the folks from CRF on three different occasions as a speaker and workshop facilitator. Each time I found their overall programme to be filled with timely topics, excellent speakers and inclusive formats for the conferences. What I found most valuable was the manner CRF seeks out innovative and even controversial ideas to present to its members.” Louis S. Csoka Ph.D. CC-AASP, BCB, President and Founder, Apex Performance, Inc., Charlotte, NC USA


Overview Systems thinking looks at relationships (rather than unrelated objects), connectedness, process (rather than structure), the whole (rather than just its parts), the patterns (rather than the contents) of a system, and context. This ‘workshop’ is residential and attendees will be given preparatory work before and during the two days. While at the workshop, you will have an opportunity to learn the following: • What is systems theory and thinking? Its history and origin. • What are the key properties of systems thinking that are particularly important when applied to organisations? • What are the key application areas for system thinking? What are the implications if we ignore systems thinking? • What can those ‘difficult’ terms within system theory teach us about wide areas of organisation life and leadership role?

Content Overall, the two days residential will have a combination of: • Focused input. • Mixed group discussion to apply the input concepts into special cases. • Work within teams to discover how systems theory can be applied to different organisation areas – to then turn around and teach that to colleagues. • Peer group consultancy time in which attendees will be doing peer consultancy to help each other make the application link into real work back in the office.

JUNE – Systems Thinking Dr Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge is a very popular CRF presenter who has worked with more than 300 clients, varying from multinational blue chip companies to high-education institutions, national government agencies, arts and media organisations and charities, solving problems in areas of change management, organisation design and organisation development. A tireless champion of OD, she initiated the first UK OD practitioner continuous education programme and the first UK National OD Conference in 2002. She founded her company, Quality and Equality, in 1987.


2014 Programme

Summer Lecture & Reception with Alain de Botton – The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work

Lecture and Drinks Reception

Who is it for? Members and guests with an interest in exploring their relationship with their job and what it means to them and who will, of course, have an interest in the wider world of work.

Date Thursday 3rd July 6:00pm to 9:00pm Venue Haberdasher’s Hall 18 West Smithfield London EC1A 9HQ

Overview Following last year's outstanding summer lecture and reception, we are very pleased to once again be hosting an occasion which will facilitate social networking with fellow members and their guests, CRF and PARC Partners and the CRF and PARC teams. The informality of the evening will be complemented by an address from our guest speaker, Alain de Botton, best selling of author of books such as How Proust Can Change Your Life and The Architecture of Happiness and he will be sharing his views on his latest book ‘The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work’. Alain also started and helps to run a school in London called The School of Life, dedicated to a new vision of education. Members may invite up to three attendees from their own organisation or guests to participate in the evening.

Content We spend most of our waking lives at work in occupations most often chosen by our inexperienced younger selves and yet we rarely ask how we got there or what our jobs mean to us. Alain will explore the joys and perils of the modern workplace wondering what other people get up to all day (and night), in search of what make jobs either fulfilling or soul-destroying. Work makes us and without it we are at a loss. In work we hope to have a measure of control over our lives yet for many of us work is a straitjacket from which we cannot free ourselves from a prison from which there is no escape. Alain will examine our love/hate relationship with our work, explore what we do with our lives and consider what we might do on retirement. If you are not a member but are interested in attending this event please contact Lynn Little on 020 7470 7104 or at

JULY – Summer Lecture Alain de Botton was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1969 and now lives in London. He is a writer of essayistic books that have been described as a ‘philosophy of everyday life.’ He’s written on love, travel, architecture and literature. His books have been bestsellers in 30 countries. Alain also started and helps to run a school in London called The School of Life, dedicated to a new vision of education.



2014 Programme

Storytelling – getting the message across

Workshop and mini research paper

Who is it for?


Anyone who is involved in verbal communication and information giving both within an organisation or externally – Senior Business and HR leaders, Corporate Communications and PR professionals – will all find this of interest.

Wednesday 10th September 9:00am to 4:00pm


Venue Trinity House Trinity Square Tower Hill London EC3N 4DH

Storytelling has become big business in recent years as organisations improve the way they communicate with their employees and customers. There is a dissatisfaction with the ‘sit and listen’ approach to communication and a realisation that issues which are brought to life and presented in a meaningful and holistic way are likely to have greater and longer lasting impact. Organisations are therefore beginning to take seriously the concept of storytelling, not just in a sales and marketing context, but as a natural development in the search for more original, memorable and lasting impact in the multitude of messages which regularly flow across and between organisations.

