Strengths-based organisation January 2007
Introduction to strengths
Strengths in action – an example
Pillars of strengths-based organisation (SBO)
Rationale for SBO
Strengths and people management
Where we are vs. where we need to be
HR’s role in driving an SBO
Great managers
Introduction to strengths
Strengths – a combination of
Talent - recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behaviour that can be productively applied
Skills - the how-to or technique
Knowledge - what you are aware of
Given equal skills and knowledge, talent differentiates superior performers from the rest
There is a limit to which talents can be learned
World-class Performance Aspiration/ Motivation
Strengths in action – an example
As an example, the role of a salesperson requires a combination of talents, skills and knowledge: Knowledge
• Achiever • Competition
• Building rapport • Negotiating
• Closing a deal
Knowledge • Product features and benefits
Pillars of strengths-based organisation (SBO) Select for talent
Understand what talents are required for superior performance in different roles
Objective assessment of individual talents
Ensure fit with role
Promote and appoint based on understanding of talent and fit with requirements for success in role
Build on strengths
Help people understand their own talents and how to develop these into strengths
Focus on developing strengths (and managing around non/lesser strengths)
Focus on the best
Focus development resources on making the best better
Recognise and reward world-class performance
Focus on performance outcomes and differentiated reward based on outcomes Best performers receive greatest reward
about ignoring limitations
just about StrengthsFinder 5
Rationale for SBO
Greatest growth potential lies in areas of existing talents
People perform better when they work with their talents -“Opportunity to do what I do best every day” (Q3 – Q12 engagement survey)
Builds engagement - key driver of business performance
Role of managers is to engage their people - by positioning them so that they can develop and productively use their strengths at work
Maximise ability to attract and retain best talent by playing to strengths and providing world class development opportunities
Strengths and people management
Talent Management
Identify talents for superior performance Select for talent (in addition to skills, knowledge and motivation) Role-person talent fit (opportunity to do best)
Individual understanding of talents Focus development on building strengths around talent (not remedial approach) Strengths coaching
Succession planning based on talents (in addition to skills/knowledge) Recognition of specialist career paths Development based on building strengths
Reward “how” in addition to “what” Reward achievement against leading indicators of business growth Significant differentiation for superior performance Reward structure which recognises both generalists and specialists
Performance Management Define superior performance outcomes Measure “how” as well as “what”
Where we are vs. where we need to be Current focus •
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Talent Management
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Performance Management Reward and Recognition
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Validated and reliable structured selection tools in place for key roles (e.g. PFC, WB RM, International Graduates) Role profiles separate necessary talents from knowledge and skills Talent-based online screener for International Graduate programme Talent profile database/talent tracker Raw talent – project Istanbul Development focused on improving knowledge and skills rather than talents StrengthsFinder, Strengths coaching Great Manager Programme to enhance manager capability Leadership development process Targeted development based on talent (e.g. H3/H4s, Emerging Leaders) Succession plans – Bands 1&2, CEOs, MANCO positions Talent Tracker in place to facilitate the movement of talent both across businesses and geographies Talent profiles shared to help build more robust succession plans and create broader pools of talent for specific opportunities
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Job profile descriptions focused on outcomes Conversations that Count – helping managers focus on strengths and engage their teams for high performance Q12 impact planning with strengths focus Strengths-based team interventions
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Reward performance on values as well as objectives Differentiated bonus based on performance Share plans for high performing and high potential employees
HR’s role in driving a SBO
Here are five things you can do that will make the biggest difference:
Select for talents and understand how this differs from knowledge and skills
Ensure absolute clarity on the expected outcomes in a role
Educate managers on strengths-based principles and on what great managers do
Hold managers accountable for people management and development, the culture they create and the values they demonstrate to their team
Reward effectively and ensure appropriate differentiation for superior performance
What great managers do
Know Me Get to know people as individuals; spend time talking about non-task issues Identify and understand the strengths of their team members
Explore ways to leverage their own strengths and those of their team Appoint people with the right talents rather than rely on skills and experience
Care About Me
Focus Me Set clear performance expectations / outcomes
Give ongoing and immediate feedback – ‘coaching in the moment’ Recognise and praise their people for doing a great job Use feedback to create stretch for high performers Tough love, courageous conversation for underperformers
Inspire Me
Understand what motivates each person and apply this in their role
Share a compelling vision of how each person’s role supports the Strategic Intent
Help their people work out how they can be even more effective
Tell inspiring stories to provide context and meaning
Help team members overcome obstacles and solve problems
Share personal learnings of successes and failures to accelerate others’ learnings Share themselves so people know what they stand for