Post Meeting Review Notes - Trust

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Trust PRESENTERS: Andrew Lambert, Partner, Creelman Lambert Karen Ward, Programme Director, Corporate Research Forum WITH: Rt. Hon. David Blunkett, MP for Sheffield Brightside & Hillsborough David Russell, Group HR Director, William Hill Kath Durrant, Group HR Director, Rolls Royce David Bickerton, Director of Communications, BP International Ltd Veronica Hope Hailey, Dean, School of Management, University of Bath WHY IS TRUST IMPORTANT? In today’s VUCA world, organisations are finding their reputations under threat as never before. Trust – defined as a combination of dependability and mutuality – is critical to brand reputation and commercial success. In the age of social media, corporate and personal reputations are under scrutiny, and leaders have to work harder than ever to build and protect their brands. In practice this means organisations need to focus on: 

Organisation effectiveness – dependability requires the organisation to be fit for purpose and everyone to do a good job.

Relationship management – understanding who the key stakeholders are and what they expect.

Inclusivity and co-creation – involving people in change to gain commitment.

Collaboration – to engage people in improvement and innovation.


A different style of leadership is needed. In some cases strong, autocratic leadership has been disastrous for performance and governance. Greater inclusivity is required.

Yet leaders need to instil confidence by setting clear strategic direction and making firm, timely decisions.

Leaders must be seen to be working in the interests of the organisation and its people – not just feathering their own nests.

Being inclusive – prepared to listen, learn and involve rather than controlling. Open to feedback, communicating with candour and encouraging collaboration.

Boards should have a good understanding of organisation and individual psychology and be equipped to apply the principles in practice.

© Corporate Research Forum 2014


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