Content We will examine the rise of storytelling and look at a number of people and organisations who are: • Promoting storytelling as a process. • Using stories as explanations. • Expert in an aspect of this topic. We shall be talking to a number of academics and practitioners to establish the theoretical underpinning around storytelling and to exemplify how organisations are making use of the idea. Our meeting will be participative with members sharing experiences and aspirations and comparing these with a brief report prepared specifically to look at the origins, applications, methodologies and practical realities of this fascinating topic.

"CRF not only provides good quality programmes on hot and relevant topics, but is also a fantastic way to build your professional network - the best way to keep up-to-date and energised about HR!"

SEPTEMBER – Storytelling Dr. Stephen Bungay has a keen interest in the power of storytelling and brings to life his many speeches and presentations with examples and metaphors which he skilfully crafts into real stories. A strong believer in the impact and value of this type of animated narrative, Stephen will share his thoughts on the added value of storytelling based on his business and academic experiences.

Cathy Doyle-Heffernan Global HR Director, PZ Cussons

Geoff Lloyd is Group HR Director at Serco. Previously, Geoff was EVP of HR for Airbus Industries based in Toulouse, France. Whilst at Airbus, Geoff was one of the designers and executive sponsors of the Power8 programme that sought to achieve multi-billion euro savings for the company. Prior to working for Airbus, Geoff spent 14 years working at Nortel Networks.


Adrian Furnham is Professor of Psychology at University College, London. He is a noted authority on assessment and has authored over 700 scientific papers and 60 books, as well as being a newspaper columnist and regular contributor to national and international radio and television stations. He also advises major international companies on top team development, leadership derailment and management change.


2014 Programme

International Conference, Berlin - managing, directing & leading

International Conference Date Tuesday 30th September – Thursday 2nd October Welcome drinks reception: 7:00pm to 9:30pm

Who is it for? Our international conferences are attended by a wide-range of business leaders, functional specialists, and observers and thinkers on getting the best out of organisations and their people. An opportunity to consider the big picture and the game changing issues of the day, attendees welcome the input from speakers, the ample time set aside for discussion and the debate and informal social networking which we facilitate.



2014 marks the centenary of the start of the First World War. Held in Berlin, our 6th international conference will be entitled ‘From Battlefields to Boardrooms’ and will be chaired by Dame Tessa Jowell M.P. Taking the catastrophic (for all sides) Battle of the Somme as an opening case study, we will analyse the importance of intelligence, decision making, strategy, planning, implementation and motivation in the twin contexts of the military imperatives of 1914 and the business imperatives of 2014.

Hilton Hotel, Mohrenstraße 30, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Setting the scene, Stephen Bungay will consider the importance of and differences between leading, managing and directing, illustrating his presentation with a spellbinding BBC documentary film.

There is a non-refundable accommodation cost of £200 + VAT per night for those who wish to stay at the conference venue. We recommend a twonight stay – Tuesday 30th September and Wednesday 1st October.

As ever, our international conference provides two outstanding days when we are able to consider our business issues from a different perspective and maybe incubate some novel solutions.

Day One: 9:00am to 5:00pm Day Two: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Attendance for non-members is £1,500 + VAT (excluding flights and accommodation). Full details of the conference and registration are available on our website at

Content • Following from Stephen Bungay’s opening story we will continue to pick up his issues as they impact on our businesses and organisations today: • How do we develop relevant strategies and set about planning their implementation? • What are the pre-requisites for successful implementation of our core business activities and the projects and change programmes which are inherent in achieving outstanding performance? • What are the characteristics of successfully leading and motivating in good times and bad? Basing their contributions on experience, case studies and contemporary thinking, our presenters will tell a compelling story covering 100 years of change.

