University of California, Berkeley
Spring Edition 2007
Words from the Director:
Vol. V, Issue 2
The Universal Signifigance of Color Hierarchies
CRG Distinguished Lecturer M. Jacqui Alexander on Transnational Feminism as Radical Praxis p 12
WHAT’S INSIDE 2 - New Works by
Affiliated Faculty
3-8- Thursday Forums 9 - Faculty Spotlight: Prof. Mel Chen, Gender Studies
10-11 - Grant Recipients 12 - M. Jacqui Alexan-
der Distinguished Lecture 16 - Announcements
or almost three years, the issue of color has been a central concern of the Center for Race and Gender. The Colorism Working Group began with an organized working group of faculty and graduate students convened by myself and the Center’s Director, Professor Evelyn Nakano Glenn. The group met for two semesters beginning in Spring 2004. On December 2nd and 3rd 2005 the Center hosted a major conference titled “Hierarchies of Color” that provided a forum for a number of prominent scholars to discuss the global social and symbolic significance of skin color and the social hierarchies based on skin tone that it engenders. The conference offered the opportunity for scholars from different fields and with different national perspectives to examine and discuss the varied forms of color hierarchy and their historical, cultural and local specificities. It was a major thrust in our efforts aimed at understanding skin color, not in isolation, but in its intersection with social hierarchies of gender, caste, class, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and culture. Proceedings of the conference have been compiled into an edited volume titled Shades of Color that is being
considered for publication by a number of prominent university presses. There is a universal and almost visceral recognition of the significance of skin color in the allocation of value and in the organization of power, prestige, status, and wealth at the level of the individual. This recognition is reflected in the fact that color is discussed almost universally in the popular media and in the manner in which color hierarchies have become naturalized and normalized in popular consciousness. Color permeates individual and collective values, attitudes and decisions and the choices that people make in every society and every culture. What is most surprising, therefore, is the relative silence and neglect of the issue in scholarly and public policy circles and by funding agencies. Notwithstanding the tremendous excitement generated by the
conference, the Center has found it difficult to convince these sources that a national and global project on color hierarchies is warranted. We will continue to highlight the issue as a central component of our efforts at the Center and will continue our efforts to convince potential donors of its enormous significance. Color is at the center of pedagogies of classification, universally. At its root is what David Goldberg termed at the conference as a “passion” driven by a particular form of desire. In national spaces ravaged by the legacies of colonialism, such passion manifests itself in a desire for whiteness that has profound implications for the production of a European-centered moral hierarchy. While color hierarchies fashioned out of colonial formation are highly entangled —continued on page 13
Patricia Mohammed, CRG Director Percy Hintzen, and Jocelyne Guilbault (K. Marshall)