PMRN from Coaching Breakfast

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Coaching Roundtable – 5th June 2014 HOSTED BY: John Renz, HRD, Novae This coaching roundtable was focused on coaching in practice in organisations, drawing on the recent research report Coaching – Business Essential or Management Fad and the experience of the roundtable participants.


How can we increase the use of coaching as an integral part of our way of working?

Use of coaching is integrated into our development activity and we use external coaches, but how can we increase the skill level of our line managers as coaches? How can we embed it? Is accreditation a useful thing and how do evaluate effectiveness?

We are seeing the use of coaching at key transition points in careers – on arrival into role or organisation or on departure from role or organisation. How can we make this more the ‘norm’?

What is the role of the external coach and what is their relationship to the sponsoring organisation? Are we clear what coaching is for? There is a risk of coaching occurring in a vacuum so a triangulated relationship is critical (coach; coachee and organisational representative – HR or Line) to ensure a shared agenda

I am curious about the use of coaching as a tool to support significant change – strategic and cultural - both intellectually and operationally. How do we change the conversations leaders are having in organisations?

I am interested in coaching capability within the HR function – before we even move to the line managers. We have introduced career coaching conversations for team leaders as this was a significant area of dissatisfaction in our staff survey.


© Corporate Research Forum 2014


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