October - Berlin Conference Tessa Jowell served as a Minister throughout the last Labour Government, eight of 13 years in the Cabinet, and has represented Dulwich and West Norwood as Member of Parliament since 1992. As Secretary of State for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2001-07) she is known particularly for pioneering London’s successful bid for the Olympic Games in 2012 and served on the Olympic Board for the 10 year duration of the Olympic and Paralympics project. In 2012 Tessa was made a Dame for her political and charitable services. Dr. Stephen Bungay is a Director of the Ashridge Strategic Management Centre and teaches and consults on strategy, organisation and leadership. He has published a number of books on military history and is a frequent contributor to television programmes. He previously worked for The Boston Consulting Group and was CEO of the Commercial Division of a Lloyds-based insurance company. Stephen presented at our Rome conference in 2011. Murray Steele, a member of faculty at Cranfield University School of Management for over 30 years, specialises in strategy development and implementation, corporate governance, change management and leadership, and the links between all these areas. He has always been a business-oriented academic having undertaken numerous consulting and change management projects and has held over 20 chairman and NED positions. Stephen Carver is rated as one of the top three lecturers at one of Europe’s top MBA Business Schools. He has a reputation of taking complex management concepts such as Project, Programme Change and Crisis Management and being able to distil them down, into highly informative and fast lectures - often using “storytelling” techniques. Clockwise from top left: Tessa Jowell, Dr. Stephen Bungay, Murray Steele, Stephen Carver, Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an international authority in psychological profiling, consumer analytics, and talent management. He is a Professor of Business Psychology at University College London (UCL), Vice President of Research and Innovation at Hogan Assessments and has previously taught at New York University and the London School of Economics.



2014 Programme

Employee health & wellbeing – whose responsibility is it?

Workshop and Research Report Date Wednesday 19th November 9:00am to 4:00pm Venue Trinity House Trinity Square Tower Hill London EC3N 4DH

Who is it for? HR directors and managers interested in the importance of an holistic approach to the employment, development and wellbeing of employees as an essential contribution to successful business outcomes.

Overview Wellbeing of employees has always been a concern for enlightened employers. The paternalism of the Quakers in the early parts of the 20th Century was based on a need to provide a basic cover as the state provided little. Certain practices became the minimum standard and, as society becomes more health aware, employers are again revisiting the question of the healthy workforce.

Content • What we are particularly interested in are those employers who take the view that health and wellbeing is a major component in developing a positive ‘employer brand’. Like development, leadership and communication, wellbeing is one of the dimensions that distinguish progressive employers. • Given concerns over state provision of some services (health), a number of organisations are providing more complete cover for part or all of their employees. ‘Looking after’ important assets is sound business sense. • Certain foods are under media attack for being ‘potentially’ unhealthy. Providers of these very popular products are responding by justifying their positive attributes and taking steps to provide a ‘more healthy’ alternative. Moreover, they are demonstrating how lifestyles have to be viewed ‘in total’. This event will deal with a number of major and seemingly discrete challenges faced by organisations including stress, diet, ageing, drink and drugs, sleeplessness and workplace safety. It will look to illustrate how providing a total wellbeing approach can help create an environment conducive to high performance. The event will be accompanied by a research report.

“Corporate Research Forum is the place to turn to for the latest thinking, best practices and top influencers in HR today.” Herminia Ibarra The Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership & Learning, INSEAD

NOVEMBER – Health & Wellbeing Matt Freeland is Senior HR Director for UK Operations and European Technical Services at Pepsico. Previously Matt has held generalist and specialist HR roles over a 20 year period at General Electric, AstraZeneca and Rolls Royce. Matt has developed a particular interest in health and the role employers and HR can play in impacting workforce health issues – particularly how to navigate a path through the myriad of expert opinions and services on offer in this area.

Vicki Culpin is Dean of Faculty and Director of Research and a member of the Ashridge faculty.Vicki specialises in memory, sleep, research methodology and statistics. She has spent over 15 years researching memory, the impact of poor memory, how to improve memory and the effects of reduced sleep with a variety of individuals including older adults, children and forensic populations. More recent research and teaching interests include the relationship between sleep, well-being and derailment and the relationship between sleep and resilience in management populations.


Dr L. Dorian Dugmore has been working in Cardiovascular Medicine and Wellness for 30 years and has written extensively on health, exercise and heart disease. He has worked with several companies in the UK including Schwarz Pharma, an international pharmaceutical company and adidas, the sporting goods company. His background includes over 17 years’ experience working within education, teaching at primary, secondary and university levels. His doctoral research specialised in cardiovascular medicine and focused on the rehabilitation of post heart attack patients and was published in the prestigious journal ‘Heart’.


