Team Building & Beyond - The Notion of Teaming PRESENTERS: Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership & Management, Harvard Business School Adrian Moorhouse, Managing Director, Lane 4 Management Group TEAMWORKING IS GOOD, RIGHT? Organisations are not organisations without teamwork. While not all work is done in teams, most is. Its significance is underlined by the growing necessity for internal and external collaboration. There are obvious advantages: no one person has all the answers; teams bring together diverse experiences, and facilitate development of creative ideas and alternative solutions. They enable involvement, and thence commitment to action through participation in decision-forming. YES, BUT... Like most things, it depends on being done well. It is important to understand and overcome barriers to team effectiveness, for example
cognitive/linguistic – power and knowledge balances can be destructive, and jargon obstructive
social/emotional – rivalries, competition, dislikes
procedural/logistical – complexities, poor preparation and purposing, lack of support.
TEAMS AND TEAMING Teams are formed with many different purposes and vary in their dynamics – from permanent to temporary, and from complex and multi-faceted project teams to impromptu combinations. The trend is for increasing amounts of work to be done on a project basis rather than in hierarchical teams, through networks rather than through formal structures, and thus less by command-and-control and more by delegated responsibility. This increases the significance of Teaming – the capability to form and manage teams effectively, whatever the circumstances. Interdependence of team members can be relatively un-programmed and reactive to opportunities or problems. People need to learn how to combine and collaborate flexibly. Amy described the variegated group of people that dramatically coalesced to save 33 trapped Chilean copper miners in 2010. Although hugely complex and testing this was a vivid example of teamwork ‘on the fly’, co-ordinating and collaborating across boundaries without © Corporate Research Forum 2014