2014 Programme

CRF Thought Leadership and Learning

Thought Leadership Group There are often issues from our regular events which will benefit from closer examination by a smaller group, where there is an opportunity for more in-depth exchange. Facilitated exchange meetings will be arranged on special interest topics. Karen Ward will convene and facilitate these events as an inclusive benefit of CRF membership and would be very pleased to have an initial conversation with members on topics which might be included in our Thought Leadership Groups programme. Existing thought leadership themes include talent, resourcing, learning and development and HR capability and sustainable performance but Karen is keen to hear from you on what else is on your minds.

CRF Learning We know from feedback that you already value the learning from existing events, however we are now looking to take this a step further. How do you convert the research insights into tangible shifts in performance - individually or organisationally? For those organisations looking to build capability within their HR community, we are looking to develop and run a series of challenging learning interventions. Themes, which have emerged as interesting to our members from recent research, include Developing Commercial Acumen; HR's role in constructing effective HR Strategies; The Role of Psychology in Business and Leadership Development. We know from a number of conversations with members there is a real appetite for short, focussed learning interventions of this type and again Karen Ward will be leading for us and would very much welcome discussions around your specific company needs and timescales, as she explores what CRF Learning might offer as a portfolio. For further information on the Thought Leadership Group and CRF Learning please contact Karen Ward at +44 (0) 20 7470 7104 or via email at



2014 Programme

Programme Partners We are proud to work with our programme partners and grateful for their support across all the events, research and the Conference in 2014.

Bird & Bird

Main contact: Ian Hunter, Partner Email: • Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7415 6000 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7711 014 378 Bird & Bird is an international law firm with over 1000 lawyers and legal practioners working as a cohesive team across 25 offices in 17 countries. The firm’s international HR services team offer clients a comprehensive range of legal advice across employment, immigration, incentives & benefits and trade secrets as part of its global offering.


Main contact: Nick Laird, Chief Commercial Officer Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 118 922 3612 • Mobile +44 (0) 7717 058 969 Ceridian is a global provider of HR and payroll services. It provides Software-as-a-Service and fully outsourced solutions in HR and payroll markets.


Main contact: Simon Mitchell, General Manager. Multi-National Client Segment & European Marketing Director Email: • Telephone: +44 (0)1753 616 000 • Mobile: +44 (0)7824 353 777 With offices in 26 countries, DDI is a global talent management consultancy that helps organisations close the gap between the talent they have and the talent they need. Our areas of expertise include; assessment and selection, leadership development, succession management, performance management and success profile management.


Main contact: David Parry, Partner, Consulting – People and Programmes Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 20 7007 2988 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7798 812 441 Deloitte believe there is a constant need for organisations and their people to change and adapt in order to be successful. They work with clients to help them organise, motivate, lead and train their people to deliver business change and strategy.


Main contact: Begoña de Ros Raventos, Director Business Development UK & Ireland Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 20 7016 9246 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7564 219 011 IESE Business School is one of the world’s top business schools and has pioneered graduate management education in Europe over 50 years. With participants from +70 countries, +38,000 alumni worldwide and high caliber faculty from over 30 nationalities, IESE serves as a learning center in general management. With a truly global perspective and an integrative view of firms for senior business leaders, IESE has campuses in Barcelona, Munich, New York, Sao Paolo and Madrid. IESE was ranked #2 worldwide in Executive Education by the Financial Times in 2013.



2014 Programme

Programme Partners continued


Main contact: Dave Millner, Consulting Director EMEA, Workforce Science Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 20 3545 8046 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7779 802 830 IBM is a globally integrated technology and consulting company headquartered in Armonk, New York. With operations in more than 170 countries, IBM attracts and retains some of the world's most talented people to help solve problems and provide an edge for businesses, governments and non-profits. Innovation is at the core of IBM's strategy. The company develops and sells software and systems hardware and a broad range of infrastructure, cloud and consulting services. Today, IBM is focused on four growth initiatives - business analytics, cloud computing, growth markets and Smarter Planet. IBMers are working with customers around the world to apply the company's business consulting, technology and R&D expertise to build systems that enable dynamic and efficient organizations, better transportation, safer food, cleaner water and healthier populations.

PA Consulting

Main contact: Jonathon Hogg, Senior Partner Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 20 7730 9000 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7887 540 243 An employee-owned firm of over 2,500 people, we work with business and governments worldwide through our offices in North America, Europe, the Nordics, the Gulf and Asia Pacific. We are experts in a wide range of industries and we bring in specialists from across our whole firm to ensure you get the right team. Our specific expertise is in energy, financial services, life sciences and healthcare, manufacturing, government and public services, defence and security, telecommunications, transport and logistics. Our deep industry knowledge and our skills in management consulting, technology and innovation allow our teams to challenge conventional thinking and overcome every obstacle to give you exceptional results. This is not something that ends with the assignment – for 70 years we have shared our knowledge to create real and lasting impact.

RHR International

Main contact: Guy Beaudin, Senior Partner Email: • Tel: +1 416 865 0824 • Mobile: +1 416 738 4892 We are a firm of management psychologists and consultants who work closely with top management to accelerate individual, team and business performance. We focus on four key areas of client need – Individual Assessment, Executive Development, Senior Team Effectiveness and CEO Succession. We have been proven difference-makers for more than 65 years, unique in our combination of top management focus, psychologists’ perspective and high-level business acumen. RHR International operates in Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Knowledge Partner We are proud to work with our knowledge partner and grateful for their support throughout the year.

Harvard Business Publishing

Main contact: Caroline Sim, Director – Europe & Africa Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 1505 842 577 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7964 919 304 Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) was founded in 1994 as a not-for-profit, wholly-owned subsidiary of Harvard University. Our mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world. Comprised of three market groups Higher Education, Corporate Learning and Harvard Business Review Group, Harvard Business Publishing influences real-world change by maximising the reach and impact of its essential offering – ideas.



2014 Programme

Event Partners We are proud to work with our event partners and grateful for their support of individual events and research.

Ashridge Business School

Main contact: Andrew Mechelewski, General Manager, Virtual Ashridge Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 1442 841 158 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7725 457 956 Ashridge is a leading international business school with a reputation consistently confirmed by the Financial Times rankings. Virtual Ashridge is a unique online resource providing almost ¾ of a million executives with quality learning materials from Ashridge.


Main contact: Peter Casebow, Chief Executive Email: • Tel: 0845 223 3002 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7796 173 532 GoodPractice provide proven, innovative leadership and management solutions to real world challenges for over one million leaders and managers in 250 of the UK’s leading companies, government departments and universities. From customised leadership and management portals with a ready-made library of over 4000 learning objects to eLearning, mobile apps and video we can quickly and easily create solutions that will have an immediate impact on performance of your organisation.


Main contact: Francoise Nash, Client Relationship Consultant Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 1628 533 775 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7841 362 050 Based in the UK, we help organisations around the world reach their fullest potential and build sustainable competitive advantage through individual and team development. With an outstanding track record of achievement in the three interlocking areas of business, psychology and elite sport, we believe that winning doesn’t just happen by chance. Our team brings a deeper understanding of what it takes to create a high performance environment, using a wide variety of proven tools and techniques, in a broad range of situations. There are three broad areas in which our proven expertise and experience can give you edge namely leadership & team development, talent management and assessment and communication & engagement.


Main contact: Richard Hargreaves, Commercial Director Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 20 7432 4565 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7787 411 572 PARC was founded in 2004 to provide a centre of excellence for the development and management of high-performing organisations. Through the provision of informative and challenging research and briefings, PARC enables HR & Reward Directors to engage with leading thinkers, expert practitioners and each other on the key issues affecting today’s organisational performance, reward and governance agenda.


Main contact: Steve O'Dell, Managing Director, UK Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 1844 218 980 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7900 955 072 At Talent Q, we design and deliver innovative online psychometric assessments, training and consultancy, to help organisations make better, more informed decisions about their people. We believe we have a refreshingly different approach to working with clients – open, committed and passionate – and whilst we have a strong technical and psychometric pedigree, we’re pragmatic and practical in our solutions. We work with national and international organisations across all sectors. With a network of partners in over 50 countries and with assessments in over 40 languages, we’re able to deliver talent management solutions to clients across the world.


Main contact: Alex Bennett, Marketing Director Email: • Tel: +44 (0) 1344 300 236 • Mobile: +44 (0) 7766 512 177 With our Technogym Ecosystem, we aim to offer Corporate Wellness solutions to keep employees committed, increasingly motivated and healthy. This is made possible by an interconnected range of products, services, content and programmes that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via Technogym equipment and any personal devices. We strongly believe that Wellness is an opportunity for governments, companies and individual citizens. Healthy workforce, Healthy budget.


Susan Mohrman Senior Research Scientist, University of Southern California

One Heddon Street Mayfair London W1B 4BD United Kingdom T + 44 (0) 20 7470 7104 F + 44 (0) 20 7470 7112 @C_R_Forum

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